Gettysburg Mission 01: "Fragments of Sorrow"
Captain's Log, Stardate 20211.01, "Fragments of Sorrow"...
Our mission to Elteban III had left us with a crippled ship and an incomplete crew. We limped back to base, with the assistance of the USS Philadelphia, and I was left with one inescapable conclusion... the Forge could be repaired, but there was nothing I could do about the loss of Samantha Aster...
A realization such as this creates a whole series of additional problems, as a Star Fleet Officer it is my duty to carry on, as a Captain it is a sad reality that I will lose people... I’ve lost people under my Command before, but never as it was with Sam... she was taken from me, taken right out from under me, in a kidnapping that was as much a personal insult to me, as it was devastating... I’ve lost people before, but never someone I was in love with, and never in this fashion.
I knew from the moment Paul Vice, and the Romulans, took her that, if she was still alive, I’d get her back... but, to add further insult to injury, my ship wasn’t even capable of getting us home under her own power. Upon return to Starbase 1 I spoke with the First Fleet Commander... he removed the Forge from active service and transferred my entire crew to the newly commissioned USS Gettysburg, an Avenger Class Battle Cruiser, one of only three ever constructed. That, at least, was a blessing, I had a ship again, a ship that was technically superior to my former command... that was a step in the right direction, but he denied my request to go looking for Sam... he gave me the standard reasoning, that it was to risky, to dangerous... that such resources couldn’t be devoted to the rescue of one person... one person that Star Fleet had no reason to believe was even still alive.
I knew then that I would have to take matters into my own hands, that I’d have to do this myself, I’d have to do it alone...
Before departure I spoke with Commander Blake, a Security Officer who somehow had information on Sam’s location... more than that he also knew the true identity of Paul Vice... Vice was in fact a former Star Fleet Officer, Thomas Shaw... a man who had been court martialled as a result of testimony I gave as a cadet... evidently Shaw blamed me for the subsequent murder of his family, by the Orion syndicate, which had occurred once he no longer had Federation protection. Tam Otlan, Yssy Lanael, and a few other members of my crew, were transferred off shortly before departure. Tam to his own Command, aboard the USS Titan, and Yssy to a First Officer position aboard USS Philadelphia. Commander Christopher McCullough, who had been with the ship for most of her prelaunch shakedown, was selected to take over as First Officer.
The Gettysburg was given a two pronged... first we were to lead a clean-up operations, through which we would attempt to salvage a Romulan Warbird disabled by the USS Dauntless. Second we were to investigate the Dead Zone, a region of space along the Romulan Border that was evidently unoccupied by the Empire, despite the fact it could prove to be a key sector... out mission was to determine why they weren’t exploiting the region, and, in turn, to decide if it was clear for Star Fleet to take the system...
To be blunt we were given joke assignments, one that could have been carried out by any Science Vessel... there was no reason to send a Battle Cruiser to do this work... but Star Fleet was uneasy, and I couldn’t blame them, I’d all but destroyed one of the Fleet’s most recognized ships on my first assignment... and now, well they wanted to play it safe. Salvaging the Romulan Warbird proved more dangerous than initially expected, damage was not as severe as the Dauntless had reported, and so we were taken by surprise by those Romulans left alive... A minimal away team was sent over, but, when all was said and done, nothing was recovered, and, when the Romulans activated their self-destruct, we lost a member of that away team during our attempts to beam them out, a process slowed by further Romulan interference.
After clearing the area, we set a course for the Dead Zone. A course I plotted personally as I had other things to take care of. During a close pass-by of the Sheridan Nebula we encountered Romulan Patrols, using the Nebula as a screen we engaged the Romulans and then went about repairs... once the Ship was up to full operational status I initiated a computer controlled course heading I had created with the information provided to me by Blake.
On course towards a Romulan Base, which Blake informed me Aster was on, I came to an uncomfortable realization... I was doing much the same thing Shaw had done, that I had gotten him court martialled on... Shaw too had gone against orders to rescue someone he loved, his wife in this case... people had died in that rescue, and I, at the time always going by the book, felt that loss of life was unacceptable, and used Comm Traffic I had been able to intercept against Shaw... what Shaw/Vice was trying to do became clear now... he was doing to me what I had done to him... the irony of the situation didn’t escape me.
There was one difference though, I didn’t have the Orion Syndicate after me... I resigned myself to the likelihood of being Court Martialled for my actions... I knew then, more than ever, that I’d rather be discharged from the service and live my life as a Civilian, with Sam, then live it alone in Star Fleet.... I elected however not to explain any of this to the crew, the less they knew the better, that way Star Fleet wouldn’t drum any of them out of the service... I could claim, truthfully, that I had acted alone...
