Ticonderoga Mission 07: "Revolution"
Captain's Logs
Cmdr Paul Braggins
Stardate 21107.06
Captain's Log, Stardate 21107.06 Commodore Braggins recording:
Commodore Braggins...that's a title I didn't expect to hear used in Starfleet...
The Ticonderoga and the Dauntless have been ordered to Yadalla Prime to safeguard Federation Property and the lives of Federation Citizens amid an uprising that threatens full-scale civil war.
The dissidents claim the Federation Government on Yadalla is corrupt, and wish to align themselves closer to the Romulan Star Empire. Admiral zh'Matis has ordered us to facilitate an evacuation if necessary, and to intervene as peacekeepers should civil war break out.
The crew are as unhappy about this as I am, and I do not believe we made a good impression on the Admiral or the Dauntless' Senior Staff. I fear our reputation as a group loose cannons and misfits may be well-deserved. Nonetheless, I expect the crew to act with their usual professionalism in the completion of our mission - even if they weren't in the briefing.
End Log.
Crew Logs
Mid Scarlet Pickern
Stardate 21104.27
Midshipman Scarlet Pickern
Officers Log:
All of this was just a huge mess. Starting with sending a rookie like me to lead a takeover team. I was transported with my team over to the USS Nova where I was briefed on what I would be attempting to accomplish. All orders simple in their objective if not dangerous. And...as always seems to happen around me...plans changed before they had even begun.
I only had a short amount of time to recompile my plan into taking over Main Engineering on the Carraya. At least I did have some schematics to work with, the layout was very helpful. I organized three waves, each to come in if the previous wave did not report in the all clear. It all seemed rather cut and dry without knowing the compiment of security and other personnel that would be in the area. There was not much time to plan, and perhaps this is why I was not able to succeed. I really don't know, I just hope this doesn't come back to haunt me somehow.
I initially took six of my team over, including myself in hopes of keeping my casualties low. Six entrances into main offered a very strategic advantage. Except I forgot to factor in an engineer's knowledge and ability to manipulate a system. [Sigh] But I digress. There was a grand total of two guards patrolling the outter ring. This was a little odd, perhaps they weren't expecting us to get that far? From what I saw and reports from the other half of the team they were both non-klingon. Whatever this means, I don't know but perhaps it will mean something to someone else.
Coming into main engineering, the Chief there seemed to believe we were the team he requested to help repair systems. I was hopeful that the mentioned possible help was here and this would be an easy takeover. It must have been my teams dumbfounded looks that gave the klingon reason to pause and take a closer look at us. I could not deny what we were, what we were sent there to do. Nor could I start shooting. Why? Because via comm, orders were given to stand down and take up a defensive stance not two minutes before we entered engineering. This, I believe is what doomed my mission. Granted I'd rather have less blood shed, however the position was compromising. Risking our lives to make contact without forceful entry. It gave them the advantage. Takeovers and defensive stance is an ironic twist.
Never again will I allow a team to group so close together. A forcefield was set up around us by what I still assume was the chief. Trapping us there until "He was told what to do with us". Amongst trying to decide what, if anything, could be done to get us free my second wave was at the doors surrounding engineering, forcing open the doors and entering, guns raised. PO1 Harding demanded our release despite my orders for him to stand down. This resulted with the activation of some program that started a self-destruct countdown and sucking the air out of Main Engineering. I was forced to pull the team out.
PO1 Harding was able to identify the program as some kind of failsafe program before our beamout. We were returned to the Ticonderoga where I met with and updated my superiors on my teams return. I was sent with my First Officer to Engineering where I wound up meeting with Galinski to do a sweep of the radiated areas of the Ticon, taking care of injuries and finding Klingons that were unaccounted for.
[End of Log]
Stardate 21104.29
Midshipman Scarlet Pickern
Personal Log:
I think I got into the wrong profession. Ya know, my life was nice and quiet before I decided a life in Starfleet was for me. And now, not even having time to train myself to lead, I'm expected to just do so! Yes! Let's let the rookie kill a few dozen of her team, that'll give her self-confidence! Oh yea!
[There is a thump, sounding oddly like someone falling into a chair and a very long pause. Her voice changes to an almost sad tone.]
All I wanted was to be able to protect myself and those around me...not this. Not being sent away to put my teams life needlessly in danger due to my inexperience. I truely hate being given a situation in which I feel is a no win. But I guess that's in my training to.
Anyway, I'm hopefully back on the Ticonderoga for awhile yet. I do know I won't complain about anything boring or mindless work and forms. Which reminds me. How weird is it to be having to write official reports as a lead? I'm not even sure the information I gave them was what they wanted. Or perhaps too much of what they didn't want. Who knows, again..this is what they get with a rookie.
I imagine we're going to have quite a bit of time while the Ticonderoga is under repair. I think I am going to take a trip to see my parents. I could really use their presense right about now. This is more stressful than even I had imagined. Given my imagination, that is truely saying something.
End Log
Stardate 21108.26
Personal Log
Ensign Pickern, Scarlet
Stardate 21108.26
Oh wow, where to begin. There is allot to say yet I'm not sure I could put it all into words. So I guess I'm just gonna start off with shore leave.
