Valley Forge Mission 01: "The Shadows of Paradise"

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Captain's Log, Stardate 20204.15, "The Shadows of Paradise"...

Captain Daniel E. Wueste, Commanding Officer, USS Valley Forge, reporting.

When Captain Mortarr K'ang, a decorated and respected officer, resigned his Star Fleet commission, Command of the U.S.S. Valley Forge was passed on to me, as I was to have been her First Officer.

After selecting Tam Otlan as my First Officer we set out on our first mission, a 'diplomatic' peacekeeping operation to Elteban III, a newly made member of the Federation. Upon arriving we discovered that the Federation Ambassador, Erich Rixin, along with his Family, had been taken hostage by Elteban Rebel Forces.

Leaving Commander Lanael, my Chief Medical Officer, and Senior Most Officer after Commander Otlan and myself, in Command, a rescue team was assembled. Beaming down to the Planet, as part of that Team to retake the Embassy, we stepped right into a War Zone.

As it turned out, the Elteban Rebels had been assisted by Romulan Agents, we learned this to late however, as a Surprise Romulan Attack on both the Forge and the Ground Team left us cut off and vulnerable. The Forge took a heavy beating, as did our Landing Party, before we managed to beat the Romulans back...

The Elteban Rebels turned out to be helpful though, as they realized the Romulans had no intention of allowing them full control of the Government if the Revolution was successful... in effect, the Rebels switched sides, and helped us locate the Ambassador and his Family.

With them safe we were left with only one serious problem, Ship to Shore Communications were still jammed, so we had no way to contact the Forge.

Our first thought was to use a recently uncovered Romulan Shuttle... but no sooner had we begun exploring that plan then the Forge began Blind Transports... through Blind Transports the Forge was able to rescue random members of the crew without getting a definite lock... a dangerous, though efficient mode of Emergency Operations...

That's when a Civilian, Named Paul Vice, executed an abduction, one which must have required careful planning, but one who's goal still alludes me... he took my Chief of Security, Lt. Commander Samantha Aster prisoner, and seconds later was beamed up by the Romulan Warbird in Orbit...

At virtually the same time the Forge beamed me aboard, I ordered a pursuit course, chasing the Romulans who were now attempting to leave the system... my attempt to rescue Aster failed, and we were forced to break-off pursuit...

Aster was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it... With the major crisis past, we had to look to our own return home... our Warp Drive off line, I was forced to contact Command and request assistance.

It was then I, along with the rest of the crew, learned of the formal declaration of War between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire... what I had thought to be an isolated, though nonsensical invasion into our space had, in fact, be part of a much larger incursion effort...

Not long after, the U.S.S. Philadelphia reached us, our help had arrived... a good portion of the Philadelphia's Crew, including her Captain, had served aboard the Valley Forge at one time or another, so her presence provided a welcome diversion for most of the crew... as we were towed back to Base, Captain Gage invited my Senior Staff over for Dinner. Graciously accepting his offer we beamed over. The evening was pleasant, it was at this time I learned of my promotion. Once at Starbase we were able to dock the Forge under her own power... with this mission, the first which I have Commanded, now over, I could only wonder what was to come...

Captain's Logs

Cdr Daniel Wueste

Stardate 20110.14

Captain's Log, Stardate 20110.14, Commander Daniel E. Wueste, Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Valley Forge Recording.

To say the last week was interesting, or simply eventful, would be an understatement, far beyond my poor power to truly explain here. The events of the last month remain somewhat a blur, after making it home from the Yoritomo's last mission, a doomed rescue and survey attempt, I, along with my fellow Shipmates, were quickly sent off on another mission. The U.S.S. Pulsar, the First Fleet's Battleship, had been stolen by terrorists, how this happened I may never know, but it was our job to bring about her safe return.

The U.S.S. Ticonderoga had the initial assignment of determining what was going on with the Pulsar, however she was lost immediately during a surprise attack by The Pulsar, who, up to that point, we had not known to be in hostile hands. The Crew’s of the Yoritomo and Valley Forge were combined and put aboard an outdated museum ship. This was not just any ship though, she was the Former Federation Flagship, the Enterprise-E.