Upon arrival, and using the Sensor Cloak and an Asteroid Field, we were able to avoid detection... Despite my attempts to go alone, I was talked into taking a small Away Team, consisting of Syntranos and Lee... the crew was still unaware of what I was doing, but I informed them it was part of a Star Fleet Operation... I was sorry to have to lie to them, but it was for their own good. Utilizing a focused dekyon field pulse to disrupt the Romulan’s sensors and communications we transported aboard undetected... despite our precautions I was separated from the team not long after beam-in...
Alone, I continued to look for Sam.
Though I was unaware of it at the time Syntranos and Lee had managed to contact the ship during a Communications Window and informed them that they’d lost track of me... the end result was something that troubles me to this day... Commander McCullough elected to lead a full scale boarding party to look for me...
After a short while I was able to locate Sam and free her from a Romulan Holding cell... I ran into Vice along the way and, after having Sam transported aboard the Gettysburg, chased after him... I managed to corner him in the Romulan Shuttle bay, he informed me that Blake had set this whole operation in motion... I realized then it had been even more of a setup than I had realized, and while I couldn’t explain why Blake would have done this, I realized that it explained a lot... there had to have been an inside man for all of this to happen, Blake was as logical a pick for that as anyone... but why? was he a double agent? a defector? or something more insidious? Before I could apprehend Vice though, I was ambushed by a Romulan, General Su’rell, a member of the Imperial Intelligence... The Tal’Shiar... evidently Su’rell had been the Romulan Brainchild of the second part of Vice’s plan... he had been the one to make it all possible once Vice needed to escape with Aster aboard a Warbird...
As I attempted to fight Su’rell off, Vice managed to escape in a Romulan Shuttle... just when it looked like I was finished another Romulan, Commander Da’tonn, Commanding Officer of the Sun Talon, and apparent friend to Ray Gage, intervened... she killed Su’rell and, in essence, rescued me. I am unclear on why she did what she did, but I gather it was as a result of some personal feud she had with Su’rell...
I managed to return to the Gettysburg, but was informed that, in his attempt to rescue me, McCullough had been killed, and a large portion of my senior staff had been injured...
It was then I knew exactly what Vice, what Shaw, had gone through... I had done what I thought was right, I’d done what I felt I had to... and people had died...
With Sam safely aboard we had no further business in Romulan territory, so I ordered the ship back to Federation Space.
Alone the way we intercepted a distress call from the Titan and Philadelphia, they were under attack near the Sheridan nebula, as they had apparently been sent to look for us, as Star Fleet had believed the Gettysburg missing...
With a Fleet of Romulans on our tail we arrived and attempted to render assistance. We were outgunned though, and it wasn’t until the USS Republic arrived that we managed to take the day.
After the Romulans returned to their space, Admiral Beckett, acting CO of the Republic, summoned all of us aboard... much to my surprise I wasn’t Court Martialled, and, instead, we were brought aboard for celebration... Gage, Otlan, and Lanael were all promoted... Gage was given the Republic, and Lanael the Philadelphia... and, for the first time, in a long time, things felt right again... but there was a shadow looming over the occasion, as many had died to make it possible...
It was at this time that I asked Sam to marry me, she did me the great honor of saying she would... Admiral Beckett was also kind enough to agree to perform the service, which will take place upon our return to Starbase.
That is our next stop, we are underway for Starbase now, for home, and, as I look back on what has happened, I realize just how lucky I am... I risked everything, and while the cost was great, we were successful, I have the finest crew in the Fleet, and, with Sam at my side, I look forward to what the future will bring...
- 1 Captain's Logs
- 2 Crew Logs
Captain's Logs
Capt Daniel Wueste
Stardate 20206.02
Captain's Log, Stardate 20206.02.
A Lot has happened Since Star Fleet transferred me, and the Crew of the Valley Forge, to the Gettysburg.
Tam and Yssy, two of my best friends, have been reassigned... Tam to his own Command, Yssy to act as Ray's new First Officer... while I'm very proud of them, I shall miss their guidance, support, and most of all their friendship...
In a vain attempt to replace them... no... I could never replace them... in an attempt to fill the wholes left in the Chain of Command by their absence, I've been forced to do some further crew reshuffling.
Commander McCullough is now First Officer, Commander Pierce the Chief Medical Officer, Commander Lee Second Officer, and Lieutenant Syntranos Chief of Security...
We will launch as soon as Clearance is given to do so...
Once away from Spacedock our orders are to locate a Romulan Warbird the Dauntless left for dead... we are to learn all we can for her, but from what I've gathered this is mostly a search and destroy mission... the Warbird is damaged enough that I doubt it will prove much of a threat... once through there we are to proceed to a "Dead Zone" near the Romulan Border... in this region no Romulan activity has occurred, Star Fleet wants to know why... and it's our job to give them answers... Captain's Log, Stardate 20206.30.
Since our launch from Starbase we've maintained a steady Warp Velocity heading for the first leg of our mission...
We've finally now arrived at the Damaged Romulan Vessel... it would seem the Dauntless dealt them a great deal of damage, they appear to be drifting.... almost like a derelict... this could be a Romulan ploy to draw us in, but I've seen no evidence to back this up as yet.
