Copernicus Mission 10: "Ghosts"
Mission outline
The Copernicus becomes the first Star Fleet vessel since the Enterprise-D to be sent on a mission to explore the Typhon Expanse and gather as much scientific data as possible within a period of three-months. Having arrived in the Expanse, long-range communications are lost due to the peculiar properties of this region of space. After a few uneventful days, strange sightings of ghost-like images of Romulans and Star Fleet personal in old-style uniforms are reported across the ship. Then a phantom Romulan ship, RIS Talon, appears and disappears just as quickly when on a collision course with the Copernicus. When it reappears some time later and fires on the Copernicus, the crew are faced with a 32-year old Warbird whose officers believe they are still at war with the Federation...
Captain's Logs
Cdr Jaden Hawk
Stardate 21010.04
Captain’s Log Stardate 21010.04 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
This is my first log as master of this vessel. I only arrived onboard a few hours ago and I’m already impressed with the ship and her crew.
The Copernicus is a fine ship with an impressive linage. Although my appointment as Commanding Officer caught me off-guard, I am settling into the position. I am happy to be reunited with my former Commanding Officer aboard the Dauntless and Pulsar, Admiral Wueste. I could not ask to serve under a better Fleet Commander than Admiral Wueste and there is no doubt, I am here at his recommendation.
We launch within the next forty-eight hours for the Typhon Expanse. Our mission is you explore and conduct scientific studies of the expanse. We will be the first Star Fleet vessel to visit the Expanse since the incident with the Enterprise-D, almost thirty years ago.
This will truly be a venture into the unknown as we are tasked with trekking deeper into the expanse than anyone ever has. Once inside, we will be without long-range communications. Considering what little data there is about the expanse, I am privately concerned of what unforeseen dangers await us. It is my hope that I wasn’t selected for this command because Star Fleet considers me expendable.
Also, I have learned that I may not have my First Officer, Commander Dys for this mission. Command is keeping her back on Star Base Alpha for reasons that are not very clear to me. However, she may be joining us before we enter the expanse. I may delay entering the expanse a few days once we arrive there, if Commander Dys will be able to rendezvous with us.
Until then, the Copernicus’s Second Officer, Commander Fields will serve as Acting First Officer. She seems very capable, so I do not anticipate issues on that front.
In the morning, I look forward to taking a ship-wide tour and meeting the rest of the crew and senior officers. I think most of them were caught off-guard by Captain Stewart’s reassignment and my appointment to replace him. I don’t expect them to just give me their trust and respect, I intend to earn it.
End log.
Stardate 21011.21
Captain’s Log Stardate 21011.21 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
After a minor fire in engineering, the Copernicus has finally arrived at the edge of the Typhon Expanse. While en route, I learned that my First Officer, Commander Dys has been reassigned with no expectation of returning to the Copernicus. Therefore, I offered the position of First Officer to Chief of Security, Commander Fields.
I felt it necessary to have a permanent replacement in place before entering the Expanse. Commander Fields has been acting as First Officer. She is not only more than qualified for the position and she knows the crew and ship.
It is my hope that these sudden major command changes do not have a negative effect on the crew. However, from my brief experience and reading their past performance, I doubt it will. The Copernicus crew seems prepared to handle any changes, challenges or obstacles that are placed upon them.
Soon, we will enter the Expanse, the unknown. We will be on our own. If anything goes wrong or we get into trouble, we will have no one but ourselves to get us out of it. In many ways, it reminds me of the early days of Star Fleet. Archer, April, Kirk, these are the captains of early exploration. May fortune smile upon us.
End log.
Stardate 21101.14
Captain’s Log Stardate 21101.14 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
Our foray into the Typhon Expanse has been a deadly one so far. After three days in the Expanse, reports started coming in from different areas of the ship of crewmembers seeing Star Fleet and Romualn personnel that simply appeared and disappeared. Ship sensors picked up similar ghosts in the space around us. It appears the Expanse is full of temporal anomalies.