It was nice to be back on Earth, didn't get to see my family really but the semblance of home has helped me more than any time spent on a counselor's couch could. But now I'm going to have the wonderful time of breaking the habit of being informal once again toward Jordan. Heh. I guess we're both going to have that problem for a bit.
Oh, I'm now an Ensign, with some kind of medal for something or other. Not sure I deserve it at all but you do not say no to commanding officers when they offer you shiny medals. [She laughs] But really, I think I'm more proud of the fact I am now the lead of Echo team. Didn't expect to have any sort of commanding position at this early in my career.
I think we're at Yadalla Prime now. Some political bullshit is going on. While we are supposedly here to render aid and protect federation property I don't think I believe it whole-heartedly. But for now, my orders are to keep things as if nothing were happening. My team has been busy getting themselves back into shape from their shore leave. I may not be the hard-••• Elitsha was but they'll probably end up hating me along the same lines eventually. Galinski might think he can outdo Echo, but I refuse to let that be the case for very long.
Margaret Murphy
Stardate 21107.26
Personal Log
Margaret Murphy
Stardate 21107.26
Um… well… oh, hold on, let me adjust this uniform…
Ok, personal log, stardate… well, I guess that’s automatically put into the computer. Well… a lot’s happened since I last made a log, which is mostly… bad… I guess… but on the ‘big picture’ front, it should be all good.
The promotion ceremony… well, I got promoted! That would have been better if I wasn’t completely wasted off of warnog. And I got a medal, for jumping on a grenade-type device that was on the Bridge. Or at least, that’s what I’m assuming the medal was for. Can’t imagine it was for my ace flying skills, which did help, but not exactly something out of the ordinary.
Jordan and I broke up. Not so much as a ‘break up’ as a …‘break.’ Whatever the hell that means.
So yeah. You’ll notice I’m wearing pips that are above my rank… that’s because before shore leave, Fiore had a freak-out or something, left the ship, then came back as another position, and apparently the now Commodore Braggins thinks I’m suitable enough to be a –ahem– Lieutenant, and Chief Tactical Officer, to boot. So I’ve just come from his office, after the briefing on our new mission, and was told to change into this uniform.
I dunno which part of my life is the temporary and which is the permanent part any more, which is kind of scary. Joining Starfleet, I should have known that.
Well, I guess I better make my way around the ship and start barking orders.
Oh good Irish whiskey, where are you when I need you?
Mid Brackenwood
Stardate 21108.03
Personal Log
Brackenwood, Midshipman A.
Stardate 21108.03
So far, my posting to the Ticonderoga has been fairly straightforward. My duties have been mainly maintenance, and occasional corrective repairs to the so-called 'refit' we underwent before setting forth. My estimation of the ability of Yard technicians has not been much improved.
My department head is a relaxed man - very much the hands-off approach. I believe he'll be easy to work with, even if his attitude is, ah, contrary to what I'd expected.
I haven't met many other crew-members yet. The medical staff seem to wear their hearts on their sleeves, but then I suppose passion is second-nature to their work. I can rely on an EPS manifold not to suffer a nervous breakdown, and for that I'm grateful.
We've heard only the barest details of our mission - apparently we're a 'relief' assignment, to retrieve loyal Federation citizens and secure our property on a colony world that is considering rejecting Federation membership, in favour of the Star Empire. I'm torn between astonishment, and revulsion. Who would turn their back on the way of life offered by the UFP, to embrace the Romulans? Heritage is irrelevant - the benefits of Federation membership surpass all other concerns.
I do not...anticipate our arrival and encounter with the Rebels, with any pleasure. Nor do I relish the chance of a skirmish with the Imperial Navy. Nonetheless, duty lies ahead, and will be done.
End Log.
Lt Jordan Donovan
Stardate 21108.19
Chief of Security's Log
Lieutenant Donovan, Jordan A.
Stardate 21108.19
After a much needed shore leave for the crew, we have been sent out to deal with another boarder planet and another political situation. This time it is Yadalla Prime and the problem is that some of the inhabitants are claiming the local government is corrupt and illegitimate. There have been protests but so far only minor disturbances.
Yet, Admiral zh'Matis personally briefed both crews, the Ticonderoga and the Dauntless, before sending us to lend any aid required. She seemed to be overly stressing the harmless nature of the mission, but it's importance at the same time. The points not matching up seemed to be strange to others than myself, but nothing came of it.
So, two of the heavier classes available to the entire second fleet are being sent to a boarder world that should normally be responded to be a frigate or light cruiser, yet no foul play is suggested. Let the record show I smell fish. And I don't like it one bit.
LCdr Tokar
Stardate 21108.26
First Officer's Log
Lieutenant Commander Tokat
Stardate 21108.26
Once again the Ticonderoga has been sent into the forefront on a mission of the utmost importance. But this mission might just be one of our most challenging yet. What, might you ask, could be so challenging to a ship and crew that has served through the Second Romulan war, experienced temporal distortions, prevented the death of a star system, and survived one of the greatest tactical foulups in military history? In a word...
