A stardate is a number which references a specific point in time. Stardates were used in certain cultures as far back as the 2150s, although Earth had not yet adopted the system.
When adopted by humans during the next hundred years, stardates began to be used instead of explicit Gregorian dates such as May 4, 2267 in many contexts, although Gregorian dates did not disappear altogether. Stardates did not replace clock time or everyday units for expressing timespans, such as days, weeks, months, years, centuries or millennia, and they do not apply retroactively instead of Gregorian or Julian calendars either: for example, the first contact with Vulcans still took place on April 5, 2063, not on a stardate.
On Federation Space to calculate a stardate we use the current out-of-game date and add 400 years. You take the year, add 400 to it, then the month in digits, then the day of the month. For example, if the date was October 31st, 2009, the stardate would be 240910.31.