Titan Mission 10: "A Cold Day in Hell"
Captains Log
Capt Alexis Tregelen
Stardate 21008.28
Captain Log Stardate 21008.28
The Titan has been assigned by Star Fleet Command to patrol the Breen/Cardassian boarder. There have been three separate sightings of Breen ships along the Cardassian boarder over the last few months. Though no conflicts have occurred so far, Star Fleet wants us to find out what is going on.
We have been patrolling for the better part of a week without a single sighting and nothing else of interest.
End Log.
Stardate 21009.13
Captains Log Stardate 21009.13
We have received a distress call from the mining outpost Inferno on Diablo. Arriving we opened communications with the outpost and discovered that they had been attacked by unknown assailants. I have dispatched two shuttles with medical supplies and engineers to assist with the wounded and with repairs. I have also sent Lieutenant Junior Grade Boehm to investigate the damage and see if she can work out who did it.
The planet goes through seasonal periods where the planets inhabitants must be evacuated to a nearby moon as it passes between the planet and the star but their shuttle has been destroyed. I have asked Lieutenant Commander Barrett to assist with transporting the miners to the mood in one of our shuttles.
End Log
Crew Logs
Lt JG Boehm-Westfield
Personal log: Yasmin Boehm-Westfield
The surgery went better than I expected, although to be honest, I wasn't sure what to really expect. I'm just glad to have it over and done with before the mission starts. I hope to be healed enough in a couple days, rather than three, so I can get back to work in my office. There are a few things I need to finish up before the next mission starts.
I have yet to tell Rikk about the surgery, and I'm going to bed in a moment. Perhaps I need to think before we talk anyway. I will have to tell him soon, considering I was given instructions to rest. He will know something is going on, because I despise resting for too long a time. I'd rather keep busy, and do something constructive with my time.
The wedding went fine, considering Thomas tried to kill me, but I'm glad he and I got to talk later. I only wish I could have talked him out of his decision, but perhaps I will get the chance, some day. I couldn't be happier to finally be Rikks wife, but I sometimes worry that things will change. When you want something so bad, for half your life and then you get it, well losing it seems terrifying. My hope now is he will listen to reason and agree to me going off my birth control. Then, we can just let nature take its course. After spending time with my nephew I want nothing more than to hold my own baby in my arms. Also, seeing Rikk with our child in his arms, well that would make me possibly the happiest woman alive.
When I think about how things could have worked out, if Rikk hadn't been put on the same ship, it makes me wonder how our lives would be. I may not have ever seen him again, and he may have found someone else. I thank the gods that he was brought back to me.
I'm suddenly feeling the effects of the pain medication. So I'll end on this. I couldn't be more happy that I joined Star Fleet, it was the best decision I ever made. Its given me- my career in a field I love, Rikk, and the chance to move on from everything that's happened to me.
End Log
Personal log: Yasmin Boehm-Westfield
So far the mission hasn't yielded much excitement, but a red alert sounded and I'm on my way to the bridge to check it out. More than likely Rikk will already be there. We aren't so much fighting now as I avoiding talking about anything to avoid the subject of children. I don't understand why he wants to wait so long. Merrick practically accused me of being a spoiled child that isn't getting their way.
After what I found out about him and Lym I don't see why he thinks he can judge my actions. He avoided telling me that it was just a fling. I wonder how Claira would feel knowing her husband is already doing impulsive things like spending the night with someone he barely knows.
I could ramble on about that all night. The thing that worries me is that Rikk and I were so happy before this whole talk. Now we don't talk much and I find myself feeling sad every day. Perhaps I shall go and talk to Fiona about this.
I should after all tell someone about that dream I had when we were on Betazed. I haven't a clue what it's suppose to mean. I don't wish to be angry with Rikk, I wish I knew how to push past these feelings. I know he must have his reasons but he is ten years older and our missions are dangerous.
If I lose every part of him, then I'm finished as well. But, getting him to fully understand that seems impossible. So, for now I'm focused on work.
Well, better not delay the bridge and find out what's going on.
End Log
Stardate 21010.12
Chief Science Officers log
Stardate 21010.12
The mission we are currently on has had its twists, and at one point I was certain about something. I turned out to be wrong, although I'm still very suspicious about what actually went on.
