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=Crew Logs= ===Lt Michelle Price=== Personal LogLieutenant Junior Grade Michelle PriceStardate 21602.08Long story short; I have no clue what I’m doing. After last mission, I was so out of whack I made some really ****** decisions. I don’t think I can properly trust myself anymore. I’ve been in and out of Sickbay; not as a doctor but as an incapacitated patient. I have no idea how many days I laid rotting on a stiff biobed, with only pain and bile keeping me from withering into my dark unconscious. I tried to stop in to talk with Lieutenant Valkris but of course she has been transferred. Probably during my arduous Sickbay debacle. Well, now I’m told that I need to go on another away mission to investigate some weird “space microbe anomaly” and all I can think about is the frozen, soulless bodies tumbling into space as I watched helplessly aboard the Paramount. This is a mistake, I shouldn’t be leaving this ship again. Not after last time and not with a rookie See-Em-Oh in Sickbay. So, here goes nothing, off and out to another away mission whilst on the brink of insanity and in desperate need of a hot shower. End Log.   ===Lt Miraiyia Orano=== Personal LogLieutenant Mia OranoStardate 21602.22Well this is a bit of a pickle I've managed to get my self in this time.....whom am I kidding really this is a disaster a mess a world altering event that could.... ok I lost track there sorry...As I sit here wondering which deity that I managed to annoy, I started to dwell upon my choices in life and why i choose to join starfleet, was it for the adventure? heck no was it for the chance to get eaten alive by aliens? uhh no...was it to lead an away mission with no prior experience....maybe...I've spent most of my career teaching Cadet's the art that is science, I miss those days where I would look into the hopeful eyes of my students as they began to learn what is it to be a science officer,It's ironic really I almost forgot myself to be honest, I mean what makes an officer a science officer?I've hardly done any experiment's I have no NobelPrize for any of my accomplishment's and yet here I am a CSO of a ship, I can't help but wonder why I was sent to the Intrepid everyday the crew looks at me and they see someone else, I guess I have to make my own name and show the universe that I am capable of handling whatever comes my way.I have a long way's to go that's for sure...but I want my Captain and crew to see me for well me, I want them to be proud of me, I can't live up to Ki'sa's name, but I can make my own way in life that is separate from her.The Captain called me Ki'sa on the Bridge...and I just wanted to scream at him, thankfully I managed to keep cool, again lost track of what I really wanted to say about this mission.Well for starters some idiot thought it was a good idea to place me in charge of an away team....whom ever it was must of been drunk high on chocolate and completely out of there freaking mind I mean really...ME in charge of an Away mission, I have no experience and I have no idea what I'm doing...heck I think the crew already know that oh maker what do I do...So mission...mission....uh right Did I mention I am leading this away mission?...I did...oh..right...anyway long story short we have to take reading's of this vortex time portal thing, we really have no idea what it is because it was messing with the ships sensors , for all I know it's a wormhole that leads to my Grandmothers kitchen back on Betazed...imagine that flying a shuttle into someone's kitchen....Even though I am afraid, I am very curious to find out what this thing is I am hoping to get as much data as possible so after the mission I can do a papper on it, I feel like such a fan girl right now...There is not much else I can say in this log until I know more I guess I have to sit here and pretend that everything is alright....which reminds me I am on my own the Intrepid left the away team in the middle of god knows where while they chase a shuttle that attacked us not so long ago....Someone must really hate me up there....End Log ===Lt(JG) Dresden McNair=== Security Officer's LogEnsign Dresden McNairStardate 21602.22After the...incident... several other crewmembers along with myself encountered during shore leave, Lieutenant Julia Kaiser is now checked in and a full fledged member of the Intrepid crew. And while professionally it stings to know I let unauthorized personnel onto the ship in the first place, I find myself not regretting it.Currently the Intrepid is en route to Outpost Ninety-Nine on a resupply mission. We've currently stopped to investigate an anomaly that somehow has our sensors baffled. I've been assigned to the Away Team heading out to investigate this thing.Hopefully Julia will be okay....Random anomalies such as this are interesting, but I'm hoping the only thing we have to report when we return are just scanner reports.End Log   ===Cdr Dietrich Kaiser=== First Officer's Log Stardate 21602.22We have begun an analysis of an unknown anomaly. I feel less than enthusiastic about diverting from our primary mission for a science experiment but have realized this might be worth our time consider a ship just came out of the anomaly and attacked us. We've launched a shuttle to analyze the details of the anomaly while we pursue the offending ship. Part of me is starting to wonder if this could be a Fourth Fleet plot. It's difficult to believe that they would be willing to attack another Starfleet vessel. The truth remains to be seen.On a personal note, I've met my daughter from the future. I consider myself blessed to have a part of Layna still.End Log.   ===Lt(JG) Megan O'Neill=== Stardate 21603.06Log: Officer of the Watch, Lieutenant Junior Grade Megan O’NeillI don’t have much time so I am going to keep this short. We have ran into another mystery…well actually it has run into us this time. We have been attacked upon approach of a mysterious substance cloud, of which I am certain the science department will have a log ready as soon as we have more information about it.Apparently the cloud itself is not harmful for a ship but what hid inside was definitely hurting. We got attacked by phaser and photon torpedo fire by an unknown hostile ship. At this point all I can record is that it is a ship build up out of multiple nacelles, rounded hull and saucer section which seems to have a lot in common with the build of regular 23rd century federation vessels. I am not certain why but it seems our enemies like to do guerrilla like warfare on us all the time, first the Reaper and now this one. I am certain this is why the Captain and especially the first Officer are very keen on disabling this uninvited alloy collection as quickly as possible. This also means that we as a tactical crew have so run some more simulations on these scenario’s for we are ready bit overwhelmed each time. Perhaps our entire approach and security protocol should be looked at. Back to the current situation though: we have sent out the shuttle Spock in a hurry, for the captain decided to just launch the shuttle and then go after those bastards who shot at us!On board of the shuttle is the Lieutenant Orano the second …well yeah I don’t know how to make saying that any easier really. Uhm the other parties onboard are the Chief Tactical Officer Lieutenant Rage, Security officer McNair and of course our one and only flying doctor lieutenant junior grade Michelle Price. May they be safe and sound upon our return?They are on a mission to find out more about this cloud and in the attached data log I will put a file with their exact coordinates. Furthermore a probe has been launched to assist in the investigation of the cloud. I hope no more hostile are hiding in there for I fear the shuttle will not survive an attack such as we have endured just minutes ago. Hence my point about the captain taking a bit too many risks for my liking!We are now on route, pursuing the unidentified ship and I have to get back to my station to get ready to face them.End log.   ===Lt(JG) Megan O'Neill=== Stardate 21603.12Log: Officer of the Watch, Lieutenant Junior Grade Megan O’NeillSupplementalIt seems that my hunch was right, it is very likely that we are facing a vessel with a federation background. At this point we think it is a renaissance class vessel, possibly even the USS Renaissance self. That however is a little troublesome, for the renaissance has been reported missing in action quite some decades ago. However sensors are not fully reliable yet until all residue of the cloud substance has been completely cleared. I am keeping all options open, our sensor could have been tampered with and possible we are facing a very advanced cloaking technology. They have responded to our hails and there seems to be turmoil on board, possible mutiny or a revolt against something. But hi-jacking is also a possibility. One more detail the name of the captain of the ship is Robin Martin, we are still checking out database out for more data on him.The shuttle is still on our sensors and seems to be doing fine, however the signal do is getting weaker, I am not certain if that is the result from us getting more distance in, or from them entering the cloud. The signal of the probe is also weakening. Alright, we are about to get to visual range, so I am going to continue my preparations. End log ===LCdr Jadaris=== Chief Engineer Jadaris's Personal LogStardate 21603.13If its one thing I expect from the Intrepid, its that nothing ever goes as planned. What was supposed to be a simple cargo run aimed at gauging the 4th fleet's reactions has turned into a temporal nightmare. I for one, thought that we should have collapsed the anomaly with a subspace barrier field, but nope. Captain wanted to investigate, and now a ship from what appears to be the past has attacked us. Its status is unknown, but a graviton pulse should knock its engines offline.On the positive side, I passed my command exam. Not sure that I would like to be in command, but I now have the authorization to do so, if required. I prefer the warm heat of the warp core to the cold of the bridge though, and my command would have the bridge crew dressed as if they were on a Risian beach, since I'd set the bridge environment to tropical. That would be a sight to see, and maybe I will set up a holodeck simulation of that.Nimwaei seems to be adjusting well to the fact that I am something of a father figure now. Once she gets older, I'm sure I'm going to get the question of how Gorn can forge mental bonds with Betazoids, and maybe by that time I will have an answer.Well, time to see if the shield repairs are complete.End Log  ===Cdr Dietrich Kaiser=== First Officer's Log Stardate 21603.19:We've encountered a ship from the past and we're exploring the idea of sending her back to her own time. This has me wondering what it would do to the time line. How would things be different? Maybe it would be in the most