Titan Mission 06: "Ghost in the Machine"
Stardate 20609.15
Captain Joseph Daher Recording:
After the success of the Titan last mission in discovering and disabling an ancient Iconian gateway, we were ordered to the Nebula FSG-477 near the Federation border to search for the USS Denver, a Federation frigate missing for almost a week by the time a distress signal reached Star Fleet Command.
As soon as we entered the nebula, we experienced ship-wide malfunctions. Communications, propulsion, weapons, and everything else was offline. I couldn’t help but feel that we had just met the same fate as the Denver crew. I ordered repairs to be conducted as quickly as possible and that the crew should arm themselves.
I decided to take Lieutenant Pisano along with me to the Shuttle Bay in the hopes that the runabout was not affected by the malfunctions. However, once there I was incapacitated by an alien entity that had taken control of the computer cores.
The Titan did finally manage to rid the entity, but at a costly price. We lost several good men and women and had to eject and destroy all three computer cores. The Titan was towed home by the very ship we had been sent to look for (the Denver too, had managed to rid itself of the entity, albeit with much better success than we had).
Perhaps the worst thing of all was that my wife, Commander Hunter, was incapacitated by the alien. She fell into a coma and it is unlikely that she will recover. The doctors were able to save my daughter – who we’ve… I’ve named Chloe – but I don’t know how I can raise her without Jess by my side.
Captain's Logs
Capt Joseph Daher
Stardate 20604.04
Stardate 20604.04
I have recalled the crew's shoreleave since we have just received new orders from Star Fleet. The USS Denver, a Berlin-class frigate, has gone missing near the western Federation border. A distress singal was sent out to Star Fleet Command shortly before the ship disappeared.
I'm not sure how I feel about the Titan's second mission under my command. I know that I am a capable command officer having served on several ships in command positions, but I don't know if I can handle any more death. We lost several good people on the last mission for no apparent reason. The mission was a failure and the Romulans we captured killed themselves in the brig before they could be interrogated.
On a much better note, Commander Sky has been reunited with her entired family. Maybe this will be the start of good things to come.
End Log.
I have just concluded a mission briefing with the senior staff and the Chief of the Boat about the current situation. We are now en route to the USS Denver's last known location and our ETA is a little over two days.
End Log.
Stardate 20605.17
Stardate 20605.17
After entering the nebula FSG-477, the Titan experienced a system-wide malfunction. All the consoles on the ship started to display Romulan text and then a few minutes later repaired itself. We are currently at a dead stop as we try to determine what caused the problems. I cannot help but wonder if this is the same thing that had befallen the USS Denver and whether or not we will share the same fate.
I do know that we cannot stay here.
End Log.
After seemingly repairing itself from the system-wide corruption earlier, the Titan has lost main power. Communications work, but are being disrupted somehow. Even the emergency lights aren't working. Hell, I can't tell if life support is functioning or if the computer is even recording this log. I have sent May, Gaku, and Halycon down to Engineering to see what the problem is. Meanwhile, the Bridge crew is arming itself in case we are boarded.
End Log.
Stardate 20606.18
Stardate 20606.18
The team I sent from Engineering has reported that we have lost all computer control. Someone or something has erected a forcefield around the computer core and it is blocking all attempts from us to gain access to it. Lieutenant Gaku and the COB remain on the Bridge trying to restore power while the rest of the senior staff is in Engineering working to solve our latest crisis. Lieutenant Pisano and I are on our way to the Shuttle Bay to see what we can do from there.
End Log.
Stardate 20608.31
Stardate 20608.31
After the system-wide failure that we suffered at the hands of the energy life-form, Kyogen, Lieutenant Pisano and I attempted to gain access to the Shuttle Bay so we could get to the runabout and send a distress call. The last thing I remember was trying to crawl under the half-open door before it came slamming down on my head. I was unconscious for the remainder of the mission, so the sequence of events I chronicle next are based on officers' reports.
While the Bridge crew distracted Kyogen by wreaking havoc, Commander May led an assault force to the computer cores. While Kyogen was occupied with the Bridge crew, May, Gregg, MacDonald, and others managed to eject or destroy all three computer cores. This, of course got rid of the entity and therefore the problem, but also left us with our own dilemma—no power.