I will not go into the specifics of this mission, as my place in it was small, let it be known though, many a good officer died through this, and it was only by the grace of god any of us returned.

After successfully recapturing the Pulsar, and completing all necessary repairs, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E, under the Command of Captain Mortarr K’ang, and the U.S.S. Pulsar BB-100, Under the Command of Captain Kelly Longbow, returned to Starbase 1.

Both Crews were happy to finally be home, or at least as close to it as one could hope to be at this time, many of my friends and colleagues had new orders, transferred among a handful of ships and with many different assignments, I too was effected by this as I found myself assigned as the Valley Forge’s First Officer.

It would seem though, fate had something else in store for me, no sooner had I grown accustomed to the idea of being a First Officer, I learned Captain K’ang, the man I was to have served under aboard the Valley Forge, had resigned his Star Fleet Commission.

I quickly found myself assigned as the Forge’s Commanding Officer, while I was, and still remain, slightly unsure if I am deserving of this honor, I am, however, confident I will be able to accomplish my Duty as Captain of the Valley Forge.

As I was to have been the Forge’s FO, I needed to quickly select a new First Officer to complete the Ships Crew for its next mission.

The Selection of Lt. Commander Tam Otlan, formerly assigned as Chief of Security aboard the U.S.S. Yoritomo, was an easy one, as I was and am confident he is the best man for the job. Thus far he has proven me correct in every assumption and I am pleased with the progress this crew has made in the short span of time I have known them.

Our Current Mission, while Diplomatic, looks to have the capacity to blow up in our faces at any moment. We have just left Spacedock and will soon be underway at our best possible speed to the Planet Elteban, a new addition to the Federation, on which the Federation Embassy and Ambassador posted there appear to be in trouble. While Clearing the Starbase, we passed the U.S.S. Philadelphia, the Philly’s CO served a good part of his Career aboard the Forge, and honored the Valley Forge again with a Salute (using the ships Running Lights), I ordered the return of this respectful action, and I hope the positive nature of this missions beginning will be a sign of things to come.

Admiral Gorrahn, at Fleet Command, informs us we should prepare for the full evacuation of the Embassy, and while I am hopeful this will not be necessary, it’s an event we must be ready for.

The Elteban, while advanced, pose little threat to a Heavy Cruiser such as the Valley Forge, so I’m confident, that regardless of outcome, we should be able to avoid injuries.

The Future of Federation Relations with Elteban hang in the balance, and, as it has and always will be, the future remains an uncertainty...

Stardate 20110.22

Captain's Log... Supplemental, Stardate 20110.22.

The Forge is Currently traveling at Maximum Warp towards Elteban, I've heard nothing else since leaving port and am becoming concerned the situation may be deteriorating and I'd never know it.

I plan to attempt contact with the Embassy soon, but we're still to far out for it to do much good, once we're within close enough range that a clear gauge of what we'll find can be made, I hope to speak with the Embassy's Ambassador... until then, we can only wait and hope.

...Traveling at Maximum Warp, I'm pushing the Forge's Engines farther then I probably should this soon after refit, but we have to arrive as quickly as possible, lives may well depend on it.

I've made a Ship Wide Announcement, reiterating most of what I said to the Senior Staff earlier... I can only hope this crew is up to the task which lays ahead... I have plenty of faith in this ship and her crew, but I unfortunately haven't gotten the chance to know many of them, outside of the Senior Staff and a few Bridge Officers, they are like strangers to me... I'm not even sure if they trust me... I am, however, confident as we grow together through this, that there will be nothing which can stand in our way...

On a Personnel Note, I find myself unsure of how to act, how to proceed, in my relationship with Sam... Lt. Samantha Aster, The Forge's Chief of Security, and I came up through the ranks together, our friendship has become something more... if I were not Captain, my course of action would be clear, but as this Vessels Commanding Officer, I must look beyond myself, and look at the Bigger Picture, I have an entire crew to worry about... I can no longer afford the luxury of thinking only of myself, she and I will work this out, but this time now... its an added emotional strain I could do with out, yet refuse to let go off, I care for her to much to throw our lives away, just to keep up appearances.