Unfortunately one of these ghosts, proved to be anything but. It was a Romulan Warbird, some thirty years from our past. It attacked us and somehow their boarding parties made it onboard.
They tried to capture the Copernicus and nearly succeeded, however after I set the auto-destruct, they quickly retreated and have not been seen since. Unfortunately, we have had causalities and minor damage.
The Romulan ship, the RIS Talon is not of our time, it is from the past, somehow it has found its way to us and under the impression that the Star Empire and the Federation are still at war.
I doubt we have seen the last of them; I must somehow convince the Romulan Commander that they have traveled into the future and that in this time, we are not at war any longer. If I cannot, then we must destroy them.
I could order us back out of the Expanse, but I doubt we could make it out before the Talon returns, and if it is here in our time, then it must be stopped one way or another from preventing further attacks on Federation vessels. This ship out of time could inadvertently start a new war between our two peoples.
I have scheduled a meeting with my Senior Staff to get a report and update on the situation from our encounter with the Talon. I hope that more information will be provided to me then.
End Log.
Stardate 21103.26
Captain’s Log Stardate 21103.26 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
As hoped my meeting with members of my senior staff answered some questions but unfortunately raised new ones. It seems that we have encountered a Federation Officer out of time.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Lucille Fowler, Chief Tactical Officer, USS Van Leeuwenhoek was brought to the meeting by Lieutenant Dys. This officer calmed to have been trapped in the Typhon Expanse over one hundred years ago along with her ship and crew. I have no evidence as of yet to confirm this, however, I doubt she is from our present, and have my reservations that she is even from our timeline, she could be from some sort of alternate universe.
She has provided insight as to the effects caused by the Typhon Expanse, and I now believe that the incident that the Enterprise D experienced was not an aberration but the result of unstable temporal distortions. It looks like there is good reason why the Expanse has been off limits for the past 30 years and if the Copernicus ever makes it out of here, my recommendation will be that it permanently stays that way.
Lieutenant Fowler claims the Van Leeuwenhoek was attacked and ultimately destroyed by the RIS Talon, the Romulan Warbird now stalking us. Fowler it seems is caught in a temporal time loop, much like the Enterprise D. For all I know, we are in a similar loop.
I had Lieutenant Dys take Fowler to Sickbay as she started to phase in and out, I am not sure we can do anything for her but, I ordered Dys to get as much information from her as possible before we lose her completely.
From a Tactical perspective, even though the Warbird is 30 years old, I do not believe we could win a head-to-head battle. Commanders Powl and Powell believe they can construct a torpedo that can track and hone in on the cloaked Warbird. It is my hope to attack the Romulans while their shields are down and do as much damage as possible forcing them into surrender. Then perhaps I can convince the Romulan commander that we need to work together to find a solution out of the Expanse.
We have sustained several casualties, including the Acting Chief of Security. I have appointed Lieutenant R’Minn as the current Acting Chief of Security.
We are now in a waiting game, hoping the Romualn’s do not attack until the special torpedo can be constructed. I hate waiting.
End Log.
Stardate 21103.27
Captain’s Log Stardate 21103.27 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
A temporal matrix of some sort emanating from the Warbird threatened to engulf the Copernicus, I ordered the special torpedo to be fired at the Warbird, and in addition, on advice from the Science Department I ejected the auxiliary warp core in order to detonate it hoping to stop the temporal matrix.
We scored a direct hit on the Warbird, and before I could order the warp core detonated, we received a hail from the Romulan Commander asking for terms of surrender.
I have agreed, with protest from my First Officer and Acting Chief of Security to meet with the Romulan Commander aboard their vessel. It is my hope that we can stop our hostilities and work together to solve the mysteries of the Expanse.
I have ordered Commander Fields to detonate the warp core should anything had to me while on the Romulan vessel. I will be going over on a shuttle accompanied by Lieutenants Dys and R’Minn.
While this is dangerous and a possible trap, I see no other way to find a peaceful outcome and get us out of the Expanse safely.
End Log.
