Copernicus Mission 11: "Past, Present, Future"
Mission Summary
Following the Copernicus' mission to the Typhon Expanse, the ship receives a major refit with upgrades to its weapons, defensive and scientific systems, making it the most advanced Galactic Exploration Cruiser in the fleet. She and her crew are deployed on a mission with ships from the 4th Fleet to explore the Dalmatia system. This is the Copernicus' second fleet mission to the Dalmatia System, the first having occurred under the command of Captain Elisa Godard on Stardate 20512.22. The Copernicus, USS Philadelphia, the USS Sheridan and the USS Pegasus are each deployed to a different area of the star system and the Copernicus crew find themselves in a first contact mission on the planet Titian.
Titian, or Terranova as the inhabitants call it, is a largely water-based planet, and the inhabitants appear evolved from aquatic species. An away team is sent to meet the Terranovans. Cordial first contact then turns sour, as the Captain disappears during transport from the ship to the planet, his pattern simply lost from the pattern buffer. It soon emerges that the planet is inhabited by two species - a land based humanoid people (Terranovans) and an aquatic species, the Aquanovans, that live under the planet's vast oceans, and the Aquanovans are not happy at the arrival of the Federation...
Captain's Logs
Cdr Jaden Hawk
Stardate 21106.30
Captain's Log Stardate 21106.30
After four weeks, the Copernicus and crew are ready for our next mission. Considering the damage from our last mission and the upgrades from a major refit, I did not believe it was possible for the Copernicus to be ready so soon. I was wrong. The Engineers at Star Base Alpha, along with assistance from our own Engineering staff have done an excellent job.
Considering the new upgrades and refit, I would have liked to have had a shakedown cruise before taking on a mission, however, time does not allow for that. The Copernicus has been ordered to Star Base Charlie to meet up with elements of the Fourth Fleet for a joint mission. Other than that, I don't know where we are going or doing. I can only guess that it is something important since so much secrecy surrounds the mission.
We depart within the hour and I still have a few personnel matters to attend to, including naming a Chief of Security. After discussing with the First Officer, we both feel that we have discovered a perfect candidate to replace her former position.
End Log.
Stardate 21107.20
Captain's Log Stardate 21107.20
The mystery surrounding the Copernicus meeting at Star Base Charlie is over. Once we arrived, there were three other Federation starships there. The USS Pegasus, USS Sheridan and USS Philadelphia.
These ships Captains and First Officers were present at a meeting along with myself and my First Officer held by Commodore Dramar of the Fourth Fleet Science Division.
The four ships have been assigned to return to the Dalmatia system and continue exploration efforts of an previous expedition there. The Copernicus was one of those ships who were part of that first expedition five years ago.
We are all traveling to the system together and once there, each ship will begin an independent mission. The Copernicus has been tasked with exploring a Class O planet named Titan.
This planet has never been visited by a Federation vessel. A scout ship that first surveyed the system was able to get limited information about Titan. It appears that the planet has intelligent life and are in the early stages of warp capability.
This mission of exploration has great First Contact potential. My hope is that the inhabitants of this world are peaceful and will react favorably to our arrival. And are willing to allow us to explore their world while offering information about our ourselves.
A briefing of the senior staff will be held in a few hours. I am sure they will have many questions. But until we get there, I can only give them a limited sketching of what will find. All of our questions will have to wait to be answered until we get there.
End Log.
Stardate 21109.06
Captain’s Log Stardate 21109.06 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
The Copernicus and the rest of our small fleet arrived safely to the Dalmatia System. Our trip from Star Base Charlie was uneventful, however many departments were able to get familiar with the ship's recent upgrades. Considering our current mission, I am pleased to have had a refit.
We have broken away from the other ships and are en route to the planet Titan. The last time Star Fleet ships were sent here, the Class O planet was not explored. That task now falls to us.
There is little data regarding the planet, but we expect to find intelligent life and are tasked with making First Contact. I just hope they are a peaceful race.
End Log.
Stardate 21110.08
Captain’s Log Stardate 21110.08 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
We have arrived at the planet Star Fleet labeled Titan, however after making contact with planet's leader, we have learned they call it Terranova.
