Gettysburg Mission 08: "The Long Way Home"
USS Gettysburg, after finding herself trapped in an alternate universe, negotiates with the natives of that universe and manages to find her way home. Upon returning home, she encounters three Romulan ships, including the RIS Shadowhawk. Fighting alongside Shadowhawk, they drive off one of the ships and destroy the other.
Following this encounter, Shadowhawk escorts Gettysburg to the border, where she is ordered to report to SBA to stand down.
- 1 Captain's Logs
- 2 Crew Logs
- 2.1 Commander Aloysia Yvette, First Officer
- 2.2 Lieutenant Commander William Hudson, Chief Tactical Officer
- 2.3 Lieutenant Johan Schwicker, Chief Engineer
- 2.4 Lieutenant Commander Terra Arking, Acting Chief Engineer
- 2.5 Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Ristone, Chief of Security
- 2.6 Lieutenant Commander Laura Macleod, Chief Medical Officer
- 2.7 Lieutenant Commander Judith Tucker, Chief Science Officer
- 2.8 Lieutenant Junior Grade Gav, Tactical Officer
- 2.9 Crewman Apprentice, Estella Losada, Engineer
- 2.10 Ensign Charles Fitzalan-Howard, Security Officer
- 2.11 Midshipman George Tiquaq, Security Officer
- 2.12 Midshipman Levine Meels, Medical Officer
- 2.13 Lieutenant Junior Grade Johan Schwicker, Science Officer
- 2.14 Hannah Eaglestone, Medical Cadet (Acting)
- 3 USS Apparition, Joint Mission Profile
Captain's Logs
Rear Admiral Derrick Grant, Commanding Officer
Star Date 20907.23
Begin log.
The past few days have seen a start to returning to normalcy on the Gettysburg; although at every turn we see reminders of our fallen comrades and the damage that the ship endured. Some are trying to move on past it, to forget the pain and focus on the future. I refuse to let go of the pain. If I do that, I am likely to make the same mistakes again and perhaps next time we won’t be so lucky… we might all die.
Or would that be the better option? Had we all perished I wouldn’t see the ghosts of the dead every time I turn a corner; every time I close my eyes in a futile attempt at sleep; every time I talk to the relative of one of the dead.
Only one person on this ship deserves the pain and haunting that I see all around me. And the buck stops here. I am that person. If I could absorb the pain of the entire crew, and take it all upon myself, I would gladly do so, even though I know it would destroy me. It may already be too late.
The memorial service was a classic example of how utterly useless I’ve become. I shattered their hopes, and then gave a stupid pep-talk that in replay (I have listened to it several times to find a glimmer of hope) was so bad it’s a wonder no one has tried to kill me.
Or perhaps they have, and Trella prevented it and hid it from me.
Sometimes I wish they had, and had succeeded.
The rational part of my mind knows that it’s the wrong way to look at things. Lord knows that I’ve been told enough times in the past few days that I did the best I could. But I’m not the kind of person who accepts that. I should always do better. I should always be ahead of the curve.
And those ••••••• Romulans got me! They got me and they did it through my ego! Had I just realized that I couldn’t secure the drone and fight them head-on, I could have just resigned and warped off—dropping the Apparition to deal with it all. And over 1,600 people including Noruas would still be alive!
I wish I could say that I haven’t acted upon these feelings. Thankfully I haven’t done anything stupid yet. I’m sure if I ever really got close to it, Trella would stop me. I love her for what she does for me and the service, but I also damn her for it. I know that with her around none of my thoughts and feelings will ever be truly mine or private. And yet I know I need her there as much as I need Sevala, or my own heart.
Damned if I do, and damned if I don’t. At least she is letting me pretend that I’m alone. She didn’t stop me when I stood in the airlock on deck 52, the inner door sealed, and my hand hovering over the outer door control… but of course I didn’t activate it.
She didn’t stop me when I took my unregistered phaser, alone in the stopped lift, and cranked it up to full power and actually aimed it at myself… but of course I never pulled the trigger.
I never quite get to that point. And I tell myself it’s because I’m stronger than that, and that I’m better than that.
But does she influence even that? Is she just nudging my subconscious enough when I get that way to stop me?
I can’t believe that Trella would ever intrude that way.
Can I?
In the next several minutes I’ll be leading an away mission to the GFS Drellstar, the alien ship we’ve encountered. I’m bringing Trella, Schwicker, and Arking with me.
We are in an interesting place. It appears to be the 51st century, and the galaxy is much different. They have no record of the Federation, some of the species seem familiar others very much do not. I believe that we are somewhere and somewhen that might not even be our universe.
And I have no idea how to find our way out of it.
For now, we’ll address this first contact, which coincidentally is with the commander of the ship named “Vlodnak”.
End log.
Star Date 20908.13
We made first contact with a vessel that is part of an entity called ‘Grand Flammarion’. I have no idea who or what they are, but they have verified that we are in the 51st century, and that much of what we know as our ‘reality’ is not part of their history. We are obviously in a different place completely.
Of note is that they speak a variety of languages, but predominantly speak something that is Standard, albeit with a slightly odd dialect.
They have some notable differences to us; however there are also many similarities. It appears that they have many species that match ours—even if they have different names for them; and yet a few, most notably an insectoid race called ‘Zyxx’ that I do not believe is anything like Star Fleet has ever encountered. Their commanding officer, a Valerian, seems to be a good man so far, despite his name matching that of the cyber terrorist with whom I was previously in conflict.
Commander Arkady Vlodnak invited us to the Drellstar, their vessel, for dinner. I brought Trella, Johan, and Terra with me. Upon arrival we were introduced to Lieutenant Velder, the Drellstar’s science and medical officer; and Vranxx, the ship’s chief of tactical and security. Velder is something called a ‘Leonidir’, and it appears somewhat Mirak-like, but I don’t believe that they are the exact same species. Vranxx is one of the Zyxx which I earlier mentioned.
Vlodnak and the others have referred to two races which appear to match our Klingons and Klingon augments. Based on their conversation there apparently are ‘Verusians’ which are similar to our traditional Klingons; and also a race called ‘Frion’ or ‘Frionian’, which are apparently like the Klingon Augments which are so rare in our universe. These Frion seem to be more plentiful, and according to the information we have thus far, are in a conflict with Grand Flammarion.
While at our dinner, Commander Yvette contacted me and requested Arking beam back to help with a computer systems failure. I sent Arking back.
A few moments later the Drellstar was attacked. While I don’t know all of the details of this, it appears that multiple vessels who have some cloaking ability, attacked Drellstar and then re-cloaked. I feel uncomfortable being here, with such a lack of information. And I worry about this conflict which we have now been inadvertently dragged into.
Are the Grand Flammarion the aggressors, or is it these ‘Frionians’? We simply do not know, and yet we have defended the Drellstar against an attack by vessels which I assume are Frionian in nature.
This place in which we find ourselves is possibly more troubled than our own, not least because of the unknown races, technologies, and politics of this galaxy.
It has inspired me to want, more than ever, to find a way home.
End log.
Star Date 20909.03
Things on the Drellstar became critical. There was a total loss of computer systems and power, and a resulting apparent mutiny. At the advice of my conscience, and against my instincts to be in the thick of things, I gathered Trella and Johan and evacuated to the Apparition.
Drellstar is adrift, but it appears that they are starting to restore power. I am taking a cautiously friendly approach moving forward.
Once there I was updated on the situation and have taken a place on her bridge, leaving New in command of the vessel for now. Trella is here, keeping an eye on things; and Johan has been beamed to the wreck of a Frion ship where he will hopefully be able to assist Allie and Stell on finding the functioning Frion cloaking device and finding out how they open these infernal portals.
The portals are a serious tactical value—seeming to be similar to wormholes, but smaller and totally under their control—and also could help us in our efforts to find a way home. I can only hope that we can find a way to create a portal through time and subspace to find our way home.
We haven't even begun to figure this one out yet.
Gettysburg has lost all computer power. They have been forced into a total shutdown to hunt down a virus which was apparently attacking both software and hardware systems. The full extent of the damage is unknown, however I trust our engineers to do their best under the circumstances. Lord knows that they've proven that they're the miracle workers that S.C.E. is so well known to be.
Still, the ship is in need of major repairs before we can even attempt any sort of extended exploration of this space, much less go home. If the Grand Flammarions are as well equipped as they seem to be, they may be able to offer material support—something we'll need.
My challenge... will allying with them be selling ourselves out to the devils of this universe? Are we better off with the Frion as allies? Or should we set course for Earth and take our chances on whomever we may encounter on the way?
My work is cut out for me.
End log.
Star Date 20909.27
I have decided to cede command of the Gettysburg to Commander Yvette, while I take the Apparition on a special mission to find us all a way home. She is, I believe, going to take the ship and crew to a Grand Flammarion star base facility for repair and hopefully to allow the crew—some of them anyway—to get some rest and relaxation.
I have transferred Sevala and Trella to the Apparition with me, and of course Dhiov is coming along although I'm relatively certain it's a bad idea to have her aboard. Our space is limited and our mission will be very dangerous—in fact in hindsight perhaps even bringing Sevala along was a mistake, but I need a surgeon.
I have also requested an engineer of Yvette. I'm not sure yet who we'll agree on, but as Arking seems to be temporarily out of commission anyway, I have offered to take her along. She'll have time to recuperate while she studies the Apparition's systems. Meanwhile I have ordered Hunter to begin training up on the ship, just in case I need to keep him aboard as engineer rather than deploying him with the teams.
This will be my final log entry aboard this vessel. The Apparition will be going her own way, and I strongly doubt that we'll ever be 'part of the family' here again. In fact, I have doubts that we'll ever see Gettysburg again, for our mission is one of absolute results—results which I believe are required to get Gettysburg home safely.
Have I just condemned myself, Sevala, Dhiov, and the Apparition team to death? I hope not... but I believe Commander New would rate the chances very high that we will not survive.
I'll miss Gettysburg. I'll miss the ship itself, and mostly I'll miss the crew. I've been, in my opinion, a poor leader of this crew, and Yvette will likely do much better; but I still thought of them as my family. I always tried to do the best thing by them, balanced with the needs of our specialized mission profile. That last is what resulted in the biggest folly I have made in my career, and one that almost certainly must result in my court martial if we ever get home.
Good bye, Gettysburg. I will miss you.
End log.
Star Date 21001.15
Begin log.
This is to be my final log entry aboard USS Gettysburg.
Gettysburg has just docked at Star Base Alpha, following a mission that brought us to a place where no Star Fleet vessel had ever been before for an extended period of time. It was a place filled with wonders, an alternate galaxy, and we could have spent a lifetime there exploring and learning about its native inhabitants. It was the kind of mission that Star Fleet officers dream of.
Instead for us it was a nightmare.
It all started with a mission into Romulan space, to retrieve a drone. We were attacked near a dark nebula by a Romulan patrol—it was the middle of the war back then—and the resulting battle combined with some sort of spatial rift in the nebula, propelled us almost 3,000 years into the future, and across dimensional boundaries. I lost 2/3 of my crew on that fateful day, and Gettysburg was beat to a pulp.
But we survived, and we prospered as a result of our challenges—or at least most of the crew did.
I still haven't got over what happened, and I still believe that I could have prevented the disaster of such a great loss. It's my job, and no matter how much Imina (my beloved Imina... will we ever figure things out?), Aloysia, and others tell me that it wasn't my fault—as captain of the ship it was my responsibility.
Star Fleet seems to agree with my assessment, for I have been ordered to four debriefings in the first 24 hours following our return—and one of them is with JAG. I have little doubt of the charges that will be levied, and I also see no choice but to plead guilty to any and all of them.