Stardate 21103.27
Captain’s Log Stardate 21103.27 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
The Copernicus has emerged from the Typhon Expanse after two mouths and two weeks from when we first entered.
The last three hours have been a little hard to comprehend, my meeting with the Romulan commander aboard their vessel, the Talon didn't go well. My efforts to reason with him were in vain. He only wanted us to help them start up a Federation warp core they had stolen from another ship, presumably the USS Van Leeuwenhoek.
When I refused, the Talon attacked the Copernicus. One hell of a battle ensued. Lieutenants Dys and R'Minn and I were able to escape off the Talon and back to our shuttle craft.
Just when it appeared that the Copernicus would be destroyed by the Talon, the USS Van Leeuwenhoek out of a temporal vortex and began attacking the Talon.
What happened next is being debated by the Science Department. It is believed that phaser fire from one of our vessels hit the auxiliary warp core that I had ordered ejected. The explosion hurled the Copernicus out of the Expanse, to almost the exact location that we entered, some two mouths and two weeks ago.
I don't know what happened to the Talon or Van Leeuwenhoek. They could have been destroyed. My First Officer suggested that the two vessels maybe locked into some temporal loop in which they are spending eternity fighting each other. A hell that I do not wish on anyone.
After emerging from the Expanse most systems were offline including life support for a brief period. The crew is working very hard to restore vital systems. We have received heavy damage and will be another few hours before we can attempt to head for home.
Communications are still offline. I am sure Star Base Alpha has been trying to contact us since we are two weeks past our check in time. I am not sure Star Fleet Command is going to fully understand what's happened here.
We have incurred 48 deaths and many more injured, not to mention the heavy damage. So much for an easy first command. Once Star Fleet sees what the Copernicus looks like when we get back, it just might be my last.
End log
Stardate 21106.7
Captain’s Log Supplemental Stardate 21106.7 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
Four hours after coming out of the Expanse, Copernicus is on our way home. Commander Powell and his engineering staff has managed warp 3, with a promise of possibly more.
Communications have been restored and Star Base Alpha has been informed we are still alive and heading home with substantial damage.
The long journey home will give me a chance to catch up on over two months worth of news and information that we are now receiving since communications have been restored.
Before leaving the Expanse, I ordered a warning beacon be deployed warning other vessels not to enter the Expanse. My final report to Star Fleet Command and the Science Institute will be to permanently make the Typhon Expanse off limits. It's temporal instability poses a danger to any ship entering it.
The Science Department is analyzing and cataloging all information we gathered during our time in the Expanse, including an interesting log buoy that we discovered before we departed for home. I look forward to finding out more about it.
Repairs and clean up will continue as we head home, if nothing us it will give the crew something to do. However, major repairs will have to be completed in the shipyard, including damage to our port nacelle. Since reestablishing communications, a number of promotions and medals have been issued from Command Personnel. I think it would be good for crew morale to hold a ceremony as we trek home.
After its all said and done, my hope is that the information we gathered and the experiences we went through did some good. Copernicus has paid dearly for this costly exploration mission.
End log
Stardate 21106.20
Captain’s Final Mission Log Stardate 21106.20 Commander Jaden Hawk Recording:
We have finally made it to Star Base Alpha. The trip home has been long and uneventful. Although the Engineering staff has done an excellent job of making repairs it could, the Copernicus will require extensive repairs that can only be accomplished by a shipyard.
The promotion and medal ceremony we held a few weeks ago seemed to boost morale although I think most of the crew is just happy to have made it back alive. They've certainly earned this shore leave.
I have completed 48 letters of condolences to the families of the crewmenbers that were lost during this mission. I feel a personally responsibility for their loss, however, I believe under the circumstance my actions saved many lives and this ship. Still, as a physician who knows not every patient can be saved, I must accept as a Captain of a starship that losing personnel is always a possibility.
Base Command has informed me that Admiral Wueste is away and that I am to report Admiral Christophes who is Acting for him. I know nothing about the Admiral except that he is the Commanding Officer of USS Exeter. Even though it has been two months, I am still putting the final touches on my final report of this mission. I am sure Command will have lots of questions.
