Mission Log 5 - Ended Stardate 21404.22 "The Krynar Finale"

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Mission Summary

Mission dates: 21402.15 through 21404.22


After a brief stay at Earth, the USS Avenger, along with a multi-ship battle force, was sent to Krynar space to eliminate their ability to pose a continuing threat to the Federation. The Avenger, along with the Intrepid, Ticonderoga, and Gettysburg, were tasked with firing their anti-gravitron at Krynar facilities with the intention of destroying them.

They were able enter the system with minimal resistance, but during the Avenger's attempt to move into firing position, they were fired upon by the Ticonderoga, which damaged a nacelle. The incident was the result of the Ticonderoga's captain becoming possessed by something, most likely Krynar, and only due to Captain Archer's quick response was the situation defused and the mission allowed to continue. However, the subsequent firing of the anti-gravitron weapons had the unfortunate side effect of destabilizing and destroying the entire Krynar system, forcing the Federation officers to flee for their lives. During this, the Ticonderoga was destroyed and the Avenger assisted in the evacuation of her few survivors.


Captain's Logs

Captain Tyra Crawford


Acting Captain's Log Captain Tyra Crawford Star date 21402.19

After retrieving our teams from Tellar, we made best speed for Alpha with the rest of the attack group, including the Nova. Once there, the crew was given a chance to unwind while administrative matters were dealt with and a plan for moving forward was decided upon.

One of the first administrative matters to cross my desk was the assignment of a new first officer, a Lieutenant Commander Sienna Tam, to the Avenger without any word of my own fate. Given that I assumed Derrick would be returned to his ship, it seemed like the Trill commander would be replacing me and I might not have been quite prepared for that or have been extremely welcoming. Hopefully, the commander doesn't hold that against me as it seems we're going to be stuck together for sometime.

According to Thomas, it's only a matter of time before the Avenger is officially mine, once they decide what to do with Grant. To be honest, while I appreciate my husband pushing for me to get the ship, I'm not exactly comfortable with the perception that I'm stealing another captain's ship or that I'm getting it for who I'm married to, not what I've accomplished. On the other hand, I'm a little surprised that I want the position as badly as I do, but maybe that's proof that I've grown beyond the run and gun years of my career... yeah, right.

Then again, a few more administrative headaches and I might decide to tell command where to shove it while I take a nice retirement job; I hear Outpost 14 needs a new commander...

Speaking of administrative nightmares, Az has outdone himself... again. Just when I think we've managed to fix our personal and professional relationships, one of us has to throw a wrench in; I can honestly say it wasn't me this time.

First, Munroe, my COS, contacts me with concerns that Az is about to go AWOL with the help of Admiral Braggins -- apparently, my life was too calm with only one Braggins present. When I contacted Az, he was... irrational and sounded desperately drunk, though he denied that. Then, he hung up on me and comes back claiming that he's spoken to the damn Prophets and is the new Emissary.

What the Hell am I suppose to do with that?

To be honest, I've never been an extremely spiritual person and that's only become more pronounced as I get older. I have a healthy enough respect for fate and based on experience, I'll confess to believing someone is up there looking out for me but that's it. So I have a hard time swallowing that Az, my friend who has struggled with so many issues, is now a demi god for lack of a better term -- I have no idea what to make of Munroe backing up Az's claim of a vision either.

Safe to say, it's been forwarded up the line because I'm not getting paid enough to make a ruling on someone's beliefs. Draev can have fun with that one.

Hmm... that sounded strange. I'm still not use to the ca... the admiral being the fleet commander, though I suppose it's in cement now that Thomas has been reassigned to HQ. I guess I'll have to keep my mouth in check and get use to going through normal channels again...

Personal log, supplemental

I'm not even sure where to start... I'm use to my personal life being rather drama free, all things considered, and yet, it started out with a bang.

First, I had an upset Jenny Braggins, who basically needed someone to talk her down. I genuinely like the girl; she reminds me of the twins, if the girls had had a less privileged, cushy life that is. I didn't mind playing the role of de facto older sister, though I'm definitely regretting letting her talk me into a trip to the Drunken Tribble.

To be clear, I have a unique relationship with alcohol, one that's become distanced since I left Earth for the Nova, but I've always enjoyed sharing a drink with crewmates, being a CO won't change that. However, when I'm drinking with crewmates, there are a few things I don't want to see. One of them being an engineer I just promoted hitting on one of my baby sisters or seeing my sisters there at all. I probably came close to needing an attorney to fight a murder charge...

I probably shouldn't have been surprised that Jamie would be dumb enough to sneak into a bar that caters to officers, where she's likely to be noticed by someone. I also shouldn't be surprised that Mac is still so stupidly loyal that she lets Jamie manipulate her into these situations. For as smart as they are, they can be so stupid; sneaking into the Camel for band night is one thing, but this is a new level of stupidity. Fortunately, I put the fear of God into both of them, and Schwartz too. He may never be able to look me in the eye again, and I'm strangely okay with that.

The last portion of leave was spent in Hawaii with Thomas. While I'm not entirely sure of the reason behind his sudden transfer, though I can guess, it's bringing about a lot of changes that needed to be grappled with. Delta is no longer really home, and we'll potentially be facing much longer separations. I know we'll be okay, though it's complicated some other decisions that were on the table.

I don't think I have the energy to even think of those right now...

End log.


Acting Captain's Log Captain Tyra Crawford Stardate 21402.23

Well, we have our orders now.

As anticipated, we will be taking the offensive to the Krynar with the help of the new transwarp technology; our orders are to use the gravitonic weapon that was tested at Tellar to take out their facilities to ensure their actions of war cannot continue. We'll be working along side the Ticonderoga, Intrepid and Gettysburg, and hopefully, the collateral damage will be minimum, though having been in a war before, I know that's not a basket to stack all your eggs in.

I have mixed feelings about this plan. I absolutely feel that it is necessary to use the weapons we have to end this conflict before we lose more planets, either to destruction or to enlightenment. If the losses we experienced at Tellar meant anything, it should have shown us that we cannot afford to have to liberate a large number of our own planets -- we simply do not have the resources for a long, drawn out war.

