Titan Mission 05: "Just Another Day in the Neighbourhood"
Stardate 20602.07
Captain Joseph Daher Recording:
After several major repairs from the last mission, the USS Titan disembarked from Starbase Bravo and rendezvoused with the Copernicus and Yeager near Starbase Alpha where they received their orders from the Fleet Commander. The three ships were to form a task force to investigate the potential resources of the Menthar super-system.
After a 62-day warp trip to the Menthar system—which borders on Breen, Cardassian, and Tholian space – the Titan parted ways with the Copernicus and Yeager. Dvorak was the computer’s estimate as the best possible planet for the resources Star Fleet was looking for. Despite a few “domestic” incidences, the Titan had encountered no serious problems so far.
The surface of the planet was devastated long ago by some sort of orbital bombardment and there were no signs of life anywhere. I assigned Lieutenant Commander May to lead an away team to the surface of Dvorak to investigate some of the still standing structures. Shortly thereafter, I lost contact with the away team and a strong tropical storm in their area impeded a search and rescue party. Of further hindrance was an approaching Electro-Magnetic storm that threatened to disrupt Titan systems.
I was forced to break orbit until such a time that I could mount a successful rescue. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the away team had discovered an Iconian gateway, the likes of which Captain Jean-Luc Picard discovered decades ago. It appears that Dvorak may have been a colony of the Iconian Empire which fell almost 200,000 years ago. The gate apparently led to a Romulan world, because my away team was taken by surprise by several Tal’Shiar forces.
At the same time, however, I got word from Captain Godard that she had lost contact with Captain Valiant and the USS Yeager. Since the Titan was closest to their last known position, we were sent to investigate their disappearance. We followed their impulse trail to the planet Sharok where we discovered that the Yeager had encountered the same EM storm that we had. They, however, were not able to escape and were pulled into the planet’s gravity when their power failed.
We immediately initiated a rescue operation and were able to save the surviving crew and salvage the ship. My work done, I left the Yeager in the hands of Captain Godard and the Copernicus. Rushing back to Dvorak, we launched another away team – this time under the command of Lieutenant Commander Idrani – to rescue the first. After a firefight with the Tal’Shiar our away team escaped.
With one ship heavily damaged and the sheer size of the Menthar nebula, Captain Godard ordered us to begin the journey back home to Starbase Alpha. Though we made it back to Sol without incident, we incurred several fatalities and casualties. What I thought would turn out to be an “uneventful” mission, would prove to be one of the most challenging I had ever faced.
- 1 Captain's Logs
- 1.1 Capt Joseph Daher
- 1.1.1 Stardate 20502.18
- 1.1.2 Stardate 20503.02
- 1.1.3 Stardate 20503.23
- 1.1.4 Stardate 20504.12
- 1.1.5 Stardate 20504.16
- 1.1.6 Stardate 20504.30
- 1.1.7 Stardate 20505.15
- 1.1.8 Stardate 20505.15
- 1.1.9 Stardate 20506.04
- 1.1.10 Stardate 20506.15
- 1.1.11 Stardate 20506.24
- 1.1.12 Stardate 20507.10
- 1.1.13 Stardate 20508.11
- 1.1.14 Stardate 20509.09
- 1.1.15 Stardate 2050921
- 1.1.16 Stardate 20509.27
- 1.1.17 Stardate 20510.06
- 1.1.18 Stardate 20510.15
- 1.1.19 Stardate 20510.26
- 1.1.20 Stardate 20511.05
- 1.1.21 Stardate 20511.14
- 1.1.22 Stardate 20511.20
- 1.1 Capt Joseph Daher
- 2 Crew Logs
- 2.1 LCdr Nathan May
- 2.2 CMO Cdr Jessier Hunter-Daher
- 2.3 CSO LCdr Edward Gregg
- 2.4 Mid Jack Striker
- 2.5 Mid Xipher Meakil
- 2.6 COS Cdr Dwine Balak
- 2.7 FO Cdr Celeste Sky
- 2.8 Ens Saundra Rose
- 2.9 Ens Valadin Johnson
- 2.10 Ens Sarah Mynx
- 2.11 Mid Van Foxx
- 2.12 Lt JG Jack Striker
- 2.13 Mid Gabriella Gaku
- 2.14 Mid Andrew Marlow
- 2.15 LCdr Rexar Idrani
- 2.16 Lt Alexis Tregelen
- 2.17 LCdr Imrix Trem
- 2.18 Lt JG Kin'ra Chara'tern
Captain's Logs
Capt Joseph Daher
Stardate 20502.18
Stardate 20502.18
I arrived at Starbase Bravo a few hours ago and reported into the Command Center as per my op orders and met up with Captain Syntranos - an old friend who was pleasure to talk with again - Commodore Otlan, and Commodore Cypher. The Assistant Fleet Commander gave me my first orders as a Commanding Officer. I am to take the Titan and rendezvous with the USS Copernicus and USS Yeager at Starbase Alpha and provide protection for the Copernicus as she surveys an uncharted 'super-system'. It seems like a pretty straight forward mission and I look forward to working on a joint Task Force.
After receiving the new mission orders, I followed Commodore Otlan back to the Bridge of the Titan. Since I am taking his previous post, I thought it would be nice and honorable to allow him to perform the change of command ceremony. After that was done, I went to my Ready Room where I met my yeoman, a very interesting man, and managed to get a little bit of work done.
I have called a senior staff meeting in the Observation Lounge in about ten minutes. I intend to get the Department Heads together and have the meet each other. This will not only help them become a unit, but will also help me to learn the things I should know about my crew.
Stardate 20503.02
Stardate 20503.02
The senior staff meeting went very well, I think. I'm glad that I we were able to set aside some time for the Department Heads especially to get to know each other before they started working together. On a more personal note, Jess seemed very disturbed about something, though she would not tell me what about. I'll have to ask her later.
After a journey of several days, we arrived at SBA where we met up with the USS Yeager. There we received the specific mission orders from the FleetCom.
The Titan will mainly be providing cover for the USS Copernicus and Yeager while they chart an area of space known as Menthar. Apparently, there are some valuable resources in this nebula that the Federation would like to get their hands on before the Cardassians, Breen, and Tholians - the area's immediate neighbors - can.
Captain Godard of the USS Copernicus has been given the position of Task Force leader and since I am the most "green" of the three captains, I will mostly be following the lead of Godard and Valiant on this one. We are to meet with the Copernicus in three days near the planet of Axanar. I'm assuming that once there, Captain Godard will give us further and more specific instructions on what we will be doing once we reach the location.
While this doesn't seem like the most exciting mission I've ever been on, I look forward to the new challenge. Hopefully, I will gain valuable experience from these two seasoned commanding officers.
End Log.
Stardate 20503.23
Stardate 20503.23
We reached Axanar and met up with the Copernicus and Yeager without incident. Captain Godard contacted Captain Valiant and I and set up a meeting on her ship. I left the Titan in Lieutenant Commander May's capable hands and transported to the Copernicus along with Captain Valiant of the Yeager where I was greeted by Avark, their Klingon First Officer.
Commander Avark led us to the Observation Lounge where Captain Godard was already waiting. It was a pleasure to meet both of them in person for the first time, but they wanted to get right down to business. Captain Godard gave us her plan, and although her English is hard to understand at times, she spoke well.
We are to travel to Subspace Relay Station AF-558 at Warp 8 with no more than 9 billion kilometers between each ship. After we cross the Station AF-558, subspace communication will be restricted to only Captain Godard. We will continue on towards Menthar, passing perilously close to Breen and Cardassian space, but I am confident that the two races won't try anything. Hopefully, there in no shape to risk a war with the Federation.
After the meeting was concluded, I retired to the Titan where I informed the Bridge crew of our updated mission orders. We are now traveling at Warp 8 and our ETA is approximately 62 days.
End Log.
Stardate 20504.12
Stardate 20504.12
We have just recently passed Subspace Relay Station AF-558 and have entered a communications silence. Our trip was rather uneventful, but things seem to be getting interesting.
Firstly, to my surprise, an old friend has transferred over to the Titan. Lieutenant Patrick O'Madden, who had retired from Star Fleet to work for the FNN, is now back in uniform. He was a great tactical officer and a good friend from the Gettysburg. It will be a pleasure serving with him again.
A small Federation vessel is approaching the Titan and high warp speeds and it's intentions are unknown. Since it is not within hailing range and I don't want to break the comm silence just yet, I have opted to wait until it enters comm range. Then we can discover its reasons for being here. So far, it appears legitimate, but I am still confused about why that ship needs to be here so fast.
Anyway, I may have overreacted to one of my Department Heads. Commander May expressed concern that I didn't brief the senior staff immediately before we were about to leave Federation space. The truth is, I still don't know a hell of a lot about this mission and am mainly following Captain Godard's lead. I didn't feel it was necessary to call a senior staff meeting to tell them one thing when I could inform the whole ship over the comm system.
I still feel I was right in telling him not to discus that openly on the Bridge, but I probably could have gone about it in a different way. Oh well. What's in the past is in the past. All I can do now is look forward and hope that something, ANYTHING, will happen. I'm starting to get anxious.
End Log.
