Mission Log 11 - Stardate 21709.29 "Prison Break"

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Mission Logs for Gettysburg, “Prison Break"

Mission Summary

Mission dates: 21709 through 21804.17

Captain's Log

Captain Tyra Crawford, Commanding Officer

Stardate 21712.10

Captain's Log
Stardate 21712.10
Captain Tyra Crawford recording:

The USS Gettysburg has been dispatched to a former Federation member planet, New Kanto, to negotiate the release of a crashed escort and her crew. Per the information I have been able to scrounge up, the Conan Doyle was assigned as security protection for a convoy, which was attacked by a pirating element. The Conan Doyle lost control and crashed into New Kanto, specifically an important cultural site. The government's position seems to be that the escort is to be held as collateral and the officers tried for crimes against New Kanto... or some ridiculousness like that.

I am not exactly certain who thought it was a great idea to send the Gettysburg on this particular assignment, or any ship captained by someone with my reputation for cowboy diplomacy. Maybe they feel that at my stage of pregnancy that I'm unlikely to cause any issues -- apparently, that person has never encountered someone gripped by hormonal rage before -- or maybe, they felt sending an admiral's wife signaled that this issue was of the highest importance.

Or, maybe, they know that appearances can be deceiving.

The more I read about the situation, the more that I feel the pieces don't quite add up. It's like a jigsaw puzzle where one piece is missing but it prevents you from understanding the larger picture. Then again, I could just be paranoid. After the last few years, I have a hard time accepting anything at face value, half expecting some seedy undercurrent to make itself known at the absolute worst moment. I guess that's probably natural all things considered.

In truth, I hope it is exactly what it appears to be: a stubborn isolated planet that needs their asses verbally kicked so that they will play nicely with others. Negotiating with idiots is probably more stress than my doctor would approve of but it's physically a low risk. Regardless, we're probably about thirty minutes away from go time so we'll see how well we've prepared for all the possibilities.

In the meantime, I've got numerous fires to put out. For instance, my new CMO has decided to start out on a high horse because she doesn't appreciate that there are levels of information above her security clearance. I suspect I'll be shopping for a new CMO after this mission as I'm not a fan of know-it-all doctors. On the other hand, my new Chief Engineer seems to have recovered from his very blue welcoming at the hands of Tiran. All I can say is that I have never been so happy to be rid of a competent engineer as I was when Tiran's transfer request came in.

To complete the new additions, a new COS has met us at a rendezvous point directly outside of New Kanto's space. Having read what parts of his file aren't redacted heavily and having coerced a certain individual into doing some independent digging of their own, I'm not overly convinced this is a good match and his first impression didn't exactly fill me with confidence. The officer in question hasn't officially served in security since the Academy and what experience he has gained has been on a ship the size of our auxiliary vessel. It's laughable and foolhardy to send such an officer to command a department that has more personnel than his last assignment in its entirety and one he's never formally been a part of. I see disaster on the horizon should this mission turn into any sort of security situation beyond just safeguarding the diplomatic team. Ultimately, time will tell.

I guess this is just a waiting game now...


Personal Log, Supplemental

Who in their right mind would ever want to be pregnant again after suffering through this misery once? I was sick every morning for the first four months; now, I've traded being sick for mood swings from Hell. For as far along as I am, I understand that I'm on the smaller side but I still feel like a whale. Not a cow, a whale. The biggest damn whale ever recorded... ugh, do hormones make you vain too? Because I certainly know there are plenty of other frustrating side effects, particularly when your husband is nowhere nearby. Actually everything is frustrating... I'm always hungry, I can't have coffee, and I certainly can't have whiskey, even though this damn crew tries to drive me to the bottle every damn day.

God, why didn't I take maternity leave when I had the chance? I have the time earned for a couple months solid off. I could be relaxing at home with Thomas but no, I'm a stubborn idiot who insisted on one more mission. Instead of thinking about names and nurseries, I'm trying not to strangle the next moron to cross my path. Bless Cera's heart for putting up with me day in and out.

