Gray, Skyler

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Skyler Gray
Career Occupation
First Officer
USS Ozaki, PFF-7168
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Biographical Attributes
Full Name:
Skyler Landon Gray
183 cm (6 ft. 0 in.)
88.5 kg (195 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Dark Borwn
Short, buzz cut
Athletic runners build
light of skin, but not pale
Mid-low range
United Federation of Planets
Seattle Washington
Familial Relationships
Alexander Jacob Gray, Capt. and Former Assistant Chief of Security aboard Starbase 1. Deceased age 41
Kassandra Lyn Gray, Cdr and Medical Officer. Former Surgeon aboard Starbase 1. Deceased age 39
Nicolas Randal Gray, 24
Marital Status:

Personal History

Early Life


Skyler was born with his brother Nicolas in Seattle Washington on Earth, where he spent the first 12 years of his life. When he was 13, his parents were stationed on Starbase 1, and he and his brother were sent to live with his Grandfather. It was at this time that Skyler's Grandfather introduced him to the art of Aikido. In this art Skyler found a way to relax and release his aggressions and quickly excelled.

When Skyler was 16, their Grandfather passed away of natural causes, and it fell to him to care for his brother while they both attended school. During this time Skyler would spend every moment he had free in the dojo. Shortly before his 17th birthday Skyler ascended to the rank of 1st kyu, the youngest 1st kyu in the dojo. It was a proud moment in his life and the only thing missing was his Grandfathers presence.

When Skyler was 17 he was ready to join the Academy with some of the highest scores in Engineering and Physics that had been seen in the last decade. Circumstances however conspired against him when the Borg destroyed Starbase 1 and left him to raise his 15 year old brother by himself. Skyler decided to postpone his entrance into the Academy in order to help his brother through his last few remaining years of school.

It was at this point that Skyler begin to work on his theories of Warp Conduits. The ease at which the Borg were able to travel around the galaxy was an advantage that he intended to negate. When Skyler was not helping his brother, or working on his theories he was at the dojo.

When Skyler turned 19 he gained the rank of Shodan, the first rank of Master. In the ceremony his Sensei gave him a hakama, katana, and Jo staff that once belonged to his Grandfather. These possessions are considered very important to Skyler.

Once Nicolas turned 17, and finished school, Skyler felt it was now time to turn his attention back to Starfleet, and he reapplied to the Academy.


While at the Academy Skyler took a keen interest in Warp Drive Systems, as well as Subspace Dynamics. Skyler excelled in his engineering course. In fact he excelled in every facet of Academy life, save for the occasional low grade in the few language courses he took.

Skyler finished his schooling without incident, and other than perhaps being a bit older than the average Cadet, there was nothing in his records to indicate that he was anything other than an outstanding engineer. Skyler graduated from the academy at 26 and was assigned to the USS Titan, CL-2007

USS Titan, CL-2007

First Mission: “Admirals, Refugees and a Sierra-shattering Kaboom”

Skyler Joined the USS Titan while it was docked at Sierra Eighteen. Its crew had just received orders from Rear Admiral Roberts, and was to proceed immediately to Star Base Two. One week into the trip the Ship suddenly and without warning dropped out of warp. The issue with the ship turned out to be a simple failed power transfer coil, however in attempting to replicate a new one, a malfunctioning replicator overloaded and severely electrocuted both the First Officer, LCdr Tam, and the Commanding Officer, Cmdr Tregelen. As a result of the shock, the two entities switched physical bodies, and were stuck that way for the majority of the remainder of the mission.

USS Titan was tasked with responding to the distress calls of various different ships in the area. This mission too was interrupted with a distress call from more ships suffering from a Jem Hadar attack, and new orders to return immediately to Star Base Sierra Eighteen, to help in its defense. The mission ended with the destruction of Sierra Eighteen, and the eventual correction of the conscious shift between the FO and CO. Skyler was awarded the Star Fleet Achievement Medal for his part in the mission.

Second Mission: Murder on the Titan Express

The USS Titan was reassigned to be the flagship of the 202nd Police Flotila. While on route with the Police Ships, a Trill Ambassador was brought aboard, and the USS Titan was asked to carry him as quickly as possible to negotiate with the Tholians.

In order to make the best time possible, the USS Titan left the flotilla behind, along with several of its officers who happened to be carrying out duties amongst the flotilla vessels. Skyler was included on this list, having been on the Atlas attempting to solve a problem with the intermix chamber.

One week into the trip, the Ambassador and an aid were brutally murdered, causing an investigation of which the results have not yet been made public. At roughly the same time, the Flotilla came under attack from several retrofitted Romulan ships. During the Attack, the Atlas was severely damaged, its warp core going critical, and its impulse engines offline. Skyler was forced to do an impromptu EVA in order to fix the engines, and arrived back in time to jettison the warp core. During this time, Skyler received multiple head injuries resulting in severe brain swelling, and emergency surgery was performed to relieve the pressure.