Stardate 20504.16
Stardate 20504.16
We have confirmed the identity of the USS Lightning and have ascertained that it is transporting the Copernicus' new CMO, a Lieutenant Marcos Dregs, to the science vessel. We have sent a short, encrypted message to the Copernicus informing them of his arrival.
End Log.
Stardate 20504.30
Stardate 20504.30
Several days after leaving Federation space we arrived at the nebula. The Titan followed the Copernicus proceeding at 1/3 impulse. Other than the scientific data our sensors picked up, there was nothing else of interest in that nebula. What came after it, definitely was though.
We have finally exited the nebula and stumbled upon a super solar system. It appears to contain more than one hundred different planets. Because the grid has become to big for all the ships to stay together, Captain Godard has ordered the task force to split up. The Copernicus will take the closest section, the Yeager the middle, and we will take the area of the solar system farthest from the entry point. We are proceeding at yellow Alert considering the last scout sent to this area didn't come out.
Hopefully, we'll find something of interest while we're here. The crew seems on edge.
End Log.
Stardate 20505.15
Stardate 20505.15
My first command is not going as smoothly as I had expected it. There has been an explosion on Deck 12. I am sad to report one fatality and four critical injuries. The cause of the explosion is still unknown, but I have to damage control teams and security personnel investigating the situation at the moment. Hopefully, they will be able to shed some light on this tragedy.
Normally my first instincts would be to consider this a freak accident, but with the current situation on my ship that has been brewing in secrecy for the past week, I'm not so sure anymore. Someone is sending threatening letters to Commander Hunter, an old friend of hers, and me. Initially, I regarded the odd messages as a prank, but after they became more violent and Jess received pictures of me and her with our faces cut out and such, I am very concerned of this security risk.
Most recently, a model of my wife's head was transported to my Ready Room with a knife sticking in it. My yeoman, Petty Officer Richard Sharpe, attempted to trace the transporter signal, but failed. Apparently, the perpetrator scrambled the signals which lead me to believe that he has very advanced technical expertise. Obviously, it is someone who is part of the crew or at least pretending to be. For that reason, I have Sharpe checking computer logs over the past two weeks.
For the record, though I have only chosen to inform a select few of the current situation, I am doing everything in my power to resolve this situation as quickly and quietly as possible.
Computer, encrypt log and save.
Stardate 20505.15
Stardate 20505.15
We have arrived at our assigned sector of the solar system. Our search area encompasses approximately 20 planets. There are a few hospitable planets and the closest two are Dvorak and Rogers. We will scan the area and determine where to go from there.
End Log.
Stardate 20506.04
Stardate 20506.04
Our scans have revealed that there is no intelligent life on the planet Dvorak though centuries old ruins indicate that there was at one time. Since Dvorak is an M Class planet and seems to be worth our time, I have ordered the ship into orbit.
My Chief Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander May, will lead an away team to the surface accompanied by Lieutenant Commander Gregg, Ensign Johnson, Midshipmen Foxx and Gaku, and two security officers as per Commander Balak's request. Let the record reflect that I chose not to allow Commander Sky lead the away team due to her pregnancy.
Most of our scans about the ruins have come up inconclusive. Hopefully the away team will be able to provide more information.
End Log.
Stardate 20506.15
Stardate 20506.15
The away team has beamed down to the surface and discovered what appear to be Iconian markings on some of the ruins. It has been quite a while since my classes on ancient civilizations at the Academy, but if I remember correctly the Iconians were an advanced race that was destroyed a couple hundred thousand years ago. They possessed technology that allowed them to simply walk through a gateway and travel light years to other planets.
If Commander May and the team are correct, this could an extremely important historical find for the Federation. However, the Iconians were known for their ingenious weapons and booby-traps. I remember stories of Captain Picard and the Enterprise being assaulted by some kind of computer software. I must be careful if I don't want my first command to be my last.
End Log.
Stardate 20506.24
Stardate 20506.24
We have lost communication with the away team because of a large storm front approaching their last known position. And we can't beam them back because we can't get a signal lock because of the interference. The chief tells me that we need a pattern enhancer to get them back, but since anyone or ANYTHING we send will most likely end up halfway in some rock, we're screwed. In addition to this, I have lost communication with the Copernicus AND the Yeager reports that Captain Valiant has been injured while leading an away team. I'm working with the science department to see if there is a way to get down to the planet's surface perhaps using a shuttle. I can only pray that something will go right for a change.
End Log.
Stardate 20507.10
Stardate 20507.10
According to one of my science personnel, Crewman Moto, if we attempt to send a shuttle to the planet's surface, it would lose communications with us and the away team. Since I am not convinced that the away team is in any imminent danger - numerous scans show them to be the only life on the planet - I believe that it would be too risky to send more through the storm in a shuttle.
Ensign Mynx also reports that a comet storm is heading our way. We're not sure what to make of this yet, but she believes it shouldn't cause any problems to either the Titan or the planet. However, we are running scans just to make sure.
Sickbay reports that Commander Sky was admitted due to complications with her pregnancy. Though I am not aware of the complete details, Lieutenant Rose assures me that my Executive Officer will make a full recovery. Hearing this news only makes me think even more about Jess. Perhaps I should spend more time with her; maybe I'm not spending enough with her already. I keep remembering what Sky told me before she left duty. "Don't stay too long sir, you have a wife to get back to. She needs you now more than ever." Sometimes I wonder if I'm letting my job get in the way of the person who I love more than anything in the universe.
End Log.
Stardate 20508.11
Stardate 20508.11
Several things have happened since my last official log entry—most of which are distressing. I'll dispense with the good news first since that will be easier to get out of the way.
Commander Sky is resting comfortably in her Quarters after being released from Sickbay with orders to get some rest. Doctors inform me that she'll be able to return to light duty very soon—a report that comforts since it is hard enough to run a starship with an executive officer. The only one who seems to be complaining is the COB; since Sky is out of commission for a while, he's been bogged down with most of her work, but I have confidence in his abilities.
Probably the best news on the ship—at least to me—is the capture of the perpetrator behind the stalking of Commander Hunter. Petty Officer Sharpe detained the suspect, Lieutenant Zerd, after he tried to attack my wife in the holodeck. Thankfully, she was not hurt... physically anyway. I fear for Jess' mental state though; apparently, in a shocking twist of irony, Zerd had an affair with Jessica's mother and is her biological father. Jessica also believes he is responsible for the deaths of her immediate family. For now, Lieutenant Zerd is in the brig; when we get back to starbase, I'm going to turn him over to the JAG and let their office investigate it. I think the sooner that Jess moves on, the better we'll both be.
We are still unable to communicate with members of the away team and the storm on the planet Dvorak is making a rescue mission almost impossible at this time. Now, what we once thought was a harmless comet storm passing through the system has proved to be more dangerous. Something within the comet shower is emitting an EM pulse that began to affect shipboard systems. I was forced to break orbit and move the Titan to a safer distance while the comets passed. In the meantime, I have ordered that a Class 6 probe be sent to the planet with a repeating message that will let the away team know we're going to get them out of there as soon as possible.
In addition, we have lost sensor contact with the Yeager a short time ago. Though this could be nothing—we did not receive any distress signal of any kind—since the scout was on the extreme edge of our sensors, we will investigate as soon as we get our team members back safely aboard.
The worst news, however, is that I have to report the incapacitation of another crewmember. Commander Dwine Balak, my Chief of Security, suffered a massive heart attack earlier today. Doctors managed to revive him, but he shows no higher brain functions. He is alive, technically, but in a vegetative state. I have searched the Klingon database on what to do in cases like this, since I have found no living will in any of Balak's possessions, and have read of the Klingon ritual called the Hegh'bat.
Literally translated, it means "the time to die." Apparently it is invoked when a warrior can no longer stand to "face his enemy". It involves the eldest son (or close friend in Balak's case, since he has no children) to bring a ceremonial knife to the warrior who plunges it into his own heart. I know that as a Star Fleet captain, I am supposed to respect and honor the beliefs of other cultures, but I will not allow this ceremony to happen—at least on my ship. I, and no member of my crew, will take part in this "assisted suicide" and since Balak is not conscious to kill himself, I think a different approach is warranted. When we get back to starbase, he will be transported to their medical facility which is better equipped to handle a situation like his.
End Log.
Stardate 20509.09
Stardate 20509.09
Still no word from the away team.
In the meantime, Commander Balak's replacement has arrived. Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani from the USS Gettysburg has been assigned to take his place. I say "assigned" because I had little to do with his placement aboard the Titan. As commanding officer, I had hoped that Star Fleet Command would have at least given me a say in the matter. Off the record, I would like to say how displeased I am with this appointment. While I'm sure that Commander Idrani is a fine officer, I do not like a department head being forced upon me. We'll see how good Commander Idrani really is—another fire has broken out on the ship and I have sent him in to investigate.
We have also recently re-established communication with the Copernicus and have received some disturbing news. They too have lost contact with the Yeager; it seems that my fears are being realized. Though we still have away team members on the planet, I have to investigate the disappearance of the Yeager. We are en-route to the Yeager's last known coordinates.
End Log.