I know everyone won't agree -- Azernal was the first to voice his objections, and I probably should be offended that he felt the need to remind me to pay attention to the civilians caught in the crossfire. However, given his new outlook on life -- personally, it's more like he got a lobotomy --, I probably shouldn't be… I'm not sure he's even the same person, for better or worse. However, I have to brace for the inevitable objections; I'm half way certain that is why this briefing didn't happen until we were literally on the brink of going through the transwarp gate.

On the other hand, I feel like this is all very hasty. I think the decision was thought over clearly and purposefully but I do not think we have intel to make this work as smoothly as it needs to go. We're assuming a lot, and from experience, the only thing assuming does is get people killed, usually our own. We assumed we had the proper intel at Carraya and look where that got us… in this case, we have the opportunity to lose an entire attacking task force, an amount of ships the Federation cannot risk losing.

I guess we have to hope our luck holds out until this is over…

=Personal Log, Supplemental

From what I've gathered and been told, this plan is the one that Thomas reluctantly proposed, and I can definitely understand the reluctance. I'm just truly hoping that my trust and faith in him can rub off on this plan and Vice Admiral Bay. Right now, the plan -- I think the lack of intel, really -- has my gut in knots and Bay… I trust her about as much as I trust a Romulan. I get the vibe that the only thing she cares about is the mission's success, and I always found that mindset to be rather deplorable, even cowardly in some instances. It's also a rather deadly way of thinking… doesn't bode well for the rest of us.

End log.


Acting Captain's Log Captain Tyra Crawford Stardate 21403.06

We made it through the transwarp gate without any issues, which seemed to be a great relief to my helmsman. Makes me think twice about the chances of a safe return... anything that worries a Braggins has the potential to give me a headache down the line.

It should have been a sign that things were going too well though. We were able to reach our target without any interference. Most Krynar ships seemed stunned to see us and those that weren't were picked off by the Klingons.

And then, things started going wrong. At this point in my career, I expect things to go wrong but I'd just really prefer if my ship wasn't on the receiving end of someone else's negligence.

The Tico shot us with their graser. I wish I could say it was a malfunction or a green tactical officer with an itchy trigger finger but the Tico's CO, Captain Tokat, was compromised, presumably by the Krynar given where we are. I'm not sure who is more of an idiot: Tokat for not taking advantage of the precautionary measures developed at Tellar for this exact situation or me for not ordering an immediate return fire.

No, I actually know the answer to that ... definitely me since the Ticonderoga neither apologized nor offered assistance, which I would think is the least you should do when you shoot out the nacelle of a ship in your own damn freaking fleet! It certainly doesn't help that they were the nearest ship during our fight with enlightenment at Tellar and there was no offer of assistance then either.

Grant would have shot them... almost makes me miss him.

We're recharging the graser now for the attack on the facility and honestly, I want it over with before the Tico gives me a third reason to want to shoot them.

End log.


Acting Captain's Log Captain Tyra Crawford Stardate 21404.14

And it's done.

We destroyed the Krynar.

The graser weapon not only destroyed the facility that Foxtrot- Union was assigned to target but it literally destabilized the man-made system to the point that it tore itself apart. What wasn't destroyed by the system falling to pieces was destroyed by a wave inadvertently created by the collapse. Fortunately, I've been assured the wave will dissipate before another system can be affected...

Strangely enough, something as definitive as the utter destruction of the Federation's biggest threat has still managed to leave more questions than answers. I personally don't know whether to celebrate the destruction of a race that most certainly deserved it or mourn our own fall. For as much as I feel the Krynar deserved this end, I can't help but wonder about the civilians or the victims of Enlightenment that were slaughtered in the process. While we might not have intended the outcome, it still puts our identity at stake.

Even more concerning, though, are the whispers I've heard going through the crew. Some believe that we were misled, that this was the desired outcome all along. Some say that the COs knew and willingly lied to their crews to make it more palatable. Some think that it wasn't the plan but that it was what Bay wanted...

I really don't know.

What I do know is that we lost a lot of good people to end a threat that very well may have overwhelmed and destroyed us otherwise. I watched the Ticonderoga's destruction, know how few of them survived, but what needs to be remembered is that their sacrifice was worth it. To believe otherwise is a disservice to their memory.

Because of this, no matter how ugly and unpalatable, we will never have to worry about losing another planet of civilians to the Krynar. Maybe that will be enough to let us sleep at night...

Personal Log, Supplemental

This situation reminds me far too much of the turmoil after Carraya. I've been in enough combat to know the sickening distraught feeling that comes with a botched mission that could have been avoided. Could this disaster have been avoided if we'd slowed down and gotten better Intel? Maybe but I understand why we moved so fast -- in war, there is always a feeling that you're fighting the clock, trying to strike before you're struck.

But what really reminds me of Carraya are the doubts. In the aftermath, there had been whispers that we'd been betrayed, set up to die. Do I think that Command might have been chasing an agenda that wasn't transparent with the attack on the Krynar? Of course, if a few years as Grant's COS taught me anything, it's that things are rarely as simple as they seem.

However, I have a hard time believing that the broad intention was their utter annihilation, even if it certainly ends any long term fears about a resurgence. Do I think that this outcome might have certainly satisfied some factions? Absolutely... I bet Intel is wetting themselves right now but the rest... I don't know.

I think my greatest reluctance in believing that is that it would imply a complicity on the part of Command, Thomas included. I just can't imagine his involvement in purposefully committing genocide...

Then again, I actually pulled one of the triggers... that's gotta be worse than the person drawing up the ideas...

I'll stick by the fact that the Krynar deserved what happened to them but I don't like the idea that I was a pawn doing someone else's dirty work without, at least, being aware of it.

End log.

Crew Logs

Lieutenant Commander Sienna Tam


First Officers Log (text) Star Date 21402.28 LCdr Sienna Tam recording;

This is a written log as we are currently at the gate that is intended to lead us to the Krynars' own system. We will be taking the jump shortly. The Avenger, along with a number of ships, have been ordered to take out their inner system military targets, intention being to cripple their ability to wage war against us further.

