Ticonderoga Mission 10: "Hunting the Hunters"
The crew of the USS Ticonderoga was recalled from shoreleave following a wargames simulation cut short due to technical difficulties. Major General Mirax Terrik explained that they were being sent to retrieve the remains of a highly experimental stealth fighter prototype that had been shot down during operations in the Muro IX system. Further questioning revealed that Commodore Braggins had been one of the pilots shot down, leaving Commander Tokat in charge of the mission.
Upon reaching the surface of Muro IX, teams led by Lieutenant Commander Jordan Donovan and Lieutenant Theodore Caldecott met heavy resistance, and the bridge crew's efforts to assist were complicated by unknown interference. Ultimately, the crew was not only able to recover the missing fighter, but Commodore Paul Braggins and another survivor.
Captain's Log
Cdr Tokat
Stardate 21210.08
Captain’s Log
Stardate: 21210.08
Acting Commanding Officer, Commander Tokat Reporting
The Ticonderoga's crew were called back from shoreleave abruptly this morning, and the Senior Staff and their assistants were called for an urgent briefing at the behest of Major General Mirax Terrik of Starfleet Special Operations Command.
Needless to say, I was shocked to see a General on board a Starfleet Vessel without being notified beforehand, not to mention being summoned by her as if she were directly within my Chain of Command. The General was quick to start the briefing however, and offered no immediate explanation for her presence, or the conspicuous absence of Commodore Braggins. I found this disconcerting to say the least.
It became clear though that the Tico was needed to correct a failed mission to the Muro system. A squadron of Top Secret XF-2b stealth prototypes were sent to conduct bombing runs on Uivhuerri resources on Muro Nine, but four were shot down. Three had successfully self-destructed, but the last was unaccounted for. The XF-2b is equipped with state-of-the-art stealth technology and upgrades. It goes without saying that if this stealth prototype falls into terrorist hands, the balance of power along the Romulan front will be significantly altered.
General Terrik charged the Ticonderoga with locating this missing fighter and recovering it, or failing that, ensure that its technological secrets do not fall into the hands of Anti-Federation factions. The pilots' remains are considered secondary.
During questions it was revealed that one of the missing pilots was in fact Commodore Braggins, leaving me as the Commanding Officer of this vessel until Starfleet Command selects his replacement. This revelation will undoubtedly cause much emotional turmoil for the duration of this mission. Admittedly, I cannot deny that news of his presumed passing, and the increased burden of command, has left me somewhat distracted as well. But I am confident that this crew will perform as efficiently as if he were commanding this mission himself.
Perhaps even more so. [End Log]
Stardate 21212.08
Captain's Log
Stardate 21212.08
Acting Commanding Officer, Commander Tokat Reporting
Upon arriving at Muro IX, we found no signs of other vessels or ground-based defenses as we had been prepared for. Ghost Squadron were deployed in their own XF-2b prototypes to get a clearer picture of the operation zone and search for any signs of debris from the first mission. They found the Uhverri warehouse deserted.
With no anti-air defenses to contend with, the Renegade launched carrying Lieutenant Commander Donovan's newly formed Strategic Response Team and Caldecott's Foxtrot Watch to execute our mission's objective and secure the Renegade's Landing Zone, respectively.
Aboard the Ticonderoga, however, we have encountered difficulties with our sensors. Something about the planet seems to be causing significant levels of interference with our sensors. Flora or mineralogical traits might be to blame, but we cannot confirm this, as all records of Muro IX seem to be blocked from our computer.
When Ghost Flight spotted signs of debris from the air, the SRT moved quickly to respond. Donovan's team has reported that they have discovered the downed fighter, and that they have found reason to believe that the pilot is alive and following his survival and evasion training. This good news was swiftly overshadowed, however.
Foxtrot reports taking casualties from sniper fire, and Commander Gregg was forced to resort to using optical scans to look for anything going on on the surface. One such scan revealed two ominous shadows along the top of the forest canopy with nothing present to cast them, suggesting cloaked vessels.