When we returned from alien space, we once again were engaged in a battle with a Romulan battle cruiser (The RIS Shadowhawk), a Romulan heavy cruiser, and a Romulan battleship/warbird. The difference this time was that the Shadowhawk was our ally... something I never would have suspected I'd be saying.
Apparently the war is over, but the Romulans have their own internal problems. Well I boarded the Shadowhawk and actually fought alongside the Romulans on that ship against their own. It was an interesting experience. Their crew are excellent and it was an honor I never would have dreamed of.
The difficulty came from the Shadowhawk's Romulan commander. A remarkable woman, she commands the ship effectively and with the respect and I believe friendship of most of her senior crew.
The problem is that she's Imina Sevala... not MY Imina Sevala... not really. Apparently when we passed over to the other universe, a copy of Imina was left here and her life took a different path. She's now commanding the Shadowhawk. And when we met, privately, it was difficult. There were a lot of mixed feelings on both our parts about what to do about 'the situation'. In the end I think we found a close friendship, but one that will always have danger for both of us lurking in the shadows. Such is my life it would seem.
Imina (my Sevala, here in the Federation) and I have separated, though not due to a lack of love for one another. I am still utterly in love with her, and I believe she with me. And I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing Dhiov and Haedl again... they are my family now, more than ever.
Commander Yvette announced to me while en-route back to base that she is with child, and that the father is Lieutenant Commander Ristone. This, I suspect, will present some challenges for her career in the short term at least. Star Fleet avoids putting persons with new families in command of Star Ships due to the inherent dangers.
Judith (LCdr Tucker) gave birth to a single boy, having lost one of the twins during the battle with the Romulans. It was a sweet/sad day when she gave birth.
Lieutenant Schwicker has already received his re-assignment orders to work at Star Fleet academy for the time being, and many of my other crew have been given new assignments following our return.
Jenny has not received a re-assignment, but I have pulled a few strings to ensure she gets a posting in a very safe place. I'm not risking her after what happened to the rest of my family.
Today is a sad day for me... Gettysburg had earned a place in my heart as a member of my family—almost as much as our crew have. And I will miss them all horribly. I feel as though my life is taking a turn—and one that I would not have chosen for myself. I've always had a certain amount of control over my own destiny, and that seems to have been stripped from me.
No signs of the Apparition or the SFSIS team, and I can't find a single sign that the organization even still exists. Star Fleet Intelligence has 'temporarily' suspended most of my access privileges so I can't do a proper search; and my unofficial contacts seem to not know what's going on.
End log.
Commander Aloysia Yvette, Acting Commanding Officer
Acting Captain’s Log Stardate 20909.16
Well, I don’t know where to begin. It seems like every mission we have here on the Gettysburg is worse than the one before. We lose more people every time we go out. It makes me wonder if this ship is cursed, but I digress. This is supposed to be an official log, so I guess I’ll just start at the beginning.
We were sent on a mission to infiltrate Romulan space in order to retrieve a drone that had stop transmitting information. When we got to the area where the drone was lost, we were, of course, greeted by a group of Romulan ships. I will let the sensor data speak on that, but for the sake of my log I will say that we were badly damaged, but we did manage to destroy all three of the Romulan ships.
Unfortunately, the battle pushed us towards an anomaly that I can only describe as looking like a dark nebula. It was also like a black hole in that it sucked material into it, including the Gettysburg, the Apparition and pieces of the Romulan ships.
To make a long story short, mostly because I hate keeping logs, we passed through the anomaly. It was a rough ride, causing even more damage…and even more deaths. The Apparition and parts of the Romulan ships passed through as well.
The anomaly was some sort of space-time wormhole. According to our computers, we are now somewhere near the Beta and Delta quadrants in the 51st Century. The anomaly appeared to have other time effects as well since the Gettysburg and Apparition passed through within minutes of each other, but the Apparition didn’t appear on the other side for hours after the Gettysburg. It also seems to be unidirectional considering it doesn't appear to be in this space.
As I have said, the damage to the ship was very extensive. I will let the Engineering reports speak to that, though we have lost many of them. I will get to that later. What was worse was the amount of deaths we suffered…over a third of the crew is gone. To make things worse, we will have to go through and record all their deaths over again because of a problem I will speak to soon.
With warp power down and many repairs, we were dead in the water for a few days. During this time we detected a ship on an intercept course. We received a hail from them, and replied as soon as communications were back online. We chose the diplomatic approach of course; even if they had appeared hostile, we didn’t have a choice with the ship’s damage.
About three days after the anomaly incident, I arranged a Memorial Service for our fallen crew members. This was met with much controversy and we even delayed when Counselor Evans intervened to convince me not to hold a service so soon. This was somewhat confusing to me considering funerals are customarily held on Earth within a week of the death of a comrade. I wanted the crew to begin to grieve so we could focus on repairs and getting out of this strange place.
A few hours after the Memorial, the Drellstar arrived. Grant led a small team consisting of Lieutenants Schwicker and Grex, and Commander Arking. While they were gone, the Drellstar scanned the Gettysburg with a very odd scanning beam that includes harmless radiation. It is possible that this scanning beam caused the next catastrophic event: a total computer failure.
Before we were informed of this failure, three ships decloaked and began firing on the Drellstar and the Apparition, which was also cloaked. A battle ensued which ended with the destruction of the enemy vessels. I will again let the sensor logs speak about this, this time from the Apparition.
Despite the heavy damage to the Drellstar, the computer failure quickly became the Gettysburg’s priority. It was investigated by a few teams here on the Gettysburg, most notably Gav, Sevala, ch’Lethlaen, and others on the Bridge, and a team in Security. They found that this problem originated in the computer’s indexing program and that it was damaging computer hardware throughout the ship. Security is still investigating the cause, so I will wait until their official report to comment on that.
Lieutenant Natilique of the Intelligence team was sent over to assist with repairs after she analyzed the problem from the Apparition. Her suggestion was to shutdown the primary and secondary cores, which were both infected, repair the hardware, and find a way to remove the virus that was causing all the problems. Despite the fact that it would leave us even more dead in space, I agreed.
The computer cores were shut down, and in the end Natilique determined that the computers both needed to be purged and then reloaded through the tertiary/Intelligence core’s backup. Other devices that had been connected to the cores would need to be cleaned up as well. We are in the midst of the shutdown now, with nothing to do throughout the ship. We are blind, deaf, and mute out here. Thank goodness the Apparition is still functioning or anything could happen.
If my understanding is correct, we are going to lose most recent data besides external sensor data that was backed-up during the battle. We will get what we can from the Apparition, but I fear that there will be huge chunks missing. It is not going to be enjoyable hearing the scientists and engineers complaining about this.
I am sure I have missed huge chunks of detail, but hopefully the logs from the department heads will fill it in. As I have said, I hate keeping logs, though I do understand the necessity.
End log.
Acting Captain’s Log Stardate 20910.22
Well, we did end up losing a lot of data out of the computer systems, but thankfully the Apparition was able to give us back most of what we have lost and more. Their sensor systems are apparently incredibly advanced and they got more information that we did here on the Gettysburg. The virus has been taken care of, though we haven’t reached any conclusions about who planted it. I’m beginning to think we never will.
Rear Admiral Grant has decided to take the Apparition on a separate mission from the Gettysburg so that we can explore different avenues home. He took with him Commanders Sevala and Arking and left Commander New, thankfully, and crewman Losada. He transferred command of the Gettysburg over to me.
I have yet to name an official First Officer, for to be honest I would not know who to choose. Commander New is the logical choice, and I have handed him much of Sevala’s work such as the cross-training program. He is acting more as a Second Officer, though, for his talents are ideal for administrative work and so he has not been on the Bridge very often.
If I could I would appoint Commander Ristone as First Officer but I do not think the crew would respond well to that considering he is my mate. As for the other department heads, none of them are experienced enough. Well, Lieutenant Tucker has plenty experience as a Department Head, but for one she is pregnant and so not at 100% and two, she has only just undergone Command Training as part of the cross-training program. I would like her to log more Bridge time before I could think of appointing her. I hope my dilemma is clear.
Anyway, we are currently en route to a starbase controlled by the Grand Flammarions. They are the coalition that the Drellstar is a part of. Commander Vlodnak on the Drellstar was kind enough to offer us assistance with repairing the damaged nacelle, which needs space dock. Of course, the commander of Station 419, High Executive Davandrel, insists that we engage in a proper First Contact before anything can be accomplished.
I am not sure what to expect from these people or what they expect from us. Many of the species seem similar to the ones in our own universe, but the rules are entirely different. I would venture to say that even the laws of physics are different, but our ship works. Perhaps they way they bend the laws is what is unique. I am hoping we will find out soon enough.
End log.
Acting Commanding Officer’s Log Stardate 20911.12
We have docked at the Grand Flammarion station around an orbiting body known as Gottri, part of a trinary system known appropriately enough as Three Sisters. The station is literally around the planetoid – it surrounds the entire planet. It is a very impressive feat of Engineering, but if our calculation are correct, we’re 2500 years in the future so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
We were directed to a docking birth next to a very impressive ship called Serpent’s Rage. We haven’t yet had contact with that ship as our primary focus is official First Contact with the Grand Flammarions.
At 1600 hours today, we will be meeting with High Executive Davandrel for this First Contact. We also plan to negotiate with her for help from the Flammarion Engineers and docking facilities so that we can fix the damaged nacelle. I’ve asked Lieutenant Schwicker to put together a list of items we have available for trade as I don’t want to sell our loyalty. We just don’t know enough about this universe.
I am taking Commanders Macleod, Ristone, and Tucker on this mission. There was some controversy over my choice of Commander Tucker because of her pregnancy and because of the gravity difference, 1.4 versus our 1, but I don’t think it will be a problem. We will have another Science Officer on standby in case something goes wrong with the gravity adjustment, but I doubt it will. I think the others are more worried about her children. However, the Flammarions have been nothing but diplomatic so I doubt we’ll have a problem.
I must admit I’m a little bit nervous as I feel our survival is dependent on a neutral alliance with these people. Without that nacelle fixed, we’re just going to have problem after problem.
End log.
Acting Commanding Officer’s Log Stardate 20912.20
Well, negotiations with the Grand Flammarions went better than I could have hoped, but not for the right reasons. We were transported to their station by Adjutant Patas, a very polite feline who extending the full courtesy of her people. We were then brought before High Executive Davandrel and her people: their diplomat, Elector Bersi; a Security/Engineering Officer named Commander Horix; and Lieutenant Xeian, their Medical/Science officer. All were of different species and even Davandrel didn’t seem quite Human, though she appeared to be. I guess I’m letting my Xenobiology slip as I couldn’t pinpoint her species.
After normal pleasantries, we sat down to begin negotiations. As I feared, they wanted our advanced technology, specifically our weapons and transporters. I was not prepared to give the former, but if they had started advancing with transporters, I might have been willing to give that up. I also gave them a padd with a list of supplies Schwicker and the Support Department had put together for trade.
However, before we could get very far in our negotiations, Executive Davandrel interrupted us. She had received a communication that the Terran Empire (obviously the Federation doesn’t exist here) was on their way with a fleet of ships due to some problem with the Quynn system. I’m not sure what system that is in our own universe; they didn’t give us time to ask. But apparently, they knew something was going on here in the GFC, which was probably us based on Davandrel’s reaction.
She agreed to repair and restock the Gettysburg to as close to 100% as possible, as long as we took off to hide from the Terran Empire. They obviously didn’t want a conflict, and we were going to cause one. Of course, I agreed right away. After all, we are here by accident. We shouldn’t be causing conflicts between political organizations or at all, really. Plus, I couldn’t turn down the repair of our nacelle.
