Ticonderoga Mission 01: "The Hunt for Nightowl"
Stardate 20804.20
Commodore Joseph Daher:
While on shoreleave from the previous rescue mission into the Neutral Zone, I was contacted by two Romulan informants who claimed to have information about a Romulan "superweapon" that was being brought over to the Federation by a defector, a Romulan commander named Vrelnas.
I was given command of the newly commissioned Federation heavy cruiser, Ticonderoga, and ordered to report to the designated coordinates near the Neutral Zone to meet Vrelnas and escort him to safety. Vrelnas arrived at the coordinates with the Nightowl, a special Romulan vessel that contained a thalaron-radiation weapon, a very lethal bio-weapon.
The Romulan government, however, was not willing to allow that weapon to fall into our hands. They sent three Romulan warbirds into Federation space to stop the Nightowl.
Captain's Logs
Cmdr Joseph Daher
Stardate 20710.30
Stardate 20710.30
Commodore Joseph Daher:
This is my first official log for the Federation's newest heavy cruiser, Ticonderoga. I'm honored to have been chosen for the assignment and I'm glad that most of my crew is still the same. I only hope that the Tico will be half the ship the Titan was. Star Fleet hasn't chosen someone to replace me on the Titan yet, but when they do, I'll be sure to send the CO a message.
On the Tico though, we're about to embark on our shakedown cruise. I hope the extra tests and training will prepare us for whatever lies ahead. Since we'll be conducting our training excersises near the Romulan border as a general "show of force," I want the crew prepared for all possibilites. Especially if what Vrelnas told me is accurate.
We'll find out soon enough anyway...
End Log.
Stardate 20711.13
Stardate 20711.13
Commodore Joseph Daher:
We've just concluded the senior staff briefing and are still on course to the Federation-Romulan Neutral Zone. At our present speed, we should arrive at the designated training coordinates in a little under five days.
I have all the departments preparing drills as part of our shakedown cruise, but I haven't told anyone about the real reason we are conducting them so close to Romulan space. I trust all of my senior staff with my lives, but in order for the mission to be successful, they can't know anything until the right time.
So, for now, they are in the dark. And as much as I'd like to think I know how things are going to turn out, I'm just as uncertain and uneasy as they are.
End Log.
Stardate 20712.06
Stardate 20712.06
Commodore Joseph Daher:
We just finished an unannounced shipwide security drill and the crew performed up to my expectations. The Security and Marine detachments received the highest marks in the drill, with Tactical coming in a close third. Science and Medical were behind, but that was to be expected given the non-combat nature of their operations. Overall, the score for the entire ship was a "B". Points were mainly taken off because the holographic boarders took nearly everyone by surprise. However, with a great amount of effort and determination, they were repelled with minimal casualties.
Now that the drill is over with and the departments are returning to their normal duties, the Ticonderoga will begin it's real mission. We're on course to investigate a nebula on the Federation border, but if I'm right, this should turn out to be anything but dull.
End Log.
Commodore Joseph Daher:
We're less than one day away from the nebula, but Science has not detected any sign of the Nightowl or any other ship in the area. Maybe they haven't arrived yet; maybe the Romulans got to them first; or maybe this is really a trap.
Whatever it is, I'm going to find out.
End Log.
Stardate 20801.04
Stardate 20801.04
Commodore Joseph Daher:
We've arrived at the nebula. After we conducted a few perliminary scans and launched some probes, we received a coded message from the Nightowl.
Vrelnas is right on time. They're punctual, the Romulans, I'll give them that. I'm currently waiting for Vrelnas to contact me so we can discuss the terms of his defection to the Federation and offer any assistance that we can.
If the reports about the Nightowl are accurate, Star Fleet Intelligence is going to have a field day with the hardware we bring back.
Hopefully this Vrelnas is truley interested in peace between our two peoples.
On a lighter note, Commander MacDonald has asked me to perform his wedding ceremony when this is all over. I can't say anything other than how honored I am; performing weddings for members of your crew is one of the best parts about being a CO and I'm looking forward to it.
We've also received two midshipmen fresh from the Academy who are on their first crew: Cenara Vixx and Hoya Dwora. I've met with both of them and I expect them to fit in well the crew. Their Academy records speak very highly of them and that's why they were assigned to the 2nd Battle Group flagship.
End Log.
Stardate 20801.19
Stardate 20801.19
Commodore Joseph Daher:
Commander Vrelnas and two of his officers have beamed over to the Tico. I plan to bring them to the Observation Lounge where I can finally fill in the senior staff.
I had to have Lieutenant Dempsey send Ensign Drell back to the Security Office after his sudden outburst in the Transporter Room. I can't have any mistakes here. If everything works out, this could be one of the biggest intelligence finds in the past decade.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.09
Stardate 20802.09
Commodore Joseph Daher:
No sooner had Vrelnas and I finally come to an agreement about the terms of his defection, three Romulan warbirds appeared off the Ticonderoga's bow. Lornas, the commander of the IRW Terix, opened a comm-link with the ship and spoke with Vrelnas.
The two men appeared to know each other, formerly serving together in the Romulan navy. After Lornas unsuccessfully tried to convince Vrelnas to return to Romulus with him, he proceeded to inform him that he had Vrelnas' daughter aboard should the Nightowl try to use the thalaron weapon on him.
When Vrelnas still refused, Lornas attacked. We are currently engaged with the Romulan vessels and I am looking for alternative strategies at the moment as the Ticonderoga is clearly outmatched.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.25
Stardate 20802.25
Commodore Joseph Daher:
With the help of the Nightowl, we have managed to destroy one of the Romulan vessels. I sent a boarding party of security officers and marines over to the RIS Terix led by Commander May and accompanied by Vrelnas to rescue his daughter.
