Ticonderoga Mission 04: "Acquisition by Any Means Necessary"
Captain's Logs
Adm Joseph Daher
Stardate 20911.11
Admiral Joseph Daher
Stardate 20911.11
Shoreleave was cut short after Starfleet received a distress signal from the Bishtar, a people living on a world in the same sector where the Shravishtha star system supernova occurred a couple of months ago.
They've been getting similr readings from their own star and fear the worst. We've been dispatched to render assistance and hopefully prevent another devastating supernova from occurring.
The Bishtar have no warp capable ships so a convoy of transport ships will be sent as well in case the planet needs to be evacuated. But I'm afraid it may be too little, too late. With a population of hundreds of millions, a few colony ships will not be able to save many.
Our only hope is to stop this supernova from occurring.
End Log.
Admiral Joseph Daher
We arrived at the Bishtar homeworld without incident. I had just contacted the leader of the government, a man named Krelnuk, when I apparently lost consciousness.
The next thing I knew, I woke up in Sickbay. The doctor told me I had contracted Andronesian Encephalitis, a common and non-life threatening illness. I have to wear a cortical monitor for the next 24 hours, but I have returned to duty.
We have just positioned ourselves 50 million kilometers from the Bishtar star and are preparing the launch the Mississippi and two Venators equipped with sensor pods.
I've also ordered a class 4 probe be launched at the sun. And we are running continuous scans. Hopefully we can figure out what is going here before it's too late.
End Log.
Cdr Paul Braggins
Stardate 21003.19
'Commander Paul Braggins
Stardate 21003.19
Where to start?
Since Admiral Daher's last entry, we have discovered the culprits of this savage attack on the Bishtar people. A group of renegade Ferengi no less, what they hoped to achieve by destroying a star I don't know...but they've already destroyed one, and I'll be damned if I allow them to destroy this one.
The recon mission was a total farce, we found ourselves getting captured and lost two Venators. Worse still than the monetary loss, Ensign Parkman was shot and killed as was Marshall Manerian of the Bishtar Armed Forces...I can't say I knew either of them well, but their faces will always remain with me.
We engaged in battle with the Ferengi, and if the data is accurate we have accounted for three Ferengi Cruisers...one claimed by myself, one by the pilots of Halo and Alpha Squadrons and one in combat with the Ticonderoga herself.
However, we have suffered heavy damage. Auxiliary Power is offline, we have lost Artificial Gravity in several sections and Structural Integrity is down to twenty-five percent. Worse still, we are stranded here...the port nacelle is heavily damaged and I doubt even the famed Captain Scott could fix it...
Science teams are examining sensor logs from Ensign Totenkopf's Venator, but we have to work fast, we are running out of time before the star explodes...and without warp capability we'll be first in line to be fried...
More reports are coming in, I will have to conclude this log later...
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