Losada, Stell

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Stell Losada
Career Occupation
Engineering Officer
USS Nova, BB-106
Biographical Attributes
160 cm (5 ft. 3 in.)
55 kg (121 lb.)
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
Hair Color:
Medium to long, worn hanging loose down her back or in a pony tail
Stell has a pleasant, slightly husky voice. She normaly speaks with a Spanish accent
United Federation of Planets
Nova Cartegena
Familial Relationships
Status of Parents:
Marital Status:

Personal History

Childhood: Stardate 18608 - 19908

Stell is assumed to have been born on the Spanish ethnic colony planet of Nova Cartagena.

She was found abandoned on the steps of the ‘an Hogar de Infancia’ at the age of approximately 3 months. After a detailed medical scan her birth date is determined to be on or close to Stardate 18608.03 and this becomes her official birthday. The little Girl Was then christened Estella Maria Losada by the Catholic Nuns who ran the orphanage who became her legal guardians. Her family name being chosen in honour of the mother superior of the time. Estella’s early childhood was difficult; a child prodigy, she became bored when the education provided by the Nun's which failed to challenge her in the slightest. As a result as early as six years of age she became mischievousness and by the age of 12 a 'free spirit'. These traits remain to the present day.

Estella’s education was saved when on her 12th birthday she escaped the Orphanage and found a hiding place in the premises of a nearby Engineering firm which specialised in Air Taxi repairs. When the engineers discovered her there they were astonished to see that she had become bored, borrowed some tools, and was calmly reassembling an engine. Not only had the innocent looking twelve year old rebuilt the engine correctly but its performance had improved considerably.

The firm was run by the Costanos Mafia family godfather, Jesus Costanos, both as a hobby and as a legitimate front for other less legal business practices. A passionate engineer himself Costanos was astonished and intrigued at Stell’s ability. When Stell burst into tears at the mention of being taken ‘home’ to the ‘boring’ orphanage, Jesus impulsively agreed that the little girl could visit them any time.

Jesus returned Estella to the orphanage to where canny Mother Superior quickly recognised an opportunity to reform her wayward but brilliant charge. Estella was allowed to visit with Costanos on the condition that she applied herself to school work. The little girl readily agreed, anything was better than the continual boredom of the Orphanage and besides, for the first time she had found something that challenged her. Estella kept her part of the bargain. As a result she was soon studying successfully with children four years her senior and excelling in many areas. In addition to technical skills she demonstrated a talent for both Languages and Drama.

Her real joy however remained her time spent visiting with the engineering firm. Despite her brilliance in school it was here that Estella truly excelled, demonstrating a voracious appetite for engineering of all forms which matched the passion of Jesus Costanos himself together the two indulged their mutual passion for engineering becoming the best of friends. Soon Estella became Jesus’ favourite grand daughter in all but name. After a few months Jesus formalised his arrangement with the orphanage, officially taking on Estella as his apprentice. It was Jesus himself who first shortened Estella Maria's name to ‘Stell’ which she much prefers.

Adolescence: Stardate 19909 - 20207

Costanos proudly sponsored Stell to expand here educational horizons through distance learning. Never one to do anything in half measures Stell chose the degree courses offered by the Star Fleet Academy as a service to the general public. It is also during this time that Stell learned of her joy in ‘extreme’ sports in imitation of some of the older teenagers in the ‘family’. 20207.03: Stell had been a fan of Latin dance since the age six. As a birthday gift Jesus enrolled Stell into a prestigious Latin Dance course. It was his good intention that the rapidly maturing young woman begin to mix with young men and women from outside of his criminal fraternity. His plan backfired somewhat however. In the months that followed that Stell met and fell for a recently widowed fellow student over twenty years her senior. He became both her first love and her first lover and as a result it was during this time that Stell discovered herself sexually. Her mature, but physically active, lover proved to be an excellent teacher and fully satisfied Stell’s naturally high libido. At first this was a secret liaison for fear of Jesus reaction. In the years that followed Stell gradually revealed her relationship to Jesus and in the end the couple won Jesus’ blessing.

The Mafia Years: Stardate 20208 – 20509

On her 16th birthday Stell was regarded as being ‘of age’ by the Mafia and Jesus introduced her formally into his criminal world as his protégé. Stell began to receive an alternative education that would have horrified her Catholic guardians had they been aware of it. The quality of this ‘education’ was extremely high; the Costanos family had survived despite the best efforts of the planetary authorities. Stell quickly absorbed their criminal culture. Unusually that particular criminal family did not believe in unnecessary violence or murder, and so Stell was not exposed to much violence.

