Ecurai is the homeworld of the fledgling Democratic Romulan Republic. It is located on the opposite side of the Romulan Star Empire from Romulus, near the border with Klingon space.
Climate, Geography and Society
Ecurai's climate varies by zone. While some parts of the planet receive abundant rainfall, others feature a dry, desert-like climate. Much of the world is mountainous. A massive canyon, larger than Earth's Grand Canyon, lies near the capital city, Thaliij.
While the majority of the population is of Romulan descent, Thaliij features a small alien quarter. Ecuari trades openly with the Federation, the Ferengi and several other neutral worlds, and it is not unusual to find non-Romulans wandering the streets. Aliens have no political rights however and face many forms of unofficial discrimination.
Originally a minor colony known as Khatherae, the planet became a haven for refugees of the Reformist movement after it was crushed on Romulus in the late 24th century. Reformists secured political power in the colony's government in the early 25th century, and with the help of elements in the Imperial Land Army they forced the resignation of the Imperial governor in 2410, replacing him with one of their own supporters and renaming the planet.
When Imperial ships were sent to retake control of the planet, several commanders who objected to the growing militarism of the s'Tei faction in the Senate, defected to the Reformists' side, forcing a stalemate. The Reformists proclaimed the Democratic Romulan Republic, and over the next two years, other nearby colony worlds requested their protection.
Ecurai soon became a safe haven for all types of Imperial dissidents, and the planet's population began to rapidly increase from an influx of political refugees. Soon, the Reformists found themselves in the minority, and more conservative elements took control of the government. An organized military fleet was assembled from vessels whose crews had defected, and trade was established with outside entities to help boost the Republic's economy.
Facing constant military antagonism from the Empire and the real threat of being reabsorbed within its borders once again, the Republic also requested help from the United Federation of Planets. Federation vessels USS Gettysburg and USS Comet visited Ecurai in 2412, and diplomatic recognition was granted along with the unofficial promise of military help.
Resenting the Federation's intrusion into what it considered an internal matter and considering it a territorial grab, the Empire responded by attacking the Federation at Starbase 157 in 2415. The Federation declared war on the Empire and signed a formal alliance with the Republic.