The inhabitants who call themselves Terra have welcomed us peacefully. They are industrially advanced society, who appear to have reached the first stages of warp capabilities.
Commander Fields is leading an advance Away Team to the planet to prepare for official diplomatic talks with the planet's Regent. The peaceful and friendly welcome we have thus far received has me optimistic about the success of our mission.
The scientific opportunities are enormous, not only due to the planet being Class O, but also in the fact that the Terra, who have the appearance of humans are at a stage in their evolution like that of Earth around the early 22nd century. It would seem that we have as much to learn from them as they from us.
Stardate 21201.11
Captain’s Log Stardate 21201.11 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
After a week, I have returned to full duty. We are currently en route back to Star Base Charlie. My injuries suffered at the hands of the Aquanovan known as Sharkus have fully healed. It is my belief that the Aquanovans themselves did not order my torture. Sharkus, seemed to be a mad, perverted individual.
Under the circumstances, I think we did the best we could with our mission. We did make First Contact and established some sort of diplomatic relations. However, in order to prevent violating the Prime Directive, we left before getting involved in an on world dispute between the Terra and Aquanovans.
Perhaps in time, the two peoples can resolve their dispute and we can return and continue to build on the ground work that was laid by us.
End Log.
Stardate 21202.01
Captain’s Log Stardate 21202.01 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
Once long range communication traffic was established, we received word that while we were still in the Dalmatia system, an unknown alien attack force came through the Warmhole near Star Base Charlie and completely destroyed the base, the population of Bajor and every living thing in the system. Sierra-18 has also been destroyed and much of the Third Fleet has been decimated.
Unfortunately, that is all the information we have been able to get so far. Hopefully as we get closer to Federation Space, more information will be forthcoming.
The only thing we know about these aliens is they have mother ships that split into thousands of tiny fragments or shards which cause enormous destruction.
We are currently at Red Alert and have changed course to Star Base Alpha. I had a meeting and informed the senior staff of these events, who in turn informed the rest of their departments.
The only bright spots in these grim events is that Sierra-18 was able to evacuate most of the station before it was destroyed and my best friend, Julia, Captain of the Yeager survived the attack and she and her ship are fine.
Once again, the Federation faces an unknown and dangerous future. I had hoped the last Romulan war would have been the last major conflict that I would have had to face in my career. Now it seems we are fighting for our very survival.
Cdr Jane Fields
Stardate 21201.01
Acting Captain's Log Stardate 21201.01 Commander Jane Fields Recording
The Captain is missing. I have assumed temporary command of the ship and Lieutenant Commander Brooks will step up to Acting First Officer.
I have just returned from our away team excursion to the planet Terranova. Myself, the Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Dys, Lieutenant Commander St Vrain also of Science, CMO Lieutenant Commander Brooks and COS Lieutenant Dixon initially beamed to planet. We were met by their Regent and his ministers. The first contact mission appeared to be going well. The Terras, though naturally nervous about our visit, were hospitable and seemed keen to share their culture and knowledge and learn from ours.
The Terras are bipedal humanoids who appear to be descended from aquatic lifeforms given their webbed hands – unsurprising given the planet is mainly water. Their technology appears to approximate that of Earth during early warp era. The architecture on the planet, at least the limited amount we saw, was somewhat reminiscent of Earth classical, ancient Greek style.
After the initial beam down and first contact had gone smoothly, the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Powell, and the Captain attempted to beam to the planet leaving the CTO, Lieutenant Commander Powl, in command of the ship. However, only Powell appeared on the surface after the transport. The Captain's pattern simply disappeared from the pattern buffer.
Though we have no way to confirm this, we strongly believe his transport was intercepted from the planet. Scans of the planet and surrounding space have initially yielded little information. Our suspicions were confirmed when a holographic message was transmitted to us directly in the Regent's office from another native species called the Aquanovans. This group are also humanoid, possessing visible gills, they apparently live beneath the oceans of the planet. The message threatened to attack both the Terras and the Copernicus unless we left the star system and the Terras dismantled their warp technology. The message ceased before any attempt at parley was possible.