Despite the damage and the loss of life, my first mission as the Commanding Officer of this vessel, I would consider a success. We obtained the data that the Science Institute and Star Fleet wanted, but more importantly, I think we have solved some of the mysteries of the Typhon Expanse. And proved once and for all, it is a dangerous place and should be off limits to all who would enter.
End Log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
LCdr Jane Fields
Stardate 21101.22
Personal Log, Stardate 21101.22. First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Jane Fields recording:
The mission did not have an auspicious start and this appears to have been a portent of what was to come.
At Star Base Alpha we received the news that Captain Stewart was not returning and his replacement as Commanding Officer was Jaden Hawk. This was something of a surprise though not entirely, as we knew that Stewart had been called away to Vulcan during shore leave, though why was a mystery. Gloria Dys was temporarily detained at star base, unable to join the mission as Star Fleet wanted again to 'debrief' her about Helven VI and her ordeal at the hands of the Orion Syndicate. I was made Acting First Officer but once we left port, we received orders that Gloria had been relieved of her position as First Officer and reassigned.
It was a double blow for the crew to lose both commanding officers, and at the time when we were embarking on a mission to the Typhon Expanse, an infamous and enigmatic sector of space that had been unexplored since the famous Enterprise D encounter with the Bozeman when both ships were stuck in a temporal loop.
Commander Hawk asked me to the take the position of First Officer permanently and after some soul searching I accepted, partly because of the support and encouragement of both Alora Dys and Gloria (the latter through a sub-space recorded message). Indeed, I learned in Gloria's message that she had resigned her commission, and that she was now with Lee Ander. She seemed happy, but I wonder what she will do with herself in the future...
I think my appointment as First Officer was received well enough by the crew, though I'm slightly concerned that the CEO is worried about the change-over of both commanding officers at one time. I have faith that he, as all the crew, is more than capable in dealing with what the mission has to throw at us.
Indeed, the challenge has been great.
End personal log.
Stardate 21101.22
Start First Officer's log, Stardate 21101.22, Lieutenant Commander Jane Fields recording:
We find ourselves caught up in some temporal disturbance that may partly be caused by the unusual star configuration of the Typhon Expanse.
The first indication something was wrong was the appearance of a Nausicaan intruder in the Main Science lab, but he disappeared into thin air, as did a female Star Fleet Officer, in an antiquated uniform from about 30 years past, seen in Engineering. It turned out this was just the beginning.
On the Bridge we detected a ship out of nowhere on a collision course. Simultaneously a plasma torpedo was launched at us. As the Copernicus took evasive manoeuvres these hazards disappeared, just as had the intruders. We determined that the phantom ship was a Romulan D'deridex class vessel - obsolete for some 30 years.
It is now clear that our transit across the Expanse has taken us through some disturbance of space-time and we appear to be navigating temporal eddies.
We soon encountered the phantom Romulan ship again and were boarded. The Romulans have been affected physiologically either by their time trapped in the Expanse or through their ship's leaking singularity drive, and they were able to walk through bulkheads and forcefields. We could not reason with the intruders who wanted control of the ship, and they began a disruptor killing spree on the Bridge.
Meanwhile another group of Romulans appeared on Deck 2 alongside two Star Fleet officers in uniforms dating from 30 years ago. In the resulting firefight several plasma grenades exploded, killing one of the time-trapped Star Fleet officers but fortunately none of our own crew.
The Captain initiated the ship's self-destruct sequence just as several Security teams arrived on the Bridge to deal with the intruders. Faced with this the Romulans transported back to their ship which cloaked and retreated. However, we are currently able to track their position through their ship's leaking singularity drive.
During the Romulan encounter an out-of-time Star Fleet officer called Lieutenant Lucille Fowler appeared in Science, apparently displaced by around some 100 years. She is being brought to the Observation Lounge and perhaps we can get some useful information from her. Still, our Science team have uncovered a great deal already. I suspect that somehow the Romulan ship's flawed singularity drive may be acting either as a catalyst or conductor of the temporal eddies, but this remains to be seen.