The ship has taken heavy damage. Shielding around the Bridge had completely failed so I ordered the evacuation of the Bridge crew to the Battle Bridge. All command functions have been transferred there until the Bridge can be repaired.
The Ticonderoga is now playing a deadly game of hide and seek inside the Iblis Nebula. The emission nebula greatly reduces sensor effectiveness, but Commander Gregg thinks he knows a way to enhance our resolution.
It may just give us the upper hand in this battle.
End Log.
Stardate 20803.09
Stardate 20803.09
Commodore Joseph Daher:
We are now approximately 110,000 kilometers inside the nebula. The Romulans have been trying to flush us out with disruptor fire and plasma torpedoes, but have thus far been mostly unsucessful in determining our position.
However, I've lost all contact with the boarding party. Which can mean only one of three things: they've been killed, captured, or their communications are being jammed. None of which bodes well for them or us.
The Nightowl hasn't been able to inflict major damage to the other two warbirds and we were counting on the boarding party to knock out power on the Terix. Unless we get some sort of miracle, the Ticonderoga may be forced to make a final stand here.
End Log.
Stardate 20803.16
Stardate 20803.16
Commodore Joseph Daher:
Midshipman Akiri may have come up with a way to modify our torpedo guidance systems to give us a chance to fight back against the Romulan warbirds trying to drive us out of the Iblis Nebula.
We were also contacted by a supposed Star Fleet Intelligence team aboard a small Romulan shuttle who were sent here to "assist" us. They have decloaked and I've allowed them to land on the hull - our hangar bay is currently on fire. I will be meeting them in the transporter room. Obviously I'm suspicious, but their leader, a Lieutenant T'Len, claims to have information that will help us against the two Romulan warbirds.
And right now, we can use all the help we can get.
End Log.
Stardate 20804.13
Stardate 20804.13
Commodore Joseph Daher:
We will arrive at Starbase Bravo in under one hour. I've already spoken to Star Fleet Command and Star Fleet Intelligence about the situation. As far as they're concerned, our mission was a success: we defeated three Romulan warbirds and safely secured the Nightowl and it's lethal weapon of mass destruction.
But at what cost? Am I supposed to feel good when I lost my First Officer and ten other crewmen for the sake of a Romulan defector? And what about the away team that I authorized for the search of Vrelnas' daughter? It was a trap and I lost two good men on that suicide mission. Command said that the risk was acceptable because Vrelnas wouldn't cooperate unless we went along.
When the hell did Star Fleet officers start taking orders from Romulans? Those weren't Admiral Benestad's men and women that died; they were mine. I know who they were, met their families, and their faces will haunt me the rest of my life. Was it worth it?
Logically, I tell myself, yes. After all, what are 11 Star Fleet Officers compared to the millions that the thalaron weapon could kill? But do real bodies compare to hypothetical ones? It seems like I ask myself this question after every mission.
Only one thing I know is for certain: war with the Romulans is imminent. And even more people are going to die... more sons and daughters, mothers and fathers.
And I can't do a damned thing about it...
End Log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Nathan May
Stardate 20711.16
Stardate 20711.16
Commander Nathan May:
My personal feelings aside for her Commanding Officer the Ticonderoga and her staff are shaping up to be a good fit. I think in the months and years to come we might actually be able to do some good out here. If permitted that is.
Seems like a lot of useless posturing if you ask me– this shakedown cruise of ours. Send the newest ship out on patrol along what used to be the Zone and not expect for someone on the other side to try to scratch the paint? Sounds like a set up.
I guess part of me would like for Star Fleet to have a chance to finish things out with the Romulans. God knows I never cared for unofficial truces or cold wars. Have it out and be done with it. But another war? Or better to say resume the one we were in before the Borg decided to pay us a visit?
Just an excuse to replicate more body bags. Scorch more earth. Send a few more green hulls splintering into space next to our own debris. But policy is for Admirals and Politicians and those who like to dabble in both professions. We mere Commanders just follow orders and hope our shots leave the tubes first and hit true.
Drills are to begin shortly across the ship. Security will be the first I think. Seems like our new Security Chief has things well in hand. I sure as hell hope he does. The last thing we need is a COS who doesn't have it together.
But that goes for half our Department Heads. Security, Medical, Tactical– they're all green. And I mean green. But I guess we all were once.
End Log.
Stardate 20712.07
Stardate 20712.07
Commander Nathan May:
This entry will be short. I am on my way to allow Dr. Lane to finish my Physical that we were just starting into before all hell broke loose earlier today.
I said drills were about to begin and that was putting it mildly. If Engineering, Medical, Science and Tactical are as intense and imaginative with their scenarios as our Security Department was with their's we won't need to worry about the Romulans. We'll destroy damn the ship on our own.
Joking aside. My hat is off to the crew. Moral seems high and, maybe it's just the near doubling of our complement since transferring to this beast of a Heavy Cruiser but, things seem to be much busier aboard ship. Something I am enjoying.
End Log.
Stardate 20712.29
Stardate 20712.29
Commander Nathan May:
Had my yearly Physical today. I'll live. At least that's the official line anyway.
The ship is standing at Yellow Alert as we near the border. All systems are green and the crew continues to preform well.
We'll be passing close to a well known nebula shortly, relatively speaking that is, as we continue out on our march. If anything it's giving the Sciences something to keep them occupied.
I am on my way to the Bridge now to talk with the Commander Gregg regarding the info he's bound to have started gleaning from the initial sensor readings of the cloud.
End Log.
