Titan Mission 08: "A Titan Reborn"
Captain's Logs
Capt Alexis Tregelen
Stardate 20909.13
Captains Log Stardate 20909.13
After an extensive refit the Titan has arrived at Starbase 294 to pick up a Gile Mundan, a Federation citizen in charge of a mining operation on Altair IV, a planet near to Klingon space. We along with the USS Tokyo and USS Detroit are to escort a convoy to the planet and protect it against raids that have been occurring in the area.
I have called a meeting with the senior staff to brief them on the situation. Unfortunately our Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Junior Grade Ashlee Williams was redirected on her way to rendezvous with us due to an outbreak of Atherosclerosis on Ceberons VI. She should be able to join up with us in a few weeks. Until then we have an otherwise fully crewed medical staff who I am sure can handle the situation.
End Log
Stardate 20911.12
Captains Log Stardate 20911.12
Due to what I have been told was faulty isolinear chips we were unable to detect the presence of a comet in the path of the Titan as we were travelling at warp. As a consequence of this the Titan was almost destroyed when we were rendered immobile. Fortunately with the assistance of the Tokyo and Detroit we were able to move out of the way and facilitate repairs. Engineering assures me that they have identified and replaced all faulty chips and that we are at peak efficiency.
We have just arrived in the Altair system and are proceeding towards Altair IV. I have called Mister Munden to the bridge. I have seen very little of the man since our launch as he has been locked in his quarters the entire trip. It's not that I dont trust him but I might have security look over his activity for me to see if there is anything that I should be concerned about. He is hiding something from me, I can sense it.
Upon arriving in the system we were attacked by at least four Klingon vessels.
End Log
Stardate 20912.01
Captains Log Stardate 20912.01
The battle hasn't gone well for the Federation forces. The Detroit is all but destroyed with minimal lifesigns and the Tokyo is at least manoeuvrable. The Titan has fared a little better which is understandable considering our increased shielding and weapons. The convoy that we had been escorted has had many of its ships boarded and the rest have scattered.
The Klingons have taken this opportunity to initiate contact for the first time and although Mr Munden insisted that we refuse their hail and to continue attacking I am going to use this time to reform the convoy and conduct emergency repairs. Should the battle recommence we need to be in the best shape possible and if I can buy us a few more minutes for repairs. Unfortunately it will give the Klingons time to repair also.
End Log
Stardate 20912.23
Captains Log Stardate 20912.23
I have begun questioning Mr Munden regarding the accusations made by the Klingons. Understandably he has responded very aggressively to the questions. The Klingons are still out there but at least the fleet has been able to regroup and make some emergency repairs. I am unsure if we have regained control of any of the vessels that the Klingons were able to take over but the condition of the vessel wouldn't do anything more than add some canon fodder if the battle resumed. Thankfully the crew was able to be transported to the Titan where they are receiving emergency medical care.
End Log.
Stardate 21002.20
Captains Log Stardate 21002.20
The Klingons have agreed to let us move forward to the planet and have cloaked and moved off. I highly doubt that they have left but for now, it seems like we are alone.
As we took up a standard orbit around the planet we transported a team lead by Lieutenant Commander Cooper down to the planet to investigate. We have received word that they have come under fire from an unknown number of assailants. We are unable to transport the team out due to the facility raising a shield around it.
We have detected an anomaly in the shields that might allow safe passage through however they will be unable to be transported out. We have arranged security teams to beam down to take out the shield generators to allow for the transport to happen. The Klingons are back and offering assistance. They will be transporting some of their mechanical troops down to assist with the mission. I do have my reservations about teaming up with the Klingons but they have assisted us well in the past. Who knows, maybe this is the first step back to a fully committed Federation/Klingon alliance.
End Log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Lieutenant Commander Cooper
Stardate 20909.12
First Officer's Log Stardate 20909.12 LCdr Ryan Cooper Recording:
It has been an amazingly busy and eventful few weeks that I am grateful is finally starting to slow down. I arrived on Space Station Sierra with the intent of carrying out an assignment for Starfleet Security/Intelligence to help secure the tri-border station. I was therefore extremely surprised whenever Captain Alexis Tregelen offered me the position of First Officer on the USS Titan.
The decision to accept the new position was actually easier to make then I had ever anticipated it to be. Perhaps I have been waiting for such an opportunity to feel right. Whatever the reasoning behind my decision- I made it. I accepted Captain Tregelen's offer and requested my transfer from Headquarters.
As expected Headquarters was not thrilled with my request, however approved it with their blessings. As a favor for them I spent several days briefing my replacement on the strategy I had worked up for the Space Station. This unfortunately took my time away from my new home on the Titan. I have not yet the opportunity to meet the majority of the clue, including the senior officers. Something I hope to rectify soon.