As soon as we dock after this mission, I'm taking leave. I need to be home, where I can wake up next to my husband every morning and actually, focus on our future, our family. That's where I need to be, at least until this little one comes and we've got some handle on the situation.

Jason can handle the Getty until I'm back. I have no doubt of that and that makes the decision easy. For once, I need to do what's best for me and mine. But first, I need to get through this assignment without punching any politicians... or maybe that would end this torture quickly. That is tempting...

Stardate 21802.24

Captain's Log
Stardate 21802.24
Captain Tyra Crawford recording:

Well, it doesn't seem like it's taken long for everything to absolutely go to Hell in a hand basket.

Initially, the New Kanto officials were polite, if not rather stuffy. The ambassador looked remarkably like Braggins and I do think I recall something in her file linked to New Kanto but that is a question for another time. It appears we were intended to negotiate with the First Minister, not the Emperor himself, and I must say that was a relief. We managed to make it through the initial round of negotiations without triggering a massive war, which I normally would count as a victory but not today.

I requested that Commander Simmons, Lieutenant Commander Praise and a security officer, Rickford, be allowed to visit the Conan Doyle crew, both at the hospital and where the uninjured members are being held, and the First Minister agreed to such an arrangement while the rest of the team 'enjoyed' a tour of the palace.

Everything seemed to be going well until an aide to the First Minister rushed in to inform the First Minister that my three officers never arrived at the hospital as intended. Additionally, the First Minister's primary aide apparently disappeared as well. My three officers have been tracked to a shielded island of sorts, which looks more like a concentration camp than any type of hospital. Apparently, there is a internal conflict of some sorts brewing between the government and a separatist movement of some variety that has spilled onto us.

And because things just needed to be more complicated, for better or worse, the Voltaire has been located submerged in the shallows near the island. Explaining that will be fun. Not nearly as much fun as realizing that no one has thought that half of the diplomacy team disappearing might be a good reason to contact the other half... I had to reach out and even then, it seemed that the Gettysburg was completely in the dark about Voltaire. Apparently, someone on Voltaire needs a communications refresher.

End Log

Senior Officer's Logs

Commander Jason Simmons, First Officer

Stardate 21804.09

First Officer's log
Stardate 21804.09
Commander Jason Simmons recording

Well that mission was fun (a heavy note of sarcasm can be heard emphasized on fun). We were sent to the planet of New Kanto in order to negotiate the release of Star Fleet officers from the crashed Conan-Doyle. Our arrival was met with an Ambassador that looked oddly familiar. She escorted us to see the First Minister, to discuss terms of the crew's release.

His terms were....less than stellar. And Captain Crawford was having none of it. However, she was able to work a few things, and negotiations were put on hold for a bit. During that time, myself, Lieutenant Commander Praise, and Petty Officer Rickford were sent to check on the crew, to ascertain their injuries and determine if they were at least being treated correctly.

That's where everything went down hill. While in the very military vehicle, the cabin was filled with knock out gas. I awoke to find myself in a cage with Rickford, bound by our hands and feet. We made contact with a Master Chief from the Conan-Doyle and got a little bit of information. After some working, Rickford managed to free his hands and steal a weapon off of one of the guards. The resulting exchange of fire left both the guard and Rickford dead.

I was able to find a knife on the guard's body and freed myself of my binds. Using his rifle, I was able to shoot another guard some distance away. Using keys from the first guard, I unlocked my cage. I threw the knife and keys over to the Chief and her companion before exhaustion hit me, and I passed out.

I wasn't out long, but, when I came to, I was surrounded by more guards. I wasn't sure what was going to happen until a siren blared. I took the opportunity of the distraction to tackle the guard in front of me. We struggled for a bit before his rifle went off, severing his leg. There was also fire coming from the gate, aimed at the other guards. Between myself and what ended up being our Chief of Security, and apparently another Security Officer and Medical Officer, we took out a sufficient amount of guards, while the remainder ran off.