We Should arrive at Elteban within a few days, here's to hoping it will be soon enough...

Stardate 20110.30

Captain's Log, Stardate 20110.30... Commander Wueste, Captain, U.S.S. Valley Forge, Recording.

We Remain on Course for Elteban, our Engines are strained, tensions high... but I have faith we, as a Crew, will be able to resolve whatever we may face on that Planet.

So far, the Forge has preformed better then I could ever have imagined, the satisfaction I felt as we left Spacedock, as we went to warp, as we continue towards our destination, is beyond words... I'd always dreamed of being the Commanding Officer of a Starship, but I could never have imagined how much it would change my life.

Not Long Ago, I had a brief conversation with Ambassador Erich Rixin, the Federation Liaison to Elteban, he seemed to be managing, and the Embassy holding out, but the fact they are under attack leaves me uneasy... more then that, I'm worried we may arrive on Elteban to find fiery ruins where the Embassy once lay...

As if to confirm my worst fears, Communications cut out midway through our conversation... most likely a Rebel Attack on the Relay Station their Signal was being bounced off of...

Elteban becomes closer, but my hope for a quick and peaceful solution are ever dwindling...

Stardate 20111.08

Captain's Log, Stardate 20111.08.

At Maximum Warp we should be within Impulse Range of Elteban soon, but I am no longer sure if it will be soon enough.

We have heard nothing since the Communication with Ambassador Rixin went out, I hope no news is good news in this case, but I find myself doubting that.

I have relieved Alpha Shift, along with it most of the Senior Staff, and requested they all get some rest, or at least make an attempt at relaxation.

Beta Shift is still fresh, and I trust they'll prove themselves more then capable in getting the Forge to her Destination.

Counselor DeLacroix has had a Death in her Family, she continues to impress me in how well she is handling this. Not only has she lost her Mother, but she has found out new information on her heritage... one which has Betazoid roots, this news has obviously left her shaken, but she handles it well, and I couldn't have asked for a better Counselor. My Hope is that her newfound telepathic abilities, limited as they may be, might be able to help us through this mission.

She has warned me the Forge may be heading into a trap, but, as I said to her, there is little that can be done about that, with the information we have... what we will find when we reach Elteban remains a Mystery, and worry won't change that.

I plan to get some sleep myself soon, I had hoped to be able to swing by the Security Office to see Sam, but I am under the impression, that for the moment, she is running Simulations and other such Drills with her Security Team... so I will take the chance to find out what kind of Quarters the Captain of a Heavy Cruiser has... I'm sure, regardless, I'll be in for a surprise.

Once Done with a few remaining issues in my Ready Room, I will take that chance for Rest, but not before putting the Ship on Yellow Alert... if the Counselor is right, I want to be prepared, taking the Ship to a slightly elevated alert level is the least I can do.

Stardate 20111.13

Captain's Log, Stardate 20111.13.

Entering the Elteban System, The Valley Forge dropped out of Warp and is now headed for the Planet at Full Impulse.

After briefly getting a chance to speak with Ambassador Rixin, we once again lost transmission, this time I fear it is due to some sudden overwhelming attack, what we'll find when we reach Elteban is anyone's guess at this point.

Upon trying to reach the Government, a Fleet of 30 Ships has suddenly dropped out of space near us... their origin and purpose remain a mystery at this time.

I have Ordered a Defensive Posture Only, Shields and Defense Fields Only... it is my hope this will help to avoid inflaming the situation while keeping us out of harms way.

At this time I am attempting Communication with the Elteban Fleet's Flagship... I hope to establish contact and learn the nature of the situation.

Stardate 20111.21

Captain's Log, Stardate 20111.21, Commander Wueste, Captain U.S.S. Valley Forge, Recording.

If it isn't one thing, it's another, moments after establishing contact with the Government Fleet, a Rebel Attack Group Dropped out of Warp near us and began to fire on the Fleet.

Despite what my years in Star Fleet Security told me, I was forced to order no action taken during this battle... let it be made clear that I am, by no means happy to see such an event go on, by the same token I am somewhat aggravated at not being able to take action... however, let me also make it clear that I cannot and will not involve the Federation in a Planetary Civil War, sadly that puts me in an uncomfortable position which requires drastic action to be avoided, at all cost.

