Copernicus Mission 04: "Now You See it Now You Don't: Rainbows"
Stardate 20512.22
- 1 Mission Outline
- 2 Captain's Logs
- 2.1 Capt Elisa Godard
- 2.1.1 Stardate 20502.31
- 2.1.2 Stardate 20503.15
- 2.1.3 Stardate 20503.31
- 2.1.4 Stardate 20504.15
- 2.1.5 Stardate 20504.30
- 2.1.6 Stardate 20505.15
- 2.1.7 Stardate 20505.29
- 2.1.8 Stardate 20506.15
- 2.1.9 Stardate 20506.30
- 2.1.10 Stardate 20507.15
- 2.1.11 Stardate 20507.30
- 2.1.12 Stardate 20508.15
- 2.1.13 Stardate 20508.31
- 2.1.14 Stardate 20509.17
- 2.1.15 Stardate 20509.30
- 2.1.16 Stardate 20510.15
- 2.1.17 Stardate 20510.31
- 2.1.18 Stardate 20511.15
- 2.1.19 Stardate 20511.30
- 2.1 Capt Elisa Godard
- 3 Crew Logs
- 3.1 First Officer
- 3.1.1 Cdr Avark
- Stardate 20501.29
- Stardate 20503.20
- Stardate 20505.13
- Stardate 20506.09
- Stardate 20506.08
- Stardate 20507.30
- Stardate 20507.30
- Stardate 20508.23 / August 23, 1692
- Stardate 20508.23
- Stardate 20508.30
- August 30, 1692
- Stardate 20509.11
- September 11, 1692
- Stardate 20509.20
- Spring 1693
- Stardate 20510.01
- April 1, 1705
- Stardate 20510.20
- Stardate 20510.31
- Stardate 20511.24
- Stardate 20511.28
- 3.1.1 Cdr Avark
- 3.2 Science
- 3.3 Security
- 3.4 Medical
- 3.5 Engineering
- 3.6 Tactical
- 3.7 Misc
- 3.1 First Officer
Mission Outline
This time the vessel was sent far away in the Menthar sector. They wanted The Copernicus to explore a hidden system. 101 planets to catalogue. As she had to travel next to the Cardassian union, Tzenkethi coalition and Breen confederacy, she was accompanied by 2 ships, the Titan and the Yeager.
After over two months of journey, the Copernicus arrived at the system that was hidden into a nebula. Each ship took a specific sector to explore, the Yeager went to the inner system, the Titan the further while the Copernicus stayed in the middle, expecting to do the relay between the ships. They discovered different civilisations and interesting mining resources. They also discovered strong magnetic storms which cut short all communications. After having resolved some problems and catalogued most of the important planets, Godard ordered a return. She feared to stay longer and run short of energy, plus the crew was going homesick and the Yeager was in pieces…
Captain's Logs
Capt Elisa Godard
Stardate 20502.31
Stardate 20502.31
I returned back to duty to find that my ship was in route toward Qo'noS, my First Officer had fainted on the bridge, suffering of a brain damage.
I got a report from the security involving once again Smith. The light on this matter haven't been all done yet, but to give my security team all the means they need, I decided to promote Lt[JG] Wylie as my new chief of the security. I think that he is fully capable, and I'm looking forward to work with him.
The Fleet Commander rear|Admiral Benestad sent the Copernicus in an exploration mission with the Yeager and the Titan and I will act as Force commander. We have a classified list of key minerals we would be interested in procuring. Hopefully, despite the Breen and the Tholian presence, this mission promises to be calm.
Ends logs.
Stardate 20503.15
I’m about to meet Captain Valiant from the Yeager and the Captain Daher from the Titan. It’s the first time I have to do an exploratory mission with the collaboration of other ships. I’m happy of it. When we are away, it’s good to know that we can count on others.
After a rest in sickbay (Godard doesn’t know about the surgery, yet) my first officer is back for duty, which is a good thing. I have to inform him about Lt[JG] Wylie promotion and other matter concerning the ship and the security.
Commander Avark’s health affects my Chief science and second officer and I will her soon for the mission. I have back Lt Abaa, his knowledge will be precious.
With my tactical officer we have found some interesting information about the Menthar civilization. They used Aceton assimilators, a weapon used do could drain power from distant sources, then use that power to generate deadly radiation to kill the ship’s crews. The Menthars placed hundreds of thousands of these devices in the asteroid field near Orelious IX, it was a war zone, but I don’t know if they limited all their frontiers with such devices. We will have to travel carefully.
I intend to see my CMO and find out why my FO is used to faint on my bridge. Maybe an allergy?
The engineer room is purring like a kitten. However, I will also have to see the CE about the some minor problems we have.
Stardate 20503.31
The ship is now travelling in sandwich between the Yeager and the Titan. We have reached the last subspace relay and we have closed all subspace communication. I don’t want to attract Cardassians attention.
On bridge I lost Keless’s service. For some reasons, Avark is thinking to have injured Keless. I’m not sure how telepathic link are done, how a no-telepath like Avark can damage a well-trained telepath brain. However, he said that it was an accident. He seems to be affected with it, but on the other hand eager to find a new Chief Officer. For a moment I feel as if I had caught a kid at the moment who he was sweeping away the broken pieces of a Wing vase, saying that we would put a new vase on the table. A way to repair and hide discomfort creates by the absence. Klingon are and will stay a mystery to me.
The science crew are working with effervescence so hard that they made an explosion. I hope that they will hold their enthusiast better and keep the ship in good shape.
The news in engineering room are reassuring. Jackson works well. I won’t ask again to put the ship at warp 9 until he gives me his benediction though.
The medic are working on Keless’s case. But from what I know about telepath broken link, there no big hope.
The security has, moment of tranquility. My new officer is doing well. Normally, when a new DH is named, I got always complains, or rather reticence from the people around, at least the time that they adjust themselves and let go their loyalty to the new authority arrival. So Wylie must have a great charisma.
End log.
Stardate 20504.15
The death of a crew member is what a Captain fears the most. But the lost of the first officer is the worst thing that could happen. Stardate 20504.13 I lost Commander Avark while he was on duty. The reason of his death is still unknown.
I have chosen LCdr Crowhurst as my new CTO. Lt Mahla Tru will be replaced, she asked me to resign from the position and I agreed. I’m about to meet the new CMO.
End logs
Stardate 20504.30
After having cautiously travelled many hours into a belt of dust we arrived in front of a gigantic system solar. I ordered the Yeager to take the inner planted while the Titan will explorer the farther planets. The Copernicus will stay in sandwich between them and be the communication relay.
The Copernicus had few glitches, mainly with the main screen. I was in communication with the Yeager and the Titan when I heard what it can be magnetic parasites. I wonder where these are from. Probably of one of those planets? It’s too early to know if the planets have inhabitants. I will order a meeting before starting the operation of exploration.
The new CMO entered in function as soon as he put a feet on my ship. And he has a lot to do. Against all expectations, Commander Avark positronic brain’s didn’t die. I agreed to use the computer to save him, or at least his memories. I’m raising a lot of ethic questions, but as Captain of a science ship, isn’t our nature to try to go further of the boundary? I’m taking all responsibility of this experience.
I worry about Commander Lacey. She is still pregnant. I let her work to keep her mind busy, but I do all what is possible to not overcharging her. So I do the FO and the Captain’s duty, keeping only few hours to have rest.
I haven’t put my feet in the engineering room since a long time. LCdr Jackson’s work is so well done that I have nothing to say about, except that I feel the ship on good hands.
Curiously, the security department is quieter. I know the COS doing a training in holodeck to keep his men in shape.
The science team are doing a big study on the acetone assimilators and their harmful radiation. I haven’t all the report yet.
I’m impressed by the new CTO. He brought the ship smoothly here with a real professional attitude.
With such a good crew, I’m confident that the mission will be a big success despite the first difficulties we have met.
End logs.
Stardate 20505.15
We have orbited around a class G planet Warhol. Life forms at a primitive state, and I’m waiting deeper result scans for the mineral we are looking for. But this planet seems to have a connection with her neighbourhood. I’m putting the ship on the next one, Vivaldi.
Sometime I feel that I’m in the middle of a fiction book. Commander Avark is back in a … holographic form… He seems to be fully aware of his person. He has souvenirs and feelings, which make me think that he is more than a program. I put him back in function.
End logs.
Stardate 20505.29
Making our way, we got a signal from the planet Botticelli. And I got the surprise that it was from… Narret Rayne. As if it wasn’t weird enough, this Rayne was with what I called Avark’s identical twin.
I stopped the engine, and changed of tactic. Vivaldi planet will be visited be 2 of ours shuttle. Commander Avark, my first officer will inquire about this Rayne and Avark on Botticelli. The situations of the planet are also unusual. I’m not a scientist, so I keep my CSO with me. I hope she would answer to some questions that the situation is rising.
I also got new people. Midshipman Sturick, an oral surgeon. Quite useful as we are doing long time travel. Midshipman Spade, an engineer whom I will pay a visit when time will allow me.
I was noticed that a fire made damage on the deck 40. Time estimated for repairs : 3 weeks.
End logs.
Stardate 20506.15
The Botticellans have developed a powerful technology. I don’t know exactly how it’s working, but they succeed to take people from past and bring them into the future, I mean my present. The computer is formal, 2 of their experimentations were Rayne and Avark. The DNA is matching. And they seem in good health, though the scientists are suggesting that the balance of the Universe will kill them… But I let the doctors and scientists working on this problem. Now I want to know why the Botticellans have chosen them. Are they trying to re-write the future? Are they making a museum of species? Can I expect to find other races? The runabout Xenon is going on the Planet to find the true…
I’m without news of the 2 others shuttles that I’ve sent on the Vivaldi planet. The communication is awful here, and takes age to calibrate and still with got snow on the screen.
Unexpected, we may have found a mine of dilithium Crystal. We still have an analysis to do to confirm it.
End logs.
Stardate 20506.30
After some communication problems, I can say that we are on the good way. It’s taking longer though, with the 3 ships, we have about 33% of our exploration done. I do think our new experience will help us to be more efficiently.
End logs.
Stardate 20507.15
We still have communication problems. But there is something more important. We have returned toward Warhol and have detected a source of precious crystal. Warhol doesn’t have only interesting resources, but also seems to play a big role on the fate of some other planets. The planet has installations which keep the orbit of Botticelli and Vivaldi under a control. The problem is that it’s obviously working so-so and the two planet trajectory will cross each other within few months. We have found no trace of life on Warhol. So don't why Botticelan do the maintenance? Is this already too late for them? I’m sending an away team there to make the light on this.
In the meantime, I will try to contact all shuttles and ships.
Ends log
Stardate 20507.30
I think we have reached a new step with this mission. People are showing more often homesick behaviours. I’m waiting for Doctor Tru who can find a way to rekindle the spirit of the crew.
I have few news of others ships and shuttles. I feel that I repeat again and again, but still the communications aren’t again very good. No news means good news, so I don’t worry much. The region is more quiet than expected. No sign of wars, no sign that we might be detected by hostile neighbour. Just too bad that the region is colonized. We will have to get authorization to exploit the sector. So diplomatic missions in perspective. Not sure that the Fleet will enjoys it. Anyway, at this level, it’s not my business.
End logs…
Stardate 20508.15
I think I have found a cure against the homesick feelings. Dr Tru suggested theme night in 10 forward. Personally I have avoided all things that remember me the Earth, but maybe I did wrong. It can be very interesting. That will give me an occasion to learn about my crew, and the crew to learn about each other. Maybe for an instant we will forget we are so far from home.
I counted the days. With the return it will be my longest mission I ever had. We are taking some retard on the schedule. As soon as I can contact my FO, I will ask him to find a way to accelerate the tempo.
End logs...
Stardate 20508.31
With the good idea from LCdr Ferguson, we finally succeeded to contact the Titan and one of my away team.
The Titan has some minor problems.
The Neon is encountering heavy storms, several of the crew are missing but they are working on search and rescue. By the time I send help, they assure me that they will have re-gained control of the situation. So I’m working to have news from my other away team.
I’m also without news of the Yeager. It’s something I don’t find normal. I project to go there as soon as I can.
End logs…
Stardate 20509.17
I’m going to send a new away team on Botticelli. They will find out what is going on there. In the meantime I project to go and try to enter in communication with the Yeager. They haven’t given sign of life, and I truly start to worry about.
End logs
Stardate 20509.30
The Titan is now looking for the Yeager. So I can put my time on my own away teams.
We can’t reach the Lacey’s away team. As if they were not in the shuttle. It’s something normal and I’m not worrying too much about. On Botticelli, the situation is getting worse. I have sent my own yacht there but we lost all communications and visual with them. A magnetic storm. Again. Now I start to understand why we don’t meet many civilisations with ship technologies here. Though the system looks quiet, peaceful and rich in raw material, space storms are terrible. I wish only to quit this place as soon as possible. But I fear to bring back a empty ship.
We have almost reached the deadline. We have to return soon. If not, we will have to stop that the first outpost. And it’s a delay that I would not appreciate at all.
End logs
Stardate 20510.15
Things are going bad. The Yeager has crashed into the Sharok Planet. I’m about to repatriate all my away teams and end this mission and go to rescue the Yeager with the Titan. I have some worries about it. The return might be more complicated now.
