Gettysburg Mission 05: "The Battle for Star Base 157"
Gettysburg was dispatched, along with a number of other ships, to defend Star Base 157. Following a bloody battle in which both sides were almost decimated, something happened to space-time and saved us all… and then the Romulans retreated.
- 1 Logs
- 1.1 Captain's Logs
- 1.2 Crew Logs
- 1.2.1 Commander Aloysia Yvette
- 1.2.2 Commander New
- 1.2.3 Lieutenant Chris Eaglestone
- 1.2.4 Lieutenant Kiron Hunter
- 1.2.5 Lieutenant Commander Tyra Crawford
- 1.2.6 Lieutenant Junior Grade Judith Tucker
- 1.2.7 Midshipman Johan Schwicker
- 1.2.8 Lieutenant Sevala
- 1.2.9 Lieutenant Junior Grade Laura Macleod
Captain's Logs
Captain Derrick Grant
Stardate 20804.22
This is my first log as Captain of the USS Gettysburg.
After a major overhaul, not the least of which including an all-new saucer section and several other enhancements to the secondary hull, the USS Gettysburg is once again ready to launch. Crew recall has been issued, and all personnel are due on board in the next 24 hours. Other than a major ••••-up on the part of the ship yard engineers on the color of my ready room carpet, the ship seems fit for duty.
And it needs to be fit.
We were transferred to the First Battle Group, now under the command of Admiral Lance Odell, my former commanding officer when I was Chief of Security aboard Star Base Alpha. He is a good man, and I feel comfortable following him. However this move comes at a time when it would seem that our position in the Second Battle Group was more sensible. With pressure mounting along the Romulan border, that would put us at a more front-line position should there be an armed conflict. Perhaps the reasoning relates to our secondary profile as a Star Fleet Intelligence command platform. Thus far this is unclear.
Speaking of the Romulans, it appears that they are increasing their numbers in a few strategic areas along the border; and what can only be described as an armada is being deployed along our border, near the area where the Federation, Klingon, Romulan Empire, and Romulan Republic all meet. The strategic value of this region is obvious, and the fact that the Romulans now have well over 30 star ships headed into that region speaks for itself.
It can only be to try to provoke the DRR, the Klingons, or the Federation into starting an armed conflict. A conflict which my sources tell me would do major damage to our interests in that region—as well as possibly cripple Star Fleet in the short term.
We can’t afford to have that happen. Not with the other threats rising to the surface at this time.
Gettysburg has been ordered to make best speed to Star Base 157 where we will meet with task force leaders and the SB-157 CO, Admiral Owen. I have not seen the Admiral in about 8 years, and I doubt she’ll remember me.
On a personal note, I have become ‘involved’ with my new Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Sevala. She’s a Romulan… a former citizen of the Star Empire, although she might still in some ways consider herself one; and she’s also a legal citizen of the DRR. She’s a good woman, and although I’m not sure exactly what I’d call our relationship at this stage, I can say that I trust her… and there are less people than I can count on one hand that I can say that about in the galaxy.
The computer has not informed me that she’s arrived on ship yet. But when she does, I’ll head down to sickbay or wherever she is to make sure everything meets her requirements… and make sure there’s nothing I can do for her.
Until then, I have several reports to read.
End log.
Stardate 20805.01
The Gettysburg has launched and is presently en route to the Argellius system where we will drop off civilians before proceeding to Star Base 157 for a strategy meeting and to rendezvous with a large number of ships.
I opted to have Commander Yvette pilot us manually out of space dock, thinking this would be a good experience for her. The Commander is an excellent First Officer, a very adept administrator, and from her records a talented surgeon. She is not, however, a pilot. Engineering will spend the next several shifts replacing hull plates on the port edge of our new saucer section, and I have been issued a warning by Star Base Alpha dock control to, and I quote, “Ensure that the Gettysburg never pulls a stunt like that again.” Apparently the damage to the space dock doors was negligible, however the spectacle was witnessed not only by several hundred personnel on the base, but also a group of visiting dignitaries who were in the space dock after finding out that one of Star Fleet’s TWO functioning Battle Cruisers was being launched after a major refit. I have decided not to put any notations in the official file of the Commander, as this was as much my fault as hers, and no real harm was done—although I suspect Lieutenant Eaglestone would disagree.
Captain Alanna Treborn is aboard with us for the journey, having opted to use the Gettysburg as a taxi to get her to the conference and to rendezvous with her ship, the USS Drake, at 157. I have to say, I almost envy her that ship… Light Cruisers are beautiful ships, small, sleek, maneuverable. However for our purposes, the Gettysburg is perfect, and I wouldn’t trade this ship or my crew for the flagship if it were offered.
We had a mission briefing, and I gave the crew the bad news about the Romulan build-up and the likely conflict we are going to be facing. During that meeting I suggested that we might work on developing a biochemical agent to neutralize any Romulan intruders or use against them, and suffice to say it did not go over well. I have since rescinded that order, after Alanna helped me to search my conscience. I still have some reservations about not pursuing EVERY option at our disposal, but she is right—I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if such a weapon were to be used, especially if not as a last resort.
Commander New has been promoted both to Second Officer and full Commander, and is in charge now of our battle drills. He has, I suspect already begun formulating plans to execute these, and I look forward to seeing reports of the results.
I find that as the journey to SB-157 progresses I feel more and more anxious about the situation. We are likely looking at a very big conflict here, and I fear that we don’t have the necessary intelligence data and military power to win it, at least without great loss. Our decided support of the DRR against the RSE worries me as well, but I have put Sevala on a small task of gathering data for me, and I can only hope that what he gets will be helpful. Computer logs tell me she has already contacted someone in the DRR military, and downloaded a file, although she has yet to bring it to me and I have yet to pluck the copy automatically made from the archives—nor will I do this latter unless as a last resort. If I cannot trust Sevala, then I’ve got even bigger things to worry about.
