Delta Flyer II

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The Delta Flyer II in USS Voyager's shuttlebay

The Delta Flyer II was a reconstruction of the original Delta Flyer that was in service aboard the USS Voyager.

This version was equipped with pulse phased weapons and a duranium-reinforced hull.
As was the original, this craft had phasers and photon torpedos.

Delta Flyer II sported pop-out impulse thrusters, which gave the ship greater sublight speeds.
The interior was slightly redesigned with an emphasis on comfort.
The main flight controls were redesigned more like a cross-over between a 20th century aircraft control column, and a control stick, giving the pilot a more hands-on feeling as opposed to conventional touch panels.

Fighting alongside Neelix's ship, this Delta Flyer proved pivotal in the defense of a Talaxian colony against miners who wished to force the colonists out.