We then met up with some Conan-Doyle crew, including her First Officer Commander Olsen. We made it to the Voltaire, and I made sure Rickford's body wasn't left behind. The man deserved better than that.

Personal Supplement

I guess I'm now the former First Officer of the Gettysburg. Some time on our return trip, I was called to a meeting with the Captain. She had received orders of my transfer to the First Fleet, and I was to report to Starbase Alpha as soon as possible. We weren't given any details, so I'm not sure what I'm walking into. One silver lining of this is being able to see Addi more often (hopefully).

End log.

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Braggins, Chief Tactical Officer

Stardate 21711.24

Chief Tactical Officer's Personal Log
Stardate 21711.24
Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Braggins Recording

What a mess...

The Gettysburg has been dispatched to New Kanto to negotiate for the release of the USS Conan-Doyle and her crew, who made an emergency landing on the planet following a skirmish with pirates in the local area. Though I hope that diplomacy will win the day, the realist in me knows this to be unlikely, and God help us if we have to perform any kind of rescue.

There are several new faces among the crew; a new Chief Engineer and a new Chief of Security who will be arriving shortly. Additions to the more junior ranks of officer aboard include two new Security Officers, a Scientist who has been convicted of desertion and miraculously escaped prison, and my new minion who isn't fit to scrub the decks of a garbage scow, let alone wear an officer's uniform. Zephyr Praise has also come swanning back to the ship like nothing has happened after deserting us for a promotion, this time in the Medical department; how anyone believes she's qualified to perform medicine after such an abbreviated training course I do not know, but someone at Star Fleet Command obviously thinks she's qualified. I don't see myself letting her anywhere near me with a laser scalpel in the foreseeable future, however...

I also find myself increasingly drawn to Lieutenant Bryan Crawford. I know that the prospect of being attracted to the younger brother of one's Commanding Officer is like going for a picnic in a minefield. I expect he will wish to transfer away when Tyra goes on leave to give birth, and I find myself worrying that the one person aboard who has yet to judge me for anything, let alone my unique birth and upbringing, will leave and never look back. It has been nice to have a friend again, even just for the last three days, and I feel I will miss him more than I fear once he has gone...

Stardate 21803.03

Chief Tactical Officer's Log Stardate 21803.03 Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Braggins Recording

[Rumble of thunder in background.]

Things have gotten complicated.

Commander Simmons, Lieutenant Commander Praise and Petty Officer Rickford became separated from the main diplomatic party and were apparently deposited on an island in the middle of nowhere that does not exist on any Federation or New Kanto database. Acting upon my own initiative, I ordered the Voltaire crewed with a rescue party and we departed the Gettysburg to conduct an armed reconnaissance of the island as a prelude to bringing in Commander Dawson and her teams. We infiltrated the facility apparently undetected, and submerged the Voltaire off the coast.

[Another rumble of thunder.]

Upon gaining entry to the facility, we discovered the corpses of three Star Fleet officers staked out on the ground. I believe that whoever controls this facility either tortured them to death and left them there as a trophy or statement, or that they'd simply been left out in the elements to die like some sick spectator sport. Shortly after the discovery, Doctor Quinn rushed out to check the bodies and was killed. A brief firefight ensued, and Doctor Randolf was wounded but survived. Furthermore, we have rescued one Lieutenant Commander Beka Olsen, the Conan-Doyle's First Officer. In my opinion, this proves that our presence on this island is justified, although we are now out of contact with the Gettysburg and therefore cannot call for assistance.

It is my opinion that if our presence is discovered, or if we wait for support to arrive, the Conan-Doyle survivors and our people will be placed in immediate danger. Therefore I intend to locate and rescue any Star Fleet personnel on the island, and take full responsibility for any casualties that have or will occur as a result of my actions.