USS Columbia, FF-6145

First Mission: “Escape From the Pussy Cat Lounge”

On Stardate 21211.25 Skyler was re-assigned to the USS Columbia, FF-6145 and told to report to the The Pussycat Club on Starbase Bravo in time for the Columbia's post mission award ceremony. Skyler arrived just as the party began, and watched as his new crew members celebrated as they received awards and promotions. The Celebrations did not last long, however, as a huge explosion rocked the lounge as well as the rest of that section of the base. Both the civilians and Star Fleet members were tossed around, dazed, and completely confused. Power was intermittent, and life support was failing. The Captain, luckily was still fit enough to take command, and set about several plans at once. Skyler was assigned to getting through a door and eventually was told to help get through the ventilation system, as they needed his expertise to bring down a force field.

It took Skyler a bit, but with a little luck, and a pocket knife, he was able to get the mag-plate off, and shut down the system. As people were being led to safety, Skyler had to once again, venture down the shaft, only this time the shields to the station had failed, and atmosphere was venting out. The Captain, as well as Giraath were still at the end of the shaft, and Skyler was forced to face being sucked out into space for the second time in as many months. The force field was able to be reactivated however, and no further casualties were had. For his efforts in helping to save the lives of the civilians and injured crewmembers, Skyler was awarded the Gold Star for the second time in his career.

Second Mission: “The Featherstone Gambit”

On Stardate 211304.08 the Columbia received orders to extract an SF:I operative from a Tal'Shiar outpost. Lieutenant Commander Lawrence Featherstone. Intelligence gathered from the Romulans stated that the operative was being held at a place known as Outpost 19, a highly classified Tal'Shiar interrogation enter orbiting a brown dwarf. It was a small facility and was well protected, both by convential means, as well as by radiation and a magnetic field around the brown dwarf. Interference from the Brown Dwarf was expected to cause havoc with the systems. Furthermore, a temporary Science officer was on board supposedly to help track down a potential pawn, a crew member that had been altered by Romulan telepaths to act as a spy, and a sabotour at the flick of a switch. Until such a time as they are activated, they would have no knowledge of this alteration to their mind.

It wasn't long until the mission was underway, and true to word, the radiation from the brown dwarf began to cause serious issues with the ship systems. While Skyler went about making plans as to how to potentially protect the ship, his idea was implemented to late, and critical circuitry in the secret cloaking device onboard the Columbia had been damaged. unfortunately this was not able to be fixed during the mission, leaving the Columbia anke and vulnerable, a fact that several ships soon took advantage of.

Unfortunately the mission for the First Officer, and the away team did not go as planned either. They found that Featherstone had been either being used as a pawn as well or had been severely damaged mentally, and had ran off, as the station was set to self destruct. They were barely able to make it out alive, but not with their target in hand. The Columbia was able to escape mostly unscathed, and for his efforts in repairing ship systems, Skyler was awarded the Star Fleet Commendation Medal for the first time.

Third Mission: “Tellar Ground Operations”

on Stardate 21401.03 after the major space operations battle with the Krynar, the USS Columbia was instructed to land Away teams on Tellar, in order to retrieve several high valued targets. Skyler was assigned to accompany the Red team, along with the Captain. On beaming down to the surface, a military headquarters building, they found that the guards had already been dead, and that the roof was unguarded. The first assignment for Skyler was to breach a wall in order to get them into the building. The breach charge was placed, and detonated with success. Unfortunately a simultaneous breach through the windows had set off alarms all across the building.

Skyler was, however, able to silence the alarms, but shorting out the circuit, after gaining access through one of the wall speakers. This, to his surprise, shorted out the entire system, and not just the those that were in teh immediate area. The rest of the crew, mostly tactical, were able to overcome a small security force, which led them to the VIP they were after. Unfortunately as the Krynar retreated from the system, and their enlightening orbs effects began to wear off, the VIP had decided to take his own life, rather than face the consequences of his actions in front of his people.

The Blue team, however, had better luck in retrieving their VIP, and the Away teams returned to the ship without further incident. Awards have not yet been given in recognition of that actions performed on this most recent mission

Fourth Mission: "The Last Roundup"

On Stardate 21403.10 the USS Columbia met with the USS Quasar, which had on board Admiral Wayne, as well as Captain Morgan. They both beamed aboard the Columbia with a security contingent to inform the Columbia crew that their Captain, Adaran, was to be arrested and handed over to the Romulan government for war crimes. The ship was to be decommissioned and its crew transferred. After a heated, near violent exchange in the transporter room, the Captain ordered everyone to stand down, and allowed her self to be cuffed and transferred. After which she was immediately loaded onto a shuttle and ferried towards Romulan space.

