Titan Mission 07: "Order of Abraham"
Stardate 20708.30
Commodore Joseph Daher:
After accepting the position of 2nd Battle Group Commander, I was ordered to take the Titan to tack down the SS Hippocrates, a Federation medical ship. It had altered its course to take it into the highly volatile Federation/Romulan Neutral Zone and was not responding to hails from Starase Bravo.
Due to mechanical problems, the Titan was unable to reach the Hippocrates before it crossed into the Neutral Zone. Against standing orders, I instructed the helmsman to follow the ship and prepared to use our torpedoes to disable the ship's engines. A few of my officers including Commander May disagreed with my orders and instructed the COB to place me in the Brig.
In order to diffuse a life-threatening situation, I complied, but was sprung for the Brig by officers loyal to myself. We retook command of the ship and continued with the mission. We discovered that an unstable mental patient aboard the ship, calling himself "Abraham", and a few other patients had taken over the ship.
We managed to disable the Hippocrates and send a security team over to retake the ship. Before we could get power restored, however, a Romulan warbird, the RIS Donatra, arrived and demanded that the Titan surrender the Hippocrates and withdraw fom the Neutral Zone.
After an intense battle, the wounded Titan managed to secure a tractor beam on the Hippocrates and escape to Federation space with the help of the USS Tokugawa.
Captain's Logs
Cmdr Joseph Daher
Stardate 20703.22
Stardate 20703.22
Commodore Joseph Daher:
The Titan is enroute to Starbase Bravo after repairs and shoreleave. The mission to Tharos III has been tough on the entire crew, but I hope that the time spent on leave was enough to rejuvinate them.
I'm heading to SBB to assume the position of Commander of the 2nd Battle Group. The former Battle Group Commander, Admiral Otlan has been reassigned to Star Fleet Command. I only hope I can fulfill my new position to the best of my ability.
End log.
Stardate 20704.01
Stardate 20704.01
Commodore Joseph Daher:
The Titan has been diverted to the Federation-Romulan Neutral Zone by Admiral Luhan. A medical ship, the SS Hippocrates has altered course on a heading that will take them into Romulan space and they are not answering SBB's hails. Our objective is to stop them before they cross into enemy territory.
We're on an intercept course at maximum warp and I can only hope that we ccan reach them in time. Whatever happens, I have full confidence in the crew's ability. We've faced tough situations before and we've always come out on top. We will do the same here.
End Log.
Stardate 20704.26
Stardate 20704.26
Commodore Joseph Daher:
Attempts to hail the SS Hippocrates have failed. The ship dropped out of warp, launched an escape pod, and shot back into warp heading for the Neutral Zone.
There is one life-sign aboard the pod, so we are investigating. I only hope we can still catch the medical ship before it crosses the border.
End Log.
Stardate 20705.23
Stardate 20705.23
Commodore Joseph Daher:
We picked up the escape pod launched from the Hippocrates and an unexpected guest, a former colleague of mine, Lieutenant Commander Theodore Froh. Apparently he was ordered here by Star Fleet Command to serve as my Strategic Ops Advisor for this mission. I get the feeling Luhan is spying on me.
Several mechanical problems have hindered our attempts to stop the Hippocrates. A power surge has shut down Sickbay and knocked out our long-range sensors, causing a collision with a comet. Luckily we had dropped out of warp and the damage was only minor. While all this happened, the Hippocrates crossed into the Neutral Zone.
We're going to launch a Class 9 probe and use it's long-range sensors to scan ahead of us as we pursue. I'm stating in the official log that I'm contravening standing orders by crossing into the Neutral Zone. I will accept full responaibility for my actions when we get back.
End Log.
Stardate 20706.06
Stardate 20706.06
Commodore Joseph Daher:
Repair crews are still working on our damaged systems and to make matters worse, an unknown pathogen has breached our containment fields. Of all the things to slow us down, a damn virus. At least we can go to warp again.
Under the guidance of our Class 9 probe, we've continued the pursuit of the Hippocrates. Hopefully we can reach the ship in time—there are no signs of Romulan activity in the area, but they're out there. I can feel it.
End Log.