Stardate 2050921
Stardate 20509.21
After Captain Godard of the Copernicus expressed concerns about the odd disappearance of the Yeager, I ordered the Titan to the Yeager's last known position. We followed the small scout's impulse trail to a planet called Sharok, but there is no sign of the ship anywhere or that she entered warp.
I have my concerns that there may be some unknown force, perhaps Romulan or Cardassian that caused the disappearance, yet there is no trace that the Yeager was even here—not a single hint of debris. For now, the ship is at Red Alert and is entering a geo-synchronous orbit in the planet.
End Log.
Stardate 20509.27
Stardate 20509.27
Our scans have discovered the Yeager in one of the oceans on the planet. It is taking on water and sinking at an accelerated rate. Fortunately, I have made contact with a couple of the Yeager's crew members who report that most of the crew made it safely off the ship to a nearby island for shelter from what appears to be a tropical storm.
At her request, I have ordered Commander Sky to lead a search and rescue team to the planet. With the runabout and shuttles we have onboard, we should be able to ferry up the Yeager crew quickly and effectively. Celeste is on her way to the Shuttle Bay as we speak.
Hopefully we will be able to salvage the Yeager as well. However, the tropical storm and impending asteroid strike on the planet might prove for a difficult situation. It seems that this first mission for me is proving to be much more challenging than I had anticipated. Hopefully, Star Fleet Command—and history—will judge me accordingly.
End Log.
Stardate 20510.06
Stardate 20510.06
The runabout and shuttles have landed on Sharok and evacuation operations are underway. We have just beamed Captain Valiant onboard and I hope to discus with him about how to salvage the Yeager and find out exactly what damaged her.
End Log.
Stardate 20510.15
Stardate 20510.15
The shuttles have returned to the Titan and the surviving Yeager crew has been safely evacuated to the ship. While the Yeager crewmembers are getting some well-deserved medical treatment and rest, the Titan crew is beginning to work overtime to set up temporary Quarters for our guests and to figure out a way to salvage the Yeager.
I hope to talk to Captain Valiant soon because I am eager to find out what happened to his ship. Hopefully, we can also try to work out a duty roster for his crew as I'm sure many of them will want to return to duty as soon as possible.
End Log.
Stardate 20510.26
Stardate 20510.26
After discussing our options with the Commanding Officer of the Yeager, Captain Valiant, I implemented my plan to salvage the ship. We launched six shuttles and two runabouts to go down to the planet's surface and tow the Yeager to orbit where the Titan could lock tractor beams on her.
The shuttle group initially encountered problems when they tried to raise the Yeager using grappling cables—the Yeager's being underwater rendered tractor beams ineffective. However, thanks to the quick thinking of the group leader, Lieutenant Pisano, they were able to formulate a plan. Using the runabouts' warp engines, they crated a static warp field around the Yeager reducing the actual mass of the ship and making it virtually weightless. This enabled them to raise the ship to orbit with little difficulty.
With the Yeager situation under control, I hope to get back to the away team on Dvorak. I feel guilty for leaving them there while we investigated the disappearance of the Yeager, but keep telling myself that it couldn't be helped. I mean, we had encountered an EM field that forced us to break orbit. When it comes down to it, given the chance again, I would make the same decisions as before.
End Log.
Stardate 20511.05
Stardate 20511.05
We have just arrived back at Dvorak to pick up our away team. Scanners detect no traces of the EM emissions that had once threatened to disable the Titan and the storm that was ravaging the area near the beam-in site has dissipated. The team has not responded to my hails nor can we detect any life signs on the planet. My operations crewman believes that they might have sought shelter from the storm in one of the buildings that is shielded from our sensors. So, I am sending Commander Idrani and an away team in a runabout to investigate. Godspeed to them.
End Log.
Stardate 20511.14
Stardate 20511.14
Internal sensors are offline and the matter/anti-matter containment field is failing. A warp core breach is imminent and a cloaked Romulan ship is looming somewhere nearby. Ahh, a day in the life of the CO of the Titan. Well, this could very possibly be the last day of the Titan and of my life unless we are able to eject the warp core in the next few minutes.
Diverting power to supplement the containment field failed and all the command codes have been locked out leaving me unable to eject the core. This, and the fact that the internal sensors are offline—which would have told me who locked out the codes and how they accomplished it—lead me to believe that this is the work of a saboteur. Whether or not her or she is a member of my crew is up for debate, but I will have to postpone that until after I figure out a way to save us all.
I hope this isn't the last log entry I ever make because it sucks.
End Log.
Stardate 20511.20
Stardate 20511.20
Commander Idrani's team has successfully evacuated the initial away team from Dvorak save one security guard who was killed in action. His services to Star Fleet and the Titan will be duly noted and credited accordingly.
Apparently, the away team found an Iconian gate room that led to somewhere in the Romulan Empire because they were held hostage be several centurions. Some of them also managed to infiltrate the Titan's Engineering Room with a personal cloaking field. While undetected, they were able to shut down the internal sensors, lock out the command codes, and simulate a core breach to evacuate Engineering.
After unsuccessfully trying to eject the warp core, Commander May—who had recently arrived onboard—informed us that Romulan soldiers had boarded the ship. We initiated a tachyon field throughout the ship and disabled the cloaking devices—which I will have to report to Star Fleet Command about.
Since they were inside the secured areas of Engineering—the blast doors had come down when they tricked the sensors into believing that the warp core was going to breach—we released neurozyne gas and rendered them unconscious. Using the shuttles' sensor array, we beamed the Romulans into the Brig.
Now that this is over, we have set a course for the Copernicus. I'm ready to return to Starbase Alpha for some rest and relaxation with my wife even though it will take almost two months to get there. It seems that this "unexciting" mission turned out to be more than exciting—but downright deadly.
End Log.
Crew Logs
LCdr Nathan May
Stardate 20502.12
LCdr May Personal Log Stardate 20502.12
LCdr Nathan May recording:
”Today should be, and started out to be one of the happiest days of my life. I've gotten to meet the rest of the Command Staff and started to meet and get to know the members of my department. But, something’s happened that has caste a very large shadow over all that.
Dad called today, and my hero is dying. They say she doesn't have long and even though the Titan is headed toward Earth- well I don't think I'll be making it in time to say good-bye. Mom and Dad are in the same boat. I've decided to call Aunt Virginia. Maybe just maybe it'll keep her spirits up..." starting to get choked up again, Nathan paused and gathered himself... "long enough for me to get there and see her... see her off.
Computer, end and seal Personal Log." He said turning from his desk. Coming to his feet his stomach having settled after his little bought of emotional expression. "Computer notify me of any incoming messages." He said leaving his quarters.
Stardate 20503.14
LCdr May Personal Log Stardate 20503.14
LCdr. Nathan May recording:
Part of me is ashamed of the pissing contests that I've found myself in lately. Earlier on the Bridge, a higher ranking DH tried to assume command from me. I was well within my rights and refused the request.
Whether I was within my rights or not it doesn't change the fact though that two of the ship's most senior officers were involved in an argument in plain site on the Bridge. I will have to make sure that this never happens again. I don't apologize that the incident took place, merely where it took place. I should have been a little more tactful and taken it to the Observation Lounge.
The other lapse in professional judgment came earlier this week. A new Midshipman was less than respectful in my opinion to an NCO and a low but higher ranking officer, all of which will go unnamed in this log.
I called him on it. I should have left it to the Officer of the Watch to who he had been directing his comments, but my... gallant nature, got the best of me. I have a feeling that this young man may have a sorted past. He followed the book, staying just out of reach of being written up for insubordination.
Neither of these incidents will be brought up to the FO or CO. Neither warrant or require such an action. Both will be dealt with and smoothed over as soon as I can arrange it.
Computer, send the following message to my Aunt Virginia's Home- addressed to my father.
Dad, I can't make it home. Please tell mom I am sorry. Your son's deepest love and complements.
End Log.
Stardate 20504.10
LCdr May Personal Log Stardate 20504.10
Lieutenant Commander Nathan May recording:
Well, once again I've put my foot in my mouth. Didn't mean to, but what can you do? Next time, I'll just assume my post and go from there.
The only reason I said anything to the Captain, is because I feel the Senior Staff has been put out the loop on this. Here we are, apparently escorting two other Starships on a mission that takes the Titan not only out of Federation Space but brings she and her wards close to Cardassian territory- and we weren't informed until just before we crossed the border.
Maybe there are security precautions in place. Maybe the Captain was under orders not to relay the nature of the mission on to the rest of us. I can certainly understand that.
Let me note for the record that I trust Captain Daher. He's my CO and I'll follow him through hell if he decides to visit there. It was not my intention to question his authority or his command ability on the Bridge. I am tired of apologizing to people. It seems like it is all I do lately.
But, when the time permits, I will apologize to the Captain.
Computer, end log and seal.
Stardate 20508.04
LCdr May Personal Log Stardate 20508.04
Lieutenant Commander Nathan May recording:
It seems like we've been here on Dvorak for days now, but I know it hasn't been that long. It's a strange world. The planet is dead except for a few animals and what I've come to believe is a semi-sentient Holographic Watchdog left by the people who once occupied the ruins that dot the surface here.