End Log.

Stardate 21804.08

Chief Tactical Officer's Log
Stardate 21804.08
Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Braggins Recording

This may have been what they call a 'career-ending move'.

The mission was a success, but it came with a cost. Though we rescued the majority of the Conan-Doyle's crew and exposed a plot to create and deploy biogenic weapons by a rogue member of the New Kanto government and his hired thugs, we suffered casualties that may have been avoidable if I'd simply deployed the Rapid Response Team. Lieutenant Quinn was killed early on, by her own recklessness more than anything, and Midshipman Randolf was injured in the same engagement. Ensign Quesnel was apparently injured sometime later, and during the destruction of the Voltaire, Lieutenant Korok, Lieutenant Commander Praise and I were all injured to a greater or lesser degree by flying debris. Though not a member of the rescue party, Petty Officer Rickford was killed trying to escape captivity, and we arrived at the island too late to save Captain Sorok or Petty Officer Zev, who apparently were the first 'aliens' to be exposed to the weapon being stockpiled on the island.

Though our mission could be considered a success in that we met our objectives of rescuing the Conan-Doyle survivors, denied the ship to the enemy and met the bonus objective of rescuing our own people, Captain Crawford is furious. The mission as agreed between us was meant to be accomplished through stealth, which was lost almost from the moment we arrived. Furthermore, we were supposed to bring in the Rapid Response Team if anything happened to members of the diplomatic party. I did not contact the Rapid Response Team, intending our mission to simply scout out the island and establish the facts, which ended up turning into a firefight that, even if I had called for reinforcements, would take too long to arrive.

I suppose I should just be pleased this hasn't turned into an intergalactic incident...

Captain Crawford wishes to debrief Lieutenant Ch'ezhyrraq and I personally, and I do not look forward to that. Unlike my newest and most useless of minions, however, I am not going to resign in a strop because I made a mistake and then attempt to retract it when I realise that without Star Fleet I have nowhere to go. That said, I find the chances of me remaining on this crew to be diminishing with every minute the Captain has to ponder my failure, and it is a failure. My leadership got people killed: I may not have liked Quinn, she asked too many questions for her own good, but not even nosy busybodies deserve to die like that; and what was I thinking allowing Randolf to come? Apparently he threw his pistol at someone? What are they teaching people at the Academy these days?

Whatever disciplinary action the Captain decides to take, I will accept. It's time for me to grow up and accept responsibility for what I have done: I got cocky, again, and believed the crew was capable of something they were not - knowing that my recklessness is genetic does little to alleviate matters, and the phrase "superior ability breeds superior ambition" keeps echoing in my head: I knew I could complete the mission, and I wanted to be the instrument of the Conan-Doyle's rescue.

Instrument I was, but of destruction not of salvation. Perhaps I should consider going back to work for my father, I'm sure he'll find a use for me.

End Log.


Memo to Star Fleet Command: Avoid assigning conscientious objectors to Star Fleet vessels and/or bases. Keep them on planetary installations far, far away from potential danger.

Supplemental, Personal:

My timing with Bryan sucks. I've kissed him twice now, both at inappropriate times, and I find it unlikely I'll get a chance for there to be a third time. It's probably for the best though, he deserves someone who isn't going to drag him into a hellhole with no intelligence, outnumbered and outgunned, to rescue a crew we weren't even sure was really there. Perhaps Cera will be good for him; she's nice, stable, and utterly devoted to Tyra. They'd make a cute couple, and Tyra probably already considers her a member of the family...

Addendum: Commendations recommended for Lieutenant Korok and Midshipman Randolf for bravery in the face of danger. Likewise, posthumous commendation recommended for Lieutenant Tabitha Quinn.

Lieutenant Korok, Chief Engineer

Stardate 21712.08

Chief Engineer's Log
Star Date 21712.08
Lieutenant Korok recording.