Stardate 20707.22
Stardate 20707.22
Commodore Joseph Daher:
A lot has happened since my last log entry. Commander May and Commander Froh tried to mutiny and they almost succeeded. They placed me and a few officers who had stood by my on the Bridge into the Brig. Lcukily Alec, Graf, and a few other loyal crewmen broke us out of the Brig and we easily retook the Bridge. I am back in command now—I don't have time to to worry about May and Froh's fate, but they will most certainly be dealt with once this mission is over.
In the meantime, we've managed to stop the Hippocrates before it crossed the Romulan border, but we're still in the Neutral Zone. "Abe" has taken over the ship and is holding hostages. He has some kind of scattering field in place so we couldn't use our transporters to beam them out. Since he's threatening to kill the hostages if we try to stop him from crossing the border, an away team has been sent to the ship.
There are still no signs of Romulan activity, but my gut is telling me they're out there... waiting.
End Log.
Stardate 20707.29
Stardate 20707.29
Commodore Joseph Daher:
Sensors have picked up several neutrino emissions on the far end of the Neutral Zone. It appears the Romulans have building a secret base in the Neutral Zone, a direct violation of the Treaty of Algeron. But we don't have time to worry about that now.
Before we could leave the area, a Romulan warbird, the RIS Donatra decloaked in front of us. Her captain, Commander Rival has ordered us to leave the area and the Hippocrates behind. After I informed Rival that we already transmitted our data on their secret base to Star Fleet Command, they attacked us.
I'm not sure if we can save both the Titan and the Hippocrates. The repair crews need to hurry or both ships will be lost.
Stardate 20708.19
Stardate 20708.19
Commodore Joseph Daher:
Structural integrity failed on Decks 4 and 5 and those decks collapsed, killing at least two. Commander MacDonald managed to get the Hippocrates' power back online. Securing the medical ship in in our tractor beam, we tried to make a run for the Federation border, but we could only maintain Warp 3.
We were close to being overrun by the less damaged RIS Donatra when we received a transmission from the USS Tokugawa, a Sun-Tzu Class destroyer. The destroyer entered the Neutral Zone and forced Rival and the Donatra to withdraw. We returned to Starbase Bravo under the Tokugawa's escort.
The Titan is severely damaged and although we completed our mission, there will be a lot of things to answer for. I violated the Neutral Zone and even though we discovered a secret Romulan base there, I think Admiral Luhan has had just about enough of my "cowboy tactics".
Only time will tell.
End Log.
Stardate 20708.26
Stardate 20708.26
Commodore Joseph Daher:
The JAG inquiry has found no fault in the case of the mutiny due to the fungal pathogen that was affecting the crew at the time. The judge recommended to Admiral Luhan that she issue a formal reprimand to me for violating the Federation/Romulan Neutral Zone.
Apparently, the fact that we found the secret Romulan base was enough to avoid the court-martial. Still I feel like I should have punished; like I deserved it. I guess I need to remember that we were all under a lot of pressure - and that pathogen. Although I don't like making excuses.
I have a lot to prove to Admiral Luhan next mission and I will.
End Log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Nathan May
Stardate 20707.25
Stardate: 20707.25
Commander Nathan May:
We're here. Where I never dreamed we would be. Have I put us in this situation? Am I to blame? I only did... what I thought was best– it was best dammit... Allowing the Commodore to fire on that ship would have been wrong. So, I took Command.
I acted. It was by the book. Two other Senior Officers backed me up. Damn this itch. It's everywhere now. And the cold. I feel like Im on Andoria, or one of their blasted ships.
Engineering says they're on top of the malfunctions that have continued to crop up since we left dock. I think someone down there is... no... no wait. Can't give in to paranoia. They're good people.
I'm trying to keep it together. I admit, in my current condition I am unfit for duty, but Im not leaving the Bridge. Someone helped Daher take back Command. I have to watch him. Romulans have shown up and so far he hasn't gotten us killed.
A new Midshipman just reported in. Joe's put him at the Helm... mistake... no experience... Joe isn't right in the head anymore...
End Log.
Stardate 20708.24
Stardate 20708.24
Commander Nathan May:
Williams said it best, Betrayal is the only truth that sticks. I wonder how long it will stick with me. Will Nathan May be synonymous with Benedict Arnold? I feel like Arnold. He betrayed his fellow countrymen in the thought and hope that he was saving them from certain death in a long and brutal war only to die knowing he had cast them off in vain.
