Joint dislocation

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A dislocation is a type of injury specifically to a joint —a place where two or more bones come together— in which the ends of the bones are forced from their normal positions. This painful injury temporarily deforms and immobilizes the joint or joints in question. Dislocation is most common in shoulders and fingers, but can happen in shoulders, elbows, fingers, ankles, knees, hips, and the jaw. Prompt medical attention is needed to put the joint back in place, followed by several weeks of rest if a dermal regenerator is not available.

Treatment for joint dislocation is usually by closed reduction: skilled manipulation to return the bone or bones to their normal positions. Reduction should only be performed by medical professionals, because if not properly trained, a person can cause more damage to the joint and the person it belongs to.

Joint dislocations are commonly due from injury: falls, physical accidents, or even participation in sports. A dislocation is painful and immobilizes the joint, and is easily identified by the layman.