Ghost Squadron has been directed to identify and engage, and Science is trying to cross-reference the shadows with the profiles of known vessels, searching for a match. Without our sensors, we are unable to transport the wreckage or evacuate the teams if they are overrun. I have ordered Donovan to make preparations to dispose of the fighter.
If we cannot get our transporters functional in the next few minutes, we will be forced to destroy the debris and focus our efforts on rescuing the pilot and bringing our crew home.
Stardate 21302.21
Captain's Log
Stardate 21302.21
Acting Commanding Officer, Commander Tokat Reporting
Shortly after the transport was complete, Commander Donovan reported that they had made contact with Commodore Braggins and one additional pilot, but were taking heavy fire. A close airstrike from Ghost Flight bought them enough time to plant Donovan's emergency transport beacon on the downed fighter. Using the beacon as a reference, Lieutenant Lane was successful in obtaining a lock on the downed fighter and beamed it on board. With our primary objective secure, we simply had to extract all assets and personnel.
Caldecott's team were able to evade the sniper and board the Renegade once more, and Simmons brought them in to provide an emergency evac for Donovan and Braggins while under heavy fire. Additional casualties and damage to the Renegade were sustained in the process. Once all assets and personnel were aboard, I gave the order to go to warp. We are now enroute back to Starbase Bravo.
We never positively identified the source of Commander Gregg's mysterious shadows, but he later reported sensor echoes positioned just on the other side of the Romulan Border. Given this information, my most plausible hypothesis is that the "shadows" were a pair of cloaked Romulan fighters sent to observe our actions, and once we reacted to their presence they returned to their side of the border. Unfortunately, there is no way to prove this theory.
I have canceled Yellow Alert, and given the order for Alpha Shift to stand down. The crew, especially the away teams, deserve some much needed down time. And I need to have a word with Paul before Doctor Quinn begins his exam.
I intend to give him a piece of my mind while he is still listed as KIA.
[End Log.]
Crew Logs
CTO Lt Jason Simmons
Stardate 21301.07
Lieutenant Jason Simmons
Stardate 21301.07
To say a lot has happened since I had time to do a log would be an understatement. I recently transferred to the USS Ticonderoga, a Fearless-class Heavy Cruiser assigned to the Second Fleet. This means I had to leave the Sheridan. I had grown used to the Destroyer, but I'm not going deny the fact that this is a big opportunity for me. With my Command Course complete, the possibilities are endless. Yes, it meant I left home fleet and being closer to Earth, as well as T'Shel, but everyone back home, and T'Shel, would have been angry with me if I hadn't taken the opportunity.
Which brings me to my first mission with the Tico. I arrived to the Tico shortly after they arrived outside of the Muro System in search of a group of missing fighters that included the Cruiser's own CO, Commodore Braggins. I was assigned almost immediately to pilot the freighter "Renegade", an upgraded Ju'Day-class. The fate of my predecessor, Lieutenant Murphy, is at this time unknown to me, and in seems the rest of the crew. I know there is an ongoing investigation that will hopefully shed light on this once the mission is over, but who knows.
I feel a deep sadness at the recent loss of one of the away team. A young Security Midshipman, Kruse, was killed by a sniper bolt. I was sent to get medical supplies to help her, but arrived back too late. It reminds me too much of the events of the mine. No, Simmons, push that out of your mind!
- Long pause, the sound of a few beeps from the computer systems for pre-flight checks*
From my understanding, we've completed our objective, and Lieutenant Commander Donovan and his team are on their way back to the Freighter. Prepping it for immediate take-off once everyone's aboard. Just wish I could bypass this weapon's issue that has me locked out.
End log.
COS Lt Theodore Caldecott
Stardate 21303.01
Lieutenant Theodore Caldecott
Stardate 21303.01
I only have limited amount of time since the Engineers are kicking the crew off to re-fit the Ticonderoga. We were called off shoreleave and were made to report to a Holodeck on Star Base Bravo. The crew was split into two teams where we were to play cat and mouse, preparing us for another mission. Unexpectantly the training simulation ceased and was called into an emergency meeting.