What I did, I thought was right. Now, looking back, Im not sure that if I had been of sound mind at the time that I would have done anything differently.
Will this go to JAG? Or will it be buried under so much red tape and classification because of the base we found that it will never see the light of day? Have I helped to start a war or advert one? Was that a base we found?
I am sure Base Security will be here soon to escort me off the ship and to a holding cell, and I am resolved to go peaceably, but let this be on the record here and now. I acted with the best interests of my ship and crew at heart. It was my judgment based on the facts and events at hand that I relieving Commodore Daher was the right thing to do and I did it according to regulations and presidence.
As a friend I would have walked with him into Hell, but as a First Officer... or in the state of mind I was in at the time, I couldn't. We had to stop the Hippocrates then, and I did. Otherwise we might have crossed the Romulan Border and then we would have never made it home. I also couldn't let the Commodore fire on a dated Starship carrying medical patients and possible civilians.
I did what I did because I thought it was best. The dammed thing about Command is, you never know you're right until it's all said and done with.
End Log.
LCdr Stewart MacDonald
Stardate 20705.20
Stardate 20705.20
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
I have returned to active duty against the advice of the medical staff. My operation was viewed as a success. Even though I nearly died during the operation.
The Titan has launched on this mission with nearly all the senior engineers having been transferred. There is only myself and Lieutenant Carson left. All the other engineers are Junior Grade Lieutenants or below.
I am please that Nieden's promotion has came through. He doesn't know about it yet as we are arranging a little ceremony for him and a few others.
I feel that one day Nieden will make a good Chief Engineer. He has some stuff to learn but he is coming along fine. He will almost be after my job soon.
Well the ship is running fine. There are no problems to report. We are heading towards the Romulan Neutral Zone to catch another Federation ship. Hopefully everything will be ok.
End Log.
Stardate 20705.05
Stardate 20705.05
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
Well things have been going well for myself. I have decided that I will ask Ruth to marry me. Things between us have never been better.
I face a dilema though she has been offered a job back on Earth which I believe she is taking. I have made a few discreet enquiries and have found that there is a position within Star Fleet Engineering for myself on Earth. It would probably signal my retirement from active service as a Chief Engineer on a starship.
I feel that given my recent operation that this may be a good change of scene for myself. I have been pushing myself to hard and I think it is taking it's toll on me physically. Thankfully I have a few good men to rely on for help.
Carson has also told me that he has accepted a new posting back at Star Fleet. He will leave as soon as we return to Bravo. This means that the Titan will have lost nearly all the senior engineers. I have kept the information from the official log as Carson doesn't want anything interfering with his duties.
I will have to speak to Ruth to see if she would be up for having the Commodore conducting the ceremony onboard the Titan. Although I am assuming that she will not say no to marrying me. Which I don't think she will.
Additionally she recently made Lieutenant Junior Grade. She will probably make full Lieutenant soon anyway. Her new posting at Star Fleet Medical will see her undertake her course to be a Doctor. I wish her well.
End Log.
Stardate 20708.22
Stardate 20708.22
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
Well this mission has been true to form. The Titan has been damaged once again. I am going to get a reputation of having bad luck on the ships I serve.
We managed to get the Hipocrates under her own steam once again. I have transfered back across to the Titan to try and effect some repairs to the systems before we return to spacedock.
I have reviewed the damage reports and the casualty record. Other than a few mior injuries the Titan suffered only one fatality when part of the outer hull failed.
Crewman Mortis is a credit to Star Fleet and this will be reflected in my official report. I have arranged with the Captain to have a short memorial service on our return to Bravo.
The rest of the crew will recover by the time we reach Bravo. I hope to have most of the minor repairs completed by our return. We have effected a temporary repair to the hull breach that claimed Crewman Mortis. Having checked the damage myself it is lucky that it was not worse.
The structure was suffering fatigue at that spot. I have instructed that an inspection of the full ship should be undertaken to avoid any similar incidents in the future.
On a more personal note Ruth has asked me to marry her. I gladly accepted and will need to speak to the Commodore about performing the ceremony.
End Log.
Ens Marcus Nieden
Stardate 20705.10
Stardate 20705.10
Ensign Marcus Nieden:
CEO MacDonald has asked for a way of improving the output of the ship's engine so that we can make our rendezvous faster. I've come up with a way, but to say that it's dangerous is putting it mildly. As soon as the computer can work out the rest of what needs to be done, I'll present it to him.