The Gettysburg is an impressive ship. I feel much more comfortable amidst her than I did on the Copernicus, simply because of the sheer strength of will she carries. This is a battleship, and one that could easily hold her own against any of the Federation's enemies. The system setup is not too dissimilar from my previous ship, though it is obvious that what I have available to me here far outstrips the menial task of maintaining a flying sensor array.

Whilst I am enjoying the challenge of running such a powerful engine core, the people that I am surrounded by are... difficult to adjust to. The crew of scientists I have spent much of my career around were irritating, pedantic and nitpicking, but at least you knew where you stood. The Humans of this ship are all extremes of personality - sometimes I don't quite know if I'm amongst warriors, diplomats, scientists or simple a muddle of psychiatric disorders. I was even subjected to an extreme practical joke on my first day - an outgoing engineering officer had 'booby trapped' the previous Chief's office, and I nearly killed an unsuspecting ensign who happened to be in my line of sight. He has since left the ship as well.

And then there is Zephyr Praise. This woman has a strange way of finding herself in my company, and I in hers. She's not a Klingon, and even worse she is part Betazoid - I can only assume that she must find my Klingon brain interesting. But then there is something equally... interesting about her as well. At the very least, she is an early ally on this big ship, and provided she can continue to keep up with the bloodwine then I am satisfied.

We are now on route to New Kanto as part of a rescue detail for the USS Conan Doyle. These people have shunned the Federation in favour of independence and are now holding our citizens hostage on dubious charges. Unfortunately, Star Fleet is as Star Fleet does, and we must go in with a diplomatic team to secure their release, though at the very least Captain Crawford has the sense to prepare for a combat option.

She's a good captain, of what I've seen so far anyway. She has a force of will that befits her station as Commander of a Battleship. It will be interesting to see where she will take us in the mission to come...

Stardate 21804.17

Chief Engineer's Log
Star Date 21804.17
Lieutenant Korok recording

My first full mission aboard the Gettysburg has been an interesting one. I have discovered a lot about what makes this ship and its crew work; I've also discovered a little about myself as well.

We were dispatched to a planet that had recently become independent of the Federation. A Federation escort had crashed there, and the natives of New Kanto had seen fit to hold the crew and the ship itself hostage. It was a sad state of affairs, that Humans would abandon their heritage so readily to assume their own insignificant corner of space and hold onto it with the stubbornness of a sick targ, but they learnt the hard way that the Federation's Star Fleet were not a force to be toyed with.

After the diplomatic party was sent down, we apparently lost contact with them too, and in response a decision to launch a rescue mission was made. The responsibility for that decision is held by every member of the rescue team, and whilst it may not have immediately adhered to the Star Fleet rulebook, the motive and execution of said decision was honourable - I stand by my actions on the day and will answer challenges to my record.

On the planet, the entire island prison was subject to a dampening field, and the New Kanto natives had resorted to using pre-warp and industrial technologies that relied on combustion and mechanical action to keep the island running. It was a strange site to be in, as if we'd travelled back in time to Humanity's war-like past. It's strange to think that the leaders of the Federation were once such a barbarous race of warmongers, somewhere between Klingon, Romulan and Ferengi in their nature. Perhaps they still are.

The mission was not without its casualties. At least two officers I saw were killed by opposing fire; their numbers fared far worse. As well as taking down several enemy combatants, I was also successful in destroying the Conan Doyle. The ship had been ransacked when I arrived, and under the dampening field it was useless - there was no way that we were going to be able to get the ship out, and so I accepted the order to scuttle the vessel, which I did with the help of Lieutenant Commander Praise.

An interesting first mission - and the first in a long time that I've managed to come away from without a discernible injury!

End Recording.

Personal Log.

The last few weeks have been ridiculous. I sought out this ship to finally be with my own kind - with soldiers and warriors, no longer to be plagued by the inane idiosyncrasies of scientists as I was on the Copernicus. Now I find myself enamoured with one!