I've sent a Security and Marine Team over to Secure the Vessel... once their work is done an Engineering Crew will Beam aboard to assist in Capturing the Warbird for Study...
We'll just have to wait and see how the situation plays out.
On a personal note I've found myself more and more distracted of late... now that we're back out in space, and I'm being given routine and mundane assignments... Star Fleet wouldn't approve my rescue plans... not that I'd expected them to... I keep telling myself that its time I accept that she's gone... but... I can't do that... not now... and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to resign myself to such a line of thinking...
There's nothing I can do for now, save for putting on a good front and show for the crew...
Stardate 20207.05
Captain's Log, Stardate 20207.05.
With the Destruction of the Romulan Warbird the first half of our mission has come to a close.
It is my sad duty to report that a member of the Away Team, a Marine, was lost during this mission. We were unable to beam her back aboard before the Romulan Warbird exploded, as a result of an Auto-Destruct Sequence initiated by the Romulans.
Let it be noted that she died doing her duty and met death with both honor and courage.
I've sent Star Fleet a report informing them of our progress. We're now on course to the Dead Zone and with it the next leg of our mission.
Stardate 20207.12
Captain's Log, Stardate 20207.12.
While on a course for the Dead Zone we detected a Romulan Patrol consisting of Two Warbirds.
Not wanting to be discovered I took the Ship to Yellow Alert and had the Sensor Cloak activated.
I have no previous experience with this technology though, and when, not long after, it appeared the Romulans had altered course to intercept us, I decided not to risk finding out the hard way that the Sensor Masking System wasn't as effective as Star Fleet R&D would have us believe.
I therefore ordered the Ship into the nearby Sheridan Nebula, to act as a further shield against the Romulan Sensors.
It is my hope that we will be able to simply wait them out... I'll keep the Ship in the Nebula for a while before attempting to continue... if all else fails we may end up playing a game of hide and seek with the Warbirds, but the Getty is one hell of a ship, and the Nebula will help to make us a difficult target to find... Captain's Log, Stardate 20208.13.
It didn't take long for the Romulans to Discover us after we entered the Nebula... how they located us is a mystery, one that will likely never be solved...
Engaging the two Warbirds in Combat the Gettysburg came through victorious... she's quite a ship and, while I hate to say it, as a Warship she puts the Valley Forge to shame...
Once the battle was over we began repair operations, continuing to use the Nebula as an effective screen against enemy patrols.
When the Sensor Cloak and other Key Defensive Systems were operating within specified parameters again I ordered the ship out of the Nebula... so we could resume our mission.
In an attempt to allow members of the crew to get needed rest I have placed Navigation under Computer control for the time being.
On an unfortunate note there has been an attempted Homicide aboard, a member of my Crew, Lt. J.G. Sykes, a Security Officer, attacked Emmerene Syntranos, a Civilian member of our 10 Forward Staff... and Sister to Lt. Commander Syntranos, my Chief of Security...
While it appears Ms. Syntranos will survive I am left with a difficult decision to make... how should I handle Mr. Sykes? His actions are inexcusable... but we are at War, and I need every member of my crew... outside of the obvious I'm not yet sure how to proceed... for now he is being held in the Brig... where he will likely stay for some time. Captain's Log, Stardate 20209.28.
The Gettysburg has arrived at this mission’s final destination... near a Romulan Outpost....
I'm using the Sensor Cloak and an Asteroid Field to hide our presence for now...
I will shortly be leading an operation to retrieve a Federation Data Packet captured by the Romulans a short time ago... the success or failure of this mission will decide my future...
Stardate 20210.05
Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.05. Delayed Entry.
I have taken a small recovery Team to Romulan Outpost 15. Using a Highly Focused Dekyon Field Pulse the Gettysburg was able to disrupt the Romulan Outpost's Sensor and Communications Systems, effectively cutting them off from the rest of the Empire and allowing us to beam in undetected...
Dekyon's, which are a rare, but naturally occuring form of background radiation, prevent the outpost from detecting the Gettysburg, or the Away team, while still appearing to be a natural phenominon caused by some sort of disruption in the Asteriod Field.
Hopefully my team will be able to get in and out of the Romulan Base before they even have a chance to figure out something has happened. If we are successful... well, I pray god that we are... the alternative would be... unpleasant.
Stardate 20210.11
Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.11. Delayed Entry.
Seperated from my team I was forced to navigate the vast Romulan Base on my own.
The circumstances surronding how I became seperate from me team are to vast to properly describe here... all that was important at the time though was that I was alone and the difficulty of the mission had just doubled.
I hope Commander Lee and Commander Syntranos have the good sense to get out while they can... I'm fearful however they try to "rescue" me... such an attempt would no doubt make things that much more complicated.