The Senior Officers were briefed on a classified mission who involved our Commanding Officer, Commodore Braggins. Seems like Braggins was too hands on with coordinating a raiding team targeting against the Uihvueri. He went missing as he was leading a Venator group too much of the higher up chagrin. The crew was charged with finding the missing Venator, which represented technology that Star Fleet did want to land in the hands of the Uihvueri.
Needless to say...that was the priority of the mission, finding Braggins was secondary. (Clears throat.) When we set off and landed on Muro Nine while using the old Marquis freighter, the Renegade. I dispatched Foxtrot watch headed by Keith Munroe, to support Jordan's SRT. I volunteered to join the support team and act as a liaison between the two teams. We were also accompanied by two new transferees; Lieutenant Jason Simmons who will serve as Murphy's replacement and Midshipman Dawn who will serve a Doctor.
When embarking on the surface, Foxtrot faced a series of Sniper bolts coming from the tree line. By the looks of it, I can only conclude there was only one sniper firing. Midshipman Kruse was struck and ultimately mortally wounded. (Brief pause.) I am saddened by her loss since this is my first as Department Head. It doesn't get any easier and I will have to give to her next of kin.
Keith and I set out towards the tree line in order to neutralize this sniper. The two of us were met with more sniper fire, injuring Keith's shoulder and injuring my hand. The severity of Keith's wound was greater than I imagined so, I had to carry the Texan back to the Renegade. Doctor Dawn showed great composure as she tended to Lieutenant Junior Grade Munroe.
Word received that objective including Braggins were located so the extraction process could officially begin. The away team boarded back on the Renegade and headed to the SRT's LZ. Our next course of action was to cover the Jordan's team as they were receiving heavy hostile fire. Commander Donaghue and I de-boarded the Renegade once more to assist the SRT. Unfortunately, a missile was fired from beyond the tree line, striking the hull of the old freighter. Addison was struck on the back on her knee causing a river of blood to seep from her. I once again had to carry another crew member but, making it up the ramp when there is a pool of blood seemed impossible as I kept slipping.
Dawn's valor once again showed as she used her Vulcan strength, grabbing my hand and pulling both of us to safety. Donaghue's condition was bleak but, the new Medical was able to save Addi's life. Simmons piloted the Renegade off the planet when everyone boarded, leaving no one behind. (Another brief pause.) Although it's not only been hard on myself but, the entire crew is feeling the loss of one of our own. I am hoping that next time, intelligence could provide us with some more details. Maybe a life could have saved and death avoided.
Right now, a quick shower which I need along with a new change of clothes is what I need. The crew has been invited to a party compliments of our Commanding Officer. Time to pack up and get ready.
This is Lieutenant Theodore Caldecott......end log.
CSO Cdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 21301.10
Commander Edward Gregg
Personal Log. Private.
Stardate 21301.10
More for my own notes than anything else. This mission started off stranger than usual, depending on the reader’s perspective. I had been playing cat and mouse with Tokat in the Star Base Bravo holodeck about three days ago. That got interrupted for some cloak and dagger secrecy.
Commodore Braggins who had disappeared shortly after the Tico had docked at Bravo has gotten himself into a little bit of trouble. He’d been spending his shore leave leading a specialised Venator squadron in an authorised raiding party against the Uihvueri. Though the higher-ups of Starfleet Intelligence had not expected him to be as hands on as he is.
Shore leave was put on hold, again. This time because Paul had disappeared during one of the raids on a planet called Muro XI or Muro Nine. The crew were sent out to retrieve his Venator as it represented technology which Starfleet Intelligence did not want to fall into the hands of the Uihvueri.
The planet spends one Terran week in Federation space every 5 years. This presented a limited time frame to find the Venator and hopefully the Commodore. At the time I am writing this the Away Team have found the Venator, the Commodore and one other pilot.
I have attempted various methods to find the remains of the other Venators and look for possible cloaked vessels.
Between the materials used to hide the Venators and the strange nature of the planet’s forest what I have found doesn’t amount to much. At this stage it’s just a case of trying to get away cleanly.
Save and encrypt.
