Mission log 15 - Stardate 21211.01 "Covering the bases"

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Captain's Logs

Cdr Benjamin Vaughn

Stardate 21303.02

Captain’s log, Stardate 21303.02
Commander Benjamin Vaughn recording

Our latest mission initially had us delivering Ambassador Grant to his new position on Cardassia, upon leaving Starbase Alpha we were on course to our destination when an urgent call from Starfleet Command ordered us to divert to Minos Korva in the Dorvan Sector. As we headed there a curious and somewhat dangerous viral infection became known on the Sheridan. Its source was Crewman Taye, an Orion female who contracted this illness from somewhere. The illness was an unusual one, in that, its symptoms caused the infected persons to become ‘Zombiefied’, if that is the correct word.

Unfortunately, Taye’s condition was so far advanced that our CMO, Lieutenant Boorman was unable to initiate a cure. Her demise was regrettable but in the end neccessary. As through this, the Doctor and the Science teams managed to find a cure and inoculated the rest of the crew. This was fortunate as most of my senior staff, including my First Officer and Ambassador Grant has become infected. Will everyone’s combined help it was eventually subdued and now those of the crew infected, are now recovering.

Also, a malfunction in an update of the ships systems whilst at Starbase Alpha caused all replicator, holodeck and transporter systems to use an acidic compound which unfortuantely caused the untimely deaths of Security Midshipman Steven Jal Fischer, Tactical Crewman Marilyn Took, Nurse Sandy Beach and an Andorian Engineering Midshipman. It seemed that this deadly change only affected the female members of the crew and that Fischer’s demise in the holodeck was the catalyst that started it all. With the aid of the CEO, CPO Skolovonsky, Lieutenant Drummond and Ensign Pedersen this was eventually cleared by restricting the use of replicator systems and initiating a shutdown which changed the whole system enough so that it could be repaired properly once we return to Starbase Alpha.

A data package of these events has been sent to Starfleet Command. Now, the Sheridan is back on course for Minos Korva and whatever problems this particular mission will bring to us. For myself I can only praise the efforts of the CMO, his staff and that of the Science department under Lieutenant Commander Roland. It has been logged that some of the crew have been nominated for promotion which I shall be endeavouring to complete prior to our arrival at Minos Korva.

End Log.

Stardate 21306.25

Captain’s log, Stardate 21306.25M
Commander Benjamin Vaughn recording

Arriving at Minos Korva, myself, Ambassador Grant and my FO,Cdr Ankar beamed down to the planet for a meeting with the council. It appears that they wanted Starfleet to supply protection against the Krynar threat. We explained that because of the ongoing invasion of federation territory, Starfleet would not be able to assign a fleet to be stationed at Minos Korva. It was discovered that the meeting had been televised across the whole planet and the council would not agree to make any further meetings private. They stated that they government was “transparent” and that everything they did was broadcast across the planets population. Needless, to say the talks broke down and our team returned to the Sheridan. Once aboard sensors picked up a Krynar advance force of 800 Shard fighters appeared at the system boundary and headed for the planet. We asked for assistance and a small battle group, consisting of the USS Grant, Ogden and Stalingrad arrived. The ensuing battle was short and deadly, we managed to destroy the Shards but suffered the loss of the Grant with all hands after a warp core breach. The remaining ships all suffered damage and took station above the planet when we recieved a request from the council, more like a demand, that we stay and defend them. A panic ensued on the planet due to their ‘transparancy’ ruling and because of this the talks collapsed again and through some tender ministrations from Ambassador Grant we succeeded in beaming the councillors aboard when the Krynar mothership and her invasion forces arrived. Whilst the Sheridan dealt with the evacuees, the Ogden and Stalingrad under Captain Jenckes took up stations to hold off the Krynar for as long as they could. He ordered the Sheridan to leave once we had those council members and other refugees aboard. Before we did leave though we tried out some new weapons that the science teams and engineers had devised. Somehow our people managed to convert the deflector dish beam into a gravitic beam and adjust some torpedoes into gravitic ones. Firing the beam at the shard vessels seemed to only push them aside, although some were destroyed in the process. The torpedoes did some more damage I believe to the Krynar fighters but before we could get any decent sensor results, we had to warp out or be overwhelmed. All the data concerning these alterations are placed on a data disc which I will be sending along with a mission report to Admiral Wueste at Starbase Alpha. Hopefully, those brainy people at Starfleet Command’s R&D division can improve on these ideas from my crew. After leaving the system we continued onto Cardassia and dropped off Ambassador Grant and his team and are now currently on the way back to Alpha and hopefully a rest for us all.