Considering they have the ability to demolish Star Bases and Planets in entirety I do not feel the slightest qualm about doing so. So long as we keep to the brief. There are a few too many revenge driven officers on ships these days for me to feel entirely secure about that...we will see.

I am more concerned about the crew. Not knowing them makes it difficult for me to gage problems before they come into existence and during such a morally conflicting time, cracks may occur. We're stepping into the Hornbuck's lair with a the equivalency of a stick and a flash light, expecting to take the beast down. We have no room for cracks. No space to allow them. One false move, one misstep and we, all, will die.

Captain Crawford has given me a broad run down on what to expect with them. 'Sink or swim' is the phrase I would use here. Luckily I've always been a very good swimmer...

End log.


First Officers Log Stardate 21403.20

This mission seemed to have backfired, resulting in complete genocide. Actual genocide. What should have been a surgical tactical strike on an established enemy has resulted in the probable extermination of their entire race.

It goes against everything Star Fleet has ever stood for. The reality of it I feel hasn't quite set in yet. It feels as if I am in the wrong place, that this is not my story, that I shouldn't be a part of this. Yet here I am, standing on the bridge of one of the ships that had a direct hand in it.

How could no scientist or engineer have foreseen this? It's impossible. This probable outcome I am certain would have been noted and documented at a point. Someone, somewhere, with a heavily weighted signature has dismissed it.

In all honesty we should have known. The moment we hit the system the delicate gravity based balance that it survived on had most of our jaws dropped. Yet no one stopped for a moment and considered what that could possibly mean for the action we were about to take.

I don't feel I am alone on the Avenger with my mixed feelings of confusion, betrayal, guilt...I fear what this may do to an already unstable crew split by a divide universes wide. Will this bring us all closer together or split us further apart? I still feel fairly new here and already I've noted the crew aren't as friendly as those I've served with in the past. The family I had on the Titan, its odd but in this moment I miss them dearly. Ley, so beautiful and kind, Vexx with her crazy gun spitting theories, Barrett, the strong pilot always there for me to lean on and Gray, who always seemed to be able to fix anything in any situation...

I wonder where they all are now. Are they also here in this doomed system, looking at the destruction we've unleashed, wondering where it all went wrong?

I truly hope not. I wouldn't wish this on any Star Fleet Officer. This burden should not be anyone's to bare. I will be noting strong objections to Star Fleet Command if we ever return home though I have burned every bridge I had when I left. I fear anything I say will fall on deaf ears.

End Log.


Personal Log Star Date: 21404.15 LCdr Sienna Tam recording...

As we head back to Starbase I have been allowed ten minutes to return to my quarters to change. I think I will be pulling extended Bridge Duty which is not all that surprising. I doubt I will see much of anything other then the Bridge for a while. The emotional toll on the crew is extensive. I can see it in so many faces, some easily displayed, whilst others attempt to hide it behind solemn masks that hardly fool anyone.

I feel an overwhelming level of anxiety as I think what those back home will think when they discover what we have done. What will my family think? Its strange that in times like these I actually care about my family's opinion.

Most of all though I just want to see Alexis again. I really miss him. Now more then ever. The Titan was apparently pulled home by the Yeager which was a relief. An ironic relief, considering the circumstances, but a relief all the same.

End Log.

Midshipman Acenvar Crystillin


Mission Log Star Date: 21404.14 Midshipman Crystillin, Acenvar recording:

Our mission is now officially over. From my view of the mission, we did not accomplish anything. Yes we did what we where ordered to do. We might have over done it, if that could be said. Our mission in simplest form was to break the Krynar. Instead it seemed we utterly destroyed them...We obliterated planets, stars, and many.... many lives. I do not frown on who gave the orders. I just wished it could have been done with fewer casualties. Maybe I am just stuck on the thought of how many Star Fleet and Krynar where killed, and the thought that a mother will never see her child again. I have been reading about sympathy to better understand it. Well if all of my siblings where killed during this time, I would honor them but have to resign. Still my siblings never died during this mission, Allie sprained her ankle but that was it.

This is a mission log, not personal. It started off well. We went in and where positioning ourselves, the Krynar where not attacking, Klingons where however. Before we could do much else the U.S.S. Ticonderoga fired upon us with their graser weapons. Our port nacelle was damaged badly dropping our maximum speed. When we where able to fire the weapon it hit without any interception or any resistance. The planet was destroyed, so was the entire system. Following with a violent anti, and gravity wave. We turned and pushed the ship as fast as it would go. While we attempted to return to the transwarpgate the U.S.S. Ticonderoga was destroyed. We saved only 29 people. With the destruction of the home system, the Krynar ships all started to die off. It had me wonder. Are they somewhat like the Klingons? Are they honor-bound? Or do they want us to think we are mass murderers? We might not find out anytime soon.

For the most part I was stationed at Operations. I was not doing much, as we had no major damage, there was no Krynar attacking, and interior communications don't really need to be tended to. I was attempting to see if there where any cloaked Krynar ships. No luck. I feel that the Senior Officers like for me to be flexible with my position. While I do not mind that, it is nice to stay in one position for a period of time. After the destruction of the Ticonderoga the Captain, Braggins, and Tucker had a quick argument. This followed with Braggins being sent to her quarters and the Captain assigning me to helm. From there was a quiet flight. I hope that in the future mission commanding officers will thank about the crews instead of the 'peace' outcome. I also wish that the Krynar where smarter, and allowed for Diplomatic meetings, instead they want to practically die off. Will we be seen as war heroes or the wicked?

--=End Log=--

Marine Captain Jenny Braggins


Helm Officer's Log Stardate 21403.19

Begin Recording:

It's all gone wrong.

We came here as soldiers, to surgically remove the Krynar's ability to travel faster than light. No interstellar travel, no problem. Something went wrong. The Graviton Weapon triggered some kind of feedback and now the entire star system is collapsing around us...

Admiral Bey congratulated us on a job well done, and that bastard Feng told the Captain it was the right thing to do... They're both wrong...