Heres what puzzles me the most, when we got to the Mining Outpost it seemed like whoever attacked them had missed every vital building. Although, they had been left paralyzed and the ion storm would have certainly finished them off. But, the really puzzling thing is that we found that the Breen were responsible.
I studied every branch of science, and although I didn't major in Exobiology I did get good grades in it. So, knowing the Breen as I do it isn't something they would do. The events do not mimic those of the Breen. I feel that someone wanted us to believe it was them. All they took was a shuttle, and no prisoners. Something is wrong with that scenario.
We are about to transport down to the planet, and the Captain put me in charge. I would say I'm ecstatic but that wouldn't even cover the level of excitement. Though my excitement is slightly stifled by the condition on Sakura Prime.
Apparently, theres some sort of viral infection causing the inhabitants to turn into some sort of gorn-like creature. I will know more once I'm there, and able to take blood.
My away team consists of Katherine Rossi, Lymtara Vexx and others. I feel relieved to be bringing friends along, not only friends but excellent officers.
There should be here any moment, and we leave immediately.
End log
Ens Richard Westfield
Personal Log: Richard Westfield
Well, we are back from the wedding. It’s amazing how different the married officers quarters feel. We have a kitchen so that makes me a happy little camper. I’m going to be able to whip meals up for Yas and I.
The wedding was amazing…I mean other than almost getting killed by Paul’s clone and having to beat Thomas within an inch of his life. I swear, I know that he is a friend of Yasmin’s but if I get him alone in a room, I am going to teach him a lesson in manners that he won’t soon forget.
But anyway, the wedding was beautiful. Yas was more beautiful than I have ever seen her, if that were actually possible. The service was great, although standing around in the nude for that long was a little disconcerting after a while. The blessing circle was a little much. During the service it was only my rear…but the blessing was full on frontal for anyone who was there. I survived, dignity intact.
The reception, after taking out the garbage, was lovely. The food was great, the dancing was fun, and it ended with a beautiful moonlit walk along the beach with my lovely new wife.
Back to the grind and I got a singular honor. LtCdr Barret asked me to help him analyze the battle over Kyrten. I am not sure what a help I was, but he did like my holotank. I hope I will be able to work with him some more. He is a whiz with weapons and I could certainly use some advice in that area. Piloting comes naturally to me, but the weapons systems…well I could use some help.
Yas seems a little off the past few days. I hope she didn’t take exception to my little crack about department heads. She knows I am very happy for her and extremely proud of what she has accomplished. Maybe she is second-guessing herself about the wedding. I hope not, she is the best thing that ever happened to me. Maybe we should have a chat when she gats back to the cabin.
End Log
Ens Kathrine Rossi
Personal Log: Kathrine Natalya Rossi
I am not sure where to start actually, a lot has happened since the end of the last mission. I got promoted to Ensign, which is really great. Father was very excited when I told him the news. Speaking of news, I decided not to attend the funeral for Petty Officer Knoxville. If I had not mentioned him before, he was training me when the room catch fire because I ... missed. I can't shoot, but I wanted to learn because of what happened during the last mission, but I think I am okay now. I have had time to think and I talked with my father after I was discharged from Sickbay. He said that even though it look me along time to recover from what happened to Jacob, I am much older now and my time is able to accept the fact that things happen to everyone ... Even good people...
Screen goes back for a moment
...Sorry, I had to compose myself. I think I just have a hard time talking about it, but just like what happened with Jacob, it will affect me as much to say it once my mind accepts it completely. I am not sure how long that will take, but I am hoping that Father is right and that I can move on with my life.
Actually, speaking of life ... since I got assigned to the ship from the Academy there is like a second voice in my head. I do not know what that is about, but it seems like more then just me talking to myself. At times I actually argue with it, I wonder if I should talk to someone about that and see what they can tell me, because I am pretty sure that is not normal.
Well, I guess I should get to Sickbay, this is going to be my first shift back from being discharged, so I hope I do alright!
End Log
Mid Jenson Dulan
Stardate 21008.31
Personal log, Midshipman Jenson Dulan Stardate 21008.31
"Call me crazy but I actually enjoy patrols. People go on and on about the tedium and the boredom of just flying about, along invisible boarders. But they forget that when we are thrown into something "fun," that usually involves someone shooting at us. Give me a nice quite patrol and maintenance duty any day of the week.