No Sooner had the battle begun it was over... I have offered Medical Aid to the Government Fleet, and I will do the same to the Rebels if they request it.

I am currently awaiting a reply from the Government Fleet's Flagship Commander, an Admiral M'singh, my hope is to arrive at the Planet shortly and begin rescue Operations.

Stardate 20112.01

Captain's Log, Stardate 20112.01, Commander Wueste Recording.

Admiral M'singh informs me that the area around the Embassy was under attack last he heard... that seems to be the extent of what he knows, I'm sure, now more than ever, that a Sudden and Massive Rebel Attack must have overwhelmed the Embassy... I can only Hope the Ambassador and his Family Survived, as I'd rather deal with Hostages then Corpses.

The Elteban Government Fleet has Resumed Pursuit of Rebel Vessels, leaving Behind Two Frigates which will escort us the rest of the way to the Planet.

I've ordered us into Formation with the Frigates and Put us Back on Course for Elteban at Full Impulse, I estimate Arrival within the next 15 to 20 Minutes.

Time Draws Short, I am currently speaking with the Ships Chief Engineer, I hope to ascertain the Ship's Status, after we're done I have asked Commanders Otlan and Aster to join me in my Ready Room to make final Search and Rescue Plans.

Stardate 20112.07

Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 20112.07.

Now, In Orbit over Elteban III, I am left with the most difficult of questions, how much can I involve myself, involve this ship, in this Planet's Civil War? The Simple Answer, the one which Regulations insist I follow, is That I do not become involved in any way... as this is an internal matter, an internal separation, and therefore, Elteban's Member Status makes it impossible for us to help any one side...

The fact we will help them rebuild once this War is over acts as little condolence, as lives are being lost now, and we forced to do nothing...

It's the Same Question Forever... what else can we do?

I am organizing Two Teams for Search and Rescue in the Embassy, where I hope to find Survivors of the Attack which rendered the Base Nonfunctional... I am however worried that the Ambassador and his Delegation is already in the hands of the Rebels, such an eventuality, which seems almost unavoidable at this point, would lead to Negotiations, in which I am in a position to give nothing, or an Armed Rescue attempt...

Tam will be leading Alpha Team, the Strike Force Part of this Operation into the Embassy, he will be accompanied by a large force of Marine and Security Officers... I will lead Beta Team, the 'Diplomatic' Portion of this Mission, this Team will consist of a Handful of Marine and Security Personnel, along with Medical and Engineering Technicians who will assist in the 'Clean-Up' Operation.

I'm sure Star Fleet would have objections to my leading one of the Teams, I understand why this is, and acknowledge the logic behind such views... I never felt Comfortable when Captain Longbow put herself into Harms way, however I also understand that now is a time to show Force, to show resolve, who better to act as a symbol of that then the Captain of a Federation Heavy Cruiser? After the slaughter I was forced to witness from the Bridge of my Ship, between the Rebel and Government Fleets, where I could do nothing... My Years in Security demand no less from me now, I must do something...

We must do our jobs, rescue our people, and be done with it, I can take it no farther then that, but at least we will be able to do something, I don't know, Star Fleet can judge me later, for now I must take action, that much is certain.

If all goes well, we should be on the Planet within the Hour, I hope Luck will be on our side.

May fortune favor the Bold... or the Foolish... only time will tell...

Stardate 20112.19

Captain's Log, Stardate 20112.19, Delayed Entry.

I have initiated Search and Rescue Operations in the Federation Embassy on Elteban. For me it is no longer a question of if we'll find the Ambassador there, but if we'll find clues to where he is now... I'm confident we will locate and rescue the Ambassador and his Family, but it has become a question of how and when.

Commander Otlan is currently leading the first wave of these procedures, with the Embassy Command Center Secured, I am Beaming down with a Second, Diplomatic Team, to continue the operation and hopefully smooth over the situation with Local Officials.

I have placed Commander Lanael in Temporary Command of the Valley Forge while Tam and I are on the Surface, her Rank carries the weight this situation demands.