It's my first real attempt at cobbling the ship together in some assinine way of achieving a short-term goal, and it's kindled a spark that I've not felt for as long as I can remember. Throughout history, some of the greatest ship engineers guys like Montgomery Scott and K'varr Tram, made names for themselves doing stuff like this. Obviously, my little hacks aren't anywhere near what they were able to accomplish - but to be able to feel what they must have felt... to push the mechanics of a Starship beyond what most people would consider sane and practicable in the middle of Deep Space.. it's something I could never describe.
Of course, Mac could shoot the whole thing down. Can't say as I'd blame him - it's pretty damned risky.
We're heading in the direction of the Neutral Zone at maximum warp, and being asked to do it even faster. That can't bode well, though I don't yet know why we're going there. Whatever it is, I'll make sure we're ready for it.
Ral can't possibly know where we've went - we were asked to put out so quickly, that I haven't had a chance to send her a note. I'll do that as soon as things stabilize a bit around here.
She's going to be furious.
End Log.
Stardate 20707.20
Stardate 20707.20
Lieutenant Junior Grade Marcus Nieden:
The Titan has been on the verge of self-destructing at a time when we need her most. We're right on the edge of a conflict with the Romulans over some damned stray Federation vessel that we're apparently about to fire on - God alone knows what the hell the Bridge is thinking. That's not for me to decide though.
The ship has been infected with a pathogen, and everyone, including me, has been scratching like mad. Worse, the entire sickbay deck's gelpacks were infected with the virus. After a power surge that blew out several key systems in that area, I had to have most of the crew putting in hours just removing all of the gelpacks and replacing them with opto-mechanical nodes just to keep power levels sane. Even better - I had to move sickbay to Holodeck 3.
At least nobody has died. Yet.
We just had an explosion in Engineering, and Carson has been emergency transported to Sick - err - Holodeck 3 for medical treatment. I didn't even have time to check his vitals before beaming him off - though it looked really, really bad. I want it recorded that Lt. Carson may have saved my own life with his sacrifice, as he pushed me away from the blast radius before the console went off.
There has been so much patch work going on around the ship that I honestly haven't got the faintest idea what's been going on on the bridge. There are times that the frustration level reaches the boiling point, because it seems like I'm running around fixing a ship that is intent on flying itself apart without being able to help out with the broader strategic picture - but that's an engineer's lot in life, I guess.
Long range sensors are down. We're about to tackle those, but I'm not sure that we'll be able to bring them up before any Romulans are on top of us.
On the good side, if we end up in a firefight, weapons and shields are in good shape. The Titan ought to be able to handle anything that those Vulcan wannabes can throw at us.
End Log.
LCdr Noras Tayel
Stardate 20703.29
Lieutenant Commander Noras Tayel:
After two weeks, six days and approximately fourteen hours, according to vulcan standard, heh, on my trip to Vulcan, I am now aboard a runabout en route to rendezvous with the USS.Titan. I had permission from Capt Daher, who is promoted to commodore while I was gone, to visit Vulcan for personal study, and to take some time off while I was there. I might imagine that I have missed out on some good action while I was absent, however my vacation on Vulcan were worth the time.
I have to say that my extended shore leave was even more than I could possibly imagine. Even the trip there was unforgettable for this simple Bajoran mind. I was fortunate enough to share the shuttle with several Vulcan monks, just returning from their Pilgrimage through the Quadrant. As Vulcan as they were they were not too talkative but were open to my questions nonetheless. At one point they were even free enough to share with me the very... extended, philosophy of someone called T'nek. Who seemingly was a very famous nun in 2256, although few other species know of her, because of the lack of interest, they told me. I found it very... fascinating.
I begun my holiday in the Vulcan institute of science. My guide Serik had arranged for me a tour along many places of work that could be interesting for my study in Vulcan work ethics. I've never seen such organization before, every Federation starship could learn greatly from their ways, to work much more efficiently. They were very appreciative on that comment, but they also noted that they found it illogical for me to compliment the employees on their work, mainly because it would have no improving influence on their tasks, as they stated that that's where compliments in other societies were meant to. I can't say it's completely clear to me but because they're Vulcan, I'm sure it's logical in some way.