Lt JG Laurianna Freya
Stardate 20710.05
Stardate 20710.05
Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurianna Freya:
Well it has been pretty routine for the most part since we left Starbase, apart from having to oversee readiness reports on the defensive and offensive systems of the Ticonderoga; frankly I don’t know how Commander Tei did it!
I am enjoying it though; I have a briefing in 5 minutes, my first ever senior officer briefing, it will be strange as I will be the lowest ranked out of all them, but arguably in charge of one of the most decisive department on the ship. I may be young, but I have more experience than most of the DHs on this ship, with having Mariala’s experiences it gives me a good advantage to impress my command team.
I must go, need to get to the Observation Lounge.
End Log.
Stardate 20711.14=
Stardate 20711.14
Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurianna Freya:
Well, the first Senior Officers briefing is over and to be honest I am a bit annoyed. Neither myself nor Mariala have ever liked being kept in the dark about aspects of mission, by keeping the important people on a vessel in the dark it can lead to dangerous circumstances. Like death of crewmember or worse, the destruction of the vessel.
I know it is not my place to directly question the motives of the Commodore, but I feel that he is making and error in judgement by keeping us in the dark. Maybe that should be left up to the FO, Commander May. Who knows?
Well one plus side of this, is that I get to be one of the most important people on the newest, most powerful vessel in the entire Star Fleet, now that is something to write home about!
I best get back to my duties on the bridge.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.15
Stardate 20802.15
Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurianna Freya:
Entered by hand at helm console.
These past few days have been interesting to say the least. With the Romulan defectors coming aboard the Tico offering the latest Romulan ship to prevent the war that is going to occur according to the Romulan Commander Vrelnas. But the thing is I am starting to believe him.
He assured us in the briefing that it would take time for the Romulans to track the Nightowl, but we are now engaged in battle with three warbirds, with the commander’s daughter held hostage on one of them. It all seems a little too convenient though, as though it was planned this way.
If you were going to defect, you would make sure that all everything was in order and not let them capture your family. I just hope that all is well with the away team.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.25
Stardate 20802.25
Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurianna Freya:
Well the bridge is basically destroyed, it had no structural integrity left so the Commodore decided to re-home us, so to speak, to the Battle/Auxiliary Bridge, I’ve never known what to call it, until the main bridge has been repaired. Let’s hope we make back to Starbase with the bridge in tact.
There was one casualty on the bride, it is always terrible to lose an officer in the line of duty, but that is what the risk we all took when joining and I just hoped that the officer knew that. I’m sure he did, yes, he did.
I just hope we get back to Starbase in once piece and that this Romulan defector is worth it. I don’t think this one death is going to be the last.
End Log.
Stardate 20803.31
Stardate 20803.31
Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurianna Freya:
Well, I must say that this mission is taking its toll on the crew and my department is feeling the effects. I’ve already had two crewmen in sickbay for stress related injuries. I don’t see how Star Fleet expects us to work under these conditions, one thing I will be ordered strict R&R for my department back at Starbase, and if anyone says any different they will have me to answer to.
On the other hand the Ticonderoga has performed well under these conditions, it was three against one in the Romulans favour, but now the tables have turned and there is one ship left, but we have to get our away team out first, let’s hope there is an away team left.
End Log.
LCdr Stewart MacDonald
Stardate 20711.14
Stardate 20711.14
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
Well I have just attended the first Senior Officers briefing on the Ticonderoga. I think things went well. Most of the crew of the Titan have transferred across with the Commodore.
We are en-route to the Romulan Neutral Zone where we are to conduct the final tests of the Tico. I would have preferred more time and somewhere a little less dangerous to conduct the weapons drills.
The computer is running a detailed scan of all the ships systems. I have ordered this because turbolift 3 brokedown. So I want to know about any other potential problems, just in case we have to go into battle.
On reflection the Commodore was being a bit evasive about the mission. I would assume we probably have to be somewhere within the five days that it is going to take to reach our destination.
At the moment I have ordered all available Engineers to double, triple and quadruple check every major system. Some would describe that as being a bit excessive, but after the problem with the turbolift and our destination I would rather find the problems now, rather than in battle. Not that I want a battle.
End Log.
Stardate 20712.05
Stardate 20712.05
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
Well the security drill was a success and a failure. Even though we achieved overall victory this time I had to evacuate Engineering.
The intruders effectively cut us off from the only weapons that were in Engineering. I am going to review the location of those weapons personally.
I think I will also see the Chief of Security about doing some basic training for some of the Engineers. Back on the Titan it was something that was instigated, but never used.
Additionally that damn squeak is back so along with that and all the other damage we have our work cut out.
The computer appears to be functioning normally again although how long that lasts I do not know.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.07
Stardate 20802.07
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
Well what a turn up. It would appear that the Tico's first mission is to help some Romulans defect.
I sat through the briefing only mildy paying attention. I could never forgive the Romulans for what happened to my father.
Back to the Tico. All the ships systems are running at peak efficiency. Which is just as well as the ship is surrounded by three Romulan ships. I am hopeful that the Commodore can keep the peace and we won't get into a battle. The Tico is new and I don't know how she will cope in battle.
I have made Midshipman Cenara Vixx, Chief Engineers Mate. I look at her and see the promise and enthusiasm that I had when I was fresh out the Academy. Although I hope she doesn't experience her own Tharos III.
She has given me a PADD containing a project she was working on...
What the hell was that?
End Log.
=Stardate 20802.27
Stardate 20802.27
Lieutenant Commander Stewart MacDonald:
Well the Tico has certainly had a baptism of fire. Deck One has suffered critical damage along with severe damage to Deck Two.
The shields are near overload because of the strain and half the EPS conduits are about to fry.
