Copernicus Mission 6: "Into the Void" - Stardate 20802.03
Located below you will find three helpful pieces of information on this mission. First is a generalized Mission Overview which covers only specific and important events. Second is excerpts from the Captain's Log entries made during the mission, this can make for quite a read, but contains far more detailed and in depth accounts of the mission and the events surrounding it. Third is the crew's personal logs which will give insight into the mission from their perspectives.
Mission Outline
Stardate 20802.01 The Copernicus is sent on a mission to investigate an unclaimed area of space in the Vigo system where Star Fleet have detected Klingon activity. When they arrive they find the presence of a Klingon space station that has apparently been transported many hundreds of light years away from its proper location. The Copernicus sensors detect an unstable wormhole at the centre of the space station that is threatening to tear it apart. Apparently the Klingons have been experimenting with creating artificial wormholes, but are unable to control them. The Klingon Station Commander requests help from the Copernicus and an away team is sent. However, the space station then disappears through the wormhole taking the away team with it.
The away team have been transported to some unknown desert planet along with the untrustworthy Klingons who remain tight-lipped about the wormhole terminus. The Copernicus eventually manages to successfully fire a probe into the wormhole, modified to emit a subspace tensor matrix. The probe is found by the away team and the ship is able to get a lock on them and beam the team and Klingons through the wormhole and back to the ship. A Klingon vessel appears and fires on them before the Copernicus retreats back to Federation space.
En route back to Starbase Charlie, the Copernicus crew are celebrating a promotions ceremony when a photonic entity takes over the holodeck and sucks several decks of the Copernicus into a Terran World War II naval simulation, trapping a number of crew members including the Captain and most of the senior officers. The entity had been picked up by the Captain's yacht during the journey to resettle the Husnock, coming aboard via a data transfer from the yacht to the Copernicus. Finding themselves on an antiquated British Royal Navy Destroyer, the crew trapped in the simulation are attacked by the historic German battleship Bismarck and two other vessels. With the safety mechanisms off, the dangers are all too real.
Captain's Logs
Capt Elisa Godard
Stardate 20802.03
Captain’s log Stardate 20802.03 Captain Elisa Godard recording
We are in route toward an unclaimed sector of space where we were reported that the Klingons had increased their activities. The Star Fleet wants us to investigate why. We also have aboard these Husnock who need a new home. I’ve accepted to be in charge of their settlement on Cygnet VIII, it’s almost on our way. However, I won’t monoplise the Copernicus many weeks for 6 people. I decided that when we will be close enough, I will take the Yacht. It will take me four days to reach the planet, then I plan two weeks maybe three to install the basement and again two weeks to reach the sector where the Copernicus will be. For eight weeks my FO will act as Captain. To help him I named Cdr Ried as SO. I’m sure both of them can perfectly hold the situation.
We have new members added to our crew. Two are medic, Mid Brooks and Mid Korbel. I also have a new security officer, Mid Fields.
To replace LCdr Giraath, I named Lieutenant Zenteal Chief Security Officer.
So we are full ready for this mission...
End logs.
Stardate 20802.17
Captain’s log Stardate 20802.17 Captain Elisa Godard recording
The ship is approaching of the zone and I’m leaving in few days. The Husnocks are getting angrier, and I hope the medical solution will be enough to keep them under control.
I gave the First Officer the whole command of the Copernicus. He is ready to take care of everything, plus he can count of all DHs who are very competent.
Stardate 20805.25
Captain’s log, Stardate 20805.25, Elisa Godard recording:
I’m back from my mission and find out the Copernicus closer of the Klingons' border, answering to a distress call.
It’s very rare, in fact I can’t remember, that Klingon ask for help. Anyway, an away team went on the new starbase – illegal starbase, since when they got the authorization to extend their zone? I wonder.— Anyway, the away team disappeared. We do think they had gone by the wormhole, our second probe trial showed indeed a Class M planet at the extremity, which puzzle me more on the scientific side but I’m still glad, the away team have good chance to be alive.
