Dauntless Mission 11: "?"

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Crew Logs

First Officer

Cdr Terra Arking

Stardate 21107.01

First Officers Log Stardate: 21107.01

“All crew are aboard and we have gained a new CEO, well acting CEO at any rate. I hope he can impress aboard the ship and make friends with this bunch of bilge rats.” Terra laughed, the statement was indeed nothing more than a good-natured jibe.

“We have lost a total of seven crew members to Maternity leave. Some of whom must have conceived aboard the Dauntless. I am not impressed but without knowing more detail all I can do is send reminders to all the crew that relationships are not exactly encouraged aboard a military vessel.

“I am encouraged with some new additions to the ships crew many of whom are performing well, although that could quickly change in a stressful situation, I am confident in the department heads to keep things under control and their subordinates busy.

“I have had to perform a total of seven disciplinary hearings since coming aboard, I am not impressed by the nature of these, after all getting into a bar fight aboard Star base Bravo isn’t exactly the shining beacon of light the ship needs. All disciplinary files will be linked to the log for quick reference.”

Terra audibly sighed as she lifted her PADD, accessing the next item on her agenda.

“We shall be having a mission briefing soon once we are underway with the Ticonderoga officers. I can only assume this will happen via hololink as no new chair requisitions have crossed my desk to be approved. I wonder what their crew is like? Whether or not they would ask the same questions.”

Stardate 21107.20

First Officers Log Stardate: 21107.20

“Well the meeting went well. Rebellious planet to contend with and a crew on the Ticonderoga who think they are the bees knees of Starfleet and better than anyone else. I asked a simple question and was almost mocked out of the briefing for it. Not with words but with looks. If looks could kill I would be dead several times over.

“I always thought if you didn’t know something you asked a question. Apparently not. Apparently Starfleet Officers aren’t here to learn, we are here to be idiots. I am toying with the idea of lodging a complaint with Mike, sorry, Commodore Wong, over the actions of Braggins, who should know better and some of his crew.

“Anyway we have begun preparations to received injured people and we are on course to Yadalla.

“End log.”

Stardate 21108.15

First Officers Log Stardate: 21109.17

“We are picking up some sort of jamming signal throughout the system and our sensors are being impaired as well as certain communication frequencies. As it stands we are joint conference with the Ticonderoga and late comer the Columbia to get something done and get our teams down to the surface.”

“End Log”

Stardate 21110.21

First Officers Log Stardate: 21110.21

“Well the away mission was short and less than productive. The natives seemed less inclined to accept our help than what I would have liked, especially when we offered reinforcements to give their own security forces a bit of a rest. Tired soldiers and itchy trigger fingers don’t mix.

“We were well into trying to get something worked out, trying to rescuer Federation citizens who were trapped when were hit by a large explosion, it wasn’t nuclear or orbital so must have been an attack from the rebels. It complicated matters a lot, so much so we were pretty much beamed straight to the Dauntless immediately.

“From here it went so far down hill it felt we were in a bottomless pit. We came under attack from a dreadnought sized vessel and with the jamming system still in effect the Ticonderoga took a pounding and we are now manoeuvring to hold off the dreadnought long enough for the whiz kids aboard the Ticonderoga to pull it back together.

“End log.”

Stardate 21111.25

First Officers log: Stardate: 21111.25

“The battle has ended. As you can tell by the state of my quarters we did not get away Scott free. We have major damage and my early estimates indicate we won’t be able to exceed warp two without risking massive and potentially fatal damage to the Dauntless. We are awaiting a few crew to transport from the surface so I have ordered we begin repairs immediately. Thompson and his guys are doing a great job but our structural damage is going to take work at Bravo to repair.

“Most of the crew were outstanding during the situation and many are to be commended, in fact I have already received shortlists from department heads and will be going through them throughout our trip back to Bravo.

“I need some sleep now, I have an early day tomorrow, I need to review logs, and reports and then get to work on repairing what I can with the ship, giving Thompson a hand I know he could use.”

“End log.”