End log.
Stardate 20805.13
We have just left the Argelius system and set course at maximum warp for Star Base 157. Once we are there, we are due to meet with several members of Star Fleet brass to plan our deployment strategy for this sector. I still hold out hope that things won’t come to armed conflict, but with each passing day that possibility seems to dwindle.
Reports that I just read indicate that yesterday a civilian freighter was intercepted by a Romulan vessel in the neutral zone and harassed, and their cargo of fresh vegetables seized. We don’t even know if the Romulan vessel was RSE or DRR—they apparently did not specify.
The Apparition, and the SFSIS team with it, have deployed on their mission to try to find and eradicate the core of the Satarran threat once and for all. This will be a good test for both the Apparition and the team’s new structure. If it fails, I suspect that the team might be dissolved and their members reassigned to more traditional Intel roles. The Apparition would then logically be scrapped, or at least the cloak removed and reassigned as a light escort.
The Gettysburg and crew seem to be doing fairly well. There have been a few morale problems, and I have assigned Commander Yvette to see that they don’t interfere with our operations. We can’t afford people who are operating at less than one-hundred percent at a time like this.
End log.
Stardate 20805.27
In a semi-surprise attack, the Romulans have destroyed a Star Fleet Frigate, neutralized Star Base 234 and are launching a series of hit-and-run type attacks on the ships stationed around Star Base 157. Their tactics are confusing, at least to one such as I who I am the first to admit am very much not versed in space battle tactics.
At present, our fleet appears to be mostly intact, with a few smaller vessels lost, and damage to several others. Thus far the Romulans’ plans are unknown to us, however our assumption that they want to take Star Base 157 seems justified at this time.
Shortly after the initial attacks on the USS Veranga and Star Base 234, the President made a public announcement declaring war on the Romulans—a declaration which was an unnecessary legality because the war never ended, but I suppose was important as a public notice—and our reason for being out here seems justified now.
In a meeting with two other Captains and four Admirals, we began planning our response to the attack on 234, and our battle plans for the future. I felt overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge in the room; however my knowledge from its unique angle seemed to help… right up until we were ambushed.
The station is on alert, as are all of our ships, thus preventing us from beaming back to our ships.
So we wait… and hopefully continue planning at some level…. And our ships will hopefully stave off this attack.
End log.
Stardate 20807.19, post-battle
It’s only been a few hours since my last log, yet it feels like it’s been more than a month.
It started with a small attack by the Romulans, which we easily defeated; although with the loss of several ships. My own First Officer fired on an unshielded and non-hostile Romulan scout, destroying it. I was initially outraged, however in hindsight I think I'd have done the same.
Battle with the Romulans went oddly. At first, it seemed we were losing; although we were giving them one hell of a battering in the process. Ships from both sides were being destroyed wholesale, and the Gettysburg had been captured by Tal’Shiar operatives. We were locked in our own brig.
And then it all changed. I was back on the bridge, we were still in battle, and it seemed that it all had been some sort of twisted dream.
Except everyone else remembered it too… including those on other ships!
It appears that the multiple warp core detonations, mixed with the multiple quantum-singularity overloads, all in a small area of space, created some sort of black holes—but odd ones that twisted space-time. I’m sure scientists will be analyzing the results of our scans for years, and that science cruisers will flood this area to analyze the very fabric of space-time when this is all over… if this ever ends.
Star Base 157 was saved and the Romulans turned tail and ran for the border. But I know them well enough to know that they would only have done so after they got what they wanted. I’m just not sure yet what that is…
Hopefully we can find out before it’s too late.
Meanwhile, I’ve lost my Chief of Security to Alanna’s ship, the USS Drake. Lieutenant Commander Tyra Crawford will make an excellent First Officer, and I wish the best for her. I just wish that Alanna’s gain were not my loss.
I have been assigned a Lieutenant from the Sheridan, a destroyer. His record is mediocre, and I see nothing about him that makes me excited to have him on my ship. I hope that he’s better than his jacket indicates, or I might end up having to run the Security department myself.
I have also decided to temporarily relieve Midshipman Abaddon—who was SUPPOSED to be promoted to Ensign until he decked Tyra—of all duties, and place him on administrative LOA until he can figure out if he’s able to behave as a Star Fleet officer instead of a Naussican thug. He’s Acamarian, and the likeliness of his planet falling to the Romulans probably has him on edge… but we’re ALL on edge, and that’s no excuse to behave the way he did. If we didn’t need good officers so badly, I’d pass him up the line to JAG and let them make an example of him.
Maybe I still will…
Now we’re being invited to some sort of debriefing on SB-157. I hope this isn’t one of those deals where the brass will get up there and tell about how great things are and how much we have to look forward to. I personally think we’re about to get our asses kicked halfway across the quadrant, and the time for talk has obviously ended. What we need to do is put together a fleet like the Romulans have never seen and set course for Romulus herself.
Only after the planet herself is a smoking ruin will I sleep well.
And yet I sleep next to one of her daughters almost every night. Strange how the galaxy does that… makes one who should be my enemy, the greatest love I could ever hope to have… apart from the Federation—or what it once was and may be again someday…
End log.
Crew Logs
Commander Aloysia Yvette
Stardate 20805.01
I have been back on board the Gettysburg less than 36 hours and already I miss shoreleave. I had a very relaxing, enjoyable six weeks at my home on Earth. Some of the crew came to visit and, of course, Vaebn stayed with me. I spent most of my days shopping, making a few guest lectures at the Academy, or simply relaxing. I think what I enjoyed most was the time spent with Vaebn, but that is a matter for a personal log.
