Copernicus Mission 15: "What Lies Beneath" - Stardate 21508.29
- 1 Mission 12- "What Lies Beneath"
- 2 Mission Overview
- 3 Captain's Log
- 4 Personal Logs
- 4.1 First Officer Commander Mick Roland
- 4.2 Chief Engineering Officer Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque
- 4.3 Engineering Officer Midshipman Korok
- 4.4 Engineering Officer Ensign Mori Lunori
- 4.5 Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Junior Grade Malcolm Warren
- 4.6 Science Officer Sallea T'Prell
- 4.7 Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks
Mission 12- "What Lies Beneath"
Located Below you will find three helpful pieces of information on this mission. First is a generalized Mission Overview which covers only specific and important events. Second is excerpts from the Captain's Log entries made during the mission, this can make for quite a read, but contains far more detailed and in depth accounts of the mission and the events surrounding it. Third is the crew's personal logs which will give insight into the mission from their perspectives.
Mission Overview
Stardate 21308.29
Captain's Log
Captain Jane Fields
Stardate 21308.29
Captain's Log, Stardate 21505.31, Captain Jane Fields recording:
The ship has departed starbase and is en route to the Theta Indi system, a binary star in a remote location in the Beta Quadrant. Our destination is a Science Division research station on an O Class planet called 'Avalon', and which has failed to report in for two months.
According to the records there is no advanced sentient life on the planet, and the research being conducted was simple observational marine biology. Our task is to find out what has happened, if anything, to the station and the scientists. It could be simply that comms have been disrupted in some way, there could have been some natural disaster, or even foul play. We're really going in blind until we reach the system and perform scans.
All departments are preparing for an operation in aquatic conditions. It may be that we test the underwater capabilities of our Science Escort, the Dysprosium, for the first time.
Our stay at Star Base Alpha was eventful in that we lost our Acting Chief of Science, Lieutenant Isabella Ekman. Ekman appears to have been kidnapped in the middle of the Promenade - in front of three new science officers too. In an elaborate scenario worthy of spy-fiction holonovels, Ekman was transported away after a waiter at an SBA bistro placed a hidden transporter device in the form of a flower on her uniform. The Human-Orion officer had an Intel background and her past service has come back to haunt her. I have not been made privy to all the details of the investigation into her disappearance, and the information from Base Security has been passed on to Star Fleet Intel. However, it is suspected that a pro-human terrorist organisation has taken her. One can only hope the investigation leads to her safe release soon. One good thing... two of the new officers, Ensigns Sallea T'Prell and Michael Kent, were present at the time of the kidnap and their quick actions helped to retrieve important information as to how and by whom Ekman was taken.
In drydock we replaced the lost Xenon with a new shuttle of the same name and, more importantly, we have filled our department head vacancies. Ekman has been replaced by Lieutenant Junior Grade Malcolm Warren, and our new CoS is none other than Commander Azernal Rin, the Bajoran Emissary and an officer of some considerable experience. This is pleasing news along with the influx of junior officers in Science, including the temporal expert Sallea.
I feel we are rested and ready for whatever this assignment has to throw at us. The Copernicus is set to arrive in the Theta Indi system in 20 days.
End log.
Captain's Log, Stardate 21508.15, Captain Jane Fields recording:
The ship arrived at the Theta Indi system, finding no indication of any sentient life including the scientists. There was nothing unusual in the star system, but scans of the planet revealed the research base had been forcibly moved from its previous location, and was 372 miles north-west, at a depth of 1200 feet underwater. There was some obvious damage to the base and it was partly flooded. In addition, the reef to which it had been originally anchored was damaged and covered with algae. Of the scientists there was no sign anywhere, not even corpses.
Commander Roland led a team in our ESS, the USS Dysprosium, and was dispatched to examine the original location of the base before moving on to the base itself. The "Dys" is designed for blue landing underwater operations, though we have never tested the vessel in such circumstances in the field.
Close examination by the science team of the original anchor site suggests toxic algal blooms have damaged the reef and adversely affected the local ecosystem. It is quite probable that the research base and the scientists played some part in this, as the base seems to have attracted the algae growth. However, the forceful movement of the base location would appear to have been aggressive...
Moving on to the base itself, the away team has encountered what looks like a native, sentient humanoid species, advanced enough to have energy weapons and weapon-capable underwater vessels. There is no sign of the scientists dead or alive, and we are proceeding as if they are being held captive somewhere else by the sentients. There are other complications too...