The wormhole is unstable but opens regularly and becomes bigger. Maybe enough to let the Copernicus enters inside? Structurally, the Copernicus is fully able to hold the stress of such a trip…
I need further orders from my Command.
Stardate 20806.28
Captain’s log, Stardate 20806.28, Elisa Godard recording:
A klingon’s ship started to fire on us while we were rescuing the away team still locked on the M planet. We also brought back the Klingon’s team who were with my away team. They seems to suffer from a weird illness due to the contact of the sand form the planet.
Anyway, my ship didn’t get much damage and we left the place in warp 8. Like expected the Klingon didn’t follow us.
I’ve sent a message to my superiors. I however didn’t get orders yet. They sent me new engineers to help with the numerous but no fatal repairs.
The ship is heading towards the Charlie Base. While I’m preparing a celebration for my crew. I need to do some promotions... Wood is out of duty. For the rest, it will be a surprise.
end logs
Cdr Areack Jackson
Stardate 20802.06
Acting Captains Log, Stardate 20802.06, Commander Areack Jackson recording.
This ought to be an interesting mission. To begin with, Captain Godard will be overseeing the relocation of the Husnock, as such she will not be on the Copernicus for a significant portion of the mission. Because of this, she's appointed me as Acting Captain.
She hasn't left the ship yet, but even still she has effectively turned over command to me. I just finished leading a mission briefing with the senior staff. It was an... uncomfortable experience. Uncomfortable, because for the first time, I had the final say about what the entire ship would be doing.
For the mission itself, we have been assigned to gather information, basically spy, on increased Klingon activity in a previously unclaimed sector. Considering that I'm half-Romulan, and that relations between Klingons and Romulans hasn't always been the best, I need to practice acting like a Vulcan.
End Log.
Stardate 20802.25
Acting Captains Log, Stardate 20802.25, Commander Areack Jackson recording.
Captain Godard is gone on the relocation mission, and I'm officially in charge of the mission now. Things have been going smoothly, then again, transit usually does.
We've arrived in the Vigo sector and began our preliminary scans. So far we've found nothing, but we've just begun. I half hope the Klingon activity was a rumor, or some search for a missing ship. Something other than a Klingon fleet gathering for war, especially since the Coppy would be the only thing between them and the Federation.
Starfleet would stop the incursion, but the Copernicus and all hands would be long gone by then. It makes me wonder, what is Star Fleet's plan if the Klingons don't buy the "astral survey" excuse? Have they written us off in that case? A calculated loss? I hope not, but you can never be sure.
End Log.
Stardate 20803.05
Acting Captain's Log. Stardate 20803.05 Commander Areack Jackson Recording.
And thus it begins.
We've picked up a distress signal. It could be a trap, a signal ghost, or a legitimate signal. Whatever it is, Federation law requires us to respond. I know it is my duty, the crew's duty, to lend aid, but I am ill at ease about it.
A distress call in a suspected Klingon staging ground? Not exactly the most comforting thing to pick up on scanners.
At least we haven't been attacked by any Negh'Var battle crusiers or Bird of Preys yet. I suppose every dark nebulae has a Latinum lining.
Stardate 20803.24
Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 20803.24, Commander Areack Jackson Recording.
We found the source of the distress signal. A Klingon research station, hundreds of light years from where it is supposed to be, conducting research on artificial wormhole research.
Well, something happened in the experimentation. Five hundred crew are dead, and they are losing containment. I've sent teams over to assist in evacuation, fix the containment, and possibly even collapse the wormhole.
I suspect once a few Klingon Battle Cruisers show up, they won't be too happy about a Federation Starship knowing about their research, hopefully the fact that we're lending aid will soften their Klingon tempers.
But perhaps the most intriguing part of this situation is then fact that the station is here, a long way from their last reported location, and that the wormhole isn't closing. Which means they've had some success in creating a stable wormhole.