We were whisked back to the Gettysburg and the three days of repairs were very, very hectic. It was a Security nightmare to say the very least, though there were no major incidents. I think that we sometimes had more GFC engineers aboard than Gettysburg crew. Still, everything went smoothly; the GFC is very professional and I wish we had more time to speak and negotiate with them. I don’t think I’ve ever met a more diplomatic organization.
We are currently enroute to where we entered this universe. The repairs appear to be holding better than we could have hoped. Though the GFC asked us to enter the black nebula near our destination so we could hide, I received a communication from Admiral Grant to meet him and the Apparition before we entered. Apparently he has a plan to get us back into normal space. I can only hope that it will work.
End log.
Crew Logs
Commander Aloysia Yvette, First Officer
Stardate 21002.01
We made it home. I am shocked, relieved and strangely disappointed by this. The alternative universe was so different from ours that it would have been nice to explore a little longer. However, that still can’t compete with being home.
I’ve already contacted Charles and Maggie, and they are ecstatic and surprised, of course. Thank God they didn’t sell the estate. It was left to them before I had a chance to change my will to include Nick. Now he’s the main benefactor, of course.
Anyway, on to business and then pleasure. We made it back through to our own universe by some crazy twist of fate that I think had to do with the Apparition. We were immediately met by the RIS Shadowhawk. We were shocked to find out that Sevala was in command! Now, it should be noted that our own Commander Sevala was sitting right next to me when we found out. This other Sevala was commanding the Shadowhawk. Apparently she got somehow duplicated when we went through the anomaly. Now there is two of her! It is truly phenomenal and confusing.
We did not get into an altercation with the Shadowhawk, and we later found out it is because the war between the Federation and the Romulan Empire is over! We did, however, get attacked by two ships under the command of Admiral Tei. We made it out okay, of course, but it was somewhat difficult for me to think about the fact that I was fighting against Vaebn’s direct relatives.
Okay, that’s enough of work; the information left out can be viewed on sensor logs. Anyone who views these logs knows I hate making them, so let’s get on to the fun stuff.
Nick and I are engaged. That is the word humans use when they are promised to be married. Marriage is apparently their equivalent of bonding, though not at a physical and emotion level, of course. I think it is more like the bonding ceremonies we have on New Halana. In any case, it seems like a good opportunity to show our love publically and it’s a good excuse to buy a new dress! I don’t usually wear white, but apparently it is the color of the occasion. I already have my usual seamstress designing something for me back on Earth.
I’ve saved the most exciting news for last…I’m pregnant! I found out only a few days ago and I still can’t seem to fit my head around it. Nick and I didn’t even know it was possible for a Halanan and a Human to conceive; we hadn’t yet looked into comparative genetics. But apparently it is! I have to admit that it is bad timing; I was hoping to wait a few years for our careers to settle down. But the joy of having this new life inside me outweighs that by a million-fold. I’m going to be a mother!
End log.
Lieutenant Commander William Hudson, Chief Tactical Officer
Star Date 20907.19
In a brief bit of time I¡¦ve had recently, I want to keep my log appraised of the recent situation. It appears that my first day as the head of tactical has gone well enough, at least. From my last entry here, I have been more acquainted with the rest of the crew under my supervision. The most active member that I have had the pleasure to meet on the day shift appears to be a tellarite named Gav. I had interacted with Gav before, but it was not frequent, nor did I get to know him well. It appears that during my time of interaction with Gav, that he is a dedicated officer willing to sacrifice his personal health for others. Of course, I¡¦m not sure that¡¦s completely unusual around here. I¡¦ve done that before, but it seems that the fervor that Gav has taken to his job is quite extreme.
I also helped Commander Yvette, with the help of Lieutenant Schwicker, set up some screens for the memorial service recently. Engineering is not one of my strengths, so, it was interesting. Luckily, Schwicker helped progress things along so that I would not be forced to hurt myself by kicking the various screens.
As such, I am due back on the bridge in about five minutes, having been off of bridge duty with Gav for a few hours. Nothing to terribly exciting happened on my last bridge stint, something which I am eternally grateful. Considering that I have only been a senior officer on this ship less than a full day, it might not look good for my prospects if I did something stupid. Then again, I¡¦ve done stupid stuff before and it turned out ok.
Oh, well. Got to be on the bridge in a minute, and from what I hear, the entire command staff will be on the bridge. Something with which I have not had the privilege of experiencing yet¡Xdon¡¦t get me wrong, I¡¦ve been on the bridge plenty, but not with both of them, and not in the future. Should be an interesting experience.
Speaking of what is happening on the bridge, I should probably mention that we still know nothing! We got some interesting sensor data that have been forwarded to me while I was off duty¡Xit seems a little presumptuous, but, for the first time we ended up in the mess of a situation I feel a little more confident about our progression. The data seems to indicate that the approaching ship is less armored than us, and that we might be able to stand our own in this time. Something I would not have thought, or even dreamt of. When I always imagined the future, I thought of unknown technologies, not of inferior technologies. If in fact, this is the future, then is it our future? Will we have an eventual technological downfall? And if this isn¡¦t our future, are we bound by the prime directive? Are we bound by the prime directive for a more primitive culture that could still cause trouble, and might have progressed in different ways? Or perhaps, are we partially bound to the directive? It is a conundrum I do not look forward to tackling, and envy Commander Yvette and Admiral Grant even less.
End log.
Stardate 20908.24
Life on the bridge has been interesting. All I can say is that I’m very glad to have people I know and trust. Just as a brief synopsis, let me let everybody know what’s been happening in the lives of those on the Gettysburg.
From the last time I entered in here, I believe I was a little distraught about our whole situation. Though, I feel my last post interrupted the flow of what one might consider constructive, it was apparent, and still is, that some interesting things are happening.
Gav and I have been spending a significant portion of our time on the bridge, where , along with Commander Yvette, and a few other sporadic staff, we have been examining our situation, including contact with the GFS Drellstar. Contact appeared, at least from my end, to have gone fairly well—at least we fell in on their side during a shooting match a little later. What I have found interesting though, was that as CTO, I have officially fire on my first ship—never would have imagined it this way, but I found myself firing on a completely unknown ship to us. The ship appeared from some sort of special rift—not exactly sure on the gory details offhand.
That wasn’t helped by a computer malfunction, but I digress.
Stardate: 20909.16
Only have a short time before I need to return to the bridge, but, in the interstice. I want to keep things updated.
Everything on our end has currently gone down. We are in the midst of a computer reboot to try to purge a virus from our core. As a result, I have not had much to do on the bridge. There is only so much a tactical officer can do when they are the equivalent of blind, deaf, mute, and quadriplegic all at the same time.
The break is nice, but I am uneasy about many things. Chiefly, the computer going down, seems to have been planted, from what I’ve heard. I know that the security thugs are working as hard as they can trying to return everything to order, but I’m not sure.
The Apparation is also making me uneasy. I’m not sure, but I’m having trouble believing everything from them—I feel like they are not completely leveling with the crew, but it is only a gut feeling…
I am currently on my way to the bridge giving Commander Yvette a poker set. Who would have thought that that hard-••• would be willing to play poker on the bridge. The Ice Queen suprises me minute by minute.
Speaking of which… at some point I really need to unpack. It might be helpful, I think..
Oh well…
End Log
Stardate 20910.02
LCdr William Hudson recording:
It appears our systems are functioning normally again. Whatever has been done to the computers, even if it wasn’t completely stymied in the attempt at repair, has been eradicated by the expertise of, not our own engineers, but ones on loan from the Apparition.
Considering Tactical thrives on technology, it has been extremely quiet of late. Commander Yvette, has taken control of the ship, from what I have gathered between chatters, and Admiral Grant has decided to go off gallivanting with the Apparition crew---probably not advisable, but he has always be one to go his own way.
Commander Yvette is certainly capable of doing the job of commanding, but she seems to lack the poise that Grant had on the bridge—becoming easily flustered and emotional. I’m not sure if this is her nerves peeking their nasty head through the ice, or if that’s how she is. Either way, emotions will have to go. I may not know everything, but on tactics, I do know a few--- it is bad karma to have a leader who is nervous, or even appears to be nervous.
Steadfast leadership—willing to admit fault, but at the same time confident enough with their position that they don’t have to show off.
As I have said, I’m sure she will gain the skills—but this is not the best exchange, and perhaps I didn’t catch her at the right time—maybe it was a fluke? Maybe I’m not giving her enough credit, or maybe I’m giving myself way too much.
What I do know is this… We have our computer back, but we are going to be outnumbered, outflanked, overpowered, and not quite clever enough at every turn, but at the same time, we have passion, pride, and a determination. I’m not quite sure how, but I feel confident we’ll get back home.
Stardate 21001.31
Begin Log
After what seems like forever and no time at all, we’re finally back home. I’m not still completely sure how we did it, or what happened in the events that transpired to bring us home. It’s still all such a blur.
I’m still in awe of the wonders and the horrors that we experienced in the mirror. Some of the times I still feel like I’m back and a child looking at the world in wide-eyed amazement.
I’m not sure what the future will bring. I was notified by Starfleet Command that I was to be given a shore leave pending reassignment. So, I guess this is my last post as the Chief Tactical Officer of the Gettysburg. It’s been a fun ride, and I’m sorry to see it go.
We are currently on Starbase Alpha, and although I have a few personal issues to attend with, regarding some interesting problems, I look forward to the many debriefs I have in my future—or something like that.
It also looks like I’ll get a real chance to make a complete ••• of myself for real this time. As soon as I have a free minute, Carol, I, and anyone else we can get to come along are going to have a little competitive race around the Kuiper belt. Nothing too official, more or less to blow off some steam—I’m sure I’ll have to get the little jaunt approved by some of the big whigs, but I can’t think they’ll care too much about a little competitive spirit.
Lieutenant Johan Schwicker, Chief Engineer
Star Date 20910.19
Chief Engineering Officer—Sat is right! You are looking at me, se new Chief Engineer—Johannes Schwicker recording personal log. Stardate 55110.19.
Okay! So what has happened since last time?
Star Fleet Secret Intelligence Service has exposed itself and left se ship; sey are gone! wis Rear Admiral Grant and se Apparition. Sey left us so soroughly sat it is just as if sey were never here in se first place. Which is exactly what I sink sat sey want us to sink!
Still, sere are some former members of SFSIS around, like Crewman Apprentice Losada, and I suspect osers may have secretly joined sem or an even more secret organization; Lieutenant Commander Eaglestone, for example, makes me wonder about sat.
Oh no! I almost forgot about Hannah, his daughter. I wonder if she—
So now se ship is even bigger san it was before.
Just kidding!
But, no, not really kidding. Se ship is so big and empty sat I once made it all se way from Main Engineering to se former SFSIS hangar wisout seeing a soul on se way. Sere is a lot of living space—paradise!
But not really paradise, no. It is too much work to fill all se shoes of se souls sat walk no more in sese halls.
I hope sat we can prevent furser losses—we must!
I have enjoyed se privilege to share in se training of some new recruits from among surviving civilians and oser volunteers aboard. Seir having joined, or in some cases rejoined, Star Fleet has boosted morale and restored our sense of identity even in sis strange place.
We have enjoyed oser successes too, but I have a big list of sings sat still need to be done.
Can you believe it? We maintained warp factor four for six weeks straight, on a single engine, dragging se oser along only for se ride!
We are all very proud of sat.
I am proud of sat.
I am.
Clunk, tap, tap.
Hmm, hmm, hmmmm, hmmmm, hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Creeeeeak. Tap, tap.
Computer, get me a coffee please.
Please specify.
It is me, Johan.
Sank you. For crying out loud! I say sank you to se computer, stupid sing.
