Titan Mission 09: "From Kronos with Love"
Captains Log
Capt Alexis Tregelen
Stardate 21004.11
Captain Log Stardate 21004.11
We have been ordered to the Kyrten system, home to a recently warp-capable race to facilitate first contact. Star Fleet has been monitoring this planet for some time now unfortunately the planet is very close to the border. It is unknown if their recent breaking of the warp barrier has peaked the interest of anyone else.
We are currently en-route and I have called a meeting in my ready room with the senior staff.
End Log
Crew Logs
Mid Rikk Westfield
Personal Log Rikk Westfield
I did it. I finally commed and spoke to both of them. I don't think either of them were really surprised and both gave me their blessings. I knew Mori would but I was a little concerned about Merrick. We did spend a lot of time together and he knows me better than most people...except possibly Marcus.
He knows my temper and what I get like when I lose control. Hell if it hadn't been for him and Simon, I probably would have killed that Ferengi that attacked Yas. But he said there was no one he thought was a better match for his sister and he would love to finally call me bro and mean it.
As for Mori, I know she thinks I'm a little old fashioned for asking, but I was raised by Pops that way and I'm not changing now. But she was thrilled to give me her good graces and agreed to my request. I hope that Yas doesn't flip out on my, but I think that this is the perfect way to show the world how I feel about her. I can only hope it gets here before we ship out on our next mission.
End log
Personal Log: Rikk Westfield
Just got back from Carraya. It was a great time. Met a lot of great people and ran into some old friends from the Academy. All in all it was a pretty nice trip. Although it was not great news for the Romulans, I'm hoping that Starfleet can help them.
In other news, I let Yas in on the secret...well part of it anyway. She knows I'm gonna propose, she just doesn't know how or when. I'm sure she'll be surprised. She told me she wanted a traditional Betazoid wedding. Looks like I'm gonna be naked. That's ok though. I have very little shame anyway. I guess she forgot my dad was Ambassador from Earth, so I've been to a few weddings already.
Speaking of proposing, it came. Mori sent it right after I commed her. Boy is Yas going to be surprised. Now I just have to set it all up. I'm guessng it will be during our upcoming mission so I'm going to talk to Captain Tregelen about this and see when he thinks it would be a good time for this.
Here's to good things.
End Log
Mid Simon Thompson
Personal Log: Simon Thompson
The ship is well on her way with the latest mission now. Just hope everything goes well. The new First Officer LCdr Dempsey seems ok, he took the joke about the corkscrew manouvre with some humour. Mid or should I say Ensign Westfield and Ensign Boehme are plainly in love. Hope I am on duty if they decide to get married onboard. Weddings and social gatherings are not my kinda thing. Not having anyone back on Earth too think of makes me wonder why people join Starfleet if they have someone whom has been left behind.
Maybe one day I will understand.
End Log.
Ens Yasmin Boehm
Personal log: Yasmin Boehm
We reached the planet and I'm off to start my shift for the day. Things have been changing so quickly I feel as if my head may spin off my shoulders. I am so happy Rikk finally asked me to marry him. I keep looking at my ring, even someone yesterday commented on how distracted I was. I need to stop that it's going to get me into trouble. It's easier when theres more to do, I'm hoping the mission picks up a bit and keeps my mind focused. I spoke to Rikks father again. I haven't told Rikk but he's been more busy than me. I asked him to walk me down the aisle. To my surprise he accepted without any negative comments, and referred to me as Yas. I hope this isn't some game he's playing but I don't think so. He's getting older and I think he regrets things that have happened. When he talks to me it's almost like its not even the same person. Anyway, I must get down to engineering soon. All this wedding planning is doing my head in, I'll be glad to get the wedding done. I will enjoy it and what it means but planning it has got to be the most stressful thing and its only started. All well, in the end I'll be Rikk's wife and that makes it all worth it.
Time to start the day.
End log.