Another highlight of my vacation was my trip to the Monastery of P'nal, on the western hemisphere, A very inspiring location I might add. I was sort of invited there by the monks I had met on the shuttle craft. Truly one of the most peaceful places I have every seen. It's beauty I can't express in words, so I will not even bother trying to do so here. They welcomed me with interest. At first they found it a bit curious for a Bajoran to have great interest in Vulcan. They merely... tolerated it. Coming from Vulcan monks that means a lot. They showed me around the site and even allowed to let me experience one of their prayers, which I found a bit boring and dull, mainly because of saying the same annoying chant for many hours. Even Bajoran meditation isn't that long. But the experience was very interesting anyway.
I also showed them my Medical Holoprogram of a Vulcan temple that I use for Counseling sometimes. The monks were kind enough to point out the flaws, and adjust it accordingly, based on facts, logic and historic events, to make a realistic view of life in a Vulcan Monastery. I'm happy to say, my vacation was a success.
We've just entered the system where the Titan is located. I already look forward of seeing everyone again. I noticed on the new crew manifest that there are also some fresh faces. I think I'll have to make it my first order of busines of making up a psychological profile on them.
End Log.
Stardate 20705.28
Stardate 20705.28
Lieutenant Commander Noras Tayel:
My regular duties as Counselor have been rather delayed and uncontrolled since I got aboard again a few days ago.
In a hurried briefing I have been ordered by Commodore Daher for a sickbay shift, so I am kept from my official duty for a bit longer. However, the updated crew manifest notes that a few new transfers are stationed in the medical department. I guess I can put that to my benefit and try to get to know them better on a professional basis, while I'm in sickbay. A good combination and an efficient use of my skills.
Also I have noticed during the briefing that Cdr.Brackett has shown some hostility toward me. I have not been in personal contact with her much in the past, so I have no real explanation for this sudden... emotional outbreak on my comments. Personally I suspect the COS was a bit upset from my... impartial but still realistic statement on Romulans. Considering her mixed heritage she could have been a little upset or perhaps even insulted by me, and taken the comment personal. I'm not sure about how she personally feels about Romulans. I have no real basis for that but I'm bound to figure it out. A certain amount of caution is advised.
I think everyone's a bit on edge because of our current mission. I'll do my best but to my opinion that's not too problematic right now, and shouldn't have too much effect on the crew's duties. It'll probably resolve itself over time.
In addition, Commodore Daher's case is still under progress. No real psychological diagnose or resolution has been made yet. Continue investigation.
End Log.
Stardate 20705.29
Stardate 20705.29
Lieutenant Commander Noras Tayel:
Since the moment I beamed over again I've had my hands full. Upon my arrival I seemed to be just in time for the mission briefing. Unfortunately it came to an end quite soon, but the main point was clear to everyone. Our mission is to intercept a medical transport which has deviated from it's original course, and keep it from crossing the Romulan neutral zone, where it's currently heading. We seem to be closing in on our objective.
The Cmdr has assigned me to assist in sickbay. Apparently my abilities are best served there at the moment. However I personally feel it's often mistaken when a good counselor could be useful on the bridge, you never know when some negotiation skills could be needed.
I do have a bad feeling about it. It almost seems to me every time Joe puts me up for a shift in sickbay, he knows something nasty is about to happen. Basically all I can do right now is wait and pray to the prophets for a good outcome when it does.
In additional note: I have not heard from my... 'dream companion' in a while. Could maybe my visit to Vulcan have something to do with it? I'm not really sure if it's absence is a good or bad thing. But I guess it's at least a little positive. Who needs a paranoid Counselor anyway... right?
End Log.
Ens Eric Winfield
Stardate 20708.24
Stardate 20708.24
Ensign Eric Winfield:
I am so pleased to be finally off duty! I am so looking forward to the shore leave on Starbase Bravo.
The mission itself has been unusual for me to say the least. To begin with we had to move the ship’s medical facilities to holodeck three due to failures of the gel packs that were operating in sickbay. Upon close examination of the gel packs it was discovered that a pathogen was spreading throughout the ship! With the co-operation of other departments we managed to find a cure and were able to administer to entire crew against this virus.
As for the actual Sickbay I hoped by the time when the leave is over it will be back into full operation. I have heard news of a new CMO being assigned to the Titan for the next mission. A malfunction sickbay is certainly not something a new CMO would want to see.