End log

Crew Logs

First Officer

Cdr Alex Ankar

Stardate 21211.06

Personal Log, Commander Alex Ankar, 21211.06

Coming back from shore leave to find out that we were playing host to Ambassador Grant on a democratic mission to Cardassia was perhaps something I should've been more wary of at the time, but now that we've had him and all his staff...and his luggage...on board for a while my suspicions that something rather sinister, or at least unusual, is going on have become impossible to ignore.

A security team, not our own I should add, is guarding something down in the cargo bay. Something, it has been heavily implied, we are not to even attempt to go near and trying to ascertain from the Ambassador exactly what it is has left us cold so far. Our meeting with Grant and his Chief of Staff - Buck Weston - possessed a strange atmosphere and it made me uneasy. He won't tell us what he's got aboard our ship, but the message that's coming through is that its something very dangerous - possibly hazardous to the ship and its crew if tampered, scanned or interacted with in any way. So maybe we don't want to know what it is after all. Simple curiosity aside however, there's clearly much more to this than meets the eye (and even that is very little right now.)

First off, I get the feeling that the Sheridan is something akin to the famous Trojan Horse, carrying deadly cargo whilst masquerading as a posit of friendliness. Maybe that's not spot on, but I swear the Ambassador was just about to refer to his 'assignment' as being in enemy territory when were in the meeting. Bloody hell, I really hope the ship isn't being thrown into something that's going to have us tried for being terrorists or something. Suffice to say that with such a filtered level of communication between Ben and myself and our guests, things have not exactly been very friendly overall. But what can we do? There seems to be legitimate enough reason not to start poking around and well..orders are orders as they say.

On top of all this, 10 minutes or so ago we got messages saying that Lieutenant Simmons and Banks are both being reassigned in the middle of the mission. One long serving DH and another that had only just got here, being reassigned. Not promoted from what I gather, just reassigned without reason or warning - the transport ship is already here to pick them up. We've been redirected to Minos Korva for reasons I don't know yet and now the Captain has gone off to have a private meeting with Grant. There is an undeniable sense of not being in control at all here and things keep happening out of the blue, surprising us with bad news. I don't know what's worse, fighting the Shard and knowing you could die or being here now and having no idea if everything's fine or if we're about to get caught up in something bigger than we can imagine.

End log.

Stardate 21212.05

Personal Log, Commander Alex Ankar, 21212.05

It's one thing after another on this bloody ship, each more frustrating and out of our hands than the one before. I get an underlying sense that Ben and myself, as well as the rest of the crew, have been undergoing some real tests of willpower and fortitude of late and I would hate to see the Sheridan come out the other side in any state other than stronger than before. We're reaching a point where you just nod and get on with it, you have to appear unsurprised..or at the very least unperturbed. Do we do it to maintain confidence in others? Or to reinforce our own battles against these issues? I remember my parents used to tell me that I spent too much time in my own head. I consider that to be one of the few things they've said about me I agree with. I try not to think about it all too much without real facts to consider, you can end up scaring yourself with mental guessing games.

