Titan Mission 01: "What Are Friends For?"
Stardate 20211.05 Captain Tam Otlan, USS Titan, recording.
After serving for some time under Captain Daniel Wueste aboard the USS Valley Forge as First Officer, Star Fleet decided to give me my own ship. The USS Titan is a Light Cruiser and attached to the Second Fleet.
Upon taking command of her and receiving the bulk of the USS Avenger's crew, I requested LCdr Joseph Valiant as the Titan's First Officer. Our first mission was to patrol the Romulan border near Klingon space. Upon arrival we received a distress call from a Klingon warship.
Setting a course, we soon discovered a single Klingon ship being attacked by two Romulan warbirds. After a heated battle, which left both the Klingon ship and the Titan damaged, we managed to defeat the Romulans and effect minor repairs. The Klingon Captain spoke to me of Romulan ships using the area as a bridge into Federation Space, not even bothering to stop when attacked by Klingon patrols.
This information only proved that Star Fleet's concern about that area of space was justified. Setting course for the nearest Starbase to complete repairs, we received new orders that would send us to the Sheridan Nebula near Romulan Space. Apparently my former Captain had taken his new ship, the USS Gettysburg into the nebula and disappeared.
The USS Philadelphia, under Command of Captain Raymond Gage was to meet us there and coordinate the search.
After a brief meeting with both senior staff's, we determined a likely search pattern and began looking for the missing Battle Cruiser. Both ships detected a type of 'wake' in the nebula and followed it to the exit point, which was very near Romulan Space. After a brief but intense scan into Romulan Space, we soon detected several cloaked Romulan ships and were ambushed.
The Gettysburg joined the fight, having detected our ships on their way back to Federation Space, but we were still greatly outnumbered. The Republic, having received the Philadelphia and Titan's distress call, set an intercept course and helped turn the tide of battle.
After a brief ceremony aboard the Republic, ordered by Fleet Admiral Beckett, I was promoted to Captain. Cdr Ysiadina Lanael was promoted to Captain and assigned as the CO of the Philadelphia, Captain Gage was promoted to Commodore and assigned as CO of the Republic, and we have returned to Starbase One.
Captain's Logs
Capt Tam Otlan
Stardate 20210.11
Stardate 20210.11
Captain Gage has come up with a plan to search the Nebula as quickly as possible. It was good to see he and Yssy again, even though it hasn't been that long since leaving Starbase One.
I guess during times of war you try and hold on to the people you call 'friend' and learn to cherish the time you spend with them, even if it is only a few minutes every few weeks or months.
The person that would have made the meeting complete is the reason we are out here searching.
Where the hell are you Dan and what's going on?
Those of us who are closest to Captain Wueste agree that he likely has taken the Gettysburg into Romulan controlled space to bring back a lost crewman.
I can't honestly say that if it were me I would do anything differently. However, I'm dismayed at the fact that there has been no sign of the Gettysburg yet. Either she has gone further than we thought, or she is unable to return.
Part of me can't help feeling that if I were still there as FO I could have made a difference, but the truth is that I am just as stubborn as Dan and would have likely backed up his plan, no matter how illogical it might be.
We can only do our best and hope to find the Gettysburg, and her crew, in one piece.
End Log.
Stardate 20206.13
Stardate 20206.13
In an unexpected turn of events, I have been given command of a Zeus-Class cruiser, the USS Titan CL-2007.
Since coming aboard I have had only a skeleton crew, but they have performed well and have gotten the ship ready to launch.
The rest of my crew will be coming from the USS Avenger. Apparently she was badly damaged and the command crew is considered lost. I do not know if that means they have been disabled, or killed, but I will endeavor to find out.
When everyone is aboard, I plan to launch. I have already received my orders, though lacking in glamour, they are important.
We are to patrol the Romulan/Klingon border near Gamma Eridon. The Romulans would no doubt like to use that area as a route into Federation Space, and the Klingons suffered a crushing defeat there.
With any luck it will be a simple patrol and we won't have to face any warships.
Then again, I have never been one to run from a fight.
End Log.
Stardate 20206.28
Stardate 20206.28
So far the ship and crew have been performing excellently and I have no complaints to report.
I was rather surprised by the transfer of the USS Avenger's crew, but it has worked out with none of the normal issues that come from such crew merging.
Commander Valiant is proving to be a capable First Officer, which I had no doubt of, though he does seem to be concerned with how he will perform under pressure.
None of us know that until the time comes, but I have every faith that he will serve this ship and crew with distinction.