I have a feel that this mission is going to turn out to be worse than the last two, and that’s saying a lot. We lost many good people during the last two missions. Now, we’re headed for what could become the opening battle to an all-out war with the Romulan Star Empire. The Empire has been massing troups in and near a strategic Federation sector. The sector is located near the Empire, the Democratic Romulan Republic, and the Klingon Empire. It was the DRR who requested our presence and assistance with their current war against the Empire. I think it is a noble cause, but also a scary one.
I have never been on the front line of a war. The Gettysburg saw combat on the last two missions, but I was leading away teams during both occurrences. The Titan and the Einstein ran into trouble a few times, but nothing like this. Casualty estimates for the entire Federation detachment are 40%. That number seems high to me, even by war standards. It frightens me to wonder just who we’re going to lose this time.
Because of the high estimates, Captain Grant has ordered that all children be evacuated from the ship. Civilians are also encouraged to leave. He left the arrangements for this up to me, and it hasn’t been easy. Separating families is not something I want to do all the time. However, we are dropping them at Argelius II and the Argelians seem to be very nice people. I have the utmost confidence that our civilian population will be very well taken care of, probably better than they would be on a ‘calm’ mission with the Gettysburg.
We had a department head meeting today where the Captain revealed our mission parameters to the senior staff. Like me, they seemed shocked, but most of them stayed steady. The thing that shook most of us was when Derrick asked Science and Medical to work on a biological weapon to use against the Romulans. Thankfully, Captain Treborn, a guest on the Gettysburg, was able to talk him out of that. Going to war doesn’t mean we have to give up our beliefs. We should be fighting to maintain them.
On a happier note, our Chief Tactical Officer was promoted to Commander and given the position of Second Officer. I can’t think of a better person than New to have that position. Frankly, I’m surprised he hasn’t been scooped up for First Officer yet.
I haven’t spoken to Vaebn since before we boarded the Gettysburg, but I’m worried about him. During the meeting, Grant informed us that the leader of the Romulan Empire’s forces is Admiral Tei, Vaebn’s father. Derrick asked Vaebn to inform us of anything we can use against his father. I’m not sure how he’s reacting to that. He left the Empire and his father for good reasons, but that doesn’t mean he should have to engage in combat against him. I can only hope that Derrick will keep Vaebn off the Bridge if we have to fight against Admiral Tei, though I doubt that’s possible with his tactical knowledge.
I’m about to start a meeting for the parents of the ship to inform them that their children will be dropped at Argelius. I hope they understand and everything goes smoothly. I have enough on my hands as it is without a stubborn parent refusing to let their children get to safety.
End log.
Commander New
Stardate 20805.08
Second Officer's Log, Stardate 20805.08:
Copy to Chief Tactical Officer's Log.
I have been promoted to full Commander and Second Officer.
This on the eve of a possible war with the Romulan Star Empire. We are en route to Starbase One-Five-Seven via Argelius. There we will join up with a fleet of capital and support ships in response to the aggressive posture the Romulan Navy has taken. Whether they intend hostile action against the Federation or the Democratic Romulan Republic is not known, but Star Fleet Command has decided to help our new affiliates prepare for the possibility.
I have been placed in charge of preparing the Gettysburg crew for combat, should it occur. We have already had one ship-wide drill, see after-action report filed in the ship's log. While the results were somewhat expected for the conditions of the scenario, I believe the crew can do better. I have prepared a second drill to take place at a random time between now and our arrival time at Starbase One-Five-Seven. There will be a different set of conditions and I trust the crew's response times will improve greatly.
End Log
Stardate 20805.21
Captain Grant has asked me to being analyzing reports in an effort to determine the proper defense strategy should the Romulans attack Federation outposts. After reviewing the reports, I have very grave estimations about any potential conflict between Star Fleet and Romulan combatants. I have shared these estimations with Captain Grant and his reactions were dubious. I am to present my report to the admiralty at a strategy meeting on Starbase One-Five-Seven.
Second Officer's Log, Supplemental, Copy to Chief Tactical Officer's Log:
The second ship-wide battle drill has shown marked improvements in all departments. The situation, of course, was different, but I believe the crew is now prepared for combat. Combat readiness of the fleet has been raised following reports of Romulan movements.
Second Officer's Log, Supplemental, Copy to Chief Tactical Officer's Log:
We have arrived at Starbase One-Five-Seven, Captain Grant has beamed over to the attend the strategy meeting. I am awaiting his summons to provide my report.
End Log.
Lieutenant Chris Eaglestone
Stardate 20807.16
After being electrocuted and recovering I am back in engineering and having been ordered by Doctor Macleod to perform light duties I am doing just that although my wrists and thumbs won't thank me for the amount of paper work I have have to do.
It seems that Lieutenant Hunter fared quite well during the battles I was out for and the ship has only sustained minimal damage plus a hull breach on deck forty-four to which I have assigned four crews and will, with the help of one-five-seven, be repaired in short order.
I currently have several other teams doing standard battle maintenance to make sure everything is in top order and will soon be submitting my report to the Captain, all in all Engineering has performed very well during the crisis and Lieutenant Hunter's competence as ACEO was excellent.
End log.
Chief Engineers Personal Log Stardate 20807.16
Well I certainly made a fool of myself and going against my better judgment tried to rescue a fellow crewman and got electrocuted for my troubles. Apparently I was was unconscious for two battles but the doc quickly assured me it was just one but two separate events, in my book thats exactly the same but my headache didn't want me to argue.
Apparently everything went swimmingly in engineering which is good and it would be nice to sit down with Kiron for a drink at some point to find out exactly what happened. I'll also have to give him thanks for holding the fort in my absence.
I found myself dreaming of Leanne whilst I was unconscious and although I know it is healthy to think of someone that has passed I try not too, not that I didn't love her, I still do but It's hard to realign a plasma coil whilst thinking about your dead wife, although Hannah makes it hard sometimes. She can be withdrawn and not eat, not talk or even leave our quarters because of the thoughts of her mother but thankfully she has yet to do that since my promotion and she is interacting with the crew allot more now and Ariana's children whom she has agreed to babysit form time to time. I hope she is OK where she is now, I don't like the fact I have left her with strangers, she wasn't safe on Earth even with her own mother a Star Fleet officer. But I just have to hope that I get back to her alive and not in a torpedo casing.