We believe that they were Iconian and that what happened on their other worlds some three thousand years ago, also happened here. From what we've seen so far though... oh my... a gate! Their other worlds had gates which they used to escape the bombarding holocaust.
Thank God for personal logs! I'll record more about the mission itself as soon as I get my team on tracking down whether there’s a gate here!
End Log.
Stardate 20511.27
LCdr May Chief Tactical Officer’s Personal Log Stardate 20511.27
Lieutenant Commander Nathan May recording:
Well... we're home. Most of us anyway. Grellan didn't survive the away mission to Dvorak. Maybe I should start from the beginning..." Nathan said taking a long drink of his java.
"I was assigned to take a team down to investigate ruins on a planet in this super system our taskforce was sent to scout out. For the record, the planet has been named Dvorak.
My team consisted of myself, Lieutenant Commanders Gregg and Brackett, Lieutenant Johnson, and two Security Officers Crewmen Grellan and Coleman. Once on the surface my team fanned out, per my orders as I was acting under the Sensor verified belief that the planet was all but dead. When a member of my team came across an unusual structure.
Turns out it was Iconian. As we began to study the outside of the structure, a large storm front moved in rather suddenly. While trying to find a way into the structure to get my Team out of the storm, I had an unfortunate encounter with a Holographic Projection which was part of a Security Program left by the Iconians to guard the building.
After some doing, I convinced the Hologram to let my people in out of the storm. He confined us to a chamber just inside the building. It was there the warned us not to try to access what it called forbidden information. But Mr. Grellan couldn't hold himself back. He tried to circumvent one of the Security Protocols and was killed by the system by a sudden release of energy.
The day wasn't over yet... soon there after, a small army of Romulan... miners came through an Iconian Gate somewhere inside the structure. After beating Lieutenant Commander Gregg and breaking both of his knees the Romulan Leader would be called away. He had planned and would go to use the Iconian Gate. I can only assume looking back that he must have gone to finish his plans.
In the mean time, the Titan was forced to leave orbit by a passing comet that was emitting high energy electromagnetic pulses. While away she came to the assistance of the USS Yeager, a Scout assigned to our Taskforce which somehow came entangled in a very similar EM field that actually pulled her out of orbit and forced her to crash land on a reef in one of the planet's oceans.
After pulling the Yeager off of the surface and rescuing the surviving crew, the Titan returned to Dvorak. A rescue party came searching for us and as it turns out arrived just in time. I had finally formed a plan to eliminate our captors much the way Mr. Grellan had died. Finding a large stone, I bashed in one of the consoles from below. The Security Systems jumped into action as I had hoped killing several of the Romulans. As if on cue, the Rescue Team arrived to help us mop up the rest.
After making it back to the ship, the Captain along with several other officers including myself neutralized the Romulans who made it to the Titan through the Iconian Gate.
The CTO of the Yeager and I, having been old friends spent the rest of the day and night catching up on old times. I have to report I had way to much to drink, but sometimes... catching up with an old friend calls for a happy bing. I am heading to the Bridge now, we should be nearing Sol. Computer end Log."
CMO Cdr Jessier Hunter-Daher
Stardate 20502.18
Cdr Hunter-Daher Chief Medical Officer's Log Stardate 20502.18
Commander Jessica Hunter-Daher recording:
Well... Where to start, not a clue, quite a few things have happened... I met my new staff. They seem like a reliable group. Saundra, a young Midshipman seems like a reliable young woman, I look forward to seeing some promising things from her.
Jose, the ACMO, well I already have a lot to thank him for. I've been trying to piece together why I feel so distant from Joe since his promotion and I remembered an incident with my father from when I was ten... Jose managed to catch me, I don't know why, but I was actually acting it out... without noticing it...
anyway, I think I've managed to connect the dots. My father scares me... Even after his death, he scares me... But Joe's promotion to Captain... I don't know... It's stupid but I seem to have the feeling he'll turn out like dad...
Being pregnant hasn't helped, I feel even more insecure. I love Joe and I know he loves me, and it's stupid that I'm so scared...
I just don't know what to do...
End Log...
CSO LCdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 20503.03
LCdr Gregg Chief Science Officer’s Log: Private Stardate 20503.03
LCdr Edward Gregg recording:
It’s strange being back on the Titan with a whole new crew. I’m happy for Commander Sky getting the First Officer post. I’m glad that there is someone I know onboard.
My first senior staff meeting left me wondering if even the senior staff are trusted by Star Fleet. Calling a staff meeting before a mission is normal. But the amount of information that was given didn’t make me feel that everything about this mission is on the up and up.
There must be more to this mission, though there are times when only the captains are in a need to know position.
It’ll take a while to get use to the new crew. Most of them seem friendly. I wonder when Balak will contact me regarding the Combat Exercise. I guess last mission’s experiences will come in handy. Hope I can keep my head. Guess I’ll need to contact his to see when we are meant to start.
At the moment the Titan is on route to Star Base Alpha. Wonder if their still searching for me. Where could Ja’rod and Winst have got to? The supposition was that both are dead. Still the SBA authorities have yet to make any contact with me.
There are two things I need to remember about SBA ancient and history. If it had been serious they would have made an effort to contact me - If they consider me of any importance.
I really need to work on my communication skills. Most of which seem to be lacking. I don’t know why I bother sometimes. The field emitter was effective after a fashion. But I really need to try and focus on something else. Well it looks like a job for Lt Kelesa. Some other time maybe. Hope I’ll fit in well with the new crew.
End Log.
Stardate 20504.16
LCdr Gregg Chief Science Officer’s Log: Private Stardate 20504.16
Lieutenant Commander Gregg recording:
Life is getting stressed onboard. The crew is on edge and this comm. silence test is starting to grate on some of them, nearly on me as well.
I sometimes wonder why I never tried to become a Counselor, then my temper reminds me. I fear that the mask will slip one day. I felt I was getting on fine with the new crew then what I thought to be incidents involving LCdr May occurred. I doubt my response to either was in any way appropriate.
The Titan has left Federation space and not for the first time. This time we are headed into Menthar space on what appears to be a research. Could be something else, but ours is not to ask. Though there will be problems if not everything is above board.
Hopefully I’ll be able to cook up something good. If things go pear shaped, having a light cruiser, a scout and a survey cruiser beyond Federation space will not look good. Nothing could gloss over what could happen.
I guess being far from Star Base Alpha is helping to keep my mind on whatever part I have to play in this mission.
Computer, use full encryption, lock and save.
LCdr Gregg Chief Science Officer’s Log
SUPPLEMENTAL (Stardate 20509.15) -- Current location: Planet Dvorak
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg recording:
As part of an exploratory away team on what appears to an uninhabited planet we began exploring the planets ruins. Before arriving we found evidence that the planet hand experienced orbital bombardment by means of meteors.
After beaming onto the planet and began the exploration. Initial appearances suggested that it was going to be quiet. This rang true until Ensign Foxx discovered Iconian writings outside one of the buildings. The away team moved from the initial landing site to the building and began examining the entrance hall of the building in detail.
At one end was the outline doorway with Iconian symbols carved around it. During the examination we lost LCdr May. While LCdr May was missing we attempted to open door. While we were exploring the entrance hall a storm closed in on us.
Our attempts with the door appeared to be successful despite a few false starts, then the door opened of its own accord and behind the door we discovered LCdr May and a holographic being which claimed to be part of a program left behind by the original inhabitants of the planet.
The hologram pointed out archival database console which we could use to study the history and culture of the original inhabitants, it also warned us of a defense system incorporated into the archives designed to limit the access to sensitive information.
Searches for information proved sparse due to the defense system. After a while I enquired about contacting the Titan to apprise them of our situation. The storm appeared to be blocking our attempts to contact the Titan, so I adapted my own comm. badge and hooking it up to a type 1 phaser to boost the signal. On the first test transmission we discovered that the building blocked signals entering or exiting the building.
After discussing it with LCdr May, I took a small group which included Lt Valadin and Crewman Coleman out the area where we beamed in, in the hope of getting clear of the buildings. We were successful in getting a signal through the storm, but not in time to contact the Titan. We received a recorded message which warned of an approaching meteor storm and mentioned that the Titan was under attack from a EM pulse in the meteor storm. So our group returned to the building.
We relayed our situation to the rest of the away team. We attempted to get some help from the hologram, but nothing was forth coming. I attempted to find somewhere to ride out the meteor storm by searching the archives. At the same time Crewman Coleman attempted to use alternative methods to access the archives this ended with the untimely death of Crewman Coleman caused by the defense system.
Our efforts to discover much about this planet have been constantly hampered by systems placed by the original inhabitants. We are unsure of when the meteor storm will strike and its affects on the planet. With hope it won’t be long before the Titan returns and we’ll find out what is going on with this planet.
End Log.
Stardate 20511.29
LCdr Gregg Chief Science Officer’s Log Stardate 20511.29
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg recording:
A memorable mission for all the wrong reasons…
After the untimely death of Crewman Coleman our situation got worse. Without warning a group of Romulans appeared and took us prisoner. Things unfortunately got worse when the Romulan who appeared to be in command questioned us a bout what we were doing on the planet.