I’m also quite puzzled. From the transmission I have, Talazac is now on Warhol Planet with Avark. How can they be there? For a moment I couldn’t believe it, but I saw with my own eyes, Avark about to faint… I know only one fainting Klingon, Avark… On another subject, according few details LCdr Lacey told me, their team repaired the artificial system that keeps Botticelli and Vivaldi in orbit. I need more data to know if we have gone over the Prime directive… God bless, I will have months during the return to prepare my report. To please the crowd I will have to choose my words carefully…
I’m without news of my Yacht… I may have sent them into a trap. I lost contact with them. They faced a magnetic storm, and a big one. It should calm down within the next hours, so if they are still alive, they will have a chance to escape from the planet. I have no news of the away teams on Vivaldi. They will be my next concerns. Primo, pregnant women : Lacey team. Second, Botticelli away team. Terzo, Vivaldi away teams. Quarto the Yeager…
End logs…
Stardate 20510.31
All my away team are back. I started to read some reports which are somehow disappointing. The catalogue shows that must of these planets are inhabited. We will have to make delicate negotiations if we want to exploit the available resources. However each away team came back while extraordinary experience.
The shuttles leaded by LCdr Crowhurst were going on Vivaldi and then one of the shuttles got some glitches. The other went to a contact. The weather turned badly there due to the planet orbit. It was going to collide with the Botticelli.
The runabout is lost. My Yacht rescued our team on Botticelli. The First officer got the weirdest experience with LtJg Talazac. She has been traumatized at the point she wanted to take her own life. And talking about the FO, Avark-holo melted into the young avarQ. I don’t understand all the process, but I will pay a visit to the team who had worked on the time paradox as soon as my other obligations let me do it.
The away team sent on Warhol found out how to give back the Botticelli and Vivaldi orbit course. A complicated system maintains the orbit with the help of a kind of Guardian. This away mission almost cost the life of the Commander Lacey’s unborn. She ended to give birth prematurely. Commander Avark assured me that the boy’s health situation was improving.
In the meantime the Titan rescued the Yeager. She is in a bad shape. I’m towing her right now. It will cause some problems that I will have to discuss with my CE. I fear to run out of gas around the Badlands territory. About 10 days-travel from the nearest starbase, 621.
I’m waiting Captain Valiant. I’m looking forward to hear how the Yeager crashed on the planet.
End logs.
Stardate 20511.15
My meeting with Captain Valiant has been… difficult. He seemed to be on the edge, ready to explode. In fact he almost slapped me. He also threatened me, wanting to use his friends and other connections to remove me from the… circulation.
He maintains that he has no responsibilities for the crash of the Yeager. Her nacelles are on my cargo bay under analysis and the Yeager towed. A team is working on the Yeager. I will also transfer a copy of all memory data just before the crash, like the procedure asks me to do. It will give me more information to confirm Captain's Valiant words. However, I’m still under the shock. Captain Valiant seems to have no, how to say… affiliation with the Yeager. To him, it’s just a mass of deformed, wretched metal! I tried to explain him that even torn, it can still give precious information to the engineers and than help to built better ship, but he seemed to take it as a reproach and he was very aggressive. He only wants a bigger, a better new ship, or to command a fleet and make the wish to send me ship into a nowhere mission… Anyway, I must admit that I don’t understand him. I do know the Copernicus is NOT my ship. I’m just the commander. Especially. It’s not my ship, so I must care more than mine, this is the property of the Star Fleet, and they had confidence into me to care about it. I would be very up side down, if I’ve brought her completely out of use. Just the sight of the Yeager gave me shivers.
We are now heading for the Dust Belt. The Titan will join us soon. Then I hope a fast return.
LCdr Wylie has been released from duty. My Chief security! I worry about. But I also have other problems. My engineer team is working on how to bring the Yeager safely. And my SO and FO are with me to discuss about other matters. At least their son is getting better. I will have a meeting with the DHs soon.
End logs.
Stardate 20511.30
The mission is over. We have docked safely at the Starbase Alpha. During the meeting, I’ve suggested to travel closer of the Cardassians Border. About 5LY. We saved many days of travel. We have encountered nothing.
I’m proud of all my crew who supported me. I will have still some hard time in front of me with the Yeager’s lost. I fear to explain it, all data I have don’t satisfied me, and so how I will satisfy my superior? Anyway, my crew deserves the shore leave.
end logs.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Avark
Stardate 20501.29
Cdr Avark Personal Log, Stardate 20501.29, Commander Avark recording:
Begin Log:
It has been a long time, and a lot has happened since my last log. I have much to cover here.
Firstly, the Copernicus returned to Starbase Alpha, orbiting Earth, and I was immediately taken into custody, once again by my assistant Chief of Security, then Lieutenant Junior Grade Shard Vinzz. The charges were numerous, but I had no memory to dispute them.
I was transferred to SBA brig, and released shortly thereafter as the charges were dropped by someone very high in the JAG office. Apparently LCdr Ja'rod, a JAG from SBB had gone rogue, and he was the one who had created the charges.
It appears that my uncle's self-proclaimed ascendancy to the Emperor's throne on Qo'noS has caused much trouble, some of which surrounds how Star Fleet treats me. I only wish to be treated as all other officers—but that seems impossible.
After being released from the brig, I reported to the Drunken Tribble to find out what Captain Godard wanted me to do. However upon my arrival I witnessed the kidnapping of Captain Godard, Commander Becker, Ariana, and Kasia!
Acting quickly, we assembled a team to rescue her, 'borrowing' the frigate USS Boston which was in for repairs. The mission was a success, and I was somehow subsequently promoted to First Officer of Copernicus. I was then ordered into a holodeck training session.
This session went poorly, and I should have failed. I was placed with another officer, a Lieutenant Commander Miryes Kajel of the USS Drake—a very 'fiery' Bajoran woman who could learn a thing or two about respecting superior officers—and we immediately clashed. We should have failed.
I then went on shore leave with Ariana and Kasia. The plan was to return Susan's remains to her family, visit Vulcan for some training, and then visit my parents on Carraya. But as often happens, things did not go as planned.
Firstly, the trip to Earth to see Susan's family was handled quickly and efficiently. I returned her remains and met her family.
And then we headed off to Romulus aboard a runabout. During that journey Ariana and I grew very close. Much closer than I had ever intended or planned. By the time we got to Vulcan I couldn't imagine my life without her.
My training never occurred, due to a diplomatic issue relating to my uncle and my family, and my old friend T'Renn. Things were unpleasant to say the least, my being subjected to constant briefings and reports of the horrible things the Klingons did to T'Renn while she was their captive.
My only light was my time spent with Ari—and Kasia.
On the last night we were on Vulcan, I asked Ariana to marry me, and she agreed. We did not set any plans beyond that, as we knew that we'd moved very quickly thus far.
My parents had been relocated from Carraya to Acamar for their own safety, and we left Vulcan to go to Acamar to meet them.
The journey was long, and not very pleasant. Ariana and I had our first fight, and it was a major one. I truly thought I'd lost her, and I was a mess. I had no idea how to continue my life without her.
Arriving at Acamar, we met my parents. It went moderately well. At least with mother things were good. Father was—father. He will never approve of me. I will always be a failure to him. And I am starting to suspect that he is right in thinking I am.
We took a transport back to Earth, and almost immediately I was called to duty. Apparently the Sol system was under attack. This is where I ruined my Star Fleet career.
I was left in command of the Copernicus for less than five minutes. In that time I managed to nearly get the ship destroyed, and killed over a dozen members of our crew, due to bad decisions. I then disobeyed orders and fled the ship, along with Lt Vinzz and Ambassador Lzon, in an effort to approach the intruders diplomatically in a shuttle.
We were captured and examined by the aliens, and we established limited communication. They were here to invade—not to make contact. We were sent back to the USS Drake, where I assisted their bridge in the battle. I felt comfortable on the bridge of the warship—although it wasn't home.
Upon returning to base, I went to the Drunken Tribble and celebrated our success and mourned the loss of our comrades in true tradition, by drinking bloodwine with my friends—at least a few of them. And then, after relocating Copernicus to the main dock, I returned to Ariana.
She seemed distant and aloof, and I didn't know why. We needed to board the ship almost immediately, so we didn't get a chance to talk, as I was to report to the bridge, and she to main science labs.
I hadn't been on the bridge for 5 minutes when the Captain arrived and ordered me to her ready room, and explained my failures. After offering her my resignation, as I felt it was what was in Star Fleet's best interests, she insisted on 'training' me in the holodeck.
Now I am done with that, and have returned to duty. My artificial implants are causing me more problems, and I wish to have it all removed. I'd rather be dead than live as half a man.
The only thing keeping me going at this point is Ariana—and Kasia. They are the one light in the dark nebula called life.
End log.
Stardate 20503.20
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20503.20, Commander Avark recording:
It has been too long since my last log.
In that time I was temporarily given command of Copernicus, and I totally dishonored myself and Star Fleet during that time. Why I am not currently in the brig awaiting court-martial I do not know.
Without going into the details, I will say that these damned implants acted up again. Apparently some sort of battle between my natural psyche and the one imposed by the positronic brain implant occurred.
I am glad Ari can't read these logs, or she'd probably solve the problem by killing me for what I just said. She is the light in my life, and I know it now more than ever.
Most of my memories seem to have returned, including some that I wish hadn't. But I feel whole again—more than I have in a very long time. That is despite some problems I'm still having with the implants—but I'll never tell the doctors. I'd die before returning to their torture chambers again.
I am still getting odd headaches, and I keep having strange thoughts which I can only attribute to the implants.
I have returned to the bridge, and am awaiting our mission to start. We are ordered to go to warp soon, and then I have been ordered to Captain Godard's ready room. I assume I'll get a mission briefing once there.
I must find a way to honor LCdr Keless for all that he's done for me. He risked a lot in an effort to save me, and I fear that he may have suffered some as a result. I can only hope that not much of my psyche has infected him, for the results of having what was in my mind in a non-Klingon could be disastrous. We're just not made for telepathic contact.
I must return to duty now, and await my next orders.
End log.
Stardate 20505.13
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20505.13, Commander Avark recording:
[Computer system note: This log recorded via direct upload from CSO's office—audio-visual recording not available.]
It has been nearly two months since my last report—and much has transpired.
On Stardate 20504.12, while en route to our mission objectives, I died. My positronic brain implant, due to what was later diagnosed as a combination of a mechanical error in the internal cooling apparatus and a case of my biological brain psychologically rejecting the implants (yet again), the implant overheated and literally 'cooked' the cerebral cortex of my biological brain—destroying it beyond our ability to repair.
What followed was a systematic failure of all of my body's major organs and the death of my body. By some fluke, my 'mind' was captured by the positronic net. Apparently the 'data' was saved in the main computer prior to the dismantling of the positronic implant. My body received a full autopsy which is attached to this log as proof of my death.
I later 'awakened' to find my mind integrated into the computer in the form of an AI. Originally I thought this to be a malfunction of some sort, but later found it to be the cause of the malignant 'Smith program' which was still in the computer core—lurking and waiting for an opportunity to come back. It did, and I was forced to fight it.
In the end, I was victorious—I isolated and irradiated it's memory sections.
I found the mobile holoemitter which Smith had been using, and after a discussion with the Captain and Ari, I downloaded myself into the holoemitter and direct contact with the computer was severed.
Ari... How can she love what I have become?
My beloved is with child—my child—again. This child will be fully 'ours' and I hope that we don't feel differently about Kasia after this. I don't think we will—for Ari has from the beginning accepted Kasia as fully hers, even though she is not genetically her daughter.
There is a plan to attempt to clone a new body for me—and then we must find a way to copy my 'mind' from this holomatrix back into the new body. If it works, I will be a new man again—whole. I am not completely comfortable with it—for I should be dead, and there is no honor in my being cloned and revived. However when I look into Ari's eyes, all I can think of is being there for her forever—and with her forever. She is my universe now.
When I look into her eyes I see her pain over all that has happened. I see her dedication to everything around her. And I see her love for me. A love I do not deserve.
But I also realize... That if for no other reason, I must find a way to live—for her and our children. Even if I am to live 'honorless' in the eyes of my people. No... They are no longer my people. Ari, my family, and the crew of Copernicus are my family—my people. They are all that matters.
There is another concern. This holomatrix is slowly breaking down. My memories are fading, and sometimes I can feel my 'self' weakening as well. I know that my time in this form is limited, and that if we don't get my mind back into a biological or positronic container soon, I will perish.
A positronic is not an option. There are no positronic brains or implants aboard. And we do not have the technology to replicate or build one aboard Copernicus. So my 'essence' must be transferred back into a body.
This presents a few problems.
First, we need a body. Although Ari seems convinced that she and the medics can clone me a suitable body, it will take time. And I fear that we may not have enough time—especially if the first attempt is unsuccessful. Surrogates have been suggested, possibly taking a volunteer from the crew who's mind we can put in some sort of storage while I use their body. I find this unacceptable, dishonorable, and just ethically wrong.
Secondly, a body—be it mine or someone else's--does us no good without a way to transfer my 'mind' into it. We can transfer from the computer to and from a positronic brain—and a positronic brain can interface with an organic brain. We have proven these two. But we do not, at present, have a conduit to directly transfer from the computer to an organic brain. This too will take time—and I fear that my time isn't sufficient.
It has been proposed that my 'program' be de-activated and stored while they work on these problems. However that would be like being dead again—and I can't tolerate the idea. Even if it means I die forever because of it—I won't let them put me in storage. It could take them months or years to find a method—and I fear that waking up after that time would be worse than a final death.
As my memories fade, I fear losing those of Ari and my family. And I have already developed a 'subroutine' that will, should this happen, permanently erase my program automatically. I can't tell Ari or the others about this, or they would surely de-activate me to prevent it.