Zephyr Praise has plagued my thoughts and feelings from the moment she walked into my life. She is... quick witted, strong, self assured... beautiful too, considering she isn't a Klingon.

This is what I don't understand - How am I supposed to... do... this? What if I break her? I am not a big Klingon, but even then, surely she is more likely to be injured by me than anything else.

That is of course, the sentiment is even returned...

Crew Logs

Ensign Eliana McKenna, Security Officer

Stardate 21709.13

Personal Log
Stardate 21709.13
Ensign Eliana Mckenna recording

I'm not normally one to record my personal log preferring to write it down the old fashioned way in the journal Tomas gives me every birthday but as usual its full and I haven't received a new one as of yet. Also with the intensity of what's happened to me lately I think I will burst if I don't siphon off all the good things that have gone on and put them down in some form even if I squirm at the sound of my own voice when the time comes to play this back.

Where do I start? I left my old ship and fleet to take up the position of Security Officer on board the USS Gettysburg which seemed like the right thing to do for me as my friends had moved on due to their promotions and the prospect of serving in the Second Fleet did appeal to me even if it meant making new friends and starting over. Yes sometimes I find that difficult given my past and the not so nice memories of my youth but I think I have both grown and learnt a lot about myself that I can be confident and outgoing but still a little indecisive especially when it comes to food and drink choices.

Although since arriving here and exploring Bravo I got the chance to be more like the old me when I met Jax Crandell in one of the coffee shops on the Promenade and I enjoyed our brief conversation and could easily see me becoming friends with him if I ever saw him again. Then when I got on board the Getty a chance misunderstanding involving the weapons locker led me to meeting someone who I became close to almost immediately and his name Mike Hobritz. With Mike I felt an instant connection with him from learning that we both had similar backgrounds growing up and just generally feeling comfortable and not having to hold back when it came to our conversations to the point where I would look forward to seeing and speaking to him every day.

Being able to open up and talk about anything and everything and just being there for one another even more so when he was offered the Chief Engineer's job aboard the Copernicus and wanting him to be happy after recent events in his life and understanding why he needed to make the move, encouraging and supporting him as much as I could when he accepted it. We were close and I do like him a lot but I didn't want my feelings for him to get in the way and the night we spent together before he was due to leave was well I can't put into words but I'll never forget it and I'm happy that we parted on good terms knowing that it might never happen again and I've promised to stay in touch through letters.

Maybe we'll see other some day and when I do it will be worth it just to hear that accent of his and catch up properly but for now duty comes first.

End log.

Stardate 21712.11

Personal Log
Stardate 21712.11
Ensign Eliana McKenna recording.

Again I've decided to share my thoughts and feelings vocally rather than writing them down and since my last personal log things have changed for me once more. Firstly it was good to discover that Jaxx Crandell is also aboard the Getty and even though I hadn't seen him since the Academy, we got on just as well as we did back then and having someone I know had been a great help especially as I deal with my emotions in regards to Mike leaving and not getting to see him like I always did.

I've also met my immediate superior Lieutenant Crawford who seemed very friendly and I can see me getting on well with him whenever I'm on duty and learnt that we have similarities when it came to our careers. It was slightly embarrassing though when I started to feel nauseous and was promptly sent to Sickbay to be checked out. That is when I learnt I was pregnant with a boy which despite me experiencing the nausea before and being overly emotional which I put down to missing Mike it still was a shock. But thanks to Commander Praise, my family and Jaxx with their kind words and support I know that I can do this and that I'm not alone.

Yes I always imagined if I was ever blessed with children that I would be in a loving relationship and have the father by my side but it wasn't meant be that way and I still don't know if Mike will want to be involved in his sons life or not but I have written him to let him know I'm pregnant. It wasn't easy but I couldn't deny him the chance of knowing and I eagerly await his response so I can either involve him and keep him updated until a time we can reunite properly and discuss the future although if he doesn't want to pursue a relationship then I'm not going to force him into anything not that I would but I like to think we can be friends. However if he doesn't want to be involved with either of us, I will understand especially with everything he had been through when we met and our son will still have a male role model in his life through Tomas and my father.