Well I have work to do, well paper work, must have done something wrong in a previous life to get this much but hey, the pays good and I get my own office.
End log.
Lieutenant Kiron Hunter
Stardate 20805.03
Begin log.
It's been awhile since I last posted here, mostly due to the fact that I have been on shore leave. After reminiscing with some old friends and making some new ones, Lieutenant Eaglestone and I traveled to Risa for an Engineering Conference. There, I believe that we have gotten much closer.
Hopefully, this time, I won't end up hating or being despised by my Chief. As evidence to this fact, he has promoted me. Yes, I am now the official Assistant Chief Engineer on the Gettysburg.
Although it was a shock, I seem to be making an impact.
Recently, also, I have created one of the things that I am most proud of, I think, ever. It certainly will rank up there. After a lot of hardwork, turmoil, and otherwise effort, I have managed to create an Emergency Engineering Hologram. Hopefully, it will help us when trouble comes our way. I certanily hope so. I have programmed many sleepless nights to try to make sure that it does.
Interestingly enough, I also took the opportunity to make this hologram look exactly like our good Chief. I must say, the chaos I have caused and will cause from this will be legendary. If only good old Captain Torgh was still here. I'm sure that not only would I have another dagger thrown at my head, but that it might hit this time. I don't really know Captain Grant that well, but I have a feeling that it is probably better if he doesn't figure out that I have a program that looks just like Eaglestone.
Lucky for me, Command Staff seem to avoid Engineering like the plague.
I have heard of rumors, and some rather unpleasant ones too. I don't know whether or not these are based in fact, but certainly, we are headed to regroup with some ships. I don't really desire a war with anyone. I've fought enough battles in my life already that I don't think that I need any more. It's not like I am a pacifist either. I just hope that it doesn't come down to war. I would be willing to do quite a lot to prevent it.
But, I suppose, it's not really up to me. It's up to those Admirals and Commodores and Captains that have political motives, and I'm just the garbage man cleaning it up.
Does that make me at just as much fault too if a war breaks out?
Computer, End log
Stardate 20807.21
Everything is about back to normal now. After the battle, the Gettysburg held up pretty well. We should all be proud of her.
During the battle, Lieutenant Eaglestone was incapacitated. As if that wasn't enough, we were understaffed all ready. I was the morale officer for engineering. Poking, prodding, and pushing people along. It could have been better, or it could have been worse.
We did make it though though, and I have to say that I was very pleased with how the engineers reacted under the circumstances.
The odd thing about all of this was that I found myself not cracking sick little puns, or demeaning the lowerlings like usual. I was leading... something I'm not used to. Normally I just let what ever happens happen and go along like nothing was said, but I suppose we all have to grow up at some point.
I must say though. One of the toys that I created, mostly to get on the nerves of Eaglestone has turned out to be a huge asset. The Emergency Holographic Engineer was invaluable.
Otherwise... not much else other than the war. I guess that's what happens, huh?
End Log
Lieutenant Commander Tyra Crawford
Stardate 20805.16
Security has become a very hectic place since leaving Starbase Alpha what seems like forever ago. There was a large shuffle of personnel both on and off the Gettysburg, which has left me with a large number of unknown officers. This is something I've never experienced as most of the officers I had were ones that had been there since my promotion to COS but luckily, I kept most of my senior and experienced personnel. Without them, I think I would be swamped at the moment with all the roster changes and now the need for additional training. As a group, we've managed to fully integrate everyone and achieve high ratings on the battle drills that have been run. Now, with the threat of a possible conflict as was emphasized by the DH meeting I attended, I'd be negligent to not try to prepare my officers for the worst that could come. I swear that the holodecks are permanently signed out to my department with how many training sessions I'm running daily, whether individual or group oriented. I've made sure that no one overdoes it during this period but I can't help but feel that it's not enough, that we won't be prepared well enough. If it came down to who could wield a phaser better, we'd win, but it’s never that easy. Regardless, I do understand that no amount of training can possible prepare them completely for the real thing. I don't know if I, even with all my strategic training, am really prepared for a possible conflict but I plan on being as prepared as possible.
To add to the chaos, the Marines are back. Personally, I don't have anything against Marines, but professionally, I've had my fair share of conflicts with them as my first true encounter of the mission shows. I got the pleasure of having the 1st Sergeant of the lot of 'em come marching into my office like he owned the place…to make matters worse he's a Nausicaan. Safe to say, he made no friends with me or my people. Midshipman Abaddon had an extremely negative reaction to his behavior which I may need to keep an eye on.
However, the outcome doesn’t look so dismal after meeting his boss, Major Giraath. He's more like the marine commanders I was use to in Calhoun and Dawson. We've come to an agreement about how things will work when our departments work together, and as much as I don't like playing seconds to anyone, I gave him leadership of any joint operations. There was very little I could do save start a power struggle and truly what good would that do us in the long run? This has led us to begin holding joint training sessions which seem to be going quite well much to my relief. The last thing I need is a fist fight in the middle of the holodeck.
Also, because of the Romulan threat, I've had an increasing amount of requests for training help with departments and individuals. While some of the officers have considered it a strain on the department in a variety of different ways, I think it can lead to nothing but improvement, which is never bad. Luckily, I have an abundance of firearms instructors, myself excluded in most cases, who have been willing to work a little extra to respond to the requests. Although, I have been personally working with a few officers, both in my department and outside of it, and progress does seem to be there.
Personal Log, Supplemental
I'm worried. There is no other way to put and no nicer term for it. And the irony of it is that I'm not worried about this war that seems to be looming or dying in it, my worries seem to revolve around my officers.