I know that no matter what I return as, I will no longer be a Klingon. Not in my heart or soul. I will have the body of a Klingon, but I will be something else forever. I have mixed feelings about this. My heart is Klingon, and much of my psyche is shaped by my early life as a Klingon growing up on... I have forgotten the name of my homeworld, as well as much of what happened prior to my posting aboard... It was a cruise... Commanded by a Brikar named... I cannot remember.
Regardless, I will no longer be like other Klingons. I will be something different. I will never fit in with my people again, and I am not sure it's a bad thing. I do not belong with them, and I am not sure I ever did. I have grown to be something else... Something created by my life experiences thus far—at least those I still remember.
I hope in the end that I retain the good parts of me, and that I come out a stronger—being. When I look into the eyes of my beloved, as I am right now, I know that as long as I have her at my side I shall always prevail—in everything. She is the light which I look towards. If she only knew how much I depend on her being there—how weak I am without her near—she would be ashamed of me—at least I think she would.
I must end this log, as the door is chiming, and I have to focus my dwindling resources on interacting with the others again.
But should I perish, I wish this log, along with all of my personal logs, to be turned over to Ari—Commander Ariana Lacey.
And Ari, should you read this, I want you to know: You are the center of my universe. You are my 'world', my love, my one true bang'a'wI'.
End log.
Stardate 20506.09
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20506.09:
The Captain has sent us on the runabout Xenon to make first contact with the planet Boticelli, a species we know nothing about apart from the fact that they were holding two Star Fleet officers, including what appeared to be a younger version of myself, hostage. These 'duplicates' both appear to be versions of Star Fleet officers, myself and a Bajoran engineer, taken from the past.
Apparently a short time ago they launched an experimental warp ship. It exploded shortly after take-off, and we have been informed that this Rayne and younger version of me were beamed to the Copernicus. I fear how the Captain will handle this, and hope that these imposters are treated as such.
My holoemitter failed, and was restored thanks to the help of Lt Ahd, and we are back on mission.
End Recording.
Stardate 20506.08
Cadet avarQ Cadet's Personal Log, Stardate 20506.08:
I don't know where to begin. I was minding my own business, walking down a corridor in the Cochrane Center after leaving my class on basic tricorder repair, when I found myself transported 9 years into the future, in an alternate reality where I apparently am mating with a human female and am First Officer aboard a SCIENCE ship of all things!
I don't know what else to day, other than, HELP!
Oh yes, and I'm trapped here with a delusional Bajoran named Rayne who claims to be a Captain but the computer only says he's an Ensign.
End log.
Stardate 20507.30
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20507.30, Commander Avark recording:
[SYSTEM NOTATION: Automated recording direct from holoemitter, voiceprint not available.]
[Begin Log.]
We are on the planet Boticelli and have made contact with the native population, which appears to be some sort of insectoid species. They have four arms, exoskeletons, and look much like bipedal versions of giant Terran 'ants'. They stand about 1.25 to 1.5 meters tall.
They have, after a small altercation when we first met, been somewhat cooperative. It appears that being firm with them is what they respect and acknowledge. By Terran standards they would be considered 'rude'. But by my own Klingon standards, they are quite tame—if a bit disrespectful of others.
They have led us to what appears to be some sort of temporal portal, after relieving us of our weapons. Our tricorders have just gone dead, and they have activated the portal, and are insisting that we go through.
I await an answer from Talazac as to if she saw anything useful before her tricorder went dead. If she has nothing to boost my confidence I may be forced to be hostile toward these aliens.
I have concerns about this last, as my holoemitter seems to be failing, and I fear that if I exert myself, it might happen more rapidly.
For now I must wait and see what happens.
[End log.]
Stardate 20507.30
Commander Avark, aboard the shuttle at Warhol
First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20507.30, Commander Avark recording:
[Begin Log.]
A few hours ago, I wouldn't have believed the memories I have now. I was a simple cadet at the academy. And then I found myself transported to a strange world, and my mind almost immediately started remembering things which I don't believe ever happened to me. At least not to the me that was in this body before.
It's like another person's mind is invading my own, and it's both scary and comforting. The memories I have are undoubtedly my own, and some of my achievements are amazing to me. But my life has also apparently been filled with tragedy and pain. And I apparently have been a very insubordinate and poor officer.
Yet I was miraculously promoted through the ranks quickly and now serve as First Officer aboard the USS Copernicus, a Galactic Survey Cruiser.
I must admit to some disappointment at this last. Why I have been placed aboard a science vessel, and additionally sent on a mission as far from any conflicts which the Federation may have as possible, troubles me. I can't find anything in my memory—at least nothing major—in my career that merits such an exile. The only thing I can think of is my relationship to Emperor Kalok. Perhaps they view this as a security threat, and have moved me here to prevent my providing the enemy with anything which could harm Star Fleet or the Federation. I will endeavor to get a transfer to a warship upon our return from this mission, and will also lodge a formal complaint and request for explanation.
I am apparently a father—and soon to be a father again! I have memories of a daughter—although I have not met her yet. Her mother was killed by a Cardassian spy; but apparently Ari—my beautiful Ari—served as a surrogate and gave birth to her.
As I look across the cabin of the shuttle at Ari, I can't imagine loving another woman. Just being in her presence causes my heart to beat faster and harder, and my arousal to rise. I wish to move to her right now, to take her in my arms, and to—MY log! I must focus on my log! I find these feelings of desire overwhelming me. And it causes me trouble in focusing.
Another set of memories I have seem to not be from my past—but my future. I distinctly remember commanding a starship in a massive battle, where I was Captain. And I also remember a wedding to Ariana. But I also remember great sadness—as though we were separated for some unknown reason.
It is all very complicated. And confusing.
And now, here we are, in a shuttle hovering over a strange but apparently uninhabited world. We have been attacked by some sort of gravitic bubble weapon, which is holding us in place—not allowing us to move. Ari has done a remarkable job at command, and in fact I wonder if perhaps she would be better at my job as First Officer than I am.
I shall consider this, and will make sure she has more opportunity to show her command ability in the future.
[End log.]
Stardate 20508.23 / August 23, 1692
Cdr Avark (Holo-Avark)
First Officer's Log, Stardate 20508.23/August 23, 1692; First Officer Avark reporting:
/Begin Log.
It's been four months now since Lt Talazac (Traci) and I have been stranded here in the past. I'm writing this on an old (to me) piece of parchment, and am writing it in Klingon so that if a native gets their hands on it they won't be able to read it.
Traci and I have been hiding in the rural mountains to the north and west of where we found ourselves. We had apparently materialised in a house in a fishing village and port town known as "Salem" in a 'colony' called Massachusetts Bay. The year is apparently 1692.
After an altercation with some locals, we were helped by a fisherman. He sailed us away from the village, where he was certain we'd be tried, convicted, and executed as some sort of sorcerers. Something he called 'witches'. Traci seemed familiar with the practice, and all too happy to be taken away.
The fisherman, a Byron McHenry, sailed us up the coast and dropped us off, giving us several of what he called 'pounds'--although the coins didn't weigh that much, it was apparently the name for their currency—and sent us on our way into a small village where he said we'd be safer. He also provided us with cloaks to hide much of our (mostly my) appearance.
After some negotiating, Traci managed to get us a horse-drawn cart and some supplies, and directions to a village in the mountains. The trip took several days, and more than once I yearned for a proper weapon. We had been provided with a couple of ancient firearms, which are very inaccurate, difficult to reload, and require way too much maintenance. We used up the remaining power in the phaser during this journey, using it on lowest possible settings to subdue animals which I would then kill with my hands. We would then use the phaser to help us start fires.
Now we are living in a one-room cabin/shack near a lake called 'Champlain' in a village called 'Charlotte', in what Traci tells me is to become a 'State' known as 'Vermont'. Apparently it is to be one of the earlier States to form the "United States of America", which according to Traci was an ancient Terran empire of some sort, and much of the Federation's structure is based on the political structure of this "United States".
For now we are avoiding contact as much as possible with the locals—however Traci takes skins from animals I kill and trades them for supplies we need. I kill most of our own food—which consists of deer, rabbits, and other creatures.
I have begun trying to forge and craft a new bat'leth, but I am still learning how to forge the metal using the crude materials I have at my disposal.
The strangest thing perhaps is Traci and I. We have become mates. A part of me feels that this goes against my feelings for Ari. However I see more and more of Ari in Traci. In fact in many ways Traci is, in my eyes, the embodiment of Ari and Susan merged into one being. I have quite frankly fallen in love with her, and have asked her to become my wife—since we gave up hope of rescue over a month ago, and are certain we will remain here for the rest of our lives.
Which brings up another issue. Traci will age, as humans do, and be susceptible to disease and other hazards. While I could be destroyed or damaged—or my emitter could—I will not age, nor am I susceptible to disease or other illness. I am immortal in that respect—provided the emitter continues to function.
Power levels on the emitter appear to be stable, as it recharges off the magnetic field of the planet, and so far it appears to be operating normally. Although I know that my memory had lost some before coming here—since arriving here it seems to have been stable, and in fact I feel more vibrant and alive than I have in years.
Maybe this is my intended destiny—however what will I do when Traci is no more? I can't go into the cities, or even into our village, for fear of persecution. I don't need to eat, or drink, so I could live my days out alone in the forest—but sooner or later someone would find me and I would be called a 'werewolf'--a term Traci had to explain to me after we were nearly chased out of a town called "Keene" on our way here. And I would surely be hunted...
Well for now it's not an issue, and I will go on living my life with my beloved, Traci. I wish that I could give her the child I know she yearns for. She even mentioned one evening after we made love that she wished we could start a family here. But it is simply not possible with me. Which makes me feel less of a man—sometimes I forget that I'm not of flesh anymore...
For now I must return to my forge. I have made several daggers, although very plain ones—successfully, and Traci sells them in the village. They are of a Klingon design (to hell with the Prime Directive at this point!) and the locals seem to like them.
End Journal Entry.
/End Log.
Stardate 20508.23
First Officer's Log, Stardate 20508.23, Commander Avark recording:
/Begin Log.
I sit here on the Shuttle waiting for Ari and the away teams to report back with ANYTHING of interest. I've been here for... 23 minutes so far... And no news. I am unable to continue outside for fear of permanent damage from radiation.
Ari is wearing my suit, and to be honest she looks kind of what a human would call 'cute' in it. I find her very alluring lately, and have trouble controlling my desire in her presence. But I am strong and will persevere. I just hope she's okay out there.
If anything happens to her, I will hold the others responsible—and they do not want my wrath!
We have landed on Warhol, entered an underground complex (which we now appear to be stranded within) which apparently generates the power and controls the gravity generators and emitters which seem to keep the other planetary orbits stable. It is quite a feat of engineering, and I would love to stay here and study it—as I am sure so would our crew. I hope we have time to do so thoroughly.
I miss Kasia—and wonder how she is doing. I haven't been able to see her since returning. Ari and I need to figure out how to explain to her that daddy is home—not dead.
Anyway, I'm going to go brood some more and examine the useless logs.
/End log.
Stardate 20508.30
Cdr Avark (Bio-Avark)
First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20508.30, Commander Avark recording:
(Recording made on shuttle computer.)
My exile on the shuttle continues. Ari has visited me, and I have given her a full check-up and forced her to eat a meal. My radiation levels are acceptable, and hers are negligible—so both she and our child should be safe. This installation is quite amazing, from the readings she has brought back. It appears to have three large geothermal power generators feeding something rather large. We anticipate that these generators are feeding the graviton emitters we detected on the planet, however as most of them appear to be offline we can't be completely sure.
We have trouble communicating down here due to interference in the rocks; and we can't transmit out of here or get any scans out of here due to something in the doors or the shielding outside.
Well I will now help Ari get ready to go back out. We have established a method that should allow us to communicate between our teams. So far she is doing well with command, although her methods are a bit less—aggressive—than mine. It seems to work well for her.
End log.
August 30, 1692
Written on parchment, in Klingon, sometime in the past
Personal Journal, Stardate unknown, local date, August 30, 1692:
Traci and I have done well here in the past so far. Since my last log, nothing of note has happened. Traci returned from the town of Burlington having sold several skins and some items we made, and brought back supplies.
I can see that living like this has taken its toll on her as well. She seems to miss the past (future?) life that we had in many ways.
Although we are very much in love (at least I am and I think she is), there is something missing here. I think it's the camaraderie and contact with the others on Copernicus. I would have expected this would have bothered me even more than her, as my exile is almost complete. I rarely see anyone other than Traci, and even then I have to wear a heavy cloak to hide my true appearance and be careful how I speak. But I have always been solitary, and an outsider, even in my own childhood—so I am used to it.
Traci on the other hand seems to really enjoy when she goes to the village or the town for a few days, and sometimes mentions how nice it would be to live there after she returns. But we both know it's not possible—at least for me. And she won't leave me, although I wonder if it would be best for me to encourage her to for her own good. I don't think she really sees how damaging our relationship may be to her.
When I look at her face, I can see that this has aged her. Her face is showing some wear, and her eyes look tired sometimes. They still house the light in them that I find so alluring, but they also show more weather than before. She and I work out almost every day, training and keeping in shape with exercises. She also hunts with me sometimes. Although she is a very good hunter, she still has human tendencies, and sometimes her stealth is lacking.
I have been studying the stars lately, and missing them. I regret not being among them anymore, and wish I could take off and head into them again. But that is not likely to happen in Traci's lifetime—mine perhaps, provided nothing damages my emitter I will live 'forever'. I have tried to alter my programming to allow myself to age, but have failed. Each time I try to alter the program in any significant way, I am either blocked outright by security protocols or have a random malfunction which requires my resetting to the default program. Apparently whoever designed these things was a better programmer than I am, which is not surprising.