I have retained the Department Heads from the Avenger and made Lieutenant Commander Himbog, the CSO, the Second Officer. I feel that he will fill the position well and will help to make the command crew of the Titan well-rounded.
Commander Himbog and Lieutenant Donaghue are both currently working on a torpedo that, if it works, will help to disable Romulan cloaking devices. I can only hope their efforts work.
The Titan has arrived at Gamma Eridon and we are beginning our patrol route. I'm not sure if Star Fleet expected the Romulans to suddenly jump out and yell 'boo' but I doubt they will make themselves known to us if they can avoid it, we shall see what happens.
End Log.
Stardate 20207.06
Stardate 20207.06
We launched a series of probes to improve the range of our sensors and one of them has detected weapon signatures matching Romulan and Klingon design.
The Titan is currently en route to the readings and we are preparing for the possibility of battle.
While I myself have been in battle many times, it was never while in command of a starship and a crew of more than 1500 lives, all of which are my responsibility.
Regardless of what Star Fleet says about duty, I still have to consider the lives of those under my command as I make my decisions.
If we find Romulan ships engaged in battle with the Klingons, we will join the fight. LCdr. Himbog informed me that our smart torpedo would be ready to use if we need it.
Here's hoping the Titan lives up to her namesake.
End Log.
Stardate 20207.18
Stardate 20207.18
We arrived at the scene of a battle between two Romulan Warbirds and a lone Klingon Battle Cruiser. The Klingon ship was being hit hard by the Romulans, but now that we are here, the sides are evened.
We have taken some damage to our shields, but we have managed to avoid any serious hits. The special torpedo LCdr. Himbog brought to my attention has been fired and it appeared to have the desired effect, but we won't know for sure until the Romulans attempt to cloak.
If they attempt to cloak.
If we survive the encounter, I would like to speak with the Klingon Captain and find out exactly what happened here. Until then, we will continue the fight.
End Log.
Stardate 20208.16
Stardate 20208.16
The Titan managed to survive her first battle with the Romulans, suffering only minor overall damage. We have however lost all use of our torpedo launchers.
After destroying the warbird that attacked us, we rescued and helped affect repairs on the Klingon ship Gorkon. Her Captain had some disturbing information regarding the Romulans using Gamma Eridon as a gateway into Federation Space which I will report to Star Fleet as soon as possible.
Four Klingon ships arrived to escort the Gorkon back to their nearest base for repairs and the Titan was en route to Starbase Eighteen for similar work, when we received word from Admiral Scott at Star Fleet Security.
Apparently the USS Gettysburg, a ship that I was assigned to as First Officer before getting command of the Titan, has gone missing.
Captain Wueste, my friend, commands the Gettysburg and I am anxious to get to their last known coordinates so I can confirm for myself that the ship was not destroyed.
I know she was not destroyed.
I have asked LCdr. Valiant to come to my Ready Room, for I wish to discuss what has happened. He and Captain Wueste went to the Academy together and I'm hoping that he can give me his thoughts on the disappearance of the Gettysburg and what he thinks Dan could be doing.
If I am wrong, and the Gettysburg has been destroyed, I'm not sure how I will react.
End Log.
Stardate 20209.12
Stardate 20209.12
The Titan has rendezvoused with the USS Philadelphia at the Sheridan Nebula. Captain Gage will be beaming over with his senior officers to discuss what to do about the missing Gettysburg.
It will be good to see Captain Gage, and his FO, Commander Lanael again. Yssy and I served together for the bulk of our careers and I have known her even longer than I have known Captain Wueste.
With all of the officers present that know Dan well, hopefully one of us will have some insight as to where he may have taken the Gettysburg and we can come up with an idea to find her and bring her home safely.
I can only guess where he has gone, but even if I am correct, that won't point us in the right direction.
End Log.
Stardate 20210.29
Stardate 20210.29
The search for the USS Gettysburg has brought us to the edge of Romulan Space. Both the Titan and the Philadelphia came across a sort of 'wake' in the nebula that led to this spot.
Judging by the size of the wake, we can only assume that it was the result of the Gettysburg passing through this area.
Upon our arrival at this location, we were attacked by an overwhelming force of Romulan vessels.
Both Captain Gage and I have sent out distress calls, which were answered by the USS Gettysburg. While it is good to know that Dan and his crew are alive and well, we now are facing down a large number of Romulan ships that are likely more than we can handle.
End Log.