Ouch! HMMMMM! Sat hurt, you hot little cup o—
Lieutenant Commander Terra Arking, Acting Chief Engineer
Stardate 21002.03
“OK, where to start? Well Schwicker was injured in a plasma fire so that’s why I have taken over form him for now. He was injured in a battle with the Romulans, but hey we are at war, well we aren’t apparently, but we didn’t know any better when we finally made it home from the other universe. As usually down in engineering we’re the last to know anything but what I have gathered is that we are now at peace with the Romulan Empire and the attack when we came back was from a rebellious faction or something, we were even helped by a Romulan vessel, but I don’t think that makes up for what they did.
“The ship was significantly damaged and we lost even more crew, I’m well below a skeleton crew in engineering now and no one has gotten much sleep in the past few days. I know it’s a little cold to complain about something like that but to be honest one more battle and I don’t think the ship would be able to take it, let alone crew morale.
“On the subject of morale another party has been planned, one that I am refusing to attend. There is too much to repair and too much that could go wrong in the time it would take for the party to finish. It also doesn’t help that I can’t handle being anywhere near a Romulan right now, not after everything that has happened.
“We have been receiving Starfleet telemetry for days now and communications from Starfleet. Mostly mundane stuff and a few welcome home messages but because of how far we are in Romulan space we aren’t receiving too much at the moment in the way of personal messages or orders. I guess we will just have to wait and see if we definitely will get those messages. I am sure family and friends wouldn’t be alerted yet anyway until a complete roster could be transmitted to Starfleet. God knows how mom and dad will act when they find out I’m alive. From what I have heard the Gettysburg had been presumed destroyed so this is going to be one hell of a shock to them, let alone the families of everyone else on the ship.
“I guess I should end my log here, I have nothing more official to add really, other than I feel sorry for the engineers that have to put this bucket back together.”
[End log]
Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Ristone, Chief of Security
Stardate 20907.20
LCdr Nicholas Ristone recording:
The Gettysburg, and the security department in particular, have had some time to lick their wounds. Internally I still believe that everyone is a mess. That is the truth for the ship as well. From what I have read of the Engineers reports there is still much repair to be done.
However, I have seen that the crew has put on a brave face. I once again make a comparison to our ship. Though she is nothing like she use to be, the crew has done an amazing job at making her look presentable. There are still signs of what happened, but for the most part things are set up, straightened up, and cleaned up. It is amazing how much morale lifted after the last bit of smeared blood was cleaned away from the bulkheads and carpet- that is, of course, understandably so.
Thus far the security department is responding well to the new shift schedule. I can tell that they are tired and worn out, but the troop along without complaining …at least, without complaining to their superiors.
Despite their continuous hard work I have been forced to stress them even more. With a vessel of unknown origin and intention on an intercept course I have had the security teams working on defensive drills. The security department is a ghost of its previous numbers, and those remaining-including myself, had to adapt our protection methods given the loss of comrades.
Crimes throughout the ship have been surprisingly low in recent days. Most people seem to respect their fallen comrades enough to not go through personal belongings and the normal other scuffs that security usually has to involve itself in has been at an all time low. Whether this is due to morale, or just simply less numbers is unknown and likely a mixture of the two.
We have seen an increase in the number of intoxicated crewmembers throughout the ship. The first such example of this was with Lieutenant Commander Kiron Hunter, a skilled Engineer, whose life was tragically taken when he attempted a transporter stunt while drunk.
Security has attempted to crack down on alcoholic drinking, which in and of itself is against protocol. Any crewmember found outside their quarters under any influence of alcohol gets to spend the night in the brig. Repeat offenders eventually have their quarters searched. Still – I have been surprised at the amount of alcohol on the ship and I wonder if there is someone, or a group of someones, brewing the alcohol somewhere onboard the ship. Rumors of parties have been heard, but thus far security has yet to discover any proof to these rumors.
It is a strange feeling being so far away – both in physical distance and in temporal distance – from home. The likely hood of us ever returning to Earth is slim, and even if we do we will likely not recognize the future of our homeworld. I still deal with the thought of everyone I once knew have been dead for thousands of years.
The alien vessel on the intercept course is believed to be within hailing range today. I can tell that the security officers want to treat the incident like any other day, however I can also tell that, like me, they are nervous about the potential results. I trust in this crew, and I trust in this vessel- but I do not want another fight. I am not sure if we can survive another fight.
Eng log.
Stardate 20909.20
LCdr Nicholas Ristone Recording
The encounter with the mysterious vessel know as the Drellstar has occurred and though I wish I could report on the nature of that meeting I cannot. As expected Admiral Grant decided against taking a team, or even member, of the security department.
What I can report for sure is the fact that someone does not like the us, the Drellstar or some combination of those two. The Gettysburg, and Drellstar, were involved in a small space skirmish.
Of more relevance to the security department was the fact that a computer program, a virus to be exact, was released into the system causing massive failures of the computer systems shipwide. I placed Lieutenant Mihar in charge of investigating the virus. She has already made some headway, including identifying two possible suspects.
I am now heading to the bridge to report in to Commander Yvette who is in command while Admiral Grant is off of the ship. They are saying that to fix the computer problem and entire shutdown and reboot will be required. If that is the case I will be forced to climb to deck one from security on deck fifteen. I do not mind the climb, but it will sure add some time onto the trip.
End log.
Stardate 20909.26
LCdr Nicholas Ristone recording:
As anticipated the entire computer core had to be shut down to prevent the virus from spreading. This of course means that all systems, including shieldings, had to be powered down. Because of that I ordered an increase in security sweeps from deck to deck to help ensure no one took advantage of our situation and decided to send over some unexpected visitors.
I myself joined in on the deck to deck sweeps. It was my belief that an extra pair of eyes could do nothing but assist in the deck to deck sweeps. Of course there was also the obvious benefit of the Chief of Security mingling with the crew that was good for the on-duty security officers' morale.
After a few hours of maintenance and work, of which I am sure I would not even begin to be able to understand, the computer started to power back online. I took the opportunity to return to main security and finish up some work that required access to the network.
I have decided that as soon as I finish this log I will head to the bridge where I will relieve the bridge security officer- Ensign F-Howard- and take over at the security console. I feel that we are at a cross-roads on the Gettysburg. We continue to be in uncharted space and cannot even catch a break when it comes to our own systems. I feel it is my place on the bridge right now to oversee security as well as provide assistance for the ship.
End Log.
Stardate 20909.26, supplemental
LCdr Ristone Recording:
It seems that I, as well as the other crewmembers, cannot catch a break. As a person and as a Department Head I long for quieter days. I think back to the amount of stress I felt when we brought aboard the freed prisoners while we were enroute to Bravo. Compared to what I face now, I laugh at sleep I lost back then.
Ever since our altercation with the Romulans and the relating trip to-wherver we are- things have been beyond busy. Whether it be directing security, teaching the cross training classes for security, extra meetings, or various other events it seems like there is not enough time in the day.
This of course can also be attributed to the fact that a large portion of the security department is indeed gone. Those of us that remain are required to pick up the slack, which for the senior officers often result in double shifts.
Life however goes on. This is something I was finally able to ponder today as I swept through the corridors during the computer outage. The patrols were rather dull, however they did allow me to finally think, grieve, and accept the massive loss of life that the ship sustained. I have never been one to find closure at memorial services or funerals. Especially not since Jack was killed. It was good to finally be able to think through some of the demons that had been haunting me lately.
Sadly my time for thinking has ended, as evident by the recording of this log. Despite the fact that much has already happened on this day, the day it not yet finished. Instead, it is just transitioning to something else. What this "else" will be I have no idea. I can only hope that it proves to be easier and less stressful then what we have dealt with thus far.
Eng Log.
Stardate 20910.14
LCdr Nicholas Ristone Recording:
Since arriving on the bridge I have learned several things that I had not known before. First, and most importantly, it seems that Admiral Grant will be departing the USS Gettysburg to take on a more direct command on the USS Apparition. In addition to Rear Admiral Grant departing from the USS Gettysburg the Second Officer, and an amazing medical officer, Commander Sevala will be departing as well.
Commander Yvette has been named as the Acting Commanding Officer and while I do not think an Acting First Officer has been named I am sure Commander New, who has held the position of first officer in the past, will likely either fill the role officially or at least be an amazing source of knowledge for the Gettysburg go use.
In addition to the change in the command structure, I have also learned that the Gettysburg is about to lay in a course for a starbase/space station ran by the Grand Flamarions. The Drellstar, which is a part of this 'federation' of sorts has assured us that they were not only willing to assist us in normal repairs during the journey but also in larger repairs while docked at the station.
As a realist I am grateful for their willing assistance which will likely be essential, no required, if the Gettysburg is to discover a way to continue to survive and hopefully find a way home.
As a Security Chief I am being optimistically careful. While thus far the Drellstar has seemingly been nothing but helpful I still feel that caution needs to be at the forefront of our minds. While I sincerely hope those we encounter have nothing but peaceful intentions we must also remember that their legal system and laws are likely different than we are use to. I hope to be able to learn specifics about their legal system so that the crew can be up-to-date on the do's and don'ts if they are allowed to (either by Commander Yvette or the GF leaders) to enter the space station.
We have six weeks to prepare ourselves for the arrival at the station. I am certain that the time will fly by as we make preparations for the official first contact with this group of people.
End log.
Stardate 20910.24
LCdr Nicholas Ristone recording:
Six weeks have flown by in a seemingly surprisingly rapid pace. The Engineers of the USS Gettysburg, along with some assistance from crewmembers of the Drellstar, have made some amazing progress in returning the ship to its former self.
Of course, with the assistance of the Drellstar crew this has of course meant an increase in shipwide security. I had placed Ensign Fitzalan-Howard, a fine security officer, in charge of the increased security. While I can pleasingly say that we were incident free with our visitors I must sadly say things have not been incident free with the Ensign. More on that in just a moment.
Commander Yvette has done a superior job in taking over the day-to-day duties of the Commanding Officer. The crew seem to, so far, respect her decisions and her methods of running the ship. I hope that they continue to show the same amount of respect and discipline when or rather, if, things get difficult. While I anticipate no problems it is always the duty of the Security Chief to consider small pockets of mutiny when a change in the command structure occurs. This is especially true when the chance occurs in the middle of a stressful situation.
The Gettysburg is currently preparing to dock at a Grand Flammarion Starbase. A small team and I have done an exhaustive search on the GFS laws and traditions. We have found them all very similar to our own and I am confident that if members of the crew are allowed to go onto the station itself they will not risk breaking an unknown law.
I must now report on an incident that has just recently occurred. It came to my attention that the surveillance team might have been using telepathy as a means to monitor the crewmembers of the Drellstar while they were on the Gettysburg. This in and off itself is highly unethical, immoral, and very illegal. I immediately brought in the teams leaders, Ensign Charles Fitzalan-Howard, and questioned him about what I had discovered.
The Ensign ensured me nothing more than casual surface thoughts had been heard and nothing invasive had occurred. I had no reason not to trust the Ensign however to ensure nothing more ever happened I specifically ordered the Ensign that he, nor anyone else, was to use any form of invasive telepathy on or around members of a First Contact species. In addition to that I urged the Ensign to shield his mind as much as possible when around the visitors to avoid overhearing even surface thoughts.
We do not know anything about these aliens. It would be a terrible shame to destroy first contact with one of them because they are sensitive to telepathy and we did something taboo, criminal, or painful to them.
Sadly, the Ensign did not see things the way I did. A shouting match quickly began. It seemed clear that the Ensign believed me a bigot and unfortunately I did not believe he was fit to continue to serve until he had proper time to cool down. I relieved Ensign Fitazlan-Howard of his duties and confined him to his quarters until further notice.
As mentioned before, Ensign Howard has proved himself time and time again. I hope to be able to reinstate him after a day or two, under the conditions that he is fit for duty.