Other than that the Tico is in pretty good shape. The Engineering team is doing a briliant job.
Midshipman Vixx has also performed admiraly. She has been quite literally thrown in at the deep end.
Currently I have an Engineer on one of the Romulan ships to assist the away team. I have had no reports of how things are over there. I wish I could have went. However, I felt that I was needed here plus my hatred of the Romulans would probably cloud my judgement.
The Commodore has taken the ship into a nebula that has given us a reprieve. It appears the Romulan sensors are having difficulty. This means the Tico is taking less fire from them. So I have instigated measures to try and recharge the primary shields.
End Log.
Mid Cenara Vixx
Stardate 20801.04
Stardate 20801.04
Midshipman Cenara Vixx:
I am here. I do not know how I did it but, I did it. I am on the U.S.S. Tico serving under Chief Engineer Stewart MacDonald. I was surprised at how the Tico seems to have a spirit, an energy all its own. The crew has the feeling of they can do anything. Yes, it is a brand new ship, a seasoned crew but there is something more, its hard to describe. The only conclusion that I can come to is the ships Commanding Officers have created such an atmosphere that it just brings out the best in everyone. Having had some conversations with the crew I found out the following opinions of the crew.
Commodore Joseph Daher: From what I have learned Commodore Daher is a brilliant officer, articulate and intelligent. Some say that if he did not enter Star Fleet he would have done excellent in the Federation Diplomatic Core. He has the loyalty as well as the devotion of the crew, as many of them followed him from the U.S.S. Titan. Some of the crew have told me if they ever had a problem or needed advice they would not hesitate to ask him.
Commander Nathan May: Former First Officer of the U.S.S. Titan. Commander May is well liked by the crew. They have described him as a gentleman, honest, trust worthy, punctual, excellent at his job. If I had to venture a guess, I would say that Commodore Daher may have mentored Commander May while both of them were on the Titan. One Klingon crewman from the Titan had said, “Commander May is a Human but, I would follow him to over the River of Blood, to Gre'Thor's gates, where the demonic being Fek'lhr waits to consume particularly loathsome souls. However, I will tell you this. Commander May will join Kahless, in the Black Fleet in Sto-Vo-Kor, a paradise where battles and feasting can eternally be shared and won.” I do not know much about the Klingon religion but I am guessing that is considered high praise by a Klingon.
Lt. John Dempsey: Chief of Security John Dempsey is an interesting man in my opinion. Crew members have told me that Commodore Daher chose Lt. John Dempsey to be his Security Chief on the Tico because he is a man who can get the job done. How did one Human put it, “Lt. Dempsey kicks ••• and takes names.” I do not know if he meant the literally of figuratively. Crewmembers say that Lt. Dempsey is a hard worker, intelligent, always ready to lend a hand, a man that if you are in a sticky situation you can count on him to help or offer a solution. Some of the crew tell me that Lt. Dempsey reminds them of an ancient actor from Earth, an actor named Clark Gable. These crewmen informed me to watch an old Earth movie called, “Gone with the Wind” and I would understand. I did but I do not see the correlation. Lt. Dempsey does not have a moustache so I do not see what they mean when they say Lt. Dempsey reminds them of Clark Gable. Now, if they mean that Lt. Dempsey is attractive and good looking like Clark Gable, then yes, I agree. I have a funny feeling that Lt. Dempsey is a great dancer and I am looking forward to seeing him dance and if I get an opportunity I would like to dance with him.
Lt. Laurianna Freya: Lt. Freya the Tico’s Chief Tactical Officer and a joined Trill to boot. It is exciting to have a Trill on board. I had several Trills with me at the academy and I was impressed. Many people feel that if you have a Trill on a mission, you are guaranteed success. Some call Trills the new Vulcans but in my opinion I think Trills have the advantage over Vulcans in the respect that the Trill symbiont has knowledge and insight into issues that Vulcan logic just can compensate for.
As I have not met the rest of the Tico’s senior officers, yet. I can not offer an opinion but, if Lt. Freya, Lt. Dempsey and Commander May are an example of the caliber of officer that Commodore has chosen to surround himself with, then I am positive that our mission will be completely successful. I know I asked that I be posted to the Tico upon graduation, as LCdr Stewart MacDonald is Chief Engineer of the Tico but I do know that Commodore Daher is a man I know I can learn from as well.
End Log.
Stardate 20801.16
Stardate 20801.16
Midshipman Cenara Vixx:
The buzz on the ship is that we are hosting Romulans or that we are supposed to be meeting them I am not sure, as Engineering is in most cases that last to hear the latest rumors. Romulans, this should prove to be an interesting mission.
I have been working on a power spike issue in engineering. I believe that I have found the cause of the power spike. Chief MacDonald has more than lived up to my expectations. I just hope that I can live up to his. He has the cutest accent. Some of the ladies tell me he knows how to fill out a kilt but to be honest I am not sure what a kilt is, what ever it is the human females thinks he looks awesome in one.
I must admit the Tico is more than one could hope for. The crew has been welcoming and I don’t miss the Academy as much as I thought I would. The crew does have a rather infectious can-do- attitude. I am excited and honored to be working on such a wonderful ship with such an excellent crew.
End Log.
Lt JG John Dempsey
Stardate 20711.14
Stardate 20711.14
Lieutenant Junior Grade John Dempsey:
Having managed to grab enough space time in between Security reports and the almost-constant supply of PADDs that come across my desk, I thought it about time to write something.
I believe that I'm getting into the swing of things as the Chief of Security, but I have to admit that it's taking some getting used to. A few weeks ago I was just a junior security officer on a Frigate; now I'm the Chief of Security on a Heavy Cruiser that probably has more personnel in the Department than the Philadelphia had in total.