After the announcement to update wills, a slow but steady panic seemed to rise within the inexperienced of my department. They don't want to die, and most of them never considered a war when they signed up for Star Fleet. They were looking for adventure and by God, it looks like they'll be getting a little more than they bargained for.
Of course, I can't say I blame them for panicking since most of them have come to the conclusion that if anyone is going to die, they seem to have a higher chance given their job. And the problem is that I can't give them the reassurance they want. I'd love nothing more than to be able to tell them that everyone is gonna be okay, and that casualties will be minimal but I can't lie to that extent and not so blatantly, especially not when I know the estimated casualty rate is 40%. That means I could very well come back missing half my department.
I keep trying to remind myself that we're all professionals and that I shouldn't feel so protective of them and at times, I think I've convinced myself. But then I come face to face with some fresh faced midshipman who looks like they belong back in high school, not in this kind of situation and that resolve crumbles. I don't want to be the one who has to write home to that middie's mother telling them a heartfelt apology for their loss, but one that will never make anything better.
I'm not the only one who's been worrying about this as I've overheard whispered conversations among some of my Lieutenants. But by some miracle, we've been able to display a completely confident front which has beaten the panic down to a small and quite hidden amount. I just wish I hadn't been given so much time to think of it, and then subsequently become restless over it. On the bright side, I've been working so hard that I've had little extra energy to be restless with…so I guess it could be worse.
As long as we keep our composure and don't let the environment effect us, I think we'll be okay....
End Log
Stardate 20807.20
The first battle in what may turn out to be a long war is over, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I had estimated originally [well the second time at least]. However, it was nonetheless freakin' weird as we relived certain events twice.
The first time was a disaster with people dying left and right as the Rommies boarded us in a swarm. My officers were no match for them as we were caught of guard. I don't really know what the Hell happened, or how we got overrun so quickly, but according to Kata, we lost the ship in the end and it caused a number of fireworks. To be honest, I don't know what happened beyond a certain point as I, in typical impulsive fashion, blew myself to pieces in an effort to kill some Romulans, which I ultimately managed to do. I think I may have taken one too many blows to the head then, but I've heard that desperation makes you do unthinkable, or stupid things…
I don't know how it happened…rumor has it that the warp core explosions mixed with the anomalies that formed in this area caused us to skip backwards with some memories of what happened the first time. That's not my brand of science so I wouldn't know if that's true or complete BS, but it sounds good. Regardless, I found myself in the transporter room again, preparing to board a Romulan vessel with fragmented memories of blowing myself to pieces.
The second time around we managed a lot better. My teams quickly got everything under control even though a dampening field prevented us from beaming them to the brig immediately. In the marine barracks, I lost at least one officer, an overly eager Klingon who turned his back on what he perceived to be an empty room and in turn was shot in the back. I was able to hunt his killer down and subdue him after what seemed like a lengthy struggle. He did manage to inflict some damage on me - safe to say, I don't take my voice for granted anymore after taking a medkit to the throat - but nothing Mid. Abaddon couldn't fix…
Midshipman Abaddon... now there's an officer that I never would've imagined would become a thorn in my side. Before today, he was the model officer with more experience than the rest of my midshipmen combined. He's a smart boy, quick on his feet, and with a quick wit to match. He's fit into the department quite well without any signs of instability. However, today he proved that he may not be the model officer that I had him pegged for, but then again, when you have high expectations for someone, they're bound to mess up and fall short.
From everything I remember and gathered from others present in Sickbay, he snapped pretty suddenly. One second he was looking at the bodies of a few of the officers brought in, two of them were quite close to him, and the next moment, he was charging across the room seemingly intent on killing one of the Romulans being held there. I happened to get in his way, and found myself on my butt quite abruptly. If the medic hadn't knocked him out, I would've been forced to shoot him.
I have a feeling that his biggest problem isn't that he beat up the Romulan, it's that he roughed his crewmates up quite nicely, and leveled me completely. Star Fleet is not going like a midshipman decking his DH or hurting a number of other officers. I only wish I could handle the situation personally as I have an axe to grind with the young man; I don't take disappointment too well. However, Star Fleet has other plans for me...
While I think this crew will survive this war easily, it'll be done without me. I've been transferred to the Drake, a light cruiser without any warning or explanation. My replacement, a Lieutenant Ristone, seems to be a nice guy with a good personality, but that won't get anyone anywhere in this business. I glanced at his record while I was packing, there is nothing spectacular there and he seems to lack the experience needed for this job. However, I must remember that when I was handed the job of CTO, I was barely a 22 year old JG with no tactical experience beyond the Academy, and I'm sure some people found the situation to be laughable. But I managed it and the COS job that followed extremely well. I can only hope that the man underestimates everyone…
Personal Log, Supplemental
I don't think I've ever experienced this kind of an emotional roller coaster in my whole life. The situation with Loken has had me rolling from the beginning, and I still don't think I've come to a conclusion on just how I should feel about it.
My initial reaction to the situation was disappointment. Of all the officers that could've broken, it had to be one of the ones that I felt was most gifted. My next was rage that he even had the ability to do that to people he trusted, to people he knew well. He oughta thank God he wasn't in that turbolift with me or else I'd probably be on my way to JAG with a charge of murder.
However, after talking to him and given it is a situation now out of my hands, I can't be mad at him, not when I had the same reaction after Carly died…if I'd been able to, I'd have ripped people apart with my bare hands. Maybe if I was staying on the Getty and having to deal with the consequences of his actions, I wouldn't be so quick to forgive, but I'm leaving and I don't like leaving loose ends, especially not with people I consider friends, so I forgave him and wished him the best. Hopefully, he'll get lucky. I do feel horrible about having to leave him to his fate…
It feels like someone up there really enjoys watching me flounder with my emotions because Loken hadn't even been dealt with before I was being called to the Ready Room. I think that if Derrick hadn't broken the news to me while he was pulling my leg, I would've lost my composure completely. I've gotten good at hiding my emotions behind a joke, and even with a joke to hide behind, it was like Hell. Don't get me wrong, I never expected to stay on the Getty my whole career- I was born into this organization and I don't know many people who've stayed on the same ship their whole careers…- but I always thought I would get a choice in the matter or have enough warning to come to terms with everything...