This was not the way I expected to begin my day. According to bridge reports we are scheduled to dock with the space station shortly. I will once again be heading toward the bridge to offer whatever support I can. From what I can tell so far the Grand Flammarions have a unique method of First Contact. If Captain Yvette goes over to the station I hope to be able to accompany her. It might be nice to have a Commanding Officer who listens to and accepts securities presence on away missions involving the CO.
Eng Log.
Stardate 20912.16
LCdr Nicholas Ristone Recording:
The first contact with the Grand Flammarions went as well as can be expected. As our time with the alien species continued it was hard not to notice our similarities despite our obvious differences. We were escorted to our destination by a female feline species. She was quite kind and did a great job of representing her people.
The station, which was grand in size and design, was full of people who seemed even more curious about us than we did them. I could not help but note that this group of people were as diverse as our own Federation. I saw several species that looked identical to species I am familiar with as well as seeing several species I had only read of in science fiction.
As expected, and desired, our journey to our meeting place went smoothly. Never once did I feel the team was in any type of danger. The same held true for our entire time there- at least for the most part.
Our team was introduced to several official people including the Executive of the Station, a Diplomat, and two senior officers of the station. Of particular note for this log is their Chief of Security, a Canine named Horix. I never got an official read from this ‘man’ however I believe his intentions to be pure. He seemed as curious of our security procedures as I did his. I feel that there was a strange meeting of the minds between us. We both were assigned with the protection of our people. It was also clear we both took our jobs quite seriously.
The First Contact soon officially begun. As it was my duty to ensure our teams safety first, and provide input for the Commander second, I was mostly-if not completely- silent during the conversation between Commander Yvette, the Executive, and the Ambassador.
Our meeting however did not get to last very long. We were interrupted in the middle of negotiating the ‘cost’ of the Gettysburg repairs. We were informed that a group known as the ‘Terran Empire’ was enroute and the GFC thought it best if the Gettysburg was nowhere to be seen when that happened. And as if this event by itself was not odd enough, the Flammarion’s then agreed to repair the Gettysburg at a rapid speed for free.
This of course was puzzling and slightly disturbing. It raised the legitimate question of why did the Flammarion’s want us away so quickly that they were willing to take such a loss? Sadly that question went (and still is) unanswered. We of course accepted their request to depart as well as their offer for repairs. In fact, after this log entry I will begin preparing duty shifts to supervise their engineering teams who come over to fix the ship. If the estimates I received are accurate, and I do not see how they could be, then the Gettysburg will soon be flooded with more sojourners than crewmemebrs!
End Log.
Stardate 20912.19
LCdr Nicholas Ristone Recording:
The final team of Flammarion engineers just departed the Gettysburg. Just thinking those words, and especially saying those words, is like taking off a one hundred pound weight from your shoulders. The past three days have been nothing short of a security nightmare. I remember one of my Academy Instructors sharing a story with the class one day about a time when the space station he was serving on went through a similar situation. He said that there eventually came a point where he as the Chief of Security had to give up the idea that he had any true control of the situation and just hope things turned out well in the end. We did not quite get to that point on the Gettysburg, but it was close and certainly the closest I have ever come to thinking that way.
My initial report of how many Engineering teams would be sent over to the Gettysburg (the report I believed to be flawed) was not only correct but the number had actually even increased on the second day of repairs. It appeared that the Grand Flammarion’s were true to their word about repairing the Gettysburg in record time to allow for the ship to be on its way before the Terran Empire arrived. To fulfill this promise they sent over what had to be every able body from their station.
The sheer number of foreigners on the Gettysburg made it impossible for the security department to provide accurate and appropriate measures to ensure the safety of not only the Gettysburg as a ship but also to the crewmembers who served on the Federation vessel. I therefore requested, and was approved by Commander Yvette, to bring in all those who had cross-trained in the security department to provide better safety measures for the ship. This allowed for a greater spread throughout the ship.
Instead of one security team made up of four security officers in one section we were able to place one permanent security officer in an area with a cross-trained member of the Engineering Department, a cross trained medical officer, and a cross –trained science officer. This not only greatly increased the number of those protecting the ship but it also put a trained engineer in eye shot of most of the work that the Flammarion’s were doing. In addition to the engineer it also meant that medics were standing by if anything were to happen that required medical assistance. In essence, it turned a horrible nightmare of a situation into a more manageable case ‘bad dream’.
Eventually the name of the game became trust wide eyes. We had to trust that our visitors had no ill-intentions- for if they did there would have been little we could have done to resist- but we also had to have wide eyes to prevent any issue before it escalated. I am however pleased to say that no incidents had been reported that I am aware of and it seems that the repair teams did their job in a way that showed nothing less than excellence and extreme professionalism. It will of course now be the job of our Engineer’s to ensure that their Flammarion counterparts did a good job!
Needless to say, I am very happy and relieved that repairs have been completed. I am proud of not only how the security department performed but also how those who cross-trained performed. I now however look very much forward to a few quiet days of trying to catch up on all of the lost sleep the past three days have build up!
End log.
Lieutenant Commander Laura Macleod, Chief Medical Officer
Stardate 20907.21
LCdr Laura Macleod reporting:
I still haven’t gotten used to that, the rank or the position.
It’s been a long time since my last log, mostly because when it’s quiet on the Gettysburg there is nothing to talk about and when it’s not quiet there’s no time to write logs.
After a battle with a Romulan ship, the Gettysburg was transported into an unknown region of space, time, and it now appears, dimension. In fact we are just about to make first contact with one of the native ships… I hope it goes well, we can’t afford any more battles.
We have several Romulan survivors on board… but we have lost so many of our own. It is a lot to deal with and I know it’s not going to get any easier but I’m so proud of the way the medical team pulled together during the crisis and I’m even prouder to have been put in charge of them now that Sevala has joined the Command team. I’m also very grateful that that is the reason for my change in position, and not because she is no longer with us.
I have made Doctor Drake my deputy for now. I know he doesn’t really want the position but he's good doctor and I need someone to help me that also gets on with the rest of the staff.
Morale is low at the moment and I know Counsellor Evans is concerned for certain individuals but I also know that as a crew we will pull through.
End Log
Stardate 20910.20
LCdr Laura Macleod reporting:
The last six weeks have been spent putting things back together as we make our way to, what I hope, will be a friendly port. We seem to have made some allies but there is much conjecture and uneasiness, though our new friends have done nothing to warrant it as far as I am aware.
The Medical Department is mostly up straight, we still have a few follow-ups to do on the more extreme cases but most of the crew is back to work. Those that remain that is.
I know Admiral Grants sudden departure, however good the reason must have been, has affected crew morale as well. Commander Yvette is doing a great job in his absence of course but sudden change is always disturbing, especially after such an upheaval as we have had in coming to this place.
Star Fleets primary mission has always been to seek out new life however, and I am hopeful that when we dock at the Grand Flammarion facility, the prospect of meeting new and interesting races will distract the crew from their cares.
End Log
Stardate: 21001.30
LCdr Laura MacLeod Recording:
Things are finally calming down in Sickbay again but we still have a few patients to transfer to facilities on Earth, and I will mostly likely accompany them. I am due for shore leave but everything seems so uncertain at the moment and I need to work.
Xan called as soon as he heard we were back in the galaxy, we have both missed the presence of our bond and it is a great comfort to have it returned. My family will be waiting for me on Earth but I do not feel as if I am going to my home, I am leaving it.
The Gettysburg will always hold special memories for me, it was my first ship and despite all the things that have happened, it is still where I feel I belong. I can only hope that the crew… or what is left of the crew, will be re-assigned together.
End Log
Lieutenant Commander Judith Tucker, Chief Science Officer
Star date 20908.15
I can’t believe what has transpired this mission. I reported for my annual physical with my new doctor, Doctor Sevala. I felt fine though the results were quite shocking. She reported to me that I was pregnant and carrying twins. I was so completely shocked at the announcement I almost passed out right then. After telling Charlie, he proposed to me. I became really panicked and ran away, as I wasn’t so sure how to answer him. I know I hurt him not answering him…I hope I can make it up to him someday. I just don’t know what to do or think. I enjoy being in his company and spending time with him, but I think we moved to fast. Especially now…with marriage and children? I still don’t know a lot about him, except that we’re somehow connected, even more than physically. I hope that he is not hurt if we slow things down. I do need him…I don’t think I can go through this without him.
I can’t help but feel somewhat disappointed in being pregnant. What am I supposed to do with twins? I don’t even know if I can handle a child, let alone two. I know Charlie will be there…and am sure will be a good father, but I’m not confident in my abilities to be a mother…yet. I have taken Sevala’s suggestion and started talking to Emilia more. We seemed to have formed a good friendship too, I hope. I love watching her with Gabe, and I try to take mental notes and pictures of what she does. She is overly helpful and does not make fun of my ignorance either. Because of her, I have started reading more about my pregnancy and things to work on now, before giving birth. My work is rather busy at the moment after being thrown into a different time and area. We have no knowledge of anything…it’s actually quite fun to tap into now, almost making me feel like a cadet in the academy again, everything being so new again. Despite the enjoyment though, I’d much rather do so with a full crew. The battle with the Romulans took a lot of lives from us and has put more demands on those of us who are left. We’re implementing a new program, one that will cross-train officers in another area. While I’m excited for the prospect of learning new skills and teaching our skills to others, I just hope that other officers feel the same way. I know some will be resistant though. I also hope this doesn’t take time away from my science officers from doing their job. We have a ton of new research to decipher, especially the distortion that brought us here.
Stardate 20910.03
The twins seem to be content on not letting me sleep tonight, so I will write a few thoughts down. The past mission kept everyone busy that is until our computers were taken offline, as they were invaded by some sort of virus. Many assumptions have been thrown around as to how this happened, including one that upsets me as I think about it. I hope it’s not true that someone aboard the Gettysburg was the cause. If that is the reason, then I am left to wonder, who can we trust? At least our computers are back online. That was a miserable feeling, one that made me feel very vulnerable.
I'm curious as to how the meeting went with the Drellstar, more for any knowledge that Johan possibly gained. I hope for some knowledge, but also know its likely we don't, as there ship was heavily damaged during the attack from the other ships. We protected ourselves from them, but I cannot help but wonder if we should be allies with either one of them.
I am also interested in what Admiral Grant is up to, going to the Apparition with the group of people he had introduced earlier. One can only assume what he’s up to, though I’m not sure. I’m intrigued as to what he is up to, although I am scared as well. I hate to see us separate, losing more crew, even if I didn’t know them. I am also interested in the technology of their ship. The surprise we had, when the Apparition was located visually, though not with sensors, was an odd feeling. It will be strange not having the admiral aboard and I think I’ll miss him. He treated me well...and always showed confidence in me, even when I didn't have any in myself. I think Commander Yvette will be a good leader to follow though. I know she is capable of the job. She even showed to be able to lighten up on the bridge while we were waiting for our computers to reboot.
Commander Sevala has also left the Gettysburg, as she was needed on the Apparition also. I am concerned with her leave, as I don't know who my doctor will be now. I’ve also learned that I can trust her and my earlier feelings about her were very wrong. Despite my earlier confrontations, she never let them get in the way of being my doctor. I know I will miss her and wish I had more time to get to know her.
I have made a new friend, Emilia. She is someone I feel I can trust with anything I need. Someone I can cry to, laugh to, complain to, whatever. She even arranged a baby shower for me. The gifts that I received from everyone were incredible. It is nice feeling so much happiness. I’m so very thankful for this new friendship. Emilia has helped me more than I think I’ll ever realize. She also did not scold me for not marrying. She is also into yoga, and knows how to do poses, despite my new figure. I’m excited to learn.
