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Adjusted aesthetic of bio; added links; fixed links
|Character Type=PRC
|Name=Sylvi Rehnquist
|Species Count=1
|Species=Hybrid{{!}}3/4 Human, 1/4 Betazoid|Species2=|Species3=|Species4=|Species5=|Species6=
|Place=Starbase 129
|Temporal Displacement=
|Mother=Lestra Rehnquist (Nevak)
|Father=Sebastian Rehnquist
|Adoptive Mother=
|Adoptive Father=
|Build=Petite, slender
|Complexion=Fair with light freckles
|Hair Style=Long and wavy, <br>tied back in a French braid or loose bun most days
|Voice=Soothing, slightly husky
|History=Sylvi was born on [[Star Base 129 ]] of a [[Human ]] father and [[Betazoid|Half-Betazoid ]] mother. As her father, Sebastian, was a Starfleet Helm Officer for the Federation, she spent much of her childhood moving from Star Base to Star Base, but always in the company of her mother, Lestra. By the time she reached the age of 15, she had had the opportunity to visit 12 different planets and reside on five various Federation Bases. That gave her ample opportunity to adjust to and learn about a plethora of cultures and philosophies, including Earth, Vulcan, Risa, Bajor, Coridan, Andoria, and of course her ancestral home world of [[Betazed]]. She can, by proxy, politely speak four different languages other than Federation Standard: Swedish (father’s ancestry), Bajoran, Vulcan and Risan. 
Always the giving soul, Sylvi could be found fretting about the colonies and space stations (under the watchful eye of her mother, of course), giving aid or services to those around her. Sometimes she would sit for the smaller children, assist the women in their chores, or work in the arboretums. No matter her activity, it was guaranteed she would be talking up a storm to whoever would listen. She loved staying busy, and each new task granted her a chance to feel useful.
Once she had reached the age of adolescence (around 12 years old), she noticed a change in herself, which started the moment she shared her first kiss with a boy. It wasn’t alarming, but it felt as if she could feel the moods of others around her. The excitement of her friends, the irritation in her classmates, and even strangers in the market gave of slight shifts of energy in her emotions. It slowly began affecting her overall mood when she was around groups of too many people, so she decided to bring it to the attention of her parents. That was when she learned of her mother’s half-Betazed heritage. The knowledge equally fascinated and worried her, already having limited understanding of Betazoid telepathy.
But, as with all things, Sylvi threw herself into studying the culture further and soon accepted and embraced her muted abilities. She had even read about a counselor that served on a starship decades ago who had been born half Betazoid, with a fully realized empathic ability. Knowing this information helped to ease her fears, realizing she wasn’t alone. Sylvi, however, was having a hard time distinguishing her own emotions from those around her, and it grew bothersome. It wasn’t something she could block out easily, at least at first. With time and practice, she was able to control it to a dull white noise.
But, as with all things, Sylvi threw herself into studying the culture further and soon accepted and embraced her muted abilities. She had even read about a counselor that served on a starship decades ago who had been born half Betazoid, with a fully realized empathic ability. Knowing this information helped to ease her fears, realizing she wasn’t alone. Sylvi, however, was having a hard time distinguishing her own emotions from those around her, and it grew bothersome. It wasn’t something she could block out easily, at least at first. With time and practice, she was able to control it to a dull white noise.   After this all came to light, her mother suggested she finished her schooling on the planet of [[Betazed]], to get a chance to experience life with the telepathic race. Reluctantly, not wanting to leave her parents at such a young age, she shipped off at 14 and spent the rest of her adolescence and young adulthood learning how to manage her ability while also finishing her studies. While there, she met a sweet girl, very similar to herself, by the name of Lorelei Tral whose mother was also half Betazoid. Bonding over their similar racial traits, they quickly became best friends.
While there, she met a sweet girl, very similar to herself, by the name of Lorelei Tral whose mother was also half Betazoid. Bonding over their similar racial traits, they quickly became best friends.
