Copernicus Mission 08: "Phoenix into the Flames"
Stardate 20903.02
Mission summary
The Copernicus is sent, along with the Drake, on a rescue mission to the planet Tekna which is suffering from extreme tectonic activity of some sort. En route, Copernicus and the Drake is to divert to the Troligan Waystation in order to recruit other ships to help an evacuation effort while the Copernicus runabout is to continue to Tekna. There they are attacked and boarded by a Cardassian vessel and Security PO Joseph Friday is killed. They are rescued in the nick of time by the arrival of Dauntless. When Copernicus arrives to evacuate the planet with other ships, an away team is sent to discover what the cause of the extreme tectonic activity is. They beam down to a planet devastated by earthquakes, tsunamis of flames, giant fissures in the earth, and eruptions which is tearing the world apart, causing mass death and destruction of the large mining colonies. No cause is found and the destruction escalates. The team is forced to beam back after Science Officer David Kromanhock is killed. While the Copernicus has evacuated as many of the planet's population as possible, the catastrophic planetary activity reaches a crescendo and all the human colonies on the planet are swallowed up by the earth, with millions of deaths. Afterwards the planet returns to normal. It is later discovered that Tekna is a 'sentient' planet, and the tectonic activity in response to over-mining by the Federation colony.
Captain's Logs
Capt Stovon Stewart
Stardate 20903.02
Stardate 20903.02 Commanding Officer's Log - Commander Stewart recording.
After a high-speed exit from SBC, we are on our way at high warp to the Troligan Waystation. We were not given any specifics of the mission we have been sent on, save that it is a joint rescue mission with the Drake. Admiral Treborn has just sent a message from the Drake requesting a joint senior staff meeting. We are now making preparations to attend that meeting.
End Log.
Stardate 20905.11
Stardate 20905.11 Commanding Officer's Log - Commander Stewart recording.
Due to an ill timed and unexplained departure of the Drake for Earth, the Copernicus is continuing on with the rescue mission we have been assigned. I have dispatched Commander Dys with an away team to head towards the planet Tekna to begin assessing the situation. In the mean-time, I am taking the Copernicus on to the Troligan Waystation in order to drum up help and support for the evacuation of the colonists.
We have spotted a small convoy of Cardassian vessels in the area and I confess their presence does concern me given the Cardassians desire for Tekna for themselves. It is however, tempting to use that has bait in securing their help with the evacuation as well.
End recording.
Stardate 20908.21
Stardate 20908.21 Commanding Officer's Log - Commander Stewart recording.
Our 'rescue' mission could only be deemed a dismal failure. After diverting to the Troligan Waystation, and sending Commander Dys on her way, we received a report that the runabout was under attack. I made the decision to leave Lieutenant Commander Ma on board the station to conduct the negotiations while I took the Copernicus on towards Tekna, knowing we would not reach the planet in time to help the away team escape the Cardassians.
Before we were able to arrive, a communication came in from the USS Dauntless, under the command of Captain Wong. The ship of course is highly familiar, her CO less so. They had received and responded to the distress call from the runabout and proceeded to rescue our away team and dispatch the Cardassians.
Once we arrived, we found that the Dauntless had hung around to provide assistance. A third ship was also on the scene, this one a medical ship. Our away teams and tactical department attempted to coordinate with the Dauntless to evacuate the colonists, as well as try to discover the cause of the planet's tectonic activity.
During the course of events said activity increased and what has been described by the away team as 'fire lizards' appeared and began attacking the colony towns. We attempted to use both ship-board phasers and small attack craft to repel the creatures, with limited success.
Soon after, the planet's destruction accelerated and we had to bring our away teams home. The planet then seemed to self-destruct. Most curiously, though, it now appears to be floating in space with no signs of recent activity - no signs of the colony, nor of the recent tectonic activity. Some of my officers have theorized that the planet itself could be sentient.
I am placing a quarantine on the planet and asking that Star Fleet send out a ship better equipped to attempt communication with the planet. Although, I doubt that will be possible, as if it were, the planet would have tried to communicate rather than destroy the colony. Or so I would hope.
I have also included in my report to Star Fleet a scathing evaluation of Star Fleet's failure in this emergency situation. More ships should have been assigned and it should have happened more rapidly than it did.
One further note, the Copernicus has been reassigned and ordered to return to Earth. This will mark the first time in several years that I have been stationed at SBA.