End Log.
LCdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 20705.03
Stardate 20705.03
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg:
As of five hours ago the Titan was redirected before it could reach Star Base Bravo. We were later informed that a medical ship the Hippocrates had altered course and was headed for Romulan space. Of course the Titan has been tasked with the retrieval of the Hippocrates, her crew and the patients onboard.
At the current time the Titan is altering course to intercept an escape pod which has been jettisoned from the Hippocrates. It is noted to have on life form onboard and whoever or whatever it is will most likely be questioned on arrival, if all is safe. Due to this change in the situation the launching of a mobile duonetic field emitter has been postponed or cancelled depending on Commodore Daher and the actions of the Hippocrates.
On a different note. It was a welcome surprise to see the return of former First Officer Vaebn Tei. He has recently taken up the post of Chief Tactical Officer. Yet no explanation is forthcoming regarding the reason for his return.
Also it has not gone unnoticed that his presence aboard the Titan in the eyes of some officers of varying ranks is about as welcome as a herd of Targ at a Ferengi Commerce Authority meeting. For the moment things are just simmering. If hostilities occur there will be trouble. I can only hope that those who distrust him will learn to value him as a reliable member of the crew.
End Log.
Stardate 20707.04
Stardate 20707.04
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg:
Over the past couple of hours the following events have virtually disabled the effectiveness of the Titan and her crew.
According to an eyewitness report from Crewman Moto the presence of Lieutenant Commander Froh, the new Strategic Operations officer, is having a detrimental effect on Commodore Daher and an almost disabling effect on the chain of command.
After the retrieval of an escape pod from Hippocrates a number of the members of the crew have succumbed to an unknown pathogen. The symptoms appear to start as itching which spreads, continues as a chill of sorts and then further as an irritation of the lungs causing a mucus discharge similar to colds flu and the disease commonly known as hay fever. Antihistamines appear ease the symptoms but as yet a permanent solution has not been found.
Following a mutiny which has not been fully explained, Commodore Daher, LCdr Tei and Crewman Moto have placed in the Brig.
The presence of Crewman Moto in the brig is easily explained, since I had given him orders to pacify LCdr Froh if he turned threatening. Froh's hatred of people of Romulan ancestry has not been appropriately veiled and is harming the running of the ship. I can only hope his attitude will be changed soon.
Commodore Daher has been relieved of command by Commander May, but the Commodore has been placed in the Brig rather than his own quarters. As for LCdr Tei I do not know what he has done to placed in the Brig.
Hopefully the situations which have occurred will be resolved by the time the Hippocrates has been retrieved and before the Romulan Fleet takes notice of the Hippocrates and the Titan.
End Log.
Log #3
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg:
The Titan is docked at Star Base Bravo. Repairs are continuing as usual. It would be nice to return to a Star Base without needing a total ship repair, but I guess that is just the way of things.
With “Abe” and his followers in custody the Hippocrates and her passengers should be back on their correct course. Of course there are still too many mysteries such as the reason for the hijacking of the Hippocrates and the Romulan base in the Neutral Zone.
Then there’s the fallout from the mutiny, if it ever comes to anything. Crewman Moto explained to me the actions of Commander Froh and his response. At this time it is impossible to know if something else could have been done. The pathogen, its affects and the antigen have been fully catalogued and the research passed on to Star Fleet Medical.
Looking forward to some R and R now, just waiting for the aches and pains to end. The sooner the better.
End Log.
Lt JG Horza Aldran
Stardate 20706.28
Stardate 20706.28
Lieutenant Junior Grade Horza Aldran:
So much has happened since my last log entry. I don’t really know where to begin. I guess I’ll start at the good points. I have been promoted to Lt[JG], along with Marcus Nieden from Engineering.
It is such a boost to receive promotion. I have received more responsibilities and duties to accompany the rank. Yet I am looking forward to the challenges! I know it will be hard work, and I am prepared to put my time in, I just don’t want to let any of my more senior Officers down.
I am still Assistant Chief of Security, and enjoying the role. Brackett seems to have confidence in my abilities, and again, I don’t want to let her down. She has taught me a lot over the past months, how to delegate, how to command people. I still have so much to learn, but I’m loving every minute.