The Dysprosium is having to resurface, taking on water due to defective hull plating. Her warp core was disabled for safety reasons and we are dispatching a rescue and repair team. Substandard construction materials is something I have never come across in my Star Fleet career, and a full investigation will need to be launched involving the Corps of Engineers when we return to starbase. In the meantime, we have a team led by Boislevesque, equipped with diving gear, exposed underwater outside of the base, and another Security team, led by Azernal, inside. Both are now under fire from the sentients - though they appear not to be trying to harm the team directly, at least at this time. I have ordered them to attempt communication and avoid returning aggression.
A picture is emerging. The planet had previously been thought to be without advanced, sentient life. Sensor blackspots reported in the scientists' logs, and located deep underwater, have obviously hidden a civilisation that the team have stumbled upon unwittingly... I only hope this does not end in tragedy and the scientists are unharmed. Though currently I have my team's safety as the most pressing concern...
End log.
StarDate: 21512.30
Captain's Log, Stardate 21512.30, Captain Jane Fields recording:
The situation on the planet took several twists and turns. The aggressive sentient species turned out to be called Haik, and were red skinned aquatic humanoids. Our away team on the research base learned that this species had taken the scientists. The Haik were apparently intending to sacrifice them to their gods in revenge for the environmental damage the base presence had caused. The Chief of Security, Commander Azernal, convinced the Haik leader that our intentions were peaceful and offered to repair the damage to the local ecosystem if they handed over our scientists. However, despite seemingly agreeing to this, the Haik continued to be aggressive and soon another situation developed into violent confrontation on the base. Hostility between our forces and the Haik was interrupted by the arrival on the scene of another sentient species, also native to the planet, and called Tazu. They acted rather as peacemakers and diffused the situation - partly through the use of some dampening technology that disabled both the Haik and our weapons at the base and so ended hostilities. It seems that negotiating skill from Ensign Sallea T'Prell played a significant role in bringing about a diplomatic resolution along with that of the Chief of Security.
The Copernicus sensors continued to have trouble penetrating areas of the planet containing dense ray colonies that emitted electromagnetic interference. The clustering of the rays suggested that the fish were being lured to certain locations, doubtless to shield underwater structures from sensors. It was clear we had to penetrate these areas in order to extract the science team being kept prisoner.
Meanwhile, the Dysprosium had returned to orbit while repairs were carried out, and the First Officer transferred to the runabout Sagan. Two junior engineers, Lunori and Korok, made a space walk to repair the damage to the ESS, but an accident led to an almost fatal suit depressurisation for Korok, and Lunori was sent spinning into space in the same incident. Korok was able to reach the airlock in time but with some injuries and was extremely lucky, his robust Klingon physiology doubtless contributing to his survival in dire circumstances while he also took the correct actions to deal with the suit rupture. I am told by Doctor Brooks that he will make a full recovery. Lunori was able to right herself and had the presence of mind to complete the repairs before returning to the ESS. The engineering team there finished patching up damage to the engines caused from earlier attacks by Haik vessels that had harried the Dysprosium's departure from the surface.
Shortly after this, the Sagan was contacted by hitherto hidden alien vessels in orbit of the planet. These identified themselves as belonging to species called the Collocaans. One of their captains, Sal'vator, revealed that they had uplifted the two species on the planet and they laid claim to the planet as their own. Despite being vexed at our presence, Sal'vator was nonetheless keen to help resolve the problems, if only, perhaps, to get rid of us. They used their ships to create a window in the ray interference. When the sensor black spots cleared it revealed very extensive underwater colonies home to the indigenous sentient peoples, and it allowed the Copernicus to locate the scientists and beam them aboard. Other than minor mistreatment by their Haik captors the scientists are fine.
Our away team is currently dismantling the research base and implementing techniques to repair the damage to the ecosystem.
I've not had a chance to speak with any of the scientists from the base yet, but the logs do suggest that they were remiss in not realising sooner that their presence was causing environmental damage and then, it seems, in doing nothing to correct the situation. Obviously they didn't realise the planet was inhabited by intelligent beings whose presence was hidden by the ray colonies. However, I would think they have many searching questions to answer about their actions and neglect of standard protocols. I will be ordering a thorough examination of the Dysprosium by Commander Boislevesque's team, and requesting that Star Fleet Corps of Engineers investigate just how the ESS appeared to suffer from defective construction materials under blue alert conditions.