Let it also be noted that Commander Lanael and Counselor DeLacroix have expressed Objections to my Leading the Diplomatic Team. This is understandable, but my presence on this mission falls within Star Fleet Interplanetary Diplomatic Regulations, As Captain I am best suited to resolve problems with a Member Planet.

Stardate 20201.01

Captain's Log, Stardate 20201.01, Delayed Entry.

At this time all of Alpha and Beta Teams are now on the Planet, searching and repairing the Embassy.

Lt. Lee, along with Donaghue and a few others are hard at work in Engineering, trying to get the Reactor back online.

I have Tam searching the Ambassador's Office for any clues as to who we can contact on the Planet, maybe even information on those who may have been involved...

Security and Marine Units continue their efforts to Security the Embassy, and I am left in an awkward position.

The Security Officer in me wants to see action, but the Captain in me knows I've already bent regulations to their limit by Beaming down to begin with.

I've made my choice, I'm on the Planet, now I must do my job, coordinate this Operation and see it through to its conclusion.

So far no survivors have been found, I'm sure the Ambassador and his Family are housed in a separate secure facility, it's becoming a matter of locating that installation, wherever it may be.

Stardate 20201.13

Captain's Log, Stardate 20201.13, Delayed Entry.

It would seem the Romulan Star Empire had a hand in the Elteban Rebel Alliance's Plans to take over the Government.

While I would never have imagined such a connection before, it's an unavoidable conclusion now.

As Communications between the Forge and the Embassy were jammed those of us in the Embassy found ourselves under attack by Romulan Ground Troops, fighting what looks like a hopeless battle...

Unknown to us at this time, the Valley Forge was also engaged in its own Life or Death Struggle against the Romulan Warbird who had beamed down the Soldiers. The Forge had been dealt a serious blow already, as the Romulans had attacked just as she lowered her shields to transport down much needed Engineering Supplies... this puts the already outgunned Valley Forge at an even greater disadvantage.

The Romulans managed to get a jump on us, because we never had reason to search out a cloaked vessel, as such technology is beyond what the Elteban have.

Had we known of the Romulan involvement a Tachyon Scan of the System might have saved us all... but it's to late to wonder what could have been.

Now we must do our duty, locate and Rescue the Ambassador, wherever he may be, and survive despite all odds...

Stardate 20201.23

Captain's Log, Stardate 20201.23, Delayed Entry.

Communications with the Forge are Still jammed, and, while we have managed to at least temporarily beat back the Romulans, there's no longer any way to secure the Embassy.

With Communications down, if we were to set up Transport Inhibitors now, we'd make it impossible for the Forge to make a rescue attempt...

For now, I am stuck trying to figure out how to get the entire Away Team safely aboard a vessel I am unable to contact...

Stardate 20201.29

Captain's Log, Stardate 20201.29, Delayed Entry.

With the Forge beginning it's rescue of the Away Team, using Blind Transports to Pick up Random Members of the Crew, proving she was still in orbit, things finally began to look up in the Embassy...

While the Embassy itself was a total loss, we had driven the First Wave of Romulans Away and the Forge was beginning to pull people out, it was finally looking like we'd make it out of this mess...

Most importantly though, Ambassador Erich Rixin had finally turned up... while his connection with the Rebels is a mystery to me, at the moment, the fact he is safe gives me great hope we'll locate his family... and still be able to salvage something from this disaster of a mission.

Stardate 20202.13

Captain's Log, Stardate 20202.13, Delayed Entry.

As The Forge continued rescue operations, the Romulan Warbird, which had attacked them earlier, lay in wait, cloaked... what the Romulans were waiting for, or what their plans were, was anyone's guess.

By this time I'd moved all remaining Star Fleet Personnel, from the Away Team, to the Embassy's Shuttle Launch Bay... with the help of the Rebel leader, we'd managed to uncover a Cloaked Romulan Shuttle... which, based on what I'd been told, held the Ambassador's Family...

Once his Wife and Children were safe, I planned to attempt escape using the Shuttle... which seemed to be our last chance at that point...

Stardate 20203.13

Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 20203.13.

