Lewis, Raymond

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Raymond Lewis
Career Occupation
Biographical Attributes
Full Name:
Raymond Lewis
125 lbs
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Short, neat nondescript
Thin, slight, looks weak
Very fair skinned, smooth, probably couldn’t grow a beard to save his life
Facial Hair:
Soft but deep
United Federation of Planets
Earth, Rhode Island, a small down called “Warwick”
Familial Relationships
Stephen Lewis
Jane Lewis
Status of Parents:
Both deceased. Died during the Borg attacks. They were on Mars on vacation.
Marital Status:
Single, always

Personal History

Little is in Ray’s history before he joined Star Fleet at age 22. He sped through the academy, having already had a degree in engineering from a prestigious school. He graduated in a record 3-1/2 years and was immediately placed in a special training program where he was taught the tricks of the trade, the trade being subtle and quiet termination of targets, and modification of equipment to achieve non-standard objectives. In other words, assassination and sabotage, although Star Fleet would never admit to either.

Outwardly, and on his public profile, Ray is unremarkable. He graduated with mid-to-high grades, and seemed to blend into the graduates in his class. He neither excelled nor lagged, and seems to have reached this place in life simply by being there.

Ray is solitary, and keeps to himself much of the time. He enjoys company of others, but only casually and in short periods.

Following his first mission on the Columbia, Ray realized that being a 'lone wolf' operator, while attractive to his personality and background, would no longer work. He was in Star Fleet now, and needed to act as part of a team.

While he never acted with the intent of causing harm to his teammates, or disrupting their mission directly, he did feel very strongly that the target device being in Star Fleet's hands was nearly, if not equally, as dangerous as it being in someone else's. He strongly feels that super weapons have no place in the galaxy, and that they should be destroyed, not contained.

His injuries from being shot at point blank range, combined with this revelation, have caused somewhat of a personality shift in the officer.

While he still has trouble with teamwork, at least he now rationally understands that it is needed. He has now read up on, and watched holo-videos on teamwork and the value of it. He is trying to make an effort not to be a solo operator.

And whether as a result of his having his synapses scrambled, or the stresses of everything else that happened, he has mellowed some. He does not speak up as much, and seems much shyer. Much more reserved, and cerebral.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Security systems maintenance, weapons technician
Academy Minor(s): Angosian martial arts, Security procedures, Marksmanship
Hobbies and Pastimes: Ray likes to watch holovids of old Terran movies, especially

James Bond and Jason Bourne, and Jack Ryan (see Personal History)
Short-Term Goals: To become Chief Engineer of a capital ship.
Long-Term Goals: To become Captain of a Carrier.
Personality: Dry, serious as a heart attack.
Sense of Humor: Nearly Vulcan in his lack of one.
Phobias: Being trapped under water or underground.
Likes: Honesty, although he doesn’t always practice it.
Dislikes: Those who prey on others. Ray has a ‘code’ and has no tolerance for those who prey on the weak.
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Nervous or fidgety people make Ray uncomfortable and annoyed.
Bad Habits or Vices: Secrecy. Ray rarely volunteers anything. Speaks in very short, clipped, phrases.
Achievements: Placed 2nd in every marksmanship competition while he was at the academy.
Disappointments: Placed 2nd in every marksmanship competition while he was at the academy.
Illnesses: None
Strengths: Strength of will, dedication, fanatical devotion to the Federation. Will not act against those who are not, according to his ‘code’, bad.
Weaknesses: Will not act against non-bad people, regardless of orders.
Fears: Dying in his sleep.
Prejudices: Cardassians. VERY much dislikes them.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Tends toward whatever folks around him are wearing. Likes to blend in.
Distinguishing Features: None. Absolutely none. Ray becomes invisible in groups of people.
Pets: None
Friends: None. Ray is a loner.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Watching his partner on a mission be tortured and killed in front of him.
Best Time: His teenaged years in the wilds of Canada.
Most Crucial Experience: Being targeted for termination by the Cardassians. Taught him not to trust any government, other than his own.
Role Model: Captain Smith, former leader of SIS.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21607.06 Assigned to USS Columbia
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21608.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21609.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21701.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21704.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21704.01 Diamond Star Diamond Star
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21704.01 Ensign Ensign
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21705.01 Transferred from Columbia with points for Lt(JG)
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Diamond Star Diamond Star 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 4

Contact Information

E-Mail: lewisr@fed-space.com

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.