End log.
Personal Logs
First Officer Commander Mick Roland
StarDate: 21512.30
First Officer’s Log Commander Mick Roland Stardate 21512.30
The Copernicus was ordered to Avalon, a Class O planet, to investigate the reason for a research station going radio silent. It was necessary to dispatch the USS Dysprosium, a Lanthanum-class science escort, in order to reach the submerged station on the mostly surface water planet.
Two teams consisting of security, engineering, and science were transported from the Dysprosium to the station upon locating it. A vessel with unknown markings was discovered and the teams found the owners, the Haik, in the process of sweeping the station and removing data. The Haik were responsible for taking the research station crew hostage due to ecological damage, which offended their deity we were informed.
The Dysprosium developed a structural hull breach, which was very suspicious to me, seeing that we were attacked almost immediately following the breach. The Haik, however, were not shooting to kill, as they had ample opportunity to kill crew members who had yet reached the station and were vulnerable in the water. This gave me pause to their motives. I was forced to evacuate the area with the Dysprosium or lose it to the depths.
We were followed and fired upon, hit, and damaged by three vessels that followed the Dysprosium to the edge of the planet’s atmosphere. It’s unknown as to whether they were unable to travel out of the atmosphere, or chose not to. The ship suffered extensive damage. I chose to orbit the planet just outside the reach of the vessels for fear of leading the Haik back to the Copernicus.
Chief Engineering Officer Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque
Stardate 21506.02
Chief Engineering Officers Official Log. Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque. Stardate: 21506.02
After arriving back on board the ship a few days ago, I managed to start work nearly straight away, so when the recall notice was issued I was already back here and ready to go.
It also seemed that not every member of my engineering staff had managed to have a relaxing time during shore leave as there was a small incident between 2 of my engineers over a sonic driver tool which one had borrowed and I had to literally threaten them with the worst thing that popped into my mind at the time which was spending a double shift cleaning out all the toilets on the ship as well as the whole waste extraction system.
As for the mission that the Copernicus has been sent on, this is to see why a science station which they set up about eight month ago on an O Class planet in the Theta Indi system has gone quite. The system itself is well of the usual trade routes and according to their initial scans there is no indigenous life in the planet.
As there was no land based life the science station has been built and anchored to a large Corel reef so that the science team can look at whatever might be situated in the sea.
It's going to take twenty days to reach our destination, so in this time we will be running scenarios in order to train on multiple ways in which the station could have stopped transmitting, we will be looking at basic things like damaged equipment to worse case scenarios like the station personal being abducted or even attacked by an unknown creature that could live on the planet and as the station is under water we are going to use the Lanthanum Class Science Escort vessel to get there as it has the ability to submerge.
I have asked Lieutenant Quantum Brandy to run the lead on this training and I also suggested bringing in different departments so that we get a real feeling of what might happen and it also helps with the bonding with everyone that lives and works in this ship.
End Log
Stardate 21506.16
Chief Engineering Officers Official Log. Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque. Stardate: 21506.16
Following a report from Lieutenant Brandy that he managed to get colleagues from all the different departments together and run a successful training sessions, the program had thrown nearly everything at them from flooded areas, locked down bio-containment areas and even an attack by an unknown species.
As for the things engineering wise, it has again been a slow time there has been some malfunctioning replicators and sonic showers, but nothing major has gone wrong.
Fingers crossed that when we arrive in at our destination things will pick up and there will be something more interesting to do.
End Log
Stardate 21507.12
Chief Engineering Officers Official Log. Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque. Stardate: 21507.12
Well the Copernicus arrived at planet Avalon and we found that there was nothing amiss on the planet itself, it was exactly like it was reported to us right at the beginning.
It seemed that for some reason the science station had become dislodged from the reef that it had been attached to and had moved further into the depth of the ocean, as for the station itself it was operating on emergency power and that wouldn't last for long.
I have gotten a team of 6 engineers prepared and read to go on the away team and also another 6 on stand by if they are needed for another away team to the planet itself, being that we don't know what is going on I wanted to prepare for multiple opinions.
Lets just hope that the science team themselves are safe somewhere and we aren't going to be brining home their bodies.