Stardate 21112.25

First Officers Log Stardate: 21112.25

“It’s Christmas. That time of year when gifts are exchanged and holds significant meaning to the humans aboard the ship and most other cultures picked up in Starfleet Academy. I Gave the gift of duct tape to Thompson. It was a long running joke aboard the Nova that any problem could be solved with duct tape so I hope he makes good use of it.

“We are still currently on route back to Bravo and repairs have picked up a little but in all honesty we won’t be complete by the time we get back to base and there will be a lot of work to be done on the Dauntless before she is mission ready again.

“End Log.”

Stardate 21201.08

First Officers Log Stardate 21201.08

“A new year and a new start for the Dauntless. Well once repairs are complete at any rate. I have been requested by Commodore Wong to assist and supervise the repairs of the Dauntless with Thompson’s help. Hopefully we can get this bucket of bolts back to together sharpish so we can get back out there.”

“End Log”


LCdr Kevin Rolands

Stardate 21110.19

Chief of Security's log LCdr Kevin Rolands recording Stardate 21110.19

Things appear to be going from bad to worse. Our current mission had us arriving at Yadalla Prime to help the government tone down a spot of rebellion and to rescue some federation personnel who were trapped within the city. This was suddenly ended when a non-nuclear explosion ripped the yadallan's shield complex apart and myself, Cdr Arking and Major Guarnere founds ourselves back aboard the Dauntless.

Since then the ships of our small fleet, the Daunty, Tico and Columbia came under attack by some rebel ships. Whilst the Tico and Dauntless chased these ships around Yadalla's moon a Kerschan class Dreadnought materialised and has opened fire on the Tico with a full spread of disruptors and tordedoes, as I left the bridge with Major Guarnere, the Commodore has ordered the Dauntless to place herself bewteen the Dreadnought and the Tico.

For now, I'm on my way to Main Security to intiate repelling possible boarders. If this is the case then this could be a deciding factor as they will most likely outnumber my small Security force and the Major's marines - But I can say they will suffer before we go down.

End Log

Stardate 21112.19

Chief of Security's log LCdr Kevin James Rolands recording Stardate 21112.19

As things turned out we didn't need to repel boarders - thank god! The Daunty, Tico and Columbia took a pounding from the Romulans but managed to defeat them, as they eventually left. We've lost more crew again and that grieves me, but its what we are trained for and my people carried themselves well.

We had a final trip down to Yadalla to try and find those responsible for the transmissions which called in those rebels. Unfortunately, myself and Echo Team found ourselves trapped within the governtmental complex after we tripped some alarms upon our arrival. However, eventually things calmed down so that we could help the Yadallans find their traitor.

We found the source but the culprit had long since gone and the Yadallan Captain offered some advice that it would be best if we didn't help any further within the capital as we may start a riot or somesuch thing. I agreed and we have been beamed back aboard the Dauntless, which is now returning to SBB. It will be good to have some downtime as I think the crew have been outstanding during this mission, and I need some R&R too.

End Log


LCdr Griffin Wright

Stardate 21107.10

Lieutenant Commander Griffin Wright Personal Log. Stardate: 21107.10

Well, things are finally getting underway again. It's a huge relief to be off that desolate starbase - a tactical officer belongs on-board a vessel of great might, not at a desk on a starbase.

It will take me a while to digest all that has happened to me in the last several months while I've been apart from my crew, but recording my thoughts is always a good way to start.

When I initially took my leave, I was told by the higher-ups that I needed time off; that I was under too much stress to be an effective bridge officer. That was all fine and dandy, and some R&R certainly did help for a while.

But then, the dreams started. Distant voices, a dark void, strange images. I felt trapped in my own head; I couldn't wake up. Something was going on. But, I don't want to talk about it any more right now, so I'll save further details for my next entry.

End Log

Stardate 21107.10

Chief Tactical Officer Griffin Wright Duty Log. Stardate: 21107.10

Taking the position of strictly the CTO here, I can still say it is a relief to be back on-board the Dauntless. Thankfully she was left in capable hands when I left. Lt Brack stepped in when I left, and from the looks of things, did an exemplary job as Acting CTO. He is to be commended.