I don't think I can even express all the emotions swimming through my head right now as I look around these empty quarters, knowing that I have goodbyes that still need to be done. There are so many memories on this ship, so many people that mean something to me that it's hard to comprehend that all of it is being taken away within hours of the first battle by some paper sorting, desk sitting command-level officer. I'd love to give him an earful about now…
It's not just the timing though, it's like I'm being demoted, being sent from a state of the art battle cruiser to a light cruiser that seems to be falling apart after the battle, is half the size of my current home, and is part of an exploration group - what good am I at anything exploration related? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the Drake crew is admirable, and Cap'n Treborn seems skilled enough but this is not how things are suppose to work, not at all.
I guess this is just one of those times where I'm not in-charge of my fate, and I'll have to deal with it as it comes. I don't know how I'm going to handle this transition as today has been one of the hardest days of my life, saying goodbye to friends and crewmates alike, but there's nothing that can be done, and I'm not one to turn down a challenge even if it is one I don't want…
I wish the best for this fine crew and its ship, and I pray that Ristone manages as well if not better than I have. He has one amazing department to work with, and I hope he knows that...
End Log
Lieutenant Junior Grade Judith Tucker
Stardate 20805.10
Begin log
The crew of the Gettysburg has been recalled and we're now back, me as a lieutenant junior grade. While on shore leave, our new captain, Derrick Grant, must have had a fit of insanity, as he chose to promote me to the ship's chief science officer. What he was drinking at the time, I'll never know. I'm not opposed to this position, but it is different than what I was used to. Now, instead of following orders, working in the labs completing experiments or monitoring sensors and the ship's systems... I'm giving orders... filling and filing out reports, figuring schedules, monitoring all the projects in the department, monitoring all the crew... Phew... by the time my head hits the pillow, I'm out, yet it's still a restless type of sleep. That may be due to the type of mission we've been assigned. It seems tension among crew members has increased, as Star Fleet has sent orders for personnel to update their will's. Pretty easy for me, it's not like I own an enormous amount of stuff and I'm not sure who I'd leave it to anyway.
End log
Stardate 20806.04
So many things have happened since shoreleave, but the biggest... we're now at war. I know I shouldn't like this...nothing good can come from it, can it? People on both sides will become injured or die. Others will lose their loved ones. Yet, the more I think about it, the more I think about the attack on the federation. The people that have already lost their lives due to the earlier attack.
I know I shouldn't like it. But as Captain Grant first spoke of a possible bioweapon in our senior staff meeting, I think I agree with the necessity of it. If we could create something towards this, could we end this much more quickly and not lose any more lives? The work that Johan has put into a special project looks promising, very promising. But it has yet to be tested.
I may be writing for the final time... who knows? We now stay silent yet on red alert, anticipating another attack soon, very soon.
end log
Stardate 20807.20
The Gettysburg is now docked at Starbase 157, getting repaired from the earlier battle. Several science officers performed very well, to which I will file for commendations for them. Thank goodness for Lieutenant Lacey.... Her performance while on the bridge demonstrated to me her place during a red alert. Very cool and calm under pressure.... She has helped me more than she'll know, with her small advice here and there. Ensign Schwicker has been phenomenal in his performances too. Though 'just' an Ensign, he led a team to a part of the ship that had been damaged and perfomed outstanding.
I found out that the project that he and I were looking into had been negated and all research destroyed. It still bothers me that the research is gone...or almost all of it. I need to finish destroying it soon.
The last event before the Romulans retreated has left me puzzled. I called other science officers from other ships that were affected to meet on the Starbase. I hope that with everyone together, we can pool our data and come up with answers.
Midshipman Johan Schwicker
Stardate 20805.03
Many of my assignments have, sus far, kept me positioned on se Bridge. I have rarely seen Captain Grant sere, but as a mere midshipman, I do not expect to serve directly under him often. Usually, I am under Commander New, who, I have discovered, is a Romulan android! and nearly always on se Bridge. In fact, sis ship is full of Romulans. I would not be surprised if it were equipped wis a Romulan cloaking device too. At least sree decks are equipped with steals technology of some kind. Sey are off limits, however, and I cannot get close enough to examine sem furser for any evidence of additional Romulan technology wisout ending up in detention.
Sometimes, my post on se Bridge feels like detention anyway. I feel sat I may be better put to use elsewhere, raser san smashing rocks wis hammers on se Bridge. Neverseless, Commander New keeps running battle simulations and surprise drills. He seems determined to make us better; to make me better, but my heart loiters somewhere else. I wonder if Commander New knows, indeed, if he is capable of knowing, just how important it is to train se hearts of his warriors in addition to seir minds and bodies. I have seen space battles won due to superior heart and spirit, even in se face of superior firepower. Indeed, my existence sus far is a testimony to sat!
I swear, it has been less san a month in space and my heart already yearns for Klingon companionship. I wonder what it would be like to serve aboard a Klingon warship, much se same as sis Federation starship, except sat, instead of such a mixture of races, sere would be many more Klingons. Surely, I would die on my first day, but not before I killed.
Here, I survived my first day, but I believe sat my living is merely a postponement of se inevitable. I never imagined sat my family’s struggle for survival would end up wis me helplessly detained on se Bridge of a Federation starship sat is certainly destined to burst apart, probably Bridge first, fighting for a most ignoble Romulan cause.