CMO Lt Artemis Quinn
Stardate 21302.28
Assistant Chief Medical Officer's Log
Lieutenant Artemis Quinn
Stardate 21302.28
My first mission with the Ticonderoga has proven quite thought provoking. My role was minimal at best, which in terms of being the senior medical officer on board, was good news. That's not to say we didn't take any casualties though.
Dispatched to retrieve the group commander after his being shot down in a fighter wile participating in a special operations mission gone terribly wrong, could have gone considerably worse in retrospect. There were some injuries to the security team, to include Lieutenants Munroe and Caldecott, as well as Lieutenant Commander Donaghue, but one of my subordinates, a bright young Vulcan-Human Hybrid woman by the name of Midshipman Dawn was accompanying them, and given the combat situation and resources available, performed outstandingly. It was no surprise to me when she was decorated with a Diamond Star medal and promotion to Ensign. A Midshipman Kruse though, was killed by whatever hostile forces they faced on the surface of Muro Nine.
I assisted with, and concluded as far as I was able, an investigation into the very strange vanishing of the ship's former Chief Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Murphy. With the assistance of a Petty Officer Readman from the Science Department, we were able to determine that some sort of spacial energy or trans-dimensional subspace anomaly to be the leading cause for her to go missing from the holodeck. We have submitted our report on the matter, with a good deal of perplexity, and trusted that whatever could be done, was done, by whomever would take matters from there.
With all of those lingering issues leaving enough to ponder, I can't help but wonder about my own career. I find myself as the most senior ranked medical officer in my department, but not with the Chief billet that is seemed to be expected of me. Oh sure I don't mind taking charge, as the crew here seemed to need very little in terms of a department head anyway. All my staff are quite efficient, and very good at what they do. But still, I am the assistant Chief Medical Officer to a nonexistent Chief! Perhaps we'll receive a transfer when we arrive back at Star Base Bravo.
End Log.
Mid T’Aranai Dawn
Stardate 21302.27
Midshipman T'Aranai Dawn
Personal Log
Stardate 21302.27
Where to begin. Shortly after I was transported from the USS Impulse and reported to my Chief’s Office, I was in a whirlwind of a spiral, I’m thankful that is over. That jungle was very dangerous, then our enemies firing missiles at us!
(audible sigh)
All I know is one causality, few critically injured and others suffering from exhaustion or minor, non-life threatening injuries. I was able to help two of the three Security Officers, but one…slipped my grasp before I could even help her.
She was a Midshipman like me, but I would do best to say she was on this ship longer than I. The very first day, I lost her, my first real patient in the field.
The Chief of Security and his Junior Officer, Lieutenant Theodore Caldecott and Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Keith Munroe, were also injured, the latter with a hole in his shoulder. I was able to heal him, but shortly afterwards…he had a sour scowl, which didn’t suit him. (a small rhythmic tapping is heard) Hmm, I would say he’s not fond of Vulcans. I wonder…why is that? None of the others have shown any real difference in what I do or say…unless they hide it really well.
(chuckle) Bad experience I’d think? Don’t know…also I know he’ll want to talk to me...but I have no idea what he wishes to talk to me about. Hopefully not to chew me out about the Dermal Regeneration while he was under surgery.
(sigh) Commander Donaghue survived, but barely. If I didn’t go when I did and grabbed the COS to bring them both back, we might have lost them.
I know why, my reasons being here, and I’ll continue to strive for that purpose.
This ship…is now my home. It sounds good to actually call a place your home.
Lieutenant Simmons was able to get us home. I quickly went to Sickbay to help out the other nurses and Doctors with Addison, because I couldn't leave them to help her. I had to be apart of her recovery. I'm thankful to say she will make a full recovery. She'll have to retrain her leg to do things she wants it to, but I'm sure it won't be a problem. After all she's been in this field a lot longer than I have.
(Door whishes open as someone else speaks) Oh! You’re back! You need to tell me all the juicy bits!
(Laughs) You’ll have to pry it from me Synthia.
Now, I think a quick shower would benefit me and everyone from the Away Mission.
Oh, and Synthia is my roommate. Now, I think I’m done with this log.
End personal Log.