Luckily, Pisano managed to gain access to the runabout Mississippi and sent a distress call. Our hail was answered by the USS Denver who had also recently just rid themselves of Kyogen by using some sort of radiation. Thus, the very ship we were sent to rescue ended up recuing us. To be honest, I'm very embarrassed and distraught.
The Denver managed to escape Kyogen's clutches with almsot no damage and minimal casualties whereas we were inflicted heavy internal damage and suffered 34 fatalities. I keep replaying the sequence of events in my head to see if I missed something—if there was something I could have done to prevent all of this.
I keep telling myself I'm questioning my decisions because of the officers I lost, but I know it's really about Jess. That bastard Kyogen put my wife in a coma and almost killed my unborn daughter. The doctors were able to save Chloe, but Jess... Jess will probably never recover.
If only she had just stayed behind! Why did she have to be on the ship with me? It wasn't safe for her even if she was a Star Fleet officer. I'm starting to seriously reconsider my career options. I've already lost my wife to Star Fleet; I don't want to lose my daughter either.
End Log.
Stardate 20609.06
Stardate 20609.06
I am on my way to meet with Rear Admiral Odell. He is expecting a full report on the Titan's recent most mission and I'm not sure if I'm the best person to give it to him considering I was unconscious during much of the time.
End Log.
Cdr Nathan May
Stardate 20608.01
Stardate 20608.01
Commander Nathan May Recording:
Captain Daher has removed himself from Command due to injuries sustained in the performance of his duties while attempting to free the ship from the entity that has- possessed the Computer of the Titan.
Titan, despite her name, is dead in space. Corridors are strewn with the dead, or wounded. There injuries have been inflicted and their lives take by enemies they could scarcely have any defense against, holograms. Given the dire circumstances with which we find ourselves in, I have ordered an assault on the Main Core. There are three Teams in total- all working in tandem. Our objective is to rid the ship of this Entity, who I have refused in the record to call by name, either by manually ejecting the core– or by destroying the core.
Ejecting the Core is, of course, preferable but... ridding the ship of this Being, must be accomplished by any means necessary.
End Log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Nathan May
Stardate 20604.04
Stardate 20604.04
Commander Nathan May Recording:
This is my first log entry as the Titan's First Officer. The Titan is still docked at Starbase Alpha, but the Senior Staff has been called together by the Captain, per his receiving our marching orders. So, I expect our departure is imminent.
I am being honest when I say that I'm uneasy, one might even call it frightened, about my first real posting to a Command Position. It all came down so fast. But, I know I can handle it, or I wouldn't have accepted the Captain's offer.
As for the Titan's status, she is fully crewed and stocked from what I can tell- something I will verify with Ops before our departure. There are two new postings to the ship's Senior Staff. Lieutenant Commander MacDonald is our new CEO. I haven't gotten to speak with him in depth yet, but his record seems to speak for itself. Lieutenant Halycon is the new CTO. Though he was formally a Security Officer, his record to is exceptional and I doubt we'll have any trouble acclimating him to his new duties.
End Log.
Stardate 20605.01
Stardate 20605.01
Commander Nathan May
The Titan has been sent by Star Fleet Command to locate the, missing, USS Denver- a Berlin Classed Frigate that went missing a week or so ago. We are currently two hours out from the Denver's last known coordinates and about to pass through a Class 17 Nebula.
It should be noted that the Captain has taken the ship to Yellow Alert and that we will be actively pinging the Nebula as we pass through it. Although the Titan will be lit up like my Mother's Christmas Tree to anyone waiting inside this massive cloud in space, we'll have a better chance of seeing them as well.
Who knows... maybe the Denver's Captain sat the ship down on some Class M Planet for a little unscheduled shore-leave and forgot to send word home. Highly unlikely, but it's far better to think about than any other alternative.
End Log.
Stardate 20605.1
Stardate 20605.1
Commander Nathan May
The Titan has experienced a system wide, glitch. Every station, display panel and computer read out momentarily began displaying all information in the Romulan Dialect. To say the least it was an eerie experience. It certainly casts a shadow on this mission.
For the moment, the problem seems to have corrected itself. For the moment. But if something like this were to happen during a crises, the consequences would be disastrous.
Was it some freak occurrence, or was are we walking into a Romulan Trap which may also have befallen the missing ship we are searching for? I just don't know.
I am reassured though to have such a capable Commanding Officer, and a new Chief Tactical Officer who is thinking on his feet. He has a plan to lure any lurking ships that may be laying in wait for us out of their hiding spots within the nebula. To tell you the truth, I'm envious of the idea. I wish I had come up with it.