For now, I must go work on my blade. So far I have been having some more success with it, and if things go on the way that they have been, I will be ready to polish the blade and wrap the handles in another few days.
End entry.
Stardate 20509.11
Cdr Avark (Warhol, bio-Avark)
First Officer's Log, Stardate 20509.11, Commander Avark recording:
[Shuttle recorder activated. Begin log.]
We have continued exploring this facility, after Ari checked in and received a meal and spent some time with me here. We set up a relay system for tricorders, which allows communication, and sensor data to be exchanged. Plus we can beam small objects.
Unfortunately it won't carry me, so I am still marooned here in the shuttle, watching from afar as Ari makes discoveries that could save two planets—and possibly change the way we view so many things.
The ability to control the orbits of planets is immense. If we could learn how this technology works, it could be used in many ways.
[End log.]
September 11, 1692
Scrawled in an old book, Earth, 1692, Holo-Avark
I have no idea what the Stardate is anymore. The local date is September 11, 1692.
The temperatures, especially at night, have been getting lower lately. And I find it distinctly chilly.
Traci and I have gotten along well, however things are seeming a bit less passionate than before. I guess we are entering a routine.
I think she is worried about the future, and how we'll handle it. I believe she has finally given up hope on getting home, as had I, until today.
I found a cave... And inside I could smell an artificial atmosphere. I am packing supplies to go back and investigate it further either later tonight or tomorrow. I want Traci to come with me, just in case we can find a way out of this existence and back home.
But that itself presents problems. What will happen when we get back? What of the biological Avark that is there? What about Ari? It's so complicated...
But Traci needs to go back... So we'll try to if we can...
[End log.]
Stardate 20509.20
Cdr Avark (Bio-Avark)
First Officer's Log, Stardate 20509.20, Commander Avark recording:
This mission so far has been—interesting. We have just found out that what we thought would take over 2 years, now will only take 4 days—and only that long because of some good work between Ens Rayne and Ens Saita. I will recommend both of them for commendation if we survive this.
Apparently they found an iconian portal down there, and Lt Talazac came through it. And then all power out here failed, except our own. Scans and communications are still down—I can't get a signal out.
Talazac and Johnson should be here shortly—hopefully with some good news as to what's going on...
Eng log.
Spring 1693
Written in an old leather journal, and also recorded in the holo-emitter memory
Avark's Journal, Spring 1693:
I have arrived in Europe, and am presently traveling across the southern coastline of France with a merchant who has been kind enough to provide me transport in exchange for my helping him with some manual labor. I don't know yet where I am going, but I know that if I stay in one place too long, someone will notice me, and I will risk persecution, either as a demon, a slave, or a monster.
The people so far have been mostly kind, however I know that their beliefs are rigid. I doubt I will find a place to 'fit in', so I must keep on the move.
I expect to arrive in Nice in a few days' time, depending on the weather and how business goes at our other stops.
For now I find myself missing Traci... Ari... Everyone. I wish I could go home...
End log.
Stardate 20510.01
Cdr Avark (Bio-Avark), recorded on the shuttle Krypton
First Officers Personal Log, Stardate 20510.01, Commander Avark Recording:
Talazac and Johnson arrived. She looked horrible, dirty, unkempt, and upset. I'm not sure why, but we don't have time to coddle a Star Fleet Lieutenant. We have a job to do. Still—the way she looks at me is... Odd.
Shortly after her arrival, there were issues in the room where the team was working, and I moved outside into the radiation to lend my assistance, taking Talazac with me—she was in a standard suit.
While I know there is great danger in my being out in the radiation, I also know that if I can keep it to a minimum, the medics can heal me when we return, and no permanent damage will be done.
Arriving in the room, I found that Ari had been ABDUCTED! She has just returned, and I am awaiting her report to me.
End log.
April 1, 1705
Holo-Avark, recorded in the holoemitter and on parchment which Avark is carrying
USS Copernicus First Officer's Log, Terran Date April 1, 1705:
It has been several years since Traci left me, through the portal. I wonder if she made it home, and if she is okay. I miss her daily, and wonder how she and I worked together for so long before our relationship started. She is a wonderful creature, and I miss her horribly.
I have spent the past several [pause in recording]...
The wind up here is great, and sometimes it is difficult to keep my parchment steady while writing. I am on Mount Everest, the highest peak on Earth. I have been here for over 45 days, thinking about things, and trying to decide if I can find a way to fit in on Earth of this era.
I do not believe I can. I am exiled to being alone for the next seven hundred or more years, while the culture of Earth matures to the point where they can accept me. However I crave contact with others. I am going to try to make alterations to my holoprogram, in an effort to make my appearance more palatable to humans. I will work on this while I continue my explorations of this ancient Earth.
I have no idea where I will go, or what I will do. I feel a need to return to North America, as that's where Klingons will first arrive, covertly, on Earth in several hundred years. But until then I may explore this planet some more.
End log.
Stardate 20510.20
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20510.20, Commander Avark recording:
This log is being recorded while en route from Warhol to Copernicus
Begin recording.
Well, this has been an interesting first away mission for me. Well I guess it technically isn't the first—or is it?
I am still very confused as to who I am most of the time. It seems that a big part of me is still the 21-year-old third year cadet from Star Fleet who's body I am using; but I have the memories not only of the following nine years of my life in Star Fleet aboard the USS Titan, the USS Copernicus and various other smaller assignments; as well as my time with my family; and the time that my holographic counterpart spent on ancient Earth, and all of the other places IT went in the 800 or so years from then until now.
My brain hurts, and my vision is still not completely clear. I feel desires which I have never experienced—due I assume to the mixture of memories and emotions of the two personalities.
How I came to be like this is somewhat of a mystery to me. I have theories, and the part of me that is 843 years old seems to strongly believe that the universe has done this to correct for a possible temporal paradox.
There are huge gaps in this persona's memories, apparently due to having hibernated a lot, and hidden himself (myself?) from the public as much as possible—especially until he/I was able to return to space, and the Empire. It will take time to resolve this information, and I am quite reluctant to push it. I hope that the memories file themselves safely away in the back of my mind and cease confusing me in the present.
My hormonal state is very much that of a 21-year-old Klingon. Although I don't remember being quite so driven sexually as I am now. I feel desire almost constantly, and when I am close to Ari, as I am now, it is all I can to not to aggressively act on my feelings. Other women, as well sometimes seem to make me feel 'desire', but it always centers on my feelings for her.
(There is a pause of nearly 30 seconds here...)
My distractions seem to be frequent, and Ari just brushed against me and I growled and nearly grabbed her. I used all of my strength to just stay polite and professional and not rush her to the back of the shuttle where we might have some privacy to...
(Another pause of about ten seconds...)
And I am also distracted by Lieutenant Talazac. Although I feel nothing directly toward her, there is a kinship, and memories of much more. I don't know how it will affect our working relationship going forward. I hope we can maintain some level of normalcy. But the way she looks at me worries me...
(Another pause—this one shorter...)
We are due to return to Copernicus soon. This mission has been a success, albeit a very strange one. The gravity generators on Warhol have been reactivated, the 'guardian' is apparently repaired due to having 'merged' with the holomatrix of my other self and it can now maintain the systems, hopefully indefinitely. The planets Boticelli and Vivaldi will return to their normal orbits over the next several months, and their people will hopefully not even know we were here, that is if the Boticelli and Vivaldi missions were successful.
However the Boticelli mission, I know from both of my sets of memories, was not successful. First they abducted me from the past; and then my future counterpart interacted with them and was sent through a porta.
The Prime Directive has once again been bent to it's limits, if not outright shattered. I fear another round of inquiry.
This brings me to a personal dilemma. My future self's memories include several events from his first away mission aboard USS Titan that are troubling to me. Apparently he was involved in a cover-up of several major regulations (and law!) violations committed by himself and his crew on that mission. Not to mention several laws he outright broke since then, during the shore leave after that mission, and even aboard Copernicus.
My honor requires that these matters be resolved satisfactorily. I cannot continue to live in the shadow of shame that my actions have caused. And I must prepare a full report for when I return to base, to submit and face the charges.
But I must first talk to Ari about it. For she deserves to know the kind of man she has fallen in love with. She deserves to know what a horrible man I am. I will understand if she loses desire to be with me, for I am not worth--
(Log suddenly terminates... And resumes two minutes later)
Ari has just began to experience medical problems.
End log.
Stardate 20510.31
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log and post-Away Mission Report, Stardate 20510.31; Commander Avark recording.
Begin Log.
The away mission to Warhol appears to have been a success. The planets Vivaldi and Boticelli are returning to their orbits after we 'restarted' the planetary core and got the power generators running again. Commander Lacey knows more about the details of this than I do.
This is my first log as a re-integrated being. I shall recap the away mission from both perspectives as best I can.
The hologram which was my older self traveled to Boticelli, leading an away mission to make contact with the Boticellans and find out how they brought past versions of me and the late Captain Rayne from the past. Upon landing we split up into multiple groups, and Lt Talazac and I were eventually led to a time portal and forced through.
We ended up in the year 1692 in a small coastal village in North America. We stayed there for a short time and then moved to a cabin in the wilderness, where we began a relationship which I now find to have been totally inappropriate. However I must admit to remembering very strong feelings for her.
She eventually found her way back, and left me there, where I lived for several centuries, eventually making my way back to the stars, and exploring some of the quadrant—as a holographic being. After all of this, I eventually found my way to this star system, and to Warhol.
My holoemitter was finally failing—being over 800 years old, I suppose it had a right—and I found that I was able to integrate with the guardian program that was here. The guardian and the remains of my holoprogram re-integrated, and the memories that the holographic me had were integrated into the biological me that is recording this.
It is all very confusing.
Meanwhile, I had snuck out of sickbay, using my authority as First Officer and a little bit of assistance from Dr Berringer to get myself re-instated and joined the away mission to Warhol.
After arriving there, we found that the radiation levels were very high, and I allowed (after some fitting!) Ari to wear my combat suit which afforded her better protection. I was able to have short term time outside in the radiation without a suit, so all seemed well.
The mission had some unusual twists, and in the end I took a very high dose of radiation which resulted in my requiring special treatment for some time now that we've returned.
Additionally, Ari has given birth to our child. I have a son! His name is Ethan Allen Lacey, named after the famous ancient American revolutionary leader. He was born very early, and there are medical concerns, but I am certain that he will prevail. He has Ari and my blood in him.
Kasia has grown remarkably. She is now walking, talking, and I'm certain getting into trouble. She's a good kid, and I am glad to be back with her again.
All of this is quite confusing, as a part of me feels like a 21-year-old 3rd year cadet. And another part of me feels like a 30-year-old First Officer and family man.
One thing is certain—my hormonal and emotional levels are that of the 21-year-old. I can barely keep my hands off Ari, and I can't imagine living without her for any extended period of time.
Lt Talazac allegedly attempted to take her own life a short time ago. It deeply concerns me due to both my personal feelings for her and the fact that she is a valuable member of the team. I have ordered Lieutenant Commander Wylie to manage the case and do so discreetly.
On the upside, it appears there were no casualties, and only minor injuries on all of the away missions. This elates me, as I have never been on an away-mission where no one died.
I have just completed delivering my report to the Captain. Several members of the crew have been promoted, and I must say that I can't imagine living anywhere other than here, among my "family" aboard USS Copernicus.
I hope Ari feels the same.
End log.
Stardate 20511.24
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20511.24, Commander Avark Recording.
/Begin log.
It has only been a short while since my last log, however much has changed. Some for the better, and some for the... Worse.
Ariana has left me. She has stated that I need to sort out MY feelings for her, before we can get back together, yet SHE is the one who left.
She alludes to the fact that the hologram's relationship with Lieutenant Talazac may have tainted my feelings for HER. However she fails to understand that although I remember those events, they are more like memories of a holovid, or the distant memories of a previous life—as the Trill would compare them in referencing events from a prior host.
Perhaps this is how I can explain it to her. I can liken it to the memories that a Trill has of a previous host. For this is in essence how it feels—like my memories of the hosts of Trem when I hosted his symbiont.
We promoted Lieutenant Tru-Abaa (Vreean) to Lieutenant Commander, and made him Chief Science Officer, with Ari taking the role of "Chief of Scientific Research". She retains her posting as Second Officer, however now the administrative tasks of running the bulk of the Science department will fall to Tru-Abaa. I feel he is very well suited for this role, and it will allow her more time with Kasia and our new son, Ethan.
We just completed a senior staff meeting, where our officers along with the Captains of the Titan and Yeager have given us valuable data about the various missions and how they went. I will have to prepare a summarization for Captain Godard soon and send it to her.
Ari and I are visiting Ethan now in sickbay. He's so... TINY. So... FRAGILE. I know he has Klingon blood and DNA, but he seems fragile—even for a Human. I am afraid of breaking him... I am afraid of harming him.
The trip here was—tense. My feelings for Ari are very mixed—and I can sense hers for me are as well. We will have to discuss the situation when we return to quarters, after we are done with Ethan.
I would like to end this log by saying that the crew of the Copernicus deserves nothing less than the highest of honors for their performance on this mission. I am honored and privileged to serve amongst them.
They are my family. This is my home.
/End log.
Stardate 20511.28
Cdr Avark First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 20511.28, Commander Avark Recording.
Begin log.
We have at last arrived back at Starbase Alpha, completing a mission to explore a distant star system. During the journey, as my previous logs indicate, a lot happened both in my personal and professional lives.
I am now whole again, and it feels good. I meditate regularly, Ari is back with me, and the nightmares are minimal. My family is doing well, and I will soon disembark onto Starbase Alpha.