We have joined up with the USS Dauntless and have been sent to the Yadalla System at Admiral zh'Matis's orders. The situation on Yadalla Prime is one of political unrest, and is threatening to degenerate into all out Revolution if things continue as they are. The system's current government has come under attack, both politically and physically, by groups of resistance fighters thought to be led by secessionists. The "Tico" and the "Daunty" are being dispatched solely as a precautionary measure. Our mission is to protect Starfleet and Federation Assets in the Yadalla System, and if necessary we are to evacuate non-resident Federation Citizens seeking to leave the planet.
I have already begun meeting with Commander Arking, the Daunty's First Officer, over subspace communications to explore the possibility of combining the assets and personnel of our vessels in hopes of maximizing our away teams' effectiveness. Meanwhile, our Department Heads are preparing humanitarian aid for the Civilians in the form of Food, Medicine, Supplies, and Damage Control Teams as well as Security Teams to provide support to Starfleet personnel concerning the protection of Federation assets.
We are however, under the strictest of orders not to fire unless fired upon, and we cannot be seen to favor one side of the conflict above the other, even if the outcome is the withdrawal of the Yadalla System from the Federation. To say that this is a "delicate" political mission would be an understatement.
This crew has a reputation which it may or may not be fully deserving of, but there is one fact I have come to understand for myself. This crew is exceptional at doing "whatever it takes" to complete the mission at hand, and considering the consequences later. In the past this has simply ensured that the bulk of our mission logs remain classified and our violent reputation grows. This time however, the entire Federation and Romulan Star Empire are watching Yadalla carefully. If we make one mistake there may be dire consequences which would impact the better part of the Galaxy. Therefore, I have to ask myself...
Are we truly ready for this?
[End Log.]
Ens Kraav
Stardate 21110.12
Engineering Specialist's Log, Star Date 21110.12.
Ensign Kraav recording.
Begin log.
My short time aboard the Ticonderoga has been interesting to say the least.
First, on my arrival the Commodore looked like he'd seen a ghost, and the CTO, Lt Murphy, seemed to become aroused in my presence on the bridge. I was shortly ordered to my quarters, where I modified them to meet my needs.
Following the furniture upgrades, I got bored and wandered into the corridor, only to come across the Strategic Operations officer in her quarters. I offered her warnog, but she said the time was not appropriate. I don't understand the concept of there not being an appropriate time for warnog, but before I could ask this the ship went to alert and I was called to the bridge by someone named Gregg. I grabbed my tools and made my way up there, as it sounded like there might be a potential hull breach.
Upon arrival I found an inner wall damaged that looked like it had been shot at, from inside. There were no signs of intruders, and I was shortly ordered away (again), this time to Engineering.
What an engine room! It is huge, shiny, and full of people! Such a difference from the Columbia, which was small, shiny, and had only a few people.
Well I was looking for something to do, and this Lieutenant came up and gave me orders. While I was taking the station he told me to, he attempted to steal my backpack... so I threatened to steal his heart... in essence.
We came to a mutually agreeable position, and I am now back at my station, with my backpack full of tools still on my back where they belong.
End log.
LCdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 26111.14
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg
Personal Log. Private.
Stardate 26111.14
Not sure any if I can trust myself to file a proper report. Putting this to PADD will hopefully let the facts make some sense. I don’t know where things went wrong. The Tico and the Daunty get told to go off to this planet on the border with Romulan Empire. Apparently there was a pull towards seceding to join the Romulans. Our mission was to make sure that didn’t happen. It was also a bit of a surprise to see the Columbia arrive, though they had a separate mission.
A decent variety of staff was sent planetside on an away team, half to a government compound and the other half to hospital in Navata, Yadalla’s capital city. I brought some colleagues from the science department, then it turned out the hospital only needed medics. It was certainly the shortest away mission. Just felt a little low to be sent back.
Reported to the bridge and informed Paul. He didn’t like the Yadallan’s attitude. He did take it out on the bridge. Now that is something I don’t want to see, ever again. It would have been a quiet mission, then it got strange very. Joey and I were attempting to track down the origin of a jamming signal when a group of ‘pirate’ vessels launched from Yadalla’s moon. I really did not see that one coming. Also not too sure they were actual pirates, the arrival of a Kerchan class Romulan warship makes me wonder about that bit.
The ‘pirates’ attempted to level Navata, while the Kerchan inflicted severe damage on ourselves, the Daunty and the Columbia. We returned some decent fire and with some enlightenment from Tokat, Paul and the Halo Squadron launched and did some very good work indeed. The Kerchan fled the scene, then returned and fled again after receiving some significant damage. Crew identity a mystery, sad to say.
Another mystery apparently there were signals being sent between someone in the government compound and the ‘pirate’ base on the moon. We have enough information to keep Starfleet Intelligence amused for a little while, if the political situation in Yadalla can be stabilized.
On a lighter note there is a dead man working in Engineering. Or if Joey is right it’s more likely a case of separated at birth. Ensign Kraav is the exact image of avarQ. The scars are different and he has never met me before. If it is avarQ the memory thing would not be a surprise. Well at least if he stays long enough I might find out.
Save and encrypt.