Questioning of the Regent and his ministers revealed a previous war between the Terras and the Aquas, or Aquians, over 100 years ago, and that a truce existed which was partly dependent upon the Terras not developing space faring technology that could attract extra-terrestrial attention. The Aquas are isolationists and apparently no contact between the two sides has been made since the truce.
The Aquas' technology level is unknown and the ship sensors have so far been unable to penetrate the ocean surface. The Terras claim ignorance of the Aquas' level of development and yet fear they have superior technology. Certainly they must have if they did indeed intercept the Captain's transport.
This worries me especially. No ransom demand has been made and they have not attempted to use the Captain as a bargaining chip. It could mean of course that Hawk is dead – possibly through a bungled attempt to kidnap him. It is hard to see how they could safely interfere with the transporter having no experience of this technology.
And yet... I must believe he is down there on the planet, somewhere. I do not intend to leave without him. I have faith in my crew to locate and extract Hawk successfully.... my only hope is that it is alive not dead.
End log.
Stardate 21201.10
Acting Captain's Log Stardate 21201.10 Commander Jane Fields Recording:
We are currently in a stand-off with the Aquanovans. They have ordered us to leave the system in one hour or they will launch an attack on the Copernicus.
The Aquas will not engage in dialogue with us, but in a recent transmission they claim the Captain is indeed dead - a botched attempt to intercept his transport. Though this confirms my worst fears, I have decided not to believe the veracity of the message... Instead I have attempted to, to use a poker term, call their bluff.
Our sensors have identified the location under the ocean of the Aquas - a faint tachyon residue betraying them. I have ordered a weapons lock on this location and transmitted an ultimatum that we will attack if the Captain is not returned alive in one hour.
I am hoping that this threat, along with that of war with the Federation, will encourage them to return him. If indeed they seek isolation, then they have nothing to gain from courting war with us. I made this very clear in my ultimatum.
In the meantime our Science and Engineering team are working frantically to get a sensor lock on the Aquas' location so that we can beam the Captain back.
However, the clock is ticking...
End log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Jane Fields
Stardate 21110.08
Personal Log, Stardate 21110.08. First Officer, Commander Jane Fields recording:
It's been a long time since my last log entry... I suppose I should start with the current mission... although there are some changes of personnel to note also....
This mission has certainly had a more auspicious start than many of our previous ones. I was pleased to welcome back a prodigal son before we departed starbase. Lieutenant Tom Dixon arrived back having been on specialist Security training, and missing the previous mission in the Typhon Expanse. His return was well timed as we required a permanent replacement for me as Chief of Security, R'Minn having moved on after a brief stay as acting COS during the Expanse mission. Dixon is an excellent officer and I must say I feel some pride that a prodigy has taken my position.
The new Captain and I seem to have formed a good working partnership. I still don't feel I know enough about Hawk, about the person behind the uniform. I guess only time will change that. The crew are working well together under the new leadership.
The current mission... we, the Philadelphia, the Pegasus and the Sheridan are tasked with exploring an unusual star system near Cardassian space. The Dalmatia system has only once been explored by Star Fleet previously, funnily enough in a previous mission by the Copernicus, Titan and Yeager. Though this was before my time, Sring and Darok were aboard the ship then.
There are an extraordinary number of planets in this star system - about 100, and a number that harbour life it seems... sentient life too. Each ship in the flotilla has a different planet to explore and so we're effectively on our own... much how I prefer it to be. The Copernicus has been sent to a planet Star Fleet have called 'Titan'.
The briefing Hawk and I attended on Starbase Charlie suggested first contact was to be made at Titan, though gave no details of life on the planet. I must say the briefing was less than ideal and annoyed me greatly. Sometimes I wonder if Star Fleet Command want us to stumble blindly into every mission.
After an uneventful journey, which is to be thankful for given the passage through Cardassian space, we arrived at our destination. The arrival coincided with our Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Commander St. Vrain, resigning as Department Head. She wishes to devote herself entirely to research. Though I am disappointed to lose her in that role, her experience and knowledge will continue to serve us well as an officer and researcher. Alora Dys will be a highly able and dynamic replacement. We are lucky to have an outstanding Science department in no small measure down to both women.
