Disruptor Specifications

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Disruptor Pistol

Romulan Disruptor Pistol
(Hhotaer Ih'hyaa-aifv)

The standard hand weapon of the Romulan Imperial Fleet is the phase disruptor pistol (hhotaer ih'hyaa-aifv), often simply called a "disruptor." All personnel in the Galae s'Shiar are distributed disruptor pistols and are expected to carry them when on duty, excluding medical officers. A smaller version of the pistol, the palm disruptor (lepsain ih'hyaa-aifv), lacks a grip and is designed to be held within the palm of the hand. It is available for covert operations, when the need to conceal a weapon is paramount.

Disruptor Pistol Power Settings

Setting 1 Low Stun, Disorients Target. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form.
Setting 2 Medium Stun, Effect Severe Enough to Render a 200 Pound Target Unconscious for Up to 15 Minutes. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form.
Setting 3 Heavy Stun, Severe Stun Effect, Target Unconscious for Up to an Hour, Remains Disoriented for roughly 20 Minutes after regaining consciousness. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form, However Repeated Exposure to this Level will cause nerve damage, resulting death possible.
Setting 4 Low Disrupt, Immediate Unconsciousness, Minor Cellular Damage to Area Surrounding Blast Point. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form if treated within 5 hours of exposure, Intensive Surgery may be necessary after that time to repair cell and nerve damage.
Setting 5 Medium Disrupt, Immediate Unconsciousness, Significant Cellular Damage to all area’s near blast point. Unless Treated within minutes it is virtually impossible to avoid some permanent damage to the area, most nerves around the blast point destroyed.
Setting 6 Heavy Disrupt, Immediate Unconsciousness, Possible Death, Heavy Cellular Damage to the entire Body. Damage cannot be reversed, If Beam comes in contact with Body for more then 10 Seconds Death is Almost Unavoidable, Micro-Cellular Surgery Required to maintain life of patient.

Disruptor Rifle

Romulan Disruptor Rifle
(D'Tethos Ih'hyaa-aifv)

Security personnel, assault troops and field soldiers often carry a disruptor rifle (d'tethos ih'hyaa-aifv) as part of their gear. Disruptor rifles pack a longer charge, can shoot a longer distance and have a more powerful beam than pistols. Rifles also have the capacity to fire kinetic rounds.

Disruptor Rifle Power Settings

Setting 1 Low Stun, Effect Slightly Longer Lasting, Disorients Target. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form.
Setting 2 Medium Stun, Effect Severe Enough to Render a 200 Pound Target Unconscious for Up to 15 Minutes. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form.
Setting 3 High Stun, Severe Stun Effect, Target Unconscious for at least 35 to 45 Minutes, Target Remains Disoriented for roughly 5 Minutes after regaining consciousness. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form, However Repeated Exposure to this Level will cause nerve damage.
Setting 4 Maximum Stun, Severe Stun Effect, Target Unconscious for Up to an Hour, Remains Disoriented for roughly 20 Minutes after regaining consciousness. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form, However Repeated Exposure to this Level will cause nerve damage, resulting death possible.
Setting 5 Low Disrupt, Immediate Unconsciousness, Minor Cellular Damage to Area Surrounding Blast Point. No Permanent Harm to any Humanoid Life form if treated within 5 hours of exposure, Intensive Surgery may be necessary after that time to repair cell and nerve damage once patient goes into shock.
Setting 6 Medium Disrupt, Immediate Unconsciousness, Significant Cellular Damage to all area’s near blast point. Unless Treated within minutes it is virtually impossible to avoid some permanent damage to the area, most nerves around the blast point destroyed.
Setting 7 High Disrupt, Immediate Unconsciousness, Possible Death, Heavy Cellular Damage to the entire Body. Damage cannot be reversed, If Beam comes in contact with Body for more then 10 Seconds Death is Almost Unavoidable, Micro-Cellular Surgery Required to maintain life of patient, survival rate almost nonexistent.
Setting 8 Maximum Disrupt, Vaporization after 3.2 Seconds.

Beam Width Selections

Disruptor pistols have an adjustable beam from narrow to wide, while rifles can only adjust from medium to wide.

Narrow Beam Small and very powerful, commonly used to drill small holes or cut various materials.
Medium Beam Standard beam, used on single targets.
Wide Beam Used to incapacitate many targets, or to destroy doors or other such obstructions.

Residual Antiprotons

After having been fired, Romulan disruptors leave behind residual antiprotons that remain for several hours.