End Log
Stardate 21507.26
Chief Engineering Officers Official Log. Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque. Stardate: 21507.26
We left the Copernicus aboard the Dysprosium and after entering the planets atmosphere we made our way to the area above the ocean where the science station was located.
The Dysprosium then dived under the ocean and I was initially sceptical that the hull plating would be up to the pressures that came with diving in water, he knew that it survived in space and was slightly stronger than some of the other smaller vessels of fleet, but this was a new kettle of fish for me and I was hoping like hell that there wouldn't be a problem
Once we were in position I was order to command a team which would enter the staton via the docking bay, which unfortunately for me meant going for a swim wearing a diving suit and oxygen breather....not exactly what I would have picked but we can't always have it the way we want.
The team that I was to command consist of Ensign Sallea from Science, Lieutenant Allen and Chief Darok from Security and there was Petty Officer first class Phuong from engineering.
We left the Dysprosium and headed towards the science station, when we got closer to the docking bay we found that there was an alien craft in the bay, we are currently seeing if they are aboard their own vessel or are they on the station.
I will post more when we have more information.
End log.
Stardate: 21510.18
Chief Engineering Officers Official Log. Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque. Stardate: 21510.18
We didn't get to board the alien vessel which was docked in the hanger bay due to the fact that we were attacked by an alien vessel and the only course of action was to get through the airlock door into the station itself, I had to drain my tricorder power cell in order to do it, but it was worth it as no-one was injured.
Once we were inside were ordered to make our way to meet up with team one under Commander Roland who was dealing with the natives, it also transpires that Chief Petty Officer Darok’s Klingon heritage was known to them as they referred to him as ‘Dobbbamsh’ some sort of warrior avatar. I suspect that they had been visited by a Klingon ship and as some Klingons are they probably came across as bolshy and probably did some kinda damage to scare the local inhabitance.
It also seemed that Offfow didn't like the fax that I was questioning him on this matter and he indicated that I would work better with my tongue cut out and even though I would have defended myself, I was glad that Lt Marcus Vesner stepped in front of me to help out, that make their leader to start calling him my wife, which would make Jemima cry with laughter when I tell her.
I'm not sure what exactly the next step will be as Offfow wants myself, Cdr Azernal and Lt Vesner to go with him to meet with someone who is higher in rank and position, but I am in agreement with Cdr Azernal and that I would be more suited staying on board the station and starting to do what Captain Fields said we would do and start the dismantling of the station.
Will report more when it happens.
End Log.
StarDate: 21601.02
Chief Engineers Official log StarDate: 21601.02 Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque reporting.
The mission has finally come to a close and after our encounter with another race from the planet called Tazu, they seemed slightly less aggressive and have managed to design a dampening field device that rendered our rifles dead, thus wasn't something that was expected as we thought that no-one on the planet once we worked out that there was someone had gotten that so advance in technology.
One thing that I wasn't expecting was that without energy in the weapons things dropped into a whole new realm of nastiness, as Offfow and his people decided that in order to deal with the Tazu and us they would go for hand to hand combat and they changed us, now I had seem something in my time wearing this uniform, but I had never seen an officer do what Ensign Sallea did, she rushed forwards into the fray and managed to save me from getting into a fight with one of the Haik and it was because of the quick thinking and action of Ensign Sallea the atmosphere changed as dramatically back to a calm demeanour as quickly as it had dropped into an adrenaline fuelled combat zone.
I would like to put on record that Ensign Sallea put her own life on the line to protect the away team on the science station and her actions were based for the greater good of all that is held by StarFleet and its principles.
Following this it was agree that the station will be dismantled and returned to the Copernicus and then it can be used in further building work somewhere else in the galaxy for the better understanding of what is out their and our understanding of it.
I would also like to mention for the record and I have attached to her record that Ensign Mori Lunori preformed above and beyond the call of duty while being part of the second engineering team, even after an accident that saw her nearly floating off into space, she managed to return to duty and fix the technical issue with the USS Dysprosium so that she would work properly again and also she helped get things working properly on the inside too and to that end, following a conversation with Captain Fields and Commander Roland had agreed that a promotion of Lieutenant Junior Grade is well deserved for this.
Midshipman Korok was initially on the Dysprosium and also initially helped to sort out the damage to the ship, but was injured during the mission, so had to be beamed back to the Copernicus for medical attention, it has been deemed that he also deserves a promotion, he will be promoted to Ensign in due course.