It turns out that the planet Titan, though mainly water, is indeed inhabited by a civilisation approximating Earth development during Cochrane's time, a parallel reinforced by their recent discovery of warp. The locals call themselves Terras and their planet Terranova. They claim to be peaceful. Commander Hawk has asked me to lead an away team to the planet. I hope that the Terras live up to their word as peaceful. I feel there is much that we can learn from this encounter from the science and anthropology side, as well... perhaps... as from a personal point of view.
End log.
Stardate 21202.11
Personal Log Stardate 21202.11 First Officer, Commander Jane Fields Recording:
To my immense relief, the Captain has been retrieved from the planet and we're heading home.
Our sensors were at first unable to penetrate the Novan oceans and the location of the Aquas. However, we did detect a faint tachyon signature and it seems that the Aquas have been utilising abandoned, ancient Iconian technology. This itself seems likely to have permitted them to intercept the Captain's transport.
The Science team of Dys, St Vrain and Sring, along with Engineering, were able to fine tune our sensors using the Pabst-Kromanhock-Abaa correction algorithm provided by Sring. I thought that her knowledge of the past mission to this system would prove valuable and so it turned out.
We were able to get a lock on one human life form, weak, and though the transport had only around an eighty-seven percent chance of success it was a risk we had to take. I'm pleased to say, our gambles today have paid off.
The Captain was in a poor physical state when we extracted him. Several hours surgery were necessary to repair the damage of torture. There seems to have been little behind this wilful act save for pure sadism. It does not reflect well on the Aquanovans.
There is a sense of anger among the crew that the Aquas got away with this unprovoked aggression without punishment... However, I did perhaps permit us some act of defiance... I ordered the transmission of our cultural and historic database to the Terrnovans before we warped clear of the planet. This will, no doubt, be of great interest to their academics and potentially some practical benefit. I hope they use the information well.
I must commend the actions of my crew through all of this. They handled themselves impeccably in their diplomatic relations on the planet and then showed the ingenuity and tenacity I have come to expect of them to retrieve the Captain. Particularly noteworthy are St Vrain, Dys and Powell's actions in identifying the Captain's location and beaming him back safely; Commander Powl's diligence in charge of the ship while I was on the planet initially; Lieutenant Komar's actions at the helm which showed a cool head at times of crisis. In addition, Commander Brooks displayed initiative as Acting First Officer during the Captain's disappearance, not to mention fine surgeon skills to save the Captain's life.
We are now heading home via Starbase Charlie. All of us could do with some shore leave after the tension of the mission. I must confess that I do have some concerns about Commander Hawk. The mental scars of his experience at the hands of the Aquanovans are likely to take a while to heal. The torture he was forced to endure was physically and psychologically traumatising. I have asked the CMO to keep a close eye on him, though currently he shows no outward signs of mental strain. I'll be happier when he has a chance for a full psych exam back at starbase.
End log.
CMO LCdr Daniel Brooks
Stardust 21109.06
Chief Medical Officer's Log, Stardate 21109.06, Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks recording:
We are currently arriving with several other Starfleet ships to investigate the Dalmatia System to which the Copernicus is tasked to an Class O planet that has not been explored.
While on route we have managed to sort out our new equipment and upgrades in time in sickbay. There is several new faces in my department, to which I am getting use to. The fact that Doctor Korbel was re-called to Starfleet Medical was one of those orders that couldn't be helped. A new doctor, Doctor Cord was sent in to replace Korbel. Her expertise will benefit the department in the long run and she seems to have settled in rather well.
End Log.
Stardate 21110.12
Personal Log, Stardate 21110.12, Lt.Cdr Daniel Brooks recording,
We are now in orbit around the planet Terranova. Fields has asked me to send Doctor Cord as she has the right knowledge needed for the away team. However, Cord is very snowed under in sickbay and for her to inform me of all the patients she is dealing with could take a while so I opted to go instead on the away team.
I will update log later when I have more information.