End log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Gloria Dys
Stardate 20908.11
Personal Log, Stardate 20908.11, Commander Gloria Dys recording:
The mission was a resounding debacle; ill prepped and realistically, there was no probability of success. Success being the evacuation of most of the inhabitants. Star Fleet Command deserves the bulk of outrage and condemnation that will surely follow once news of the events regarding Tekna become public.
There is an Admiral that I’d like to personally drop kick into next week and beyond...if not for negligence and incompetence...than for the Admiral’s distinct callousness and disregard to the lives of Federation citizens.
Examining the actions taken by both crews of USS Copernicus and USS Dauntless, I find no fault in our procedures and assumptions into the attempt to minimize or negate the planet’s tectonic activity. It is my belief that we had done everything...humanly possible to ascertain the mechanism of this event, and our failure to come up with a solution meant the deaths of hundreds of thousands of lives.
As for evacuations...there was no chance. There were simply insufficient numbers and size of vessels to mount any serious evac. Also, Cardassian pirates stymied our initial rendezvous via Runabout, with Tekna...they murdered one of my Security men, and we were rescued by Dauntless. Distance also complicated matters, as Tekna is some several hours from the Troligan Waystation at warp 9...and there are issues with the conscripted rescue ships from Troligan...who seem to be little more than pirates themselves.
In all my years in Star Fleet, I have never experienced this scale of impotence.
Stop Log.
Stardate 20908.25
Personal Log, Stardate 20908.25, Commander Gloria Dys recording:
The two away teams sent down to Tekna, a sentient life-form in hindsight (kudos to Lt[JG] William Norton for the being the first to make the correlation), suffered intense physical and emotional stress...far beyond anything we have previously encountered.
I recommend commendations to each of the away team members, and as welcome news that Ens Sring and CM Phragh will make a full recovery, I am deeply saddened by the loss of Mid David Kromanhock, who lost his life, along with thousands upon thousands of colonists.
I fear I had demanded too much by sending teams to Tekna's surface in hopes of minimizing the massive earthquakes to make significant evacuation efforts a possibility. Counseling will be available for those who desire it, but the magnitude of the experience will likely haunt all of us for some unspecified amount of time.
Mid Trent has faced consequences for insubordination while upon Tekna's surface...and upon further reflection, I believe that his promotion to Ensign should in fact take place.
For the first time in my career, I feel inadequate for the job at hand...I should have seen the signs of the planet's intelligence earlier...more lives could have been saved...
There is also the 'present' from Lee, that leaves me Mid Rogers truly a Romulan spy? And even if true, did that justify murder? And my feelings for Ander...the way we parted, I feel so alone now...isolated...out of my time. Trapped.
I want to go back.
End Log
Lt JG Xavier Caine
Stardate 20905.05
Personal Log Stardate 20905.05 Ensign Xavier Caine, Tactical Officer
Begin Log.
Well, I knew I’d get around to doing one of these sooner or later, but I didn’t expect to do it while on a runabout. I don’t know where to begin, but I guess I can play catch up later. I am not onboard the USS Copernicus after the Darwin was commandeered by Star Fleet Command for a special refit. So, we were all on Starbase Charlie when the recall notice came in. It seems a federation mining colony is breaking up. The planet is experiencing massive earthquakes.
Right now the first officer, chief of security, chief medical officer, engineer, and a few science officers are on a runabout that I am piloting to Tekna. The Copernicus has been sent to a waystation on the way to recruit a few ships in the help to evacuate the planet.
That’s all I know on our current mission. During this time I was promoted to Ensign by Commander Dys. She seems pleased with my work, and it is reassuring to know that your command staff has confidence in you. Well, that’s all I have for now. I don’t want to seem like I am sleeping at the helm.
Eng Log.
COS Lt Jane Fields
Stardate 20907.07
Chief of Security Log, Stardate 20907.07, Lieutenant Jane Fields Recording:
We were sent a distress call from a Federation mining planet, Tekna, near to Cardassian space. Tekna appears to be suffering from extreme tectonic activity, basically ripping itself apart. I accompanied an advanced party led by Cdr Dys on the runabout 'Pegasus' while the Copernicus made a detour to the Troligan Waystation to recruit civilian ships to help with evacuation of refugees from the planet.
When the Pegasus arrived at Tekna, we were attacked, unprovoked and without warning, by two Cardassian Galor-class ships. The runabout was no match for them and they quickly reduced our shields to nothing. I and a number of others were injured in the attack. They then boarded the vessel and shot dead Security Petty Officer 1st Class Joseph Friday with a disrupter bolt... in cold blood, unarmed; a pointless and vicious act.