We are all murderers...

I thought my past experiences had shown me exactly what Starfleet is capable of when pushed to breaking point... I was wrong... No matter how bad the situation, there is never a justification for genocide...which is what we have just committed.

We are now fleeing the system with a broken ship courtesy of the Ticonderoga. Perhaps Tokat was right to fire upon us, maybe he was trying to show us our mistake before it happened... I cannot be sure... I do not look forward to our return to Earth, should we be fortunate enough to survive this system's destruction.

If we do manage to return, and somehow avoid court-martial, I think my career needs serious re-revaluation. Having an idiot in charge of the Tactical Department is one thing, but this is inexcusable. If this is how Starfleet intends to conduct its affairs in the future, it will have to make do without this Marine. If the events of my timeline come to pass, I am beginning to wonder if the Federation doesn't deserves everything it gets...

I am done.

End Log.

Lieutenant (JG) Rurik Feng


Security Log Stardate 21404.15 Acting Chief of Security Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Rurik Feng recording:

Begin Log:

Our mission was to invade the Krynar home system and destroy their ability to wage war. How we were going to take a civilization whose technology we barely understand and pound them back into a pre-Warp state is beyond my ability to fathom. However, as the result of our attack was the complete annihilation of the Krynar home system, I can only speculate that the outcome achieved was the desired outcome. The mission was a resounding success. Federation forces suffered minimal losses compared to those suffered retaking Tellar Prime. The Klingon Fleet that accompanied us was wiped out entirely.

The Security Department performed admirably, though we were not needed during this engagement. The Krynar failed to mount any resistance to our attack, which was odd, as they responded strongly to the Klingon attacks. Despite the overwhelming success of the mission, crew morale is very low. Many of the crew seem to think that Krynar were enemies that could be reasoned with. They fail to grasp the fact that the Krynar were no different than the Borg. As we all know Star Fleet annihilated Borg. Apparently, such tactics are only favored when fighting cybernetic lifeforms.

End Log.


Personal Log Stardate 21404.15 Lt (JG) Rurik Feng recording,

Begin Log:

I'll be damned! Star Fleet finally decided to grow a spine. We slaughtered the Krynar. Saved the Federation and gods only know how many other civilizations. But these damn milk drinkers in this universe are whining that we wiped out a whole species without even trying to make peace with them! Would be prefer being Enlightened? Or perhaps they'd rather have dozen more planets obliterated for no other reason than that the Krynar did like them being there? Fools! No one made this kind of fuss when we wiped out the Borg. They Krynar were no different. Just because they weren't half-machine, they deserve our pity? Bull****.

I, for one, am damned glad to be rid of the frakking Krynar. Bastards took my whole damned universe away from me. They deserved everything they got today. If these miserable cowards can't see that, well, then they deserve everything the Krynar did to 'em. Instead of being glad the war's finally over, they're crying over a dead enemy who wouldn't ahve batted an eyelash at killin' every last one o' 'em.

Now we get to see if Star Fleet will honor their agreement and send us home. I'm betting not.

End Log.

Ensign Ethan Harkness


Engineering Officer's Log Stardate 21403.26 Ensign Ethan Harkness recording

Its hard to describe what has happened on the current mission. Using experimental graviton weaponry, we attacked the Krynar homeworld. It was supposed to be a mission to disable their military ability, but the consequences of our actions extended far beyond being aggressors. This mission reeked of revenge and useless violence, something undoubtedly not Starfleet. Now, we flee from a graviton wave that threatens to tear us asunder. A reasonable fate if you ask me. The graviton weapon did exactly what I assume the brass wanted it to do and we destroyed the planet.

I am a party to genocide, or xenocide, or both. You can't really tell with the way the Krynar 'Enlightened' everyone. Either way, we destroyed their home planet, obliterated it and caused the wave of destruction that is nipping at our heels.

At this point, I want to formally document my objection to this mission from the get go. When Captain Crawford gave us the orders, I did my job and kept my objections to myself. But with the destruction of the Krynar system and whatever psychic attack happened with Zephyr, I can't keep it out of my log, both as a member of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and on a personal note. This. is. not. Starfleet! I know that I'm just a simple Engineering officer relatively fresh from the Academy, but this isn't what we stand for! We aren't the aggressor. Period.

I know there are mixed feelings, especially on this ship with the people from the true Avenger. I know they are probably happy about the destruction of the Krynar, but they still probably want to go home. It seems unfair that they need to get involved in our war. Maybe they don't want to go back? I mean, Earth is intact...they haven't lost the war here. Not that this is much of a win. I will look in to inter-dimensional theories when I get a chance and talk to the other-dimension crew members. Maybe there is something I can do with some ingenuity and some luck.

Maybe that could make up for the tragedy that has befallen us all today.

End log.


Engineering Log Stardate 21404.21 Ensign Ethan Harkness reporting

The mission to the Krynar homeworld was a general success. Early in the course of the mission the Ticonderoga had some sort of command malfunction and fired their 'Graser' weapon at us, partially disabling the port nacelle, destroying two of the warp coils within. There was no further damage and thankfully the gravitons stayed far enough away from the warp reaction to cause any mortal danger. The situation was quickly contained by Lieutenant Schwartz in Main Engineering, but it left the Avenger only able to obtain and hold at warp 6.

For all accounts, the graviton weapon worked to within the expectations that was provided by Starfleet command at the time of its installation and implementation. The experimental nature of the weapon, however, when combined with the power of the others from the sister ships in system caused a catastrophic reaction with the unnatural way with which the system was created. The planet that had been identified as the Krynar homeworld was destroyed and created a wave, much like a Terran tidal wave, of gravitons and anti-gravitons that was literally tearing matter to pieces. As a fleet, we made an expeditious retreat, the Science department running calculations determining the fallout from the reaction. Needless to say, the fallout of destruction may only be that of eighteen light years, which in and of itself is substantial, but the destruction of this artificial system and its stars that had been present for the Gods know how long may be felt throughout the galaxy. From a purely scientific and engineering perspective, we may never know in our lifetime the drastic changes we may have made to our galaxy.

