Copernicus Mission 07: "If it looks too good to be true"
Stardate 20809.13
Mission outline
The Copernicus is sent on a mission to complete a full survey of a newly discovered, uninhabited, M-class world near Romulan space. Upon sending Away Teams down to the planet, the crew discovers that the planet is, in fact, inhabited by two sentient species, the Nakai and the Joran, the latter calling their home planet Kryn'tor. With sensors and transporter targeting not working, the away teams are stuck on the planet negotiating with the two species. The Nakai are primitive culture who live in small pre-industrial villages, while the Joran seem incredibly advanced and are responsible for the technology that is blocking the Copernicus' sensors. While in negotiations on the planet, a Romulan warbird uncloaks and fires a warning shot at Copernicus, giving them an ultimatum to leave the system in two hours. The Joran intervene to beam the away teams back to the ship, and the Copernicus leaves the system.
Captain's Logs
Cdr Gloria Dys
Stardate 20809.21
Personal Log, Stardate 20809.21, Commander Gloria Dys Recording:
I’ve had the luxury of being very busy, but now letting the departments do their job, my thoughts roam to my situation; my displacement through time.
I find that I am missing ‘my’ Daniel so very much...and when I look at this ship’s Mr. Brooks, it reminds me so much of my personal doesn’t help that Brooks’ has Daniel’s eyes. The only saving grace is that Brooks’ is 8 years younger.
Jane Fields is the Cop’s Captain in my time-line...I her First Officer...a rare event even in that day an age for two women to hold the number one and number two spots. I love her as if she were my older sister...and now I’m the senior officer to a much younger Jane. I miss ‘my’ Jane too.
I suppose I can’t help but view Brooks and Fields as if they were younger siblings to their future selves...a difficult emotional task, but necessary. There are times...make that situations, where I automatically see these two as my versions...I hope to limit such juxtapositions.
Regarding Lt Zenteal, I do hope that he has put his obsession with Jane...Fields...far in the recesses of his mind. Fields is a very attractive individual, personality and physically...I myself have witnessed many potential suitors littered in her wake...though the Zenteal of my time-line had succumbed fully to homicidal insanity. I hope that this John...and Jane, are spared such horrible and tragic events.
My dealings with Doctor Ander in my time-line were rather limited. Most of my Sickbay visits in my early career were addressed by Daniel, I had only cursory dealings with Doctor Ander as CMO. I do, admit to a certain biological itch concerning this time-line’s lobes have on occasion tingled in his presence. However...with my role as Acting CO, and Lee’s as Acting FO, I think a serious relationship would break protocol..and inhibit my effectiveness as a leader. There are no bedroom secrets on a least not for long. Perhaps after the mission on some serious R&R?
Also...I’ve given precious little thought on how to return to ‘my’ time...a part of me wonders how my young self fared...did she manage to save the day? Is there anything for me to return to? And if I ever see Lood I going to rip his lobes right off his head?
End Log.
Stardate 20809.13
Captain's Log, Stardate 20809.13, Acting CO, Commander Gloria Dys Recording:
The Copernicus is en route to an uninhabited planet uncomfortably close to the Romulan Star Empire; however an earlier survey from the USS Cook indicates the probability of plentiful dilithium, and possible latinum deposits...certainly both useful in times of war.
I have the ship in a heightened state of readiness, though we left Starbase with less senior personnel than we started. Acting First Officer Ander and I are looking for acting department heads for Engineering and Tactical. The mission parameters indicate a routine exploratory mission, but in my experience there is no such thing as routine.
End Log.
Stardate 20809.21
Captain's Log, Stardate 20809.21, Acting CO, Commander Gloria Dys Recording:
The Copernicus has arrived at the planet and has initiated far we have merely confirmed the USS Cook's data...potential large deposits of dilithium and probable latinum deposits. More sensitive scans are in process.
No Romulan, or other space faring activity for that matter, have been detected. Once our initial scans are complete I'll be sending an away team or teams to investigate first hand.
The crew is in good shape having weathered drills put in place by First Officer Ander. Our department heads are young, yet capable and inspired. Of concern is my Chief of Security, Lt Zenteal, who until very recently has been distracted, moody, and of great concern to me...meek. It is my hope, and current belief, that Mr. Zenteal's emotional state has resolved itself back to this fine officer's normal self.
My First Officer, Lt Cdr Ander, has assumed this role quite readily, and the crew's current level of readiness and excellence is directly attributable to him. I find that CMO turned FO has some fascinating perspectives and advantages. He is also one of the most 'un-doctor-like' doctors that I have encountered...his size and build seems much more suited to Security than Medical, not a bad thing however.