Stell achieved her first degree at the age of 16, passing with flying colours. At the age of 18 under Nova Cartagenan law Stell was no longer a minor and as a result she was free to leave the orphanage to move in with her partner. She continued to work for ‘Grandpa Jesus’ and increasingly took a more active part in the families criminal activities for which she had proven to have a considerable ‘dark gift’. Her role was often that of a ‘Lieutenant’ despite her age and gender, and it became increasingly more obvious that Jesus intended she would be his named successor.

Stell completed her Masters degree with distinction at the age of 18. It was as a result of this extraordinary achievement that she first came to Star Fleet's attention.

Wanted: Stardate 20510 - 20811


The law finally caught up with Costanos on stardate 20510.23. The baffled planetary authorities had appealed for Federation help and a determined Star Fleet security offensive broke up much of the planets criminal underworld.

Stell is not caught, but she did suffer greatly at the hands of the Federation. The life that she had known was suddenly over. At the age of 19 Stell finds herself deprived of her surrogate family and she was also forced to leave her partner of four years. Up to that time Stell had successfully hidden her criminal life from her partner. He was a good man and did not deserve to be dragged into the life of a criminal fugitive abandoning everything he knew and loved. As the ‘Feds’ closed in on her Stell could only think of one way to protect him. Out of love for him, she faked her own death, and watched with a broken heart as he wept devastated at her funeral. Stell was hurt so greatly by this experience that she developed a fear of lasting relationships.

In the years that followed Stell satisfied her libido in a series of meaningless and ultimately empty recreational sexual encounters. Deprived of the love of her partner Stell began a sector wide criminal spree; both for her own entertainment and to defy the Federation Security apparatus that devastated her young life. Stell was always very aware that it was only a matter of time before her luck ran out and that the overwhelmingly superior forces of 'the Feds' finally track her down. She was always careful to keep many contingencies in place and very careful to protect her identity. Stell utilised her growing criminal resources to erase as many records of her existence as she could. Her criminal wealth enabled her to employ sophisticated Binar software appropriated through unscrupulous Ferengi brokers.

In an astonishing criminal campaign she mastered many criminal skills and committed a wide variety of predominantly non violent crime throughout the sector. She also made many contacts within the criminal underworld. Indeed this charming rogue had become somewhat of a celebrity amongst that fraternity as a result of her spending so much time successfully taunting and evading the security forces of the Federation.

Caught: Stardate 20812.12 – 20812.26

After three years, Stell’s luck finally ran out. She was finally tracked down by James Steel, a brilliant member of Star Fleet’s secret black operations unit (SFSIS). Steel had encountered her by reputation more and more often during his operations. Impressed by the young woman’s criminal brilliance Steel decided to conscript her into SFSIS. After securing the approval of his controller, the then Rear Admiral Derrick Grant, Steel unleashed both the impressive resources of SFSIS and his own considerable talents against Stell. Two days later Steele finally caught up with her at a party where she was celebrating the successful completion of a spectacular heist. He then drugged her and kidnapped Stell from her own victory celebration.

Steele placed Stell in stasis for the two week Journey to Earth. She awakened in the North American city of Boston and found herself incarcerated in a municipal jail cell. The police there were holding her on a trumped up animal abuse charge; namely the 'molestation of giant mole rats'. This was a ridiculous charge which frightened the young woman all the more as she gradually realised what had happened to her. At this point she had no knowledge of Steele, and this qualified as the worse Christmas day of her life up to that point.

Stell was collected by Steel and taken to the Bull & Finch bar where, in a specially protected back room, she was offered three stark choices. These were to have her memory wiped (which she feared), death, or to join SFSIS. Stell allowed herself be persuaded by the inspirational speaking of Rear Admiral Grant and chose to join SFSIS; although she will wonder many times in the future whether she should have chosen the afterlife instead. It was also here that she received her SFSIS implant which strangely did not hurt her very much compared to the pain experienced by the other recipients.

First SFSIS mission: Stardate 20812.27 - 20903.26

After a short break in Progresso Mexico Stell travelled to the SFSIS secret base, Miranda, located on a moon of Uranus in the Sol System. It was here that the teams high technology infiltration vessel ‘The USS Apparition’ was based. During her first mission briefing Stell loses her temper and argued with the SFSIS team commander T’Kir which resulted in Stell being seriously injured. It was also at this time that James Steel and Adam Jones are ordered to return to earth to conduct a separate mission.

Before leaving Miranda Stell received some familiarisation training with the PR1 and a brief knife fighting lesson. It was here for the first time that she worked closely with Doctor Caimus Yenn whom she found very attractive.

Stell travelled with the rest of the Apparitions crew towards the Nelgan System, the home of a Satarran base which was their target. During time she was befriended by the Apparitions Klingon Captain, Kurok. Seeing something in Stell that the other team members did not, Kurok decided to begin Stell’s journey along the path of the Klingon warrior. This unusual decision soon proved its worth as Stell found that many of her existing Latin Dance and meditation skills could be applied in hand to hand combat.