Stardate 20211.04
Stardate 20211.04
After a ceremony aboard the Republic, hosted by FAdm Beckett, I have been promoted to the rank of Captain. I also have promoted LCdr Valiant to the rank of Commander for his excellence in service to the USS Titan as her First Officer. We have been ordered to return to Starbase One where we will receive resupply and repairs, as well as new orders. Also, we will be guests at the wedding of Captain Wueste and LCdr Samantha Aster.
This mission was not an easy one and the crew was thrown almost directly into battle without the benefit of having served together for very long, but I think that they have all proven themselves to be the best a Captain could ask for.
End Log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
LCdr Joseph Valiant
Stardate 20208.06
LCdr Joseph Valiant First Officer Joseph Valiant's Log stardate 20208.06
Wow, never thought this day would come, I'm actually making my first personal log as First Officer. Though I really enjoy being in this position of command, I can say that I do not enjoy having the safety of the Captain and crew in my hands, and knowing that if I make a mistake their safety might be compromised.
So far our mission hasn't been good, but it hasn't been bad. We arrived here and started our patrol, not far into it we encountered a Romulan ship attack a Klingon ship. After a time of fighting that killed several officer we fired overloaded Quantum torpedoes, the resulting explosion destroyed the Romulan ship but the shock wave hit us while we were trying to escape, causing damage to our weapons systems and leaving several hull breaches. At the current time though the Commander is aboard a Klingon ship that we tractored away from the explosion, and I have sent our ship to a small asteroid field to help give us cover while we commence repairs. I can say with all honesty that so far the crew has performed beyond my expectations, and have handled the outcome of our mission thus far well.
Commander Otlan is a fine leader and CO. From the appearance he has set thus far and had I not known before taking this position that he was a fresh CO, I would have thought he'd been commanding starships for years.
LCdr Himbog, he's a Ferengi what more can I say? hahaha, no he's a fine officer, and knows his job. I'm quite proud to have him as the ships 2nd officer, and his service thus far for the ship has been great.
Lt. Donaghue, our ships Chief Engineer...though I get this impression that he really doesn't like me one bit, I can say he does his job very well, I mean, the ships still in one piece after all.
Lt. Davies, our Chief Tactical officer, he's doing a fine job so far. Though I had my quiet doubts about him, that I didn't even share with the Commander, I've grown quite proud of the tactical officer formally under me in my Tactical Department on the Philly. I can only hope I've had a positive influence on him in the past, and hope that I taught him something about being a Chief Tactical Officer.
As far as the rest of the Department Heads on the Titan, I can't really say. Most of them I haven't been around enough to base an opinion, but so far based on what I have seen I feel that the Commander has mad wise choice making them Department Heads.
CE Lt David Donaghue
Stardate 20208.03
Lt. David Donaghue Chief Engineers Personal Log Stardate 20208.03, Belayed Entry
The Titan has handeled very well in her first scrape, although I was disappointed that the Dilithium had bee destroyed, the Valley Forge had taken more damage than the Titan on Etlban and its Dilithium had remained intact.
The Titan shiftover from the Avenger was very swift, and I do not know of Commodore Longbows condition as of this moment, I am worried about my former CO and I hope she is alright.
The Titan has worked out very well, though for most of the crew onboard this is their first starship and many have just graduated from the Acadmey, I will be curious to see how well they perform under pressure... Also serving with Commander Otlan has been a great privilage of mine, even though I was only an ensign when I served with him he still holds a certain fine quality of a Commanding Officer.
Our current FO, LCdr Valiant, I do not know at all, though I am suspecting that he has just been drafted from some desk job, he seems to hold the rules in high order, and has been down in Engineering many times, more times than usual for any command staff... Though I do not want to place judgement on him early, maybe by the end of the mission things will change...
All the other members of the crew who filled Deptartment heads are highly qualified and I have every confidence in their skills, I would easily trust my life with them, just as they would mine.
End Log and Save
[Log Saved]
Stardate 20210.10
LCdr David Donaghue Chief Engineers Log SD 20210.10
Our mission has taken a turn for the worst, The Gettysburg has went missing somewhere around this sectors...
I don't know what to think, my old Crew, missing, If I had not been placed here I would have been among them... I can't help thinking about why Captain Wueste would do it...
I am torn in conflicts... I bearly knew Wueste, but know that he wouldn't just go anywhere without reason... But maybe he has went insane, like Shecter has suggested... I don't know, everyone seems so confident the Gettysburg is safe.
It doesn't add up.
On other matters, The Anayon Torpedo has been a sucess, but I have let science have all the glory and fame, since it was mostly their work and I only supervised the production.