Through all of this, one thing had remained a constant: The desire to follow in her father’s footsteps. The wonder of travel and exploring the galaxy had always been a large part of her, and to have the opportunity to do such a thing for a living was all she ever wanted. So, of course, when the time came for her to decide the next steps in her life, she immediately applied for the Academy. Life in the Academy thankfully flew by mostly uneventful. Having chosen the same study as her father in the Tactical department, she quickly grew fond of the idea of piloting for the Federation. The excitement of flying filled her with the determination to be the best tactical officer in her graduating class. By the end of Phase One of her flight training, Sylvi had nearly perfect marks on her record.
Life in the Academy thankfully flew by mostly uneventful. Having chosen the same study as her father in the Tactical department, she quickly grew fond of the idea of piloting for the Federation. The excitement of flying filled her with the determination to be the best tactical officer in her graduating class. By the end of Phase One of her flight training, Sylvi had nearly perfect marks on her record.
However, during Phase Two of her training, there was an accident that injured a fellow Cadet. It happened two months before graduation, during a routine cruise to the base orbiting Saturn. As she approached the landing dock, a glitch appeared in the navigation system, one she had never encountered before. A moment of panic took over, and she ended up making a mistake which forced her to crash land the craft inside the hangar. Both herself and her co-pilot sustained injuries. Hers were minor, thankfully, but for the other Cadet, he suffered a broken arm and a fracture on his skull from hitting the panel beside him with the back of his head. The injury to his skull had impacted his brain, and his recovery took nearly a month. Guilt still eats at her to this day.
 Despite the incident, which the instructors later determined to be an equipment malfunction, Sylvi stayed strong and graduated with honors.<br><br>
|Minors=Helm and Navigation
|Painful=As a child around nine years old, she wandered off into the large forest near her home. It was getting dark, and she got herself lost. So, she tried to brave a look by climbing up what she believed to be a stable tree to get her bearings. As she reached midway up the trunk, a branch broke underneath her foot, and she stumbled down a bit, only to get her leg stuck in between two other branches. The impact broke the bones in her ankles. She screamed for help, but no one came for nearly three hours. It was dark, eerily quiet, and she was in so much pain, being stuck nearly thirty feet in the air. At that point, the fear of dying kept her awake and continuing to call out for help. Thankfully, a young hunter heard her from beyond the thicket of trees and investigated. He got her down, brought her home and even though there were no lasting physical scars, she now had a fear of climbing… or more accurately, falling from large heights.
|Time=Any time she spent shore leave on a new planet with her parents. The ability to taste new foods, enjoy new entertainment, take in new scenery was always a beautiful memory for her.
|Crucial=<br>The day she first felt her Betazed intuition kick in. She was 12 at the time, and it started when she met a cute boy in the city center of San Francisco when her parents had a chance to come back to Earth for some shore leave. His name was Dreka, and she found out a bit later he was Vulcan. She hadn’t met a Vulcan her age before, and she grew curious about him. Dreka was stoic in nature, but she managed to catch his little smiles directed towards her, which made her blush like a giddy schoolgirl. The typical first crush feelings. 
After a week of getting to know each other, he made a bold move and kissed her. Though pleasantly surprised, she felt this rush of emotions she had never felt before when his lips touched hers. And they were not the normal pre-teen shy feelings; it held so much more. Forced control and discipline, overwhelming lust, fear. And they weren’t coming from her. When she broke the kiss, she left him in a panic, never looking back. The next day, her and her parents left, but it was because of that incident she learned of her Betazoid heritage. To this day, she still doesn’t know what it was about the kiss that triggered her Betazoid ability. <br>
|Role Model=Vice Admiral Paul Braggins. She learned about him from her father when she was younger. During the Academy, she was able to read up on his life, impressed by his actions and his growth through his career. Her dream was to meet the man, until she had a chance to during her 3rd year as a Cadet during a campus assembly, but she chickened out last second. Perhaps sometime in the future, she may get another opportunity, only when she was older and less fresh out of the Academy.
|Location=[[USS Philadelphia, FSV-66053]]
|Assignment=Tactical Officer


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