Ari and I have a wedding to plan and execute; she has command training, which she doesn't know yet, but I was summoned to teach it to her and two other officers, one is our Chief of Security, and the other is a Chief Engineer on the USS Dauntless; and I hope to get some relaxation on Earth or perhaps take a trip to Risa or somewhere else.
Enroute, when our messages started coming in, I found out about the death of my parents. It was a difficult couple of weeks as I mourned them (I still do) and examined records of the freak accident which caused their home to explode. A part of me believes it might have been an act of hostility aimed at me and not the accident that is officially the cause. I will investigate it further.
Something in the back of my mind can't quite believe that they are dead, and it has made my grieving seem wrong. There were almost no remains found, only trace DNA elements.
Anyway, I must now meet my family in quarters and disembark.
I have submitted a full mission report to the Captain effective this Stardate.
End log.
CSO Cdr Ariana Lacey
Stardate 20507.15
Cdr Lacey Chief Science Officer's log, Stardate 20507.15:
Well, it looks like I'll get to go on an away mission after all. I hated staying aboard when three different teams were sent out, but now I get to lead the fourth. We're setting out for Warhol, a planet that uninhabited, but seems to have large installations that may be controlling the orbits of the other planets the Copernicus's crew is exploring. These installations appear to be malfunctioning, so hopefully we can discover what’s wrong. I know its not part of our mission, but I hope we can save Botticelli and Vivaldi. Its better than the alternative, which is millions of beings dying when the two planets collide. I hope we discover something useful.
On a more personal note, this away mission appears to be the safest, which is probably why the Captain is letting me go. I know the crew, especially the Captain and Avark, want to keep me and the baby safe, but I know that this is nothing like what happened with Kasia. This is an away mission, not a kidnapping. Everything will be fine.
Stardate 20511.20
Cdr Lacey Second Officers Personal Log, Stardate 20511.20, Cdr. Ariana Lacey recording:
This last mission has been interesting to say the least. It all started just as we began the journey to the Menthar Nebula. Avark died. Something in his brain overloaded, and he was simply gone. It tore me apart to lose him again. Shortly after I found this out, I discovered I was pregnant with his child. This knowledge, and my beautiful daughter, Kasia, helped me through the rough months of the journey.
Shortly after we arrived at our destination, it was discovered that Avark was in fact alive, but in a very odd way. Apparently Dr. Berringer had disconnected his positronic brain from his body and had somehow saved his mind in the computer. I don't understand all the details, but Avark somehow made himself into a holographic program.
As if that wasn't enough, we discovered that a younger version of Avark and Captain Narret Rayne had been plucked out of time on to Botticelli, one of the planets we were exploring as part of our mission. We rescued them as they somehow built a ship that took them into orbit around Botticelli. The ship wasn't that well built, though, as it almost exploded with them in it.
They were both brought to the Copernicus, where I supposed they were thoroughly questioned. Meanwhile, the holographic Avark was sent down on an away mission to Botticelli to discover how the two temporarily displaced men were abducted.
We also discovered that Botticelli, and another planet known as Vivaldi, were experiencing orbital degradation and were moving to crash into each other. A set of two teams were sent to Vivaldi to find information from there. Another planet, Warhol, was discovered to be uninhabited, but contained some kind of installation. That is the planet I was sent to with my away team.
I was planning on taking only a small away team of six people, but the younger Avark ended up joining us. He appeared to have retained most of the memories of the Avark I remembered. I found myself torn. There were two Avarks in my life, a holographic one and a real one and they both appeared to have clear memories of loving me. Luckily, the holographic Avark was still on an away mission and I didn't have to deal with having them both there at once.
So, after a bit of a struggle, we entered the installation at Warhol. The air was breathable, but there was so much radiation that we all ended up wearing our suits. All except Avark, who made me where his suit as it had extra protection for the baby. We split up to check out the different rooms of the complex.
The team I took discovered a room of reactors that presumably ran the station. Nothing of value was in there as we had no way to control them. But in the other room it was discovered that my theory that this installation was controlling the orbits of the planets was correct.
Lt. Lyon's team found the control room, after another struggle to get in. My team had already been on its way to join them, after setting up a comm system as our messages weren't getting through. We ended up leaving Avark in the shuttle, since the dose of radiation he was getting was becoming too high, even for a Klingon. Rayne joined him there, after being injured trying to open the door to the control room.
With the expert help of Ensign Saita, we discovered that the installation was Iconian. That explained the advanced technology. She was able to roughly translate for us, enough that we discovered what was going on. We also found two rooms off the main control room. One was rather small and contained an Iconian time portal. It was through this portal that Lt. Talazac appeared.
Apparently, she and holo-Avark had been forced through a portal on Botticelli to Earth's distant past. This is where it gets rather personal for me again. Apparently they had lived there for four months before Traci was returned to our time. In those four months, her and Avark had become lovers. At first I did not know this, but I discovered it later.
Traci seemed rather upset when we brought her through, no doubt because for some reason holo-Avark couldn't get through. We didn't have time to comfort her, though, as the way to fix the orbits of Vivaldi and Botticelli was discovered. All we had to do was find the fuel source.
So, we ventured to the third room where we found it. But, we encountered a being who called himself the Guardian. He caused much mischief, including briefly kidnapping me into some sort of holographic room where he tried to drive in that we had to leave.
In the end, we managed to get enough fuel to a sort of table-like apparatus where it was sucked in and used to power the reactors. We managed to repair the station and the orbits of the two planets.
We all returned to the shuttle, where the Guardian once again appeared, and it turned out that the holographic Avark program had melded somehow with this program. He had been lost in time for something like 700 years, and had ended up returning here where we found him.
Somehow, the Guardian/Avark transferred all his memories into the flesh-Avark that was with us, causing the latter to collapse briefly. Traci once again was very upset, as she lost holo-Avark completely. I somewhat understand what she is going through, having lost Avark a couple times before myself.
On our way back to the Copernicus, I started having contractions. It was way too early for me to be having the baby, and so Avark had us transported to sickbay as soon as we could. It turns out that the radiation had somehow got through the suit and had attacked my baby. Dr. Tru had to transport him out and into an incubation chamber. He has to stay there for some weeks.
Avark and I decided to call him Ethan Allen, after some famous Earth leader who Avark says he met when he was lost in time. We didn't get to hold him at all until the absolutely brilliant medical engineering team found a way to put a protective field around him so that we can hold him for half hour intervals.
With everything that had gone on, I found myself having to make a decision about mine and Avark's relationship. He has the memories of three people: himself as a Cadet, the Avark I knew before he died, and holographic Avark with over 700 years of memories. I don't know who this new Avark is yet. He claims to love me, but how can he know that? I'm so confused. I decided to leave him for a while, in order to give him some time to think. I gave him back my engagement ring.
I'm not sure how well this separation will work. Kasia convinced me to stay in our quarters, and I was going to sleep on the couch, but I don't think Avark will let me. He basically told me I will be sleeping in our bed with him. So much for separation. I guess it's going to end up being more emotional than physical, though he will be getting less physical than he probably wants.
I just hope that he can somehow convince me that he does love me. I don't know what that will take, but I know that I already regret putting us both in this position. I find myself asking if it really matters if he loves me or not. But of course it does. I don't want us to be continuously arguing, especially because of the children. Kasia and Ethan don't need that.
Another thing that has affected this whole decision is that fact that Lt. Talazac has attempted to kill herself. It has to be because of the whole situation with Avark. I can't stand the thought of him being with another woman, even though I have left him (hopefully temporarily). Traci must be going through the same thing. I don't know what to do about it.
On another note, I have stepped down as Chief Science Officer of the Copernicus. My family is taking me away from work too much, and the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Abaa is much better at the job than I am. He deserves it. I will be staying as Second Officer, though, and have been given the title of Chief of Research. I do not think this will entitled too much work. It will be more of a supervisor position, making sure that the projects that people are working on are valid and helping out where needed. It should give me more time with my children.
We will be returning home to Starbase Alpha soon. It will be nice to get some shoreleave. The whole crew needs it. I only hope Avark and I can fix our problems before we're home. Whether we stay together or not, we need a decision in order to decide what to do with our leave...
Lt Vreean Tru-Abaa
Stardate 20503.05
Lt Tru-Abaa Personal Log, Stardate 20503.05, Lt. Vreean Tru-Abaa Recording
Just 36 hours ago I was awakened from a very disturbing dream (with which the content now eludes me) portending some sort of doom. How happy I am that the opposite was true.
I was in my childhood room located on the second floor of the sprawling Abaa estate. I had forgotten how big and ostentatious (and pretentious I might add) the mansion was. Thirty rooms in total.
As I woke up from the dream’s intensity, my dearest friend Anthony Chang came into my room asking if I was alright. At this point, I should say that Anthony and his girlfriend, Sovra of Vulcan (quite an accomplished sculptor) had quarters setup in an adjoining room. Anthony mentioned that it was Sovra who had heard my dreaming duress and suggested that he check in on me.
Sovra also happens to be the daughter of Dr. Sura, a Vulcan sociologist that I had trained under when I was 14. She proved invaluable in teaching me mental techniques that has allowed me to survive and flourish with my then handicap. I sense a distancing between mother and daughter that I cannot explain, except that I may have played some part of it.
To be truthful, I’m not sure that I care for the woman, she is a contradiction…her appearance is very unconventional for a Vulcan, she wears her hair long and loose and highlighted, very human looking, yet mostly, she speaks and acts like a typical logical Vulcan. She also smiles…striking really, but I don’t sense an emotion attached to it. It seems almost…false…as if the smile was done to accomplish something for a logical reason. Perhaps it’s just my feelings for Anthony…I find myself protective of him. It’s strange how time and my experiences in Star Fleet have given me a confidence I hadn’t fully realized. It was Anthony who befriended me after the Borg attack…I look up to him…Well I must say though, he’s very happy…he radiates the emotion like warp-plasma around dilithium.
Velina was being taken care of at home…the disease had progressed to the point where she could no longer walk and she was weakening. A week after my arrival on Betazed, I received a communiqué from a most unexpected source…Dr. Dromak of Cardassia. Somehow…she had gained information about my sister’s plight (through which means I have no idea) but I’m eternally grateful…the Cardassians have had experience with the disease…and an experimental treatment.
The treatment was a resounding success, the full import just being realized yesterday. Velina would live…she suffering a significant motor loss in her legs…but time and nerve regrowth should bring her back to her previous healthy state. Getting this great news, I immediately set in motion my return back to Mahla and the Copernicus. Fortunately a Star Fleet frigate was available to rendezvous with the Task Force, to deliver special supplies and personnel.
Tray Lzon had also been a frequent visitor, pleasing Vel to no end. They have become like sisters. I am reminded to deliver a hand written note to Lt. Commander Markov when I return to the Cop. She’s quite fond of him.
As I remember my boyhood home, I wonder what Mahla would think of it. We hadn't talked really about my past much and where I had come from. I had wanted little to do with Betazed…for several reasons. And certainly one reason has gone away…I can now communicate telepathically ably. I don’t feel so shut out as I once did.
As for my relationship with Vel…I don’t think it could be better…yes we were orphaned, and we are what remains of our immediate family…but Goddess has given us the resolve to laugh and to cry when times warrant…to seek out the lust and joy of just being alive. And in a significant way…Vel has met Mahla through my thoughts…and she whole-heartedly approves. When circumstances permit, Vel insists that they meet, and I agree.
Everyone was particularly enthralled at my relating the events leading up to Mahla and I getting married. Telling the tale I almost find it hard enough to believe it myself! The room went very quite when I related my being stabbed, but the marriage ceremony and saving the planet part more than made up for it.
Well I’ve decided to be helpful while aboard the Rio, so I’m assisting in examining an alien flora that she had picked up from their last mission. It’s intriguing in that it appears to be thriving along the impulse engine exhaust ports! The Rio’s a small ship and isn’t really a science oriented vessel…so the Science Department (such as it is) really have welcomed my help.
Personal Log Supplemental
T. Suluis… The plant-like organism’s name. The Rio had encountered it while traveling near a planetary nebula. The ‘plant’ takes in high energy ions as planet bound flora take in visible light photons. The nebula was rich in amino acids and other compounds suitable for life. This species had adapted to its host star shedding off its outer atmosphere and evolved to survive in the harshness of space and energetic particles and radiation.
The colony was harvested from the impulse exhaust ports by turning the engines off. The lack of energy caused the flora to enter a hibernation-like state. It was then easy enough to scrape the plants off and place them in suitable containment pods. I wasn’t involved with the team that required the extravehicular operations…but I did get to examine the lifeforms in the pods and helped align the Rio’s sensors to make sure that the entire Suluis colony had been removed from the exhaust ports.
We’re still a few days out from the rendezvous point and the CSO, Lt. Commander Frank Turre has let me partake in bridge duty. The Bridge is certainly an interesting place to direct scans and to provide the Captain with up to date and accurate information. I am quite happy that our trip has been blissfully routine.
Dominating my thoughts though is seeing and holding Mahla once again…
End log
Stardate 20510.20
Lt Tru-Abaa Personal Log, Stardate 20510.20 Lieutenant Vreean Tru-Abaa Recording
I have just completed an impromptu meeting with CPO Natasha Hammond and Ensign Brahn Childs concerning two inadvertent invasions of mental privacy to CPO Hammond.
The first incident occurred while enroute to Copernicus, where CPO Hammond received a telepathic transmission from me as I was thinking of my returning to Dr. Mahla Tru-Abaa. My thought was transmitted unbeknown to me.
The second invasion of mental privacy had occurred just before our meeting some thirty minutes ago.