My new Acting CMO, Lt[JG] Daniel Brooks is a young and very capable doctor...his actions on the Copernicus' previous mission, directly saved the life of CSO Lt Cdr Misty Wood, who is now getting treatment on Starbase Charlie. Perhaps the job may be slightly more than Mr. Brooks is ready for, however I know that he will temper nicely.
I have as yet to meet my new CSO, Lt Raquel Huntur, a late addition to the crew; though reports from Science indicate that she is doing at least a satisfactory job. I have asked Mr. Ander to meet with get his take of the officer.
I would also like to make honorable mentions of Lt [JG] Jane Fields for her contribution during the photonic entities first contact and Doctor/Ensign Julio Korbel for his surgery skills in the successful operation of repairing Captain Godard's eyes; a left over artifact from said entities.
End Log
Stardate 20810.08
Captain's Log, Stardate 20810.08, Acting CO, Commander Gloria Dys Recording:
I have one away team down on the planet in the Northern Forest dilithium site and another about to take a shuttle to the Equatorial Desert dilithium site. With two investigation teams, having a shuttle planet side, offers opportunities should the transported team run into serious problems or the Cop having to leave orbit suddenly.
So far there are no indications of Romulan activity, though the ship's sensors are constantly scanning neutrino emissions and I have the Copernicus in a semi-random orbit in case we are being shadowed.
End Log
Captain's Log, Supplemental:
After having two unexplained sensor-based targeting issues with the away teams, one with the transporter and the other with a Runabout...I have initiated a full battery of diagnostic tests to be conducted.
My gut feeling is that there is something 'unexpected' about the two dilithium deposits; I'm especially wary of sending anymore of my crew down to the planet's surface without further information.
I am confident that LtCdr Ander and LtJG Fields can handle leading their respective teams through these unforeseeable issues, and complete our mission objectives.
I feel it prudent to increase ship preparedness, and have set the Copernicus to Yellow Alert. So far, there have been no indications of Romulan activity in the system, cloaked or otherwise.
End Log
Stardate 20811.06
Captain's Log, Stardate 20811.06, Acting CO, Gloria Dys Recording:
I have an away team in immediate trouble and targeting problems from seemingly all ship and shuttlecraft systems when directed at the planet.
Use of the transporter is currently ineffective, I have three probes being launched in a hope to firm up targeting accuracy.
There is the possibility of that a dampening field may exist upon the planet (whether planet wide or just at the dilthium deposits is to be determined), Engineering is working to see if this is indeed the case.
Engineering is also looking into the theory that a cloaked vessel may be in orbit. So far, neutrino scans and Romulan subspace traffic have been negative.
My back up plan, though I'm leery to use it, is to send another shuttle down, this time with foreknowledge that instrument readings are not to be trusted.
My other away team is about to encounter something...substantial...I would think.
End Log
Stardate 20811.22
Captain's Log, Stardate 20811.22, Acting CO, Gloria Dys Recording:
I have two away teams on the planet: one, headed by Lieutenant JG Jane Fields has made first contact with an apparent sentient humanoids...the second team headed by my First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Lee Ander has...vanished. Communications have been virtually lost with Ander's party though some virtually unintelligible communications give me hope that the team is still alive.
I believe that there is a power or technology at work negatively affecting our sensors, targeting and guidance systems when used on or near the planet's surface. As of yet, we have discovered no means to counter these effects.
The fact of intelligent beings being discovered however, removes any Federation claims to the is sovereign. This does complicate the Copernicus' mission objectives...
Captain's Log, supplemental:
Both of my away teams have met up with the planet's sentient beings and are handling first contact duties. Both teams are running solo as the Copernicus does not have the means to rescue them (if needed)...transporters fail to lock and guidance/targeting systems fail...making shuttle landings too risky.
I am optimistic that Ander and Fields can communicate effectively with the inhabitants of Kryn'tor, the locals' name for their planet, and hopefully speed the away teams return to the ship.
Additionally, Engineering has been investigating methods to detect cloaked ships, I'm especially impressed with Midshipman Powell and our resident Marine, 1Lt Michaels.
End Log
Crew Logs
First Officer
LCdr Lee Ander
Stardate 20809.14
Acting First Officer Intelligence Log Stardate 20809.14 LCdr Lee Ander recording:
We are almost to the planet where we are to conduct geological scans. In the few days we have been traveling, I have been making an attempt to get closer to Dys. She is a beautiful woman, and I am not opposed to finding that closeness in the sheets, but rumor around the ship is that she and Brooks are quite close. I may need to find a way to manipulate Brooks into giving up any information he has about the time shifts and what took place in the alternate time line.