My department has changed around a bit since I left, with some people leaving but with some new faces as well. Ensign Kenmore was assigned shortly before I last left, so I didn't get a chance to know him very well - I am grateful to see that his performance has been outstanding, and I hope to get to know him better. We have a new midshipman now, Mid McGavin, and he's an interesting fellow. Can't say much more than that yet, but with our impending arrival at Yadalla Prime, I should get a chance to see how he operates under pressure.

That's all for now.

End Log

Stardate 21108.12

Lieutenant Commander Griffin Wright Personal Log. Stardate: 21108.12

Sigh. I thought I'd have more to say at this point, but I don't. Getting back to work was nice, but things have been so dull lately - aside from an irritably long holoconference for a briefing, and a nice trip through the stars, there hasn't been much going on. However, hopefully things will pick up soon, as we've now arrived at our target, Yadalla Prime. We'll see what happens. In the meantime, I've been catching up on some fantastic reading, including a series of novels set in the medieval period of England on Earth. The stories concern a certain Matthew Shardlake, a lawyer who investigates murder mysteries. Never thought of myself as a mystery kind of guy, but apparently I was wrong.

That's all for now - hopefully I'll have more to say next time.

End Log

Stardate 21108.12

Chief Tactical Officer Griffin Wright Duty Log. Stardate: 21108.12

We are currently in orbit around Yadalla Prime, serving on a joint mission with the Tico, and apparently the Columbia will be playing some part as well. On paper, this seems to be a "Stand up tall and look scary" front, apparently just here to keep the peace and not to be hostile, etc, but I have a suspicion that a completely different scenario will play out, and that there will be battle.

My department is fully staffed, trained, and ready, and my senior officers - Brack, Kenmore, and McGavin - have all been performing their duties well. I feel we are ready. I have made contact with Lt. Murphy on the Tico to coordinate our tactical departments, and we should have a comm-badge link set up soon which I feel will help us to communicate and coordinate more quickly, giving us a superior tactical advantage.

Here's hoping this is a peaceful mission, however.

End Log

Stardate 21109.11

Lieutenant Commander Griffin Wright Personal Log. Stardate: 21109.11

Today, I have a made a point to take some time out for reflection. Today's star date corresponds with a horrible tragedy on earth many years ago. On this day, the eastern coast of the United States of America fell victim to a terrorist attack, the likes of which had not been seen before. Thousands of innocent souls lost their lives, and that date triggered the beginning of a new era in culture. As the readings in the academy emphasized, it is never wise to underestimate an enemy, and it is up to all of us who live today to never forget what happened, and never allow it to happen again.

As I go about my duties today and prepare for what looks like a ugly situation waiting to happen on Yadalla, I keep in my mind the memories of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

End Log

Stardate 21109.11

Chief Tactical Officer Griffin Wright Duty Log. Stardate: 21109.11

The situation here is rapidly getting ugly. It looks like the 'rebels' (I shall call them that from hear on out) on the surface are up to something - they sent out a blast of multiplex subspace signal scanning energy, and we can't figure out what they are up to.

The Columbia has joined our ranks, and the big cheeses from each ship are attempting to coordinate with the Yadalla PM to secure the system and the planet. I think away teams will be sent down soon, and the Commodore may want me down there as well. It's about time I got some action - I've just been twiddling my thumbs up here for too long.

We'll see what happens...

End Log

Stardate 21110.11

Lieutenant Commander Griffin Wright Personal Log. Stardate: 21110.11

Ahoy, Mr., err, Ms., Computer! Or rather, I guess you're not actually a lifeform, so you have no gender. Whatever. Nothing too much to report this month - I've been busy in my role as CTO, and haven't had much free time. I've spent some time on the holodeck and in Brack's bar, but all-in-all, an uneventful month. I've had my eye, or rather my thoughts, on Lt Murphy for a little while. She's a mysterious individual who I would enjoy getting to know better... Perhaps I could show her around the Dauntless sometime, hmm. Anyone, that's enough personal stuff for one log - Cheers!

