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Lore was a Soong-type android constructed by Dr. Noonien Soong at the Omicron Theta colony, and activated in 2335.

Built in Dr. Soong's own image, Lore was the fourth android constructed, and the first successful example of a fully-functional positronic brain. Lore was extremely advanced and sentient, possessing superior strength, speed and intelligence when compared to a Human. Lore's emotional programming was also very advanced; however, he began displaying signs of emotional instability and malevolence, leading him to see himself as superior to Humans. Lore frightened the other colonists, who demanded that Soong deactivate him. Lore later claimed that they saw him as "too perfect," and were envious.

Eventually Soong gave in to the colonists' demands, but not before Lore had secretly contacted the Crystalline Entity in a bid for revenge, offering it the planet's life to ensure his own survival. After deactivating and dismantling Lore, Soong set about constructing his "brother," Data, an android without destabilizing emotions. Soong placed Lore's components into storage, intending to correct his behavioral problems later. Later, Lore harbored resentment towards his creator for abandoning him.

Following Lore's communiques, the Crystalline Entity attacked Omicron Theta in 2336, destroying all life on the planet. Both Lore and Data were left behind, but Data was discovered in 2338 by the crew of a passing Federation starship. Lore remained in Soong's lab until 2364, when the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D arrived at the planet.

Upon reactivation, Lore immediately returned to his previous ways, deactivating his brother, stealing his uniform, and masquerading as the officer. He summoned the Crystalline Entity once again, intending to feed the crew of the Enterprise to it. His treachery was discovered due to the differences between himself and Data, and he was transported into open space.

Lore drifted in space for nearly two years until he was rescued by a passing Pakled ship. The android subsequently answered a homing signal, intended to draw Data to Soong's new laboratory. Soong had intended to give Data an emotion chip that would allow him to feel Human emotions. However, once again Lore tricked Soong and posed as his brother, stealing the chip for himself, and then in a burst of anger he fatally injured his father. Lore escaped before he could be apprehended. Lore's "positronic net" (electronic brain) was unique from Data's, in that it had a Type-"L" phase discriminator, compared to Data's Type-"R".

In 2369, Lore discovered a group of Borg that had been disconnected from the Collective. Lore made himself their leader, gave his Borg individual names, turned them into his fanatical followers, and began cruel experiments on them, trying to replace their organic brains with positronic components. Meanwhile, he somehow influenced their behavior, making their attacks more violent - they ceased to assimilate people, instead murdering them. He directed his Borg to launch attacks on Federation space to lure the Enterprise and thus Data, in an elaborate attempt to use the emotion chip to manipulate Data to his side. Lore modified the chip so that it could remotely instill anger and hatred in Data. Confused with his new emotions, and with his ethical program deactivated, Data betrayed the crew of the Enterprise and joined Lore at his base.

While in Borg captivity, Geordi La Forge was able to instruct Captain Jean-Luc Picard into restoring Data's sense of right and wrong. Upon realizing Lore's malign nature, Data fired upon and deactivated Lore, whose last words were "I... love you... brother." Lore was subsequently dismantled and the emotion chip, though damaged, was removed and returned to its rightful owner.

Android brothers, Data (left) and Lore (right)

Data brought Lore to the Enterprise-D, and disconnected his positronic brain. He kept it in a vault in his lab, isolated from his body, and designed the vault to self-destruct if it was ever tampered with.
In 2371, when the Enterprise-D crashed on Veridian III, the vault containing his brain was damaged; the self-destruct system activated, and the brain was destroyed.
The rest of Lore's body was unharmed, and as of 2374 was being kept in Data's lab on the USS Enterprise-E.

Soong-type / built androids included:

  • Two unnamed prototypes
  • B-4
  • Lore
  • Data
  • Julia Soong
  • Lal (created by Data)