I should make a note to check that, actually, but the point remains. It's a little scary, if I'm to be completely honest. The workload is tremendous, with far more paperwork than anyone at the Academy even hinted at, and attending Senior Staff meetings is nothing short of terrifying.
I hope that I didn't let myself down too badly at the meeting in the Observation Lounge. The Commodore acted somewhat evasively during the meeting, and I don't think I'm the only one to notice it. Whatever it is that the Ticonderoga is heading for, it definately isn't just a simple shakedown cruise.
Still, speculation isn't very useful, especially when there's too little information around. Having finished a report on the status of the Brig, I'm awaiting the report of the new Midshipman, Zzen Drell, on the Armoury. I can't help but take a liking to him; he's quiet, responsible and seemingly eager to get to work. A few more weeks of training and he'll be a fine officer.
As to the other officer's onboard, I've already met the First Officer and the CMO informally, as well as formally; I worry that my first impressions on Starbase Bravo will prejudice them towards me, but again only time will tell. As for the rest, I've liased with Lieutenant Freya, the ACTO, but yet to talk informally with her, and the same goes for the CSO and the Chief Engineer. Perhaps when the mission is over we can get together and have a talk.
That's about all really, at the moment. I'm awaiting the report from Midshipman Drell, and I've sent a copy of the Security Drill to the Commodore. Once he approves it I can begin preparations for the drill. Until then, there's more of this infernal paperwork to do.
End Log.
Stardate 20712.05
Stardate 20712.05
Lieutenant Junior Grade John Dempsey:
Having just completed the review of the Security Drill that was conducted by myself on the Ticonderoga, I find myself with some spare time to make a Log entry before the inevitable paperwork begin. Rather quaint that we still use such an archaic term; I can't remember the last time I saw a sheet of paper. Perhaps it was in the Smithsonian; but I digress.
The Drill on a whole went very well. Despite the random element of the Drill that I programmed in for extra realism, the Security Department reacted well. All of the Detachments conducted their drills efficiently and effectively, although the clearance of Deck Twenty-Five took a few minutes longer than I would have expected.
The attack on the Bridge by the holograms was repelled effectively, although the Security Officer on duty did not manage to do anything before being stunned. However, given the surprise element of the drill I have not been too harsh; a few hours of extra drill in the Holodeck will be sufficient.
The defence of Sickbay is the only major point that I want to bring up, and will examine in more detail in a later report. Suffice to say that it took far too long for the Security Detachment to secure the area around Sickbay, and the Detachment leader allowed his team to be suppressed and cornered; if not for the rather risky rear assault by the First Officer, they might all have been disabled.
However, for every problem or negative point there is always a positive one to look upon, and in this case it is the performance of the Delta Detachment under the command of Midshipman Drell. Although they faced the most difficult and stressful part of the Drill, disposing of a fake explosive device planted by the Warp Core, the Detachment succeeded beyond my expectations. I have commended the Midshipman on his excellent work and made a note in his file; I expect to see the Midshipman rise quickly in the ranks.
A more detailed version of this report will soon be submitted to Commodore Daher and Commander May for their examination; I hope that they will find the Security Department to have lived up to their expectations. I also hope that they find I have lived up to their expectations. But on this point. I fear only time will tell.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.14
Stardate 20802.14
Lieutenant Junior Grade John Dempsey:
I'm managing to log this in the few moments I have alone before I assemble a Boarding Party to beam onto the Romulan Warbird Terix and attempt a rescue of the daughter of Commander Vrelnas, the senior Romulan officer and commander of the Nightowl who has defected to the Federation.
The Nightowl contains advanced weaponry and technology that could quite easily give the Romulan Empire the edge it requires to defeat the Federation if the tenuous peace we have with the Romulans comes to an end. Commander Vrelnas has defected with the technology to, as I understand it, try and maintain the balance of power in the Quadrant.
However, a defection is never an easy or simple task, and we have been surrounded and engaged by three Romulan Warbirds. Onboard the leading Warbird, and held captive by an apparent old friend of the Commander, is his daughter. Before we leave the Neutral Zone and attempt to escape to Starbase Bravo, we must try and rescue this little girl.
Commander May is leading the Boarding Party, along with myself leading a Security Detachment, a Marine Detachment, and several other crewmembers. We expect heavy resistance, and I have called for volunteers only for the mission. Whilst I will not voice such concerns publically, I fear that all those who beam over to the Warbird will be returning.
I have to admit, and here I'm turning down the voulume to make sure I'm not heard, that I'm quite literally terrified of what is to come. I have only been in action once before, on Tharos III, and there I managed to nearly kill myself with a grenade. I didn't even have any other men or women under my command, or such an important mission.
My hands are shaking, even though I'm trying my best to stop them, and my heart feels like it is trying to burst through my ribcage. I'm sweating as well, although that at least seems to be under control for the moment.
I'm so scared. I don't know if I can do this - lead dozens of personnel into a dangerous situation where many may never come back, and under my responsibility. I look at their faces and I realize how few I actually know; I have difficulty even matching names to faces half the time. How many of those faces will be absent once this mission is over?
What if one of them is mine? I don't know, I think I'm just thinking too much. All I can do is my duty, and nothing more. I just don't have a good feeling about this mission.
End Log.
Stardate 20804.12
Stardate 20804.12
Lieutenant Junior Grade John Dempsey:
I once thought, naively, that I could trust Romulans, that the rumours and the slurs and generalizations made about them were just the sort of things you find in any large military organizations. God, I was so naive thinking that, thinking that Romulans were anything but what they revealed themselves to be on this mission - treacherous, murderous scum fit for nothing but execution.