End Log.
Stardate 21201.16
Acting First Officer Log,Stardate 21201.16 Lieutenant Commander Brooks recording.
Having beamed down to Terranova the inhabitants were very welcoming and friendly. It was quickly discussed about us all taking a tour of the places relative to our professions that we hold in Starfleet.
I was sent to take a look at their medical technology. Once I had arrived a Terranovan called Bank'i informed me that their species have two hearts and took me to watch a very rare heart replacement operation. It was during this I was recalled to the Regent's office as it turns out that the Captain and Mr Powell had beamed down together but the Captain had gone missing during transport.
This being highly out of the ordinary we were all very aware of what could have happened. It wasn't long before a message was sent to the Regent's office before the rest of us had arrived from the Aquanovans basically threating us if we didn't leave then they would attack the Terranovas and the Copernicus.
Commander Fields after discussing what to do next decided to return to the Copernicus in a shuttle to be on the safe side. Once we arrived back she assumed the position of Acting Commanding Officer and myself as Acting First Officer. The Aquanovans are trying to tell us that the Captain had died during transport, however, our systems and engineering are telling us the opposite. Either way we need to know if the Captain is alive or dead. I am sure that Commander Fields and myself along with the rest of the crew will not leave until under we checked this out and are well and truly satisfied with our answers.
End Log.
Stardate 21202.03
Chief Medical Officer Log, Stardate 21202.03 Lieutenant Commander Brooks recording.
I have left the Bridge to assist in the recovery of the Captain.
We have received the Captain back with a bit of a struggle. I had to remove the Captain's spleen because it was hemorrhaging badly which went well.
Due to the nature of the Captain's injuries I can not go into any more detail. Only that even some parts of his medical file I have classified for a Captain upwards access only if it is ever needed for future reference .
The Captain recovery is speedy. Which is good, I will be able to let him loose on the rest of the crew soon enough. However, Mr Hawk having been a CMO will know ways around the system I am sure.
End Log.
Mid Adam Cross
Stardate 21109.06
Personal Log, Stardate 21109.06, Midshipman Adam Cross Recording:
It has been a new and exciting experience finally being onboard a ship out on assignment. Life at the academy, while bringing its own challenges and rewards, was becoming to confining at the end. I had begun to desire something new, something out in the stars. I got that wish.
I find that I’ve adapted to life on the Copernicus quickly, falling into a new familiar routine of gym time and duty with a little ‘me’ time as my mom would call it wherever I can. Autumn seems to have grown to like it in our new quarters as well, but she was always easy going as long as she had food and her litter box.
Both my new CO and Department Head seem quite competent, the Chief of Security with seemingly similar mannerisms as I have and the Captain exuding a confidence would wants to see in a leader. I think serving on this ship, though she is a science vessel, will be a good beneficial experience and hopefully will allow for growth in my career.
I find it ironic that our mission, my first, is aimed at an aquatic planet. Mom would have said I would fit right in. Dad just chuckled when he heard it last we talked. Reminded me to bring my floaters which earned him a nasty look. While I am hopeful I can go to the surface, I wouldn’t be so surprised if I get passed up for a more experienced officer. I am just the new guy. I hope that ends soon.
End log.
CSO Lt Alora Dys
Stardate 21109.05
Personal Log, Stardate 21109.05, Lieutenant Alora Dys recording:
It has been a busy several weeks for me in preparation for the Dalmatia System’s Class O planet ‘Titan’; as I have been made the Cop’s Science Pod commander…which may necessitate a planet fall with the pod. I am looking forward to the potential opportunity; to really show what I can do...and to be one of the first explorers of this particular unknown celestial body.
I’ve also been keeping up my hand-to-hand skills and have been pouring over the Copernicus schematics…I’ve seem to come to a desire to learn everything I can about the Darwin class GEC…again partially to continue to show my worth, both to Jane and Commander Hawk…maybe in spite of Hawk; I still have resentments over his decision to parley with the Romulan ship, Talon, during our previous mission. I will endeavor to ‘get over it’.