I made a fatal error in giving the Romulan my two cents and was promptly made an example of. One leg then, the other. Both broken below the knee. I’m sure I screamed after they broke the second leg. The rest was a blank.
I came to after a short while and after a long while attempted to reason with the Romulan with no success apart from the fact that he didn’t break my arms. I then fell asleep and blacked out, only to wake up on a operating table onboard the Titan.
We have finally arrived at Star Base Alpha and my legs are back to as near normal as possible. Nothing but shore leave now, unless something else happens.
I am still at a loss to understand if our time on Dvorak yielded anything. Next time I’ll need to be more careful.
Save and exit.
Mid Jack Striker
Stardate 20503.03
Mid Striker Personal Log Stardate 20503.03
Midshipman Jack Striker recording:
Well I’ve managed to affront a Lt.Cdr and the COs. Yeoman.
Rumor is, were headed on an extended mission in to Romulan territory.
Oh yes my cabin is said to be haunted.
I’ve met the CMO she seems nice, I believe the Commander is pregnant, she had been crying prior to our meeting reason unknown.
So far no sign of the CO or the FO I just missed seeing the FO in security or so I’m told.
[End log, seal Striker 7719.]
Stardate 20503.10
Mid Striker Personal Log Stardate 20503.10
Midshipman Jack Striker recording:
I met the COS today—an interesting fellow if he lives.
[End log Striker 7719.]
Stardate 20503.20
Mid Striker Personal Log Stardate 20503.20
Jack Striker recording:
I intended to set down some of the bazaar events that have transpired since I arrived on the Titan, but I have changed my mind I believe I will deal with them personally; Ghost, prank or otherwise
End Log Striker-7719.
Mid Xipher Meakil
Stardate 20503.14
Mid Meakil Personal Log Stardate 20503.14
Midshipman Xipher Meakil recording:
Upon my arrival on the U.S.S. Titan, I was assigned to ops. I am very nervous, since this is my first time on a starship, and serving on an actual crew. Two of my superior officers had a little argument, hopefully nothing that will end up jeopardizing the ship or crew. The funny thing is that I was the Catalyst for it, or rather my position was. I am looking forward to the assignment.
End log.
Stardate 20504.12
Mid Meakil Personal Log Stardate 20504.12
Midshipman Xipher Meakil recording:
LCdr. May has asked me and Ens. Mynx to check the Torpedo launchers, I'm not quite sure, but I don't think any tinkering needs to be done, but I have been wrong before...alot, so best just do it, I also feel that if there is anything wrong with the system, a deeper, more comprehensive scan should be done... But that is what we have Engineers for I suppose. Anyways, I best get started, I'm not too clear on where to start the scans the LCdr. specifically said Dock, I'm not real quick on the slang used, I's sure that those systems are regulated through engineering, if not, oh well, there is a more competent officer checking the same systems, so I won't worry about making a mistake and looking like a fool.
End log.
COS Cdr Dwine Balak
Stardate 20504.04
Cdr Balak Chief of Security's Personal Log Stardate 20504.04
Commander Dwine Balak recording:
The Titan is so much larger then the Yeager... I guessed that when I first read I was being transferred... A scout compared to a Light Cruiser after all, but the transition is overwhelming at first.
I met the rest of the Senior Staff earlier, and I was surprised at the Chief Tactical Officer. It's May from the Yeager, I was shocked that I knew someone on the Senior Staff.
I didn't get to know much about the Chief Science Officer, Commander Gregg, but the man seems nice enough. Though, he seemed intimidated when I insinuated about Combat training... he may be more fun to train in hand-to-hand combat then anything!
It turns out that the Captain and the Chief Medical Officer are married. A lucky man the Captain, the CMO is a very attractive woman. I've not had the chance to speak with the Captain alone, but Commander Hunter-Daher, the Chief Medical Officer, is a very sweet woman.
The First Officer, yet another attractive member of the Senior Staff, is a former Medical Officer herself. We spoke briefly after an initial meeting, and I gathered from that that she doesn't exactly like Klingons. Her husband is actually within my own department, that will make disciplining him difficult...
My own staff is looking like it will be quite the challenge. A Histah, one who was a prominent member within their own high guard, may have problems following orders. My ACOS, LCdr Brackett, does have problems following my orders!
She is of Klingon heritage, like me. Seeing as we have that in common, I suggested we settle things as our people would, thought non-lethal. The fight seemed almost even matched, thought that was partially due to my underestimating her abilities. My metallic hand turned out to be the deciding factor... Though I ended up getting a nasty cut over my eye.
After our fight, I was summoned to the Bridge by May, who was left in charge. In my disillusioned state, I attempted to take command from him... I decided to take a seat at a MFD, and the CMO say that my face was bleeding... she convinced me to go to Sickbay.
Hunter refused to treat me... I don't know why, but I am thankful for it. It turns out that I was treated by another attractive woman; I swear, Light Cruisers must be crewed by only attractive women! I'm not complaining though!
The Ensign that treated me was named Saundra Rose, and after I was treated... I asked her out. I was surprised that she said yes... I am about to go out with her now...
End Log.
FO Cdr Celeste Sky
Stardate 20504.16
Cdr Sky First Officer's Personal Log Stardate 20504.16
Commander Celeste Sky recording:
”Two months, two months is how long it would take to get back to Starbase Bravo from here. On top of that it is a two week journey from there to Starbase G-6. Watching the stars go by is no longer the exciting scenery it was in the past. Instead it marks the distance I am traveling away from where I last saw them. Farther away from that star system and that ship that began what has been the worst 5 months of my life.
”Danny tries very hard to get me to see the good things. He says I should grateful for my position and the understanding of my captain. I am, but I want my children back. I want their smiling faces and glee filled laughter, their playful demands and their loving trust in me. Trust that was misplaced. I have failed them and I can't recover from that. If I could just get them back maybe someday I could earn their forgiveness."
Celeste wiped a tear off her cheek. and looked down for a moment, collecting herself.
"I at least have one thing to look forward to, one child I can try with all my might not to fail. This little boy inside me will not be betrayed by me. I will do what it takes to protect him, always. These are the vows I make to myself. Ones I intend to keep, no matter what it takes.
"Computer, end and save log."
Stardate 20506.04
Cdr Sky First Officer's Personal Log Stardate 20506.04
Commander Celeste Sky recording:
This day seems like it will never end. I have been on the bridge for almost six hours. This wouldn't be that bad if I weren't pregnant. My back aches, my legs are slightly numb, and I can hardly get out of my chair. The chairs on the bridge were not designed to accommodate the needs of a pregnant woman. Not that there have been that many pregnant women serving on the bridge.
The shift started out on a bad foot when an explosion occurred on deck 12. I'm sad to report that one crew member died and several others were injured. The cause has been investigated and we are satisfied that it was an accident. No saboteurs on our ship that we know of.
Two new Midshipmen just reported for duty only a few moments ago. The first one, a young engineer was quite rude. In his eagerness to get to his post he did not even wait for Joe to reply to him before he ran off. The second one, a female science officer, was much more respectful.
We have come into orbit around an M-class planet called Dvorak. On the planet there is a power supply on standby and the rest of the city that surrounds it is in ruins. An away team has been dispatched to investigate it. I cannot lead this mission due to my condition and I am grateful Joe has not tried to go himself. Stories of Captains who did not heed the rules about away missions have been the thorn in many a First Officer's side. Joe is quite sensible in that area. He has proven to be a very capable captain. Not that I doubted, but I hardly knew him when I accepted this post and I am learning more about him as the months go on.
I cannot help but wonder, as I do every moment of every day: Are my children alright? Have they been found? Are they safe, fed and clothed? I may never know. Until this mission is over I need to try to focus on my duty. Personal feelings cannot get in the way. I am glad to have the support of my husband to hold me as I cry myself to sleep each night. I would be lost without my dear Danny.
Computer, end and save log.
Stardate 20507.18
Cdr Sky First Officer's Personal log Stardate 20507.18
Commander Celeste Sky recording:
I'll try to go in order of events, a lot has happened in the past two days. After a long day at work I came home to a wonderful dinner made my husband. It was our 9th anniversary and he made me feel so special. Later that night I woke up with what I thought was cramps. Before I could load up a hypo spray a sharp pain caused me to pass out. I don't know how long I was there but when I woke up I was in sickbay. Daniel told me that he had found me on the floor with blood on my nightgown. I can't believe I didn't recognize the signs; it's the sort of thing I used to warn other pregnant women about. Lots of factors can cause a rip in the cervix and I didn't see them. I came so losing my baby; I came so close to dying myself. I am so thankful that Daniel woke up when he did and stayed cool through it all.
Now that I am out of the jaws of death I have to spend the week on bed rest. I've only done it for a day and already I am itching to get out. Thank goodness the doctor I got wasn't strict. She could have confined me to my bed for the last four months of this pregnancy. I'm sure I would go insane if I had to do that.
All this down time has given me too much time to think. My children's faces haunt me every day. I see the twins with their cherubic faces and tight brown curls and hear Cassie's happy giggle. I find my self wondering: Is Clarissa scared? Is Chris cold? Is Cassie hungry? Will I ever see them again? I hold a hope in my heart that they will be found but that hope grows dimmer with each passing day. I will never forget them, where ever they are.
