Kapetanaki, S'Renn
RETIRED[2] | |||
S'Renn Kapetanaki | |||
Career Occupation | |||
Position: | First Officer | ||
Assignment: | USS Yoritomo, DD-4019 | ||
Rank: | Commander | ||
Biographical Attributes | |||
Species: | 1/2 Human, 1/2 Romulan | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Height: | 178 cm (5 ft. 10 in.) | Weight: | 59 kg (130 lb.) |
Eye Color: | Black | ||
Hair Color: | Black | ||
Hairstyle: | Short Bob cut with distinguishable hair streaks (sometimes painted in dark-blue violet or indigo) over the cheeks leaving the ears out | ||
Physique: | Leggy, athletic and flexible | ||
Facial Hair: | None | ||
Voice: | Soft, almost velvety unfaltering voice, under stress her voice tone is heard like clash of arms | ||
Affiliation: | United Federation of Planets | ||
Birthplace: | Kalamata Greece | ||
Born: | 18401.05 | Age: | 39 |
Familial Relationships | |||
Father: | George | ||
Mother: | T’Kall | ||
Status of Parents: | Her father was physicist, head of High Energy Astrophysics Department of Pylos Physical Science Academy in the Peloponnese. Her mother’s position: Medical doctor, head of Immunology Clinic of the Kalamata (Peloponnese) Medical Complex | ||
Siblings: | Nikolas (26) | ||
Marital Status: | Single | ||
Children: | None |
Personal History
S’Renn’s parents met each other 29 years ago. At that time her father, a young and promising scientist, performed experiments on the development of innovative cloaking – concealment technologies aboard the light cruiser USS Proteus. Proteus was essentially a warship specially modified to be a test-bed for innovative defensive and offensive systems, in an attempt improve the defensive capabilities and fire power of Federation star ships. Besides, in Greek mythology, Proteus is an early sea-god, capable for changing his appearance. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, with the general meaning of “versatile”, “mutable”, “adaptable” and “capable of assuming many forms”.
While in orbit around Algueron IV, close to the Neutral Zone, USS Proteus received a distress call from a Romulan liner saying that she was under attack. By the time the cruiser arrived at the frontier, USS Proteus had detected that the badly damaged Romulan ship had already entered Federation Space followed by three Orion pirate ships. The captain of USS Proteus ordered the emergency teleportation of the passengers to the sick bay while opening concentrated fire on the leading Orion ship. This last exploded in a huge fire ball when the phasers made it through her shields which had already been softened by the salvo of photon torpedoes. Just at this very moment a D'deridex-class Warbird de-cloaked nearby the incident zone destroying the second Orion ship.
After the retreat of the third Orion ship the Warbird captain thanked USS Proteus for the assistance, but claimed the Romulan passengers back. USS Proteus refused substantiating that the Warbird had already violated Federation space and would had to withdraw back to the Romulan space, and further, the passengers would need intensive medical care. The passengers would return back later, after diplomatic formalities could be concluded. A third reason for refusing the Romulan’s claims was that the Federation had to investigate this affair in order to uncover any potential manipulation attempts from the Romulan side.
S’Renn’s mother, T’Kall, was among the Romulans who had been teleported aboard the USS Proteus. She was a young doctor travelling for her first duty assignment, and had assisted the Federation medical personnel in the treatment of the wounded passengers during and after that incident. She met S’Renn’s father aboard the USS Proteus. The cruiser returned to Earth to disembark the Romulan passengers. S’Renn’s father, George, left the ship to hold a research staff position in the Physical Science Academy of Pylos, Peloponnese, Greece; his natal region.
After the end of the investigation, S’Renn’s mother T’Kall requested from her government the authorization to live on Earth. According to her, this request embarrassed her parents who served in the Romulan government. However since S’Renn’s both Romulan grand–parents have a lineage of high ranked military officers and war heroes, their families used their influence in order to get the authorization. Most probably the Senate agreeing to T’Kall’s request, tried to have a consensus for balancing the internal influence conflict and simultaneously to show a more “open minded” behavior to the other powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants during that particular time. Maybe this was a way to keep at distance a person capable of generating new social ideas which risked disturbing the political and social power structure. In any case, S’Renn’s mother and her home-world seemed to be satisfied with getting this opportunity as a cohabitation experiment between Romulans and the Federation worlds.
