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The jamaharon is a sexual practice found on the pleasure planet of Risa. Exactly what the rite entails is unclear, though it is known to be immensely pleasurable. It remains mysterious and is rarely discussed in detail by those who participate in it, presumably to avoid spoiling the surprise for those who are yet to experience it. Risans offer the service to anyone who would like to partake which implies that jamaharon is not associated with emotional bonding or reproduction but is instead a purely physical act.

Visitors to Risa (and presumably Risans themselves) can display their desire to participate in jamaharon by placing a small statue called a horga'hn about their person or outside their door. The horga'hn is the Risan symbol for sexuality.

Jamaharon has been known to end in death, but this is presumably the result of an individual of poor health engaging in more physical exertion than their body can tolerate rather than any dangers inherent in jamaharon itself.