End Log

Stardate 21110.11

Chief Tactical Officer Griffin Wright Duty Log. Stardate: 21110.11

The last month has been a bit of a blur, and things are starting to get really busy. With the arrival of the Ticonderoga and Columbia, the logisitics and coordination of the three vessels can be a bit of a beuracratic nightmare. Luckily, it's not entirely up to me. I've continued to liase well with Lt Murphy, and am glad we had the communication link set up between us. All ships have detected jamming signals from time to time coming from somewhere in the system, but we don't know yet what is going on. Whatever it is, I can't imagine it's good. We have away teams on the surface, but I honestly have no idea what they are up to. We'll see. On a more positive note, I am pleased to note that McGavin has earned himself a promotion at long last. He is a stellar officer, and I could not be prouder of him. It will be an honor for me to see him promoted. That's all for now.

End Log

Stardate 21111.14

Lieutenant Commander Griffin Wright Personal Log. Stardate: 21111.14

I have few personal thoughts right now - I find my mind clogged by the events that have recently transpired - we were recently in a huge space battle with the Tico and Columbia by our sides, and I had never experienced anything like it before. Never before have I been so involved with a battle, so elemental in its success, and so keenly aware of its failures. We lost so many good crewmembers, and so many ships were crippled. We "won", if you can call it that, but the images of destruction that I've seen won't soon depart my mind. My wounds are slow but steady to heal, thanks to our fantastic doctor. I don't know that I'd be here without his help.

I hope we can go back to the Starbase now. I need some R&R, and I'd like to connect with Lt Murphy...

Anyway, that's all for now.

End Log

Stardate 21111.14

Chief Tactical Officer Griffin Wright Duty Log. Stardate: 21111.14

My personal log details my thoughts on the events that have recently transpired. I don't think there is much more to contribute - our tactical department did a superb job, and they are all to be commended. I imagine I'm the proudest tactical department head in all of starfleet at the moment. I will be putting in for commendations for my men. That said, there's a lot we did wrong, so in the months to come, I will be holding holodeck de-briefings to go over the battle in grim detail so that it never happens again.

That's all for now. End Log

Stardate 21112.12

Lieutenant Commander Griffin Wright Personal Log. Stardate: 21112.12

Well, we've finally survived an unending onslaught from the enemy fleet, and despite taking heavy losses, we're still here. We have another structural issue at the moment, but our teams are working on the problems. However, we have an away team stranded on the surface - the Yadallan Prime Minister is having a hissy fit, and no one wants to be here anymore. We just want to go home. Hopefully the jamming is resolved shortly so we can get our people off the surface. Nothing else to say right now.

End Log

Stardate 21112.12

Chief Tactical Officer Griffin Wright Duty Log. Stardate: 21112.12

Nothing much has happened since my last entry - we're still recovering from our attack and are trying to get an away team back on board so we can head back to SBB. My injuries still ail me, but we've got the best Doc in Starfleet and he's been able to fix me up well. I just need some R&R and I'll be back to normal.

The sooner we get to SBB, the sooner I'll see Murphy. That's all I want. I guess we've got a thing going; I'm not really sure...

That's it for now.

End Log

Stardate 21201.09

Chief Tactical Officer Griffin Wright Duty Log. Stardate: 21201.09

At this time, we have arrived back to Starbase Bravo after making best haste from Yadalla Prime. The damages we have suffered are extensive, and a massive engineering effort appears to be underway to get us back up and running at best speed. No ETA as to the duration of our leave here, but the Dauntless' command staff wish to keep some of these modifications on the down low. Everyone is still on edge after what happened the last time Bravo engineers worked on the ship...

I was asked to participate in a logistics meeting for how to go about certain modifications, but I'm not sure tactical input is of any use for engineering officers. For the moment, I am not yet dismissed, so perhaps something else is in store for me.

I'm just glad to be back from Yadalla Prime. Now is the time to mourn the souls we lost and reflect on our actions.

Computer, end log.

End Log

Lt Brack

Stardate 21107.11

Lieutenant Brack Personal Log Stardate: 21107.11

Lieutenant Commander Wright is back onboard the Dauntless. I was almost reluctant to let him have his old office back.