End Log.
Ens Saundra Rose
Stardate 20504.18
Ens Rose Personal Log Stardate 20504.18
Ensign Saundra Rose recording:
So far my life on the Titan has been absolutely wonderful. Everyday I get to help people and see new faces. I get exposed to every sort of human emotion and have to keep on my toes most of the time.
I actually had my first date; I can’t believe I was actually asked out by a very attractive Klingon. It went very well, I hope to do it again soon.
Today I was introduced to Ensign Jack Striker. He’s quite an interesting fellow; I like him very much so far. I’m very excited to work with him; he should really liven up the Sickbay—like we really need the help.
I still have not heard anything from my parents, not that I expect to, especially since we are now restricted from receiving or sending messages. Still, it would be nice if they would at least acknowledge that I still exist and that I have graduated from the Academy and am actually serving on a ship. Well, as the Bard would say: “Fate, show thy force, ourselves we do not owe. What is decreed must be, and be this so.”
End log and seal.
Stardate 20505.26
Lt[Jg] Rose Personal Log Stardate 20505.26
Lt.JG Saundra Rose recording:
Well the sickbay had to take care of our first real round of casualties due to an explosion, I believe on deck 12… I’m not really sure about that, I was more concerned with the patients than I was the details of who, what, where, why, and how—I’ll leave that to Security.
We had only one fatality, and that individual was D.O.A. so there was nothing we could do for him. Of course, that doesn’t stop me from feeling the pain of a lost crewmember that I wish with all my heart that we could have saved.
I treated Crewman Melissa Dylan, she was really banged up. She must have been very close to the blast radius because she had shrapnel all over her body. She also had severe burns on her upper torso and face requiring intense reconstructive surgery. Her only relatively minor injury was a broken leg.
I worked with a Nurse Johnson, a stoic man with a real touch—I wonder why he did not become a doctor.
On a more personal note… I have not really made a real connection with anyone aboard the Titan. I can’t say that I have friends or anything. The only interaction I had was a brief date, and the guy has not come knocking at my door recently. It’s so hard for me to approach anyone but… I’m going to try and become closer with the people I interact with in the Sickbay. I’m around them enough that I should be comfortable enough to approach them—at least that’s the idea (easier said than done).
End Log and seal.
Stardate 20505.31
Lt[Jg] Rose Personal Log Stardate 20505.31
Lt.JG Saundra Rose recording:
Well, this is quite embarrassing. I attempted to reach out to Jack in the Sickbay today as a part of my new resolve to become more social with those people with whom I regularly interact…
What I wasn’t expecting was Mid. Foxx… My stars, how do I explain him? He’s ruthlessly charming, devastatingly handsome, and well… he knows it. He’s cocky, arrogant, and altogether too familiar for my taste.
He made me really uncomfortable with all of his advances; I really did not know how to react. Then, while trying to avoid being in yet another uncomfortable situation I ended up asking Striker on a date… I think. Oh, hell I’m not even really sure. I mean, is Striker expecting to go out with me—I’m not sure. After all, I wasn’t trying to make a pass at him, though it may not be a bad thing to go on a date with him—he is a very attractive and charming individual.
I’m so confused!!! Oh well, it certainly couldn’t get worse… at least I don’t think so.
End log and seal.
Stardate 20507.12
Lt[Jg] Rose Personal Log Stardate 20507.12
Lt.JG Saundra Rose recording:
Well, to put it delicately, today was… eventful.
After that embarrassing episode in the Sickbay between myself, Striker, and Foxx, I doubted that Foxx would try to contact me again. Apparently I was incorrect in that assumption. To be specific, he sent me a message asking me out on a date… As I doctor I’m sworn to do no harm… but is it wrong to want to throw someone as—arrogant as Foxx out the nearest window? I doesn’t matter, I wont be seeing him personally; I wont say “professionally” because in sickbay, you never know.
On a professional note, I met the FO today. I met her in much the same way I have been meeting most of the crew—she was injured. It was a delicate procedure because she is pregnant and there was the possibility of harming the fetus. However, everything turned out just fine—she’s got a clean bill of health.
I’m still having difficulties connecting socially with people. I’m fine when they are patients… but I’m baffled for real conversations when I’m outside the sickbay.
I really need a social life, but why is that so hard to get?
Computer, end and save log.
Stardate 20510.31
Lt Rose Personal Log Stardate 20510.31
Lieutenant Saundra Rose recording:
I have not had the opportunity to enter a log in quite some time. I have been rather busy. One of the ships that had accompanied us into this territory, the Yeager, has gone down on a dangerous planet in this system. Needless to say, sickbay has been working around the clock with causalities and people with injuries.
I am physically and mentally exhausted but there is no way I can leave right now. I do not know where the other Medical officers are at the moment, but we are understaffed and it appears that I am the only officer handy so I must stay longer than my shift—such is the duty of a doctor.
It does appear that we are getting the injuries treated and under control. Thanks to several lucid patients that have come through the Sickbay, I am given to understand that we have received all the injuries we are going to get for some time. Everyone that the Titan is going to hold is now onboard. That is good news, I don’t know if we could have handled many more people in sickbay.
On a more personal note, speaking of “handling” patients, I have been asked out yet again by a patient that I have treated. I have heard of the “Florence Nightingale syndrome” where a doctor falls for a patient that she is treating—but it appears that on the Titan the opposite is always the case. I’m not sure what it is, maybe the lack of single women aboard this ship, but I am always being asked out. I’m sure most people would not be distressed by this turn of events, but it makes me very uncomfortable. It throws me for a loop every time that a patient turns around and tries to relate to me personally—I don’t know how to react.
Maybe someday I’ll figure it out.
Computer, end log and seal.
Ens Valadin Johnson
Stardate 20505.09
Ens Johnson Personal Log Stardate 20505.09
Ensign Valadin Johnson recording:
"There has been a lot that has come to pass since I got on Board the CL-2007 USS Titan Zeus Classed Light Cruiser. I finally recovered from that blow I received at the Academy. While I was resting I met some Interesting people here on the Titian. I also read about the titan. I found out that the titan recently got a new Captain. The old CO was Commodore Tam Otlan.
I was fully rested and went onto active duty on Stardate 20504.06. I reported to Lieutenant Shane Williamson although he's not the chief he said there wasn't one. After I reported in for active duty I went to ten forward, and I was going to work on program Zerd, but I got to ten forward, and realized that I forgot Zerd; so I went back to Engineering to get Zerd when we went to yellow alert. So I went looking for things to do. Then I bumped into Ensign Parr who must've been upset about something, because when I bumped into him. I helped him up and he got mad at me because I called him Ensign Parr, he said his name was Ensign Parr!!! with exclamations after Parr. I'll have to be more careful next time.
Then I had to do paper work which is boring... After a while I felt a shudder in the ship and went over to the MCPO to see what happened. The MCPO didn't say nice things so I walked away, then I heard crewman sparrow tell the MCPO that there was an explosion on deck 12. I was about to ask if I could go down and investigate but before I could ask though. The MCPO asked me if I wanted to go there I said that I would like to. I took Recruits barbossa, Snow and Sazowski with me. I then went to Deck 12 to investigate. I went there and security was locking down the place. The fire suppression took care of the fire fortunately. There were also some of the bulkheads collapsed. The Titan is designed to take a beating though other then that there was no real major structural damage. Then I had Wazowski do a diagnostic to see If the wires had been tampered with. While Wazowski was doing that I went to the sickbay to interview the engineers that were at deck 12 during the explosion.
I wonder how Findur and my parents are doing. I hope Findur isn't too bored without me. I wonder why they haven't sent me any messages they must be busy if they haven't sent me anything. Normally they bombard me with messages.
End Log and seal.
Stardate 20505.16
Ens Johnson Personal Log Stardate 20505.16
Ensign Valadin Johnson recording:
There has been little time since my last log. I found out that there was a team that was sent down there to fix some ODN cables in the power transfer conduit. They found the problem and a recruit started to use a MGE to fix it. That's all he could remember. Then the recruit that was fixing the power transfer conduit died. After I found that out, Recruit Wazowski told me that there was a odd buildup of power in the ODN cables in the power transfer conduit. There's something suspicious going on and I have to get to the bottom of it and fast.
Computer, end log and seal.
[End Log.]
Stardate 20505.23
Ens Johnson Personal Log Stardate 20505.23
Ensign Valadin Johnson recording:
There has been little time since my last log. I found out what caused the explosion first hand in the Holodeck. The cause was Volta forgot to ground himself so when his MGE which always gives off a positive charge came in contact with the electrons and he wasn't grounded the Protons and electrons reacted which caused a shock then that ignited the plasma in the conduits.
Computer, end log and seal.
[End Log.]
Ens Sarah Mynx
Stardate 20505.15
Ens Mynx Personal Log Stardate 20505.15
Ensign Sarah Mynx recording:
This is my first log entry onboard the Titan. Things have been very much to my liking; so much so I have completely forgotten about my logs until now.
Sheesh, so much to say. Its a very nice ship, big, powerful, effective. I can say that too, I get to fly it and shoot it. The CTO is a very nice and cute guy. He's pretty young too, I know he's interested, but I can't help but play with him. I can't wait to see where it goes...