So, the news from the Chief Medical Officer is that the ship has some kind of virus going around that's striking people ill - it's dangerous, contagious and got us thinking about pretty much bringing the ship to a halt and going under quarantine until we can ascertain what the virus is and how to effectively treat and stop it. Oh, and this is after an order to change course to Minos Korva I might add. The real question now is whether the Ambassador's cargo has been moved to one side or has, in fact, become a central focus. If it does become apparent that the mysterious and dangerous cargo is the cause of the outbreak - and the current evidence is more than a little suspicious - then there has to be hell to pay somewhere. Ben and myself have been told so little and asked to deal with so much and now the crew could be in serious jeopardy. On top of all this, no matter how much your own reasoning tries to distance you from the blame, there is still a resistant strain of guilt to all this. Is there something that I could be doing that I'm not? Something I've overlooked? I can't imagine how Ben must be taking this.

Nonetheless, we've got some great people working to solve the problem. I have faith that Boorman and Roland's departments have the brains and aptitude to get results quickly - we've already managed to gather a lot of information and plans have been made to account for possible scenarios, should things fail to improve. An emergency meeting has been called to bring all the senior staff up to speed - everything's been happening so fast that by the time we've sent out orders, they've already changed. We'll need the department heads to maintain discipline amongst their staff if the Sheridan is to keep control over any kind of pandemic. If they don't, this time there'll be far worse than a judiciary meeting to worry about at the end of it all.

End log.

Stardate 21303.01

Personal Log, Commander Alex Ankar, Stardate 21303.01

We're not out of the woods yet, but we're still swinging that axe like hell. I'm glad to say that I'm virus-free at long last, as are a considerable handful of my friends and colleagues. Being cooped up in Sickbay and having all kinds of horrific things happen, knowing there's no chance of getting out, starts to get old very quickly. We'll call it character building for now, those stuck inside certainly seemed to deal with it well together. This was one of the few times where everyone was behind the issue and nothing else - even if it took a ruinous virus to help everyone achieve that then maybe it's not all bad news.

I don't pretend to understand much medicine or science, but what we've witnessed was certainly not familiar to anyone else. Cells mutating, people being alive when they shouldn't be...some kind of self-cannibalism and fits of rage...whatever it is, all traces of it aboard this ship must be eradicated. I was victim to the fairly early stages of the illness, which was mostly akin to a very bad case of the flu. Commanders Roland and Sothrick, Lieutenant Blade, and our guest the Ambassador were also amongst the other infected. Nonetheless, with some excellent work and collaboration Doctor Boorman and Commander Roland spearheaded the quest for knowledge and the eventual cure - although it's not yet been discussed exactly what the cure was. I'm not even sure if it ever will be discussed. I dare say the two of them have their own praise for their own departments - I expect to be seeing some promotions and awards being submitted very soon.

On a similar note, Engineering have undergone some workarounds in order to guarantee the integrity of the ship's systems that suddenly started pumping out acid. It's meant that there's had to be a bit more waiting around for repairs and diagnostics, but as I understand it, some tinkering with the internal sensors has rendered everyone temporarily male in the eyes of the computer. Allegedly, the acid only appeared when the programmes were accessed by female crewmembers. That seems too specific to reek of an attack - why would anyone want to kill just the women on the ship? My discussions with the Chief Engineer have had her assure myself and the Captain that the acid appeared as a result of a system update error, nothing more.

With those two major thorns gone, for the most part, we can get back to our original objective - escorting the Ambassador to Minos Korva. Grant was the first to recover from the virus and in a very suspicious manner. Again, perhaps the CMO knows something I and others don't, but from my perspective the Ambassador simply healed himself without any apparent explanation. Such unnatural and superhuman occurrences only make me even more distrusting of the man. As for Weston? Well, I've been stuck in Sickbay for the past 24 hours or so, so he could've been tap dancing in Ten Forward for all I know. Suffice to say that the security records that I checked myself have the Chief of Staff appear only very sporadically across the ship. There are parts where he simply seems to disappear. I'm going to have all of this compiled in a report and sent to HQ, but I'm not expecting a response. I know there's little I can do and that these people clearly possess clearances and permissions that far exceed my own or even Ben's. But, we can still point out that they haven't completely fooled us - maybe they just like to test the crew's that escort them?