As an engineer, I am fascinated that the technology is on its way to viability. As a Star Fleet officer, I am frightened that it is the Klingons developing it.
End Log.
Stardate 20804.08
Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 20804.08, Commander Areack Jackson Recording.
Things have gone from bad to worse. The wormhole began emitting leptons, and then the away team that as sent over disappeared from sensors. Obviously they went through the wormhole. The problem is though, where did the wormhole take them?
Statistically, they probably ended up in space, and they died instantly. At the very least, we'll bring home their bodies.
But what if... I wonder... perhaps I'm making an assumption with the wormhole. What if the Klingons staged it to look like the wormhole, but really they kidnapped the away team. I'm going to look into this.
Crew Logs
First Officer
LCdr Gloria Dys
Stardate 20807.27
Personal Log, Stardate...Stardate...Supplemental...
...Lieutenant Commander Gloria Dys recording:
I have been displaced in time, I believe some eight years in my past...or at least someone’s past, due to misguided, naive actions of my younger self.
I admit to not entirely believing that such an event has taken place, however, I am making the assumption that it has. ‘This’ reality where I find myself seems to have accepted my presence; Star Fleet personnel records do show me as First Officer of the Copernicus...I do remember enough of temporal mechanics to make the assumption that equilibrium has been achieved. I can only assume that my past self, Midshipman Dys was transported through space-time to what was my present.
I pray that she did as she was told...a moot point...
Already events have changed as I remember them...eight years ago I...Mid Dys, was assigned and delivered to the Copernicus via the Darwin, three days out of Starbase Charlie. Now...I am being delivered to the Cop on the Evolution, Darwin’s runabout, as the Darwin itself had to return to SBC because of a medical additional several days of travel time for me.
I’m not sure what to expect upon my arrival...has time truly made allowances for me? Or will I step onboard the Copernicus and be sent directly to the Brig as an imposter or some kind of enigma to this reality?
Stardate 20807.27...
...End Log.
Stardate 20808.11
First Officer’s Log, Stardate 20808.11, Lieutenant Commander Gloria Dys recording...
The Copernicus is stopped in space; the Captain and many of the senior officers and crew, are presumed trapped in a holodeck malfunction or as yet undefined source of photonic energy, between decks 28 and 34.
Together with a small team, I have three devices at my disposal, anti-phasic quantum beam generators, that should neutralize localized photonic energies.
I have planned a route through Jefferies tubes 47 and 24 in order to reach the Banquet Room on Deck 33 via the shortest means available...
Stardate 20808.26
First Officer’s Log, Stardate 20808.26, Lieutenant Commander Gloria Dys recording...
We have successfully I think, concluded a first contact encounter with a group of Photonic energy beings, that had taken over a handful of decks, running a Terran World War Two holo-simulation in order to study us.
While many of us were injured due to safety protocols being disabled by the alien entities, none have proved overtly life threatening. We should all be patched up and ready to go at full strength in but a few days.
I had not expected to be thrust into such an extraordinary encounter so early upon my arrival to the Copernicus. I admit to being fascinated by the Photonic beings and hopefully, they to be as captivated by us.
For the short duration of my involvement in this encounter, I am marvelously pleased at the performance of the crew, from Science who came up with the idea on how to negate some of photonic effects, Engineering who gave the idea form, and the exceptional Officers and Crewmen who first joined me in entering the simulation…and the bravery, competence, and selflessness of the crew during our ordeal…a true testament to the leadership of Captain Godard and the respect they have for her.
On a personal note, I am truly awed at the apparent acceptance the crew has shown me during this time. This crew inspires me…
…I am looking forward to meet with the Captain under less ‘trial-by-fire’ conditions.
End Log. Start Personal Log,
I must meet with Captain Godard to explain my temporal circumstances for being here…and let the cards fall as they may.