Foremost in my thoughts now is to prevent another repeat of the hostile boarding and any more needless deaths on the crew. The Copernicus is no match for the Romulan ship in a straight fight. We must use our ingenuity or diplomacy to get through this.
End log
Stardate 21102.17
First Officer's Log, Stardate 21102.17 Lieutenant Commander Jane Fields recording:
The Romulan warbird has appeared under cloak and is sat, ominously poised, astern of the ship. We have detected her presence through their ship's leaking singularity drive.
Engineering and Tactical are making final preparations and we will be ready when she decloaks. I do not think the Romulans realise we have detected them. And so we wait...
Science has discovered that there is a wormhole at the centre of the temporal disturbance in the Expanse. Where this terminates is of course unknown and we must be careful to avoid it.
Lieutenant Fowler turns out to be a Chief Tactical Officer from the USS Van Leeuwenhoek, a ship sent on a special mission into the Expanse over 100 years ago. The Lieutenant appears to have been trapped in a temporal loop all this time. She was found to be suffering from some form of temporal dislocation syndrome with her body in danger of rejecting this timeframe. Of course Lieutenant Sring's brilliance in temporal studies is I think unsurpassed. Having recovered from her injury after the tussle with the Romulans on the Bridge earlier, the Science officer used the temporal apparatus that she had developed for Commander Dys to stabilise Fowler. It seems the time-displaced Lieutenant is now 'in tune' with our time frame.
We suspect the Romulans are suffering from the same temporal dislocation syndrome. We may be able to modify Sring's technique to help them, but that of course requires them to engage in diplomacy... and we suspect they will only do this if forced...
End log
CMO LCdr Daniel Brooks
Stardate 21102.10
Chief Medical Officer's Log, Stardate 21102.10 Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks recording:
It has been a while since my last log. We have a new Commanding Officer Jaden Hawk. I have been assigned as Second Officer and Commander Fields as First Officer upon the leaving of Gloria Dys and Stovon Stewart.
The honor of being offered Second Officer has been a major turning point for me but I will say more in my personal log.
So far in Sickbay we have had a birth of a baby boy by a Midshipman Haron and his wife which brought some excitement. However, while all this was going on we ended up being on Red Alert and thrown about. The birth was a success and mother and child are recovering well.
This has all happened since we arrived in the Typhon Expanse. The last ship here was the Enterprise-D. So, it is with a mixture of historic interest mixed with an element of danger. After a couple of Romulan's managed to get aboard and take over the Bridge, it caused quite a stir. Several officers where killed and injured.
I attended a meeting with the other department heads about this Romulan ship that is attacking us. With tactical and engineering working on ways to open fire on the ship if required. But, I got this feeling that the Romulan's are stuck in a time loop or something which will make it extremely hard to deal with them without possible loss of life.
Meanwhile I have the matter of sorting out a dog in sickbay.
End Log.
Stardate: 21103.08
Chief Medical Officer's log: Stardate: 20103.08, Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks recording.
Today we have a new assistant in sickbay. His name is Max and he has four legs. Four legs? You say how can that be. Well, Max is something of a medical wonder. I wasn't best pleased at Pendragon as she didn't give me the full story till I come across Max the cyberdog in sickbay. However, she produced a PADD from Admiral Schnizler, Dean of Star Fleet Medical giving full details of Max.
It makes for very interesting reading. I have given authorization for Max to be part of the Medical team.
He holds the honorary rank of Sergeant which he will have while working on the Copernicus.
On a different note Doctor Korbel has had to have some leave due to an injury to the hand. Hope he will be back soon.
I would say this thing with Max will be very interesting. Doctor Korbel hasn't yet to be informed so he may just give the same reaction as I did.
Think that is all. The crew do seem slightly on edge but I think that is due to being in the Expanse. It seems to be getting to us all. The wondering if we all get out alive.