As for what we can expect upon reaching Minos Korva, I cannot say. Its history consists of some notable hostility between the Federation and the Cardassians. And nobody can deny its strategic importance. As a result, one might expect a visit to such a place to be fairly unusual. But what with the mysterious cargo...I feel a bit like a Trojan Horse. And the Sheridan has suddenly found itself in some very sticky situations quite a bit recently. Time will tell.

End log.

Stardate 21306.28

Personal Log, Commander Alex Ankar, Stardate 21306.28

Once again we've narrowly escaped the jaws of oblivion, but not without a heavy price. After a while, one starts to genuinely believe that through the instances you avoid death, the more imminent it becomes. Our first encounter with Krynar forces was with a few thousand, the second with tens of thousands. They captured an entire planet with baffling ease and still it escalates. One the one hand I have my individual sense of fragility, on the other I have a similar sense but on a galactic scale - everything suddenly feels so unstable and uncertain. But I must try and let these thoughts go if I am to have any peace whilst on shore leave.

Despite everything, particularly the initial wariness that Ben and myself both had for the Ambassador and his cargo, Grant's compliments were a relief to hear. We've still been deceived and used where HQ has deemed it necessary, but when hasn't that been the case? With each new tour I find myself more comfortable by expecting less and accepting more - I still don't know what Grant is doing on Cardassia but maybe ignorance really is bliss. It certainly isn't anyone's 'fault'.

For this mission, the real standout recipients of those compliments should be the Sheridan's technical staff. Without our doctors and scientists we would've succumbed to a horrible virus before getting anywhere near our objectives. Without our engineers we would've been blown up by unexploded ordinance and never been able to adapt our weaponry to hit the Krynar where it hurts. And that's on top of their usual duties, about which I am often helpless to comprehend.

I don't mean this as a distraction from the stalwart consistency of our tactical and security teams, but just this once I'd prefer to indulge in a little more praise for my shipmates whose efforts I feel I've overlooked a little. I can't quite explain where this new-found gratitude comes from and why it's taken so long to fully form, but trying to figure everything out wouldn't be learning my lesson. So, here's to you, the guys and girls of blue and yellow.

End log.


Lt Byron


Personal Log. Lieutenant Byron reporting.

While the senior staff were doing whatever they were doing, myself and Ensign Sutherland while clearing wreckage managed to deactivate an errant piece of ordinance with assistance form Crewman Gintz, which I have only recently discovered was miss fired by the USS Ogden.

I intend to recommend to Lieutenant Sh’Zarath and Lieutenant Blade, that Ensign Sutherland and Crewman Gintz both receive commendations for their work

Changing subject, I also found it most gratifying that Sarah has been able to return to duty after her earlier trauma. Thought I suspect that had her quarters not been compromised during the action, she might not have had the appropriate incentive to do so.

Though the trip to Cardassia was thankfully uneventful, I do hope that when we return to our homeport, we have more than only a few days before we ship out again.

End Log


CMO LCdr Derrick Boorman

Stardate 21307.06

Personal Log, Lieutenant Commander Derrick Boorman, Stardate 21307.06

At the request of Ambassador Grant I have deleted all files relating to his...unique physiology from the medical databases; the technology that saved the lives of this crew and reversed the effects of a virus that had me stumped for so long while has been lost to those that might seek to further benefit from it. While I understand why he asked me to protect the information I can't help but object to the action. I'm not in possession of all the facts, and I doubt I'm in a position to say that this is anything other than speculation but as a doctor the fact that this technology is being held back for use by select personnel while millions suffer from incurable diseases across the galaxy does not sit well with me. There is no doubt that it gives the user an enormous benefit and our intelligence operatives a significant edge, but at what cost in human lives do we maintain this edge? I object wholeheartedly to the medical profession being held hostage by politics. Nevertheless, the information has been deleted.