"Life aboard ship has improved dramatically since Sileen's transfer. Unfortunately I haven’t seen her much what with duty shifts getting in the way. But the times we have spent together are truly wonderful. Just being able to feel her presence among the crew is what gets me through the day.
"Not long ago the ship was brought to Red Alert shortly before jumping to high warp. I don't have all the facts but procedure would dictate that we are answering a distress call. Which will inevitably lead to some hostile force declaring its intention's for this and that and then the shooting will begin. I'm going to request that’s the first thing they mention at the academy and to the enlisted during basic training. 'No matter what your assignment, posting, or situation. At some point of the month, something will start shooting at you.'
"Oh well can't complain really. Starfleet may not be for those after a quiet life but it certainly gives you an interesting one. But then I can't help but think of an old earth insult. 'May you live in interesting times.'
"Back to work."
End Log.
LCdr Amalek Barrett
Stardate 21010.12
Chief Tactical Officer's log Stardate 21010.12
This is been an unusual mission. Interestingly, what's so unusual about it is how 'usual' it is. All of my missions seem to be filled with betrayal and violence and high stress. This mission has been answering a fairly routine distress signal, and now we are after another one.
That's not to say this mission is boring; it was a mysterious situation at the mining call from which the first distress signal originated. The Breen allegedly attacked the surface, only destroying the life support system and their shuttle for evacuations. We shuttled the wounded to the medical facility on the planet's moon and stabilized their life support system. But something was off the entire time, the way the Ktarians acted, the fact that a Ktarian ion trail was discovered...something's wrong.
Or am I just paranoid from my previous missions? Also concerning, the Ktarian leader, Zaral, complained to me about the Federation neglecting to look into previous visits by the Breen ship and only came [b]after[/b] they attacked. I could damn near hear Johnson speaking the words as he said it to me. I've never thought the Federation was perfect, but have always thought it did more good than harm. Most of the time its 'good enough' to not think about, but if (a big if, admittedly) the Ktarian is telling the truth, its further argument for Johnson's rationale for piracy. I'll have to ask Tregelen later if he knows anything about it.
Instead of following the warp trail, we received another distress signal (which, now that I think about it, came at a very convenient time for the source of that trail, but there's that paranoia again). Boehm was expecting the same situation on this Sakura Prime, and I admit I did as well. However, there seems to be some sort of strange virus mutating the inhabitants.
On the mining colony, since Commander Dempsey is not with us this mission (and the need for shuttle pilots), I was given the FO duty of commanding the away team. This away team is going to consist of science officers, and I can't say I'm disappointed about missing a chance to go down to the site of an epidemic.
Again even this seems a touch suspect, and we're close to three different borders. It all makes me think of that old saying,
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't watching you."
End log.
Lt Sienna Tam
Personal Log
The transition from Sierra 18 to the Titan has been a smooth one. Well as smooth as can be expected. It seems there are a number of planets out here that require Starfleet's aide. One a mining facility, apparently hit by the Breen and now second, a colony over run by a deadly virus.
Neither have proven to be far more of interest then simply 'another day in Starfleet' and these rather run-of-the-mill incidents have allowed me to catch up on a number of crew personnel files I have been meaning to read and paper work that had previously been piling up.
At times my thoughts do wonder to the people down on Sakura Prime. To be trapped on a world surrounded by death, no way of fighting it, your hopes lying on the minds of doctors and scientists of which I personally have little faith in...
If death were to come for me I would want it to come fighting. I would want to be able to stare it in the eye and accept my fate as something that simply bettered me. Something that at least I had a chance to fight.
It makes me worry about Ensign Vexx even more. One of my most promising Officers has recently informed me that she is pregnant. A situation that I feel has put both of us in very interesting positions. I refuse to remove her from active duty until my hands are tied to the point of breaking. To bench an officer like that in my mind is just not an option.
Whether that makes me a bad person I am still unsure. The verdict is out but all I can do is stay true to my convictions, do what I feel is right for my unit and the Titan.
In any case I have been standing on the bridge now for far to long. Though I am not complaining, I get to watch Cdr Tregelen after all....computer scratch that last sentence. I think a few hours sleep and perhaps a boxing simulation might be a good break for me.
End log.