That brings me to Charlie…my love life seems to be nonexistent once again. During the shower, he would not be near me, even acting put off, especially when I tried to include him. Perhaps he has found someone new now, not wanting to see me in this state. I can’t blame him really, as my stomach is larger than I’ve ever seen…and it’s not done yet. It’s odd seeing my body like this though, especially when I’m having the oddest feelings. I’ll have to ask Emilia about them.
Star Date 20910.20
The past few weeks have been busy, at least for the science department. Despite being torn away from our home, we have a chance here to investigate new things, possibly discovering new things too. I wish I could delve into it more, but have delegated much to other officers. There are so many questions about this new area in space…new area and time. I assigned Midshipman Jones to head up the investigations of the particles. She has performed admirably in this role, and despite her sometimes annoying meticulousness, other officers have enjoyed working with her. I’m quite proud of her.
People seem very much on edge lately, with the visitors aboard. I can understand some of the tension, but they have shown no ill will against us, even with the virus difficulties we shared with them. Instead, they have shared navigational information and helped us to make repairs. I am interested in learning more from them, but do I dare say that I’m also interested in learning more from the other race we encountered, those who attacked us? There is so much to know here! I only hope we are allowed to learn.
Commander Yvette has filled the role of commanding officer of the Gettysburg well, and we haven’t missed a beat. That’s not to say the Admiral isn’t missed, but I think he would be proud of our actions. I’ve lost a great officer in Johan Schwicker…Admiral Grant and Commander Yvette saw his talents and promoted him to Chief Engineer. While I couldn’t be more happy for him, I am sad that he is in another department. He was a great asset to science.
I haven’t seen Charlie a lot, at least not since the baby shower. He was a little stand offish to me, even when I tried to get him more involved. I suppose that is his right, since I did ask for some space when he first proposed, I just thought I should be sharing with him. Plus, I didn’t ask for space because of the babies…I only thought I was moving way to fast…I think this all may be my fault. If I hadn’t had been so weak when I visited his home, I wouldn’t be in this situation… But now, I don’t know if I can imagine not having the babies. Emilia has been a great support for me. She is amazing to watch with Gabe and I only hope I can be as good a mother to my own babies. She’s also becoming a good friend too. I am finding myself feeling more comfortable with the changes that are happening to my body, though every day I get closer to giving birth, I become more frightened. I understand the birthing process, from a science officer, but not from a mother… I continue to read all I can about being pregnant, giving birth, and parenting on my free time. I only hope it helps. I have had a few bad dreams of me with the babies. I dreamed they were boys… I wonder if that’s some sort of clue as to what they are. It seems that they’ve become more active as the weeks go by.
Stardate 21002.03
[Lieutenant Commander Judith Tucker Recording:
The past year has been an incredibly long one for the crew of the Gettysburg. We lost many officers when we went through the unusual anomaly during the battle we found ourselves in. Once on the other side of… Once we were somewhat stable, everyone began to research what it was we went through and where we are. We had apparently raised some concerns on our entry, as we were met by a group of humanoids representing the Grand Flammarions. A small away team traveled to their ship. I chose to send science officer Johan Schwicker in place of myself for personal reasons.
While our team was away, we were attacked by another group of humanoids, apparently representing a race called Frions, while also having computer difficulties. With the Flammarions assistance, we were able to defend ourselves, although we did take an incredible amount of damage as did the Grand Flammarions ship.
I’m not sure why, but the admiral chose to change his command to the Apparition, taking with him Commander Sevala. Before he did though, he promoted one of my best (and favorite) science officers, Johan Schwicker, to the position of Chief Engineer. While I agree with his choice, knowing that there was no one better, I am sad that his abilities are not in my department anymore.
So, that left the Gettysburg following the Grand Flammarions and in hopes that they had the means to help repair our ship. After a short first contact meeting, the Flammarions agreed to repair our ship. It was unusual though, as they asked for nothing in return, only for us to be on our way and quickly.
The admiral and Commander Sevala met up with us soon after the ship had been repaired. The vessel they were on, the Apparition, had left quickly. Grant gave us information though, that helped us to return home. I still am unsure where we were, but we made it…albeit, made it back to Romulan space and soon found ourselves yet again in another squirmish. We did manage our way through the battle, with the help of the Romulans.
Stardate 21002.03
[Judith Tucker Recording:
While CJ sleeps, I will try and record a few personal notes, but where to begin? ...
Being away…not just away, but isolated from a world that is familiar, was difficult to say the least. The new information brought back is still being studied and I expect will be for some time. I am enjoying the research, though it is hard finding time to do that, take care of departmental duties, and be with CJ.
I have found myself having dreams of CJ and his brother JT. I don’t know how long it will be before I don’t think of them, but I can only hope it is soon. I haven’t told anyone yet. I’m sure it will get better in time.
I am trying to prepare myself to going home…. I am a worried though. I don’t know if Mom and Dad will accept me, since I went off against their wishes. After being gone for so long and now returning (and with a child…their grandson), I wonder what they will think of me.]
Sounds of a young child’s cries are heard in the background.
[That is all for now… End log.] End log.]
Lieutenant Junior Grade Gav, Tactical Officer
Star Date 20908.10
Life certainly has been full lately! My work in Tactical continues apace, with additional shifts I have volunteered for in Engineering. I am still enjoying the chance to get my hands dirty. It is good to know I still know which side of a spanner to grab!
I am making more friends among the crew; unfortunately, some of them are now dead. Our casualties have been so high on this mission I cannot hardly fathom how we are still functioning. There has been precious little time lately for social or recreational activities. I do not understand how a professional officer could even think about recreation when the ship is still in such a horrible state. The computer is cobbled together from spare parts taken out of the damaged shuttles.
I am certain we will make it home. I hate the idea that in this timeline my family are all dead, and I am alone. Sera and the children ground me and give me a purpose for existing. I cannot imagine their grimy little hands reaching for me when I come home. Indeed, my home does not exist either. Or maybe it does, in this reality - but somebody else calls it their hearth. It is hard to consider and even harder to really get my mind around. I have never been comfortable with alternate realities; the concept gives me a headache.
I KNOW we will get home, I just know it. We HAVE too!
I cannot let myself think anything else. The thought alone is enough to bring me to tears.
Crewman Apprentice, Estella Losada, Engineer
Star date 20910.01
Personal Log Crewman Apprentice Estella Maria Losada recording.
I can't help feeling that this is a crazy thing I am doing... but we Fed's must keep our personal logs up to date no? How else would the intelligence services have access to our personal thoughts? But now that I am an honest member of Star Fleet I am being 'encouraged' to write one. 'You will look back on this in years to come and be grateful', they tell me. La mierda del toro! I mean what is wrong with them? Are they intending not to remember? Dios, I couldn't forget my adventures if I tried, and some of them they have been of the sort it is probably best to forget.
But now I am am a trainee Fed si? The officers, they are saying 'Losada record a personal log' so I am doing it. No doubt my former colleagues will have a good laugh at my expense when they break the feeble encryption on this file. Talking of my former colleagues it is probably best not to mention too much about them. The Gettysburg Feds know they exist now, and that I was once one of them, but little more than that. Their reputation follows me around like the stench of a gaucho after he has been eating too much pork and beans. People are frightened of me for all the wrong reasons, but with time and familiarity I expect they will learn to love me. In the meantime I must be well behaved.
So I can't say very much really at this stage, in many ways my life begins now with a failure. Part of my intelligence work was to salvage some equipment from the Frion wreck, sadly my instructions were not followed and much of it is smouldering goo on the floor.
Ah... so I should probably mention our predicament. The big G has fallen through a hole in time and space to a place populated by aliens that are both familiar and different. Some of them, the Frionians, who are resembling Klingons, have been trying to kill us so the ships are now even more of a state.
We have made allies of another ship from an alliance of species known as the 'Grand Flamarion'. These hombres have some pretty weird technology I can tell you, although not as weird as... well that's another story and one I'm probably not allowed to tell. The plan is that they will help us repair our ship... but what price will they demand in return. There is always a price.
Well I am going to get some sleep now, there is some training course they want me to go on. They called it 'boot camp.' I mean, what in the name of holy Jesus is that? I should go check the databases I suppose, but I am too tired and they want to start before breakfast. Still I don't suppose it'll be that bad... after all I have been playing with the mean gringos in intelligence for months, How bad can this Fed boot camp really be in comparison?
Ok so I am sleeping, and this is ending. Perhaps I shall delete it tomorrow.
End Log.
Ensign Charles Fitzalan-Howard, Security Officer
Star date 20906.30
Personal Log Ensign Charles Fitzalan Howard recording.
I have not been inclined to record the events of the pat few months, but having found myself having made and erased many false starts, I have decided to just speak mind and let the words fall as they may.
Shore leave was a wonder, both for the company of Judith and for the strange adventure we experienced together. Of that I can say little here as it is not sufficiently secure, but it is self evident that we have survived. We did enjoy some time in a more normal fashion and I had the opportunity to introduce Judith to my parents. We also spent some time as chaperones for HRH and my sister Sarah in Cyprus, this time was perfect and I would like to think Jude thought so to.
I returned to the Gettysburg with this very much on my mind, and there came a day when I proposed to Judith. She had News of her own however and it appears that I am to be a father of twins. To my astonishment Judith rejected me and asked for time apart. It was all going to fast she told me. It is always a possibility that she might not except my proposal for marriage, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that she would send me away entirely... at a time when she may very well have needed me the most. The rejection and disappointment I I experienced then were almost to much to bare. I went a little mad I think, and that is part of there has been no personal log from me so far. I simply haven't cared to do so.
The mission had already begun, our brief was to enter Romulan space, and perform a mission the nature of which I am still not entirely clear. The command staff clearly had a better understanding, but it is far above my pay grade.
Whatever their intent was the Gettysburg encountered a strange spatial anomaly and we stopped to investigate. It was also here that we were intercepted by a Romulan force consisting of a battleship and two battle cruisers. I was manning the security station during the battle and did the same in the auxiliary bridge during its aftermath. Much was spoken of that was not appropriate for an insecure such as this. Suffice to say that I personally gained a greater understanding of our mission to little avail. The astonishing thing is that the Gettysburg triumphed over this vastly superior force. This was achieved through a combination of the astonishing skill and daring of her commander Admiral Grant, the bravery and sacrifice of her crew, and more than a little luck.
Our luck was to run out however, the battle had killed almost two thirds of our crew, and the ship was wrecked almost to the point of being scrap. Sadly there was worse yet to come. The temporal anomaly proved to posses some sort of tidal pull that dragged our poor wounded ship into its centre. Although I do not entirely understand what force, gravitational or otherwise, caused this; it was also the reason we had to separate the saucer section. It was either that or he ship tear itself entirely apart.
We were forced to evacuate to the auxiliary bridge, and as the COS Nick Ristone was still absent, it was up to me to coordinate search and rescue. We didn't have working communications so I coordinated our efforts through a network of comm badges. It was then that it became how truly terrible our losses had been. To make things worse the anomaly proved impossible to escape and we were dragged into its centre where we translated into another time and space.
As you may have gathered from this record we have survived, as has indeed a small remnant of the Romulan battleships crew. The Gettysburg is on the mend but at this moment a vessel native to this future approaches and is but hours away. I have no idea what this will mean for us.
On a personal note the disaster has brought a small amount of joy. Jude and I have spent some time together recently and I am hopeful that our relationship is on the mend.
End log.
Star date 20909.30
Personal Log Ensign Charles Fitzalan Howard recording.
We are not alone in this new dimension. At first it appeared that it was just ourselves an a handful of Romulan survivors alone in this strange universe. I was sent as part of an away team led by the Admiral to capture the Romulans. We were successful in negotiating their surrender but during the course of the operation I was overcome by toxic fumes and fell badly ill.