However whilst he was away I was pleased to be able to keep Tactical in order and give Ensign Kenmore a hand whenever required.

Speaking of which the Department has a new member in the shape of Midshipman McGavin. Seems to be doing well so far.

There is a new Chief Engineer onboard, a Lieutenant Simon Thompson. Gave me a long look and a smile as he made his way to the Department Heads meeting in the Observation Lounge.

I'll have to ask him about that. Was almost as though he thought I was someone else.

Will soon be arriving at Yadalla Prime although I was in Command of the Bridge during the DH meeting and the exercises which the Commodore requested whilst on our journey there.

End log

Stardate 21201.04

Lieutenant Brack Personal Log Stardate: 21201.04

Finally back at Starbase Bravo after yet another eventful mission. Darn Romulans yet again.

Let's just hope our shoreleave is more peaceful than the previous time.

Will be meeting Lieutenant Grint again. Hope to catch up with any news he may have.

End Log

Stardate 21201.08

Lieutenant Brack Personal Log Stardate: 21201.08

I haven't told anyone yet but I will soon be leaving Dauntless. I have received orders to report to Starbase Delta yet there was no mention as too why.

My time aboard the Dauntless has been enjoyable albeit strained at times. I will definately miss Thompson and my colleagues within the Tactical department.

I will just have time to meet Lieutenant Grint again before I go.

End Log


Lt Simon Thompson

Stardate 21107.03

Acting Chief Engineer Simon Thompson Personal Log. Stardate: 21107.03

I am no longer a member of the USS Philadelphia's Tactical crew.

Indeed I am now the Acting CE onboard the USS Dauntless which is a much larger Starship being a BattleClass Cruiser with twenty three decks whereas the Philadelphia was a Frigate with only seven decks.

Although Captain Yvette was a good Captain with a good crew I am hoping to find the Dauntless crew to be even finer.

I have yet to meet the majority of the crew outside my new department but hope to do so soon.

Am planning on surprising the Engineering team with a fitness regime soon after all they will be expected to be on their toes at all times.

However I have met some of the Engineering crew already and am rather impressed with the folks so far.

End Log

Stardate 21109.09

Acting Chief Engineer Simon Thompson Stardate: 21109.09

Have been in talks with the Chief Engineer of the USS Ticonderoga, a Lieutenant Marcus Lane. Rather a fine gentleman I thought seems suited to the position.

We mixed the business chat with personal which made it less demanding I feel.

Made my way to the Bridge afterwards leaving Anderson in charge. I was not impressed when I was contacted about a white rat being loose in Engineering. Goodness knows what the Commodore must of thought.

Simmonds and Purcell have been given the job of catching this rat, just hope it is done soon.

End Log

Stardate 21110.16

Chief Engineer Simon Thompson Personal Log Stardate: 21110.16

Have finally made it too Lieutenant. Took a while but I made it not only that but not long after transferring to the Dauntless I swapped Tactical for Engineering. Imagine my surprise when I was promoted recently to become the new Engineering Chief.

The CPO a man named Anderson sure knows how to keep the engineers morale on a high.

End Log

Stardate 21110.16

Chief Engineer Simon Thompson Duty Log Stardate: 21110.16

The rat problem has been put on hold.

Since arriving at Yadalla Prime nothing has been running smoothly. Well except for Engineering despite that rat.

Thanks mainly to Anderson Tactical have managed to keep in contact just by the press of a commbadge.

We are currently at Red Alert with armed Security officers at various strategic posts around the ship.

All Engineers are armed and have been ordered to go about the ship in pairs. I do not want to lose anyone if the ship is boarded by Romulans or whatever the cause of these jamming signals is.

End Log

Stardate 21201.01

Chief Engineer Simon Thompson Duty Log Stardate: 21201.01

The Dauntless is finally back at Starbase Bravo. CPO Anderson is under strict orders to take his shoreleave and enjoy himself at the same time. He is not permitted back onboard until crew recall.