Medically speaking the mission to Cardassia was no different to the last, my department went about it's business in the matter to which I have become accustomed. Improvements are being made to our weapons and shields to combat the Krynar threat but the wounds that they inflict on us are no different to any other. Perhaps we medical types have an easier job in some ways because it doesn't matter whose weapons do the damage.

It is also my sad duty to report in this log the tragic death of Nurse Beach in a transporter accident. She died trying to beam an injured crewman to Sickbay and frankly it breaks my heart. She served this ship, this doctor, and my predecessor for longer than she ever got credit for and never gave less than her best in every situation. She deserved nothing less than a full and long life for her efforts but instead was the victim of a horrible malfunction. It is my intention to visit her parents in person on Earth and deliver their daughter's personal effects back to them. For a valued and much loved member of my department it seems the least that I can do.

Crewman Wray, on loan to the Sheridan from the Academy, is due to leave us to complete her Academy training. I have prepared a personal note to her Academy tutors detailing her contribution to my team since her arrival and indicating my hope that she will be reassigned back to us when she graduates. She temporarily succeeded Nurse Beach as a member of the nursing team and did a wonderful job under the circumstances.

I would like to end this log on a rather ironic note. The last two missions have brought destruction and casualties on an unprecedented scale, the Krynar threat and their ability to swallow up whole worlds and fleets has been at the forefront of almost every officer's mind since the threat materialised. But as a doctor, we are trained to be detached and aloof, the dead and wounded pour through our doors and we just carry on; just another day in Sickbay.

And yet, the loss of Nurse Beach has really affected the medical department, we all feel as though we've lost a family member. Perhaps it was just too close to home. We're used to losing patients and having to break bad news but the nursing team was brought to its knees by the loss of one of our own. I can't help but feel ashamed that I don't feel the same level of grief for every loss but no-one would last longer than a week in a blue shirt if we did. This humble doctor would therefore like to use this opportunity to honour the memory of all those we've lost since this miserable conflict began. God knows we've all paid dearly for our cause.

End log entry, and save.


CSO LCdr Mick Roland

Stardate 21301.09

Personal Log, Lieutenant Commander Mick Roland, Stardate 21301.09

“What was a seemingly easy mission to deliver cargo, accompanied by the Ambassador to Cardassia, Derrick Grant, has turned into possibly a death sentence for a select few of the crew. A dangerous and more dreadful cousin of Marian Flu has likely come aboard with the ambassador. Patient zero has not been determined. Most of what we know is still speculation at this point, hence this log. It’s possible that me and the others will become too incapacitated to think or act on our own behalf. This is stating the situation lightly. I am duly noting that my career in Starfleet has been more than I could have imagined or hoped. The rest of the story I’m sure will be able to be found in the Sheridan’s database.”

End log

Stardate 21303.01

Personal Log, Lieutenant Commander Mick Roland, Stardate 21303.01

Begin log.

I’m happy to be able to log an addendum to the previous personal log regarding the events aforementioned without others having to read it instead. I had no opportunity to settle into the Chief Officer Position before a medical emergency transpired. I’m still alive and so is most of the crew after a vicious viral irruption that took the life of Crewman Taye, and terribly sickened others.

Many of the senior officers were quarantined in sickbay, along with me and others, until a treatment option could be found. The array of blood, sweat, tempers, and nerves was reaching a boiling point and culminated with a transporter accident involving the death of Nurse Beach as well as another unknown crew member to me at the moment.

The science and medical crews worked tirelessly to produce multiple possible cures and options that were likely to be quite effective, but in the end it was Ambassador Grant himself who ultimately saved the Sheridan crew with unique antibodies from Grant’s blood. It is unknown how this came to be. Quite suspicious.

