Thomas, Xavier

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Xavier Thomas
Career Occupation
Chief of Security
USS Enterprise, CV-07
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Biographical Attributes
173 cm (5 ft. 8 in.)
81.6 kg (180 lb.)
Eye Color:
Crystal Blue.
Hair Color:
Dirty Blonde.
Crew Cut.
Average body, muscular but not noticeable..
Deep and strong.
United Federation of Planets
Familial Relationships
Orion Thomas.
Ashley Thomas.
Status of Parents:
Marital Status:

Personal History

Xavier was born to Ashley and Orion Thomas, two Federation Archeologists who where deeply in love with each other. As a young child he basked in that love as he jetted across the galaxy with them from dig site to dig site. They where killed while working on an unnamed planet at an archeological dig researching an ancient, unknown sentient race. The dig site was totally destroyed by what appeared to be a ball of fire that fell from the sky. The ball of fire turned out to be a crashing Borg sphere. What was not killed by the crash was assimilated until all that remained was Xavier.

Xavier was rescued by a merchant sent to re-supply the dig site and barely escaped the Borg, who where later destroyed by a secret Star Fleet combat fleet. He was taken to a neutral space station, Substation 7, where he lived on his own., in which he was forced to learn self reliance. He did odd jobs and became the apprentice of an old weapons smith who trained him in his craft in the time Xavier was there. He had almost learned everything from him that he could when Space Pirates raided the station a year after his rescue and he was taken captive.

Xavier was kept in bondage for five years. He refuses to talk about all that happened during those five years due to the gruesome acts he witnessed. Only one incident that occurred during this time period can he talk about. He was forced to kill his Best friend, Karos, in a knife fight that was forced upon them as sport by their pirate captives. The pirates thought it a grand sport to see two young boys slice each other up. Karos knew only one of the two would survive so he sacrificed himself on my knives so Xavier would live. To this day, he carries those knifes along with a pair of modified phaser pistols.

Xavier was freed after five years by a Star Fleet ship, the U.S.S. Karsen Davis, that had happened upon the ship he was being kept on and was brought to earth where a warm family, the Jones, took him in and cared for him. His surrogate family was very loving and in the two years he was with them before my departure for the Academy. They taught him how to be civil again and drove within him honor and selflessness.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Security, melee and ranged weapons, adv. Combat techniques, advanced strategy.
Academy Minor(s): Archeology, field medicine.
Hobbies and Pastimes: Weapons customization, archeology, piloting.
Short-Term Goals: Distinguish himself in service to others.
Long-Term Goals: Career success in Star Fleet, own command, design both a new and better combat fighter and a fast attack starship.
Personality: Light hearted but with a cold edge. Watchful over those he cares for and always-reliable.
Sense of Humor: Very sarcastic and humorous, used to lighten up the mood and to keep myself calm.
Phobias: Snakes.
Likes: Smart, attractive women, fast shuttles/fighters, target practice.
Dislikes: Cocky self-centered people, inhumane acts.
Pet Peeves or Gripes: People who use the system for self advancement with only the thought of themselves.
Achievements: Earning the rank of eagle in the Interstellar Boy Scouts during his stay on substation 7 and his time with the Jones.
Disappointments: The death of Karos.
Illnesses: He was struck with many communal illnesses during his captivity and was forced to build a robust immune system.
Strengths: Weapons specialization in all forms.
Weaknesses: Women.
Fears: The loss of the federation.
Prejudices: Xavier learned to only hate evil itself.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Leather coat or vest with black t-shirt and black paints with knife pockets. Custom holster with two custom Phaser pistols fitted in the small of the back..
Distinguishing Features: Scars on back and abdomen, small scar under left eye from a knife.
Pets: None.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 20412.21 Awarded Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Security Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20412.21 Promoted to Midshipman
Reassigned to Security Officer
Assigned to USS Dauntless, BC-1553
Security Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20501.01 Promoted to Ensign Ensign
Security Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20502.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20502.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Reassigned to Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20503.01 Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20505.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20505.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Lieutenant
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20506.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20507.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20509.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20510.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20510.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20512.01 Awarded Diamond Star Diamond Star
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20602.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Dauntless, BC-1553 b. 20602.20 Awarded Gold Star Gold Star
Chief of Security USS Enterprise, CV-07 20602.20 Transferred to USS Enterprise, CV-07
Chief of Security USS Enterprise, CV-07 20607.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Enterprise, CV-07 20608.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief of Security USS Enterprise, CV-07 20805.01 Awarded Gold Star Gold Star
Chief of Security USS Enterprise, CV-07 20806.01 Downshifted to Non-Player Character
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal 1
Gold Star Gold Star 2
Diamond Star Diamond Star 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 9

Supplemental Information

Next Character: Frank Sheppard

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.