All I think about these days is finding the Gettysburg, and finding all my friends safe again, somedays I wish I'd gone to the Shipyards...
Maybe one day
[End Log]
Ens Celeste Sky
Stardate 20206.28
Ens. Celeste Sky Medical officers log, Stardate 20206.28
My first day on my second starship has been uneventful. Lt. Perry (my CMO) had Ens. Nyva and I replicating common drugs just in case we have a rush of patients. I personally hope we all remain safe. The problem is I can tell that Daniel hopes we see some action early on. I miss home. I think the next time I have holodeck time I am going to make a home program. The warm sun and the apple blossoms sounds so appealing right now compared to the cold space outside the bulkheads. One would think that after a year on a ship with Daniel I would be used to this but I always feel a little homesick. Even better than earth my early memories of Betazed make me wish I could be in three places at once. The ship I have been assigned to is beautiful in it's own right. I have already finished decorating our quarters and everything in them reminds me of home. I remember Mother, my two sisters and I sitting in a circle working on the matching drapes, pillows, sheets and tablecloth. I will always cherish our time together.
Love and kisses to all of you at home.
"Computer stop and save log. Send this portion to the Clemens home, Mercedes, France; Earth."
[Message sent]
"Resume log"
News from home: My little brother Alma has been rejected from Star Fleet Academy, meaning that he has to wait another year and compete for a spot with his twin sister Aimee. Aimee didn't take the exams this year to have more time to prepare.Mother is thrilled that her "Baby" is staying home for another year. She hopes he will learn some patience while he waits. Alma has always been the reckless one in the family. I hope he mellows out too. Garret, my step-father, was hopeing that one of the twins would decide to stay home and learn the to take over the apple orchard but Destinia has decided to instead. 'Tinia has always been great with plants and Garret is happy she chose to stay instead of "Gallavanting around the Universe." like my other siblings and I.
Duty calls.
Celeste Alina Burton Sky
"Computer save and end log"
[Log saved]
Stardate 20207.27
Ens. Celeste Sky Medical officer’s log stardate 20207.27
It has a long day so far and it is far from over. I began my shift feeling fine, but my body had other plans. Tinia and Aimee you won’t believe this, I’m pregnant! I guess I'll be the first. I found out this morning almost the same way Mama did when she had the twins. It didn’t really sink in for me until we went to red alert. From what I hear we are engaged in battle with the Romulans. Some injured people are coming in. I’ll finish later…
Computer save log
[Log saved]
Log #3
LtJg Celeste Sky Celeste reviewed the last log and decided to delete it. Better to start anew.
“Mama, Garret, ‘Tinia, Aimee and Alma,
How is everything at home? Home in space is interesting to say the least. Yesterday morning started out normal enough… But it was anything but normal. I suddenly lost my breakfast on a bio bed during my first shift. Ens. Nyva scanned me and told me the most wonderful news. Mama, I’m pregnant! I’m about six weeks along and I have a good feeling about this. I barely had time for it to sink in before we went to red alert. We were fighting Romulans on the behalf of Klingons. I helped treat many injured people before the ship rocked the final time and I was called on an away mission to the Klingon ship that we rescued. I became quite grumpy and rude with the Klingons which actually helped our situation by forcing them to listen to me. When I came back aboard I was very tired but Daniel surprised me with dinner on the holodeck. I guess I can say that things are going great for me. I still long for home, I hope I can go on leave before the birth. I have nine more months to go.
I love and miss you all,
Celeste Alina Burton Sky
Computer save and send message to Mercedes, France Earth”
[Message sent]
“End log”
I don't know much about Betazoid pregnancies but humans don't get morning sickness until the sixth week or so. I figured I would stick with that. Don't forget to look in the Earth section!
CSO LCdr Himbog
Stardate 20208.24
LCdr Himbog Chief Science Officer, LCdr Himbog, SD 20208.24
This mission has been as eventful as every other, yet for some reason it seems to get harder every time. With news now that the Gettysberg has gone missing, we don't know what surprises could be around the corner. I'm not a fan of war, I don't expect anyone to be, but this is turning out to be more than a meak battle between races.
We have made edgeways, which I assisted with. The development of an anyon torpedo helped us stop the enemy from using a vital piece of their technology - the cloaking device. I am proud to have been a part of that.
As we head off to find the Gettysberg, no one can tell how many enemies we'll meet on the way. We just have to proceed with our mission and try our best not to make it end as the Yoritomo's did.