The implementation and dispersion of the remedy was overseen by medical and science expeditiously so that most were well within a few hours. This is in part thanks to the molecular matrix program that Midshipman Roth concernedly devised. I expect a promotion for her sometime in the near future. In addition to that, the replicators, showers, and holodecks experienced a disastrous breakdown of the programming, causing highly potent acid to be expelled in a seemingly haphazard way. Further investigation showed that only females were being targeted. The work around was to program sensors to detect all persons aboard as male. This particular mishap cost the lives of two crew members that I am aware of, and maybe one other. Quite suspicious as well.

I’m not ruling out sabotage on the virus or the computer malfunction, though no proof of that has come to light as of yet.

End log.

Stardate 21306.27

Personal Log, Stardate 21306.27, LCdr Mick Roland, Chief Science Officer – USS Sheridan, DD-4086

I don’t think there is anything more fear invoking than a seemingly unstoppable malevolent foe. History dictates that the only way to stop them is for the good to unite as one and unleash fury before they become so powerful that they are truly unstoppable. Leaders through time have sat perplexed, fearful, and helpless as they considered their plight. The Krynar is such a foe.

On a diplomatic mission to transport Ambassador Grant to Cardassia, a stop was made at Minos Korva per the ambassador’s orders. While at Minos Korva, the Krynar attacked and managed to destroy a battle group of the USS Grant, Ogden and Stalingrad, along with a Cardassian fleet, thus claiming Minos Korva and its people.

I did see the Krynar vessels dispatched with relative ease in the Bajoran conflict, but not by Starfleet weaponry. My frustration is mounting as I know we will continue to put lives and ships in harms way unless steps are taken immediately to vigorously protect our fleet.

We were able to test some modifications to some torpedoes, and the tractor beam was only marginally useful set to repel. It’s my opinion we’re going to need outside help if we are to defend and defeat.

End Log.

Ens Raven Roth

Stardate 21211.18

Personal log, Midshipman Raven Roth, 21211.18

ok where to start … well I've just been promoted to midshipman and assigned to the Sheridan only to find out that Hercules.. sorry Byron is on board I'm guessing he's fussy about who knows his name,typical Hercules.

Meet my new commanding officer only to find out that she has been transferred so now I need to meet her replacement ..meet the CMO and Lt Blade in sickbay but only because I was called in for an examination before leaving on my first mission and B'elanna has settled in just fine.

I've started a study of Cardassian biology and I'll need to copy what I find for Lt Montgomery as she also study’s in Xenobiology I hope what I find will help with the mission...I hope all goes well and I'm looking forward to working on this ship.

End log

Stardate 21302.28

Personal log, Midshipman Raven Roth, Stardate : 21302.28

Okay, where to begin ...right the virus and acid spewing computer trying to kill every woman on the ship.

Well we had a virus on board that killed one person and the acid spewing computer.. I think killed three .. I'll need to check that..who would have thought that the Ambassador had the cure and with the help of the matrix the antidote for the virus was easily distributed and all were cured in a few hours some people did have tissue regenerated.

I had only found out as the cure was being administered, that Byron was in sickbay and I was so glad that the cure worked I'm not certain what I would have told aunt and uncle if he died ...

Anyhow engineering solve the computer acid problem by having all women when using the replicator's and holodecks, computer register as male ... this also means that when I asked the computer for some underwear I ended up with boxers ... not cool, silly cat because she was left alone in a strange place she started peeing every where and me being me left the draw with all my cloths in open slightly .. she managed to open it fully, must take her to sickbay and get her some destressing pill's.. injection or whatever they give.   Delvia and Gash did a good job and I hope to get to know them a bit more as the only person I know is my cousin Byron, I get the feeling that I'm going to fit in just fine on this ship.