I have suggested to the Captain we hold position for the time being to try an ascertain exactly what caused our computer problem... this idea may be a good next step. I'll put it to the Captain.
End Log.
Supplemental Commander Nathan May:
I could handle having to learn to read Romulan, but being dead in space, and drifting through a nebula is a little harder to swallow.
The Titan is dead in space, it's power systems... all of them... having gone abruptly off-line just after the original computer glitch that translated all of the ships displays into Romulan suddenly corrected itself.
Chief Engineer MacDonald has sent teams to check both the power generation and relay systems and the Computer Core itself. So far, neither have reported back. The Core team had set out into one of the Jefferies Tubes just before we lost main power... It must be like a catacomb in there, but Engineers have a knack for finding their way out of Jefferies Tubes in any conditions.
I wonder if a shuttle craft would be affected by all this?
End log.
Supplemental Commander Nathan May:
It has become apparent that the Computer Core still has power. From where and how when the rest of the ship is completely dark is a mystery, but one I am satisfied to live with. It should be noted that as direct communication with the Bridge is down, and given the precarious situation the ship has found itself in, I have ordered that all power feeds to the computer be severed immediately and that word - relayed by Lieutenant Gaku, be taken to the Captain concerning my plan.
I alone assume any and all responsibility for the repercussions of this somewhat drastic course of action.
End Log.
Stardate 20609.02
Stardate 20609.02
Commander Nathan May:
Titan is home. Well,that is to say she is in dock at Starbase Alpha. She'll need extensive repairs across almost every one of her decks, and replacements for both the Main and Secondary Computer Cores that were destroyed during our encounter with Kyogen.
Our Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Rose, was killed in the line of duty. The Captain's Wife and their newborn child are both in Sickbay. It doesn't look good for Mrs. Daher, and my prayers are with her.
And I made my tour of Sickbay. I guess that wraps it up. There are sure to be quesitons regarding my actions in destroying two out of three of the Titan's Computer Cores, and for the record, I am ready to stand by those decisions. Surely, Command will deem them as necessary - or at least justifyable.
End Log.
Stardate 20609.10
Stardate 20609.10
Commander Nathan May:
Titan has been in Dock for just over three days now. Her repairs are progressing ahead of schedule thanks to the combined efforts of the capable staff of Starbase Alpha and our own people.
As soon as repairs are complete, I look forward to visiting home.
End Log.
LCdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 20604.28
Stardate 20604.28
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg
The Titan has started out on a new mission. Star Fleet received a distress message from the USS Denver, so we’re on the job. The task appears to be to find the Denver, hopefully in this universe. If not it will mean finding out what happened to the Denver.
Aside from the mission the job is good. Though I’m wondering what will be my next step will be after this mission. Maybe I just don’t have the motivation to move on or maybe I’m just comfortable being Chief Science Officer. Time will tell.
First priority on the mission is to increase the range of the sensor array.
Time to reinforce the plasma conduits.
End Log.
Supplemental Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg:
As of under an hour ago the Titan has entered a nebula which is between us and the USS Denver. The Titan appears to be without power, yet there have been recent reports indicate that the Computer Core is being protected by a reactive forcefield.
I don’t know how the rest of the crew feels about the situation, but I have the feeling that something in the nebula or the nebula itself is causing this event.
This of course is pure conjecture and yet it reminds me of something I read regarding an ionized supercomputer affecting reality.
End Log.
Liuetenant Commander Edward Gregg:
For the moment the Titan is under our control. How long this will last is unknown. The entity calling itself Kyogen was seen briefly in what appeared to be its natural state. A green cloudlike thing which reacted to physical contact by killing any living being it touches.
How we are going to tackle its next attack is unknown and we are still unaware of the status of the Denver or if her crew is still alive.
End Log.
Stardate 20609.05
Stardate 20609.05 Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg:
The Titan had returned to Star Base Alpha with the Denver. We have either left Kyogen behind in the nebula or we destroyed it. Our freedom was achieved by the valiant sacrifice of Lieutenant John York.
We limped home with the help of Denver, no change there. The crew are looking forward to a relaxing shore leave. At least we’ll be well rested before we get called out again.
One option is a trip to Risa. A little beach time sounds good, might even meet Ensign Gibson. Hope he’ll be up to a visit.