Captain Tregelen seems like a good man. He is clearly competent and has been in waiting for the big chair for quite some time. I know that I will be able to learn quite a bit from the veteran F-O and new C-O. In addition to that I am confident that I will be able to assist the Captain transition to the Titan.
Despite the fact that we have yet to launch yet I find myself happy to be back aboard a ship. I think this is amplified by the fact that the ship is a Light Cruiser. The Titan reminds me so much of the Pegasus that for the first time in a few years I feel home.
We have decided to call a Senior Officer meeting today- a meeting I should be heading to right now. I am looking forward to getting to meet some of the crew and even more, I am looking forward to launching this wonderful ship!
Eng Log.
Lieutenant Frarg
Stardate 20909.10
Lieutenant Frarg's Personal Log, Stardate 20909.10
After what I can only describe as a less than favourable return to Starfleet life (see 'Sierra Fiasco' attachment), I'm finally back onboard a Federation starship. Granted, it's not the Philadelphia, or even the Darwin for that matter, but nevertheless I'm hoping to quickly be able to call the Titan home. Lord knows, I desperately need one right now, if I ever hope to get past the last year...
But that's neither here nor there; I can't afford to show weakness - not to my fellow security personnel, not to any of the crew...and especially not to the new Commanding Officer. The decks are already rife with mistrust, suspicion and malice for me following my ill-timed Absence. But if only they knew the things I've been through, the horrors I've endured...!
No, now is no time for dredging up the past. Now is the time for new beginnings!
...Why, then, do I feel like I'm about to face a lot of confrontation and resentment from my fellow officers?
End Log.
Lieutenant Commander Barrett
Stardate 20909.11
Chief Tactical Officer’s log. Stardate 20909.11.
This is my first log on my new assignment, the USS Titan. Heh, kinda strange to say. Especially so soon, my only other transfer was to the Space Station, and that wasn’t all that long ago, especially compared to my time on the Yeager.
I haven’t seen too much of the ship yet, at least this refitted version. I have of course been on the Titan before. After Johnson crippled the Yeager all those years ago, it was the Titan that recovered us. And there was even another occasion when the Titan had to come tow us home. We also worked on some joint missions. I must say there’s a weird feeling about it. Now being serving aboard the ship that repeatedly came to rescue me in the past, I always felt rather sheepish about it too.
It’s also interesting to be taking over Admiral Daher’s old ship. I wonder how Tregelen feels about it. Daher himself handed him the ‘keys’ to his old baby, it must have been a great feeling. I wonder if he had any of the apprehension about leaving the way I did when he asked me to join him.
“I’ve been given command of the Titan, and I need a good CTO,” he said. I should ask him someday what he sensed from my mind at that moment, because I don’t even remember. It’s not what I expected he called me in for at all.
And I admit…I’m still not sure it was the best choice from a career prospective. With Tregelen gone, there is an opening for First Officer on Sierra; it may have gone to me. I’ve been a department head for many years, but I suppose by the same token I became one fairly quickly. But with a good chance of being promoted, staying would probably have been a better choice for my career.
For one thing though, I wouldn’t be serving under Valiant, but that new Captain. For all I know, the new Captain had his own ideas for an FO; he doesn’t know me after all. On top of that, the same hesitation I felt leaving the Yeager – did I really want to be committed to a station before I was an Admiral. Starfleet, especially for a tactical officer, is about the ships, right? And while Tregelen and I are friends, that wouldn’t be enough for him to choose me. He needed a solid Tactical officer, and at the risk of sounding arrogant, perhaps I was simply the best man for the job. While a more command-oriented position may have been a smart move for my career, but love still lies with Tactical.
And speaking of ships, the Titan is a fine one. Being an officer on Admiral Daher’s former ship is honor enough, but a being a descendent of Captain Riker’s first command isn’t too shabby either. As for spec’s let’s see, in terms of size and offense, she’s no Dauntless, but she still makes the Yeager look like a canoe. Faster warp, more than three times the amount of decks, 4 times the phaser banks, not to mention torpedo launchers, saucer-separation capability, a pretty fun ship to be a Tactical officer on, that’s for sure. In the old Yeager’s defense, she still has Titan beat on sensors and maneuverability, but I am looking forward to getting used to a new ship.
A Lieutenant Commander Cooper is my new First Officer, and I’ll review my new Tactical department later today and arrange a meeting tomorrow. We’ll be shipping off very soon. Even if it isn’t a full career shift, it’s definitely another change in my life, so here’s hoping everything goes well. I’m glad to Alex with me an in command, that’s for sure.
End log.