I will never trust a Romulan again. Not as long as I live. I can never forgive them for the death of Commander May, and for the loss of my arm. I could handle the arm on its own; that's just one of the things that you live with once you sign the PADD and you join Star Fleet. Those are the risks you take, and this time my number came up.
But there's a difference between losing an arm in combat, and execution. The Romulans executed Commander May. One of them, a Major in the Tal Shiar who died on the Warbird when the thalaron burst hit, placed a Disruptor to the Commander's face and vaporized him.
Oh god. There was nothing left of him but a slight mark on the floor of the cell. I'll carry those images until the day I die. Every time I close my eyes, I can see the Commander's face as he gets hit, the way his body seems to gain an instant silhouette and then slowly fade out in a flurry of colours.
It was a trap, which was the risk we ran in a mission like this. As one team tried to find Commander Vrelnas' daughter in the Detention Area, I led a team to disable the power grid. I planted the explosives and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. They had been beamed away, and a second later we were surrounded and outnumbered.
We were placed in a cell, with the teddy bear that held the transmitter that had supposedly been implanted in the daughter. Then that swine Antiok killed the Commander. I tried to save him, I did my best - you've got to believe me! But he died, and all I could do was lead the remnants of the Boarding Party out of the cell and into the Warbird.
We made it to a Shuttlebay and were beamed out by the Ticonderoga after a fierce fire fight between us and a contingent of guards. It was then that my arm was crushed by two cargo cannisters, and I was beamed to Sickbay after making it back.
I'll be honest. I don't remember much apart from overwhelming pain. But they ahd to amputate the arm and replace it with a cloned bio-synthetic one. It looks the same, even down to the wrinkles in my elbow, but it doesn't feel the same. Others I've talked to over subspace say they never do.
We'll be back at Starbase Bravo in a few days. Maybe we'll have some shore leave then. But I don't want it. What's the point? I failed in my duty. I let the First Officer of the ship be executed whilst I stood by helplessly. I deserve to be stripped of my rank, but I doubt that'll happen. I'll probably get a medal instead.
I'll be fit for duty in a few weeks. Then I'll be back on the Ticonderoga and the only way I'll leave her before the end of the war against the Romulans is in a bodybag. I intend to avenge Commander May the best way I can, the only way I can. In Romulan blood. By killing as many Romulans as I can, and making the Romulan military suffer.
End Log.
Mid Zzen Drell
Stardate 20711.14
Stardate 20711.14
Midshipman Zzen Drell
My first few days on the Ticonderoga have been very interesting. I find that the crew seems to have accepted me without reservation. I recall my days in the Gorn Military the idea of those under my command not accepting me or my commands never entered my mind. Granted being a member of the Dragon Crest did help with my career, but here in Star Fleet the Dragon Crest means nothing to them, so they treat me just as they would any other crew member.
I find Commodore Daher to be a very interesting, he has the ability to put his crew at ease which makes the crew all that more responsive and receptive to his orders. He would make an excellent Gorn Captain, strong and decisive with an impressive reputation based on what I have seen it is a well earned reputation.
After spending several days getting to know my supervisor Lt. Dempsey I find him to be a very interesting human. He has a command style that also places you at ease. For a Lieutenant he is relaxed with the senior officers as well as the ensigns and midshipmen. I have heard rumors that Lt. Dempsey has an impressive knowledge of the Terran martial arts and I hope I can convince him to teach me some of those different combat techniques, as when I was in the Academy they didn’t get into the level of understand that I would have hoped for.
I have noticed that the occasional crew member will stare at me a little longer and harder than I am comfortable with but, I am guessing that they have never seen a Gorn up close. I am not sure what they expect from a Gorn, I just hope I can live up to expectations they have about Gorn; at least the positive expectations.
End Log.
Stardate 20712.05
Stardate 20712.05
Midshipman Zzen Drell:
Lt. Dempsey’s Combat Simulation are now complete. In my own opinion I felt that the Delta Team under my command did rather well, but I also feel that we should have retaken Engineering much quicker. If Lt. Dempsey fails us on that. I must claim full responsibility for the team’s failure.
On a personal note, I must apologize to LCdr MacDonald for the damage that the Delta Team inflicted on engineering but, in our defense we did offer to help clean up and the crewman just rolled her eyes at us, as if Security personnel didn’t posses the technological knowledge to help clean up Engineering.
Perhaps, I could suggest to Lt. Dempsey and LCdr MacDonald a cross training program for Security and Engineering personnel to allow each department to be able to handle basic Security and Engineering scenarios until such a time as the respective experts can arrive and take over.
I am not sure what the vision of my dead sister means. I have thought of going to the ship Counselor and talk about it but, I am not sure. I do not want to appear weak. Not to mention I am not even sure if we have one as this is only a shake down cruise.
I miss my sister and I hope to one day take the life of the Romulan who killed her. I am not sure if this is an issue I can discuss with my superior officer; as I don’t think Lt. Dempsey, Cdr May or Cmdr Daher would approve of hunting down and killing a Romulan.
End Log.
Stardate 20712.19
Stardate 20712.19
Ensign Zzen Drell:
I was surprised today, while on the Bridge Lt. Dempsey informed me that I had in fact been promoted to the rank of Ensign. I did not know that I was even being considered. I can not wait until my mother and father hear the news.
I was elated when mother informed me that she was pregnant. Ever since Zemm’shara death mother had always wanted to have more children. The Doctors told her that she would be having three hatchlings, perhaps four. Mother says that father is excited and proud but, hides behind his mask of seriousness. She said that he is fixing up Zemm’shara’s old room for the nursery. Mother also said that grandmother and grandfather are already spoiling the new hatchlings and mother has not even built the nest or laid the eggs, yet.