There's always hope, but I know them, and even hope has to give way to just how well I know them... they'll come after me, I'm just afraid what may happen when they do... I should never have allowed them to come in the first place... I should never have risked anyone other than myself... it's a little late to worry about that now though... I pray I am successful and can get out of here before anyone else dies as a result of my mistakes... Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.14. Delayed Entry.
By this time I had managed to reach to station's Security Deck. From there it was a surprisingly simple matter to locate what I was looking for... we were deep within Romulan Space, so it was somewhat understandable that the Security wasn't quite as tight as I'd feared it would be.
Hidden away in the back of the Detention Center was what I'd come for... Lt. Commander Samantha Aster, who had been kidnapped during our last mission, aboard the Valley Forge, to the planet Elteban III...
I'm sure the identity of who we were there to rescue will shock some, and come as no surprise to others... let it be noted I did what I had to do, my loyalty to her demanded I do no less.
Stardate 20210.17
Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.17. Delayed Entry.
I'd rescued Sam, but that was only half the battle... now I needed to figure out a way to get off the Romulan Base.
This was a task easier said than done, as we needed to wait for a Communications window to open, so I could safely signal the Gettysburg without being detected. I'd missed the last window while getting Sam out of her holding cell, and so we had to wait... waiting on an enemy fortress is not something I'd ever like to repeat.
At make matters worse we ran into an old 'friend' of mine, Paul Vice, the man who had kidnapped Sam in the first place.
We engaged in a running firefight, which was made more difficult by Sam's current condition, she'd been severely weakened by weeks of interrogation...
Stardate 20210.22
Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.22. Delayed Entry.
I managed to beat Vice back just in time for the next transport window to open... but I wasn't going to let Vice escape, not after what he had done.
After signalling the Gettysburg and having Sam beamed aboard, I went on, alone, to try and locate Vice.
I managed to corner him in the Romulan Shuttlebay, but before I could capture him I was attacked by a Romulan. During my fight with this Romulan, a Tal'Shiar General, named Su'rell, my second Comm Badge was damaged before repair, essentially stranding me on the outpost.
Vice managed to escape on a Romulan Shuttle during my fight with Su'rell... to be blunt things were not looking good, I was overpowered, my only means of escape had been destroyed during the struggle, and Su'rell had me at gunpoint...
Must to my surprise though another Romulan saved the day... Commander Da'tonn, a friend of Ray Gage, had been aboard the Outpost, she risked everything to save me... she took Su'rell by surprise and vaporized him... I've gathered she had personal reasons for doing this, but she chose not to enlighten me, and I wasn't about to make an issue out of it... as, regardless of her reasons, I had been saved.
After a brief conversation, Da'tonn provided me with a means to contact my ship. I signalled the Gettysburg and was beamed aboard... it seemed success was at hand.
Stardate 20210.26
Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.26.
The sense of satisfaction I felt over rescuing Sam and managing to escape were short lived though... upon return I found out that Commander McCullough had led his own rescue operation to try and get me back... he was killed in the attempt, and the vast majority of my senior staff was seriously injured as well.
I'd won, but at an incredible cost, with a loss of life far greater than I can ever justify. I ordered the Gettysburg back to Federation Space at maximum warp, initial scans show a Romulan Fleet in pursuit... I am hopeful we will be able to make it back to the Federation Border before intercept, at least then we might stand a chance.
Let the record show that Christopher McCullough died with honor, doing his duty to the ship and crew, he was a good man, I regret not having the chance to know him better...
Stardate 20210.29
Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.29.
We've received a distress call from the USS Titan and USS Philadelphia, and have altered out course to meet up with them, near the Sheridan Nebula. What Tam and Ray are doing out here remains a mystery, but, if we can lend a hand we will... and, with a fleet of romulans on our tail as well, we too could use all the help we could get... perhaps, together, a Battle Cruiser, Light Cruiser, and Frigate will be able to repell the Romulans... Ray Gage and Tam Otlan are the best Star Fleet has to offer, if anyone can overcome the odds it's them.
Our estimated time to intercept with them is nearly an hour, with the Romulans only minutes behind us the coming battle should prove interesting...
Stardate 20210.31
Captain's Log, Stardate 20210.31.
Upon rendezvous with the Titan and Philadephia we became instantly engaged with the Romulans. At first our arrival turned the tide in our favor, but that soon changed when the Romulan Fleet that had been after us arrived. For a time the battle seemed hopeless, we were holding our own, but that wouldn't last forever... luckily though another vessel, the USS Republic, was also in the area, and when she arrived the Romulans were no longer a match for us. After destroying a few more of the Romulan Armada, they turned and ran back towards their border... it was quite a thing to see...