Lt Gaku has accepted the position of Chief Science Officer aboard the Drake. Hope the next one will be as good. This will mean that it'll be quiet for a while.
End Log.
Lt Gabriella Gaku
Stardate 20605.15
Stardate 20605.15
Lieutenant Gabriella Gaku
I figured it was time for a log entry again, haven't done that in a while. I've been promoted to Lieutenant, and Assistant Chief Science Officer! There are some responsibilities with the job, but I'm ready to take them on.
We're going to find the USS Denver. It's a missing starship. But we need to go through a dense nebula. I've got the bridge now, the Department Heads are having their meeting, and I am the highest ranking officer here.
I'm going to stop now, I have some scanning to do.
End Log.
Supplemental Lieutenant Gabriella Gaku:
Looking at the situation, this might be the last thing you hear from me. Kyogen, an alien entity is controlling the ship, and is trying to kill all crewmembers. It shut down the lifesupport on the bridge. Kyogen told us to blame Hennessey, but I don't think he should feel responsible.
There's not much time left, we're almost out of air. We've tried to inflict some damage on it's control, so that it would let us out of here. But it didn't work. My first thought was to break through a forcefield. But I'm not sure that'll help us.
A few of us are already unconsious, and I'm feeling the first signs too. Perhaps there's still a-
End Log.
Stardate 20609.03
Stardate 20609.03
Lieutenant Gabriëlla Gaku:
This is probably my last log entry on the Titan. I'm going to be transferred to the USS Drake. I've taken the position of Chief Science Officer. I don't know anyone over there, and I'm not looking forward to making new friends. Well, I'm not going to think about that too much; I've got shore leave first.
I was thinking of going to Risa. I was thinking the beach would be a wonderful place to be.
Somehow Kyogen was defeated. Then, the Denver found us! Ironic, isn't it? They towed us back to Star Base Alpha at warp two.
Right now, I'm going to take a shower and go to Ten Forward for my last drink on the Titan.
Dear Titan, please keep my friends save...
End Log.
LCdr Noras Tayel
Stardate 20605.15
Stardate 20605.15
Lieutenant Commander Noras Tayel
I haven't made a log entry for a while. You could say I've been a bit... busy. A lot has happened over the past few days. Strange things too. Firstly this is my first log entry aboard the USS Titan, for I have recently been assigned to this vessel as the new, ship's counselor, an assignment which I never thought I would be assigned to. Not to mention the irony, heh. You would never expect that someone with a... mental instability, to put it in 'professional' terms, would end up trying to keep the mental health of others stable. 'Physician treat thyself' would be an appropriate quote in this case...
Although my transferring procedure was quite hasty to say the least, during a briefing about the ship’s next mission, I’ve had my first impression of the rest of the department heads, which included some vaguely familiar faces, so the Prophets haven’t completely thrown me into the deep.
After the mission briefing I've had a most interesting conversation with Captain Daher, my new Commanding Officer… I found our chat very spiritually uplifting. It was almost… enlightening… as if the prophets themselves were lifting my Pagh up. The captain convinced me of it that I will be capable for my new job. I’m happy to say now I’m ready for a new challenge.
About the mission, it is my understanding that the Titan is now on route to find a seemingly missing starship, the USS.Denver. I believe we have to go through a Nebula to reach the last known coordinates. I'm sure this is a fine crew I'll be working with, I do have some doubts about our current mission. I've been quite dillusional about that there might be a conspiracy in Star Fleet Command or something. Maybe they're holding back information. Why else would Star Fleet command send a 'battleship' like the Titan to the job, if there would be no real danger to it. Conspiracy or not, it is no coincidence that we have been assigned with finding the Denver.
I haven't told my ideas about this mission to Captain Daher yet. I don't know if I should. Prophets, he'd probably say I need some counseling sessions myself... which I probably would. Let's just...
Tayel's log is interrupted by the sounding of General Quarters. [All hands, Red Alert!]
Prophets, we’re in trouble already? Better make this quick. In other news, I’m on my way to sickbay now to get a deep neural scan made. There is a possibility that that diagnosis will prove positive results. I’m hoping to figure out my psychological problems I’ve been having for a long while, although I haven’t really taken the time to further research it. Symptoms include hallucinations, acute insomnia, headaches, disorientation, my recent mild form of amnesia and my… ‘dream visions from the prophets’ as I call them, all clearly signs of acting paranoia. Hopefully I’ll find out the cause of this all. I’ll just have to see and wait now… I’ll get back on the results of the Neuragraphic scan after the diagnose has been made.