I had a rather odd experience during our recent Security Combat Simulation. My sister came to me in a vision so real. I could swear I could have touched her. I am not sure how the birth will affect mother, if she should have a female hatchling. I known Zemm’shara’s death was years ago. I know I should have moved beyond that but, I still miss her. I do not know if it was the stress that caused me to see her, or the fact that I was tired, I do not know for sure. It is hard to say what caused it and why.
Perhaps one or even all of the hatchlings will grow up and join Star Fleet. I just hope that everything goes well for mother. She asked me if I could be home for the hatching. I told her I was not sure if that would be possible.
However, if after our current mission, we find ourselves with nothing to do; then perhaps I can convince Commodore Daher that Ghdar would be a nice place for some well earned shore leave. Not to mention the fact that no Federation Ship has visited the Gorn home world since the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E visited over thirty years ago, when Captain Picard persuaded the Gorn Hegemony to join the Federation in their war against the Jem’Hadar.
I know the two Autarchy, would feel honored by a visit from the Federation and an officer with Commodore Daher’s reputation would only add to that honor.
End Log.
Stardate 20801.08
Stardate 20801.08
Ensign Zzen Drell:
We sit here in close proximity to the nebula. The nebula sits there like an evil cloak waiting. The tension is high on the ship. I myself do not like the not knowing and the feeling of helplessness that comes with waiting. What hidden dangers lurk just inside the nebula?
We received two new crewmembers this week. A Bolian named Cenara Vixx; she seems capable and confident, typical of a Bolian. She is an attractive female with a lovely shade of Blue. Yes, Bolians are Blue but this one is different. She is your typical Bolian, ready to plunge into a problem and find a solution. I think she will make a fine addition to the crew.
Our other new crewmember is a Benzite named Hoya Dwora. I was surprised to see her in the black and blue uniform of a Medical officer. She is lilac in color, kind of a nice complement to the Bolian. Like all Benzites, she too is confident and no doubt knowledgeable in her respective discipline, if she was not I am sure that Commodore Daher would not have chosen her, to serve on his ship. I must admit it was rather funny to see her addressing an empty chair when she reported to the Bridge upon her arrival.
The Bolian seems familiar to me. I think we had a class or two in our freshman year. I think we may have actually met at a party thrown by a mutual friend, Cadet Peter Blute, a human engineering major, if I am not mistaken.
It is refreshing to see more diverse crewmembers coming on board. Midshipmen Vixx and Dwora do not look like humans like so many of the other Alpha Quadrant species that are serving in Star fleet do. It helps me to feel a little less isolated. I am hoping to get a chance to work with both of them at some point.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.15
Stardate 20802.15
Ensign Zzen Drell:
I must admit that the idea of a boarding party seems like a reckless course of action to me. Why should we go to them, make them come to us on our terms. The Terrans call it giving up the home field advantage.
I have been in battle before against the Romulans. It will not be an easy task. The Romulans fight and fight well. Resistance will be heavy and warriors will die of that I am sure. I do know one thing the Romulans that we face on the boarding party will fight to the death, for if a Romulan should survive they will face a tribunal and then execution back on Romulus for allowing an enemy to board their ship.
I have notice that Lt. Dempsey seems a bit uneasy; it may be the burden of command, or just the uncertainty of this mission. It is one thing to lead an away team on a medical emergency but, to rescue a child from a hostile enemy ship is something else. We are sending over a huge boarding party so there is safety in numbers. I am sure we will be successful.
I recall the first time I had encountered hostile Romulans, it was the day I received my short blade, it was a week after I graduated from the Gorn Military Institute. A group of Romulan and Orion pirates had beamed into an out lying district. They had raided an orphanage looking for slaves. I was forced to use my short blade, as my energy weapon had been knocked out of my hand. A Romulan had capture and shackled a young brown scale no more than four or five. In one clean swish I severed his head from his torso. My squad had successfully routed the Romulans.
Human do not accept or prepare for death as other species but I am confided that under the leadership of Commander May and Lt. Dempsey that death will not be an issue. I have faith in Commander May and Lt. Dempsey ability to lead this boarding party and rescue Commander Vrelnas’s daughter.
I find myself liking Commander Vrelnas despite that fact that he is a Romulan. I can respect any man who would sacrifice his entire world for his child. I feel bad for the child, she being used as a pawn in a galactic power struggle. I know Romulans are filthy animals but would they really kill a child of one of their own, no creatures are that heartless.
Eng Log.
Lt Calista Lane
Stardate 20711.17
Stardate 20711.17
Lieutenant Calista Lane:
Considering this is a shakedown cruise I had been very pleased with the performance of my medical team so far. The pre-flight check list was completed on time, medical cabinets and other essential supplies were filled in accordance to regulations. The initial crew physicals had began and we are on track in completing them by the time we reach the Romulan Neutral Zone.
The Ticonderoga’s first mission was a battle drill being conducted near the Romulan Neutral Zone. I honestly felt that this was a foolish endeavour in Star Fleet’s part. Personally I don’t see why we needed to conduct a battle drill so close to the border other than to provoke the Romulans into hostile actions. During the senior officer’s mission briefing conducted by Commodore Daher I can feel that he was hiding something. Granted I didn’t know the Commodore well and I am no telepath but this mission, this situation just didn’t make any sense to me. If the Commodore is indeed holding back essential information I would like to know why.