Admiral Beckett has requested that the crews of all ships meet in the Republic's hanger. I was relatively sure my Court Martial was to come... much to my surprise Beckett seemed unaware of much of the details surronding my 'mission' and cleared me of the charges... I'm not quite sure what to make of that, but I certainly won't argue the point. It was good to see some old friends, Gage, Otlan, Lanael... it had been far to long. The events that followed were welcome celebration, Captain Gage was promoted to Commodore and given Command of the Republic, Tam and Yssy were promoted to Captain, and Yssy was given Command of the Philadelphia
After the proceedings I asked Sam to marry me, it is with great pleasure that I report she said yes... Admiral Beckett has agreed to perform the ceremony, which will take place upon our return to Starbase 1. For now the Republic, Gettysburg, Philadelphia, and Titan travel at maximum warp, heading home... my mission to rescue Sam proved a success, but came at a large cost... I'm not sure if I will ever be able to justify my actions to anyone... but I know what I did was right... so, at the end of the day, I can live with that....
Crew Logs
FO Cdr Tam Otlan
Stardate 20205.15
Personal Log, Cdr. Tam Otlan, FO - Stardate 20205.15
First Officer's Personal Log, USS Gettysburg. Commander Tam Otlan recording:
I have only been aboard the ship for a short time, but I am already impressed by what I have seen. If the Valley Forge had been as well equipped as this Avenger-Class ship, the Romulans would have had a very different battle on their hands.
I have greeted many new crewmembers, as well as some of the Forge crew that have already arrived. I am confident that this mission, whatever it is, will be easier than the last one was.
How could it possibly be harder?
I haven't met Commander McCullough yet, and I'm not sure if it is because I have been too busy, or if I am simply avoiding the meeting knowing that I am the one responsible for taking his position.
If I can manage to get away for a little while, while the crew prepares to launch, I will go see him. I cannot effectively work with the Department Heads if I have to concern myself with wondering whether or not one of them is bitter towards me.
I believe in myself as a Star Fleet Officer and have always been confident in my strengths and abilities, but I am not good with people. Being a FO has helped in that regard, but I am still more likely to be abrasive, when diplomatic would serve me better.
I am rambling. I will go see Commander McCullough and deal with him as best I can.
Computer, save log.
ENG Ens Habilain Celestial
Stardate 20207.06
Personal Log, Ensign Habilain Celestial, ENG - Stardate 20207.06
"Computer, begin recording" Habilain said.
[Recording begun]
"I've heard that keeping a personal log is a way of releiving stress, and I am now going to test this out. Since I joined the crew of the Gettysburg, although not much has happened, the one major event that did happen was very stressful. After the introductions and so on, including a detailed look at the exact specifications of the Gettysburg, I was informed by Lcdr Lee that I had been chosen for an away mission.
The mission outline was simple, once the security and marine teams had secured the derelict romulan ship, a group of engineers would beem aboard and try to access the ships computer core. However, the mission did not get to that stage. I was waiting in the transporter room for some time, when over the ships com system Wueste told us that the romulan ship was gonna blow!!
Pliskin tried his best, I can at least say that. But when he said something like that he had lost 2 or 3 of them, I just knew something would go wrong. When Sykes materialised he was screaming to try again, but it was too late.
The stressful part? Knowing that at any time I could be sent down to that ship, and then afterwards, knowing it could have been me who had died! Hmm.. this doesn't really seem to releive stress that much.. maybe if I used a few other words.. nah, better not. I wouldn't want someone hearing this to get the wrong impression of me after I'm dead. Hey, did I leave the computer recording?
Oh great.. Computer End Recording, and save"
[Recording Terminated and Saved]
Without saying another word, habilain left for engineering.
MARCO MCapt Ecros Tashiyu
Stardate 20205.09
Personal Log, MCapt. Ecros Tashiyu, MARCO - Stardate 20205.09
The last few days have been very eventful. However the mission on Elteban was tragic, and the thing that bothers me the most is that I feel almost nothing for the ones who were lost. It bothers me... alot. I feel like I don't even have a heart.
The oncoming war seems like a good chance to test my skills, however, I'm not sure if I will feel the same... or anything... when I start losing men. I do hope that this will pass over.
End Log.
Stardate 20206.04
Personal Log, Major Ecros Tashiyu, MARCO - Stardate 20206.04
With my new promotion I feel a new surge of energy rippling through me. But I musn't forget one of Murphy's laws of combat "You're not supermen." And I'm not. Although I've come a long way without getting my body burned away by photon particles, I still haven't found any sense of accomplishment. I haven't the faintest idea as to when or for that matter where I'll find this task I know I'm set for. It's becoming a painful nagging, and I need to quench it's unruly pain.
Although I'm all for war, I hope that this war doesn't come down to some stupid and petty squabble. I've begun to debate whether I write home or not. It's a hard decision and I know that even if I sent it now, my father would be too busy and wouldn't get to it until maybe two weeks from now, and my mother... ha, she wouldn't get to it until she finished cleaning the mansion. I'm sure my siblings wouldn't care much. Those two have been gone for years. My eldest brother I last heard has become an, for lack of better words, an Intergalatic thief, merchant, and dealer. Most likely he's been killed and my younger sister has been lost for years. Maybe my brother could still be alive somewhere, and maybe one day I'll find him and find out why he left, why I had to take the brunt of mother and father's anger. Why he made sister run away, and why he didn't tell me. Just maybe.