End Log.
Stardate 20608.20
Stardate 20608.20 Lieutenant Commander Noras Tayel:
At the moment we are still dead in space with limited power, running on emergeancy systems. Thank the prophets the turbolifts are still functional. After I've woken up in a corridor somewhere, a security officer told me that an an entity known as 'Ky-ogen' or something, is responsible for the power faillures we've experienced earlier, and seemingly has somehow succesfully taken over the computer cores, leaving us powerless, dead in space.
No doubt that the same entity is responsible for the sudden dissappearance of the Denver. That reminds me, that now also the Titan will probably be registered as 'lost' back at Star Fleet operations. As far as I know we have not yet been able to locate the Denver, but we still don't even have enough power for thrusters so we're going nowhere either for a while.
I've heared the Captain is... absent aswell. He probably is in sickbay, as Mr. Aldran told me he has called himself unfit for duty, but I'm still not sure about his well being. So Cdr.May must be in charge for the time.
I have every faith in this crew that they will give their 200% to get us running and out of this mess, to continue our mission to bring back the Denver. May the prophets aid both us and the Denver crew. So, right now it's me I should be worried about. When I was unconcious I had one of... those dreams again. As usual they made no sense but I'm wondering if they have something in connection with that 'Kyogen' thing. Maybe a hint or something. I dont know. I guess I'll just have to find out...
End Log.
Stardate 20609.11
Stardate 20609.11
Lieutenant Commander Noras Tayel:
We've just returned to Starbase Alpha after accomplishing our lastest mission. Or rather to report, our mission has accomplished us. After our power was shut down by the entity known only as 'Kyogen', we were... rescued by the starship we were sent to find. Interesting turn of events. Prophets, aid whoever doesn't see the irony in that. Anyway, we've just docked to SBA for some well deserved shoreleave, It's only such bad news for anyone with all the casualties we've had this mission.
From a personal perspective I must say I've come to see things a lot diffrently since I started my career as ship's Counselor at the beginning of our mission. It's true what they say in sickbay: Bridge personenl do get all the fun. Over the past time I got to observe everyone in an entirely diffrent way.
In other news, The um... From both personal and professional observations I've noticed that Captain Daher hasn't been well lastely, mentally. Ever since he got back from sickbay he's... diffrent. I can see something's bothering him. Understanding his usual stubborness, it's no surprise that he hasn't told me about it yet. I'm planning to confront him about it, whenever I get the chance.
End Log.
Lt Aloysia Yvette
Stardate 20609.12
Stardate 20609.12
Lieutenant Aloysia Yvette:
A lot has happened since I arrived on the Titan at the beginning of our last mission. I arrived to accept my first job as a full-fledged doctor and at the same time recieved Assitant Chief Medical Officer. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but I got into the swing of things.
Then, we were attacked, and my actions switched over to automatic. There were so many injured that I didn't have time for personal feelings, just for surgery and patients. I don't know exactly how long I worked with the other doctors trying to save people, but I slept for almost 18 hours afterward, waking only to take a shift. Even then, I think I dozed off a few times in the CMO's officer... my office.
Lieutenant Rose, the former Chief Medical Officer, was one of the many who lost their life. I was forced to step up as the Acting CMO, and I’m not afraid to admit that I liked it. There were some things that I had already observed needed changing around Sickbay, and I didn’t have the chance to talk to Lieutenant Rose about it before we were attacked. Anyway, apparently I did a good enough job because the Captain and First Officer are keeping me on as the Chief Medical Officer.
I think my most memorable patient this mission has to be Jessica Hunter, the Captain’s wife. She received a blow to the head and as a result suffered from a subarachnoid hemorrhage. What was more, she was in labor with her first child. I had to perform a C-section to save the baby while the neurosurgeon was brought in to work on Jessica’s brain. We managed to save little Chloe Jessica Daher, but Jessica fell into a coma. She has been transferred to Starbase Alpha’s Sickbay, but no one thinks she will wake up. Captain Daher hasn’t decided what to do, yet, and in the meantime, the very experienced Commander Sky has been taking care of little Chloe.