The Commodore has requested that I and Commander Arking over see the repairs to the ship rather than leave it in the hands of the Bravo engineers.

I'm not surprised after what happened last time.

End Log


LCdr Korbon Hawkens

Stardate 21108.07

Chief Medical Officer’s Log Stardate 21108.07

It appears that our ship has been routed to Yadalla Prime. Our task is to protect Federation property and citizens from the effects of, what appears to be, a revolution. Though we haven’t been given any indication of the severity of the situation, the medical department is currently preparing for the worst.

The USS Ticonderoga will be joining us as well. I have yet to meet with their CMO personally, but I’m certain that he is making the same preparations. It will be interesting to see how our two ships handle the joint responsibility of this mission. For now, however, I will make sure the medical team on the Dauntless is ready for anything.

On a side note, given the recent hijackings of the Dauntless, I am going to have every member of the medical department recertify in basic weapons. Many of them have been out of the Academy for years, and without practice, these skills have faded. While I do see the irony in training medics on how to kill, I feel it is important that we be able to protect ourselves and our patients if the need arises.

End Log

Mid Anthony Jones

Stardate 21108.04

Midshipman Anthony Jones Personal Log Stardate: 21108.04

This is my first log aboard the Dauntless.

I have yet to meet the majority of the crew including the Chief Medical Officer.

However I have met several of the medical staff already and recently helped a member of Support whom had sprained an ankle. Still makes me laugh, I mean how can you trip over a holographic dog?

Still I was able to contain myself and continue in a professional manner so as not to annoy or hurt anyone.

Have been hearing about a bar and diner which is a holoprogramme owned by Lieutenant Brack the assistant CTO so I may have to investigate this.

End Log

Stardate 21201.02

Midshipman Anthony Jones Personal Log Stardate: 21201.02

Somehow I managed to survive my first mission aboard a Starship. The Dauntless is a mighty fine ship as are her crew. The CMO is very relaxed with his Department as long as the work gets done.

I don't envy the Bridge crew having to deal with whatever comes along, them Romulans are not exactly my cup of tea.

Just hope nothing much happens whilst on shoreleleave. After a bite too eat there is plenty of exploring to be done.

End Log


MCapt Richard Guarnere

Stardate 21201.01

Marine Detachment log. Stardate: 21201.01.

Major Richard Guarnere reporting.

I never thought I would serve on the Dauntless so soon again after the war, but it was good to be back, there was some new faces aboard and some people that I missed, as for the mission we were told that it was a peace keeping role, it was a new thing for some of the marine that I am in commad off, as the main thing which they had been in was the war, but they were put thought the peace keeping simulations and they were taught the roles that they would have to follow.

When we arrived at Yadalla Prime, I was part of the away team that was directed to the city area, upon arrival, I was slightly surprised that the marine commander hadn't put her marines on better security layout. I really wanted to get the security and Marines put into the layout.

We were originally taken into a secured room and were introduced to more people are then had a further conversation into the security arrangment that had been put into place, I think that we were about half way thought it, when there was a massive explotion which rocked the area, it was automatic and I wasn't sure if it was the Dauntless's transporter or another transporter system, but the away team was beamed back to the Dauntless.

Myself, Commander Rolands and commander Arking found ourself on the bridge, so I was able to piece together quickly what had happened, but I was still slightly surprised when there was a Romulan vessel on the view screen.

I followed the COS to the security office and we set out getting the ship possibly secured to repel borders, I was hoping that even thought the Romulan's were a hard race to fight, they were nothing compaired to race which I hoped were not onboard, Reman's.

The Dauntless took a massive amount of damage from the Romulan attack, I helped to search the ship for injuired crew members so that they could be seen by the medical teams, I also sent some to deck thirteen, fourteen and fifteen, following there reporting back to me when they finished, I found out that they managed to search and find any injured crew, but they also assisted in cleaning up the chemical spillage on fifteen as well as temporally filling a few holes in the ship, so that the ship would make it back to Bravo.

Well now that we are back at Bravo, it looks like this is again good bye to the Dauntless and her crew, I wonder how long I will be away this time.

End log