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Medals are awarded to players who go above and beyond what is expected on the site.

Medal Image Usage

The information and images contained on this page were created exclusively for the Federation Space RPG. Please do not copy this information without permission.
Please email our admin team, Fleet Admiral T'Mana and Creative Director Braggins, for permission to use any information contained on Federation Space.

Federation Medals

Star Fleet Academy Graduation Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduation Ribbon - No point value. The SFAG is awarded to all Star Fleet naval cadets completing their training at Star Fleet Academy.
Grph-med-com.jpg Command School Graduate Ribbon - Valued at 0 pts., the Command School Graduate Ribbon is awarded to Star Fleet officers upon completion of the command course at Star Fleet Academy.
Grph-med-sfam.jpg Star Fleet Achievement Medal - Valued at 100 pts., the SFAM is awarded by CO's to crew members who display better than average job performance, or to reward a single act.
Grph-med-sfcm.jpg Star Fleet Commendation Medal - Valued at 200 pts., the SFCM is awarded by CO's to crew members who display outstanding job performance skills in excess of that awarded to the SFAM.
Grph-med-gs.jpg Gold Star - Valued at 300 pts., the GS is awarded by CO's to crew members that exhibited valor in the face of imminent danger.
Grph-med-ds.jpg Diamond Star - Valued at 400 pts., the DS is awarded by Fleet Commanders on the recommendation of the crew member's CO. It is awarded to crew members that exhibit uncommon valor in the face of imminent danger.
Grph-med-sfdsg.jpg Distinguished Service Globe - Valued at 500 pts., the DSG is awarded by Fleet Commanders on the recommendation of the crew member's CO. It is awarded to crew members who consistently show outstanding performance and/or valor in the face of danger.
Grph-med-sfcog.jpg Star Fleet Cross of Gallantry - Valued at 600 pts., the SFCOG is awarded to crew members who display uncommon valor in the face of imminent danger, against an enemy of the Federation. Note: This medal will only be issued during war time. It will be awarded by a Fleet Commander upon the recommendation of the crew member's CO.
Grph-med-sfcmoh.jpg Star Fleet Medal of Honor - Valued at 700 pts., the highest military honor in Star Fleet, the SFMOH is awarded for acts of bravery in the face of insurmountable odds. It is awarded by CINC upon the recommendation of the crew member's Fleet Commander and CO.
Grph-med-ouc.jpg Outstanding Unit Citation - Valued at 200 pts., the Outstanding Unit Citation is awarded to an entire crew for consistently performing in a manner that sets the standard for others to follow. It is awarded by CINC upon the recommendation of a Fleet Commander or higher.
Grph-med-ph.jpg Purple Heart - Valued at 0 pts., the PH is awarded to crew members wounded in combat by an enemy of the Federation. Note: This medal is only issued during times of war.

Campaign Medals

Campaign medals are awarded to players who participated in various story arcs on the site. The player much have participated in the campaign for at least 30 days.

Grph-med-romulan.jpg Romulan War Campaign Medal - No Value. This medal was given to all players who participated in the Federation/Romulan War Y27.
Grph-med-romulan-02.jpg Romulan War 2 Campaign Medal - No Value. This medal was given to all players who participated in the Second Federation/Romulan War Y34-35.
Grph-med-borg.jpg Borg War Campaign Medal - No Value. This medal was given to all players who participated in the Federation/Borg War, Y27-Y28.
Grph-med-viper.jpg Night of the Viper Campaign Medal - No Value. This medal was given to all players who participated in the Night of the Viper campaign.
Grph-med-krynar.jpg Krynar War Campaign Medal - No Value. this medal was given to all players who participated in the Federation/Krynar war.

Achievement Medals

Grph-med-rpgofm.jpg Role-Player of the Month - Valued at 500 pts., the Role-Player of the Month Award recognizes an outstanding role-player(s) from each ship/station and are selected by commanding officers. A purely subjective award, to reward excellence in role-playing.
Grph-med-long1.jpg Longevity Medal - No Value. This medal is awarded for each year of service within Federation Space. The roman numeral will change to match the number of years on the site.
Grph-med-rct.jpg Recruiters Medallion - 500 pts. This medal is awarded for recruiting new members to Federation Space. No medal will be awarded until the recruited player has completed Star Fleet Academy and reached the rank of Ensign.
Grph-med-ssp.jpg Short Story Participant - Variable points awarded. This medal is awarded to a member for completing a submission during a Federation Space short story contest.
Grph-med-ssw.jpg Short Story Winner - Variable points awarded. This medal is awarded to a member for winning a Federation Space short story contest.
Grph-med-yaw.jpg Annual Citation of Excellence - No value. This citation is awarded for winning any of the following annual awards: Commanding Officer of the Year, First Officer of the Year, Department Head of the Year, Junior Officer of the Year, Player Character of the Year, Non-Player Character of the Year, Most Improved Writer of the Year, Writer of the Year, Sub-Plot of the Year, Game Moderator of the Year and Academy Instructor of the Year. The specific award should be noted in the main character's career history.
Grph-med-pm.jpg President's Medal - No value. This medal, awarded by the President, recognizes outstanding leadership and contributions to the Federation Space community.
Grph-med-josp.jpg Journal of Research Participant - No Value. This medal is awarded to a member for completing a submission during a Federation Journal of Research contest.
Grph-med-josw.jpg Journal of Research Winner - 250 points. this medal is awarded to a member for wining a Federation Journal of Research contest.

Service Medals

Service medals are awarded to players who have contributed to the development of a certain field. Each medal is approved by that field's Divisional Head, the CinC, the Vice President, or the President.

Grph-med-eng.jpg The Zefram Cochrane Award - Variable value. This award is bestowed upon members who have distinguished themselves in the field engineering.
Grph-med-med.jpg The Leonard McCoy Life Saving Cross - Variable value. This medal is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves in the field of medicine.
Grph-med-sci.jpg The Daystrom Institute Medallion of Scientific Achievement - Variable value. This medal is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves in the field of science.
Grph-med-tac.jpg The Hikaru Sulu Order of Tactics - Variable Value. This medal is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves in the field of starship operations.
Grph-med-sec.jpg The Ministry of Justice Citation of Valor - Variable value. This medal is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves in the field of security operations.
Grph-med-intel.jpg The Order of the Shadowed Veil - Variable value. This medal is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves in the field of intelligence operations.
Grph-med-avi.jpg Distinguished Flying Cross - Variable value. This medal is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves in the field of aviation.
Grph-med-oa.jpg The Order of Achievement - Variable value. This medal is awarded to members who have distinguished themselves by adding content to Federation Space in a category not previously listed.