Turner, Alexander

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Alexander Turner
Alexander Turner.jpeg
Career Occupation
USS Yeager, NCC-60097
Time on Site:
Longevity Medal 0
Biographical Attributes
178 cm (5 ft. 10 in.)
75 kg (165 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Gold, Tan, Light brown
Well-trimmed mane
Slight, but athletic
Facial Hair:
Short whiskers and goatee
Soft, but deeper when growly
United Federation of Planets
Small poor colony world
Familial Relationships
Status of Parents:
Alive and well, serving as officers onboard a long range civilian luxury transport, "The Martanique"
Human younger brother Adrian
Human younger sister Isabel

Personal History

Alexander was adopted as a new born baby only hours old by the Turners, a human couple who believed they could not have children. Alexander's Caitian mother and father were a young teen parents from a small poor colony and did not feel they could care for him properly. This sadly led then to give him up. The Turners gave Alexander his name, as his biological parents had not provided one.

Alexander's adopted parents were senior officers on a long range civilian luxury transport The Martanique, which is where Alexander grew up. Since the ship was a transport vessel, Alexander spent a lot of time surrounded by many different species, but no other Caitians. As a child, Alexander was always fascinated with how everything on the ship worked, and occasionally he got into trouble for taking things apart without exactly being able to put them back together. He was also very fond of the holodeck, were he spend most of his time as a teen creating little devices, vehicles and ships. Some of Alexander's love of gadgets and engineering also came from the fact that he felt somewhat isolated or strange not growing up around his own people and he found working with gadgets and electronics to be calming.

Alexander had many friends growing up, but none that were super close. Unfortunately, they all moved on when their voyage on the ship was over. Most of them he never did seen again, as The Martanique ventured off on its next journey. Because of this, Alexander was very close to his younger siblings Adrian and Isabel. Although they were 4 and 6 years younger than him, Alexander spent a lot of time with them and is still quite protective of them to this day.

The Academy was the first time Alexander met any other Caitians, and it took him a while to work up the courage to talk to his first, M'alter. She was the most beautiful thing Alexander had ever seen and quickly turned into his first girlfriend. Their relationship was short lived though, as they quickly shifted to best friends rather than lovers bonding over their love of warp coils and starship design. M'alter introduced Alexander to Caitian culture, art and history, all of which Alexander poured through in his free time wanting to learn more about his people. At the Academy, Alexander's love of all things mechanical and holographic served him well, and it helped him to be one of the most natural engineering talents in almost all his classes, even if he was not the most studious student all the time.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Engineering
Academy Minor(s): History and Physics
Hobbies and Pastimes: Alexander loves to take things apart and see how they work. He also loves vehicle and ship design and spends a lot of his free time designing his own starships on the holodeck.
Short-Term Goals: To make new friends and lead an engineering team in the field
Long-Term Goals: Design a new long range exploration star ship perhaps and or run his own engineering/design department.
Personality: Quiet and contemplative, likes to sit back and observe. Can be quite excitable when comfortable.
Sense of Humor: Sarcastic, but not mean
Phobias: Wide open spaces or wilderness make him uneasy.
Likes: All things mechanical or holographic. Beer, a good workout or team sport with friends.
Dislikes: Bugs, dirt, dust, Cocky people
Pet Peeves or Gripes: People who are hard on equipment or messy
Achievements: Designed a new warp coil calibration tool. It was nearly twice as quick as the current tool in use and significantly more accurate at calibrating warp coils.
Disappointments: His first shuttle design attempt which he hoped would be a significant upgrade to current shuttles, was in fact a significant failure the test model crashed due to a mistake in his flight characteristic calculations.
Illnesses: none
Strengths: Intelligence, Curiosity, Loyalty
Weaknesses: Social cues, Using Phasers
Fears: Failure, inability to fix things.
Prejudices: Prejudiced against anti technology cultures and peoples, he feels that they are fools.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Jeans or athletic wear
Pets: Hedgehog named Willis
Friends: M'alter, Caitian Female first other Caitian Alexander remembers meeting. First lover. Also loves engineering, but introduced Alexander to art and culture sparking his interests in history.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: The death of his friend Mathis when they were teenagers. A failed airlock seal led him and other ship children to suffocate playing hide and seek in the Jeffries tubes.
Best Time: Winning his first science fare with his father developing a small hover board.
Most Crucial Experience: Growing up on a starship. It both fueled his love for space and engineering.
Role Model: Commander Montgomery Scott the famous engineer of the original Enterprise.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy xxxxxx.xx Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Engineer USS Yeager, NCC-60097 22405.12 Midshipman Midshipman
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1

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