The destruction of the Ticonderoga was a horrible and tragic occurrence, something we all worry about on a starship. Our crews responded quickly, and power systems performed within normal limits as reroutes and fixes were used to complete rescue and then recovery operations. The saucer seam still shows itself to be a vulnerable point on ships with the ability to separate. A professional analysis will have to confirm this, but the loss of power and pressure controls due to the unauthorized saucer separation may be to blame for the monumental loss of like aboard. One can only hope these analyses can prevent further tragedy in the future. A full engineering report has been sent to the Corps of Engineers for analysis, along with reports on transwarp. The process by itself may change exploration and rapid response as we know it in Starfleet.

Personal Log, Supplemental

This mission was difficult on a multitude of levels for me, not only on a professional level but on a personal one as well. Ensign Praise joined the ship's Science Department over the last shore leave and it has been a difficult and confusing acclamation for me. While it is not unknown to the crew that her and I have been involved since our meeting at the Academy, I fear that the blatant nature of it now clouds my judgement. For specific example, something happened when the Krynar planet was exploded to Zephyr and she collapsed. Later, I found out it was an over-stimulation of her empathetic centers due to the tremendous loss of life complicated by the fact that she was openly feeling for...well, me. She told me later that she had been searching for my thoughts, my emotions when the destruction of the Krynar homeworld occurred. I still blame myself for that, no matter what she says.

  • A brief pause, with the sound of a soft sigh*

When she collapsed, I went to her side and refused to leave her. Thankfully, Jack Ristone was on the Bridge at the time and was able to whisk her away to Sickbay quickly. In either case, our new First Officer, Sienna Tam, gave me a direct order which I ignored. By all accounts I should have spent the mission in the brig for that one. I hate to think that my emotional outburst of concern for Zephyr completely obliterated my need for a chain of command. I need to personally work on that one, I supposed. Zephyr's issues were only the first of many that day it seemed.

I can't even describe the horror at the just genocidal destruction of the Krynar homeworld. It wasn't Starfleet...it is a cost of security that I normally wouldn't be able to be a part of. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that I think that is how command intended it to happen, and the 'Graser' weapon is a far less experimental system than they led us to believe. Either way, it has brought a schism of thought throughout the crew. A majority of 'original' Avenger crew members seem to be happy about the destruction and seem to be eager to bring the fight back to the Krynar in their own dimension. It really shows what a few years of strife can do to a people. Their view of Starfleet is so much different than ours. I think I am going to try to give them their wish, if I can. With the developments we've made in transwarp technology, nothing says that trans-dimensional travel isn't out of our reach. The original Avenger did it once, nothing says it can't be replicated.

The Ticonderoga was a true tragedy. I can only imagine that the unauthorized saucer separation caused the massive loss of life. Makes me wonder what we can do as a system to strengthen either the saucer linkage system, or to fully separate systems in a way that a strike of that fashion wouldn't so completely destroy an entire ship, crew and all. 29 out of 800 plus is unacceptable, especially after such a profound military action. In either case, retrieving the ship's dedication plaque and placing it in the hands of Commander Gregg may be the most rewarding moment of the entire campaign. If anyone needed a symbol of hope, the remaining crew of the USS Ticonderoga has one they truly deserve. I only hope that the work we all do can prevent us from needing such hope in the future.

End log.

Ensign Jake Schwartz


Personal Log, Jake Schwartz Stardate 21402.25

Well, I can't think of many ways a simple trip to the bar could end worse than that...

Spent most of the last couple days in the Holodeck, working a new thought that Braggins helped inspire when last mission she suggested using deceptive jamming. Worked with a very nice, if uptight, Tac middie - Ace - and we worked it out to the point where a couple of modded shuttles would almost certainly have drawn a worthwhile percentage of fire off the ship. Captain showed me that I'm still new here, though, when she pointed out that while it would've been great against conventional opponents, Krynar swarms would make a good number of its advantages less so. She gave us some new ways to look at things and got us all back to work rather quickly.

Before that, though, she saw fit to give me a second accelerated promotion... I'm a jay-gee now. Yeah... guess I need to buckle down and live up to that... Captain's trusting me, I'd better not letter her down.

Ace is half-Vulcan, so he retired to do... whatever it is he does, because nightlife didn't sound good to him. Just wanted a quiet drink and a decent meal, so I left the ship for the base Bar - the Drunken Tribble. Sat down, had both, and who should slide up next to me but Braggins and the Captain. Offered the pair a round, then we got to talking. Braggins is pretty clearly still miffed about Sol; she got pretty down real quick. Did what I could to cheer her up - I'm still breathing, along with a lot of our crew, because of her. I tried, not sure what she's thinking but she was pretty miffed.

The usual distraction between the pair of us then showed up in the form of my drink getting spilled in my lap. At the time, I thought they were a pair of singles out for the nightlife, and they seemed interested, so I figured why not? That was a... poor decision, as it turned out. Braggins tried to wave me off of them, but I decided that I was going to play it out. Ends up... yeah, they were the frakking Captain's younger sisters, and they'd sneaked into the bar with fake IDs. So, once the CO saw that I was flirting with them, you can guess how that ended...guess I'm lucky she didn't throw my *** out the nearest convenient hull opening in the starbase.

I've been hiding in the plant since then, trying very hard to stay off her radar and justify the trust she put in me when she gave me a second promotion. Have to prove to her that I'm not... that I'm not a damned drunk and that I can't keep it zipped. I'll do better this run. We're allegedly hitting the Krynar where it hurts this time, so I'll make damned sure that I don't let the ship down. After years of running and hiding, finally time to get some of our back against the SOBs.

End Log


Personal Log, LTjg Jake Schwartz Stardate 21404.10

I'm not even sure what we're here for anymore. Last mission... we all knew it was a strike mission for the Krynar homeworld. What we most certainly didn't know was that it was going to be a frakking genocidal attack on them. We destroyed the Krynar homeworld, and seem to havefreed millions from Enlightenment, but at what cost... the freed took it out on what was left of the Krynar Fleet with extreme prejudice.