She has mentioned a few things, and I can see from her body language a few others. I don't think anything specific happened with me, she doesn't seem surprised or especially touched by seeing me again. Brooks got a giant hug, and Fields she talks about like they are old best friends. She hasn't talked much about the state of the Federation, I will pry her for more information soon.
End Log and encrypt to level 9 clearance.
ACMO Lt JG Daniel Brooks
Stardate 20809.12
Acting Chief Medical Officer Log Stardate 20809.12 Lt[JG] Daniel Brooks recording:
With the sudden promotion to ACMO I am feeling slightly out my deepth, but hoping this will go once I get used to running things around here.
Our mission has just been given to me where the Copernicus is to survey a M class planet in the boarder area with a possiable encounter with the Romulans on the cards each department has been told to run ship wide drills and for us here in sickbay to monitor the crew’s mood as the ACO Dys wouldn't want to push them to breaking point.
However, sickbay itself will need to be at the ready and hopefully Dr Korbel will be here also to give me a hand.
End Log.
Stardate 20901.13
Acting Chief Medical Officer Log Stardate 20901.13 Lt Daniel Brooks recording:
This could be my last log as Acting Chief Medical Officer before I hand back the job to LCdr Ander when we pick up Captain Godard at the starbase.
The last few hours have been very busy in sickbay thanks to the away team's being beamed back including myself and Doctor Korbel.
After making routine assements it seems everyone came away either unharmed or minor injuries, unlike one officer that has been confirmed dead after the Romulan's open fired upon the Copernicus while we were on the surface.
There was excitment here to when myself and a few other officers were promoted by Acting Commanding Officer Dys.
I would like to say a thank you to all the medical staff that have worked with speed to make sure that everyone is fit for duty.
I would like to add that our ship's counselor Bray was very helpful in giving us a hand.
End log.
Lt JG Julio Korbel
Stardate 20812.30
Computer resume personal log Korbel Alpha-1
Personal Log continued Stardate 20812.30 LT[Jg] Julio Korbel recording.
It has been sometime since I have recorded on this log but I felt I must. We recently arrived at Star Base Charlie for what i hope will be a relaxing time. Our recent mission we just completed was very intriguing to all of us. We made first contact with two races on one planet. Just about every crew member was tested in ways we could only imagine, but that is a story for another time. When we got to space dock I was informed by a Midshipman Murray that security on the starbase had a package waiting for me from Earth. I have retrieved the package and it appears to be more tapes from my departed Julianna. I only briefly listen to one of the new tapes as I don't have much time before I am going to a exercise in holideck one being put on by a Commander New, have not had the pleasure of meeting him yet but have heard wonderous things about him. The voice of my wife seemed painfull not only to me but to her. I believe at this point the plauge has infected her but she is relentless still working hard to cure others while she was the one who truly needed it the most. She mentioned a colony she had been to where the people all had strange symptoms unlike the outlying areas she had been to. The water supply had been damaged for sometime and the food which was grown there was infected with parasites.
I have yet to find the name of the colony or any information as to thye types of parasites. She did explain that during some tests of samples she had that there was a mishap in the lab when they came under attack.
I can't help but feel this chain of event may of been what lead to her demise. I know that we have started some investagation on board and Lt. Brooks has found that a source to the information may be closer then we think, but we have been to busy to further study.
I will find the cure. I owe it to Julianna, but it will not be the demise of me.
Computer End Log
1Lt Michaels
Stardate 20811.24
Personal Log, Stardate 20811.24, 1Lt Michaels {Korbel} Recording:
Engineering has been quiet with the Hawaiian gone for a while. She is the ACEO but I feel uneasy about her. Could be because I have never met a female engineer on a ship who was worth anything.
We have a new midshipman in the department a Midshipman Powell. He seems like a very intelligent engineer and will be a welcome additon to the department. Powell myself and Ensign Barr have been working on some tests to try and locate the away team so we can hopefully get them back safely, in a timely manner.
I know my mission on board will be over soon but something tells me it may not be the last time I am on the Copernicus. Being the only Marine on board gives me an uneasy feeling someone just doen't seem to be exaactly as they appear.
End Log.
Ens Peter Powell
Stardate 20901.09
Personal log: Ensign Peter Powell, Engineering, reporting. Stardate: 20901.09.
I have been on the USS Copernicus for only a short time. With two away teams on the surface of the nearby planet, our chief engineer is among them, engineering is being commanded by a marine, I still haven’t got my head around the fact that there is a marine on an exploration vessel, however it seems to be working and he is actually a good bloke, he respects you for who you are.
I seem to have made an impact upon the engineering crew, and I have been told that I have been put forward for a letter of commendation by 1st lieutenant Michaels and after this short period I have also been promoted.