I had managed to get out a mayday and we were fortunate at that moment to be rescued by the USS Dauntless under the command of Capt Mike Wong.
After a short battle in which the Dauntless prevailed, one of the Cardassian ships destroyed itself by flying into the sun rather than surrender, but not before they had transported their crew to the other ship which then escaped back to Cardassian space.
The Dauntless had already captured the Cardassians who had boarded the runabout. I was given the opportunity by their COS, LCdr Vaughn, to interrogate one of them.
The prisoner, going by the name of Tor Z'ot, wore somewhat different style uniform to the standard and he claimed to be Obsidian Order. He also claimed that their two-ship detachment was the advanced arm of a vast invasion fleet.
My faith in Star Fleet Intelligence is enough that I'd like to think they would have noticed if the Cardassians were amassing a vast invasion force on our borders! However, it seems likely that the Cardassian presence at Tekna was an example of what is sometimes referred to as sabre rattling; the initiation of border raids to test the Federation's mettle. Our war with the Romulans would leave us with a divided front if the Cardassians were to begin hostilities. They would love to use it to their advantage but I don't believe they're currently capable.
Perhaps though, this is a warning that we must watch the Cardassians closely in the coming years. After the Dominion War, the Cardassians were a spent force, militarily and economically depleted and a demoralised people. It was a major turnaround for a proud and imperialistic race. They may have been building up their military quietly. The history of my own planet, Earth, holds an important lesson here. It was a similar situation with Nazi Germany leading up to the events of the year 1939.
The Cardassians have long coveted the natural resources on Tekna that currently belong to the Federation. I could not ascertain from the Cardassian prisoner whether they were responsible for the sudden activity on Tekna - but he did say that they were prepared to sweep up the natural resources from the dust of the destroyed planet if necessary. I have a feeling that they are not responsible though.
The Copernicus managed to recruit a number of civilian ships at the Troligan Waystation to help with the evacuation, and the ship is now in orbit around Tekna. I am about to beam down to the planet itself, leading a Science and Medical team in an attempt to find and curtail the cause of Tekna's problems.
On another note, we have a murder investigation on the ship. The facts are yet to be established and the investigation must wait until we have dealt with the Tekna situation. A Midshipman Rogers from Engineering was found dead in a lift shaft and every indication is that foul play is at work. Indeed, it is clear, even at this point, that a very tangled web underlies the death.
End log.
Stardate 20908.23
Chief of Security Log, Stardate 20908.23, Lieutenant Jane Fields Recording:
Log supplemental
The away team mission to the planet was a disaster.
My team consisted of security Midshipman Dixon, doctors Brooks and Tarel, CM Phragh, Lt St. Vrain, Mid Trent and Mid Kromanhock (all science). We beamed to the Ghia colony on Tekna and into a Hell-like scenario. A planet torn apart, rivers of magma, buildings mere piles of burning rubble and death and dying everywhere. The heat and smell was at once stifling and suffocating. Immediately we observed what appeared to be reptilian creatures completely aflame, like fireballs, attacking buildings.
In order to save several colonists sheltering in the remains of one such building, I took the decision to fire upon the creatures with my PR-1. I managed to bring down one creature but not before Crewman Phragh, a Horta, threw himself into the path of the 'fire lizard' and was severely injured. This was a selfless and heroic act on his part. The Copernicus used phasers on a narrow setting to hit the planet surface and destroy another of the attacking lizards as it charged us.
I made the decision to use aggression in a second which was all I had to react. Mid Trent, upset by the injury to Phragh, took issue with my decision very publicly and in an emotional manner. I gave him a warning that he must both compose himself and show respect for my authority or I would have him beamed to the Copernicus Brig. However, the midshipman continued to question my decision-making and I was forced to fulfil my promise. I felt I had no choice in this. In such a perilous situation, I could not have a member of the team questioning my decisions – it was both a distraction and conducive to disorder.
The medics attempted to help injured colonists while our science team of St. Vrain and Kromanhock made scans of a magnetic field detected underneath the magma flow splitting the colony. However, before they had chance to complete their investigation a terrific earthquake struck and we were forced to beam back to the ship. Mid David Kromanhock was killed instantly in the earthquake before the beam back, crushed by flying masonry. The young Texan was an exceptional young officer and, along with PO Friday, this was the second tragic loss to the crew on this mission.