I was in Engineering most of the time, just doing my job. Had to improvise a couple times to keep the main bus up, and had to fill in in the Transporters when we had to evacuate the Ticonderoga. What was left of her, anyways - we picked up less than thirty survivors off a crew of nearly a thousand. Word is that Braggins didn't take the news well - that was her last posting, after all. Might be worth seeing if she's holding together... I know she probably thinks I'm a massive idiot, but she's looked out for me a couple times; probably only fair of me to return the favor.

I didn't even find out what we'd done until after we'd cleared the system and were limping back to the transwarp gate with a bum nacelle - was too busy at the pool table trying to keep her flying. Probably for the best in hindsight that I didn't know what we'd done at that point. Its above my pay grade. When I first heard that we'd wiped out an entire civilization, I asked myself how were we different than the Krynar, or the Borg at that point? What gave us the right? Spent a long time on that one... still don't have a good answer. Best I can come up with is that it was a clear-cut case of self-defense. The Krynar had enslaved millions of sentients; killed billions more, and had done it all unprovoked, best I can tell. That doesn't make it right, what we did, just makes it an option that I still find preferable to the enslavement of the Federation...

Maybe I should talk to someone about it. Not sure. I keep coming back to what Mom would've done, and she was faced with a similar 'them or us' fight. We won that one too. End of the day, though, I'm still alive and have the free will to ponder a moral debate - beats the alternative by a county kilometer. I'll just keep doing my job and figure this one out as we go. Might've been the least evil choice we had amongst a plethora of bad ones; might've just been an evil choice. Its something I'll have to live with.

End log

Lieutenant Pheral Ohmsford

Chief Medical Officer's log. Stardate 21404.08 Lieutenant Pheral Ohmsford recording.

I have to admit, I miss being on a small ship like the Yeager. At least I knew first hand what was happening. But now, I must hear it second or third hand from gossip unless it affects Sickbay or me personally. On the other hand, I do get to concentrate more on my work, and there are things I really don't need to be privy to, anyway.

I've been dealing with a patient with severe plasma burns to almost his entire body, at the same time, we are helping crew from the Ticonderoga, which, if my information is correct, had been all but destroyed. I don't know the details yet, but I'm sure they are quite incredible.

On a personal note, I am still struggling with the death of another patient, despite his families continued attempts to assure me that it was not by my negligence, or more to the point, maliciousness. I haven't even told Alexa. I'm afraid to. I do not want to lose her as a...friend. Though my mind tells me she will understand, my heart couldn't bear for her to hear what I had done.

Then again, truth always finds a way out, doesn't it.

End Log and Save

Lieutenant Jack Ristone

Stardate 21302.16

Personal Log Stardate 21402.16 Lieutenant Jack Ristone recording

The Avenger has docked at Star Base Alpha and as is usually the case I am very much excited to be spending so much time in a research lab. I am happy to announce that I have finally completed my research into developing Ketracel White. Yesterday I managed to create my first successful batch of the substance and in the last twenty-fours hours I have recreated that success six different times which confirms that it was not a fluke.

Of course this breakthrough is not nearly as time sensitive as it once was but in my opinion that does not change the impressiveness of it. I have submitted my results to Star Fleet Medical as is protocol.

Honestly I am not entirely sure what I am going to do with the rest of my shoreleave but I know one thing for sure. Tonight I drink, and I drink a lot.

End log.

Stardate 21402.28

Medical Officer’s Log Stardate 21402.28 Lieutenant Jack Ristone recording

The USS Avenger has been given a new assignment. The ship, along with dozens of other vessels, will be traveling through a transwarp gate to Krynar Space.

This transwarp technology is apparently extremely impressive but considering my engineering knowledge is already so limited I am not even going to try and wrap my head around it. Much like food replicators and transporter systems I will be content to simply know (or perhaps trust) that it works.

It amazes me that Star Fleet, or the Federation rather, has finally grown a spine. Only a few short weeks ago the thought of going on the offensive against the Krynar was a foreign concept. Hell, just weeks ago the acting President of the Federation was calling for peaceful negotiations between the Federation and the Krynar.

I have no clue what changed – that’s a few dozen pips above my pay grade – but whatever it was must have been significant. I was shocked when we were ordered to liberate Tellar but that is nothing to the surprise of actually taking the fight to the Krynar. That is something that we never even did back in my home universe.

Speaking of my universe … The Avenger has yet again taken another drastic step away from remembering our original roots. Captain Grant, who was temporarily called away during the Tellar Operation to act as a consultant, will apparently not be returning to the Avenger. Instead, Commander Crawford … now Captain Crawford … is taking over and some new woman named Tam is the First Officer.

Several people from ‘home’ are not at all pleased with this. I was having drinks with a few friends just the other night and several of them were beyond pissed about this situation. I must admit that I myself am not pleased by it. The only thing that is keeping my from being as enraged as they are is the fact that I do trust and respect Tyra so much.

Still, the fact that the Avenger now has zero command or senior officers from our original universe is unsettling. We were initially told that we would stick around to help this universe fight off the Krynar while continuing to look for a way home. I honestly think that returning home will never happen. I always suspected it was a long-shot and I have made this new place ‘home’ as much as possible but that does not change the fact that it is not home to me. Now, my people are in the minority on their own vessel and I find myself having to be the voice of reason to some of the more ‘active’ crew from back home. I swear I think some of them would mutiny in a heartbeat if they thought it would be remotely successful.

Regardless, I have worked with support to ensure the Avenger is medically prepared for anything during this upcoming mission to Krynar Space. Despite the fact that this is suppose to be a short mission I ensured we have extra supplies just in case the transwarp gate does not work and we find outselves taking the very long way home.

I have also ordered enough neural stimulators for every essential member of the crew. I have assigned several medical members to work on the reconfiguration.

