Eyles, Isambard

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Isambard "Sam" Eyles
Career Occupation
Chief Engineer
USS Dauntless, CA-1553
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Biographical Attributes
180 cm (5 ft. 11 in.)
80 kg (176 lb.)
Eye Color:
Sea green flecked with blue
Hair Color:
Rusty walnut
Middle-of-the-regulation length, kept fairly neat
Wiry, athletic
Facial Hair:
Smooth tenor
United Federation of Planets
SS Plenty
Familial Relationships
Malcolm Cardt
Francesca Eyles
Status of Parents:
Marital Status:

Personal History

Sam grew up aboard merchant fleet freighters, learning from a young age what it takes to keep an old ship running. It gave him a natural affinity for mechanical and engineering work in his later life, as well as a strong desire to spend his life aboard ship; planetside living never suited him. While the only blood relative he had aboard the Plenty was his mother, living in the confines of a freighter with a limited deck plan meant the entire crew became one extended family. There's not a thing he wouldn't do for any of his old crewmates, if ever they asked.

Sam's father was a Star Fleet Marine stationed on Mars, who met his mother while she was finalising a shipment to the surface. Repeated visits allowed a tentative relationship to build, before trade winds took the Plenty away from Sector 001 and towards Star Base Delta. They kept in touch after she departed again, but Sam would only meet his father once before the Borg invasion. He was one of 14 million assimilated Federation citizens killed in an orbital strike there.

Growing up, Sam chafed at the merchantman lifestyle. He wanted to stay aboard a ship, but he needed to get out of his family home. Star Fleet was an obvious choice, and also provides him with some much-needed direction. Shortly after he left the Plenty, the ship was attacked by Orion pirates, killing his mother and several other crew before boarding and looting the ship. His friend Raito survived, however, and the remaining crew managed to limp back to the nearest starbase for relief. Sam decided to stick with his decision to join Star Fleet rather than return home - perhaps he could help mitigate the threat of piracy to other merchant ships in the future. The decision drove a thick wedge between him and his family-crew; traditionally, any crew off-ship when such a tragic event occurs come home to help and mourn. Sam's choosing to complete his training rather than drop out baffled and confused the people who considered themselves part of his family. He hopes to one day find a way to repair his relationship with his home.

While at the Academy, he bunked with a Vulcan roomate who taught him how to play kal-toh - and proceeded to beat Sam in every subsequent game. Even playing alone, he can't always find the solution to bring order from chaos, and merely leaves his incomplete set as an ornament before attempting another assault on it. He also discovered the joys of holodecks - the Plenty didn't have one - and played around for a while before creating his own martial arts training program. He reasoned that this way, if he ever found himself in a bad situation, he wouldn't need a weapon to defend himself or others.

Upon completion of his Star Fleet training, Sam was assigned to the USS Dauntless, of the 2nd Fleet. After spending almost his entire life in a ship that was the better part of a century old, getting to play with a state-of-the-art heavy cruiser with two military-grade warp cores was a dream come true. Some of the tricks he'd learned to keep the Plenty running were still effective on Star Fleet-spec systems, although he did meet resistance from some of the engineers when it turned out those modifications were technically against regulation.

After a mission to the science station orbiting Calder II, later classified by Star Fleet Intelligence, Sam was elevated to Chief Engineer of the Dauntless. It was a promotion he wasn't expecting for some time, and it came with a temporarily-inflated Engineering complement courtesy of Star Base Bravo. The challenges inherent in organising 300 people would have been bad enough, even without the time-pressure of flying towards a warzone while repairing the ship from the last engagement, over Calder II.

These two missions were the first time Sam witnessed, first-hand, people in his crew dying. The first time was on the science station, on an away team, and was bad enough for being an ambush situation. However, the next deaths were in his department while he was its Chief - and again, he was helpless to prevent them.

He spent his shore leave travelling to meet his family aboard the Plenty, anxious to repair his relationship with his old crewmates. He was only partially successful, but the door wasn't entirely closed behind him.

The Dauntless' next operation, to Yadalla Prime, gave him an opportunity to assuage some of his earlier guilt with a mission to retrieve Star Fleet personnel and their families from a world belonging to the Tal'Shiar. However, he was tasked with joining a secondary mission while there - to retrieve a Romulan agent from the DRR and return him to Star Base Bravo. Sam, Commander Caldecott and Lieutenant Murphy infiltrated the lower city where S'Ten was hiding, but were accosted by a group of thugs led by an Orion. Sam killed the Orion, provoking the rest of the group into attacking them. They nearly lost, until the Star Fleet trio were saved by S'Ten's minders and taken to a safehouse. They retrieved the agent and returned to the ship.