The earthquake marked the death throes of the planet, all the colonies on Tekna were at once swallowed up in fissures leaving no trace behind. Millions of people were dead in an instant. The scale of this death and destruction has been hard for everyone to comprehend. Many of us feel personal blame in not being able to save more lives. Certainly Star Fleet Command has much to answer for in failing to protect those Federation citizens.
Shortly after my return from the planet I collapsed in my quarters. The head trauma I suffered earlier in the Cardassian attack on the runabout evidently caused epidural haemorrhaging and, unknown, had been bleeding for some hours. I was lucky that LCdr Zenteal found me in time. Any longer without surgery and the haemorrhaging would have resulted in my death or at least very serious brain damage.
We are set to return shortly to Starbase Alpha for much needed shore leave. However, in the meantime I still have a murder investigation on my hands.
End log.
Stardate 20912.18
Encrypted Personal log, Stardate 20912.18, Lieutenant Commander Jane Fields, Chief of Security, recording:
Encryption fields-lambda-alpha-theta-one-seven-seven. Start log:
A lot happened after Tekna during shore leave at Star Base Alpha, least of which was a temporal incident. I will start, however, by summarising the progress of the murder investigation mentioned in previous COS log entries.
The inquiry into the dead Midshipman Rogers took a dramatic turn. Though the autopsy by Dr Brooks could not conclusively prove foul play was behind the death – a broken neck was the cause, we uncovered other evidence to remove any doubt that it was murder.
The fingerprint of the former Acting FO and CMO, Lieutenant Commander Ander was found on the dead middy's badge. Ensign Dixon and one of our forensics officers also unlocked a recorded message encrypted in the combadge from Ander to Commander Dys. I was not there to witness the recording and it deleted after playing. However, it was a murder confession from Ander, the motive being that the dead midshipman was a Romulan spy who had been sent to kidnap Dys. The Romulans, it appears, are keen to use our time-shifted First Officer's knowledge of the future to their own ends.
Ander left a number of intel files also encrypted into the combadge which proved the espionage of Rogers. This posed many questions. We had already guessed from Ander's activities before he left the Copernicus that he was working for Star Fleet Intel. But why would he kill the spy and not simply turn him over to JAG or his Intel bosses? Not least of the questions was why leave behind a confession for Dys and evidence of his guilt?
To obtain answers I tracked down Ander to his new post on the Pulsar. With the permission of their COS I questioned him - informally of course, it was not an interrogation. What happened surprised me. I was expecting the cool detachedness of his Intel training, but the man showed uncharacteristic emotion.
Ander is clearly in love with Commander Dys. His motive for murder was largely to protect her, and I suspect a fair bit to do with retaliation too. He may even have lost control with Rogers, taking his anger out on the spy. This seems likely given the trouble he had controlling his emotions during our interview – the man injured his hand smashing it down on the table in rage.
Most worryingly, Ander revealed to me that the Romulans were planning to use a lethal mind probe on Dys to obtain the knowledge they seek. What's more, they'll try again to get to her and they're not the only ones. Star Fleet Intel are sure to send another operative in place of Ander.
To top this, it now emerges that we have a blatant spy in our midst – Lieutenant Commander Monbrin has joined the crew as Chief Counsellor and openly declared that his true mission is to observe Dys. After our disastrous Tekna mission, the First Officer used her future knowledge to invest a bar of latinum in an obscure company that made an overnight fortune. True to form, the Commander donated this to the Tekna Relief Fund, which was her intention all along. This action, however, has drawn the attention of not only Star Fleet Command who, it seems, have sent Monbrin to watch her, but others too, notably the Cardassians.
The FO is therefore in danger from all sides. Consequently I have set in place a number of Security measures to help ensure her safety. Ultimately the only real safety is in her returning to the future, to her timeline. We're close to having the means to return her too, thanks to the temporal incident during shore leave. More on this later.
I have told Dys about everything I've uncovered except for the Romulan mind probe. There is no need for her to know about that.
As for Ander, with the recorded confession deleted there is only circumstantial evidence to link him to the dead middy. I dislike the man and especially his violent methods, but he'll get away with it. At least in this instance he was trying to protect the FO. I can at least sympathise with this.
Suspend log.
Stardate 20912.19
Encrypted Personal log, Stardate 20912.19, Lieutenant Commander Jane Fields, Chief of Security, recording:
Encryption fields-lambda-alpha-theta-one-seven-seven. Restart log:
As I mentioned previously, shore leave at Star Base Alpha after Tekna was eventful.
Science Officer Ensign Sring had been investigating the inert 'temporal key' that had brought Commander Dys to our timeline. It appeared that it was linked to an identical device that had taken the young Midshipman Dys into the future when the two women had changed places in time.