In relation to the mission I have been ordered to have Sickbay ready for battle drills and I have submitted a plan for implementation. Based on my observation of the medical team I have reasons to believe my team will be ready for whatever comes our way.
I have met the majority of the senior staff during different social occasions either at the Starbase Bravo or the Ten Forward lounge and all of them seemed to be very capable in fulfilling their duties. When it comes to crew physicals however none of them has arrive for their crew physicals yet and I am quite certain they knew crew physicals is part of Star Fleet regulations. With the exception of the Commodore who have at least made an appointment. As senior staff I would have hoped each and everyone of them would set an example for the other junior officers, time will tell I suppose.
Anyhow it is time for me to have a quick Sickbay pow wow to give them a quick outline of the upcoming mission and the battle drill plans. I am quite certain each and everyone of them would be up for the challenge.
End Log.
Mid Hoya Dwora
Stardate 20801.23
Stardate 20801.23
Midshipman Hoya Dwora:
The crew is on edge as the rumors abound as to why the Romulans are on board. The story changes minute to minute and gets more outlandish as they go. The latest is that Commodore Daher had a romantic relationship with a Romulan several years ago and they had a child. The child’s mother is dead and he has come to retrieve his daughter.
In fact people claim to have seen the daughter with their own eyes. One crewman said that he saw the Romulan smiling at the Commodore in the transporter room. The only problem with that is Commodore would have had to have fathered the child when he was ten years old. Really, what goes through peoples minds, a ten year old Terran male fathering a Romulan offspring?
Another story that has been circulating is that Commander May is in fact a spy and that the Federation is returning him to the Romulan Star Empire to continue his espionage for the Federation. His cover is supposed to be of all things a Professor at The Imperial War College. The only problem with that is The Imperial War College is a Romulan military school, where both members of the regular military and the Tal Shair are trained. Forget the fact that a new professor showing up at The Imperial War College would be investigated more closely than a say a worker at the Romulan ship yards.
If people are going to start rumors, at least make them some what plausible. The very idea of Commodore Daher the father of some Romulan strumpet and Commander May a super spy. What’s next our Gorn Security Officer is in fact Bynar in disguise just making his way back to the Beta Magellan system.
I have downloaded all medical information on Romulans just in case I find myself having to treat an injured Romulan. I hope that we don’t end up with any injured but, with people being on the edge chances are someone will get hurt.
End Log.
LCdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 20801.16
Stardate 20801.16
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg:
The past few days have been more eventful than anticipated.
Courtesy of the new Chief of Security the ship got a taste of what it was like to repel a Cardassian boarding party. The exercise had a distinct level of realism, which got the best out of the crew. Even though disruptor burns were sustained by members of the crew there were no fatalities. Hopefully we’ll be ready if we have to face a real boarding party.
After the events of exercise long range sensors picked up a nebula. It felt like a brilliant excuse to avoid antagonising the Romulans with our battle exercises. It also felt amazing to watch new life forming since the last time I encountered a nebula ended in the Titan limping home. So far the nebula has been a bit of a happy enigma. The sensors have classified the nebula as an emission nebula, yet the nebula and the surround stars have been keeping the science team sincerely amused and maybe a little irritated with local protostars playing havoc with the sensors.
Lastly and this one might need a security protocol. The Ticonderoga has come into contact with a vessel known as the IRW Nightowl. So far the contact has been friendly. The Commander of the Nightowl has asked for Commodore Daher by name making this encounter rather perplexing. At this current point in time the Nightowl and her crew have a significant tactical advantage over us, so hopefully things will stay friendly.
In hindsight it appears as if the Commodore was the only one informed of the Nightowl and where the Tico was to meet it, meaning that Star Fleet Intelligence was keeping this encounter on the hush hush. The situation itself is starting to feel like one of those Cold War encounters from early Earth history, but if the Nightowl is missed by its owners it might prove to be more than a little hazardous for both ships.
End Log.
Stardate 20804.09
Stardate 20804.09
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg:
If this mission proves to be a success it will be by the narrowest of margins. The conclusion in my last log has proved to be a major underestimation. The Star Empire sent three Warbirds after the Nightowl and before we could even consider an escape the Ticonderoga got bombed to the edge of oblivion.
The only escape was to hide in the local nebula and only after sending an away team into one of the Warbirds. The away team had been sent in to rescue the daughter of the Commander of the Nightowl who was being held to force her father to return the Nightowl.
Our time in the nebula proved to be more dangerous inside than out. The Warbirds began taking pot-shots into the nebula with some of the shots weakening the ship’s structure even further and a report of reptilian creatures in a shield junction control room has become worrying.
Apparently the Nightowl succeeded in destroying or severely damaging two of the Warbirds, so a risk was taken in order to retrieve the away team. Their success or failure is unknown, but one thing was obvious, shortly after the return of the away team life signs ceased in the remaining Warbird.
If we are rid of our unwanted visitors then it might be possible for us to escort our guests to Star Base Bravo unhindered. In our current condition that is certainly easier said than done.
End Log.
Mid Elizabeth Lewis
Stardate 20801.15
Stardate 20801.15
Midshipman Elizabeth Lewis:
My first few months on the Tico have been definitely been interesting ones. Now the battle drill is over we’ve been finishing the crew physicals in Sickbay which have taken us a while but they’re nearly finished.
A new medical Midshipman has been assigned to the ship, Hoya Dwora, a Benzite, I have spoken with her a few times and she seems very nice and I hope we become friends. It’s comforting to have someone onboard who is in the same boat as me, (no pun intended.) There’s also a new Engineering officer, Cenara Vixx who I have yet to met but I’m sure she’ll fit in well to the Tico.
I look forward to see what challenges this mission provides.
End Log.