[End Log]
Lt JG Nolin Lopu
Stardate 20208.23
LtJg Lopu Science Officers Log, Nolin Lopu, SD 20208.23
The torpedo worked. I am exuberant over this discovery. I had a hand in Devloping a weapon that could aid in the war. I had as much a hand in it's development as anyone but Himbog. Our first real test of it was during battle circumstances. The Titan performed Admirably, destroying 2 Romulan warbirds with the assistance of the IKC Gorkon. I now have confidence in our Bridge crew, knowing them to be the Equal of the any crew out thee. After the battle I had a hand in reactivating the Titan by finding Dilitium crucial for repair work. I met a rather surly Midshipman, whose beleif that expeireince should trump over rank. Arret quarreled with him but I managed to head it off.
Computer end Log, and Save.
[Log Saved]
Stardate 20211.04
LtJg Lopu Science Officers Log Stardate 20211.04
Soon, I will leave this ship, and go to serve on another. When this starship reaches port I will be transferred to the USS Yorimito, a ship with a Long and valiant history. I have confidence in Star Fleet for picking the right captain, and Believe that I will be safe in his hands. I only write this as a addendum, a perhaps final token that I know will go with the ship.
This ship has a great crew and I value her, her crew, and her captain. I am glad with the knowledge that the ship will continue on. I only hope that I will find something like this on board the Yorimito. So I say goodbye, for now, and perhaps we shall meet again some day, for all cannot judge their own path nor set them as they wish.
CTO Lt Davies
Stardate 20208.22
Lt Davies Chief Tactical Officer Lee Davies's Log stardate 20208.22
This is my first log as Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Titan. I arrived on the ship and pretty quickly we met the Romulans. We were locked in battle for some time and our ship was badly damaged. Repair work has begun which I myself helped with but soon found out I am not cut out to be and engineer. I met a fat head engineer, Lt JG Lacardo who seems to hate anyone above him and anyone who is not an engineer. I have only took chance to eat and relax.
I have noticed we are headed for the USS Philadelphia. It will be good to see my old ship again. I am hoping to beam aboard her if I get chance and meet some of the crew. I am betting Valiant will be eager to beam aboard the Philly as he also served on the Philly with me.
Computer, end log and save.
[Log saved]
Ens Arthur Flynn
Stardate 20206.28
Ensign Arthur Flynn Ensign Flynn, Tactical, Personal Log Stardate 20206.28
Had a long first day, was one of the first TO's on board the Titan, but we had some people show up from the Avenger.
I think it will be slightly difficult adjusting to the quiet of a starship, after the bagpipes at home and parties at the Academy, but I'll manage. So far everything is better than I hoped for, my CO and FO seem to be worthy of their positions and trustworthy, the replicators can almost recreate the best spaghetti in the world, not quite. I have to go to the bridge soon, my shift begins.
End log
[Log saved]
Log #2
LtJg Arthur Flynn Tactical Officer's log.
This is my final log entry aboard the Titan. She has been a fine ship to me and I am sad to go, but this is my opportunity to move up. I will report to the Philadelphia as the new CTO. Even though I will miss the people I've met on this ship, I already know Aitrus on the Philly. I hope I get to spend longer on the next ship. I bid farewell to my first CO, Cdr...Cpt. Otlan, FO, LCdr. Valiant, and CTO, LCdr. Davies. Hopefully I'll run into them somewhere on down the road.
MARCO GSgt Tim Shecter
Stardate 20210.10
Gunnery Sergeant Tim Shecter Marine Commanding Officers Log SD 20210.10
Damn those Pen Pushers!
They can't see that Wueste is Crazy, and they all believe this is some kind of storybook. All these people, they are blinded by emotions...
I have considered turning people to muniny, but who would Join me? Otlan and Valiant have too strong a following, Donaghue cannot be turned, he is too commited to Otlan, for the sake of mere loyalty. Himbog is not important, and nor is Sky, they can't run the ship, even if Himbog is SO. Kali dosn't like me as it is. Davies is my only real chance, and even he will be hard to turn to my cause...
If I could turn only two deptartment heads, the ship could be taken... No... I can't turn them, they are all too inexperienced to take command, and Otlan would be impossible to displace, with his strangth combined with his following... I'd have 30 men crushed like bugs. I cannot take command alone, from lack of experience on the bridge...
I will just have to bide my time, Mutiny is out of the question, but when we find this Wueste character... I'll set the pen pushers upon him, and the only space he'll be seeing is that in his prison cell in a Prison Colony.
I'd bet my career on it.
[End Log]