Ambassador Rixin was reunited with his family, the mission was over... a bloodbath to be sure, but a success nevertheless...

I made a mistake, an error in judgment, one which will haunt me for the rest of my life... I let my guard down... I let myself become relaxed, to believe we were finally safe...

That was when Paul Vice, a man Rixin had been locked up with, took action... he kidnapped my Chief of Security, the one person who meant more to me than anything else in life... he was transported up by Romulans, he took Samantha Aster, and he did it right in front of me...

I could have saved her, I knew I could have saved her... but my own ships rescue efforts, and the Transport which brought me back to the Forge, destroyed that chance...

Once aboard the Forge, already severely damaged from a Surprise Romulan Attack, I ordered a pursuit Course... I ordered us to chase after the Romulans, as they raced from the System... there Cloak had been knocked off line, so I saw my chance...

In the end, they escaped, and I secluded myself to the confines of my Quarters... I failed to rescue Sam... I failed to handle the situation as a Star Fleet Captain... I accept full responsibility for the events which have transpired, there is no one but me to blame for the vast destruction aboard this ship...

I will get Samantha back, I don't know how, but I will...

With our Warp Drive off line, we set a course back for home, at our best possible speed... at Impulse Power we weren't going anywhere fast.

Let the record note that Commander Otlan preformed his Duties above and beyond what I could have excepted... as did Commander Lanael, who I have since made the Ship's Second Officer...

I sent a coded transmission to Star Fleet informing them of our situation... they have dispatched a ship to tractor us back to base... for now we play the waiting game... I can only wonder who they have sent...

Stardate 20203.19

Captain's Log, Stardate 20203.19

The U.S.S. Philadelphia, along with an as yet unknown Destroyer, has arrived to render us assistance.

It's my hope they will be able to tow us back to Starbase One, where, after undergoing repairs, we can get back on track... to more... pressing matters...

Stardate 20203.30

Captain's Log, Stardate 20203.30.

The Philadelphia, along with the John Paul Jones, the Destroyer that arrived with them, have locked onto the Forge with their tractor beams. Now traveling at Warp Speed all three ships are back on course for Starbase 1... and home...

Captain Gage has invited my Senior Staff, Ambassador Rixin, his family, and me over for Dinner this evening... I look forward to it.

After that, Captain Gage and I intend to open both ships up to the others crew... hopefully it will give everyone a change of scene, and a chance to relax and see some old friends, on our way back to base.

The Valley Forge remains as she was before... she could be very much worse, considering, but her Warp Drive is going to need a total overhaul, if not complete replacement... I would imagine a full refit to be likely... that would obviously take a great deal of time... I'm concerned if we are forced to wait to long that the Romulans will take Samantha deeper into their space, thus making any rescue far more dangerous...

It is my hope that Star Fleet will be willing to assist me in this matter, however, I will get her back, one way or the other... with or without Star Fleet's help...

Stardate 20204.14

Captain's Log, Stardate 20204.14...

After making my report to Gage, my old friend, Joseph Valiant, the Philadelphia's Chief Tactical and Second Officer, gave my Senior Staff and I a tour of the Ship.

It was good to see him again, and I'm impressed by the progress he's made since the Academy and the brief time we served together on the Yori.

The Senior Staff Dinner was enjoyable, but perhaps the biggest surprise of the evening was when Gage informed me of my promotion to the Rank of Captain... As if that weren't surprise enough the new Rank Insignia weren't just something he'd replicated, they had belonged to former Captain and CO of the Valley Forge, Mortarr Kang... this in and of itself was quite an honor.

The rest of the evening was uneventful.

As we neared Starbase, I took my Senior Staff back to the Valley Forge, where we prepared for the end of our journey.

Finally we reached Starbase 1, after making contact with Base Command I was pleased to find out we had enough power to Dock Manually. Once the Philadelphia and John Paul Jones relinquished there tractor lock on us, we traveled into the Starbase under our own power... allowing the Ship to keep some dignity as we docked.

Now that we have arrived home, I will need to report into the Fleet Commander, considering all that has happened this is not something I am looking forward to...

I can only hope repair of the Forge will be quick, as I have some unfinished business to attend to...