subtle ways but it could also be in more drastic ways. Maybe it'd be a universe where Layna was still alive. I don't know how but what if? It also makes me wonder that if this anomaly we've encountered is a portal to 2356, could we consider altering time intentionally? Could we prevent the Krynar War? What if we could go back and stop the Reaper before he killed millions? Is it ethical to try and change things for the better? Or could our desire to change time, even if with good intentions, have adverse impact on the universe? I wish time travel was more black and white but it isn't. We took a huge risk during the war going back to save Earth. It was a risk that paid off but what could have happened in doing that? I don't know the answer to that. ===Lt Miraiyia Orano=== Chief Science officer logsStar Date 21603.31 We have been stuck in this temperal cloud for what seems like hours, our attempts to communicate with the Intrepid have yet to be successful and I fear the away teams moral is at breaking point.The away team has tried several attempts to gosh doing this log is difficult, I would say more about our methods but quiet frankly I'm to tired and annoyed right now to record anything, thing's seem to get worse the longer we stay here and I feel like I'm about to snap, I have no business being was wrong of me to ask the team to enter the cloud if it was not for my selfishness the team would be back on the Intrepid by now.I want to put on the record that the away team is working hard, and I have most likely failed in my duty as CSO and leader of the away team, however I will not rest until I get the away team home maybe even with the probe intact maybe...I would also like to note that if anything happens to me I want my Daughter to know that I love her and Mommy will always be there for her little girl no matter what time or space I wil always be Nimwaei's Mother...I will try sweety to come back I wont let you down not again....End Log  ===Cdr Dietrich Kaiser=== First Officer's Log Stardate 21604.03:We have lost contact with the Shuttle Spock while they were exploring the anomaly. Meanwhile the Intrepid has given chase to the Renaissance only to learn they've been trapped in time for about sixty years. Also, the effects of the cloud cause their crew to lose their minds. This has me worrying for the safety of the Spock and her crew. The Captain has ordered I prepare to take the Jefferson to rescue the Spock. I just hope we can get there in time.End Log  ===Lt Michelle Price===Personal LogLieutenant Junior Grade Michelle PriceStardate 21604.04I'm starting to worry about this mission more and more. This annoying vo-... er.. I mean this annoying itch keeps my thoughts out of check. I'm having a hard time focusing and quite honestly I feel like I'm suffocating out on this d**ned shuttle. I'm not a fan of confined spaces and now I think I can honestly say I hate them. I also can't help but think something bad is going to happen.The Intrepid is still at large, and I'm not sure what this cloud is doing to us but it certainly has me on edge. First a wave of static surged through the shuttle and now some weird inorganic particles are sticking to the hull. Things don't seem to be going as intended and I don't know why we don't just turn back now. I suppose science supersedes sanity, or something. Well, I'm hopeful this isn't my last log and note to self: take care of this itch if we return to the Intrepid... sorry, when we return.Price, signing off.End Log.  ===LCdr Elizabeth Rage=== Stardate: 21604.08I love my job, I honestly do, but there are times when I wish I would have followed in my father’s footsteps and called it a day. The mess I have been dragged into once again only proves just how insane I was for wanting to explore space. Oh who am I kidding, I wouldn’t be happy anywhere else, even if I were annoyed by the constant feeling of dread that keeps popping up around every corner. Hopefully things with this new mission will turn out better than the last, I don’t think I can handle much more, not after that. Shore leave sure isn’t long enough, not after losing so much so quickly. I haven’t heard back from Quentin in over a month, I hope everything is alright. It’s not like him to not respond, normally within the week he has but this is just odd. I talked to my father the day before we left, he hadn’t heard anything either. Oh well, hopefully he is just busy and things are alright. Once things get back into a normal groove I very much want to take some time to go rock climbing. I haven’t went in forever and I miss it so. I just hope I haven’t become so weak that I can’t climb as high as I used too. Maybe I’ll get a few friends together as well; we could turn it into a camping trip or something. BlahDuty calls. End log  ===LCdr Jadaris=== Stardate 21604.08This may be my last log as an officer of the Intrepid, but just for the record, the officers aboard this ship may have proved themselves worthy in the eyes of Star Fleet, but once they decide to abandon my mate, they've crossed a line that I cannot support. I have seen one mate fall to the Reaper, but I will not see another fall to an unwilling Captain.If this is used as evidence at my trial, I hope Orano is back, safe and sound. If not, and my rescue fails to go off by some means, then this will likely be the only comprehensible statement that can be provided by mEnd log   ===Lt Michelle Price=== Personal LogLieutenant Junior Grade Michelle PriceStardate 21604.12[In-discriminant clanging in the background]I'm trapped. The Spock is in flames. I have no visual on the crew. I may be the only one alive. I'm going to attempt to extinguish the flames. [Sharp inhale] I love you mom, dad, Tommy and Aeden. I only ever wanted to make you proud.End Log.  ===LCdr Elizabeth Rage=== Chief Tactical Officers Personal LogDay after command examI passed my command exam. I felt like a failure, but Commander Kaiser said I passed with flying colors. That is truly amazing to me, as I honestly thought I had failed. I can't get it out of my head though, as exhausted as I am I haven't been able to close my eyes for longer than a few seconds before those images flash before me. I haven't gotten a single bit of sleep. What I saw in that holodeck, what I felt, I don't think I'll ever forget.None of it was real but it sure as hell felt real! The smell, the sounds, the screams, the blood. No, those things will stick with me for a while. I guess he thought that my love for old horror movies would make for an interesting exam. Maybe if I were the one on the outside, I would think so as well. Being the one to live those horrors though, that's a different story. I don't want to go into much detail, I rather forget.  Needless to say, I am very proud of myself that I passed. Now if only I could get some sleep. End log.   ===Lt(JG) Dresden McNair=== Security Officer's LogI need to remain calm. Something is definitely wrong with this nebula. That ship has appeared in the nebula out of nowhere. The one that Captain Mattis assured and showed me had been destroyed. No, this has to be a hallucination. Even if it isn't I will not allow this away team to be subject to any of the activities aboard it.I can't let this get me riled up. And I can't let the past color my future interactions. Especially since there's now an Orion on board the ship.End log. ===Cdr Dietrich Kaiser=== First Officer's Log Stardate 21605.31:I'm quite disappointed with Mr. Jadaris and his choice to hijack my shuttle and abduct my daughter en route to explore the anomaly himself. He did this without orders and ignored orders to return to the ship. My ability to trust him has been impacted by this. I do not know his reasoning and this is rather unexpected knowing his character. I'm not certain what angers me more; His disobeying a direct order or that he has involved my daughter and shuttle in this. The Captain is putting a reprimand in his file, and we are going to leave it at that. This will be his last warning.Either way, we are now enroute to the anomaly to attempt a rescue of the Shuttle Spock. I feel partially responsible as I handpicked this away team but know that's part of the job. If they don't come home though, it's on me. And there isn't a one I don't remember that I've lost. I can't imagine anyone who doesn't remember them all.End Log ===Lt Miraiyia Orano=== CSO log entry Star Date 21606.02I feel like a dear dairy moment is going to prop up on this log so I will try to keep it together long enough to say we are as in the away team are losing our minds, it seems we all have experienced some kind of vision quest or some sort of mind manipulation, one of the away team are...well injured and the cloud that we are trapped in seems to be forming some sort of weather condition known to Humans as a Thunder storm.I myself have experienced some...who am I kidding here....I lost my Telepathic abilities I sit here on this seat overlooking the away team and I feel less then useless, how am I supposed to lead them without my abilities it's so quiet the emptiness it surrounds me and I feel so lost.....I can't feel or read anyone it's like I am trapped inside a holodeck simulation with the safeties off.For a wonderful moment I was connected to every living and dead thing that ever or would exist the universe was inside my mind and it was like having raw power rushing through my veins, I could hear everything I knew everything for one moment I was on par with the divines themselves, that feeling of power must be similar to how the Monks feel back home, they have the blessings of the Divines but I had no training, my head felt it was going to split open like a coconut....and I pay the price for going somewhere the Divines never wanted me to be...I know they must of taken away the abilities they had blessed me with and now I must live without my senses for as long as the Divines feel fit...I would not be surprised if the Captain removed me from my post I acted selfishly on this mission, I put the away team in danger only because my scientific curiosity got in the way....for the record I take full responsibility and if we do manage to get back to the Intrepid I would like to note that the away team have only been following my orders....End Log  ===LCdr Jadaris=== Chief Engineer's LogJadaris recording:To officially state my reasons for hijacking the Kristyn, one: I cannot trust the Captain. It did not help that Orano and I had to rescue him from the Ordhelm, and that he was trapped; showing bad judgment for his research, and from what I heard about Security being ordered to shoot on sight, he's violated a few other rules. Second, he was conveniently off the ship when the Reaper attacked, but third, during a hostile situation, he ordered Orano to retrieve the probe from the cloud while the Ren was still firing on us. Even if I am court-martialed, I will see to it that Captain Archer answers for his actions as well.The Intrepid is repaired, but I am working