In the meantime I still have duties to attend to and I appreciate everything that has been done for me and that both myself and my unborn son are well looked after.

End log.

Stardate 21804.08

Personal Log
Stardate 21804.08
Ensign Eliana McKenna recording.

Where do I begin? I've survived my first mission aboard the Gettysburg and it was certainly an experience as I got to stay on the ship instead of joining the Diplomatic Team that went to the surface of New Kanto. I know my time off ship will be limited now due to my pregnancy but I'm just greatful that I still get to remain onboard although as things progress and the time comes for me to give birth I may have to reconsider my career options.

After all its not just me that I have to think about now but I have plenty of time before a decision has to be made and hopefully I still be able to serve on a starship especially the Gettysburg as to me it is home.

Anyway I digress and well as part of my new schedule, I got to be part of a security escort and welcoming party for a small group of delegates from New Kanto led by a man named Matsuda who was the most obnoxious and opionated man I have ever met. He had no issue proclaiming his views and opinions especially when it was left to me, Jaxx and Howard to take them on a tour of the ship.

We started with the Arboretum but that didn't go particularly well when they declared that they rather see the Bridge, Engineering etc and so we went to Engineering. We then learned that he was here to inspect the ship, the real reason for his visit and after some further awkwardness, he seemed satisfied by the Chief Engineer's answers.

I did pick up on an attitude towards Jaxx which I thought was uncalled for when all he was trying to do was be polite and interested, however this continued when we then took them to the Observation Lounge to meet with Commander Tucker as requested.

Whilst we waited and due to the increasingly tense atmosphere, I attempted to break the tension by offering refreshment but this wasn't answered, not that it was a particular issue but left me feeling as though I made a mistake with the look I received from my friend.

I'll never forget that look or his silence as Commander Tucker arrived and took over, I mainly observed the conversation before Jaxx was dismissed. Regardless of my initial actions in that room I was only being polite but now its left me with the feeling that I may of lost my friend as not long after myself and Howard were dismissed to the Bridge where Jaxx refused to look at me or even acknowledge my presence.

That hurt as I haven't been able to explain and apologise because it wasn't my intention to make him feel like I wasn't supporting him when I will fight and defend my friends. I hope in time that we can resolve this and at the moment I feel alone and worthless.

I'm not sure if I will take part in shore leave when we return to Bravo, perhaps its best if I stay on board out of the way especially with the memories that place holds.

Anyway I think I've said enough for now .....

End Log.

Ensign Jaxx Crandell, Tactical Officer

Stardate 21801.20

Personal Log
Stardate 21801.10
Jaxx Crandell Recording.

Not accustomed to log recording but I figured I'd better start, if anything it might help me get some stuff into perspective. What stuff is that? Well everything is the answer to that one. Still not sure which direction my life is heading in, I'm on a ship where I feel about as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool.

The Chief Tactical Officer seems to have it in for me, seeing me as a Daddies boy who runs to Dad to get what he wants. Because she thinks that it means its right, well it isn't, she doesn't know a damn thing about me. I tell ya that woman has as much charm as a mass grave. She doesn't trust me to take the helm, which is narrow minded of her if experience is her concern, how the hell does one get experience without doing the job?. Operating the tactical console isn't so bad I suppose, but if that's all I'm going to do then I wasted the additional year at the Academy. Enough about Braggin's I couldn't care less about her unless I have to work with her which I don't at the moment.

Not heard from Odani for a while now and I have to say that is a little odd, wherever she is I hope she is alright and above all is happy.

Seen Eliana quite a few times, she's been knocked up by some bloke who has transferred and as far as I know the guy doesn't know Fatherhood is ahead. Though that is none of my business. Eliana is a friend and I have told her I am here for her.