Stardate 20403.12

Medical Officer’s Log Stardate 21403.12 Lieutenant Jack Ristone recording

The Avenger, along with many other ships, just made a transwarp jump. We are now in Krynar Space and I have to admit that for the briefest of moments I am envious of those in our science department. Everything here is so totally different than anything I have ever seen before that it is a strange mixture of awe-inspiring and downright scary. Without a doubt our Science Department will have enough data to analyze for years if they so choose.

Sickbay has been mostly calm thus far. Of course, nothing of interest has really happened yet so that is not at all surprising. I have completed the new crewmember physicals and other than a Bolian who is about 45 pounds overweight nothing of note came up. On a personal note I found myself double checking the ages of some of these new crewmembers. They all look so young that I was certain they were still teenagers. It feels like just yesterday that I myself was a young man in my twenties. Now I am closer to forty than I am to thirty and while I recognize that forty is not 'old' I feel ancient when standing next to some of these baby faced Midshipmen. Apparently somewhere along the way I became a 'veteran' without ever realizing it.

I have delivered neural stimulators to every member of the senior staff and to those who work in critical areas of the ship. Many of them, like the Captain and myself, had already put the devises on. Others have opted to just keep them close by for now which is of course their choice though I fear that by the time they need them it will be too late to put them on. For now I am staying stationed near the bridge in case of a medical emergency. I would much rather be down in sickbay but considering I was not assigned to a mobile team during the Tellar Battle I knew I would not be so lucky again ...

End log.


Medical Officer’s Log Stardate 21403.26 Lieutenant Jack Ristone recording

I can't believe what has happened. The Avenger, and other larger vessels with multiple warp cores, fired the grazer weapon towards the Krynar homeworld which apparently has not only resulted in the destruction of the planet but will likely also result in the destruction of the entire star system! We are currently outrunning a shockwave of destruction that is seemingly only picking up speed and power as it moves along.

My emotions are torn at the moment. The part of me that has seen the Krynar destroy millions, perhaps billions, of lives feels no pity or sympathy for what has happened. Some might even call it a case of cosmic karma that the ones who destroyed planets without pause are now experiencing the same fate that they caused so many others to live. If anyone deserved this kind of loss it is the Krynar. That thought however leads me into my emotional turmoil. Sure if anyone deserved this it was the Krynar but does that mean that the Krynar actually deserved this?

As a doctor I took an oath to preserve lives and prevent death. All life is sacred to me in that sense. There were many times back home where, during the Romulan War, I treated wounded Romulan soldiers. It was the right thing to do and I have never once regretted it. Would I have treated a wounded Krynar? It is hard to say. We never had real contact with their native species. They were more like mindless killing machines then sentient living beings. Perhaps it will be that thought that allows members of Star Fleet to sleep soundly tonight ...

While my personal conscious can be clean about what happened today - after all I am merely a doctor who had no call or influence on tactical maneuvers - I believe that every member of Star Fleet present in this system carries a fraction of guilt for what has happened. Even those not on this mission carry a grain of guilt for countless officers worked on developing the grazer weapon, on creating an attack plan, for not stopping such a foolish attack. The blood of billions are now on our hands just as much as the blood of billions were on the Krynar's hands. To make matters worse it is almost a certainty that countless species who were simply brainwashed will also suffer because of our actions here today. Species who were no more at fault than the Tellarites were. Species who are as out of control of their actions as members of the Avenger crew were just a few weeks ago when the Krynar Orbs were transported aboard our ship. We, rightfully, did not punish people like Pheral who took a life while being manipulated yet here we are punishing manipulated species to the fullest extent ... their complete annihilation.

I suppose I should get off of my soap box now and report on what is happening medically. A young female science ensign named Praise fainted on the bridge. She has had a previous history of telepathic communication with the Krynar and there is a chance that something similar happened. Luckily I was already on the bridge and was able to be by her side in mere minutes of the incident. After ensuring her vitals were stable I initiated a site-to-site transport to sickbay so I could evaluate her condition more fully.

It appears that she suffered, for lack of a better term, an empathic withdrawal. When the grazer weapon wreaked its havoc the voice of countless Krynar and other species were instantly silenced which wreaked havoc on her brain. I have placed a neural stimulator on her temple and suggested that she keep her mental shield firmly in place until we are safely back in Federation Space. Her physical trauma, mostly minor lacerations and bruises. which occurred when he head struck her console were easily treated and fixed. I have cleared her to return to duty so long as she keeps the neural stimulator on and her empathic and telepathic defenses up.

End log.


Medical Officer’s Log Stardate 21404.07 Lieutenant Jack Ristone recording

While treating a few minor triage patients sickbay received a comm call from the bridge informing us that we would soon be receiving massive casualties from the USS Ticonderoga which has apparently been damaged beyond repair. I took sickbay to alert level 1 which called in all off-duty doctors to their emergency locations. Cargo Bay 1 has been converted into a secondary sickbay and Ten Forward is on standby to be converted as well.

I've assigned myself to oversee trauma bays 1 and 2. These two rooms will hold about 12 patients total and I have two other doctors assigned to each room. This will free me up to throughout both rooms and ensure nothing is being missed. Many of our other doctors are young and have little trauma experience. I have no doubt that this situation will be a better teacher than any mock-simulation they went through in the Academy. The consequences are also higher as real human life is at stake.

From what I've gathered we should be prepared for anything including crush wounds, lacerations, space exposure, and everything in between. I am very glad I had some extra supplies brought onto the Avenger before we left Star Base Alpha. Hopefully the support staff assigned to sickbay are able to move the supplies to the areas that need them the most before it is too late.

End log.


Medical Officer’s Log Stardate 21404.09 Lieutenant Jack Ristone recording

We have, for the most part, stabilized the Ticonderoga patients. Several are, of course, still in critical condition and will need to be monitored closely for a few days to see if they will pull through. I lost two patients in trauma bay 2. One had massive crush injuries and we were unable to stop the build up blood toxins from stopping his heart. Another had burns to over 90% of his body and we were unable to save him. I am sure others died as well but I have not seen the reports from the other trauma areas yet.