The Captain gives off a very confident aura, its his first command, but its obvious he deserves it. I feel safe under him.
The FO is great too, she seems very nice, and she’s even pregnant. I'm not quite sure how we're gonna handle a baby born on a warship.
Right now we're in this nebula, its crazy! Over 100 planets all orbiting a Red Giant. There are even some M-Class planets. I didn't even know a system could be this big. Maybe I'll ask the science people, I've never been the best at this stuff. Its just crazy...the Yeager actually found something to communicate with. This is a great mission, if only this was the only angle I had to deal with it on...I'm not supposed to talk about that here am I? That reminds me...
Computer, begin additional Log, filename Mynx-02, access Mango-Sierra-Foxtrot-Indigo-Zero-Two.
Wait, this thing is still on...
[End Log.]
Mid Van Foxx
Stardate 20505.28
Mid Foxx Personal Log Stardate 20505.28
Midshipman Van Foxx recording:
Well I reported onboard. My first day... not so well. I barely even waited for the captain to respond to my introduction before I bolted off the bridge. I hope he doesn't take that as an insult, I just don't feel comfortable on a bridge... never have. I belong in engineering.
Well the quarters are a lot nicer than I had on the Rome, probably because now I'm an actual officer instead of just acting like one. This ship even has an entertainment deck with three holodecks. I can't wait to download Chesney into the computer. I did promise her that I'd see her again.
I walked into sickbay to drop off my medical record and noticed quite the woman... a JG that I hope feels like talking... out of uniform. We'll have to see.
Anyway... I'm not going to approach the captain for a while I think since my anxiousness probably pissed him off.
Perhaps I should calm down? If I want to get out of being a junior officer I might want to...
End log.
Stardate 20505.31
Mid Foxx Personal Log Stardate 20505.31
Midshipman Van Foxx recording:
Ran into Striker. He's... interesting. Not really competition but definitely a thorn in my side.
Rose is, on the other hand, just as interesting... but in a provocative sort of way. She really doesn't know how to handle my forwardness but, from what I can tell, she really likes it.
I think I'll find myself in sickbay soon in need of... healing... I just hope that Rose is on duty... I'll try to make it happen that way. Maybe Johnson will be up to helping me. I'll have to ask.
End Log.
Lt JG Jack Striker
Stardate 20505.29
Lt[Jg] Striker Personal Log Stardate 20505.29
Lt.JG Jack Striker recording:
Until recently this trip has been really boring, an explosion caused several casualties and created quite the stir in sickbay.
On a personal note, I have become quite fond of Lt.JG Sandra Rose; at this time I believe we will be close friends and colleagues. At some point I may have to tell her about Marry.
So far Marry is still an enigma to me; she cleans the room and constantly decorates, and rearranges the furniture. Some days she doesn’t say a word, others she babbles on for hours.
I think this has gone on to long to be a prank.
The other day I had the strangest feeling some one was watching me I suspect it was a Vulcan dressed as a medical assistant, could be wrong
End Log, Striker-7719.
Mid Gabriella Gaku
Stardate 20506.25
Mid Gaku Personal Log Stardate 20506.25
Midshipman Gabriella Gaku recording:
My first day on the Titan. She's a great ship and my quarters are nice too.
When I just reported to the Captain it didn't take more then 10 seconds for him to decide who he would take on an away mission.
And guess what? He picked me, together with another Midshipman. I'm just getting ready in my quarters now; my first away mission is to a planet named Dvorak. I don't know anything about that planet, accept for its name.
It's rather funny actually, in my next log; I'll know almost everything of the planet I know so little about now.
Well, I'd better be going, don't want LCdr. Gregg, my superior officer, to be waiting for me.
Wish me luck!!
End log and save.
Stardate 20512.28
Lt[Jg] Gaku Personal Log Stardate 20512.28
Lieutenant Gabriella Gaku recording:
The Away mission was interesting, to say the least. First Dvorak was pleasant, no cloud on the sky. We went to investigate a few ruins. The writings on them were Iconian. Then we found out a storm was coming, a bad one, and we needed to find shelter.
We met some kind of 'security hologram' created by the Iconians. He... it allowed us in the first room of their 'sacred room' One of us was killed, he was trying to bypass the security systems. That's about when a group of Romulans held us hostage. They were using some kind of Personal Cloaking Devices. The Romulan commander broke Commander Greggs knees. It didn't look good for him, but he made it. Another away team rescued us.
When we got back, the Romulans had used the Iconian gate to board the Titan. I used the Runabout's sensors, and transporters to retake the ship.
Well, I was tired and dirty, so I took a shower, and went to bed. This was the first time I had a realistic nightmare about the death of my parents.
Well, that brings me to the present, I'm going to take a drink in 10 Forward.
Oh, about the coming shore leave... I think I'll go to a beach or something.
Computer, end log and save.
Mid Andrew Marlow
Stardate 20507.13
Mid Marlow Personal Log Stardate 20507.13
Midshipman Andrew Marlow recording:
I came on board the Titan today; I can't help but feel nervous at leaving the security of the academy I called home for the past four years. I haven't really gotten to know anyone yet; hell I haven't even found my duty station. Still, I can't help but feel excited, I've waited my whole life for this, and now here I am, serving aboard a starship. Anyway I'm going to wander the decks for a while in search of someplace to eat. Tomorrow I start my career as a Star Fleet Officer. Lieutenant Commander Marlow seems to have a pleasant ring to it. Hey, dare to dream.
End Log.
LCdr Rexar Idrani
Stardate 20508.21
LCdr Idrani Personal Log Stardate 20508.21
Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani recording:
After a long trip, I have just reached the position of the USS Titan. The ship is part of a task force assigned to cartography this unknown area, with the USS Yeager and the exploration starship Copernicus.
I feel surprised among such stellar system. With more than a hundred of planets, this could perfectly be the denser solar system I even heard about. The way I managed to find the Titan will remain a mystery for the Science Division.
During the trip I have been refreshing all my old formation about investigation and security protocols, as well as all about the Zeus classed light cruisers.
It is funny how the designation of the vessels changes all over the times. Not very long ago, a ship with the size and crew of the USS Titan was designed explorer or even Battleship. The then top of the art Sovereign class was not bigger than this designed 'Light Cruiser!'
The USS Titan was under the command of Cmdr Tam Otlan before he took command of the Comet. It is funny I had seen the former Captain vaguely at Starbase before departing, but I never have met the new one, who will be my Commanding Officer. Funny or disturbing, I am not sure. However, Captain Syntranos told me he was a good man, so I am perfectly sure it will be a pleasure serving under his command.
I have been studying as well the senior officer manifest of the ship. Regrettably, I do not know any of them from the Academy or previous assignments. But among my own staff, the name Kin´ra Chara´Tern has called my attention. This Histah has served briefly onboard the Gettysburg. I must say I never had served with an officer bigger than myself... this will be interesting.
As my first assignment as Department Head I hope I will do my best. It is such different about being Chief Tactical Officer, the position I was centering my efforts to achieve all this years. I feel like an old fashion tactical/security officer from the pre-Dominion War era. I must center in my new responsibilities and avoid the previous routines. My formation as tactical officer can be useful gift the case... but it will by worst enemy far more often.
I have just reached the USS Titan communication range. It was just in time. The area is dominated by some kind of EM pulse that was affecting heavily the runabout systems. Navigation had become really hard and I felt really worried in some moments. My next entry will be hopefully made from my new quarters in my new ship. Let this new adventure begin.
Stardate 20509.22
LCdr Idrani Chief of Security’s Log Stardate 20509.22
Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani recording:
I begin my service as Chief of Security onboard this ship. A fire has been declared at deck 7. I have proceeded to take charge of the situation by myself. The fire has declared at the beginning of the beta shift, and quickly extended from its origin, Crewman Tuar Ranks quarters, to the entire section. The entire deck fire suppression system malfunctioned, and the logs shows it had already offline before the fire started. It is a disturbing fact that will be investigated as soon as possible.
The fight against the fire has been hard. As result of rescuing a science officer trapped in her quarters I have suffered some harm, due to the inhalation of toxic gases. I have to thank my Andorian metabolism once again my low tolerance to toxics... but when I am hurt and bleeding it won’t seem so inconvenient.
[Delay the last statement]
The performance of my new staff has been remarkable. Regrettably I had not still time to know them, so I will try to arrange a department official meeting as soon as possible to start knowing my people.
The fire has been finally extinct, but many interrogations are still open. Its origin seemed to be some kind of flammable oil. Probably Science and Engineering will add some light to this mystery, and the interrogation of the quarter’s owner will be useful too.
Special mention to Lt.JG Kin´ra Chara´Tern and Crewman Tyrell performance in this crisis.
End Log.
LCdr Idrani Chief of Security’s Personal Log SUPPLEMENTAL
Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani recording:
My first day as Chief of Security could not have been more agitated. A fire in a non essential deck of the ship, a damn mostly unstoppable fire, and my first visit to sickbay. It seems my fate to make first contact in a new ship with the on duty medical officer. This one, a Dr Saundra Rose, has showed really kind having patience with my special attitude before sanitary facilities and personnel. In fact she had provided me with a really useful device, that I must remember to return.