I've been assigned as helmsman, which I think is great. I've always wondered what it would be like to pilot a starship. I've heard that it handles like a freighter from some, and I've heard that its not harder than a Valkry from others. Whatever the case, technically I could quite possibly be sending this crew to their deaths... and I don't know if I can have that weight on my shoulders. But then again, I didn't feel anything at all with the marines being lost at Elteban so maybe I won't have that feeling of sorrow on me. But that's not what I want, I have a heart... I know I do..........
Computer end log and encrypt top priority no one is allowed to read this. If tampered with I want it to be destroyed, Major Ecros Tashiyu, marine commander, beta epsilon 4.
MED Ens Frensa Geran
Stardate 20205.08
Personal Log, Ensign Frensa Geran, MED - Stardate 20205.08
I have just come back from my first self-tour of the ship. From My FO's dirty room to the Bridge. I was suppose to meet Commander Laneal in Sickbay but she couldn't make it. I expect to be contacted by her soon. Personally I think this will be alot of fun. Most of the crew seems nice enough. And with us being in spacedock, there shouldn't be any medical emergencies. I look foreward to meeting my captain and starting duty. Personal Log, Ensign Jeff Revere, SCI - Stardate 20205.08
I have just finished decorating more quarters and reviewing my notes on the EOD (Energy Output Drain)gas, as I've come to call it. I don't know when I'll get a chance to head to the lab and test some theories, Cdr. Otlan told me just to wait until I'm called.
I can't believe I'm here, it's like a dream come true. After this last stressful year caring for Father, this is like heaven. I will miss my parents and friends on Earth though.
On my way out of the Educator, I took a glance at the training overview. One of best friends from the Acadamy, Chuch Thayta, is there. I hope that he is assigned to the Gettysburg, or the "Getty" as I've heard some of the other officers call it.
The Getty is an amazing ship, and I can't wait to get underway. The captain and first officer are practically heroes. No James T. Kirk, but definately note worthy. But I think now I need to head out and mingle around a bit.
Computer End Recording
Stardate 20206.26
Personal Log, Ensign Frensa Geran, MED - Stardate 20206.26
Personal Log: Stardate 20206.26 Medical Officer, Frensa Geran recording.
With my first day on this ship almost to a close, I'm hoping for some relaxation. Already I've helped remove biochips and saved people from allergic reactions.
Even I have become ill during these 24 Earth hours, after forgetful me ate some Andorian Haghba stew, which I am allergic too, brought me into an unconcious state, with strange occurances.
During my unconcious state, I saw mother, I can't entirely explain it, but I know one of my family has the answer..
Now that I am situated in, I hope the next year and beyond are more comfortable, and less hectic. I still must move my furniture the way I want it and unpack, which I will do.
I'll ask my sister soon, she'll know....
End Log. And save.
MED Ens Onara Munroe
Stardate 20206.27
Personal Log, Ensign Onara Munroe, MED - Stardate 20206.27
It been a wild first couple days. There was a major crew change. *giggle* I've had two different CMO's in the span of 24 hrs. LCdr Pierce seems to be alright though. Although, he's rather surprised me! I found out that he is, in part, Bajoran. He hasn't reacted at all to my Cardassian heritage. Maybe the days of the problems between Bajorans and Cardassians are gone. Hhh, one can only hope.
I've even made a couple friends already. Well, I should probably say aquintences 'til I get to know them better. Emmerene Syntranos and Frensa Geran. I work with Frensa down in Sickbay, ain't that the coolest!
I bet daddy would be so proud of me if he were still alive. *sigh* I promised momma I'd call her once I got settled in.
End Log.
CNS LCdr Patricia DeLacroix
Stardate 20205.08
Personal Log, LCdr. Patricia DeLacroix, CNS - Stardate 20205.08
"They say that making a personal log is one way of ensuring that one's history is preserved, but as a Counselor, I find them therapeutic, a way of talking about anything without fear of judgement.
So much has occured in such a short amount of time. I found out by my father that I am adopted, a secret that my mother was fully prepared to take with her to the grave and actually indeed accomplish. It was his guilt in which I found out the long family secret. Seems that my whole life was nothing more than an elegant lie.
As a Counselor you learn to put your own feelings on hold as part of your job. I find myself unable to do this at times, especially after my run in with insanity, self diagnosing and finally self medicating. This went against everything I had ever studied, every ethical code was violated, but when one is desperate to function "normally" then one takes action and often times it is done hastily. Counselor Alexander Lorien, Ship's Counselor for the USS Dauntless helped to bring me back. In doing so he opened doors that were normally shut to my mind. Now I have these enhanced abilities. Instead of being 1/4 Betazoid, I have what 1/2 a Betazoid would have. It still isn't great, I never studied to be a counselor for the sole purpose of relying on intuition. I studied hard and rely on both my instincts and my formal studies. My father being a Counselor himself held my hand through those most difficult of years, even through my being attacked during a group session. But that is the past. This is the present and we're staring into the future as well.