This log will be sent to CPO Hammond, Dr. Tru-Abaa, Commander Lacey, Lieutenant Wylie, Ensign Childs and Dr.Dregs.
In addition to my thought transmissions to the CPO, I have also experienced reception of thought fragments from other individuals. At a level that I would describe as a slight step up from background noise.
It is my belief that after my recovery from Verillium IV, that my telepathic ‘strength’ has reached Betazoid norms, however my training and experience as a ‘full’ telepath is...virtually none existent. My previous abilities were very limited and unobtrusive. I owe what control I do have to training that I received on Vulcan with Dr.Sura when I was in my early teens.
It is my opinion that I require further training in the use and control of my telepathic abilities in order to prevent unsolicited transmission or reception to other persons. Now this training will require tutelage from an experienced telepath (Betazoid or Vulcan as likely sources).
In the interim, ‘medication’ can be used to suppress the psilosynine levels in my system, which will allow me to function and to not harm others. I would like this to be administered at the earliest opportunity, pending approval of Drs. Tru and Dregs.
To CPO Hammond,
I thank you for the manner in which you have brought this to my attention and I sincerely apologize for my mental transgressions. It is my wish that you find these steps suitable.
End Log
Stardate 20512.03
LCdr Tru-Abaa Personal Log, Stardate 20512.03, Lt. Commander Vreean Tru-Abaa Recording
At the end of our mission to the Menthar system, I accepted promotion to Lt. Commander and was made Chief Science Officer of the Copernicus.
I would rate the task force’s mission as successful; we obtained prodigious amounts of scientific data, encountered temporal anomalies and a massive artificially stabilized planetary system. Star Fleet Science Institute could be pouring over the collected data for many many month’s, possibly years. As the system is populated, negotiations between the Federation and the native peoples would be required before ‘resources’ can be exploited. Additionally, the system contained one or more pre-warp civilizations; not suitable for typical Federation contact. Diplomatic missions to the more advanced cultures may prove viable.
I do see the distance to the Menthar system as an obstacle for Federation expansion as well as it’s close proximity to Cardassian space; however that would best be decided by diplomatic missions. Travel to the system takes two months at comfortable warp speeds; there must be some method to reduce travel times. I do believe there are technically feasible methods. I must make it a point to review the latest propulsion ideas from the Institute.
The temporal anomalies, the extraction of Captain Rayne and Cadet avarQ (out of our current timeline) by the Botticellians is a cause for concern. I find this a scientific and security issue that Star Fleet should investigate. I am pleased with Ensign’s Sring’s report on the temporal events and shall foreword it to Star Fleet Science.
I am also pleased with Lt. Raquel Hunter’s work in Astrometrics, however due to ‘personality conflicts’ between her and I, I am requesting that Hunter be transferred with a glowing recommendation fro myself.
I am looking foreword for Mahla and I to take some time together, hopefully we can visit her family on Halii and if we have time, I’d like to introduce her to my sister.
End log.
Ens Green
Log excerpts
Ens Green Excerpts from some of Stephen’s Personal Logs
“Well, I’m part of the Science Team now. My Department Head is a cool guy by the name of Vroom Abba. I started off on the wrong foot with him when I said that he looks like a Borg, but I think that everything’s okay, now. Except this one Lieutenant bodyguard of his, what’s her name? Umm… Tripper, I think. I don’t know if she likes me too much. But I don’t think that I did anything to offend her, did I? I’m afraid to ask her.”
“Ensign Sring. Whew! She’s going to be something else when she grows up! And then I asked her how old she was. She’s twenty! I can’t believe that, she is all grown up. Her voice makes her sound like she’s been crying, and that sounds pretty funny coming from a Vulcan, let me tell you. But I try not to laugh.”
“I completed a preliminary report on the effects of Aceton Assimilator Generated Radiation on Biological Systems. It seemed rather elementary to me, but my team seemed to be impressed. I guess I finally broke the ice with some of my workmates. I just hope that my research helps, is all.”
“I found this really neat place in the Arboretum, just off the beaten path. No one else knows about it, I think. I even made a small fire, and slept the night there! I can’t believe that I got away with it! But I really needed it. I’m getting so tired of nothing but four walls everywhere I look. I haven’t even looked out into space except once since I’ve been onboard. Oh, well. It’s my own fault I guess. All work and no play…”
“Log, I don’t want to ever forget what Midshipman David Kromanhock said, “Yah lucky dawg…working with Sring…she’s no nun-sense…but Ah like her anyway.” Ha, ha, ha, what a character! I never did find out where he’s from, but he’s out of this world.”
“I just found out, through the grape vine, that I’ve been promoted to Ensign. I guess I’ll pat myself on the back. Things have been so crazy here that Vroom hasn’t officially promoted me yet. And then I found out that Vroom isn’t actually my Department Head at all. He’s filling in for someone else. Some woman… Lackey, Lazey, Lacey, or something like that.”
“Now I feel just awful. My Department Head Ariana Lacey has lost a loved one. And she has a child, now a fatherless one. My heart goes out to them both. I’m always the last to find out about stuff like that. It’s no wonder that she’s been so preoccupied. Her loved one, Avark, was the First Officer, and now he’s dead. I must say that the whole thing makes me very nervous. My ship is with a dead First Officer, and my Department Head is distracted. It’s not going to be easy on any of us.”
“The ship is at yellow alert…”
“Computer, am I allowed to mention the tactical condition in my personal log?”
“The ship’s at yellow alert… and power seems to be drawing away from most systems. Screens and monitors are showing a lot of static. So I took the opportunity to look out the window and… Whoa. Not a pretty sight. It was the most ominous looking nebula I ever did see. Still I’m glad I lived to see it. I hope I live to see it again…”
COS Lt JG Chris Wylie
Log 01
Lt[Jg] Wylie Chief of Security personal log Chris Wylie recording.
We've finally started a new mission! After several weeks of repairs we headed out towards parts unknown at least to most of us at the time. As is turns out we are to explore the old Minthar civilization. The same area of space that nearly destroyed the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Jean Luc Picard. I must admit to feeling some apprehension about this mission it has not started well.
Today has been a very bad day. First off Lieutenant Martin collapses in my office while discussing the events surrounding the death of Crewman Smith. If that wasn't disconcerting enough while in sick bay I overheard an emergency request for a medic to the bridge. Since we were not at red alert and the severity of the Captain's tone I knew something was very wrong. So I rush off to the bridge only to find it packed with a good portion of the crew. Pushing my way through them I discovered that Commander Avark had died.
On the lighter side I made a new friend today a Lieutenant Junior Grade Charlene Darwin. Together we had dinner with Lieutenant Traci Talazac. Unfortunately it was interrupted by a comms from Ensign Sagara who had detected a communications violation. Considering the recent and past incidents of sabotage I decided to take a tactical team to the Science labs and catch the person or persons responsible. As it turned out it was only a Midshipman by the name of Green who had sent the comms to a friend to gather the ingredients to make root beer. In the end I decided to let him and Ensign Gass off with a warning. After I headed back to Ten Forward in the hopes of catching Charlene and Traci. When I arrived Traci wasn' I had left her and after making a stupid mistake she left followed shortly after by Charlene.... Oh did I screw that one up. While I sat there Midshipman Green Approached and offered me a glass of Root beer which graciously excepted. After all I do love the stuff. That reminds me I should see about getting some more.
I also got a new officer today a very large Gorn by the name of Giraath. I have assigned him to Alpha Squad in charge of Blue team as well as all of Alpha when I am unable to be there. It should be interesting working with a Gorn I have never met one before. I look forward to getting to know Midshipman Giraath.
I guess that should do it for today.
End log
Stardate 20505.11
Lt[Jg] Wylie Lieutenant Junior Grade Christopher Wylie, USS Copernicus Chief of Security's Log, SD: 20505.11
Today has been busy, very busy indeed. First off I conducted a training session today with Alpha Team and Midshipman Giraath. It went very well, I was very pleased with the performance demonstrated by Giraath of his leadership abilities. I am confident that he will be an outstanding addition to Alpha and the Copernicus.. Near the end of the exercise a Red Alert sounded announcing an intruder in the Captain's Ready Room. We my team and I arrived on the bridge we were informed that all communication had been severed. As I tried to gain access to the room the security forcefield snapped back on leaving me with burns to my cheek, arm and leg. CPO Darok applied First aid and after several failed attempts to gain access LCdr. Crowhurst suggested that we destroy the shield generators. The resulting small explosion blew a rather nasty hole in the wall but the field remained intact. That's when surprise number two happened, Commander Avark is alive...sort of, he's a hologram. Anyways the Commander Avark hologram stepped out onto the bridge, obviously having lower the forcefield. That is when an over zealous Crewman fired at the shield not knowing it was down. Luckily the errand beam sliced harmlessly through Avark but struck and destroyed a treasured oil painting of the Captain's. I took full responsibility for the incident but the look of loss on the Captain's face is what stung the most. I offered to replace the painting but she declined. After being dismissed I reclaimed my weapons I had left with Giraath and returned them and my PBA to the armory then retired to my quarters for the night. As I said earlier a long busy day.
On a side note I have decided that a promotion is due for Midshipman Giraath. I have pushed through the paperwork and hope to here from Cdr. Avark or the Captain soon.
End Log
Lt Wylie Chief of Security Christopher Wylie's Log.
I'm currently on the Planet Vivaldi in the Super system Dalmatia. Since my last entry Midshipman Giraath has received his promotion and is settling in very nicely. He has proven himself time and again most recently during a fire in some crew quarters that spread to most of the deck. As for me I was in a briefing concerning our current mission, to explore the Dalmatia system with the Yeager and Titan.
The trip in to Vivaldi suffered and unexpected delay when a malfunction caused minor damage to the shuttle. After a quick EVA sortie by our team leader Lt. Tru-Abaa we were to initiate landing protocols and arrived without further delay.
I'm about to depart with a small team to collect samples of local minerals, flora and fauna. I've left Crewman Holdman behind to aid in further repairs to the shuttle. CPO Darok will accompany me on our search.
Ensign Giraath has been assigned to Shuttle Argon along with Blue team. He has contacted me recently and informed me that he will remain behind, while Greenridge and Friday join the team searching for a power source in the nearby town. I've decided to join him as soon as I can and maybe conduct a quick firing exercise in one of the nearby crevices. Chief of Security Lieutenant Wylie signing off.
Stardate 20508.19
Lt Wylie Chief of security log Stardate 20508.19
Alot has happened since my last log. First a freak storm kicked up all of a sudden tossing me about like a rag doll for a bit before Ensign Giraath caught me. Secondly because of said storm Crewman Greenridge as been seriously wounded in action, they exact specifics I don't yet know, other then its reportedly quite serious. Our chief medical officer, a dragonian name Dregs was blown away by the storm while of a recon mission. lt [JG] Giraath and I ( I decided to give him a field promotion until I can push the papers through back on ship) set out on a Search and rescue mission on foot. We discovered the CMO in a nearby canyon, where we were nearly killed when a vortex swept up Giraath and dumped over the side of a small land bridge. It took alot of effort and I'm sure I pulled several muscles, but I was able to pull him up. As we worked to rescue him Dregs managed to get blown away again, this time into a forest. After a quick hike we finally caught up with him and started medical treatment. As we set up pattern enhancers to aid in our rescue by the shuttle Neon, we fell into a cave system. I'm recording this as we rest before trying to find an exit. We can't get out the way we came in so the only other option is to explore a rather small tunnel that leads to god knows where.
End log
Lt Wylie Chief of Security Chris Wylie's log
We're still on the planet Vivaldi exactly where I don't know. Lieutenant Giraath and I accompanied by the wounded CMO have started to explore the complex we landed in when we fell into a hole in the forest.
We discovered a bank of consoles in the central hub of the complex, one of which activated and showed us several of other crewmembers at another location. Further study of consoles and surrounding area proved fruitless as we were unable to determine the meaning of the symbols on them.
When we explored an eligit power room Giraath and I did however find the skeletal remains of an alien. According to Carbon dating the Alien had been dead for over 500 years! Whoever built this place, left along time ago. When we returned to the console room we discovered that Lt. Sturick had mysteriously arrived. I questioned him about HOW he got there but all he said was that he had gotten lost. If anything this means that there is indeed another way out of here. Giraath seems to be on alert over something he heard, so I ordered him to stay with the two Doctors while I searched the other sections of the complex for an exit. Something isn't right down here, I've had a this strange feeling of being watched for the last few minutes. I don't like it...I'm sure their is someone or something down here with us.
End log
Stardate 20510.18
Lt Wylie Chief of Security's Log, Stardate 20510.18.
I'm finally back aboard the Copernicus. It's been a tough few days to say the least. After I left Giraath and the two Doctors, Dregs and Strurick, I stumbled onto a room where something had been living. After reporting this to Giraath I ordered him to EVAC the Doctors via the hole we came in from. Meanwhile I ended up being ambushed by this big monster of a cat creature. It kind of reminded my of an enormous Black Panther from back home.
While trying to escape I sustained several injuries including several slashes to my arm and leg. I managed to kill the beast with my combat knife, it having destroyed my PR-1 when it lunged at me the first time.
When I returned to the hole I discovered that the others had made it out and been rescued. My comm badge damaged during my encounter with the Panther. I made my way out of the cave falling once and breaking at least one rib. Once out of the hole I headed back to the LZ without incident. On arrival I passed out from exhaustion and hypothermia from the freezing wind and rain.