It is fascinating and at times unnerving to now outrank my friends and colleagues, to see them as they were eight years ago. Jane Fields may cause me the most disorientations…she’s my Captain in my timeline…my previous timeline…
As to the others I’ve met, Doctor Ander for instance, it’s been several years since we’ve last met…I think he retired, somewhere on Earth. Doctor Korbel became CMO on another ship, whose name escapes me. Mr. Zenteal…well, that was another timeline…
End Log.
Stardate 20809.01
Personal Log, Stardate 20809.01, LCdr Gloria Dys recording:
CC to Captain Godard and Department Heads.
I must explain my assignment and presence here, I shall attempt to explain.
I have been transported back in time, some eight years from my time-line, due to the actions of my younger self, when I was a Midshipman.
From this time-line’s perspective, on Stardate 20807.25, Midshipman Gloria Dys vanished from this realty and was replaced by me. Temporal Mechanics Postulates: Equilibrium and Paradoxes, appears to have occurred, as all records concerning myself show that I exist, ‘here and now.’
As a Midshipman, just several weeks ago, my younger self made a whimsical wish, with a person or entity that essentially delivered the goods. The mechanism of temporal exchange appeared to be from a hand-held, rock or stone-like device, that is now completely inert; I have donated the object to the Science Labs for study.
I can only assume that my younger self was transported through space-time to what was my reality. I have no idea on whether a ‘re-exchange’ will, or can occur. Though let it be known, that I will function to the fullest of my capabilities and training as a Star Fleet officer, whether present, past or future.
I must also note, that I have had professional and personal relationships with future versions of the Copernicus crew, which has and may cause some level of familiarity which is not in existence to the present crew. I shall be very mindful of this...I am now the senior officer to persons that I had been previously subordinate to.
Also, I am reasonably confident that I am from ‘a’ future, not ‘the’ future. Already, events have occurred since my arrival which varies substantially from the memories that I have. I shall endeavor to keep as many of these memories private...though the temptation to discuss my life experiences is great.
I welcome any questions or discussions from the Department Heads...and those junior officers that I have shown undue familiarity.
End Log
LCdr Lee Ander
Stardate 20809.05
Acting First Officer Log Stardate 20809.05 LCdr Lee Ander recording:
Well, it has been a busy couple of days. There was an entity that took us all hostage in disguise of a holodeck malfunction. Some crew were injured, no lives lost. The Captain however has been medically removed from duty. Her eyes have traces of the energy being in them, and it is causing blindness along with other problems.
We got a new First Officer, a beautiful woman named Gloria Dys. I am not the only one to notice her beauty, word around the ship is that Brooks has already made the moves on her.
With the Captain being releaved, Dys was given command of the ship until her eyes are repaired. Dys, with the Captains suggestion, chose me as Acting First Officer in this time.
I can't help but to feel that I am bad news to Captains. Each captain I have served under has been injured in some way...
End Log.
CE Brett Elswin
Stardate 20802.07
Chief Engineers Log, Star date 20802.07, Brett Elswin recording.
I just got out of the senior officer's meeting. It went well. I found myself, for the first time, really being a major part of the decision process of this ship. I even found myself offering constructive criticism of both my and other's ideas. I have come up with a couple of things that need doing, and I have plans for what I can do to make things better.
I have called a staff meeting of all my sensor and computer staff. We have a challenge, and that is to detect Klingon ships while cloaked. Obviously this is unlikely to be done efficiently, but perhaps we can find a way with our advanced sensors and the many creative minds on board to make it happen.
Additionally, I'm pleased to be able to enter into the log that my ascension to Chief Engineer did not actually require the death of my superior, as he has been resuscitated by some alien entity, and after a thorough checkout he has been returned to duty, and named the Second Officer of the Copernicus.
We have several new staff members in engineering for this mission that we didn't have on the last. Additionally, some engineers have either resigned or transferred off. Surprisingly, the change went relatively smoothly, though admittedly the change in command of Engineering was a bit bumpy, it happened before the mass shift in personnel. Also, it doesn't seem as anyone left as a result of my assignment, as all the transfers that occurred were planned before the various events.