I have started to make friends here on board the Titan. I was invited to go to Risa by Lieutenant Gaku, the Assistant CSO, and Lieutenant Commander Gregg, the CSO, was going to come along. I wanted to go, but then I got word that Dr. Harrison had past away.
Bill was like a father to me. He had no children of his own, and so treated me like a daughter as well. He taught me so much. He had at least thirty years of life left in him, but the shuttle accident was so bad…
Bill had a couple of siblings, but he left his estate to me. That I really can’t believe. I took care of everything, the funeral and such, and met with his lawyer. He left me his house and everything in it. It’s a beautiful place, and it’s nice to know that I’ll have somewhere to call home outside of a starship. But it’s so huge…
It’s going to be hard to not have him to communicate with or see when I’m on leave. Now the only close friend I have is Carine, and she’s still on the Edison. I doubt we’ll have leave at the same time.
I’m staying in Bill’s… in my house right now. I can’t quite make it a home yet. I’ve hired the housekeeper he had to keep working on it. He left a lot of money in the bank, even after the amounts he asked to be donated to various charities. I won’t ever have to worry about keeping the house nice.
I’m not sure what I’m going to do for the rest of my leave. Maybe some traveling here on Earth.
That's all for now.
End Log.
LCdr Stewart MacDonald
Stardate 20605.19
Stardate 20605.19
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
The Titan has suffered some sort of virus or corruption. I am at a loss as to what or how it happened. I have detailed a team to work on this and find out what happened.
As far as we know the computers and displays all changed to Romulan. How those sneaky buggers did this I don't know.
My intention is to find out how it happened and what caused it in the first place. I don't trust the Romulans as it is without them corrupting my ship's systems.
I am confident that Johnson will find the answer to what ever it is.
End Log.
Stardate 20609.04
Stardate 20609.04
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
Well it has been an eventful time for the Titan. Our most recent mission was a complete turnaround. We were sent on a mission to rescue another ship. In the end the other ship ended up saving us.
The Titan is operating well below efficiency this is due to all three of the computer cores being destroyed. This was due to an alien entity taking over the cores and controlling the ship.
It is my sad duty to report that Lieutenant John York was killed in the line of duty. He beamed himself and the secondary core out into space. Where he detonated a grenade in close proximity, destroying both the core and the alien entity.
We were successful in transporting York back aboard the Titan. However the injuries from the explosion of the Core proved to be ultimately fatal.
I also have to report various other deaths and injuries due to the entity creating holographic characters who proceeded to attack the unprepared crew.
On a personal note i am glad that Ruth was unharmed, I would also commend the medical team for all there hard work and dedication. The Titan is currently docking at SBA where the ship will undergo repairs.
I have opted to forego my shore leave to supervise the repairs to the Titan's systems. I will also have to oversee the installation of the new cores.
End Log.
Mid Marcus Nieden
Stardate 20610.16
Stardate 20610.16
Midshipman Marcus Nieden:
The last few hours have been incredibly busy. We were on a secret mission of some sort (I never did fully get to know what that was, since CEO MacDonald wasn't able to attend the briefing, and - like always - Engineering got shunted over to some unlucky team member), and we had a fight with the Klingons.
Took care of them easily enough, but several got onboard during the fight. Two of them got near the warp core, where they - along with two of our crewmen - were vaporized, and one of them manged to sneak into Engineering through a power conduit. I got off a lucky shot and was able to take care of him with my phaser, though we lost two more crewmen in that encounter - one shot by the Klingon and one crushed under the Klingon's falling weight.
As an aside, I was acting helmsman for a few heartbeats during the battle. Didn't actually have to do much of anything, thank God, but it was definitely another illustration that Star Fleet officers are called upon to do whatever is necessary to help the ship, no exceptions.
I've been asked to purge a specific section of memory from the computer, and to drop all core systems and reload them from a previous point. I don't know why, exactly, though that memory point is a globally shared module, so it's highly likely that it involved some systems which had been compromised in some way.
Engineering took some pretty heavy damage during the fight. The Klingon that attacked us was targetting the control panels for some reason (instead, thankfully, of shooting at yours truly)... he managed to take out about a quarter of them before being killed. The crew is working pretty hard at repairing them, but I'm pretty sure most of them are going to require some pretty serious part replication in order to bring them back online. With the replicators disabled due to the core system reload, that probably isn't going to happen for several hours yet.