It has not escaped to me, behind this kindness, a cold attitude I had felt in the Captain as well. I cannot less than wonder why has been the Captain so cold in his welcome, and if it could be related with the pressure of the current mission.
The status of the mission is another thing I ignore. As I have not been in the senior officers debriefing, I am blind at all. I must address the First Officer as soon as possible to catch up...
Red alert has been declared. I wonder if we are engaging in battle... My warrior heart wishes this is the case....
End Log.
Stardate 20510.30
LCdr Idrani Chief of Security Log Stardate 20510.30
Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani recording:
After receiving a message from the Copernicus about the disappearance of the USS Yeager, we have arrived to a planet called Sharok, where the ship seemed to have crushed. Fortunately we were able to locate the Yeager´s crew on the surface. Using all our available shuttlecraft, we managed to bring them all onboard. Lieutenant junior Grade GreyGor, the Yeager´s acting Chief of Security had requested their men to be added to our duty rosters, and after receiving authorization from the First Officer, I did not see any reason to deny his request. His men are now supporting mine, and I am glad to have the chance to give some of them some rest after the exhausting fire extinction.
I intend to call for a Department meeting as soon as Lieutenant Commander Brackett is back on board. I must point my concern about the away team, since unavoidable factors of this mission have keep us in orbit of Sharok far beyond the four hours threshold to communicate with our away team. With the rescue of the Yeager itself, I hope we are now free to recover our men and give a good final point to this survey mission.
End log
LCdr Idrani Chief of Security’s Personal Log SUPPLEMENTAL
Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani recording:
I have had my first open disagreement with a Commanding Officer since I joined Star Fleet. Perhaps it is due to the exaggerated concern a new appointed Chief of Security have usually about his duty, but I do not agree with delaying the communication with our away team at planet Dvorak because of refloating the Yeager from the planet, since it is very unlikely would try to steal in a sunk ship in the brief period of time it would have taken to us reaching Dvorak and recovering the away team. It is true there is a dangerous Electromagnetic radiation surrounding Dvorak, but I think that is not reason to prevent us to try to establish contact with them in the regulated time, I repeat, after being sure all the Yeager crew has been rescued.
I saw myself in the situation of being the ranking officer at the bridge under Captain Daher and my opinion about the issue was not very well received. I am starting to anticipate that kind of reactions from the Captain, and I wonder why it is being this way. However, I decided not to make official in the record my objection, as well as avoiding any mention in my official log. That will mean for the record I fully supported the Captain´s decision no matter what the consequences could be, and I left it open for the Captain to make a reprimand for me in his own log. Even although I personally feel I am starting to clash with him, Captain Daher objectively seems to me a great Captain who, although he is not gaining any sympathy from me, he has my absolute loyalty and trust in any matter.
I wonder if I am overreacting in this situation, since a voice inside me warns I am not.
[Computer delete the last statement... as well as any other mention of voices inside me.]
End log.
Stardate 20511.11
LCdr Idrani Chief of Security Log Stardate 20511.11
Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani recording:
I have been assigned the mission of investigating the fate of the first away team sent to Dvorak. After leaving the Yeager under the care of the Copernicus and transferring Captain Valiant to the science vessel, the Titan has returned to Dvorak to find Commander May´s team. We have been unable to establish contact, and a new away team under my command has been sent down here.
I have decided to conduct myself with caution. I have no idea about the threat we are facing. It could be from a medical hazard to a force of hostile aliens. The search has taken us to a building, the only staying in the devastation of the city, whose interior we are unable to scan. I hope the team is safe inside, protecting from the storm, and we can return to the ship as soon as possible. But a voice inside me tells me it wont be so easy.
[Last statement deleted due to the mention of a voice inside.]
Computer, end log.
Stardate 20511.29
LCdr Idrani Chief of Security Personal Log Stardate 20511.29
Lieutenant Commander Rexar Idrani recording:
This could be my last log at the USS Titan. I have no words to explain how disturbing the trip home has been. The fact of being my father the one who arranged my transfer to this ship has been hurting me day after day. It is difficult to look at your fellows faces when you know they know why you are there. However, the Titan crew is really professional, and they seem to have accepted me, especially after the hard moments we had to stand at Dvorak, where we almost lost the ship to a Romulan boarding party.
My relationship with the Captain seems to have no solution. After the nasty argument in his ready room, we spent the remaining trip without changing a word, out of the official reports. He is not happy to have me onboard, and I understand that. Well, he soon will be free of my presence...
End Log.
Lt Alexis Tregelen
Stardate 20510.15
Lt Tregelen Personal Log Stardate 20510.15
Lieutenant Alexis Tregelen recording:
We were evacuated to the Titan today after spending god knows how long on that planet. From what I’ve seen of the ship, it’s defiantly larger than the Yeager, although I do prefer my own lab. I haven’t been down to see the ones here yet but I’m sure that they are as expansive as the rest of the ship.
I was treated in sickbay for an injury that I sustained while on the planet by one of the more beautiful Doctors I’ve seen. It’s so different than all of the male Doctors on the Yeager. Kind of refreshing too. I should have asked her to dinner but then again, that’s always been my problem. Thinking of the right thing to say after the fact. Doesn’t matter really, the Yeager will be dragged up and you will be back to your lab and forget about it all.
Well I guess its time to get some sleep; I’ll go down and check the labs when I wake up.
End Log.
LCdr Imrix Trem
Stardate 20510.15
LCdr Trem Personal Log Stardate 20510.15
Lieutenant Commander Imrix Trem recording:
Hmph. Probably should have done one of these a long time ago, but there just never seemed to be time. Anyway, this is a crew log for LCdr Imrix Trem, Chief Engineer of the Yeager.
Right now, I'm in my temporary quarters on the Titan. I say 'temporary' because I expect to be back aboard the Yeager before too long. Others might be laughing at that claim, but I have supreme faith in the capabilities of the Yeager's crew as well as the Titan's crew.
So. The Yeager, Titan and Copernicus were sent to explore a newly discovered planetary system located beyond a nebula. Three ships, you wonder? Well, this is a super system—101 planets. It seemed impossible, and even more improbable that it is a naturally occurring system. I'm not an expert, but the gravitic dynamics of such a system would be… well, impossible. So the three ships were sent to explore it.
Once we got through the nebula, we found a truly fantastic system. Almost immediately, it was discovered that some of the planets had powerful tractor beam stations on that kept the rest of the planets in stable orbits. The Yeager was assigned to explore the closest planets to the star.
We found an intelligent species living there. I wasn't on the away team, so I'm not sure what happened.
After that, we went to check out the next planet. We detected many life forms on the planet, but no intelligent ones. Turned out the life form was dinosaurs!
But then the ship encountered some sort of energy dampening field. With power and engines out, the Yeager crashed on the planet. We landed on a reef, and then had to evacuate the ship as it began to sink into the ocean. Fortunately, we were able to salvage the shuttles, and moved the crew to a nearby island.
We found a large cave and set up a base camp in the cave because a powerful storm was moving in. As some of the crew began exploring the deeper recesses of the cave, the storm hit. It was at least a class 5 storm… torrential downpour, hurricane winds… In the midst of it, the encampment was attacked by a horde of small dinosaurs.
Fortunately, Lt Stuart had anticipated a potential problem from the dinosaurs and had set up an impressive defensive front… palisades, ditches, embankments, ballistas… Without them, we probably wouldn't have survived. We lost a lot of good people, but only by the wholesale slaughter of the dinosaurs.
As the storm passed over us and hit the mainland, it began breaking up. That's when the Titan arrived. Our lack of communication with Capt Godard, the mission commander and CO of the Copernicus, had been of concern, so she'd sent the Titan to find out what the problem was.
With the assistance of the Titan's crew, the surviving members of the Yeager were evacuated off planet to the Titan. The injured are being treated in sickbay, and the rest of us are trying to figure out how to raise the Yeager from the bottom of the ocean and into orbit.
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that the planet, named Sharok, was in the path of a large asteroid. The Yeager's initial scans and analysis indicated that this would be an ELE—extinction level event. If we allow it to strike the planet, it will wipe out the dinosaurs and any other life on the planet. Capt Valiant is discussing the problem with the Titan's CO, Capt Daher.
End log.
Lt JG Kin'ra Chara'tern
Stardate 20510.30
Lt[Jg] Chara'tern Personal Log Stardate 20510.30
Lt.JG Kin’ra Chara’tern recording:
It would seem there is some anger at the appointment of our new COS. I have heard multiple rumors that his father was the one who maneuvered the appointment. I feel obligated to inform my new Chief of the disapproval in the ranks, but I shall attempt to quell any dissent before he is aware.
It would seem this department has a history of battles between the COS and high-ranking members of the department. I hope to stop this "tradition" before someone is harmed by our COS. Which I do not doubt will happen if anyone challenges him.
I must also report to the Histah High Command on the efficiency of the recovery of the Yeager and her crew. The valor of the Yeager shall be duly noted. The humans and their allies have begun to prove themselves as worthy compatriots of the Histah.
End Log.