The computer should soon be done processing my query so I should end this log. Shortly we are going to begin attempting to find a way to penetrate the Klingon cloaking fields with our sensors.
End Log.
Stardate 20803.27
Chief Engineers Log, Star date 20803.27, Brett Elswin recording.
It is that time again. I haven't made a log of my take on events here in a while. I've been a bit out of the loop as I have left my Assistant in charge while I tended to some personal issues. I am now back and on duty. I have returned to duty to find we are responding to a Klingon distress signal.
I thought we were trying to stay away from the Klingons. Of course, we are Star Fleet, and as such, we do crazy things like this. I've barely gotten up to speed on current events on the ship.
One second...
{Muffled sounds were heard in the background}
Ok, I've now been called to go help repair a station of some sort. Should be interesting. I need a good engineer to take along. I can't take Frakes as he needs to stay here and remain in charge of engineering. Perhaps one of the higher ranked non-specialists. I'll look and see if I can find one.
End Log.
CMO Seth Harting
Stardate 20802.07
Chief Medical Officer's Log, Stardate 20802.07, Seth Harting {Elswin} recording.
We seem to be going into a mission which will likely involve the Klingons. I've been told to increase the ready staff in Sick bay, which will require taking staff doctors out of the labs. Upon return to sickbay after the meeting, I found myself with a much more localized problem.
Problems that are "out there" and more symbolic than real, these are the problems that occur occasionally and sit at the back of our minds for days, even weeks. But it is the daily problems that happen right here on the ship that make my logs interesting, and remind me why I do not want to keep this position. Our CMO is on LOA still, and I am beginning to feel stressed by the position. I won't bore whoever might read this log with the details of our day to day problems, those are all in the action reports. Instead, I would rather focus on the more psychological problems at hand.
By going into an area with known Klingon activity, in a science ship no less, we are definitely going to stir up some feelings in the crew. In the time I've been onboard, we have not encountered the Klingons. During that time, they have left the Federation, though it was an uneasy peace at best, it was in fact peace. What we have now is what can best be described as a mutual unspoken agreement to stay out of each other's space. However, where we are going is completely unclaimed space. We don't know who is there, or why the Klingons are suddenly so active there. What we do know is that they are, and this is going to get interesting before it gets normal.
I am passing instructions to the counselors to prepare for the raised level of fear that is to be experienced, and to try and have someone free at all times to handle the expectable sudden break downs due to either fear or hate directed towards Klingons. Many of the officers and enlisted personnel aboard have a less than stellar history with the Klingons and with the breakdown of peace with them, people are going to allow themselves to brood on their pasts more so than normal.
Additionally, the Husnock, who I thought we had been done with after our last mission, are back aboard. Apparently we are dropping them off somewhere along the way. My staff have been reviewing their dietary habits and the link they have to their behavioral habits. The parallels are quite disturbing. It seems we will have to force the Husnock to take in additional lithium or risk them destroying each other again, as the rest of their race seems to have done.
End Log.
Ens Julio Korbel
Stardate 20808.26
Medical Officer's Personal Log Stardate 20808.26, Ensign Julio Korbel recording...
As I return to the sickbay once again from my adventure at sea, I have come to realize my short time on board this ship has been a great one.
I have made firends with Dr. Brooks who appears to be a very intelligent Doctor and I look forward to working with him more in the future.
Our new First Officer has come to join us on board and I guess with everything going on I missed the old one. Mental note get out of sickbay sometime. She is a attractive female who seems to handle herself well in stressful situations. i expect she will be a great addition to this crew.
As for now I must return to work, the holigraphic bullet is gone but the hole in my shoulder is not.
End Log.
Stardate 20809.05
Medical Officer Log Stardate 20809.05 Ensign Julio Korbel Recording Computer encrypt message for transfer to Copernicus after mission completion.
The Captain and I are currently on board a runabout enroute to Earth. The first scans of the captain's eyes showed damage which I believe is from our first contact experience. Once we arrive on Earth in San Francisco I will be consulting with my former professor Dr. Fearon about the planned procedure.