Upon arriving at Star Base I met up with Counselor Alexander Lorien and Counselor Scott Delaney. Scott is an old friend from before Star Fleet and Academy days, as is Alex. I had a short but passionate relationship with Scott. Crying upon his shoulder earlier made me reminisce those times and question present decisions that I have made.
Alex has asked me to marry him and during our passionate interlude I told him yes. I have longed for this day for quite some time now. I never thought he'd even broach the subject of marriage. When he caught his fiance, Kylie, making love with his brother, Jacen, it was too much for him. But remembering back, I know that I broke his heart. Did I spoil him for the others that came after me? Perhaps I did, but through my crisis it seems that Alex and I had been brought together for a purpose. I hear him within my mind all the time. His thoughts fill my mind, I wonder, do I fill his as well. It is a strange feeling, but one that feels complete. Odd for me to say that because I never felt totally complete in my life.
Well, the timer is about to go off in the Holodeck, so I had better close this up. Will add more later on.
Computer end recording."
SCI Ens Bob Traux
Stardate 20209.22
Personal Log, Ensign Bob Truax, SCI - Stardate 20209.22
Personal Log: Ensign Bob Truax Stardate 20209.22
I am very excited this is my first post aboard a ship. Evidently I came in during a very important mission from the rumors that I hear around the ship. I am so nervous because I do not know what Lt. Revere has in store for me. Hopefully I get to see some action. But chances are that I will not because I am still wet behind the ears. I'll probly get stuck running diagnostics on ships systems or some other boring routine job.
End Personal Log
Computer encrypt a copy of the log and transmit to Star Fleet Archives Authorisation Truax-Beta-Sygma-9978
SCI Cdt Josie Regal
Stardate 20205.23
Personal Log, Cadet Josie Regal (Revere), SCI - Stardate 20205.23
Well I'm finally here aboard the Gettysburg, on field training. At the acadamy I never kept a log, but I think I will as long as I'm on the ship.
When I showed up at the science lab, an ensign almost trampled me. He and another ensign, Trill, are apparently working on some kind of experiment. The Trill is really cute.
Of course, if I somehow got up the courage to ask him out or something, it would be short lived. Mom's never liked any of my boyfriends who weren't human. And this one must be 3 or 4 years older than me. But he's really cute...
Oh well, I'll deal with that later
Computer End Recording
COS/FO Cdr Christopher McCullough
Stardate 20205.09
Personal Log, Cdr. Christopher McCullough, COS - Stardate 20205.09
I have been trying to understand the events that have led to me becoming the Chief Of Security of a starship that I was supposed to be First Officer on, and I honestly have not come up with any answers.
I know Jon Blair feels the same as I do, and I wish I could somehow give him the answers he needs, but I can't.
I am contacting the Vice Admiral in charge of Star Fleet Security, Emily Scott, to see if maybe she can help me understand. Emily and I are old friends and I feel as though I am calling in a favor by contacting her, but what choice do I have?
No matter what happens I will serve this ship to the best of my ability. And I will continue to serve Star Fleet as my father and brothers did.
I just wish destiny was kinder than she has been...
End Log.
Stardate 20206.04
Personal Log, Lieutenant Darsyn Syntranos, COS - Stardate 20206.04
Personal Log: Chief of Security, Lieutenant Darsyn Syntranos recording...
Things have been happening at warp speed these past few days.
Obviously, the biggest thing being that my sister has finally woken up from her catatonic coma. But why? Not that I'm not grateful, but, I was always told that she didn't have a chance in hell of coming out if it. And if she ever did, that it would be...let's just say bad.
I was so scared when they found a bio-chip in her head, just like mine. I thought I was going to lose her all over agian. And I've never been scared of anything. At least Commander Pierce and Ensign Geran took it out without any life threatening complications, save for that strange vison Emmy seemed to have had.
Could it be true? Could my bastard of a father be dead? I'm hoping that Vice Admiral Scott can verify it. I know I should have gone to Captain Wueste first, but we're leaving the system soon, and I just don't have the time to waste.
I hope I don't get into trouble, but I have to know!
Then there's Yssy, and Commander Otlan. They left without even saying goodbye. I know I'll see them again, but, I already miss them. Yssy is my best friend. She saved my life. I hope I can return the favor someday.
She deserves the promotion, and I wish her God speed along with Commander Otlan. But, I hope they at least drop me a line.
I can't stop thinking about my sister. It's so wonderful to have her back in my life. The powers that be must have finally gotten tired of using me for the butt of their cruel jokes.