Additionally as a result of the battle beyond the wormhole we have taken horrible damage to the ship and even worse losses. We have been pulling double shifts trying to repair the ship before our visitors arrived.
Surprise followed surprise as the Admiral held a general meeting and introduced us to the intelligence team that had been stationed in the forbidden decks of the ship along with their incredible Auxiliary vessel the Apparition. The meeting was also notable as It was then that I discovered our CMO Lieutenant Commander Sevala had been promoted to second officer. I don't understand the reasoning behind this personally, we have an FO we don't need another, additionally I am not sure that Sevala's Romulan ideas will work well as a commander on a Star Fleet battle cruiser. Call me prejudiced if you like, but Sevala herself is intensely proud of her heritage and one gets the feeling she will never fully understand that the Federation is not the same as the Romulan powers.
The good news was that 'cousin Annie' was promoted to the position. I cannot think of anyone better to follow in the footsteps of our brilliant Romulan Sevala.
Shortly after this Commander Yvette ordered a memorial held, saying we needed to grieve, personally I was not ready for that yet and was desperate to return to fixing the Gettysburg. By this time we had detected the approach of an alien vessel and it was due to arrive soon
But I have become distracted, this is part of what I mean when I say we were not alone. Shortly after detecting the vessel we received a message informing us that it was a ship belonging to an alliance of many species known collectively as the 'Grand Flamarion' they sent one of their star ships, the Drellstar to intercept us.
On their arrival the Admiral was invited aboard the Alien vessel by their captain 'Vlodnak'. Aboard the vessel the diplomatic team met with many species, some of which where recognizable and some of which were not. The Captain for instance seamed to be a Valerian, there was also a Klingon who called himself a Frion.
Sadly for everyone the Gettysburg's luck held true to form and I was on the bridge to see it. Two events happened in a very short period of time. First a wormhole opened and three scout ships of a design similar to that of the Klingon navy emerged and immediately attacked the Apparition and the Drellstar. These were Frion's who were not part of the Grand Flamarion and were apparently at war with them. The Gettysburg, the Drellstar and the Apparition defended themselves and the scouts were soon space junk.
Unfortunately at the same time the Drellstar scanned us and suddenly all of our computers began to fail. We later discovered that a hostile virus had been long since loaded into the Gettysburg's systems. The virus was activated by the Drellstar's scan and also somehow infected that vessel. Soon, the Gettysburg and the Drellstar were affectively dead in space, which left only the Apparition operational although that had been damaged in the conflict with the scouts.
Whilst the Gettysburg was in distress I once again coordinated the Gettysburg's security forces via comm badge. This is the third occasion on which this has had to be done and I have been instrumental in developing a protocol for it. It wasn't easy but things went relatively well.
I must report however that my confidence in commander Yvette has taken two further blows, first she did not wish to explore the possibility that the Drellstar's intentions may not be as peaceful as they appear saying there was not enough time. And then later when the computers were down, and she was unable to do much else, she instead ordered a poker game. Presumably this was another one of her 'moral building' exercises. I cannot say that id did anything for mine, quite the opposite in fact.
The Frion wormhole did not remain open for long it began to degenerate but not before the Frionian's launched a fighter squadron to investigate the fate of their scouts. Thankfully the wormhole closed, destroying all but one of the squadron which made it through but was severely damaged. This was just as well as none of our ships were in a condition to resist an attack squadron. I understand that the fighters crew of two survived and are being held prisoner somewhere, presumably by the intelligence team.
The diplomatic team was safely beamed back to the Gettysburg courtesy of the Apparitions transporters, but sadly Lieutenant Commander Arking (our CEO) was injured in a horrible transporter accident.
And so things have gone to from bad to worse, the Admiral has seeded the Captaincy of the Gettysburg to Commander Yvette, and taken his partner Commander Sevala and her ward Dhiov aboard the Apparition. It Appears he will be captaining the small vessel on an independent mission of great importance.
It is a horrible blow to the Gettysburg, I have next to no confidence in Yvette, although she will of course receive my best regardless. We have lost possibly the best captain in the fleet, and although I cannot see much point in a second officer, we also lose his partner Sevala who saved so many during our last mission through her brilliant medical work.
Additionally Lieutenant Commander Arking is to leave with the Apparition, I presume because Sevala's expert medical care will be available to her there. We thus find ourselves without a CEO during a time when the Gettysburg is still devastated from its battles.
I simply do not understand what the Admiral is about and consequently fear for the safety of Judith and the twins. Could it be that the Admiral is abandoning us as a lost cause and simply protecting his immediate family? This thought worries me I must admit, but I have done my best to dismiss it. The Admiral has always risked everything for his beloved 'family' aboard the Gettysburg and I cannot imagine the man changing now.
Well I must go, a medical officer has arranged a 'baby shower' for Judith. It is a ridiculous time for such an occasion ,but I must attend. I was notified of it at the same time as all the other guests, something as the twins father I find hard to believe. However clearly it has been authorised by Commander... no Captain Yvette. I shouldn't be shocked I suppose, she seems to run this battle cruiser like a fraternity house.
Perhaps it is me, perhaps I am inflexible and old fashioned as many may believe. But no Fitzalan-Howard has ever refused his duty and I will not be the first.
End Log.
Midshipman George Tiquaq, Security Officer
Stardate 20912.16
Midshipman George Tiguaq recording, audio only:
I broke down crying the other day...
there is a long pause
... my first months aboard a starship have been presumably more eventful than the entire careers of many Starfleet officers.
Tiguaq's dry chuckle is heard on the recording, followed by the sound of him sipping a beverage.
Maybe that's not the best way to start... I don't know why I broke down, then, at that moment, during drill training. It felt like I'd been running away from an ocean of sorrow... and something came out of that ocean, swallowed me and took me straight down to the bottom of the sea... hah, I guess I've more in common with my Inuit ancestors than I've ever thought, because I can only picture that "something" as a whale.
Dreams... why do we have them? Are they representing our reality, reflecting our past, predicting our future, or are they simply feelings too complex to word out in our minds? We have to feel them and imagine them as pictures, as memories; as if they'd really happened.
There is a bang and the sound of liquid spilling.
But I know what happened!! All my security training at the Academy... was meant to prepare me for this. I passed all the psych tests, I was declared fit! Primed for duty! I should have been ready for all this...pressure... but how could I have been?
Most of our crew are dead. Lost in the battle with the Romulans. We're in alien space... in an alien time—expected to trade our passionate anger for diligence and composure. I was doing a damn good job of it too... but it all caught up to me. If I wasn't so green... if I'd had more experience, I might have been better able to cope. It felt like I was blacking out... I dropped my phaser and cried, right there, in the training holodeck. Over the course of the last few days it's been clear from the way I've been treated and interacted with, that I've shown weakness to my crew mates, and shaken their trust.
I'm a security officer dammit! I'm not supposed to let that type of thing happen to me, but... I had no choice. Most of the security officers who were lost, I'd just gotten familiar with... hell, Rolla for example, that pudgy Talarian who'd scared the hell out of me when I first reported in to Lieutenant Mihar at the security desk... we were starting to become friends... now he's gone. A lot of them are gone. Somebody needed to cry for them, and I don't mean mourning them at a service, when it's the scheduled time for that kind of thing... somebody needed to break out from inside their Starfleet-issue protective mind casings and actually shed some human tears for their loss! I didn't mean to be the one to volunteer to do that necessarily, but like I said... I had no choice.
The last few days I've been relieved of duty, and more or less confined to quarters. I've undergone quite a few psychology tests and profiling exercises. I expect that if we ever make contact with another Federation ship, if the Federation still exists in this time period... or even in the improbable case that we do find another wormhole back to our time, back to our own space... that there likely won't be room on the Gettysburg for security officers who lose control like I did. In the mean time however... I've a chance to show my shipmates that I am indeed the capable officer I know I am! The ship and I haven't truly had a chance to get to know each other yet... I haven't made the best first impression, I'm sure I come off as the runt of the litter in the security department, but I'm sayakturuq—strong, healthy and competent. As long as we're here in this time and space, I'm not going anywhere, and I will become a trusted member of this crew.
Tiguaq takes a calm, self-collecting breath which can be heard on the playback
I'm not certain, but I believe that Lieutenant Mihar has not lost all confidence in me. I have a feeling that very soon I'll be placed back on alpha shift, and I'll get back to patrolling the lower decks as well as any officer would ever be able to. I have had very few chances to come in contact with Lieutenant Commander Ristone, chief of security. With all that the ship's been going through, he's understandably busy, and to see him even in the security office lately has been somewhat of a rarity. Presently, it's my understanding that he's part of an away team lead by Commander Yvette to attend a formal first contact meeting with the GFC commanders. We shall see how that turns out. It's rumoured that a Flammarion repair crew will be arriving on board shortly, to help our engineers with the damage to our warp nacelles. I'd better make it clear to Mihar that if she needs any volunteers for personnel escort, she would be in error not to consider selecting me as part of the detail. Well perhaps I'll be a touch more subtle than that...
Commander Yvette seems to have the support of the majority of the crew, though at times, I knew that even I was skeptical of how she would manage such a large ship after Admiral Grant left to take command of the Apparation. I suppose I was imagining myself, as I am, in her position, and was assuming that she'd be experiencing pressure in the same way I would. I'm pleased to say, however, that I feel crew morale is high, and we've got the encounter with the Flammarions to keep our curiosity satiated and ourselves occupied. So far, I'm proud to have Commander Yvette as our umialik—our captain of the boat.
I'm sure that all of the Gettysburg crew, myself included, will bring out the best in themselves and stand up to our uncertain future. In my belief, it is not only our best option, but it is our duty to each other, to the ship, and to our uniform.
End of log entry.
Stardate 21002.07
Midshipman George Tiguaq recording:
Well, I'm making this first official end-of-mission log as per Starfleet officer protocol... but honestly, I'd never thought any of us would be alive to have come to the end of this mission.
With all the heavy losses we sustained from our escapade into Romulan space, the sling-shot ride through the warp tunnel, and the harrowing journey back, the ship feels like a ghost town.
Still, nothing can change what happened... I've come to terms with that now. I'm happy to be alive and offer thanks to anything or anyone that might have had a hand in my survival. That includes the exceptional command crew and senior staff—all of whom survive, mostly uninjured. I just hope none of my future missions are as bloody as this one. Hell of a transition from the Academy...
I never thought we'd get back, but here we are, entering recognizable space. A Romulan vessel of all things, the Shadowhawk, is escorting us. A large number of their crew as well as ours are going to be socializing at an event in our shuttlebay. I'm going to be part of the security team for part of the event, and I'm sure I'll have my hands full.
News of what's to happen to us when we get back to spacedock hasn't reached the lower decks yet, but there are rumours of a re-assignment; for now, I'm just content to be on this ship, and in as good shape as I am.
There is one more thing... during our battle with another Romulan ship upon our return from the wormhole, I, along with four other officers, encountered a strange being in sickbay. She was like a ghost... called herself Elaina McTavish. she seemed to be able to control the temperature of the room, and emitted a strange scent... like brimstone; not to mention that she left us by passing through a solid wall.
I will be conducting an investigation on this starting tomorrow.
[End of log entry.]
Midshipman Levine Meels, Medical Officer
Stardate: 21001.05
Well things have been interesting since my graduation from the academy. I was assigned to the third shift in sickbay and labs. The time in sickbay wasn’t too bad but slow. This was a good thing. I spent the time doing overnight crew physicals and updated medical records. The lab work was filled with finalizing tests that was sent from the CMO. The crew at least the ones I dealt with were not bad at all. I had made a couple of friends but not much of a life when you do overnights.