I have administered a mild sedative to the captain to help her sleep in hopes she will be well rested and fully ready for this which could be the final mission of her career if we are unable to restore her eye sight. I believe we can return her to a fully restored manner but I also failed to inform her that she could lose all sight if this doesn't go exact.
I will continue to monitor her until we reach Earth, and will relay my information to Dr. Brooks acting CMO as well as Commander Dys.
CSO Misty Wood
Stardate 20802.18
Chief Science Officer’s Log, Stardate 20802.18, Misty Wood recording:
I had briefed my selected research team on our mission...the Copernicus is to scout the Vigo Sector in an attempt to provide intelligence on substantial Klingon activity in the area. This area of space is sparsely populated and rather unremarkable, why the Klingon interest?
My research team consists of:
Lieutenant Tarnk Branwy, Theoretical Multi-Electromagnetic Quantum/Refraction exuberant Bolian who views the detection of cloaked starships as his career pinnacle.
Lieutenant JG Zuma Mfume, Sub-Phasic Warp & Flux Specialist...a serious individual, a Terran from the Congo area of the African Union, Earth. A researcher in the realm of exotic warp field theory and its affects on space-time.
Ensign David Kromanhock, Sensor Algorithm Specialist, a ‘Texan’ I’m told...a diamond in the rough I would say, gawky, eager to please, but a wizard complex mathematical computations and permutations...even Ensign Sring is impressed and she’s Vulcan.
Sring...she’s a walking, breathing LCARS data base, has the Science library memorized. She was also tops of her class in temporal mechanics. She is all of 22 Terran years, young for a Vulcan, and she is exceptionally petite and small.
My own expertise is in xeno-biology, so the bulk of the work will be with my team. On the off chance that detection of biologicals is required, I have some ideas on how to accomplish that, I do have some substantial bio-detection sensor knowledge.
Once various models and techniques are found, the information will be forwarded to Engineering for applicability.
As a ship observation, Commander Jackson, Lieutenant Commander Reid, Lieutenant Commander Elswin, and the Captain for that matter...are all from Engineering. I sense a certain bias...I am sure my unease is unwarranted.
End Log.
SCO Lideah Brackett
Log #1
Chief Sceurity Officer’s Log... Crap Computer start again.. Personal Log Lideah Brackett.
I have been on this ship for a few days, and part of me says it feels like a home like many other people on this ship. My daughter even gets better sleep at night these days too. I have also been sleeping a little beter these days even though I am still haunted by old and recient memories of past crew members I have lost on away missions or even right on the ship itself.
I also have been working a little too hard with my new teams training them more about hand to hand combat than I suspect they have ever been taught. Un fortunatly I have sent some of them to sick bay with a few sparing accidents.
My new crew still has a long way to go before I think they are ready to square off with a Klingon but from what I seen if all they have to do is defend them selves from an attacker they have a chance. Also I think that some of them really don't like what I am but respect me because I show them the same amount of respect I expect from them.
Now moveing on to a more personal note. LCdr Misty Wood. Brave young women but around me seems different. Not in the typical way I am used too, but in a whole new way. Like when she speaks to me it almost like she chooses her words carefully. It seems like the more I want to get away from my old life it seems the more it pulls me in. I think that in the near future when we have a chance toi work more together we might actually get along.
One more quick note. For some reason or another when it comes to most of the crew I have no problem with them at all, I will talk to them work with them and hae no problems.. How ever there is a couple... and I feel sahamed to say this but I have a hard time to speak to them.. Its not that I don't like them it just seems like I can't find the words when they are there.
End log
Lt JG Jane Fields
Stardate 20809.28
Lt[JG] Fields, Personal log, Stardate 20809.28, Lt[JG] Jane Fields Recording:
This is my first ever log entry. I’ve always avoided making log entries until now – it is only compulsory for staff officers. Keeping logs seemed too much like writing a diary, the temptation to over-analyse… Something I try to avoid.