S’Renn’s father George Kapetanakis was all this time with the High Energy Astrophysics Department of Pylos Physical Science Academy, progressing with very breakthrough researches. This research center had been built in the end of XXth. Century as a Neutrino Observatory, and through the years it became a huge multi-disciplinary scientific complex working in all fields of astronomy. S’Renn always liked to drill in the endless mysteries of the universe, for this reason she used to assist her father and this way acquiring solid bases in science and scientific practices. S’Renn’s mother T’Kall, on her side got a job in the Viral Diseases Clinic of the Kalamata Medical Complex, but since her research all this time was focused on improving immune response and slowing the ageing process, she had been transferred nine years ago to the Immunology Clinic and had been elected to lead that facility.
S’Renn, before her admission to the Star Fleet Academy, lived with her parents and her brother Nikolas in a manor inside of a big domain with olive trees and with an excellent view over the Gulf of Pylos. She appreciated the importance of strong family ties of her environment, qualities both common in Romulans and in Greek society.
S’Renn graduated from the college as the top student of the class, being the student who had received top marks. It goes without saying that her favourite courses were mathematics, physics, and engineering practices. This last course was organized in various multi-disciplinary team projects in different engineering and science subjects, aiming to develop the student’s leadership, innovation and creative skills. S’Renn fully exploited the leadership qualities she has inherited from her mother, being always the managing head of one of the “multi-disciplinary” teams of this course. One of the beneficial influences of this very fruitful course on S’Renn was that she realized in practice that the micro-politics, influence games and manipulations are of no sense. Consequently she decided to think always “aristocratic”, a Greek word which means that the best must lead. Therefore, she decided that in all aspects of her life she has to be straight, to speak the truth and to assume the responsibilities of her acts.
S’Renn’s best friend was her class mate, Lowron, a Klingon boy whose parents had been detached as military instructors in the nearby Marine barracks. Lowron had trained her in the use of Batleth and in various melee fighting techniques. Lowron had offered a D'Ktahg (Daqtagh) to her, during her 16th birthday, as recognition of her progress, a gift that S’Renn pays high esteem. S’Renn always admired Lowron’s straightness and his sense of honor; a quality she would like to have too.
S’Renn, has used to have a very well organized day. During her stays in her family house she used to help her grand-mother (her father’s mother) in preparing local delicacies like edible olives in vinegar, salted pork, pickled aubergines or other vegetables, or fruit confections: Her grand-mother always advised her to learn the way to be home-maker, and S’Renn never repined against that… After all these were useful skills for anybody and specifically for a young lady.
After her graduation from the Academy, Lt S’Renn Kapetanaki served onboard the USS Drake and later as Chief Tactical Officer of USS Sheridan under Capt. Quillian Damar.
The Battle of Starbase 157
During the battle of Starbase 157 S’Renn executed the Picard maneuver destroying the Romulan ship which was chasing the Sheridan. However this caused the singularity powering the ship to explode, severely damaging the Sheridan. In that battle S’Renn almost lost her life. Yet she will never forget Capt. Dramar’s words after the end of the battle: “You destroyed my ready room” he said, thus showing the greatness of this man.
Battle Royal - Stardate 20908.22
The Sheridan, along with other elements of the 2nd Battle Group and the Mirak Star League, was part of a task force assigned to launch a counter strike against the Romulans in order to recapture Space Station Sierra-18. S’Renn correctly predicted that the Romulans were hiding inside the nearby nebula. During the battle she was injured and sent to the sick bay. However the ship was being invaded by an enemy boarding party. In order to protect the ship she escaped from Sickbay without the consent of her attending physician. Following her escape she used a replicator to create a Tal Shiar uniform and a phaser pistol. Then imitating a Tal Shiar operative she lured the Romulans into the trap she had previously created with the ship’s security team.
S’Renn’s rising career was interrupted shortly after the Battle Royal when she learned that her father was dying from a fast evolving mysterious disease. She took a LoA but she did not succeed to arrive in time to see her father alive. Following the death of her father she stayed some years in her hometown to put with her brother family affairs in order. After having settled the heritage issues she re-joined Star Fleet.
Personality Profile
Academy Major(s): Tactics and Strategy (including manoeuvre warfare doctrines) Piloting, Fighting Manoeuvres (including dissimilar combat), Melee Combat, Weapons and Defensive Systems, Engineering, Astrophysics
Academy Minor(s): Politics, History
Hobbies and Pastimes: Scuba diving, sailing, archery, tennis, painting and music playing and composing.