First I get my sister back, then get promoted to COS of the Getty, one of the most powerful ships in the fleet. Something keeps nagging at me though. I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen...
Then again it could be just nerves.
End Log. And save.
Stardate 20207.29
Personal Log, Cdr. Christopher McCullough, FO - Stardate 20207.29
First Officer's Log, Stardate 20207.29
The ship has performed better than I ever could have imagined when Blair and I were getting her ready for launch back at Starbase One. Part of me had hoped we would run into trouble, and the other half feared the ship would somehow not survive her first encounter.
Boy was I wrong!
The Getty took on two Romulan Warbirds inside of a nebula and we managed to destroy them both. While I know it's wrong to revel in the death and destruction of an enemy, I can't help feel than any ship we destroy is one less they have to kill Federation citizens with.
The Captain appears to be deep in thought about something. If we were closer I would consider asking him about it, but we aren't quite to that stage of our relationship yet. I'm hoping that over the next few weeks and months we will eventually become friends.
We got off to a rocky start with him having to explain to me that I would not be FO of the Getty after all, but after the former FO was promoted and I got the job, I put the issue behind us.
If we can get the ship repaired and stand down from red alert, I plan on doing some socializing with the crew. I always appreciated senior officers that weren't afraid to mingle, so it's time I became one of those officers.
End log and save.
SEC Lt Darsyn Syntranos
Stardate 20205.08
Personal Log, Lieutenant Darsyn Syntranos, SEC - Stardate 20205.08
I don't know why I record these things. I guess I do it so my sister will have some record of what I've been up to when she wakes up. Can't wait to tell her that our last book almost topped the charts! I wonder if the Captain would let her stay with me, assuming she ever comes out of her coma. She could help make this ship feel like home.
The Valley Forge was a good ship. A lot of people called it home. I call it a nightmare. But this new ship, the Gettysburg, I think I could call this my home. Assuming of course it lasts long enough!
I've never really had a place to call home. Always on the run from my father made it impossible for mother and my sister and me to settle down. Mom called them expeditions. Business trips. But I knew better. Even at that young age I knew what was going on.
Anyway, shoreleave was interesting to say the least. I was hoping to run into my girlfriend Lucy Brent, but I didn't see her the whole time I was there. I hope she's okay. Haven't gotten another subspace message from her since the last one though. I wonder if she's in as much trouble as I am. Look who I'm talking about!
I swear we have more in common than she thinks. Not one hour after I get back to Star Base, I get in a fight with a couple of Naussican bullies! I should have stopped it before it started, but no, I wanted a fight. I couldn't wait till me and Tashiyu got to the Holodeck! Well, I definately learned my lesson!
The Captain was actually thinking of making ME COS! But some guy that Star Fleet frelled got it instead. Then he thought about reinstating me as ACOS. That went to Drell. Talk about learning the hard way! At least Drell and I are friends. In a strange way, it kind of takes some of the pressure off of me.
But I think the most memorable moment was seeing Trish should I phrase the buff. I know she feels about me, but that was just too weird. She acted as if she actually wanted to show herself to me. I mean I'm not complaining in the least! But it was just awkward seeing as how she's already engaged to another man. Have to admit I liked what I saw...
Then there's MCpt Tashiyu. A Marine. I hope we can become friends. It would be nice to have someone to tell things to that I could never tell Trish or Yssy.
Yssy. My best friend. She saved my life. I have to do something special for her. I don't know what, but I'll think of something.
Oh yeah. Forgot about Ensign Dade! Nice guy! Reminds me of me not too long ago. I'm supposed to be his mentor! I'm sure he'll do just fine here though.
If you ever get the chance to read this Emmerene, I love you. And I have a feeling that things are going to change for me - for us - very soon.
Please wake up Emmy.
End recording.
TAC Ens Joe Daher
Stardate 20208.09
Personal Log, Ensign Joe Daher, TO - Stardate 20208.09
Personal Log. Stardate 20208.09. Tactical Officer Joseph Daher Recording.
It's about time I make a log entry. I was never one to keep a log during the Academy, so this will be my first real log.
I've been assigned to the USS Gettysburg, an Avenger-class vessel. She is one of the most powerful ships in the fleet, I hear. For the record, I'm proud to be serving with a fine ship and crew.
Well, let's just say my first mission didn't start off too well. The Gettysburg was playing hide and seek in a nebula with two Romulan Warbirds. It was a very tough situation and the odds were against us. But my friend, Dade Sykes, and I managed to defeat the Warbirds. Along with the rest of the crew, of course.
The day didn't end there though. After we defeated the Warbirds, Captain Wueste recieved a message from Star Fleet. When he came out of his ready room, he put the ship on an automated course. No one, save the Captain, is allowed to access the helm or navigation.
It seems that a lot of things are going wrong on this ship. From Lt. Munroe fainting in Sickbay, to Sykes running out from Emmerene Syntranos in the middle of a date. It seems I will have many adventures on this ship.
End log.