Anyway, a lot to say for my first log entry. I feel I should summarise my time on the Copernicus so far.
Two years ago – gosh, it seems like yesterday, I arrived on the Cop at an odd time. A number of officers had departed and several department heads were new to the job. Most of the senior officers were tied up with issues arising from the previous mission and preparing for the departure of Captain Godard on a personal short-term mission. I was kind of left to my own devices, which was no bad thing for me.
No sooner had I arrived than the Captain ordered me to watch over the Husnock, a handful of creatures who were the only survivors of an alien race picked up on the previous mission. They spoke in a language the universal translator couldn’t process. Captain Godard was determined to resettle the creatures on a new planet and they were temporarily accommodated in the Ambassador’s Quarters. She ordered me to ‘babysit’ the rather volatile creatures and I felt I handled the situation pretty well. While my COS Lt Zenteal was tied up elsewhere, I managed to calm several hostile outbursts from the Husnock. I really surprised myself with how diplomatic I could be. This didn’t make me any friends with CPO Darok though, my fellow security officer was spoiling for a fight with the creatures – typically Klingon.
The situation with the Husnock was relieved by the medical team discovery that their aggression was caused by a lithium deficiency. The Captain, Cdr Dega and Cdr Prolog left the ship with the Husnock and were gone for some weeks while they set up the new Husnock colony on Cygnet VIII.
I was shortly then to be plunged into my first away team mission. We’d been called to the Vigo sector. The ship presently got a distress call from a Klingon Starbase in the system - fine, only the records showed this particular station should have been on the other side of the quadrant! I was part of the team sent to the station. It turned out the Klingons had been testing some kind of artificial wormhole that would allow them to travel huge distances across space. However, unsurprisingly this technology was unstable and they were struggling to maintain physical integrity of their station.
Before our engineers and scientists had a chance to tackle the problem, the entire personnel of the station and the away team were propelled through the wormhole. We ended up on some planet – we still don’t know which one, and stuck in the middle of a desert.
The hot conditions were barely tolerable. The CEO Lt Elswin was in charge of the away team. With the Klingons refusing to give us any information about our predicament we were forced to trek across the desert in search of shelter with a sandstorm pursuing us all the way.
We made it to an oasis just in time, though with my DH Zenteal missing! I volunteered to look for him but Lt Elswin was having none of it. That was the first time I had to deal with a conflict in following orders I didn’t agree with.
The Copernicus sent several probes after us through the wormhole, and these eventually helped the ship to get a lock on our life signs. Our return to the ship was too late for LCdr Misty Wood the CSO. Medical officer Dr Daniel Brooks did a sterling job in keeping her alive on the planet – she suffered from the effects of heat and dehydration more severely than any of us. Though her condition was stabilised by LCdr Ander back on the Cop, she experienced irreparable brain damage that ended her career. I never got the chance to know her, but it was a shock and very saddening. I got promotion and a Gold Star for the mission, but it seemed hollow after what happened to Wood.
Before we had chance to properly recover from the Klingon mission we were pitched into a first contact situation with a nameless photonic being or beings (this wasn’t clear). Extraordinary. There we were, gathered in the Ship’s Banquet Hall for R&R and a promotion ceremony, when suddenly it was transformed into a Terran World War II Royal Navy destroyer! Ah yes… the entity had come aboard the Copernicus from the Captain’s yacht after hitching a ride as she returned from the Husnock resettlement. In an effort to study us, the entity had taken control of the holodeck while a WWII simulation was running, having been created by Engineering Ens Zet – a Bolian officer with a bizarre fascination with Earth history!
Yes, interesting times. I will continue this log at a later date.
Suspend log
Log #2
Restart personal log, Jane Fields recording:
Okay, the first contact in the holodeck with the photonic entity:
The photonic entity was totally in control and the holodeck safeties were off. The entity had enough power to transform not only the holodeck but also several decks of the Copernicus. This was how so many of us got caught in the simulation. We found ourselves in 1941, as Royal Navy crewmen on the HMS Tartar – a real historical ship. We were being attacked by three other vessels including the infamous and formidable German battleship Bismarck. The simulation, however, departed from the historical accuracy in numerous ways – as was the whim of the photonic entity. It must have been using information in the Cop computer to do this.