Oh - and there might be a Klingon warrior still running around the ship. Rayne, who seems to be in charge right now, said something about there potentially being two Klingons left onboard before leaving. I got one of them, and, hopefully, someone got the other one. Engineering's been pretty battered right now, and our security detail just left, so hopefully we're all set with that. I'd forgotten to ask them if they had taken out the other Klingon or not - or, indeed, if there was actually another Klingon onboard.
Oddly enough, there was a shipwide communication saying that Commander Avark was to be taken into custody if found. I'd heard that he had actually left the ship on a shuttlecraft. Surely, though, if we saw him take off with a shuttle, we could tractor that back in?
Once this is done, I'm going to try and get some face time with the rest of the crew. I feel like I've been really isolated over the past little while, and an operation like this has really highlighted just how little I actually know about the operations of the Titan. I'm not at all trying to be critical of any of the commanding officers in this log - I've learned that you need to get yourself involved in life, rather than expecting life to involve you.
I miss Raluca and the kids. I hope I get a chance to see them, soon. The Titan is going to have to send in a casualty list shortly, and that is really going to panic some people back home.
Bastard Klingons.
End Log.
Midshipman Marcus Nieden:
The core systems are still offline, and the crew was getting real jittery, so I went into the whole "insane leader" bit to take their minds off of what they were doing. I think it worked - nobody has freaked out to this point, and all seem more intent on interacting with and placating me rather than worrying about the situation as a whole.
Our progress has been good. We're just about done cataloging all the damage, and the replicators should be back online any minute now... once those are online, we'll have the parts replicated and installed within a couple of hours. I'm not sure of the long-term effects of the engineers having seen me acting like a madman; I'm just happy that we didn't have anyone go into an emotional meltdown. God knows that this ship is damned eerie when everything is offline, and having internal COMMs and sensors functioning once again will go a long way towards restoring normalcy.
I'm also writing in to put in a commendation for Petty Officer John Futch. During this encounter, he has proven himself to be a loyal crewman, and indeed stuck his neck out to protect what he felt were the operational interests of the ship.
The good side about the ship's downtime is that there haven't been able to be any communications with home, so Raluca doesn't know the state we're in. Hopefully, I can dash off a message before word gets out.
End Log.
Stardate 20611.13
Stardate 20611.13
Midshipman Marcus Nieden:
The Titan has entered the Tharos system, and we are approaching Tharos III. It's not entirely clear what action we're about to take, but the Philadelphia has rendezvoued with us... and I believe an away team is going to land on the planet to capture Avark.
I can't imagine what they are going to encounter down there. We can't attack from orbit, nor even scan the planet, due to the Duonetic field that is a part of the atmosphere. I can only hope that they are going heavily armed, as I suspect there will be a lot of Klingon presence on the planet.
On a side note, I managed to get a comm back home before we moved into this system, letting Raluca know that I'm okay. She looked awful... obviously, she had heard of the fighting that we were involved in with the Klingons in the first bit of that Avark business, and now we're in blackout mode again as we continue on. I'm not sure how I can reassure her that things will be okay, when I really don't know that they WILL be okay. Ashlee wasn't around when I comm'ed in, and I have no idea what she's been told - if anything - about what has been going on, here.
We're not at war, thankfully - I don't know how this type of life would be sustainable over the long haul.
End Log.
LCdr Lideah Brackett
Stardate 20608.22
Stardate 20608.22
Lieutenant Commander Lideah Brackett:
I am extremely proud of the way my officers were able to pull together, and fight with all they have. I am proud of the fact the crew fought hard over the greatest of odds, the way we stood together, the way we were able to put all differences away we stood together. We fought against an strange computer enimy that used holograms to do its dirty work.
On a special note a Midshipman Aldran. I am extremly pleased with his profermance in his first mission on his new ship. Under pressure of beeing new on the ship fresh out of the accademy and not to mention the fact he seemed like he really wanted to impress me, witch he did. I havent seen a preson like him ever since my love, and my husband Karl. They fight with a passion they fight for the people they love, and when things are all said and done they stand tall they stand proud. That is the kind of officer every ship prays for. As for now he is a fine officer and I see in the future things will only go up from here.
End Log.