Got assigned as a tour guide to a guy named Matsuda from New Kanto, what a piece of work he is, a prime candidate for freelance dental surgery. Holds junior officers in the lowest regard at first impressions, seems to think he deserves to be chaperoned by high ranks. Oh well that's his problem isn't it? About the delegation though something doesn't seem quite right to me, Matsuda said something about not liking outsiders in their territory, so why are they letting us in now? I need to talk to Commander Tucker as soon as.....

Stardate 21804.09

Personal Log
Stardate 21804.09
Ensign, uhm, Jaxx Crandell recording?

Well I can't say much for my first outing as a Star Fleet officer, probably my only, but anyhow all I can say is its been an unmitigated disaster on a personal level. Started off with a joke gone wrong, going from bad to worse in the flash of an eye or the near breaking of a finger. From there it just went complete crap with the Queen Tee, she's clearly got it in for me and whatever I say seems to be ignored or just simply not believed....thanks for that Dad."

[Sound of desk being kicked]

Anyway moving on.

It took about three days to reach the God forsaken place known as New Kanto, don't know much about the place other than it seems to be a settlement of Pan-Asian Humans. We came nose to nose with one of their ships, which was pretty much the same as the Gettysburg, there were a few little differences. We were given a brief speech about the does and don't's and then received a diplomatic party. Ha, they were about as diplomatic as a brick through a window. For some reason known only to Braggin's I was assigned to the diplomatic party, that not being something I've ever really done myself. Matsuda was the name of the idiot who was leading them and no matter what I did it was wrong in his opinion, think he must be related to Dad.

[Deep breath]

I have to admit I was skeptical of them, certain things said and so on and as such I felt compelled to notify Commander Tucker, who at the time was the Acting Captain in the absence of Captain Crawford and Commander Simmon's. I was out of my depth and handled the situation wrong, I left my assignment for a couple of minutes to see her face to face. I felt using comm's within earshot was a bad move, but so was leaving my post. I right old rollocking from Tucker, who I feel like Braggin's would not listen to me and as such she felt I was questioning or lecturing her...I was not.

I returned to Matsuda and his chronies and tried again to be diplomatic, again all I got was crap from him and enough was enough. I was relieved of my diplomatic duties and went off to write a report and at the same time hand in my resignation. It seemed like the best thing to do at the time. I moved to the bridge shortly after and cooled off a bit, then thought about what it was I was doing and opted to retract my resignation. I'm not going to let my Dad say I told you so.

I know I have done some stupid things on this mission and I fully expect some kind of come back on that. But I also feel that I....I have been made to feel uncomfortable on purpose and it is a little troubling. We'll see I suppose.

You know what I hate doing logs, Computer end it right now.

Midshipman John Randolf, Medical Officer

Stardate 21804.06

Medical Officer's Personal Log

The away team suffered extensive injuries as well as a few deaths. Attached to my report are the names of the dead crew and injured survivors. I also wish to note that I was brought onto this assignment without my Objector status taken into account. Because of this I am request a transfer to a different post. I see her when I close my eyes now. Everything that happened should not of occured. Maybe I am not ready to be out here in space? I was made to feellike a giant *** half the time because of my own blundering, the other half, folks saw the Midshipman rank and I was not taken seriously.

I performed sub par throughout all of this. I ended up surrendering to my own troops because of improper unit id, worse then that we were under orders not to identify ourselves as Starfleet Officers. So I just... Well its not so much important. Scuttlebutt says I am going to make Ensign. I should be happy but I am not really. Not at this price, why was I even there? I won't understand. All I know is I didn't kill anybody, I almost did. I came close to.. I tasted the need, the desire, the want for revenge. That is not the kind of man I want to be.

I am a doctor, I am a walker of the seven fold path, I eskew violence for logic and reason, I do not kill. Worse then that I failed in the role as a healer.

End Log