I was forced to perform surgery there in the trauma bay as the ORs were overbooked. It was not an overly complicated surgery but the lack of proper lighting and equipment made it more difficult than it needed to be. For a brief moment I was reminded of performing battle field surgery during the Romulan War back home. The surgery was a success and the Midshipman is resting now. He should make a full recovery fairly soon though I fear he will attempt to overdo it.

Whereas Sickbay is still full to the brim with patients it is a controlled chaos at the moment and I do not feel that our staff is overwhelmed. Many of the Ticonderoga crew are still being treated but I've got to find out where we are suppose to send those who are well enough to leave sickbay. Many of them want to help out. They want to do something. Really, they want to be able to forget about the fact that hundreds of their crewmates and friends are now dead.

In the past the Avenger set up the rec area for times such as these. That however was Grant's policy and I am unsure of what Crawford will do. Really such a decision and even concern is above my pay grade.

The rumor is that we are heading back towards toe functional transwarp gate to head back home. I am a little surprised that no vessels are staying behind to try and undo or stop the shockwave that we've caused. Once again though, that is a something that is above my pay grade. My time in Star Fleet has taught me that I am just a doctor and it is therefore my duty to doctor. Second guessing the decisions of people with a few dozen more pips than I have will get me no where except for angry.

End log.

Lieutenant Commander Judith Tucker


Chief Science Officer’s Log Lieutenant Commander Judith Tucker recording… Stardate 21404.24

Paperwork… always more paperwork to do.

The mission has been dubbed a success, as we were successful in destroying the facility as well as any nearby Krynar. The mission had an abrupt interruption, as we were fired upon by the USS Ticonderoga by the new weapon technology developed called the graser. Our engineering department were impressive as they worked quickly to keep things from spiraling out of hand.

The new weapon technology, the graser, was competent in its role, however, combining the use of this weapon with other ships seemed to have caused effects to the galaxy we won’t likely know for some time. I believe this weapon should be removed from federation vessels until more is known about the disastrous effects.

The destruction of the USS Ticonderoga was felt by everyone. While we were able to save many of the crew, the federation lost more.

All data science recovered from the area, has been forwarded to Captain Crawford, Lieutenant Commander Sienna Tam, as well as the Science Institute as it was received as well as interpretations.

End log.

Personal Log

Lieutenant Commander Judith Tucker recording… Stardate 21404.24

We did it. We were ‘successful’ as those in charge like to say. But at what cost? We destroyed the Krynar race. A race… Is this really what the federation is for? We destroyed them without batting an eye. The new weaponry they named the graser was more than effective with not only completing our mission parameters, but also destroying the area. I’m not sure when we will ever know the full consequences of our actions.

  • Judith paused to take a few breaths. *

I must send a note to the ensigns on bridge duty during the mission. Their performance was outstanding in a very difficult scenario. I’m also worried for one of them, Ensign Praise. My extreme fears have been put to rest, she is not a member of the Krynar trying to lie dormant. I thank the medical staff for finally informing me of her status. I also silently curse them for her reappearance on the bridge without informing anyone just then. I hope she is alright. Such a horrific mission for anyone.

I will be making a formal protest to Tyra concerning our further use of the graser until more is known about the effects on the galaxy. She’s already seen what can happen, so I’m hopeful she will agree. We simply don’t have enough accurate information…or didn’t. Hopefully with the data, we may be able to improve it.

I am thankful we are returning…

  • Judith paused again as she looked to a photograph on her desk. * CJ… I’m coming h. ~ Momma? ~ * Judith closed her eyes as her right hand went to her forehead. * Oh CJ…if that were only you. I’ll be home soon my love. * The log remained open, despite Judith sitting silent for well past ten minutes. She finally opened her eyes, only to stare at the console. It couldn’t be him, could it? Should I see one of our doctors? Finally Judith spoke. *

End log.

Ensign Zephyr Praise


Personal/Mission Log Stardate 21404.19 Ensign Zephyr Praise

Begin Recording:

Uh... Okay so... transfering to this ship and my first mission did not go as smoothely as I had hoped. This was not exactly what I thought I was getting into.

The mission was crazy intense. That's the best way to put it. There's no Scienctific terms for total mind job. So, I guess I should basically give my overview now. We went off to fight the Krynar on their own home land. Naturally, I was relatively nervous because to be frank.. after the last time I had a run in with the Krynar I wasn't exactly looking forward to meeting any more.

But there I was. On their own turf. It didn't go well. Immediatly scans picked up there were life forms on the strange star system that was being held together. The Krynar .. or whatever the life form was... has.. has perished.

The.. amount of death. It was.. it was terrifying to feel first hand. It was .. it showed me how fast life itself can be snuffed out. I had my mind open. And, that was a mistake. I've decided henceforth I will only open my mind on the Bridge if we are in non-combat circumstances or I feel the need to use my empathic abilities. Otherwise, I will keep it to myself.

I could not handle all the death. That.. feeling of emptiness and was sent from the Bridge.

I spent a little time in the Sickbay. As always Doc Ristone was.. awesome and helped me feel better.

I was cleared to go back to the Bridge, and did. By then the stars were pulling together, threatening to make a black hole. We had to wait for the transwarp gate to finish.

Ensign Harkness .. Ethan.. proved how intelligent he was and came up with a solution. Fire the Graser into the star system. It worked! I'm so proud of him! He's amazing, and I"m glad I came to the ship for him. I just.. wish that we were able to spend more time together. But, that has nothing to do with the mission and is just me rambling.

The.. the Tico though.

I .. I'm so glad that I wasn't open to the deaths of all those people when it exploded from within. All those people. I felt so.. bad. All that death. In one day. In one battle. All that death. The lifeforms.. the Tico. We helped in the rescue of the survivors. I'm glad there were some .. I just wish there hadn't been so many lives lost.

Many were upset. Myself. Jenny. Everyone.

There was no real sense of triumph or victory. With the loss of the Tico... it did not feel as such.

Now.. we're headed back. Tico people on board. I hope that they get a new home soon. I can't imagine what they could be going through. I mean.. I could find out.. I just.. I won't invade their privacy.

I guess that's .. basically it....

  • fumbles with the computer sounds of under her breath cursing.*

/end log.