The crew handled itself impressively (something I have become accustomed to). During the incident, I even managed to win round CPO Darok. Darok, PO Friday and I fought off a number of attacking enemy aircraft using the anti-aircraft gun on the deck of the Tartar. I think I really earned his respect at that point.
Anyway, combined efforts using the period weapons systems allowed us to overcome our main foe the Bismarck. During the time that we’re trapped in the Tartar simulation, a new FO, LCdr Gloria Dys, had come aboard the Copernicus. Dys and a science team devised a way to break through into the simulation with an anti-phasic device that disrupts photonic energy. Using the device, the team led by Dys was able to rescue a number of the officers trapped within the Tartar simulation, including the Captain. The new FO then entered the sim to lead the rest of us to safety through a ‘corridor’ made using the anti-phasic equipment.
However, the entity was determined that its little ‘game’ continued! To distract us from escaping, it manifested itself as a ball of colourful light and communicated with us directly (out of desperation in my opinion). It revealed its intention to study us as an experiment. Dys made a fine speech about “what makes a man” (so to speak) in an attempt to convince the entity that we were sentient beings worthy of respect and ought not to be treated like some chemical compound under a microscope. In fact, I’ve never heard anyone interpret the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition in quite the same, humanitarian way!
The entity seemed, in my opinion, to ignore the Ferengi hybrid’s words. It spawned a group of doppelgangers of the crew – dressed and armed as German storm troopers of the period. I raised my weapon and challenged them to surrender. Dys ordered me to stand-down but I disregarded her order. Instead I shot the rifle out of the hands of my doppelganger. A strange thing shooting at oneself!
My reasoning was two-fold: it had shown hostile intentions towards us and at that point showed every inclination to continue its attacks through holographic characters. Secondly, it clearly expressed the intention was to study us – there was no right or wrong in what we did in the simulation, whatever our actions were, it just wanted to observe them. My shooting at the holographs with a holographic rifle could not harm the entity anyway.
Well, it happened that the entity ended the ‘experiment’ there and then. Apparently, the actions of the crew in the simulation, culminating in my behaviour and the words of Dys, had somehow given them the answer to the questions they were asking about our species. Oh, what our philosophers and psychologists would give to have that knowledge! The entity was trying to find out what ‘makes us tick’ and they apparently succeeded – at least they thought they had.
Amusing to think that my actions might hold the key to the biggest metaphysical questions about the human race (I’m joking of course). I wonder really if it was humour, tenacity, loyalty… what it was that they saw in us. I’ll never know – perhaps they really were such an advanced intelligence that they were able to see something in our behaviour which is beyond our own primitive understanding. I have a feeling this is true. ‘What makes us tick’ is beyond our own comprehension.
As the entity ended the simulation and returned us to the familiar corridors of the Copernicus, I became aware I’d been shot in the leg. Not a pleasant experience, but far from a serious wound. Dys showed a sense of humour about my disobeying her order too.
Funny thing about Dys – first thing she said when she saw me in the Tartar simulation, she called me “captain.” It took a while before I was to find out what this meant. When I did find out, it was a remarkable story. The Ferengi hybrid revealed that she was time-shifted here from the future Copernicus, and I realised I was captain of the ship in her future.
Dys is from only one possible future of many alternatives. I’m not a believer in que sera sera. However, I admit this knowledge has had a profound effect on me. I’ve always had doubts about my vocation in Star Fleet. I didn’t fit easily into military life. So many times I thought I’d quit the Academy during my training. I dunno… then this. It’s made me realise that I am meant to be doing this. I am cut out for this life. I think I really always have wanted to be part of something and Star Fleet, it seems, is that something.
End log