The other day I had orders to report to Dr. Macleod, my boss, and I had no idea what she wanted. I knew I didn’t do anything wrong but still was confused. Well when I arrived it seems that Dr. Drake wrote up a positive review and I am now moved to Alpha shift. I am excited but nervous in the same note.
We are now at red alert and a lot is happening. It appears we are preparing for some sort of telepathic battle which I have a feeling won’t end well. I hope I am wrong. I suggested a med that will help increase the telepathic and empathic powers of those people including myself who have them. Dr. Macleod declined a dose for herself. I just hope it won’t come to having to use that.
End Log
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johan Schwicker, Science Officer
Star Date 20907.22
Johannes Schwicker recording personal log. According to my best estimate it is Stardate 55107.22.
Wow, 55107.22!
I just got back from a run around se ship.
How bizarre it was to see not a living soul for an entire lap. One footstep after anoser, I ran around se corridor ring and my steps echoed softly sere. For a moment, I sought sat someone was giving me chase, but it turned out to be se echoes of my own footfalls!
Much of se ship is securely off limits and it seems such a waste. I fear sat we are so undermanned sat a few shots could disable se ship by virtue of shaking many more automated systems san can be patched in se instance of battle.
I feel sat we need allies sat can help fill se empty crew quarters.
Neverseless, despite se adversity, I must award se crew wis praise in view of seir tireless efforts to keep on keeping on. As a result se ship is in not too bad repair, supplies are presently adequate, and morale is so unusually high wis se crew ever confident sat sey will soon be home.
My question, however, is How do we really know sat we are not already home?
Star Date 20908.15
Johannes Schwicker recording Personal Log, Stardate 55108.15:
Exploration has undeniably been relegated to second place. Understandably, survival has become paramount. Sat is a circumstance sat I regret but do not disapprove of.
Wis limited personnel, rationed and dwindling resources, and not a moment’s rest enough even to eat a meal wis allies, it seems to me sat necessity calls for less “seory talk” and more “hammer work.”
Indeed, I find myself increasingly motivated to produce somesing wis my hands. I am ever drifting away from pure intellectual processes and leaning toward se inventive science of engineering.
But sen again, I guess, I always have.
Log, Off!
Star Date 20909.15
Johannes Schwicker recording personal log. Stardate 55109.14.
It was my privilege to join, as dinner guest, a diplomatic mission. I was one of se first to step foot on Grand Flammarion “soil,” se GFS Drellstar. I had hoped to make better acquaintance wis representatives of sat state, but as circumstances would have it, we came under attack by hostile Frionian forces.
Shocking to me was se amazing resemblance of one individual in particular, a Mister Kroak, a Klingon engineer aboard se Drellstar. We got along like brosers, and he put his trust in me. I did not disappoint him; I saved his life and se lives of his shipmates, I sink. Sat is se last sat I have seen of him. His genetics were a match for my own race! More shocking still, was se discovery sat se Frionians appeared to be an entire empire of my race, and at war! I wish I could learn more about it all.
I learned a lot from Kroak’s unique engineering technique, but what I learned about se Intelligence Department was alarming to me. Se secret agents did not boser me in semselves, but sat sey are part of se Federation’s Star Fleet seems raser hypocritical and I have a hard time reconciling seir presence aboard se Gettysburg. Sey are fierce creatures se Intelligence Department. Perhaps sey are hardened, calloused, unnerved, by seir relentless covert operations. Neverseless, it was a side of se Federation sat I wish I did never see.
I will be watching over my shoulder from now on, even in my own home, the Gettysburg.
Log off!===
Hannah Eaglestone, Medical Cadet (Acting)
Stardate 21002.03
[Cadets log, Stardate 21002.03 Hannah Eaglestone recording
“Well to be honest I don’t know what to say. My Dad said I should record this. He said I should at least have one log when we get back considering I am part of the crew and Starfleet would probably want an account from everyone.
“To be honest, to me, it was like any other Gettysburg mission that I know of. The ship got blown to bits, Dad… Sorry Lieutenant Commander Eaglestone and Lieutenant Commander Arking got it fixed, obviously with a lot of other help. The first instance of being blown to bits was going through a spatial anomaly wormhole thing, I’m not a science officer and only listened to other people describe it so can’t get any clearer on that unfortunately. We then found ourselves in another universe with enough casualties to keep all of us busy in sickbay. I think Doctor Macleod was glad to have me there, I picked up a lot of the strain doing basic tasks for the crew, patching up cuts and bruises and such. The amount of people who died was a little horrific and a little hard to deal with but my Dad set a good example for me and helped me stay strong through the whole ordeal.
“We then found our way into another battle with a race called the threeons or something. I don’t know. You can tell how good I am at this, normally I do it with pen and paper in my diary, I’m not so good at verbalising my thoughts.
There was a slight pause in which Hannah could be heard sighing before she continued.
“I also took part in a boot camp thing with Lieutenant Schwicker leading us. It was a lot of fun when I got used to the military regime and discovered I am a crack phaser shot, who knew? Well Dad probably did, he’s been drilling all of this military tradition stuff into my head for years and finally it has a use.
“OK, well we lived through that, thank god! And then moved onto a space station of some sort where the Gettysburg was fixed up, from there we moved onto another location and then home and back into battle. This time it was with Romulans, and everyone of course thinking the war was still going on was very confused at what was going on. Especially in sickbay where some sort of telepathic attack was going to take place and we allied with some Romulans… The details are sketchy to me but we survived that again but with more casualties.
“One of which was one of Judith’s children. It upset me quite a bit, I had to take a few minutes to myself and what made it worse was the fact the Father of the children, Charlie, was injured by the telepathic attack. He’s alive fortunately and so is the other of Judith’s twins, a little boy named CJ, he’s so cute.
“Anyway, I think that’s it. I can’t think of anything else to add so… End log”]
USS Apparition, Joint Mission Profile
USS Apparition worked indirectly with the Gettysburg this mission. Here are the logs from the Apparition. These logs are not in official Star Fleet records.
Rear Admiral Derrick Grant, Commanding Officer
Star Date 20909.27
Rear Admiral Grant recording:
I have officially ceded command of the Gettysburg to Commander Yvette and bid the ship and crew farewell, quietly and without fanfare. I believe that what I have done will be best for Gettysburg and her crew. Yvette is much cooler-headed than I am, and she won't have the baggage of 'alternate mission needs' that I so often had to balance with my command of the battle cruiser.
I am now the de facto commander of the USS Apparation, a small ship whose exotic charms are only exceeded by the ultimate danger that her operation presents. She is graceful, fast, stealthy, and although she is minimally armed I believe she presents the greatest threat to the universe that I have ever witnessed.
Our mission is, initially, going to be to make contact with these 'Frion'. I want to find out how their portals work, and if we can use them to help us get home. We have minimal information on how they operate. I need to get one of their engineers or scientists to find out, and I intend to use the team to 'liberate' someone to talk to, and maybe find a way to get a download from their systems as well. Tess and Kiron should be able to accomplish this last; and I think T'Kir and the others can adequately get me someone to talk to.
I also intend to use this ship, and its enhanced stealth abilities, to ensure that we can obtain any materials we need to both facilitate our own mission and to assist Gettysburg. The thoughts I've been having are certainly way off the path of Star Fleet morals and ethics on how to do this, but where we are and in our circumstances, I'm willing to throw away the rulebook for a while. I'll pay for it both personally and professionally, but I have to think of the needs of the whole of this crew—and damn the rules and the inhabitants of this galaxy if that's what I have to do to get us home safely.
My soul is already blackened. I doubt anything I do here will make it any worse.
End log.
Star Date 20911.02
Rear Admiral Derrick Grant recording:
Begin log.
It has been almost three weeks since we left the Gettysburg, taking our separate but hopefully complimentary mission here in this odd universe. I say odd, because there are familiar things—certain species look and behave somewhat familiarly, and some of the vessels appear similar to designs we have back home—but underlying differences are very obvious. This is not home, and I find myself reminded of an ancient Terran fable about a young girl who was sent to another land and could only get home by chanting “there’s no place like home”. While I don’t know the details of this story, I know there are several others with similar themes throughout various species’ histories.
I wish I could simply say “There’s no place like home” and bring us all back to the Federation that we know.
We’ve arrived in orbit of the Frion world and transported T’Kir, Tess, Kiron, and Sierra to an orbiting facility where they will attempt to obtain transport to the surface to complete their mission. Their mission is to gather any intelligence that they can on the Frion and their technologies, including those that allow them to create portals through space.
Meanwhile I’m taking the Apparition to the believed location of an artifact that the Frion use to generate these portals. The portals are all controlled from here, as far as we know, and can only take people to and from this place. If they can be used to traverse space/time as easily as they traverse local space, then we may have found a way home, assuming the portal can be made big enough for Gettysburg.
If we can secure this facility we should be able to, along with the data collected by the away team, create a path home.
If we fail in our mission here, then our options for getting home become limited, and in fact although I am relatively certain from what the AI has explained to me (in layman’s terms, as I don’t understand quantum mechanics any better than Dhiov’s cat does) that by sacrificing the Apparition I can ensure that the Gettysburg goes home. It alleges that a destruction of its three cores, timed perfectly, will create a sort of implosion that will pull Gettysburg through and deposit her back where she ‘belongs’ in the multiverse. Apparition would be destroyed in this act, as would anyone aboard her.
And the cost is much worse. I dread to think of the consequence that I would have to decide upon to do this… and the cost I would pay when we got home, both in career and soul.
I haven’t even discussed this with Sevala, and I have ordered the computer not to discuss it with anyone else, until and unless it returns to our universe. No one needs to know what we’ve done, and the price that we must pay for it both in our own universe, and, if we must use the ultimate method of going home, the high price to this universe.
End log.
Lieutenant Commander Terra Arking, Engineering Specialist
Star date 20910.21
Well things have certainly changed for me, I didn’t get a chance to record a log before leaving the Gettysburg and I have been to busy the past few weeks to even consider it but I think I better at least try and do one, at least posterities sake in case we make it back minus me.
I am now an engineering officer aboard the Apparition, which, I have to say, is possibly the most amazing thing I have ever worked on. The technology seems to be so far advanced than anything else in service and just turning the lights on requires an almost completely different engineering process than standard design. The cloak is absolutely incredible, it’s the kind of thing Professor Brunel taught me in theoretical dimensional physics. It would take me hours to explain how the damned thing works but suffice to say I have completely modified the thing to help us remain undetected in this crazy universe.
Grant has taken control of the Apparition, something I am grateful for. He is a good guy and deserves this pseudo break, after all a change is as good as a rest. The rest of the crew however seem as unprofessional as high school kids, kissing in the halls and a general disrespect for authority make them a lively bunch and to be honest a welcome respite from the rules and regulations of traditional Star ships. I love it here; I don’t think I actually want to leave!
Stardate 20912.20
Paranoid, that’s what Nadine would say if she could see me now writing with ink and paper in these modern times. But what can you do when you don’t trust the very machine that stores and processes what can sometimes be your inner most personal thoughts and feelings? It’s a question I thought I would never come across but here it is, right in front of me.
The AI of the Apparition is lying but I don’t know what to do about it. We draw closer to our target of the Sol system and to be honest I am on the verge of just simply destroying the ship before we get there. Grant doesn’t seem to realise what is going on and I can’t just come out and say what I think without the AI hearing it. It’s a tough decision, a decision I will have to consider carefully. If I have time I will be removing a PADD from the wireless network, removing its wireless interface so I can actually do some real work instead of the mindless dribble I keep spewing into the computer to make the AI think I have forgotten about its attempts to mislead me with false information. It seems to have worked for now but as I have said, I can’t do anything whilst it can literally tap into anything I use for data processing.
I hope to be able to transfer this log to a computer soon, if not I fear it will be lost along with all of us. I will not let this ship destroy Earth.