In gratitude to Kurok; Stell applied all of her considerable intelligence and determination to Kurok’s crash course. Already extremely physically fit, Stell made astonishing progress. Kurok trained her hard and they both suffered many injuries in the process. It was not long before Kurok realised he had an exceptional student on his hands and took the unusual step of introducing her to the Klingon warrior philosophy. This began her journey down the road that in many years might lead to her achieving D’Har.

Stell pushed herself to a ragged edge during this time, training with Kurok, continuing her PR1 training, and studying Klingon and the Apparition itself. She had no real contact with the rest of the apparition’s crew with the exception of Doctor Yenn and Kurok.

A day before the Apparitions arrival in the Nelgan system Kurok declared this stage of her training to be done. The Klingon then took the unusual step of formally recognising her as an honoured student who has a true warrior spirit. Stell fully understood the honour that he had given her, a honour made all the more unusual by the fact that she was not a Klingon.

On 20902.05 the Apparition experienced a strange temporal shift and even though this eventually reversed the Apparition does not return completely to its original state. Although the technology remained at the bleeding edge it was no longer utilising technology from the far future as was previously the case.

Stell then took part in her first mission for SFSIS. The team successfully rescued over 20 Satarran hostages and downloaded significant amounts of data from the Satarran computers. During this time they experienced several violent encounters. In one of these Stell killed for the first time, having shot a Satarran in combat. She also beamed two others onto the Apparition, trapping them in its transporter buffer. Unfortunately the bases geothermal tap proved to be trapped with a fusion device which was detonated. This started a chain reaction that destroyed that world utterly and devastated several others killing over a billion sentient beings in the process.

The Apparition travelled to its rendezvous with its normal mother ship, the Federation Battle cruiser USS Gettysburg. During the journey Stell assisted with the medical care of the refuges. While working together during this time Stell and Caimus’s friendship grew. However when Stell threw caution of to the winds and tried to kiss Caimus he rejected her. The Doctor was tormented by memories of his former love. At this time Kurok, who unbeknown to Stell was suffering from a rare Klingon illness, also avoided her. Friendless and alone Stell passed the time by throwing herself in self study and training She also began the process of recording what she remembered about the Apparitions former future technology.

Aftermath: Stardate 20903.26 - 20907.17

20903.27: The Apparition rendezvoused with the Gettysburg where it berthed in its concealed hanger. The presence of this secret SFSIS facility and hanger bay on the lower decks of the Gettysburg was a secret from the vast majority of its crew. The refugees were then transferred into the Gettysburg, the ship on which they believed they have been travelling all along as a result of their altered memories. Stell then attended a mission debriefing in which Admiral Grant and Kurok inexplicably challenged each other to a duel to the death, she was ordered to erase the trapped Satarrans, and discovered the truth about the unintentionally devastated world. After the meeting Stell confronted Kurok about the duel. But at Kurok's request she promised to honour him by doing her duty. After this Stell followed Grants orders and effectively executed her Satarran captives.

Through the looking glass: Stardate 20908.18 - ?

The next SFSIS team and the Gettysburg involved recovering a probe from deep inside Romulan space. The Gettysburg successfully crossed through Romulan territory to encounter a strange anomaly near where the probe had been lost. Here the Federation Battle cruiser's luck ran out. The Gettysburg was intercepted by two Cruisers and a Battleship who had already intercepted the probe. A battle ensued in which the Gettysburg emerged victorious over all three battles only to fall crippled into the strange gravitational pull exerted by the anomaly.

Stell's part in this battle was brief. Finding herself alone on the apparition she decided to prepare it to launch under own initiative. This resulted in an second argument with T'Kir. Although fearful her life Stell refused to be bullied by the SFSIS commander. When attacked she pulled a weapon on the Vulcan hybrid, only to holster it again when she thought the threat had abated, and bravely argue her case. She was mistaken. T'Kir then attacked Stell with the intent to kill her. The Vulcan hybrid injured her so badly that she lapsed into unconsciousness.

Oddly it was this that saved her life, T'kir's personal ethics prevented her from murdering Stell when she was unable to resist. Instead she transported Stell to a stasis chamber. As the Gettysburg fell into the anomaly Admiral grant seized the opportunity to attempt to secure the Romulan Battleships cloaking device from the wreckage. Stell was revived by Doctor Caimus Yenn and assigned as crew of the Apparition.

The cloaking device was not secured but instead it and the Apparition also fell into the anomaly. The anomaly did not destroy the Gettysburg or the Apparition but transported them it into another dimension and the far future. The Anomaly did however have fatal results. The transition through caused the SFSIS teams implants to self destruct. The team managed to remove them, but tragically a haemorrhage killed Stell's friend Doctor Caimus Yenn. The cloaking device was recovered and the Gettysburg was saved from wreckage that had also fallen through the anomaly. An away team also captured a number of Romulan prisoners.