Personal log: Yasmin Boehm
I got to accompany the Captain and other crew members to the planet. Just before I left I sent a comm to Rikk's father again, letting him know what was going on. I also felt it necessary to inform him of what I knew and that Rikk knew as well. I haven't heard back but I will assume that he will be quite angry with me. Not that it matters, I have been nothing but honest and if he doesn't respect that then thats his problem. I just couldn't show up, spring it on him then Merrick and watch them fight it out like barbarians. If he chooses not to come then maybe its for the best. I do hope he decides to come and face it finally. I can't take much more of the charade I was forced to put on my whole life. It's time to start a new clean slate, that includes the wedding and this secret coming out. Rikk doesn't know yet and I'm not sure I will tell him for awhile but I think I found Merrick's birth mother. I will only turn that information over to Merrick, if he so chooses to want to know her. The more I think about it the more I think that Jon was planning on telling everyone at the wedding. It could explain why he's been acting so strangly. Part of me hopes there isn't something wrong with him, but I dont think so. I will be relieved to get it all over with, once everyone knows I can finally feel free. Well, back to work, theres much to do and I'm anxious to know it all.
End log.
Personal log: Yasmin Boehm
The mission proved to be an 'interesting' one at best. The fight with the Klingon was by far not my favorite part but I'm glad its over. I can't get it all out of my head, and it's going to take months of meditating not to see his face when I close my eyes. One thing that keeps me going is knowing the wedding is soon. In fact, we leave early tomorrow for a few days. I'm nervous about our two familes being together in a room. Although some of my family is wealthy, most are like my parents and I foresee some arguments. I hope my mother can keep a cool head around Jonathon, and I hope he doesn't try to pull any of his tricks. I have been kind of distant from Rikk, but it's not been easy dealing with things. I will have a talk with him as soon as we're settled.
Oh, I am sure I'm in for it when the Captain gets a moment. He didn't look happy with me when we were down on the planet. I only hope he can understand why I did what I did. But, I better get some rest for my trip.
End Log.
Mid Dulan
Stardate 21007.07
Engineers Log
Stardate, 21007.07
Current and previous damage reports for mission up until present have been attached. The following is the personal account of Midshipman Dulan.
"As you can see from the reports, the damage was extensive. Impulse and thrusters took the brunt of it but otherwise all systems were affected. To clarify only damage to the rear torpedo launchers, along with some hull damage was sustained from the battle. The rest can be linked to an Anti matter explosion within the Impulse drive assembly.
"I take full responsibility for this explosion as it was a direct result of my orders. A malfunction in the forcefeild projectors caused a continent failure. It was later discovered that a Cardassian vole infestation was the root of this problem. I recommend that a team of starbase engineers hunt down every last one of these little buggers when the Titan enters dry dock for repairs.
"End log."
LCdr Dempsey
Stardate 21007.10
First Officers Log
Stardate 21007.10
I intend to submit my resignation as the Titan's First Officer to Captain Tregelen forthwith, and it is my sincere hope that he will accept it and allow me to transfer off of the Titan immediately. Even a brief examination of my actions during the recent action highlight the fact that I am completely unsuited to act in the role of First Officer.
I breached multiple Star Fleet regulations during the mission by allowing the actions of an alien race to dictate my command of the Titan during the mission; specifically, acceding to the demands of the Kyrten Admiral and lowering this starships shield arrays. This left the Titan completely undefended during a critical period of the mission, and directly resulted in the death of a crewmember when a Klingon vessel opened fire and inflicted severe damage on the Titan.
In addition, the fact that junior members of the crew feel able to openly question my command decisions during the mission indicate not only that said decisions were in fact incorrect, but that I am unable to command the respect of this crew due to my failings in the role of First Officer.
Should the Captain agree to my request, as I believe he has every right to do so, I hope to transfer back to Star Base Alpha for reassignment. Perhaps there is a starship that requires an experienced Chief of Security; that would seem to be the highest-ranking role I am capable of performing.
End Log