End log

Stardate 21306.28

Personal Log, Stardate: 21306.28, Ensign Raven Roth

"I'm not quite certain what to say this mission has been an insight and a learning curve for me"

Raven paused to drink her tea

"Back on our way to Cardassia we stopped at Minos Korva, I was on my way to shore leave which was canceled because of the Krynar attacking, I must admit I was scared up till is point in my live I've never seen battle, never imagined that I would come up with a way to ... well kill ... no not kill ..to help us defend against the Krynar. the idea of using the grav units and combining them with torpedoes to make a gravity torpedo and with the help of Foxwell and Gash they worked a treat "

Raven paused and considered what to say next

" I hope that some day I can look back at this mission and understand the confusion that came to me as we were re-configuring the torpedoes ....I never wanted to hurt anyone "

End log


Ens Maria Pedersen

Stardate 21212.05

Personal Log, Ensign Maria Pedersen, Stardate 21212.05

"I have arrived on the Sheridan to resume active duty, properly this time. It is a strange feeling, having to start from Ensign again, as it does bring back fond memories of my days straight out of the Academy, before the transfer to Enterprise.

Oh, how I miss those days to be honest...Accepting the position on the Darwin was something I did very reluctantly, and look where it got me...."

Maria sighed before continuing.

"Oh well....everything happens for a reason. Those men would have died for nothing, alone, on an alien world, far from home, if I had not taken the actions I did. And I would do it all over again, if I had to, even if it would mean much worse consequences this time. I just hope I'm not put in this kind of position again. I really do look forward to starting afresh. And I hope to gain the trust of my men, and the respect of my superiors. Furthermore, I ..."

Maria was interrupted by her comm-badge chirping

[Ensign Pedersen Please report to Lieutenant Drummond, Deck 4 Enlisted quarters 42B. STAT!]

End log


ACTO Lt Johnny Blade

Stardate 21209.11

Personal Log, Stardate 21209.11 Lieutenant [JG] Johnny Blade recording.

Well, we were lucky to make it out of that one alive. We took a beating from the Shard. I honestly don't see how we held the ship together. Maybe our new foes were just toying with us. Maybe it was all just a sick and twisted game they were playing. I surely hope we took some of their best shots... So this is where I'm supposed to talk about what happened in the shuttlebay right? I'm not gonna lie, it made me very happy to see Byron stand up for himself.

(The sound of a shot a glass hitting the table rings out in the recording)

Jeff Anderson is an ignorant scoundrel! I disapprove of his very existence. I considered ending it myself on several occasions but self-control got the better of me.

These pips on my collar are heavy. After what happened in the shuttlebay I beginning to question why I am even here.

I sit here and wait for my comm badge to go off. It will be Commander Vaughn's voice. I will go to his ready room and Commander Ankar will be there waiting. I'm tempted to hand over my side arm, and turn in my pips. Is this all really worth it? There are plenty of other officers that can do this job much better than me...

End log

Stardate 21307.18

Personal Log, Lieutenant Johnny Blade, Stardate 21307.18

This whole mission has been a blur since it started. After I was assaulted on Starbase Alpha I was fitted with a breathing device that limited my movements and breathing, and extracurricular activities. In someways I think the good doctor/bartender found some type of sinister joy. I now officially owe him one.

I was on edge as soon as Weston and Grant stepped aboard the Sheridan. While I am not a part of the security department, I do have the mentality of a security officer at times. I guess that's when my protective nature that I got from my mother steps in and I want to make sure everyone on board is safe and not being taken advantage of. Once the virus broke out I was forced to put another crew member down. Her eyes haunt my dreams... the sounds she made fills my ears and wakes me from sleep most nights. I asked Cleo to stay on Starbase Alpha till I can work through this. I almost attacked her in my quarters. I refuse to see a counselor though, I will work through this my way.

After the Minos Korvans became quite smug with us we once again engaged the Krynar. We lost so many people. As we pulled away from that battle my heart was heavy, but in a way it was for the greater good. Our Science Department and Engineering Department might have given us a fighting chance now. It is at least a start. Once we get back on the ship I will be working closely with them on these new weapons. I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve. Speaking of new weapons it appears that Byron came across some interesting weaponry that was lodged in our hull. I will make a point to speak with him on that soon.

I need to go stretch my legs and get off this ship for a while. Clear my mind, and prepare. I fear the worst is yet to come.

End Log.