Sring was studying the key on Star Base Alpha during leave, and she believed it could be reactivated. She was certainly right in this belief.
I had learned previously that the John Zenteal of Commander Dys' time was somehow mentally unhinged. The catalyst for this madness was apparently his failed relationship with the future Jane Fields. However, little did I know that the future Zenteal, henceforth referred to as 'Johnny Z', was so obsessed with the future Jane that his sole goal in life was to hurt her and her best friend, Commander Dys, in revenge for their failed romance.
So it came to be that Johnny Z used the other, linked temporal key to come back to our time, appearing on SBA. He forcibly brought with him Midshipman Dys in order to activate the key that was attuned to her biosigns. His intention was to kill Commander Dys and take her back to their timeline.
Johnny Z used his command codes to beam aboard the Copernicus from the starbase. He jammed the transporters and headed straight for the First Officer who was in the Security Office with me. After a brief confrontation the crazed man wasted little time in firing a disruptor-type weapon at Dys. Despite being severely wounded, Dys nonetheless managed to grab hold of the temporal key in his hand and they both disappeared into thin air.
I had believed then that the First Officer was dead and that both she and Johnny Z had been transported back to their time. If the disruptor blast hadn't killed her outright then I was convinced Johnny Z would have finished her off later. However, it soon became clear this was not the case. The computer records still showed the presence of a Commander Dys in our timeline and no record of the now returned Midshipman Dys. This provided a clue that the temporal key had not after all taken the time-shifted pair back to their own future, and that Commander Dys was still in our time.
With the aid of a Lieutenant Commander Monbrin - a senior officer from SBA, Ensign Sring and Midshipman Dys routed the ship sensors through those at the Star Base, getting a trace on both the First Officer and the mad Johnny Z; it emerged they had actually been transported to nearby Earth by the temporal key. Despite her severe injuries Commander Dys had survived the ordeal and even managed to incapacitate Johnny Z. They were both beamed to Sickbay and the Commander's serious condition stabilised. Johnny was then placed securely in the Brig.
So, we currently have two Dyses and two Zenteals in this timeline. The presence of the temporal interlopers together with their younger versions has created a dangerous temporal discord that Sring assures us cannot last indefinitely and needs urgent resolution.
The solution, of course, is for the Commander and Johnny Z to return to their own time. Sring is working on the temporal key. It appears that we may soon lose our First Officer back to the future.
In the meantime Lieutenant Commander Monbrin has joined the crew from SBA - apparently sent by Star Fleet to spy on the First Officer. I am keeping an eye on him and a close watch for other potential threats to Commander Dys. She will not be safe until she returns to her own time.
End log.
ACSO Lt Elspeth St. Vrain
Stardate 20908.22
Personal log 20908.22 Lieutenant Elspeth St.Vrain, acting CSO recording:
This was a difficult mission from the beginning. It involved several departments and stretched our abilities to the limit. The Science department's main task was to determine the cause of the massive earthquakes threatening Tekna and to stop them if possible. Our initial attempt to get an away team to the planet's surface was aborted when our runabout was attacked by Cardassians. A security midshipman was killed when the runabout was boarded. Only the intervention of the Dauntless saved the rest of us. We finally made it to the surface of the planet. Two groups were sent, my group to investigate the magma flows and to look into some lifesigns detected in a nearby building. A second team to a Sciene station that they hoped to bring online in case that should provide information on the early stages of the disaster.
Unfortunately, we were shortly attacked by what appeared to be lizard-like lifeforms generating flames over their entire bodies. Dubbed by all, "fire lizards" they appeared attracted to any buildings which had so far escaped destruction. As there were thought to be humans still living in a nearby structure, Lt Fields opened fire on one creature as it turned toward that refuge. It was attracted to attack the Lt. My science officer, the Horta Phragh, attempted to delay the creature and was badly injured in the process. Lt Fields was able to stop the fire lizard before she herself was injured. Due to concern for his friend, Midshipman Trent addressed himself to the Lt. in a highly inappropriate manner. Eventually she was forced to have him beamed to the Copernicus' brig. Before much more could be done, the planet's seismic activity increased so that we were beamed back to the Copernicus. Sadly, my Science Officer, David Kromanhock was killed by flying debris. Our mission was a partial success. We were able to determine the cause of the disturbance but were not able to stop it, or even limit it's destruction. As impossible as it seems, all of our data indicates that the planet itself is a sentient being. The fire lizards not themselves intelligent but formed by and of the planet's substance and sent forth to cleanse the surface of anything non-Tekna. We still do not know what triggered this response after so many years of human presence and may never know. Many lives were lost, but many were saved. If we had not gotten what aid we did from private transport and from all of the medical staff who worked non-stop through the crisis, many more would now be dead.