We are now on our way back to StarBase Alpha where our shore leave will be announced, however I'm not sure where the family will be going, we might just end up heading to my parents so that the kids can see their grandparents again, as they do miss them and talk about them regularly.
End log.
StarDate: 21601.11
Chief Engineering log. StarDate: 21601.11 Lieutenant Commander Harrison Boislevesque reporting.
This will be my final report as this Chief Engineer, as StarFleet Command have decided to see fit to promote me to First Officer of the USS Sheridan, the only thing which does kinda surprise me is that the Sheridan is a destroyer and has only got eight decks….now normally that wouldn't be an issue however I've got a largest family and it's a destroyer. Now I'm not going to refuse the promotion or transfer, but I'm wondering how Jemima and the children will cope on a Sun-Tzu Classed Destroyer.
I'm was extremely scared about how I was going to bring this up as it wasn't until the Christmas Party that it was official announced and I hadn't told the family about it..…that caused a few loud conversations and tears for Tallulah and Lafayette as they would be losing their friends. But after long talks we got things going and everyone to a degree is excited.
We finally made it back to StarBase Alpha after the mission and I'm glad that is one completely finished, I don't like getting wet unless it for fun and pleasure and now is the transfer day to the new ship.
As the quarters might not be completely ready yet and with the fact that the Sheridan won't be shipping out for a little while, it has been decided that Jemima will take the kids to visit my parents on Earth and I will report to my new Commanding Officer and check on the quarters, the I will get them from my parents when things are ready.
It will be a shame to leave this ship as they are most definitely like family, but I've been assured that if I'm in need to any advise or anything then just give them a call.
I'm not sure who is going to be my replacement, but I know that is leaving them with well trained engineers and some extremely good people.
End log.
Engineering Officer Midshipman Korok
Stardate 21508.18
Personal Log Midshipman Korok, USS Copernicus Stardate 21508.18
I am yet to discover who I could have possibly offended to have ended up with a science vessel as my first assignment. I have spent my life building and fixing the fastest engines, the sturdiest shields and the strongest weapons arrays and yet I am now forced to spend my days recalibrating biocontainment fields like some professor's boQwI'. Everything is so exact, so precise - these scientists are never satisfied with a scanner that simply 'works'. It must be within some meaningless margin of accuracy that no man Klingon or otherwise would be able to distinguish! By Kahless if I have to respond to one more sensor glitch I will rip the core right from the Copernicus' bowels!
This assignment is not without its merits. The leadership staff seem to be competent and the operations of the ship are conducted efficiently. The Copernicus has a good engine; a strong workhorse that cruises well. I worry that should we ever face battle we will be left with little recourse than to flee, but at least we'll be able to.
My first major assignment is an away mission. The escort vessel, the Dysprosium has suffered some kind of hull breach whilst submerged on the bIQ qo' that we orbit. I cannot imagine why such a trivial matter requires a full team of engineers to shuttle down, as there should be an integrity field to compensate for such an error. Whilst the official word has yet to fall to the lower ranks the rumour being purveyed by others is that the ship has been built with substandard materials - I refuse to believe that the mighty Star Fleet could fall victim to such dishonour. It is likely just another scientist who is dissatisfied with her tricorder's readings.
End Log.
Stardate: 21510.27
Midshipman Korok, USS Copernicus Stardate: 21510.27
I am recovering in my quarters after an injury received on an away mission. The Dysprosium had suffered serious damage to the external hull and exhaust manifolds, and I was tasked with repairs alongside an Ensign Lunori. The exhaust manifold exploded and ripped a hole in my EV suit; I barely made it back to the airlock in time, and I came very close to booking passage on the Barge.
It is not appropriate for me to voice displeasure at ranking officers, but Lunori is a concern for me. She consistently made errors throughout the mission and seemed to be more concerned with scanning my thoughts rather than focusing on the repairs at hand. Warrior's spirit notwithstanding, as she's got a fire in her, but as an Engineer she is a danger, and she cannot conduct herself properly, and I am sure that my repairs were sufficient, and that it was her incompetence that has left me a... ...I'm rambling. The pain of my reconstructed thigh has made it difficult for me to focus. The Betazoid will probably work out eventually. Assuming she stops listening to people's thoughts and instead focuses on her tricorder.