In the meantime, Captain Morgan addressed the Columbia crew, and acknowledged that there were many levels of political intrigue going on, not all of which agreed with the arrest of Captain Adaran. Each crew member was given a choice to be reassigned, or to take of on a secret, unsanctioned mission to rescue the Captain. Most of the higher staff agreed, to include Skyler, and a treasonous escape ensued. It was not long after this however, that Skyler was grievously wounded on the bridge, which required the Columbia to ship him off as well as a security officer, in order to get medical help and save Skyler's life.

Skyler awoke some time later on a starbase, having mostly been repaired. It was there that he met with Commander Tam, and old colleague from his first ship, the USS Titan (since decommissioned). She had news of his crimes being pardoned, as well as an offer for a position as First officer aboard the USS Ozaki. Skyler was unsure what happened to the crew of the Columbia, be he hoped that they had succeeded in their mission, and were off somewhere happily saving the galaxy with more of their off the record missions.

USS Ozaki, PFF-7168

First Mission: “Khaon”

On Stardate 21501.05 the USS Ozaki was assigned to investigate the details of their former Chief of Engineering's dealings with potential terrorist groups. This search led them to investigate the abrupt departure and fleeing of his parents to the Capital city of Khaon, X'in.

Second Mission: “Smugglers Rings”

Not much has been recovered from Skyler's second mission aboard the USS Ozaki. The mission was to follow a lead on on The Traitor Trip's parents on Khaon. It was at this point that somewhere during the ensuing battle, Lieutenant Skyler Gray disappeared. While his status shows as missing in action, after missing for over a year, it is assumed that he is dead.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Warp Drive Systems and Theory, Subspace Dynamics
Academy Minor(s): Astrophysics
Hobbies and Pastimes: Astronomy, Ancient Earth Martial Art (Aikido)
Short-Term Goals: Increase his technical knowledge of his new ship, Improve efficency of current Warp Drive. Learn more about Impulse engines, and Gravity systems.
Long-Term Goals: To eventually land a job in R&D for starfleet, so that he can get the funding he needs to continue his research into allowing Starships to form warp conduits similar to the Borg.
Personality: Easy going in private, Silent and observing in public. Prideful but not arrogant, despises laziness.
Sense of Humor: Very subtle wit. Most jokes made to himself, after years at the Academy of people not getting his jokes without explanation
Phobias: Atychiphobia: Fear of Failure
Likes: Reading, Quiet, Whiskey Sour
Dislikes: Loud Obnoxious people. Being overlooked.
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Being called Lazy, or a liar (creates a strong angry emotional reaction normally thought to be out of character)
Bad Habits or Vices: Drinks, but not to excess, Whiskey Sour. Synthahol usually but on a rare occasion will go out of his way to find the real thing.
Achievements: Numerous awards in physics and science fairs through school.
Disappointments: Not attending Starfleet Academy sooner. His father not being alive to see Skyler's acceptance to Starleet.
Illnesses: N/A
Strengths: Quick to make non-linear connections, making Skyler a quick and strong problem solver. Easy to get along with.
Weaknesses: Does not create strong bonds with people quickly.
Fears: Failure, disappointing those he looks up to.
Prejudices: Assumes people from well known families/houses did not EARN their positions.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Losing his parents, having to postpone Starfleet.
Best Time: Watching little brother graduate from Highschool
Most Crucial Experience: Raising his little brother, while working and going to school.
Role Model: Never had time for one, but is subconsciously seeking one.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 20509.09 – 21109.06 Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Engineering Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 21109.09 – 21202.01 Midshipman Midshipman
Engineering Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 21202.01 – 21208.01 Ensign Ensign
Engineering Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 21202.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Engineering Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 21206.01 Short Story Participant Short Story Participant
Engineering Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 21208.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 21208.01 – 21211.25 Lieutenant Junior Grade Lieutenant Junior Grade
Engineering Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 21210.01 Gold Star Gold Star
Engineering Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21211.25 – 21303.01 Transferred
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21303.01 Gold Star Gold Star
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21303.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21304.24 – 21402.25 Lieutenant Lieutenant
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21305.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21309.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21311.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21312.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21402.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21402.25 – Current Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21403.01 Command School Graduate Ribbon Command School Graduate Ribbon
Chief Engineer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21406.01 Krynar War Campaign Medal Krynar War Campaign Medal
First Officer USS Ozaki, PFF-7168 21411.15 Transfer
N/A UNKNOWN 21508.01 MIA
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
Command School Graduate Ribbon Command School Graduate Ribbon 1
Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal 1
Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal 1
Gold Star Gold Star 2
Campaign Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Krynar War Campaign Medal Krynar War Campaign Medal 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 6
Short Story Participant Short Story Participant 1

Contact Information


Supplemental Information

Characters Tally:
Name Type Status
Nila Soen Alternate Player Character Lt[JG], USS Titan
S'Kles Registered Non-Player Character Lt Cdr, USS Ozaki
Ariella Chaya Registered Non-Player Character PO2, USS James Monroe

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.