At this time the Drellstar, a native vessel to this time and place, was detected moving to intercept the Gettysburg. As the Drellstar approached. The Gettysburg's crew began the onerous task of repairing their vessel. Admiral Grant also lifted some of the secrecy around the SFSIS team introducing them to the crew.

Stell was also able to attend a memorial service after which she discovered the death of Caimus Yenn. The Gettysburg established contact and then began negotiations with the Drellstar. Stell's part in this was as crew of the Apparition which was stationed to 'watch' the Drellstar whilst the Admiral lead an away team aboard the alien vessel. She was therefore present when three hostile vessels, utilising a star drive creating an anomaly similar to that through which the Federation ships had fallen into, appeared and began to attack.

Killed in Action

KIA - cc. 21007.20 during a mission on the USS Nova, BB-106.

Further information into the death of Lieutenant Junior Grade Estella Losada is currently under investigation and is deemed classified.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Engineering Masters degree with distinction
Academy Minor(s): Languages: Spanish, Standard (English), Latin, French, Romulan and Vulcan, Klingon; Other Skills: A range of criminal skills, good computer skills, some Klingon warrior training including fighting with the bat'leth
Hobbies and Pastimes: Languages, Latin Dancing, Drama and Acting, extreme sports
Short-Term Goals: To be accepted and valued by her companions, to serve Star Fleet to the best of her ability
Long-Term Goals: Stell is naturally ambitious, having risen to the top within the Mafia, she now aspires to command a Federation Star Ship
Personality: Mercurial, loyal to individuals rather than organisations, has an unexpected romantic streak, works and plays hard
Sense of Humor: Mischievous and teasing
Phobias: Stell has trouble being inactive unless she is doing so for a good purpose
Likes: Stell can be a bit of a party girl. She is Catholic and still respects and practices her religion to a certain degree despite her lifestyle
Dislikes: bullies, evil as opposed to immoral behaviour, unnecessary violence
Pet Peeves or Gripes: People who do not listen to others
Bad Habits or Vices: Stell often secretly donates her earnings to children's charities in recognition of her debt to the orphanage that brought her up and her own desire to help those like herself
Achievements: Outwitting the ‘Feds’ for three years, being recognised by Kurok as having a warrior spirit, graduating from Lieutenant Schwicker's Bootcamp
Disappointments: Her inevitable capture by the Federation
Illnesses: None
Strengths: A very high standard of physical fitness, healthy and Attractive, intuitive engineer, has an IQ of 154 and learns very quickly, knowledge of D'Har, extensive underworld contacts
Weaknesses: In the past has sometimes struggled with being under authority
Fears: The loss of people she becomes close to
Prejudices: Stell has only recently overcome her prejudice against Star Fleet itself, and still views the Federation government with suspicion
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Stell enjoys elegant designer clothing and the trappings of wealth
Distinguishing Features: None
Pets: none
Friends: Hannah Eaglestone, Kurok (missing presumed dead), Caimus Yenn (deceased)

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Having to leave her lover, her capture and conscription, the loss of Kurok, and Caimus Yenn
Best Time: Her years with her first love
Most Crucial Experience: Her conscription to SFSIS, Korok's training, bootcamp
Role Model: Jesus Costanos, Kurok, James Tiberius Kirk

Career History

Charles Fitzalan-Howard
Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 20808.24 Awarded Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Engineering Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20808.31 Promoted to Midshipman
Assigned to USS Gettysburg, BC-1863
Engineering Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20811.01 Awarded Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20901.10 Promoted to Ensign Ensign
Engineering Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20901.15 Awarded Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Engineering Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20907.02 Awarded Purple Heart Purple Heart
Engineering Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20907.02 Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Stell Losada
Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Constanos Mafia Crime Family Associate Nova Cartagena 20408.01 Promoted to Lieutenant
Constanos Mafia Crime Family Associate Nova Cartagena 20408.11 Completed Masters Engineering Degree with Distinction
Recruit Classified 20812.26 Recruited to Star Fleet Special Intelligence Services
Granted rank of Petty Officer Second Class
Petty Officer Second Class
Engineer USS Apparition 20908.15 Reassigned to Engineer
Transferred to USS Apparition
Engineer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20909.01 Promoted to Crewman Apprentice
Transferred to USS Gettysburg, BC-1863
Crewman Apprentice
Engineer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20910.01 Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Engineer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20912.18 Graduated “Boot Camp”
Engineer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 21002.03 Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal 3
Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal 1
Purple Heart Purple Heart 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 1

Contact Information

E-Mail: stell.losada@googlemail.com

Supplemental Information

Characters Tally:
Name Type Status
Charles Fitzalan-Howard Registered Non-Player Character Ensign, retired

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.