Haven’t had much time to socialize, still haven’t had our dinner date with Tom…but mission preps are like that. Hopefully our schedules will mesh soon…and I haven’t seen much of Jane either…a First Officer’s job keeps one extraordinarily busy. Sring has been busy also, particularly in checking, double checking and triple checking the new sensor system updates; which all appear to be working quite well and as expected. The new mold colony life form has become a pet project with Sring, establishing a basic communication and dialog…quite fascinating stuff.
In light of the water world mission, I have been physically pushing myself in the swimming department, and working on holding my breath for extended periods…one just never knows. As a curiosity, Mid Cross (Tom’s new Middy) loves to use the single-lap pool…me…I prefer the regulation length…freedom.
End Log
Stardate 21110.09
Personal Log, Stardate 21110.09, Lieutenant Alora Dys recording:
It is an exciting time for me; I have been promoted to the Cop’s Chief Science Officer as Commander St. Vrain has stepped down to devote time to research.
Additionally, St. Vrain and I have been selected from Commander Fields as part of the away team (representing Science) to the Dalmatia system planet, ‘Terranova’ as called by the inhabitants (formerly ‘Titan’ in Star Fleet records).
Terranova is a class O world with an apparent Cochrane warp 1 tech level…the people by all initial scans appear human…it’s a bit like a reenactment of Earth’s latter 21st century.
While I am looking forward to the beam down…getting to know my department in detail will need to wait.
End Log
LCdr Elspeth St. Vrain
Stardate 21109.07
Chief Science Officer's log, Stardate 21109.7. LCdr Elspeth St.Vrain recording.
After much consideration and sole searching, I have decided to resign as Chief Scienc Officer. Alora Dys is available to take over the duties of that office and I will be happy to assist her in the transition. I have discussed this with the FO and she supports my decision. I am finding that I am not doing the basic research that has been my passion due to the demands of being in a supervisory postition. So, I am going to submit my resignation to the Captain. I am looking forward to being able to concentrate on research again. End Log.
Stardate 21110.08
Personal log, Stardate 21110.08, Lt.Cdr. Elspeth St. Vrain recording.
Well, it's done. I officially resigned my commission and the Captain has placed Alora Dys in the CSO spot. Not a bad decision, one I endorsed. Knowing that she shares the same abilities as Gloria Dys, I'm sure she will make much of this opportunity. I am happy to have more time for research. That is what I tell myself anyway. It has been harder to give up the habit of command than I would have thought.
We will be making contact with the inhabitants of Terranova, ne Titan in the next day or so. I hope to be given a spot on any away team that is assembled. This is a unigue opportunity to study a new planetary ecosystem. Our last visit to a water world did not go very well and there was not much time for science on that trip. I have hopes this will be different. The new underwater scensor module should be a great help. Already we are getting some information about the contours of the parts of the planet covered by water. As we get closer, I am hoping to be able to detect some larger aquatic life forms and to see if this current population or a previous one, has made use of the underwater environment for living or farming. This is the part of Star Fleet that I joined for. I hope not to give it up.
I will have much more to enter after first contact, especially if I am selected for the away team that I am sure will be formed.
End log.
CE LCdr Peter Powell
Stardust 21109.30
Chief Engineering officer's report, Stardate 21109.30.
I will admit that it has been a while since I have been able to post a report, I know that I will be penalised for that, but it's not like I have been sitting on my bum doing nothing.
Following the end of the R&R that I had taken with Daniel Brooks, which was very nice and peacful, well apart from the incident that happened, (but I am not going to divulge it here), I returned to the ship and found that there was still some of the upgrade that needed to be done, so utilising the ships engineering people as well as the StarBase's engineers we managed to finish the installation, what made me slightly annoyed, but it is understandable was the fact that I had to sign off every upgrade and change that the ship had done.
We had only really managed to get everything done, before we were ordered to ship out, I was hoping that we would be able to have a small shack down cruise, especiall with the new bits of technology, but the powers that be, had deemed that, that would be a no no and we were ordered to head for StarBase Charlie, where following a meeting that the Captain and First officer, we were informed that the ship was being sent to the Dalmatia System along with two other Federation starship, where we will seperate and head for our primary location a planet called 'Titan'.
