St. Vrain, Elspeth

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Elspeth Noel St. Vrain
Career Occupation
Science Officer
USS Copernicus, GEC-9035
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Biographical Attributes
168 cm (5 ft. 6 in.)
59.9 kg (132 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Red, presently but subject to change. It is one of the few areas were she pays any attention to fashion.
Shoulder length, loose curls, bangs. Occasionally she will gather it back to keep it out of her way when working.
Slender build with muscular legs from running. Her 132 pounds is mostly from muscle mass.
"Peaches and cream" is the old fashioned term for pale with soft blush in cheeks. Doesn't tan easily but will take on a soft glow with exposure to sunlight.
Has a slightly hoarse voice, "a whiskey voice" but from allergies. Her voice does carry and she can usually be heard over background noise. She doesn't like to take allergy suppressing medications as she thinks they slow her down.
United Federation of Planets
Paris, France. Her family was living on the outskirts of the city when she was born. Later they moved to the family home in a village about 20 km from the city.
Familial Relationships
Gabriel St. Vrain
Lucy Smith St. Vrain
Status of Parents:
Both parents are alive and still married. They met when her mother, Lucy, was doing her senior year of high school as an exchange student in France. At the time, Elspeth’s father, Gabriel St. Vrain, was a college Jr. studying History. After corresponding for a year and my mother graduating from high school she moved to France and they married. They later moved to the United States where Gabriel took a job teaching at a small mid-western college. Lucy remained at home but continued to work on her Art career.
One brother, Vincent St. Vrain, age 26. He is working as a mechanical engineer for a private aircraft company.
Marital Status:
Previously married but did not renew their original 2 year contract. Is currently in a relationship with the CMO of the Copernicus Daniel Brooks.

Personal History

Elspeth was born in France and lived there until the age of 5 yrs when her parents moved to the United States. This was a stressful change for her as her parents had even less time for her than previously. Her brother was born the next year. She and her brother were fond of each other but the age difference did keep them from being companions. She started school at age 6. Elspeth was a quite child and was a bit of an outsider at school as a result. Many of her classmates thought her “stuck up” but she was really just shy. She attended the college where her father was on faculty as it was a “free ride”. She was an adequate student, excelling primarily in the sciences.

In her senior year she entered into a 2 year monogamy contract with a classmate. In the end they were not compatible and they did not renew the contract. Elspeth decided to move to Houston, Texas in order to attend the university there. She entered the graduate program in Xeno-biology and Xeno-ecology. During a field trip to Mars colony, Elspeth realized that she wanted to actually go off world to study. She applied to Star Fleet upon graduation and somewhat to her surprise was accepted.

Personality Profile

Hobbies and Pastimes: She has had a life long interest in the Middle Ages of Earth and joined the SCA, a group started in the mid 20th century to study and preserve the culture of the Middle Ages while in high school. She also found that she enjoys cooking in the ancient manner, using fire and pots and fresh ingredients. She has also done some painting as a hobby and enjoys this as a means of relaxation. She has a small measure of her mother’s talent.
Short-Term Goals: To begin her work for Star Fleet in her chosen field. She hopes to be an asset to her ship and to Star Fleet.
Long-Term Goals: She hopes that in years to come she might be able to contribute to our knowledge of other planets and the life forms that inhabit them. She would love to discover a new species or to discover something unknown about a previously studied species. She would also like to advance both her reputation as a scientist and in Star Fleet to a leadership position.
Personality: Controlled, quiet and shy. Tends to be solitary but does have a few close friends she is comfortable with.
Sense of Humor: She has a dry sense of humor, enjoys making play on words, witty repartee’. She does not appreciate slap stick or practical jokes. She is not always politically correct with her humor.
Likes: She enjoys reading, watching old movies, esp. from the 20th century. She likes to camp and spend time in wilderness areas. She enjoys the company of bright, interesting people who enjoy learning and sharing what they have learned.
Dislikes: Mean-spirited, spiteful people
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: In spite of only spending a few years in Texas, the state had a strong influence on her. She likes to wear jeans, dressy cowboy type boots and silk shirts. She likes muted colors but will add sparkles with ear rings, hair decorations. When just relaxing in her quarters she will wear workout clothing that is loose and comfortable.
Distinguishing Features: No significant scars or tatoos. She does have a certain presence and her grey eyes are unusual.
Pets: She has had a number of pets in the past. She is fond of dogs, enjoys sharing her home with a few cats. Presently does not have a pet as she did not feel she could care for one while at Star Fleet. She would like to find a small exotic to have on shipboard in the future.
Friends: Her childhood friend died in a ground car accident shortly after graduating from college. Since then, she has not made any close friends. She had a number of classmates in graduate school and at the Academy who she spent time with but no one she was really close to. She would like to have a relationship where she could feel safe in sharing herself.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Science Officer USS Philadelphia, FF-6053 20805.02 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Science Officer USS Darwin, GEC-9000 20809.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Transferred to USS Darwin, GEC-9000
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Science Officer USS Darwin, GEC-9000 20809.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Science Officer USS Darwin, GEC-9000 20812.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Science Officer USS Darwin, GEC-9000 20901.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 20902.01 Promoted to Lieutenant
Transferred to USS Copernicus, GEC-9035
Acting Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 20903.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month
Reassigned to Acting Chief Science Officer
Role Player of the Month
Acting Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 20909.01 Awarded Gold Star Gold Star
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 20910.01 Reassigned to Chief Science Officer
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21006.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21009.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21010.01 Awarded Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21010.01 Awarded Diamond Star Diamond Star
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21106.01 Awarded Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21202.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21203.01 Awarded Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GEC-9035 21211.01 Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal 1
Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal 3
Gold Star Gold Star 1
Diamond Star Diamond Star 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 7

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.