I would like to commend all the members of the away teams. Most especially Phargh, who showed remarkable bravery in his attack on the fire lizard.
Stardate 20908.23
Science log, 20908.23. Lt. St.Vrain, Acting CSO. Log supplemental.
In my previous report I neglected to mention the efforts of the engineering department. We had come up with an idea to attempt to penetrate into the magma flow with a probe. We hoped to be able to further identify the source of the magnetic field and perhaps the epicenter of the disturbance. The engineers were well on the way to accomplishing this goal when the mission was ended by the final apocalyptic quake. I would like to commend Lt(jg)Powell and his crew for their creativity and efforts in this matter. Of additional note, Lt(jg) Norton of Tactical actually made the discovery of the nature of the planet Tekna as a sentient entity. He showed exceptional analytical insight and willingness to work outside the confines of his routine assignments.
End Log.
Ens Samuel Trent
Stardate 20908.24
Personal log, Stardate 20908.24, Midshipman Samuel Trent, science.
I almost cannot believe the events of today. If not for the aches and pains I suffered I would assume I am dreaming.
The day began with me waking up in the sick bay from another bought of sickness. I am told that after the latest flurry of disease and the boosters I have been given, I am probably immune to all the things I would normally have been had I taken my shots. Perhaps my weariness was a partial explanation for my later behavior that landed me in this mess. They don't fire sick people for bad behavior do they?!?
After I got back up and was returned to duty by the councelor, I went to work in the science department. I was there for less than ten minutes before I was called up to assist in an away mission. This being my first away mission, I was excited. Aparentlly a planet we had colonized and had begun mining was creating earthquakes. The only clue we had was a large magnetic field that surrounded the planet. Due to the fields focus around the upwellings of magma, I hypothesized that these were deliberate and intentional. I personally favored the mad scientist theory.
When we landed things got bad. The thick air was filled with fumes, god awful fumes and pulverized rock. After a magma monster, what we thought were at the time were lizards, attacked us, Phragh was injured. Things were not bad enough yet so I naturally had to make it worse.
I exploded in front of the Chief of Security. Better yet, after she gave me a way out, I stupidly ignored it. Within then minutes of being on the planet, I was in the brig.
Now I am hiding in fear, hoping that Fields does not find me. There is an airlock that I noticed has no surveillance around it. I am sure Lt. Fields knows, after all it is her job to know. I just hope that by the time Fields has a chance to punish me severely, she will have calmed down enough to give me the decency of disembarking on a planet or a starbase. While I love the public observation room's view of the galaxy, I would rather not be ejected and become an ionised spray of particulate mist.
This may be my one and only post, but here is to hoping that isn't true.
End Log.
Stardate 20909.06
Personal Log, Stardate 20909.06, Midshipman Samuel Trent recoding:
I just found out a few days ago during our return trip. Apparently our attempt at a rescue mission was a miserable failure. Despite our best efforts we were unsuccessful at saving even a reasonable number of colonists. There is no doubt in my mind that we could not have evacuated the planet in time to save the colonists from the planet. However I have come to believe that this was not our only option.
The theory that the planet was in fact a sentient being, at least of an intelligence equivalent of a lizard if not a dog, ape or even a human being was proven right. Originally I thought the catastrophes were caused by an experiment gone awry, but this was not the case. I have come to the conclusion that this is lack of insight is my fault.
Of course I cannot be expected to know everything, but I believe now that I may have seen these signs of intelligent activity more clearly if only I had been paying attention. I was preoccupied by the injury of a fellow crew mate. Then my terrible behavior kept me out of the loop until the planet literally tore itself apart trying to kill every resident of it. A goal it achieved.
For those reasons I think this is my fault. My lack of ability to keep myself together has cost the lives of thousands. I am mostly if not entirely at fault for this. Ensign... I forget who overheard me and tried to dissuade me from my decision but, to his dismay, he had failed.
I have decided to resign from my post on board the Copernicus. I have wanted to go out into the far reaches of space to do something, and to learn everything. I seemed to have forgotten that my behavior, even my existence outside of Earth can cause dire consequences.
I shall speak to Dys about this and tell her of my decision. She will probably welcome this decision though I don't know if she would show it. I am sure that Fields will be ecstatic to hear of my resignation.