Can se Federation not see sat a Romulan is a Romulan is a Romulan? Seir Empire versus seir Republic, sey are from se same stock! How can anyone believe sat you can kiss one broser, strike se oser and take his place at se breast? We have no clear sense of identity, or, maybe, I just cannot see what it is. Back home, as hard as it was, we knew who was who: Sere were se Good and sere were se Evil. Wis se Romulans, well… I cannot determine, between sem all, who is Good and who is Evil, no matter what seir biology, programming, or uniform.
I heard rumours about se construction of a biological weapon to be used against Romulans. News of sat bolstered my morale considerably; it is a tremendously good idea! I have new respect for Captain Grant and his out-of-se-Federation sinking. If sere is any chance of success against se Romulans at all, his biological weapon approach is se sure sing. I would love to help wis se project but I have not been asked to do so, yet. Perhaps, because I am not really a physical scientist, but more of an intellectual one. Still, I sink sat my contributions would be helpful. If nosing else, I would enjoy se last days of my existence, before se Romulans kill us.
Soon we will be leaving Argellius. (Se name sounds Romulan, does it not?) It seems as though our reason for stopping here was to allow children to disembark. How appalling sat is! Such valuable assets, our children, will miss se life altering events sat will make any survivors of sem better warriors in se future. Star Fleet fails to prepare for se long haul, always sinking sat the battle will be over in short order. If prolonged conflict ensues, children sat have seen se horrors wis seir own eyes and lived to tell of it will make se better captains and generals in se future. We deny ourselves such an invaluable resource by sheltering our children and restraining our horrified.
I do not fancy killing Romulans but… Actually, yes, I do fancy killing sem, at least so much as I fancy befriending sem.
Log… Off!
Stardate 20805.16
We left se children behind at Argellius just as I had heard sat we would. It is too bad, really. Sey will miss out on se opportunity to grow up more rapidly. When I was a child I remember my willingness to face deas wis my parents raser san a little more life wis strange kin of a different blood.
On se bright side, I have been given a wonderful opportunity! I cannot talk about it to anyone except... It seems sat a deadly infectious agent in se form of a biological weapon may sreaten se lives of our “friends.” I am endeavoring to participate in se discovery and manufacture of a cure. Sis is very exciting for me!
Starbase 157 is interesting to say se least. We arrived, and se ship is on Yellow Alert! I haven’t been able to disembark, nor am I interested in doing so, I’ve much work to do yet, but se starbase doesn’t look like much. It is a fortress of sorts, but nosing like Starbase Alpha. It is raser exciting to be sis close to the frontline! Hopefully, soon, we’ll be far behind it, in se direction of se enemy’s home!
I haven’t seen any of my brosers, nor any oser Klingon save for se few aboard, but I sense sat sey are out sere, near.
Log… Off!
Lieutenant Sevala
Stardate 20805.14
My first few weeks aboard a Star Fleet vessel have been interesting, to say the least. I’ve finally begun to get used to the rhythm of this ship and used to how Star Fleet operates, and I’ve become more comfortable in my surroundings. There are many things I don’t like about it though, and other things I don’t understand, but I have to accept them for what they are. I can’t really expect Star Fleet to change its procedures and rewrite its manuals just because one former Imperial Fleet physician thinks it could be done better her way. At least I’ve managed to make some minor changes to Sickbay that are a definite improvement over how it used to be run. I’ve also pressed the adoption of certain techniques and procedures that are more advanced than those used in the Federation. There are others I wish to implement, but the technology doesn’t exist here presently. That’s one problem I plan to correct if I remain on the Gettysburg on a more permanent basis.
Another improvement I’ve made to the department is in the combat readiness of its staff. If the Federation is moving towards war, then it’s important to be prepared. Training programs were set up by Doctor Macleod, whom I’ve appointed as my assistant, and all staff who weren’t combat rated at the minimum level for the security department were required to take part. I want everyone to be able to defend not only the ship and their patients but themselves too should we be boarded or should they otherwise become involved in a combat situation. Most everyone did well with the training, though there were a few exceptions. I certainly hope Doctor Taar never has to be responsible for defending me. He’d more likely shoot me than he would my attackers, though he was quite skilled in handling what he called a “croquet mallet.” He could easily break someone’s ankles with it.
We’ve also prepared Sickbay to handle the types of injuries we’d be likely to see during battle. Supplies have been stocked accordingly, and a plan to increase bed space has been implemented. The specifications for portable beds, which are more like lightweight cots, have been programmed into the replicator, and they can easily be set up in designated overflow areas, which are the corridors and the administrative section of the department, as well as some of the labs. We can also commandeer any or all holodecks if needed to set up auxiliary Sickbays in other areas of the ship. Specially designed tricorders on each bed will serve to provide readings. Casualty rates are expected to be high, and I want to make sure that everyone gets the best care possible.
Personal Log, Supplemental
Derrick has moved forward on trying to secure me a permanent place on this ship. He’s managed to convince someone to give me provisional Federation citizenship and a Star Fleet commission, though only as a Lieutenant. I guess I can’t complain too much though. I know he had to jump through hoops just to get me that much. Tomal will place me on Leave of Absence from the Republic’s navy, so that I can return if necessary. I only hope that I don’t disappoint Derrick. I’m afraid I might. I still don’t think he realizes what he’s gotten himself into by being with me. I’m happy with him though. The whole ship seems to know about our relationship, so we don’t have to hide it anymore, though we do keep things professional when we’re on duty, or at least when we’re on duty and in public. I’ll admit to a few indiscretions here and there in private.
On another note, I’ve also developed a friendship with Commander New. He’s about the only other person on this ship besides Derrick that I can relate to on a more personal level. He has a similar background, and I can discuss things with him that others wouldn’t understand. I must admit to missing the company of other Romulans. There are a few other Romulan or part-Romulan crewmembers onboard beside New and I, but they seem to be part of the intelligence unit, as they’ve all disappeared on detached duty, including Tei. I don’t think I trust Tei though. He just doesn’t strike me as someone who would have anyone’s best interest at hand other than his own. There’s also the girlfriend of one of my doctors. T’Kir I believe is her name. She’s part Vulcan, though she hardly acts it. She was rather rude to me when we met. She called me “Toots.” I mentioned something to Derrick about her, and he just rolled his eyes and shook his head.
