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MACO Enterprise logo.png

- Semper Invictus
("Forever Invincible") in Latin

Military Assault Command Operations (or MACO), was a United Earth organization that existed as a part of the United Earth Military during the 2150s, prior to the founding of the Federation. MACO was not associated with Starfleet, though some companies were assigned to Starfleet ships. As of 2153, MACO tactics and technology were two to three years more advanced than those of Starfleet, but their combat expertise was initially limited to simulations conducted on Earth.

MACO posts included Atlanta, Georgia and the Janus loop (possibly on Saturn). Training posts included West Point in New York, as well as Jupiter Station for zero gravity/rifle training, and Luna for survival training.

A company was assigned to Archer's Enterprise in 2153, to assist with any problems once the ship entered the Delphic Expanse. Head of Security Malcolm Reed was not happy with their presence on board, but after things came to a head with the MACO's commander, Captain Archer informed Reed that he had requested military officers assignment.

Following the foundation of the United Federation of Planets, the MACO organization was disbanded, with personnel being offered Federation Starfleet commissions on a discretionary basis, and possible offer commissions in other agencies in the Federation.

Starfleet continued to distance itself from the notion of being a military organization.