Perhaps once I leave I will go visit my sister. She looked up to me and I do not want to let her down though so I think I wont, at least not immediately.
[computer: We are docking now with Starbase Alpha.]
well, I better get going. I do not want to ruin the vacation of any of my superior officers.
End Log
CMO Lt Daniel Brooks
Stardate 20908.22
Chief Medical Officers Log, 20908.22 Lt Daniel Brooks recording:
First of all I would like to say how well my department has worked under the extreme pressure of this Tenka mission. Doctor Korbel has done very well and above what I expected of him. He has kept cool and collected through out.
The mission was to evacuate our people from the planet because of earthquakes. But after being attacked by Cardassian's on route in the Runabout we only managed to save a handful of the population. In a way we should think of the numbers we saved rather then lost.
My next port of call is finding out how Mid Roger's was killed. He was found dead at the bottom of a turbolift. However, this isn't unusual as there has been reported cases in the past of suicide's, but this is different. I will file my report into Lt Fields the Chief of Security soon.
End Log.
Lt Julio Korbel
Personal Log 20908.22 Lieutenat junior Grade Julio Korbel Recording:
I guess I should begin by saying it has been an very eventful time. With Brooks gone on an away mission we managed not to destroy the sickbay. I managed to perform three surgeries two of which at the same time. I really need to thank Nurse Caroll and Security Lieutenant Aligheri for all the hard work. Because of their help we managed to save the lives of Ensign Sring and the Horta. Also a note that Lieutenant Zenteal should be commended for his quick actions on the planet which no doubt allowed Ensign Sring to make it to surgery.
The third surgery was the hardest for me. It was a fellow officer whom I have a great deal of respect for, Lieutenant Jane Fields. She was gravley injured when she entered the surgical suite. I worked for everything I could and it took several hours, but I managed to save her life. She was suffering from a severe head injury which was repaired. My hopes are for her to make a fully recovery. I may have to further perform neurological test for deficits and treat accordingly.
In closing of this log I feel it would better serve the Copernicus to upgrade the surgical area of sickbay. I know Star Fleet medical has come along way since the Copernicus was commissioned. It may be something to research.
End Log.
Lt JG William Norton
Stardate 20908.21
Personal Log, Stardate 20908.21 Will Norton Recording:
Begin Log
This is my first log entry, rather unusual as I have just been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.
Our most recent mission to the planet of Tekna has been rather unusual. Star Fleet sent us and the USS Drake to evacuate an entire planet due to tectonic activity. While rather undermanned, I anticipated an interesting mission. The Drake experienced some damage during the transit to the Troligan Waystation, eventually causing it to be recalled to Starbase Charlie.
We continued on alone, reaching the Waystation where we dispached our diplomatic officer to attempt to recruit the ships there to aid us. We left the facility at high warp when our runabout under the command of Commander Dys, was attacked by Pirate Cardassians.
Fortunately the Dauntless, containing many of the Drake's crew arrived just in time to save the runabout. With their help we then began evacuation of the planet.
After the "Fire Lizards" as most of the crew has come to call the strange flaming rock creatures, appeared and began attacking our away teams, I was charged with leading an attack run with our available shuttles and the Dauntless's Dagger flight, however while descending to the planet, a large seismic quake destroyed the rest of the colonies and pushed us from the atmosphere.
After returning to the ship, using information gained about the seismic activity I theorized that the planet may actually be a living sentient being. My theory has since been strengthened by the fact that the magnetic field of the planet demonstrates patterns similar to brainwave scans.
We have now been recalled to Earth, and may soon be leaving orbit of the planet.
End Log.
Lt JG Peter Powell
Stardate 20904.23
Personal Log: Lieutenant Junior Grade Powell reporting.
Stardate: 20904.23
I am waiting for an away mission to be launched and I am a part of it, I am excited by also very nervous. Knowing my luck thing on my part will go completely to pot and I will get a bad report, but I am praying this doesn’t happen.
Following my last report which was a long time ago, I have again been promoted to Lieutenant Junior grade; this means I have more responsibility and power.
Our latest mission is a rescue mission, it looks like a planet is in the middle of having massive earthquakes and we have been called upon to either evacuate or settle down the planet crust, I am being part of a team which is going by runabout to the planet for an initial reconnaissance and the Copernicus is heading to an waystation in order to try to get assistance to help them take the general populous off the planet if needed. I am hoping extremely hard that they do get all ships to help as this is a humanitarian mission.
