The Farians are a humanoid species native to the planet Farius Prime.
The Farian government has not been entirely successful in controlling their crime rates. As a result, their planet is a hot spot for Orion Syndicate activity. Several Farians were high-ranking members in the Syndicate in the 2370s, including Thadial Bokar and Raimus.
The planet has organized prostitution. It is unknown if this activity was illegal or not.
Physiologically, Farians are quite similar to Humans except for a rising ridge that goes from their nose to the top of their forehead. Farius seems to be a Class M planet with a standard oxygen/nitrogen breathable atmosphere.
Society and History
In the late 2360s, Farius was the stop of many cargo runs, and this may contribute to the planet's diversity. The planet is home to a number of species not native to the planet; species seen there include the Bolians and the Dopterians.
Based on the use of currency, and the low standards on Farius, Farius is presumably not a member of the United Federation of Planets.
The world's planet-wide communications system is a series of com booths, similar to ancient Earth "pay phones". The planet's road system is divided into streets, and public transportation is in place. The planet still uses paper currency.
Although a very minor power in the quadrant, there is a Klingon embassy, as well as an ambassador for the Klingon Empire to Farius.
In 2374, Chief Miles O'Brien of Deep Space 9 went to Farius and got caught up in an undercover mission for Star Fleet Intelligence. This became worse when the Dominion sent Vorta representative Gelnon to talk with some Syndicate members on the planet, and had several members of the Orion Syndicate under Raimus planning the assassination of the Klingon Ambassador. A Human, Liam Bilby, was the head of planning the assassination, and used his assistants Flith, Krole, and "Connelly" (actually O'Brien working undercover) to carry it out. Star Fleet Intelligence pulled O'Brien however, and the assassination was averted. Klingon Security took care of the syndicate members.
This information taken from http://memory-alpha.org/