Lieutenant Strange treated my wounds including healing my more severe cuts and a frostbitten toe. A short time later Commanders Jackson and Crowhurst signalled for help from the bottom of a nearby cliff. We managed to get Crowhurst up safely without incident but while bringing up Jackson something went wrong. Giraath lost his footing the rope slipping from his grip. I tried to hold on but suffered harsh rope burns to my hands and released the rope. Luckily I managed to grab it again as it was unravelling from the stump we had used as a pulley. With the help of Giraath we managed to get Jackson to safety. Unfortunately when I lunged for the rope I smashed my chest on the stump and broke another rib. This broken rib punctured my lung and the next thing I know I'm on the ground spitting out blood then pass out.
I awoke in sickbay and a Doctor informed me I was fit for light duty. He also told me that Commander Lacey had gone into labor and was enroute. I must remember to replicate a few cigars to share with Commander Avark over this new arrival.
I'm off to get a bite to eat then report to the Captain for Debriefing.
End log
Stardate 20511.19
LCdr Wylie Personal Log, Stardate 20511.19, LCdr Chris Wylie recording
Alot has happened since my last log... wow thats an understatement! Well first off off I got promoted to Lieutenant Commander! That was one of the few things to happen the rest well...not so good. After being promoted I was placed in charge of the bridge for a short time while we were en-route to rescue the Captain's Yacht which had been dispatched to rescue the Botticelli away team. As it turns out they didn't need rescuing and return on their own WITH the other team. Shortly thereafter Lieutenant Talazac tried to take her own life. I still don't know all the details but I'm going to stop by her quarters tomorrow. Charlene is currently staying with her and watching over her.
While I was at Traci's quarters I was notified by security that Commander Avark had entered my quarters without permission. I decided to check it out with the aid of Dr. Mahla Tru-Abaa. When we arrived in my quarters we found Commander Avark standing at a spot near the bedroom. I approached him carefully and confronted him. It would seem he had been sleep walking or something close to it. After a little investigating after the fact I figured out he had been reliving the death of his wife which had occurred several years ago in the very same quarters.
After Mahla and I returned him to his quarters I made the mistake of trusting that he was fit to return to duty seeing that it was just a dream. Well after a good case by Mahla and tried to reverse my decision but he dismissed me outright. This started a chain reaction ending with me trashing my quarters then half delirious from blood loss made my way to sickbay where I was relieved from duty by Doctor Tru-Abaa until I am fit to return to duty. I don't blame her nor am I angry at her. I am however disappointed in myself at my lack of control. Still not all is lost...Giraath has been been placed as Acting Chief of Security until I can return. I know my people will be in good hands with him, he is a fine officer.
On a more personal note I met the most beautiful woman today as I was wondering the lower decks. Her name is Stephanie Merritt and she is gorgeous! She seems to be VERY shy bordering on down right fear of adults. I came to this conclusion when I witnessed her interact with a young run away name Jaret. The poor boy seemed to have been traumatized by something to do with fire. I don't know what exactly but I've decided to look into it. After all I KNOW how he feels...
Mid Raass Giraath
Stardate 20505.15
Mid Giraath Personal Log, Stardate 20505.15, Midshipman Rraass’giraath Recording:
Begin Log:
I am home. At least, as to close being home as I’ll ever be. I have spent the past few months aboard the USS Copernicus, a Galactic Survey Cruiser. The ship’s current mission is to explore a previously uncharted, if not unknown, star system. It is a vast system. Over one hundred planets are orbiting a star comparable to that of the Sol system. Obviously this system is not entirely of a natural origin. The USS Titan and USS Yeager have accompanied the Copernicus on this mission.
However, to date the ship’s mission has played little importance to my duties. I have spent my time aboard the Copernicus becoming familiarized with the Security Department here. Most of my duties have been quite ordinary. Of note, however, have been the training session Lt Wylie ran with Alpha Squad, and the recent Red Alert. The training session was much more exhilarating than the Red Alert. During the exercise, Lt Wylie placed me in command of Alpha Squad. Unfortunately we were not able to finish the training scenario, as the ship was brought to Red Alert. As it turned out, the Red Alert was a false alarm. Commander Avark, the Klingon First Officer, died shortly after I came aboard the ship. Well, sort of. It appears that somehow the data moved from Avark’s positronic implant to the ship’s memory core was reawakened. It appears that Avark’s mind is still very much alive, though from what I have heard the programs into which his mind has been confined are beginning to degrade. His body is quite dead, and Avark is has apparently been reincarnated as a hologram, much like the Emergency Medical Hologram used aboard the USS Voyager. Needless to say, I do not fully understand how the Commander is still alive, nor can I even begin to understand the ethical and spiritual ramifications of what has transpired.
Anyway, the apparently false Red Alert called Lt Wylie, CPO Darok, Crewman Greenridge, and myself to the Bridge. While we were waiting for Lt Ahd and Greenridge to bring down the force field on the entrance to the Ready Room, Lt Wylie informed me that he was going to push through the paperwork to get me promoted to ensign. More importantly, he invited me to have a drink with him after my promotion goes though. I must admit that I am looking forward to the occasion. Lt Wylie has proven to be a more than competent leader. He has also demonstrated a certain ruthlessness when dealing with his enemies. Both of which are traits that I admire in leader. I look forward to working further with Lt Wylie and the men of Alpha Squad. They’re all fine soldiers. Despite my reservations about being stationed aboard a science vessel, I believe that working aboard the Copernicus with these men will prove to be very satisfying.
End Log.
Stardate 20507.17
Ens Giraath Personal Log, Stardate 20507.17
Ens Raass Giraath recording
So far the away mission to Vivaldi has been relatively uneventful. Other than the malfunction and damage sustained to the Neon, and the damage sustained to the Argon upon landing. The repairs to the Argon are coming along nicely.
Blue Team has accompanied LCdr Crowhurst into the town to locate and identify the power source. I have remained behind to "secure the perimeter." In other words, I stick out too much to infiltrate a human population. Which is fine with me, as we are not supposed to violate the Prime Directive on this one, meaning no killing unless absolutely necessary for our survival. So I'm helping LCdr Jackson repair the shuttle.
Lt Wylie tells me that he and I will go patrol the security perimeter, and maybe get in some target practice in. That may well be the only other excitement this mission brings. Oh well, that's to be expected in Star Fleet, what with all their regulations 'bout what you can and can't do.
Well, I better go check the hull for damage. Commander Jackson looks busy with something inside.
End log.
Stardate 20510.18
Lt[Jg] Giraath Personal Log, Stardate 20510.18 Lt[JG] Raass Giraath recording
Begin Log:
Well, the away team to Vivaldi has returned to the Copernicus. Quite a bit happened since I began repairs on the shuttle back on the planet's surface. A massive storm suddenly hit, causing extreme complications with the mission. I had to rescue LCdr Jackson and Lt Wylie from being blown away by the winds. Then Lt Wylie and I had to go rescue Lt Dregs, as he had been blown off a mountain top by the storm. That led us on a merry chase, in which I came close to dropping to my death while crossing a chasm. Fortunately, Lt Wylie is quite a bit stronger than he looks. He somehow managed to haul me back up onto the natural rock bridge we were crossing. A most impressive feat for a human.
At any rate, we found Lt Dregs and managed to get him back to the shuttle. In the process we found a cavern system full of alien technology. We really couldn't make heads or tails out any of it, so we left it alone. At that point, Lt Wylie ordered me to get Lt Dregs and Ens Sturick, who had somehow wandered from the village to our location, back to the shuttle while he went hunting for some animal he found in the cavern. He did find his critter, and he gave better than he got, though I was, and still am, a little irritated about missing out on the hunt. Anyway, he made it back to the shuttle, and shortly after Ens Granger was also able to beam Lt Strange, Friday, and Greenridge back to the shuttle. A short while later Commanders Crowhurst and Jackson returned to the shuttle. Lt Wylie managed to break his ribs and puncture a lung when we hauled the Commanders up the cliff to the shuttle.
Anyway, Lt Wylie was in sickbay getting fixed up last I saw, but he should be back on his feet by now. Oh, and Crewman Greenridge broke his leg on the mission. That's nothing terribly serious, so he should be ready for duty by his next shift or two.
Oh, one other thing, Lieutenant Wylie gave me a field promotion to Lieutenant [Junior Grade]. That's pretty much the gist of what happened. The away mission basically turned into a mess. As far as I know, we didn't really accomplish much. But who knows, maybe some of the scans we made there will prove useful. I'll ask Lt Wylie about that after his debriefing with the Captain. Well, I'm off to the Holodeck to work out some of this irritation.
End log
Stardate 20511.29
Lt[Jg] Giraath Chief of Security's Log, Stardate 20511.29 Acting Chief of Security Lieutenant [Junior Grade] Raass Giraath recording:
Begin Log.
We have returned to Star Base Alpha. The mission to the Dalmatia system was a mixed bag. I am disappointed with the performance of the Security Department on the mission. Too many things went wrong that either directly or indirectly involved the personnel currently under my command. However, we all made it back alive, and that is more than can be said of the Yeager's crew. The Scout-classed vessel is now being towed to the Shipyards for either a complete rebuild or to be scrapped, I don't know which. Thankfully, that is not my concern.
What is my concern, is that Lieutenant Commander Wylie has not yet been returned to duty. Fortunately, the last two months have been quite. The journey back to SBA was uneventful. The last truly exciting thing was the first training sim I put Petty Officer Friday and Crewman Greenridge through. It was a tough simulation, and though the team's mission was a only a marginal success, it did drive home the fact that violence should be avoided as much as possible on stealth missions. Given the last two months of training, I do not think that Friday or Greenridge will resort to phaser fire unless the situation demands it. Lesson learned.
In regard to my official duties as Acting Chief of Security, the only truly interesting piece of work was the mission debriefing, held before we departed from the Dalmatia system. It seems that the system was held together by advanced gravity generators of Iconian origin. We were able to collect quite a bit of data on the technology the Iconians left behind, and I look forward to reading our Research Department's findings on Iconian engineering. Perhaps we'll actually be able to use some of knowledge gained to advance our own engineering abilities.
As I said earlier, the voyage back to SBA has been quiet. I have been kept busy filing reports and evaluations, and the training sims I have run with Friday and Greenridge have gone as expected. The two enlisted have performed excellently in the sims.
The only remaining concerns regarding Security's performance during the mission are the conditions of both Lieutenant Commander Wylie and Lieutenant [Junior Grade] Traci Talazac. I have not yet had an opportunity to discuss Comman—Chris' breakdown with him, so I am not altogether clear about what happened or why exactly he was temporarily relived of his duties. Lieutenant Talazac's situation is much more clear. She attempted to commit suicide, a result, as I understand, of the events occuring after she and the hologram of Avark were forced to enter the Iconian portal on Boticelli. On a brighter note, Lieutenant Talazac is making good progress on her recovery. While I disagree with the medical staff's approach to her recovery, I believe she would be off being returned to limited duty, there is nothing I can do to override the doctor's orders. So Lieutenant Talazac will remain off duty until the psych doctors at Star Base Alpha clear her for duty.
And now I will hit SBA and enjoy my leave.
End Log.
CMO Lt Marcos Dregs
Stardate 20505.11
Lt Dregs Lieutenant Marcos Dregs, USS Copernicus Chief Medical Officer’s Log, SD: 20505.11
I arrived on the Copernicus from the Dauntless and I must say I am impressed with the crew. However, I did arrive at a very bad time. Commander Avark was killed by his own positronic implants that originally saved his life, killed him. The news of it as well as the news of two key personnel dead and one resigned in order for me to take the position, proved to be slightly more then I can handle on my first day of the job. However, I believe that this should be the ultimate beginning of the future and I’m not sure how the rest of my life will play out. For it just hit me that me being CMO, there is only First Officer on a whole new ship. However, I must remember I must live and enjoy this post then first before I even think about anything else.
I was introduced by the Chief of Security, and the CO wanted me on the bridge, where I finally knew why the USS Titan was about to shoot it en route. Thank god the flight details were still ok, for I learned that we are traveling close to the Cardassian boarder and strict communications silence were initiated. So I didn’t have to worry about that…to much.
Thing around the ship seem to be moving at an ok pace for me, it’s light traffic nothing compared to the Dauntless, where the Armory boys got wounded, never did quite forget that. The engineer, who had to be put on ICU the moment he got to Sickbay, was a memorable moment. And the next time I get to see Parnia, that would be nice to see how she’s doing.
For crew mentions…I’ll save that for a later time, there seems to be a visitor in here.
End and Save Log
Stardate 20508.11
Lt Dregs Personal Log, Stardate 20508.11, Lieutenant Marcos Dregs, CMO
[I am stuck in a storm and I have no idea how on earth the winds and weather changed, other then something in the magnetic fields, since in my body, which is composed of Titanium, I can feel every single change in my body. It sucks, but I know about being able to deal with the small pain. However, at this rate, the body may start becoming magnetically active and I could be stuck on what ever metallic alloy that is magnetized.
This time alone has got me thinking, not only almost getting killed over 4 times in this mission, first it was zooming down the atmosphere, being swept away by winds 130 miles per hour strong, getting hit in the head with a rock going at that speed or faster, crashing into a small, SMALL cave in the canyon, and again in the forest. I couldn’t help but think that when I get back to the ship, I am going straight to my quarters and taking a long, long sleep. Afterwards, taking a sonic shower as long as I need, then head over to Sickbay and take care of any paperwork that has been piling up in my office.
Also, the one person I couldn’t get out of my head, Alania. She must have been praying to Draco extra hard since I have no idea how I lived threw today. When I find Alania, I am marrying her on the spot. And I don’t care how far I would have to go, but I want her on the ship with me. She will love the scene, and besides, she is a big buff in the Sciences. I am sure that Lt. Abaa will like her.