During our trip to the Dalmatia system, Lt Perim seemed to have an accident, while assisting Ensign Crab in fixing an engineering console, she was rushed to sickbay where she went under investigation to find out what went wrong. I have suggested the Lt Perim have some down time, so that she is fit when she returns.
I will update with another report when I find out more about Lt Perim's condition and also when more mission information becomes available.
End log.
Stardate 21202.11
Chief Engineering officer's Log: Stardate 21202.11
Lieutenant Commander Peter Powell reporting.
Looks like this mission is now finally over, the incident that put Lt Perim in sickbay was it seemed to be a small illness that she some how contracted, but thanks to our excelent work by the ships medical team, she has managed to make a full recovery, about 50% of the engineering staff had to be given a drug that sorted out any issue that we might have gotten from the bug which infected her, so we could carry on as normal.
The mission itself was going very well indeed as far as I could indicate, from what I could find out the initial away team of Commander Field's, Doc Brooks, Lieutenant Dixon and Lieutenant Dys managed to start first contact procedures and were getting on well with the planets inhabitance, but things like always seem to go down hill.
The Captain was asked to beam down to the planet to meet the Regent, there version of a President, and I was to accompany the Captain to the surface, will here is where it managed to go so far south that it would have fallen off, of a square planet, I arrived at the beam in site as I should off, however the Captain didn't arrive.
Following a conversation with the transporter room and it's technician, they could explain what had happened, so they communicated with the bridge that there was an issue and that the Captain hadn't arrived at his destination, they were told to do a complete diagnostic on the transporter which they did twice, at different levels and they found that there was nothing wrong with the transporter at all.
For me, down on the planet, I made contact with Commander Fields and told her of that the Captain had gone mission, both of us then returned to the Regent's office to find out any more information and to see if they know anything about what might off caused this issue, while we were there , we had a surprising visitor in the form of a holographic image, it was a representative from another race that lived on the planet, they called themselves Aquanovans and they had threatened to destroy the ship, if we didn't leave the planet, we were not sure if these new lifeforms had anything to do with the Captain's disappearance and according to the Terranovans they had no way of contacting these other life forms, I knew that unless there was any real proof that the ship would be destroyed, Commander Fields wouldn't be going anywhere without finding the Captain.
Given the state of things I advised Commander Fields that he place was on the bridge of the Copernicus, being the fact that she was now the acting commanding officer, we all returned to the ship via shuttlecraft, as at this time we were still unsure about the transporter issue was fixed or not.
Back onboard I returned to engineering where in consultation with the science department, we managed to detect a jammiing signal and we were attempting to penetrate it, at the same time we also detected tachyons.
It seemed that the technology that was being used or the jamming signal technology was of Iconian origin, this gave me even more to think about, we knew that the Iconian empire was big, but we never considered that it would have stretched this far out, but there was one found in the Gamma quadrant, so suppose it wasn't so far fetched.
Ensign Crab was able to come up with an idea of boosting the sensors in order to be able to scan beyond the jamming signal, the modifications worked as we were able to pick up a humanoid life sign , which was hopefully the Captain, however we were not able to identify if it was him or not.
Commander St. Vrain arrived to assist, she had an idea about using three modified probe that we could use to enhance the transporter sensors, it would have been a good thing, the only thing which I was slightly concerned about was that these Aquanovan's might have detected the probes and might have had the ability to destroy the probes and that would have alerted them to our rescue plan, but thankfully with the new sensors and the additional information that Crab had inputted, we were able to beam the humanoid life form off the planet and thankfully it was the Captain.
I was able to keep an eye on the Captain condition after his return and it looks like that someone on that planet had tortured him, I don't know exactly how, but just the thought of it make my blood boil.
On a personal note, I am going to be keeping a slightly low profile on our way back, unless I have to, as I am feeling responsible for not putting into place a procedure that might of saved the Captain from going thought what he went thought. I know that I am probably being silly and I will be told that there was no way of me even contemplating that something like this might happen, but I still feel like it was my fault.
End log