I will add to the report when I return, with good news.
Eng log.
Stardate 20909.07
Personal Log: Lieutenant Junior Grade Peter Powell reporting
Stardate: 20909.07
Following a quick departure from Starbase and were informed that a planet inside Federation space that had sent out a distress call, The Copernicus original set course for the Troligan Waystation to get additional ships to help the evacuation.
There was permission given for an away team to go direct to the planet and I was told to join them due to my expertise in structural engineering, the mission started off well with all departments sorting out what their jobs were going to be.
However when we arrived at Tenka, the runabout ‘Pegasus’ was deliberately attacked by two Cardassian warships, which caused massive amount of damage to both the runabout and some of the crew, myself suffered from a broken wrist, but got away with anything more serious.
Following this confrontation with the Cardassian, they boarded the runabout and murdered one of the Copernicus’s security officers in cold blood, this was totally uncalled for as we had been told to put all our weapons in a pile on the floor.
Following the sending of a distress call we were saved by another federation starship the USS Dauntless, which was extremely lucky as I would not like to think what would have happened to use under the Cardassians.
Following the Copernicus’s arrival at the planet and with the help of the Dauntless engineering teams I was able to bring back the runabout to the Copernicus, from here we will be able to make a complete fix of the vessel and get it back to one hundred percent effectiveness.
Going back to the planet’s issues, we were asked by the science team on the planet surface, we attempted to sort out a probe that could be sent deep inside that planet’s interior, but before we could finish sorting this out the planet completely erupted, killing the population that had not been beamed up to the ships in orbit, unfortunately these was only about five percent roughly of the whole population.
The Probe was to consist of the inners of a mark three put into the outer shell of a mark five, the rest of the space was to be taken up by a cooling system in order to make it last longer, our new engineering officer Midshipman Gylanna had the job of sorting out the cooling system.
As soon as I have any more information I will add to my report.
End log.
Ens Tom Dixon
Stardate 20908.24
Personal Log, Stardate 20908.24, Ensign Dixon recording:
Well, this is my first log entry after my first disastrous mission. Having been assigned to the Copernicus my first mission was to take part in a rescue operation on the planet Tekna which was literally tearing itself apart. While on our way to the planet a body was discovered on the ship in one of the turbolift shafts. We don't know for certain what happened but we've found a recording by a former officer aboard the ship, one LCdr Ander no less, who I'm told left the ship shortly before I arrived, in which he admits to the murder. It was an interesting start.
When we reached the Tekna (after linking up with the USS Dauntless) I was among the first from the Copernicus to be planetside. It was like Dante's inferno down there, unbelievable. I split from the main group with Lieutenant Brooks and Ensign Tarel and we entered a building to try and get to the survivors in an upper floor before the dragons got them. Did I mention the dragons? Because they were important...and deadly...We lost a crewman down there to one of them. There were also rumours that A Petty officer by the name of Friday was killed by Cardassian pirates as well. Anyway, there was an incredible earthquake and the building fell. The away team was transported back to the Copernicus along with as many civilians as we could get. I was lucky, the only injuries I sustained were a bad leg and a scar down my face. That can serve as a reminder of my failure on future missions. I didn't even see any civilians...The whole thing was a disaster. Hundreds of thousands of people died...It's not my place but I think the missions was organized terribly. I don't know who was to blame but we've got two dead crewman with many more injured as well as the aforementioned dead Federation citizens. As I made clear in the report I wrote, someone has a lot of answering to do.
Still, something good came out of it. Upon my return to the ship Lieutenant Fields promoted me to Ensign. Of all the people I've met since boarding the Copernicus I'm glad she's my DH. Apart from being a fine officer she's placed a lot of trust and faith in me and supported me throughout my time here so far, I can't help but respect her for that. She reminds me a bit of Annie...just a bit...Commander Dys also, whom I've met once or twice, seems to connect to all of the crew on a personal level. In the Security department alone I've met several outstanding people. Recently promoted CPO Darok for a start seems to be an incredibly competent crewman and someone I would definitely like on my side in any future confrontations. He reminds me slightly of me, just a lot bigger and stronger, and Klingon. Midshipman Fletcher as well, the guy from forensics who I was working on the murder investigation with. He seemed like a good officer but he told me he's incredibly clumsy outside of his job. He also claims someone broke the lock on his bathroom door and so he keeps running late because he gets locked in the lavatory. Quite a funny guy.
We're now returning to starbase Alpha near earth for some shore leave. Let's hope we can get that murder investigation sorted out before then.
End Log.