I've also received contact from my father on Qu'Vat. Apparently there has been a public broadcast from an Admiral in the fleet that sits along the Klingon border... the fourth I think. He apparently on a quest for power; though where you go from commanding a fleet I don't know. Overall command of Star Fleet perhaps? Regardless the challenge has been made. For now, he's far from my concern. I'm sure the Captain will make a decision soon enough as to who to back, and I will stand by this ship and her crew.
Assuming this Ferengi flesh will allow me to stand at all.
End Log.
Engineering Officer Ensign Mori Lunori
Stardate Unknown
Personal Log Ensign Lunori, USS Copernicus Stardate unknown
I have no idea what the stardate is anymore being in Rehab...well lets just say all the days feel like a blur now they are all stuck together, the Doctors said I was good to go but I feel different somehow only time will tell if it is going to be good or bad, they said I should avoid using my Telepathy for a while in case I can some kind of episode,but I am sure my mental training will kick in if that happens.
What else can I say, I transferred to another ship, it's so flipping huge compared to the tiny police frigate I was last assigned on, I wonder if anyone noticed I am no longer part of the crew...doubt it I was invisible to begin with I doubt they even recall my name, even so a part of me is going to miss them even the fights I use to have with celes, but I think I have found a celes 2.0 here on the Cop a headstrong Klingon guy I think his name is Kriket or something I'm not sure I was not paying much attention.
I was told I would be on an new mission I'm not sure if I am ready to go on another mission...but as the humans say the shoes must go on, I will update my log once I have settled in so far I have been looked up in my quarters to afraid to leave but I have a plan to talk to the Chief Engineer I wonder...if he is anything like Stonewall, I doubt he will let me run my own experiments in Engineering, either way I'm ending this log
Mori out End log
Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Junior Grade Malcolm Warren
Stardate 21506.02
Chief Science Officer's Log Lieutenant Junior Grade Malcolm Warren, Ph.D. Stardate 21506.2
We're currently en route to an underwater research station on the planet Avalon, which has not responded to hails for some time. I have my team working through the personnel manifest of the station, in an effort to look for any potentially troublesome research. The majority opinion is that we won't find anything, but we have 20 days before we reach the planet, so checking is justifiable. The junior officers don't seem to be getting along well, but it hasn't affected their work. I'm impressed by all of them as individuals, and I'm sure that they'll grow closer as we progress.
Now, I'm headed to Dr. Brooks' office, to make sure sickbay is ready to receive any survivors, and to officer the aid of one of my officers once we arrive. I know it isn't quite my place to be reaching out to the other department heads, but Star Fleet seems to like teamwork in all things, and in this case, the scientists and their research are our primary concerns.
After that, I'll need to speak to engineering and security, to coordinate our efforts there, and to have my officers taken through underwater training drills. I haven't told them yet that my plan is for Sallea to go down with the away team, but this will be good training for any future missions, and it will be good team-building time. Luckily this mission will keep the junior officers separated and busy, which will keep the tension to a minimum.
End Log
Science Officer Sallea T'Prell
Stardate 21506.25
Personal log. Stardate 21506.25 Ensign Sallea T'Prell, Science, recording:
The Copernicus has arrived at our mission objective, planet Avalon, a Class O world in the Theta Indii system. Ah anticipate be'in called for away team duty at any time...and Ah admit to be experiencing a little bit of nervousness at be'in thrown into a completely unknown (even if simulated) environment. Ah do expect to perform as flawlessly as possible and to subjugate any case of the jitters to the background. Ah've been well trained with underwater breathers and deep diving, we're not go'in in totally cold.
As for secondary tasks, looking into the holo-emitter malfunction of Commander Avark, has turned up some interesting, perhaps tragic circumstances leading to the 'death' of the Commander. A full report will be delivered to Commander Roland after our current mission objectives have been met.
Muh off duty time has been limited so Ah haven't much time playing music as Ah'd like...Ah just hope muh chops don't suffer too too much.
That's it for now.
End Log.
StarDate: 21512.21
Personal Log, Stardate 21512.21, Ensign Sallea T'Prell Recording
Ah am still mentally processing the events and positive aftermath of the (Star Fleet Designate) planet Avalon, a Class O world that had two unknown and hidden sentient, humanoid species called the Haik and the Tazu.
Our mission objective was to investigate why the Federation Oceanic Research Station based in the waters of the planet had become unresponsive to subspace communications.