End Log
Stardate 20807.20
The Gettysburg fared better in battle than I had expected. If one can judge a vessel's success in terms of how little life was lost, our ship was quite successful. Deaths were minimal, as were injuries, far below the forty percent that Captain Grant had expected. I was even able to send staff home after the battle. We didn't need a full crew to handle the situation. It could have been much worse though, from what I was told. An as-of-yet unexplained, at least by Star Fleet, phenomena caused a timeslip. In the original timeline, the ship was taken by the Tal'Shiar, and the death toll, which included my own death, was much higher. A reverse in time however brought us back to before the point when the Tal'Shiar were able to take control of the ship, and the more costly scenario was averted.
Sickbay played host to a party of the intruders. In the original timeline, they surprised and quickly overpowered us, and in the ensuing struggle, several staff members, including myself, were killed. The timeslip though allowed us to target the boarding party before they materialized, and the situation was kept under control. The staff acted well, following their training and defending their ship honorably. I couldn't ask for more, and I've recommended several of them for special commendations. For a group of Star Fleet medics who aren't used to fighting, they made themselves a match for Romulan troops who are far better trained. I'm proud of them.
Personal Log, Supplemental
The events of the timeslip continue to vex me. Though I do not want this on my official record, my brother's vessel was part of the Imperial fleet that we faced. Somehow, he gained the intelligence that I was aboard the Gettysburg, and he sent someone after me. The boarding party that appeared in Sickbay was there to find me. In the first timeline, I was able to evade them, but they took control of most of the department and demanded my surrender, threatening to kill one of my staff, Doctor McKenzie. I made the decision to surrender, even though I knew it was the wrong one to make. Mnhei'sahe demands that I remain alive until I kill my brother with my own hands, but by giving up to the Tal'Shiar officer he sent after me, I ended up forfeiting my own life. I couldn't let McKenzie die though. I couldn't have a repeat of the Kon-mah. I didn't want another innocent person to die because of me. But by giving myself up, I violated mnhei'sahe by setting up my own death.
Strangely though, I was given a second chance. Though others may offer different explanations for what happened, I feel that the hand of fate intervened to prevent me from violating my mnhei'sahe and dishonoring my family's name. The timeslip brought me back to life before the boarding party had a chance to capture any of the staff. While the others took care of most of the intruders, I had my revenge on the man who killed me, a major named Genar. The feeling of the cold steel of a knife slicing through my neck though will haunt me until the day that I can repay the feeling to Komar.
I don't plan to waste this second chance given to me by fate. Ever since I arrived in the Federation, events in my life have been falling together in ways that they never have before. I feel like I'm being guided towards some destiny that I can't imagine at this point. For the first time though, I'm beginning to feel as if I can make a difference for my people. It's hard to explain, but I feel empowered in a way that I've never been before. It's as if I'm supposed to be here, that this is where I belong, and that there's hope for me yet.
End Log
Lieutenant Junior Grade Laura Macleod
Stardate 20805.06
“Doctor Laura Macleod – Personal Log
It’s only our first day back on board the Gettysburg and already things are happening. The new CMO is a Romulan woman, and whilst I’m not yet sure exactly what to make of her, my instinct is to like her. I felt that way even before she made me her assistant, but I guess it helps to know that she is willing to trust me.
It does seem strange without Dr Lorien here, and Ai too now that she is in charge of research full-time, but at least I’m busy.
We are to prepare ourselves for a battle and I have been trying to arrange the details for the medical staff. It’s not easy, some of them are going to take some convincing it seems, though why they should object to defending themselves and their patients I cannot fathom.
It’s not like I’m asking them to join the front lines, I haven’t even asked them to kill anyone. That’s the point actually, if they just learn to take out an attacker in the most efficient way possible, whilst causing the least amount of damage, they can save themselves, without mortally wounding their opponents.
I’ll find a way to convince them somehow, though they haven’t actually disobeyed. I can’t help wondering if their reticence has anything to do with Sevala, I have a feeling that if Dr Lorien had asked them to do it they wouldn’t have had any objections. Which is probably the reason she had me arrange it, at least partly anyway.
There’s a communications blackout as well, and I can’t help feeling just a little bit guilty for not contacting Dad before we left, the way Xan wanted me to. I know he’ll understand but…
We’ve been told to update our Will’s. A gloomy job at the best of times, but I don’t actually own very much and aside from my family there isn’t anyone to leave anything to, and I found that rather more depressing than the task itself.
End Log”
Stardate 20807.23
We are at war. Even now it sounds strange actually saying it, even though most of us had a feeling it was coming after the last missions hostilities. The Romulan’s attacked some of our outposts, including Starbase 157, where we were headed. I spent most of the battle, along with a medical team, trying to free crew members trapped on deck 44, where we were damaged in the first skirmish.
Something… odd, happened during that time though, it was like time reset itself. I remember being transported to the brig and being told that the Romulan’s had overrun major areas on the ship. I also know it never happened. Everyone experienced something similar, Sevala even remembers dying.
I’ve gotten to know our new CMO a little on our journey here, but more so in the last few days. Romulan lives are complicated it seems, she’s tried to explain some of it to me and I believe I understand the concepts better than she thinks I do. What I don’t know is if Romulan’s are arrogant out of all proportion or more in touch with the universe than any other species. Maybe I’ll find out some day.
Now we have a… pause? in the fighting, Commander Yvette is going to throw another party to help morale, costumes this time. Should be fun but I can’t help wondering what lies ahead.
End Log.