on a radiation cure at the moment. The Ren's crew is irradiated, and is suffering from severe aging problems. I am at the end of my energy, and I hope that I can procure a cure for the radiation before I am exhausted. Lt Kaiser is okay however, and the shuttle is being rescued, so I think things will be fine, but I believe that I need a rest on Vulcan to restore my mental shields before continuing on with the Intrepid.End Log  ===Cdr Dietrich Kaiser=== First Officer's Log, Stardate 21601.09:We have rescued a lot of the crew from the Ren but several of the crew are experiencing side effects from their exposure to the anomaly. I've recently come to Sickbay to help but found myself knocked out by an overzealous crewmember of the Ren. They've insisted I stay to make certain my head injury produces no side effects. I was bored sitting here on the biobed so I figured what better time to write a there is my log. I just want to go back to the Bridge. I hate Sickbay. It smells funny here. Smells like sickness.End Log ===Cdr Dietrich Kaiser=== First Officer's Log, Stardate 21609.07:The Ren is gone back into the anomaly in order to rescue the Spock. Everyone, for the most part, seems to be doing okay. One of their crew was a bit too excited and knocked me out in Sickbay but, like normal, I was too stubborn to sit down and recover that I exposed myself to the rescued shuttle and are now suffering radiation poisoning. Smart move, Dietrich. I'm frustrated we couldn't save the Ren and the Spock.End Log  ===Lt(JG) Megan O'Neill=== Junior Tactical Officers’ LogStardate 21609.10What a ship and what an adventures! Sometimes I think this ship should be named the USS Kamikaze or the USS Deathwish. I love these people that we got onboard but sometimes I doubt their decisions. We keep losing or almost losing people. Are that risks worth taking and prices worth paying? I am not certain. I would have loved to stay and talk more with the crew of the Renaissance but of course we let them slip away. That is what is bothering me.I have for the first time been asked to act as a safety officer on the flight deck. That was somewhat hectic but very cool to do. Although I am a little concerned about the first officer. I might have to report his mental state to our CMO, as he seems a bit unreliable at the moment. Perhaps I’ll find some council during shore leave.The SPOCK looks like it has been crashed into a planet while being burned by a star. I hope the engineers can fix it up, but it will be a bit of scrapheap fixer upper.On the bright side, we are going back to the base, time to do some shopping!  ===LCdr Elizabeth Rage=== Chief Tactical Officer's LogStardate 21609.10Where do I start, things have been pretty hectic to say the least. Finally back on board the Intrepid, finally rested and feeling a thousand times better than before. The away mission was something crazy, I never want to venture into another sort of cloud ever again.Apparently the cloud caused some kind of radiation which in turn made us younger. Part of me would love to dive right back in, who wouldn't want to be a few years younger now days. Anyway, everyone is now fine and we are on our way back to SBA where I'm hoping for some good ol' shore leave and time to relax.Later today I plan to meet up with Svensson, find out everything that went on here while I was away. Debriefings, paper work, I might even set up some training dates as well. The tactical department functions like clockwork, the best team I could have asked for, but there is nothing wrong with keeping their skills up to date and on point.I'm sure after a few days they'll stop hating me.End log.   ===Lt Michelle Price=== Junior Lieutenant Michelle Price Private LogStardate 21609.18It's difficult to put to words what had happened, my sanity is near a breaking point. If I'm honesty, it's already broken. After plunging into the cloud anomaly my memory get slightly fuzzy. I remember flickers of my past, only amplified and far worse and raw than I thought it happened. Fire. I remember fire... I could see the flames lick up my legs, ceiling fragments crumbling and shattering to the ground and.... Sickbay. Everyone was... I'd rather not report. It was all hallucination anyway. I found after some routine scans the cloud was affecting the left hemisphere- causing some spikes in electrostatic activity. Not entirely sure how that would induce these... hallucinations... but they didn't stop there. There was a point where my head felt extremely congested, my body tingled with a static aura and the worst of them all, there was a Romulan ship firing at us. I'm... I'm still unsure, despite several hours after the de-radiating process whether this Intrepid is real or if it's just another concoction of my imagination. And something else... I've wrestled with this... voice. Its plagued my mind ever since I decided to trust my life into the hands of a shifty Andorian. It was a stupid mistake, but... now this chronic... whatever it is won't go away. Scans haven't picked up anything... and if this is some sort of psychosis it needs to be addressed...What?.... No.... No you're wrong.. Oh shut up! See? Relentless... it.. never stops... [soft nervous exhale] For now, I need to stop focusing on myself and get back command in Sickbay. My job is to help this ship, not burden it. I'll deal with my ailments eventually, perhaps next shore leave. Encrypt and Save.End Log.  
Coming soon...
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