We are currently on mission again, chasing down an errant Medical ship that appears to be heading for the Romulan Neutral Zone. The reasons behind this are unknown, and although I sincerely hope not, I can’t help but think there is some foul play involved….more than likely on behalf of the Romulans!
Tensions have increased on the ship, directed to the handful of crew who have Romulan heritage. Prejudices are difficult for people to handle. I know that having been the only Angosian to have joined Star Fleet to date! It is part of my duty to monitor the racial tension, and act accordingly if needed… not an easy task!
On a personal note, I am still with Emilia. I care so much for her, she is never far from my thoughts. We thought that she may have been pregnant. I thought that I may be a father!... but it was a false alarm. She isn’t pregnant, and to be honest I don’t know how I feel about that. I haven’t had chance to speak with her much about it, I’m not sure what to say.
My friend, Cate Jones, in Engineering seems very distant. There is something troubling her, but knowing Cate, it will be difficult to get her to open up. Once we resolve the issue with the medical ship, I’ll try and speak with her. If only to sit and listen….I think Emilia may have spoken to her, but she hasn’t told me what it was about.
I best be getting back to my duties... we will close with the ship soon.
End Log.
LCdr Lideah Brackett
Stardate 20708.24
Stardate 20708.24
Lieutenant Commander Lideah Brackett:
This last away mission was a success, my team made it out of it alive, the prisoners were all saved and I did not come back here with any extra holes in my body this time… Al though this is said I have the sad feeling of dismal failure. I failed my ship and her crew. There was a lot I should have been able to stop but couldn’t this will mark the start of my shame. *Brief pause for a drink* I tried so hard to be sure that my staff was ready for anything but my reports I got back say other wise. Or it could have been their way of helping to retake the ship. Either way one thing is clear. I am getting too old for this and Eva is to young to go through life with out me. The last of her parents. I hope some day when everything is said and done I can learn to forgive the one person I could never in the past… myself.
End Log.
Ens Laurianna Freya
Stardate 20707.04
Stardate 20707.04
Ensign Laurianna Freya:
Wow! I can't believe what is happening aboard this Ship. I seriously doubt this what the Academy believed would be happening aboard the newly designated Flagship of the 2nd Battle Group. Mutiny has ravaged the bridge crew, hardly any of the senoir staff remain in the Command centre, except for Cdr May and Lt Surac. All of the other officers are junoirs, including myself.
I am very scared with what Cdr May has done, true Commodore Daher was over stepping the boundaires. But a full blown mutiny was not necessary, or well I didn't think it was. Now I am worried that I will get a reprimand for not helping the Commodore.
No, you were just following orders! You can't get in trouble for that.
Now Commander May is coming over to me, better get back to work!
End Log.
Mid Ian Graham
Stardate 20707.27
Stardate: 20707.27
Midshipman Ian Graham:
Alright, things seem to be going quite well. Ensign Freya was called away from her station and I was immediately plugged into the conn. I must admit, I don't really like the conn and in all honesty she can have it. The bright side of the situation is now I have something quite important to do. Makes me feel like I will be able to fit into the crew here without much of a problem.
The Commodore seems pretty stressed, but I suppose the same could be said of the First Officer. I imagine a mutiny would take a lot out of a person. Thankfully I missed most of that endeavor. Doesn't sound like something I would want to be a part of.
In other news, I was tinkering around with the computer today and found a way that we may be able to get an increase in power out of the phaser systems. It wouldn't be much, maybe only a 2.25% increase, but thats still two and a quarter better than it was before. I'm not entirely sure who I would bring this up to, so maybe I should just lay low for a while and continue my research. Who knows, maybe I can even get 3%?
Man... I love weapons technology...
End Log.
SSgt Alec Daher
Stardate 20705.05
Stardate 20705.05
Staff Sergeant Alec Daher:
What was supposed to be just a short visit to see my brother has seen me become a passenger on his ship while it undertakes its surprise mission to the Romulan Neutral Zone.
I'm worried about Joe given his feelings towards the Romulans and even moreso since Star Fleet Command assigned Lieutenant Commander Tei, a Romulan, to replace his Chief Tactical Officer.
Unfortunately, all I can do is sit back and watch. Joe is a good CO, but he is very emotional when it comes to the Rommies. I hope that doesn't blow up in his face.
End Log.