Sam was reprimanded for his actions, but saved from a court-martial for murder by Caldecott. He worked out his conflicting emotions - he'd basically gotten away with it, but he felt that he shouldn't have - on the holodeck, causing considerable damage to one of the ship's holodecks and nearly getting himself killed in the process. He was left with a large scar on his back, one that he was reluctant to go to Sickbay for, in case uncomfortable questions about how he came to acquire it were asked.

The senior crew of the Dauntless were next sent on a black op into the Klingon Empire, using the first-of-her-class USS Apparition. En route, the ship was revealed to possess a phase cloak, and an experimental triple power plant configuration consisting of a traditional matter-antimatter reactor, a quantum singularity core and a prototype intertemporal generator all mated together to provide enough power for the prodigious needs of the cloaking device. Sam found it difficult to get along with their SFI liaison, but appreciated her skill and clear love for her ship. He was sent on an away mission, an assault on a KDF intelligence base, in order to steal information related to a terrorist attack on Earth. The fight was brutal and bloody, and no better in orbit. Overall, the crew suffered seventy percent casualties, and the loss of the Apparition. The survivors were lucky to escape in a captured B'Rel-class Bird of Prey. If Sam hated SFI before, he wouldn't spit on a greyshirt if one were aflame in front of him now.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): General Engineering training
Academy Minor(s): Matter/antimatter systems, Propulsion
Hobbies and Pastimes: Martial arts, kal-toh
Short-Term Goals: Design a modular warp system that can be easily scaled between ship classes
Long-Term Goals: Repair his relationship with his home crew
Personality: Mainly outgoing, but most personal things are off-limits. He'll try and deflect the conversation to more comfortable territory. Easily makes friends just the same. If he believes he's right, he'll never back down - a trait which has brought him into conflict with some of his colleagues more than once. Lately, his demeanour has soured somewhat - a symptom of too many crew casualties in too short a time; something he finds difficult to cope with.
Sense of Humor: Dry, deadpan. Sam tends to use humour as an emotional barrier to things he finds upsetting or uncomfortable, leading some to believe him callous or uncaring.
Phobias: Spacewalks. Sam prefers having bulkheads between him and space rather than some flimsy EVA suit.
Likes: Good food, preferably cooked rather than replicated
Dislikes: People who ask a lot of personal questions - space and privacy are at a premium on ships like the Plenty. The habit carried over into his later life.
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Bad maintenance work
Bad Habits or Vices: Alcohol, the real stuff.
Achievements: Earning departmental command on his second mission
Disappointments: Not being there for either of his parents when they died, whether or not he could have done anything
Illnesses: None
Strengths: Determination, integrity
Weaknesses: Doesn't know when to back down, redheads
Fears: Open water
Prejudices: Orion (particularly members of the Syndicate), as Sam was very close to his mother; and a mild ignorance-prejudice against telepaths, as he doesn't enjoy the thought of his thoughts being shared without his permission.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Simple, minimalist shirts and khakis
Distinguishing Features: Dimple in right cheek, symptomatic of his semi-permanent lopsided smile. A faint disruptor scar runs the length of his back from the left shoulder to the left hip.
Pets: None
Friends: Hamazaki Raito

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Loss of his mother to pirate raid while away taking his basic Star Fleet training.
Best Time: Stealing bottles of late-vintage Chateau Picard from the cargo bay on a luxury run, and drinking them with Raito. Being only 14 at the time, he was horribly sick afterward, but it was some of the best fun he'd had aboard the Plenty.
Most Crucial Experience: Deciding between staying in Star Fleet or returning to his homeship.
Role Model: Ens Travis Mayweather, helmsman of the NX-01 and former freighter crewman

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 20902.01 – 21302.28 Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Engineering Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 21304.01 – 21306.01 Midshipman Midshipman
Engineering Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 21304.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21306.01 Short Story Participant Short Story Participant
Engineering Officer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21306.01 – 21309.01 Ensign Ensign
Engineering Officer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21309.01 Lieutenant Junior Grade Lieutenant Junior Grade
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21309.01 Promoted
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21311.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21311.04 Short Story Winner Short Story Winner
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21403.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21403.14 Lieutenant Lieutenant
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21407.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21409.01 Gold Star Gold Star
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21412.01 Command School Graduate Ribbon Command School Graduate Ribbon
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21501.01 Krynar War Campaign Medal Krynar War Campaign Medal
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21501.03 Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21505.01 Gold Star Gold Star
Chief Engineer USS Dauntless, CA-1553 21601.01 Star Fleet Medal of Honor (Posthumous) Star Fleet Medal of Honor
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
Command School Graduate Ribbon Command School Graduate Ribbon 1
Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal 1
Gold Star Gold Star 2
Star Fleet Medal of Honor Star Fleet Medal of Honor 1
Campaign Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Krynar War Campaign Medal Krynar War Campaign Medal 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 3
Short Story Participant Short Story Participant 1
Short Story Winner Short Story Winner 1

Contact Information

E-Mail: isambardsmith@ymail.com

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.