If I could, I would also like to have a family, a little Draconia…actually, a little Draconian on the ship, he’ll be small enough to fly to any section on the ship. From what I remember, Commander Lacey has a child, maybe I could talk to her about arranging something like that. IF we have a family to start out with, but that is a nice thought.
Well, I just found two people coming near me, they could be friendly, they could be foe. If foe, all I have to do is stand up and start flapping.]
Stardate 20410.21
Lt Dregs Lieutenant Marcos Dregs, USS Copernicus; Chief Medical Officer’s Log, SD: 20510.21
I just over heard that we are to be going back to the Copernicus; I do not feel happy considering what I just went threw. I do however thank the Gods I’m alive, and I did get to see Alania…sort of. I do know that things are going to be waiting for me in Sickbay; paper work, reports, promotion list, and other stuff I have to take care of when it comes to a Department Head Meeting that will probably occur after we get back. I find that Ensign Sturick has done an exceptional job on the away team; I will talk to his boss on how he did later.
In other news, I just heard that Cdr. Lacey is going into Labor dangerously premature. I also have a young Klingon girl who Doctor Sturick and myself have to take care of, and also I must make my debriefing to the Capitan before I turn in for a while. I am skeptical though since I did not see Lacey on board when I was on board, if she went on the away mission, and I almost ordered for her not to go… there may be trouble. For Lacey’s sake, I won’t jump on her about it, since all she needs right now is to get things over with and making sure that both people are ok. However, for now, I will leave her be, finish up with Kasia, make my report to the CO, then get some well deserved sleep.
End Log.
CE LCdr Areack Jackson
Stardate 20505.17
LCdr Jackson Chief Engineer's Personal Log. Stardate 20505.17 LCdr. Areack Jackson recording.
These past few months since my last log entry have been quite interesting. First of all is my assignment at Chief Engineer. After a short battle with and Alien fleet the Copernicus, Yeager, and mo old ship the Titan were assigned to explore a nebulae many light years from earth, or even the Federation for that matter.
At the beginning of our journey The first officer, Cdr. Avark, developed a Problem with his brain implant and died. He has however come back from the dead it seems and I have yet to learn the details. The captain has re-instated this Avark as First officer and thus appears to trust him. I am a little suspicious though, and I intend to find out what is going on.
End Log.
Stardate 20508.10
LCdr Jackson [Chief Engineers Log. Stardate 20508.10 Lieutenant Commander Areack Jackson recording.]
I was assigned to one of the teams sent down to the planet "Vivaldi". Two shuttles went with LCdr. Crowhurst, the new CTO, commanding the mission. I was put in charge of the shuttle "Argon".
The mission started off well enough. Security set up a defense perimeter and sent a team into the town to observe the natives, science started working on gathering samples and myself along with a few other began repairing damage to the shuttles.
Some carelessness from the security and a medic resulted in some of our gear being stolen and claimed as "relics" by the natives. Soon after that a big storm blew in and we lost some of our crewmembers. Sensors and transporters are being jammed by the storm and our CMO went missing. And was possibly dead.
I need to get back to my duties.
[End Log]
Stardate 20510.03
LCdr Jackson Chief Engineer's log, stardate 20510.03.
"I went to the village to try and facilitate a rescue, or possibly recovery, of several missing crew members including LCdr. Crowhurst. Upon arrival I was pleased to find everyone alive, though Peter Greenridge is in critical condition."
"Alex, as Lieutenant Commander Crowhurst prefers I call him when we're off ship, and I tried to head back for the shuttle to bring it closer so we would have to move Mr. Greenridge a shorter distance."
"This was not what happened though, as soon as we left the village area a large dust storm came up and we became lost. After waiting for the dust to settle so we could find our way and travelling all night we have arrived at the mountains and hope to find the shuttle soon."
"As we get closer to our objective I find myself worrying about Mr. Greenridge, I hope he made it through the night. I don't know him well, but its a horrible fate for anyone to die on a planet far from home, not among family."
"Well Alex and I have finished our rest and were going to make our way to the shuttle now"
Stardate 20511.19
Cdr Jackson "Chief Engineering Officers log. Jackson, Areack, star date 20511.19
I have only recently gotten back from my mission to the planet. A lot of things went wrong on that mission and I am glad we were able to get off that rock without any casualties. Soon after my last entry we were rescued from our precarious position by other members of the mission.
Since I have returned from Vivaldi I have been going over the reports of the fire repairs, working on a plan to get all the ships home, and I took a short break and cleaned up some of Xack's handiwork with my couch.
I need to head up to a Department Head meeting so I'll record more later.
End Log.
CTO LCdr Alex Crowhurst
Stardate 20507.16
LCdr Alex Crowhurst Chief Tactical Officer's Log Stardate 20507.16
The away mission started off not too badly, and although we hit a few snags tryin' to land the two shuttles on the planet's mountain range, we managed to get 'em both down in one piece. The shuttles are around 500 metres away from each other so communication is easy enough and everyone's got jobs to be doin'. I'ma leadin' a team down to the town where there's some sort of weak power source that don't look like it should be there, as the folks that live there have almost no discernable technology.
Hopefully I'll find somethin' interestin' to bring back for the Science Chief to look at, she seemed a little bummed when she wasn't picked for the different missions. Still, I'm sure the hologram's already got that one covered. An odd coupling if I ever did see, flesh and photons? Na. Ah well. Nothin' else to report, all seems to be goin' to plan. Computer, end recording.
Lt JG Traci Talazac
Stardate 20501.31
Lt[Jg] Talazac Personal Log Stardate 20501.31
Lieutenant (junior grade) Traci Talazac recording:
I'm not even sure of where I should begin this log entry. Should I start with the alien invasion of the Federation? Or perhaps the day that a fire in the Security Office incinerated my armory?
I guess we'll start with the fire. In the hours leading up to the alien invasion, I was in the Security Office with a rookie member of the team, a Midshipman Wylie. We were discussing something... I can't remember what, but at that instant, something ignited in the security office behind one of the doors. Two crewmen rushed to open the doors and put out the fire, but only accelerated it more by adding fresh oxygen, more fuel to burn.
If it couldn't have gotten any worse, as we were evacuating the office, somehow the fire spread to my armory. All of my weapons, ammo, and grenades... gone. Wylie practically had to pull me away from the office and to another area of the ship where we set up a temporary command station. Thankfully, none of my armory staff was actually in the armory when the fire occurred.
I am going to find out how this fire started and someone is going to have lots of time in the brig to finish the paperwork for.
Anyway, after I vacated the office, I headed to the Bridge where I watched the remainder of the battle with the alien invaders. The Copernicus, as it had been blown into three pieces, was forced to limp home.
After I made sure that everything was in order, I headed to the bar where I saw Commander Avark. It's troubling to know that he still didn't remember me that well, but I think he's coming around. We got •••• drunk and later he asked me to be his little girl's babysitter.
Which finally brings me to little Kasia. She is so cute! But she can be a handful. I'm not sure if its a common occurrence among Klingons, but she seems to be at an age where she likes to headbutt things. I've got the bruises to prove it. She really is a sweet girl though and I think she really likes her 'Auntie Twaci'. Hopefully we get to have much more fun in the future.
End log
Stardate 20511.24
Lt[Jg] Talazac Personal Log Stardate 20511.24 Lieutenant Traci Talazac Recording:
This is my first log entry since I have been rescued from that hell I endured for three months. I was caught in one of those damned time-space portals and sent back to 1692 Earth with Avark and spent three months there. I'm not going to go into the rest of it—the official logs can tell what happened there and how we got back.
It has been several days since I tried to kill myself. I know it was wrong and stupid, and part of me knows that I would never have gone through with it anyway—I was too scared and weak and selfish to. And now what have I got to show for it? Avark is still with Commander Lacey and I've been taken off-duty and have to visit a shrink everyday. As if my life and dead-end job weren't bad enough...
At least they've taken me off suicide watch, or else I might have gone crazy—holed up in my Quarters 26/7. They still won't let me get back to work though, even though my counselor says I'm making real progress. Apparently I'm confronting my problems and things like that. What a load of bullshit; I'm just doing what will please so I can be reinstated and return to Starbase Alpha with some dignity.
I doubt that's going to happen though. The counselor wants me to have a final evaluation when we get back to SBA so it looks like I'm stuck as a god damned civilian for two months.
End Log.
Ens Sring
Stardate 20511.14
Ens Sring Personal Log, Stardate 20511.14, Ensign Sring Recording
For the past 5.7 days I have noticed a steady decline in maintaining control of my emotional state (some 325 or so occurrences presently). I find myself indulging in the sweet confection called chocolate, however its reputed calming effects appear non-existent.
My concentration levels are about a third of what they have been and I can no longer tolerate the comments about my physical appearance. I am surprised that a minor mention about ‘pointed ears’ or having ‘green ice water’ for blood sets me on edge. I realize that this is a friendly bonding ritual that Terrans are particularly fond of…I just have no desire to be teased at the moment.
Poor David, during a short yet intense outburst, I scared him. I even scared myself. Though I am physically small by human standards, my strength compared to most humans is still considerable. He dared to restrain me and I would have none of it, and sent him flying back several meters. Though thinking on it, I believe he meant it as a gesture of comfort. I could sense his fear as he stood up, but he said the incident would be between him and I only.
It is rare for Vulcan females to go through with what all evidence tells me that I am going through. My etheratoninine levels in my bloodstream as of today has reached one thousand percent of normal and is rising. I had assumed logically, that the odds of this occurring were well under two percent, gender, age factors and that I had not been joined with my promised mate, Bravok, have been taken into account.
There is fortunately, a standard holo program available on starships for occurrences such this.
I am undergoing the pon farr…
Personal Log Supplemental:
I welcomed at first the increased gravity, warmth and dryness of the Vulcan pon farr holo-program. As the consuming ‘fire’ began to take me, the artificial construct I had programmed was insufficient to release me from the pon farr condition. There was no mental, telepathic content to the construct. It was a hollow shell…and from what Lt. Hunter tells me, I was in a catatonic state.
Lt. Hunter from Astrometrics was looking for me (for gravimetric and temporal report details) and the computer knew of my location. She entered seeing me unresponsive…and before she could comm sickbay I reached out…no…I grabbed her face with my fingers and…aggressively mind melded with her. Lt. Hunter was most startled at first, but accepted the intrusion most readily.
We became for a short while, one person. I was stunned at her openness, as most humanoids are very protective of their inner thoughts and emotions. Most of our thoughts centered on Lt. Abaa, our desire, our need for him. – pause- I should say, Hunter’s need and desires. She shared her own plan to exploit Abaa’s affection for me for her own ends. She was totally unashamed.
It was at that point I tried to break the meld. I found it extraordinarily difficult to do so. I partially attribute this to my youth and inexperience. The other factor was Hunter’s drive to stay melded…even though I had initiated the telepathic contact…she strongly desired to keep it from breaking. She desires training and whatever medical advances so that she could develop her own telepathic skills.
It is not logical to be frightened of an individual, yet I found myself in a near state of terror. Perhaps because of this fear…the fire’s of pon farr were squelched and my logic returned. I was able to focus and gain back control of the meld and then end it as gently as I could to spare us both from injury.
“Thank you…Sring.” Hunter said to me, as she slowly regained control of her ‘self’. I did not answer…I stood there for some time, unmoving…processing what I could of the after affects of the meld. Raquel placed her hand on my cheek, smiled and then she turned and left through the Archway, out of Vulcan and back to the artificial confines of the ship.
I ended the program and went directly to my quarters, analyzing the meld through the screen of logic as I made my way. The woman was thorough…as I entered my room I realized that Raquel had searched and found the process for the t’neh kalfo…the Vulcan nerve pinch.
It is my hope that she does not make the attempt, though I perceive a 92.47% chance that she will make such an attempt…sometime today. I am, to use the Academy phrase, ‘well over my head’ and require consultation. I must speak with Lt. Tru-Abaa before Lt. Hunter does.
End Log
Stardate 20601.20
CCPO Kuhl Personal Log: CCPO Khul, Stardate 20601.2
Angelica and myself were going to have a dinner with Marcos and Alania; however, a training mission has caused Marcos to leave us. He didn't say farewell to us, since he was in Sickbay when I found out.
Tomorrow I will ask her if a morning meal will suffice. I'm sure Alania wouldn't mind, I hope. Alania seems to be content with Marcos leaving. I can guess that she has spent so long away from him at the beginning that she has gotten used to it. My only worry is what will occur now since his mate is on board with him? What will she do when he is on duty? How will she fair in combat if that should occur?
I know of one Officer that has someone on board, and that is Avark. It doesn't take a blow to the skull with a club to figure out that Avark is as Angelica says: "Head over heals in love with her." Including the same emotion coming from Commander Lacey; in a way, it makes me question my relationship with Angelica.
She is with me a lot, we spend time together, and she told me one night that she loved me; kissed me for an extended period of time; hugged her; and then she went into her quarters. What are my feelings for her? I enjoy her company, she is a beautiful woman, and I don't mind showing that in public. I only tell her that I really like her, but I never told her I loved her.
What does it mean to love a woman? I have never had anything close to this feeling before. I want to tell her that I love her, but I feel...odd. She is a young woman, I am a old Klingon, at least by human standards. The other questions have been answered; all the other mysteries solved; and almost all of the pieces fit except one, the one.
Do I love her?
I may ask Avark, since he would know best. Although with his rank and position, I do not know if I can get a few minutes with him. I will have to wait and see.
Angelica can tell that I have mixed feelings for her; positive, but mixed. She may or may not ask me about it. I shall have to wait and see.