Interview with Captain Lanael Stardate 20302.23

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This month's subject is Capt Ysiadina Lanael, Commanding Officer, USS Philadelphia.

How did you come to play Federation Space?

My brother Michael, former LCdr Rach Mah’rid, then COS for the Valley Forge recruited me to play after badgering me for a few months. I finally caved and here I am, two years here in February.

Which Star Trek series is your favorite? Why?

They are all my favorite; it is the idea that attracts me not so much which actors are playing it. I enjoy almost anything Star Trek or sci-fi related.

Who is your favorite character from each series and why?

Okay well this is going to be tough to answer. McCoy from TOS, because his character always seemed real and didn’t worry about being politically correct. If he loved you he loved you, if he hated you he hated you; what you saw was what you got with him.

From TNG…Data, many will not be surprised by that answer. He was the essence of what Star Trek is about, a new life-form that was bent on discovery about himself and the world around him. I am sorry that he is now gone.

Voyager: Well the Doctor of course, and I could not help but create a little piece of him for myself with my NPC EMH Doc Holiday. In fact, Doc has just about a little of all of my favorite characters. The idea of a human written program that could grow and become something more than the sum of its parts, speaks to me the same way Data’s character did.

DS9: Even though I watched the whole series, it did not resonate for me the way the previous ones had. I find that I have trouble picking a favorite character. So I will pick my favorite relationship. Jake Sisko and his father seemed genuine and loving in character, and later, although I didn’t realize it at the time, I discovered that their relationship was strong off and on set, that is just the kind of people they are. I probably got more satisfaction out of Dan’s (Capt Wueste) movie than the series.

Enterprise: Porthos. The dog is cute and while it doesn’t seem logical to take an animal on such a basic and unknown journey, I seriously wonder what ever would make Archer think that taking him down to an unknown planet then letting him pee all over everything was going to help his cause, not the dog’s fault, just a lame master. Ugh, don’t get me started. There is little that bears resemblance to what I recognize as canon Star Trek here, but it is still a Sci-fi adventure, therefore it is good.

If you were Fleet Admiral for a day, what would you change about FS?

Hmmmm. Not much, the pieces that I wanted added have been. To be honest there is no incentive that would make me take charge. I really like being where I am and I doubt that you will find me a Commodore at a later date. Like James T. Kirk, I seriously doubt that a promotion will become me.

What do you think makes a good post?

This is an excellent question. I think if you are able to ‘see’ what it is that the writer is trying to portray than they have succeeded. Details are definitely a plus. But there is no hard and fast rule. I have seen three line posts that I thought were excellent and three pagers (Dan :) ) that were great as well.

Once this plot-line closes, you will be assuming command of the USS Copernicus. Why a science ship, and why the Copernicus?

Since my arrival on site, we have been at War with one species or another. Even though that satisfies a certain craving, that is not what (in my mind) Star Trek is all about. I would like the shift the focus to exploration and discovery; hopefully that is what I will bring to my new ship. Science has always been at the heart of Star Trek, and is interesting and can still have the elements of danger. First contact can be very volatile, not to mention just going somewhere that we have never been. I look forward to what is ahead.

What is it like to be a commanding officer? What are the biggest challenges you face? Are there any rewards?

I do in fact enjoy it, although there is something to be said about hiding in sickbay. Being Captain makes you look at the big picture and causes you to see things as a whole not as pieces. I was scared at first to take it on, that I would not keep my crew interested, but I have found them always challenging me and giving me ideas, it is a relationship totally dependent on what you put into it.

As for challenges, I find myself looking for them and like to put twists on things that other people normally would not. I have a very Command heavy ship and at times I have found it difficult to make sure that everyone feels that I have not taken them for granted. I do try and give each of my crew individual attention, but I am still working at this, I will let you know how it turns out in three or four years.

Rewards? Hell yes. I love to see how different people can each take something away from the same situation. It is never boring that is for sure.

Most people can see some of what goes on at the Academy. What are some of the joys and frustrations you experience as the Commandant?

Well I love to see new people come in and again bring something different to the same situation; there are so many variations on a theme that it boggles the imagination. At once I feel humbled and privileged to be in this position.

There is the rare occasion that someone may not make it through the Academy, while I realize that not everyone is cut out for play, it still bothers me that I wasn’t able to help them make it happen.

The most noted frustration I have is time. The game revolves around it, and boy I wish I had an infinite supply.

You also run Star Fleet Medical. What can you tell me about that?

Medical is something that I truly miss and really the only drawback to me being Captain. I can still work on it, but I cannot play at it any longer. All I have are my memories.. ;-P

I have greatly enjoyed creating the content that I have for the site. It is my hope that eventually I will be able to work with the Medical Officers on each ship to create original content for us, still a work in progress.

What’s your most memorable moment on the site, so far?

Oh man! I don’t know, probably my subplot with the changeling Garan. My character was going through a hormonal change called Finis’ral and was not aware of Garan’s changeling status. To her he was a handsome Alpha Centauri Doctor who was interested in her, during a time where she was going to have to choose a mate or have one chosen for her by her physiology. He got her trust and bonded mentally to her. She walked into sickbay afterward to see him murder her best friend. Her personality as it had been would not have been able to do what she did next, but by bonding with him and taking elements of his, it gave her the ruthlessness to do it. He tried to manipulate her, but what ended up happening is that she placed him in a containment field, peeled his brain for information and then melted him into oblivion with plasma coolant. Hell hath no fury.

This subplot allowed me to completely change the way I played my character. For those who remember what she was like before this incident, they can testify that she is completely different now.

What advice would you give our newer members aspiring to gain a command of their own?

Have a plan, think it out. As I tell many people on the site, you get out of it what you put into it. And have as much fun as you can along the way!

Where did you get the idea for your character?

Ysiadina Lanael is an amalgam of traits from some of my favorite characters. There is some Lessa from Anne McCaffrey, also some Damia from the same writer. A tiny bit of Anita Blake from Laurell K Hamilton and a dash of Troi, who is not one of my favorite people. And who would guess? A lot of me.

The first name is from Dune, the last is stolen from an alien Doctor who bartered sex for Rikers escape. Lanel…I added another A to be different.