Stardate 20611.10
Stardate 20611.10
Lieutenant Commander Lideah Brackett:
There are is a lot to be proud of. My new security officer makes me proud on and off dutie. He is displaying a talent that is better than I could have hoped for. There are going to be a few things I am still going to have to show him but there are a few things that he is going to have to teach me too. When we report in for the next shift I have a trick up my sleeve for him, and it is going to be a good one.
End Log.
Mid Horza Aldran
Stardate 20607.09
Stardate 20607.09
Midshipman Horza Aldran:
This is my first personnel entry since joining the USS Titan. I have arrived on the ship in the middle of a major incident. The ship appears to be without power, floating lifelessly in space. We are in the middle of a nebula, and the main computer seems to have been corrupted by an unknown entity, calling itself Kyogen.
What this entity is, or how it has become as one with the computer baffles me. I do know, however, that it’s intentions are not benign. It has threatened to kill every crew member, and as far as I am aware, has already caused the death of many of my fellow colleagues.
I have left the bridge, on my own to try and locate the Captain, who, according to reports, may be injured. As to the extent of his injuries, it is unclear.
I hope I can find him in time...
End Log.
Stardate 20608.01
Stardate 20608.01
Midshipman Horza Aldran:
I, like so many of my comrades, are feeling the strains of the past few hours. Commander May devised a scheme to try and either eject, or failing that, destroy the computer core. I think we all feel that it is maybe our last hope of defeating Kyogen.
I still don’t fully understand how this entity could have so easily invaded and taken over our ship, and with such apparent ease. Whoever or whatever this thing is, it must be extremely powerful!
I have seen so many of my colleagues, dead or dying. My first mission with Star Fleet might well turn out to be my last. Since my last entry, I tried to reach the Captain..but I have failed to find him. The last I heard others were with him, but his condition was deteriorating. I hope they can get him to sickbay….although, if we fail, it might be a wasted gesture.
Commander May has just detonated a plasma grenade, trying to breach the blast doors surrounding the core… I’m looking around at the others, and I can see the pain and despair in their faces, and I know that my face shows exactly the same.
I’ve heard a report from the bridge….and things seem even worse up there. Only 12 decks above me, yet it may as well be in another solar system. So close, yet completely unreachable!
I’m going to have a look at the doors now, see if we can enter the core. If I am going to die on this ship… I swear that I will take Kyogen with me.
End Log.
Stardate 20608.29
Stardate 20608.29
Midshipman Horza Aldran:
I feel exhausted by all that has happened these passed hours. We have all given so much, yet all the pain, the anguish and sorrow has been worth it. The Titan still stands. Although we have suffered terrible loss, we have succeeded in defeating Kyogen.
I have also accompanied my Department Head, LCdr Brackett to deliver a death message. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Passing on terrible, life destroying news to the loved ones of those killed in action.
I have seen that Brackett cares so much for her staff. She feels for them all, and is willing to give her own time, even though she herself has a family, over to helping them. I realise that this is part of becoming a great Officer. I know that I can learn so much from people like Brackett. She has also made me her Acting ACOS. I feel very privileged and honoured by this. I hope that I do not let her down.
We are heading back to Starbase Alpha, which is an adventure in itself to me. I know that the Titan will need major repairs, and may be in dock for some time. I plan to use this time to get to know the crew more, and to offer my help in anyway possible.
I need some rest now.
End Log.
Stardate 20609.16
Stardate 20609.16
Midshipman Horza Aldran:
A lot has happened since my last entry. The Titan returned safely to Starbase Alpha and major repairs have been conducted. The ship is operational again. Shore leave was initially granted, and I took the opportunity to explore the Starbase.
This didn’t last long though, the Captain has recalled the crew, seems’s as if we have another mission to conduct. I have returned to duty, and beginning to look at the numerous, normal routine tasks aboard ship. Although some of these duties, compared to the excitement of the past mission are quite mundane, I realise that this is all part of daily ship’s life.
On a more personal note, I met with Lideah Brackett aboard SBA. It seems that her husband and daughter have left and gone to Earth. I don’t know whose decision this was, whether it was jointly made, yet I am concerned at how it has left Brackett feeling.
Having never had a family, it is difficult for me to empathise. I can’t imagine the pain and sadness she must be going through. Although, that being said, I have no doubt whatsoever that Brackett will continue to lead by example, that her personal life will not affect her professional one.
Well, I guess I should get back to these reports… they certainly won’t write themselves, and I want to get everything in Security running smoothly for when Brackett arrives.
End Log.