What we discovered was, that the Haik people (the Tazu show up later) had taken the research station's scientists hostage as the physical components of the station itself, the hull specifically, were an environmental hazard, adversely affecting the local wild undersea life.
The Haik especially, viewed the station, the scientists and the Copernicus away teams as invaders and were not initially swayed by our efforts that we came in peace and desired to correct the problem we inadvertently created. Even though the Haik, and their leader Offfow exhibited near text book xenophobic attitudes, had the opportunity to kill us outright, but showed amazing restraint (and marksmanship) in merely disabling our devices.
Initial First Contact was with the Haik, and diplomatic parlay by Commander Azernal proved unsuccessful and we (the away team) had to take measures to protect ourselves from armed conflict initiated by the Haik.
It was then that the Tazu showed up and had a device that rendered our comms and weapons inert...frustrated at this, the Haik attacked us in melee fashion, with tridents and we were compelled to respond in kind....though whereas the Offfow intended on a lethal trident throw at the Tazu leader, the away team responded with just enough force to best the Haik, with no casualties to either groups (though some bruised or broken ribs experienced by the Haik), and a chagrinned Offfow who at the very least, gave a recalcitrant acceptance for us to proceed with the research stations removal.
An offer was made to move and leave the research station dry land as a diplomatic offering, but the Haik leader refused this and the Tazu leader agreed that it best to remove the station in its entirety from the planet. Which we have successfully completed with the exceptional work of the Copernicus' Engineering and support teams.
For what it's worth, Ah admire Commander Azernal's dedication to finding a peaceful resolution, even after being unfairly and physically provoked. And...Ah also would like to thank him for the mention of my 'skilled diplomatic parlay' to the Captain, but Ah can't say that there was any skilled involved...Ah either thought about the situation logically, or Ah was just winging it...maybe a bit of both.
Also, Ah have nothing but respect for Commander Boislevesque for keeping his wits about him when we were sitting fish and vulnerable during Team Two's deep water dive to the station, and leading us into the station itself.
Note to self: inquire about the hull breach on the Dysprosium, was it related to the Avalonian environment or something else?
Additional note: on next R&R, spend time in a desert environment.
End Log
Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks
Stardate 21506.16
Chief Medical Officers Log, Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks Stardate 21506.16
The department has worked well with other departments while en route to Avalon, an underwater research facility in the Theta Indi system.
Within the department we have prepared for any type of injury that could happen while we go underwater to check out the facility. I know there is some officers with apprehension about this kind of mission which is understandable as it isn't in our normal operations.
I arranged for some of the officers to refresh their training with the underwater breathers in the holodeck. I will update that report later.
With regards to the research facility we all hope that there has been a technical hitch and that is why the facility has gone quiet but deep down we all know that chances are it can't be good, however, we should always look to the positive.
The department itself has been relatively quiet apart from the usual accidents and the such like being reported in.
End Log.
Stardate 21507.03
Chief Medical Officers Log, Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks recording, Stardate 21507.03
The crew training I devised in the holodeck to check out the crew physicals for our underwater mission had good results.
The results from initial scans don't look as promising as first expected. The research station is on emergency power, way away from it's original place and there is no life signs.
This in itself could mean several things but at the moment, even through I am optimistic I believe we could be too late to save these poor people. I am assigned to the Away Team due to my help in training the officers to tackle this unusual mission instead of my medical abilities to help anyone alive.
There is always outside chance that someone has survived and if so could help us piece together what has happened, but all we can do is wait until we get there to assess the situation rather than working on guess work.
I have prepared Sickbay for the worst case scenario, hopefully this won't be the case.
End Log.
StarDate: 21512.29
Chief Medical Officers Log, Stardate 21512.29 Lieutenant Commander Brooks recording,
We have had an eventful mission.
From arriving at a planet that supposedly had no life.. turns out it had. I have had an interesting time with some of the crew but that will go in my personal log. In regards to Medical we have had to sort out and catalog a number of survivors from the Science station and several of our own crew had various injuries to deal with.
Korok was one such individual that has had some major surgery on his leg but he continually amazes me on how well he doing physically and mentally. Klingon's just seemed to go and go and go... even through I have told him to take it easy I suspect my advice will go not listened to like most officers on board but never mind.
I am sure the crew can't wait to get back and relax a bit I know I can't.
End Log.