We have also been attacked by a Romulan warbird, I’m not sure how much damage has been caused, as I write this I am in sickbay, during the initial attack, I was knock unconscious, it seems that I have a damage my left leg and also have a small head injury. I also have chest pains, I am waiting to see if a doctor is available to sort me out.
End Log.
Lt Jane Fields
Stardate 20901.09
Lt Fields, Security Officer, Personal log, Stardate 20901.09, Lt Jane Fields Recording:
Just got back from leading my first away team mission. I’m relieved it’s over. We were sent to survey a previously undiscovered planet with large amounts of dilithium and latinum. Sensors showed no intelligent life. It seemed too good to be true (of course it was). The planet was close to Romulan space, so the Copernicus was constantly monitoring for cloaked ships. LCdr Ander led a team sent to the desert region and Cdr Dys entrusted me with a team in the northern forest region. I had with me Dr Brooks, the ACMO, Lt[JG] Kaluhani, the ACEO, Ens Sring, Science, and a security team of CPO Darok and Crewman Greenridge.
We beamed down to the planet, materialising 1 metre off the ground! This signalled a serious problem that was to dog the mission. Something about the planet severely interfered with transporters and sensors. This effectively stranded us on the planet, as transporters were deemed unsafe.
In any case, we continued our mission to take samples of the dilithium deposits. Digging into the ground, we were hampered by hard soil and some annoying little dog-cat-like mammals that took a liking to us, swamping our dig site (not to mention soiling Sring’s trouser leg – the petit Vulcan was not amused)! Before we could get the samples, our first big surprise – first contact.
Out of the forest appeared a tribe of tall humanoids covered in colourful fur, and pointing all manner of primitive, projectile weapons threateningly. The tricorders and even the Copernicus sensors had failed to detect their life signs. The universal translator was not working, but the humanoids were able to speak our language. We were taken to their village and met with their council of elders.
The people were called the Nakai, and they referred to their planet as Kryn’tor. Intriguingly, humans had made contact with the Nakai before, apparently crash-landing on the planet. This is how the Nakai knew our language. We also learned that there was another race on Kryn’tor, more technologically advanced, called the Joran. It later emerged that Ander’s team had made contact with them.
Some time passed as I attempted to negotiate a trade with the Nakai for their dilithium and latinum. It was difficult to find out what they wanted - they were being very cagey. All the time we were trying to tap them for information on what was causing our transporter problem, but they couldn’t help us. It became obvious that the Joran held the key to this problem. We could do nothing but trust Ander’s team to solve it. This was a frustrating time, kicking our heels in the Nakai village.
While we were down on the planet, second surprise of the mission – the Romulans! A cloaked battleship appeared and fired on the Copernicus. How they evaded the neutrino and tachyon sweeps is a mystery. The Copernicus was no match for the battleship. The extraordinary thing was, why did the Romulan vessel only fire, effectively, a warning shot on us? In fact, they gave Cdr Dys two hours in which to retrieve both away teams and leave the system. We are at war with them - they should have blasted us to buggery! What was that all about?
Anyway, the Jorans, who, it seems, have a superior technology to our own, transported both away teams back to the ship. We left the system. The Romulan ‘warning shot’ caused some casualties – engineering Mid Rogers was apparently vaporised as he was working in the small section of the ship blasted away by their disruptors. A tragedy, though one that could have been far greater had the Romulans wanted it.
Ultimately it was a fruitless mission, we didn’t obtain the latinum or dilithium, though we did learn some important information about Kryn’tor and the species that inhabit it. I imagine Star Fleet will not leave the planet to the Romulans, though it does seem that the Jorans are quite capable of defending their homeworld – the dampening screen they employed to filter out harmful radiation from their local star was highly effective in rendering much of our equipment useless.
Good luck to them.
End log.
Mid Samuel Trent
Stardate 20811.20
Personal Log, stardate 20811.20... something or other, Midshipman Samuel Trent recording:
I have only just arrived on the Copernicus and already I have been asked to appear on the bridge. I find it interesting that the acting CO would even think of me considering I am only just now getting over the Ferengi flu. I don't care what sick bay tells me, that flu is transmittable to humans; it knocked me right on my back.
After I arrive on the bridge I will be able to catch up with what has been going on while I was out cold. After I find out what ACO Dys wants I shall return to some project in the lab.
I have yet to make any friend yet on this ship, this really is not that surprising though. I have been sick most of the time. I must try regardless. Space is to big a place to be lonely and SIMMANS (SIMulated huMAn Nervous System) has yet to do anything else but ask questions about my current hair color, upon learning that we can change it anyway. The famous Data was made, what is wrong with my system? I will figure it out later.
End Log.
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