Short-Term Goals: To be a valuable asset for the ship she will be assigned and for crewmates. To make proud her parents with her achievements
Long-Term Goals: To explore the mysteries of the universe and especially to continue her father’s research which will lead her to have the Doctorate degree, while commanding a state of the art starship
Personality: S’Renn inherited the impulsive character of her Romulan side and a warm behavior as she is half Greek. She tries hard to control her impulsivity in order to avoid to be misunderstood or hurting someone. This should not been considered as a recessive character, in contrary S’Renn defends her opinions, and sometimes she used to “cut someone with cotton”, a Greek proverb, meaning that she speaks to the point without quarrelling or hurting one. She likes to take initiatives. In her work she is professional, cautious and responsible. In her private life she is social and fun-loving
Sense of Humor: S’Renn is very social and likes kind and smart humor which does not hurt. She is tolerant about piquant satire and juicy stories if they fit in the right context. Besides she is half Greek and Greeks love that
Phobias: Bugs
Likes: S’Renn likes straight behavior, playing open cards and gratefulness. She likes well balanced people. Also she pays attention to the aesthetics
Dislikes: dislikes arrogance, deviousness, hidden agendas, manipulative behavior, hypocrisy and ungratefulness. Also she does not like shy people evil-minded and dodgy people, and anyone else crossing the natural limits (like over-zealous people)
Achievements: (a) Twice national champion -gold medal- of Greece in archery and (b) She holds a patent and a scientific paper as result of one of her class projects of engineering practices course on nanites swarm control
Disappointments: That she was not able to get to know her Romulan grand-parents so far. Her father’s death and not be able to see him alive after her assignment on USS Sheridan.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Off-Duty T-shirt and jeans, but also split-skirts and shirts or designer’s dresses depending to the circumstances
Distinguishing Features: Without up-swept eyebrows. The “V” type ridges on her forehead almost not visible. Pointy ears as a mark of her Romulan lineage
Career History
Position | Assignment | Date(s) | Event | |
Cadet | Star Fleet Academy | 20712.22 | Graduated Star Fleet Academy. Promoted to Midshipman. | |
Cadet | Star Fleet Academy | 20712.22 | Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon | |
Tactical Officer | USS Drake, CL-2509 | 20712.22 | Assigned to USS Drake, CL-2509. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Drake, CL-2509 | 20804.01 | Promoted to Ensign, USS Drake, CL-2509. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Drake, CL-2509 | 20805.01 | Short Story Writing Contest Runner-up. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Drake, CL-2509 | 20805.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Drake, CL-2509 | 20806.01 | Lieutenant Junior Grade, USS Drake, CL-2509. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Sheridan, DD-4086 | 20806.01 | Transferred the USS Sheridan and assigned as Acting Chief Tactical Officer. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Sheridan, DD-4086 | 20807.01 | Awarded the Purple Heart for injuries/death suffered during the battle of Starbase 157, USS Sheridan, DD-4086. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Sheridan, DD-4086 | 20807.01 | Awarded Star Fleet Commendation Medal, USS Sheridan, DD-4086. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Sheridan, DD-4086 | 20809.01 | Awarded the Star Fleet Achievement medal, USS Sheridan, DD-4086. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Sheridan, DD-4086 | 20902.01 | Promoted to Lieutenant, USS Sheridan, DD-4086. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Sheridan, DD-4086 | 20907.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Sheridan, DD-4086. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Sheridan, DD-4086 | 21005.01 | Left Star Fleet to attend her dying father. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Gettysburg, CA-1863. | 21504.05 | Returned to Star Fleet as Ensign and Assigned USS Gettysburg, CA-1863. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21506.01 | Transferred to USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21507.01 | Awarded Co Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21508.01 | Awarded Co Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21511.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21601.31 | Awarded the Recruiter's medal, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21604.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21604.01 | Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21604.01 | Awarded the Star Fleet Achievement medal, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21604.01 | Promoted to Chief Tactical Officer, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21610.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21612.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21704.01 | Awarded the Gold Star medal, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21704.01 | Promoted to Lieutenant, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21708.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21712.01 | Awarded Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21801.01 | Awarded the Diamond Star medal, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Columbia, FF-6145 | 21801.01 | Succesfully completed the Command Test, USS Columbia, FF-6145. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Apparition | 21801.01 | Assigned to USS Apparition. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Apparition | 21901.01 | Awarded Gold Star medal, USS Apparition. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Apparition | 21901.01 | Promoted to Lieutenant Commander, USS Apparition. | |
Chief Tactical Officer | USS Apparition | 21904.01 | Awarded Joint Roleplayer of the Month Award, USS Apparition. | |
Contact Information
E-Mail: alexa.kapetanaki@gmail.com