End Log.
Stardate 21106.13
Personal Log, Stardate 20106.13 Lieutenant Commander Daniel Brooks recording,
This mission was as ever an eventful one. In general I think we are all glad to have escaped the Expanse even if the ship is looking a bit worst for wear.
There with all missions a number of casualties and this one was no different. I hear Mr Taylor is recovering from his injuries which reminded me of Lieutenant Commander Misty Woods injuries when I first joined the Copernicus.
I also regret I have to transfer Lieutenant Julio Korbel back to Star Fleet Medical as soon as we dock at Star Base Alpha.
This trip did have an extra special feeling to it as the Enterprise-D was the last ship to enter here so it did give the crew a boost in that respect of not just the importance of the mission but of the dangers.
From a medical view point there is some relief that we are returning because at one stage it look like we were all going to die in the Expanse. However, we survived and heading home.
End Log
Lt JG Julio Korbel
Stardate 21010.06
Crewmember personal log Stardate 21010.06
Lieutenant Junior Grade Julio Korbel recording.
Myself and the rest of the crew here on the Copernicus are preparing to shove off from shoreleave. This has been one that I will not forget for sometime no matter how hard I try.
It started as many days have as of recent for me. I have begun to struggle with my emotions more and more. The memories I have of my departed wife haunt me vividly. As more time passes I keep punishing myself more and more. Perhaps if I had only been there for her, or talked her in to not taking the mission then she would be here today at my side.
As we arrived for shore leave I had a break down. During which I told my best friend off. It was very uncalled for and I am glad that I have since talk things out.
I was jogging around the base when I ran into Daniel in the tavern. He was conversing with one of our new crew members a Science officer named Oceania.
After a small altercation with a former boyfriend of hers we hit it off. The night lead to a wonderous conclusion with a night of closeness I have not had in ages. After a week of avoidance I found out she was preganant with what I thought was my children.
For some reason I ordered blood tests which later revealed I was not the father.
I spent the last night of shore leave intoxicated. It started in ten forward with Moe, and then ended up I presume with Michaels on the Pulsar.
After sobering up I helped finish checking in supplies just in time for our departure.
I am ready and waiting for what adventure lays ahead.
End log
Lt JG Alora Dys
Stardate 21010.24
Personal Log, Stardate 21010.24, Lieutenant Junior Grade Alora Dys recording:
I find it strange not to have 'big sister' around, Gloria has indeed become family and I miss her near omnipresence...that feeling that she's thinking of you even when she's busy on the Bridge or honing her already prodigious abilities in the holodeck or Security gymnasium.
In another fashion, I view this mission as a chance to grow and really spread my wings...without the shadow of such an extraordinary woman...there's a part of me that just refuses to believe that I could be as able and competent and excelling as she is, in so many things...
...I feel like a replicated imitation...close...but not nearly as good as the real thing.
On a positive note, I am learning so much from my proximity to Sring...sensor calibration is such an art form...and I'm finally getting a modicum of understanding regarding temporal casualty loops and other such phenomena...I do see this time-line's Sring becoming much like her future counter-part.
Also, I have been remiss in engaging my fellow Science Officers, especially the new Middies...I hope to remedy that forth with.
End Log
Stardate 21011.21
Personal Log, Stardate 21011.21, Lieutenant Junior Grade Alora Dys recording:
Our entry into the Typhon Expanse is imminent; and I'm both excited and nervous of our prospects. This region of space has remarkable and exceedingly dangerous properties that hopefully with skill, the Cop's superior sensors, our knowledge of Enterprise-D and Bozeman...and perhaps a bit of luck...
...the track record of this ship is extraordinary and I have placed a little unauthorized side-bet in our favor.
I thought I'd feel more loss with Gloria's departure...and I feel ashamed that I don't...but I also feel confident, very confident with Jane as First Officer. Her future counterpart, irregardless of my own feelings, was a most exceptional, and creative Captain.
There is a part of me that actually misses her, and that 'time'.
Of other note, Ensign Oceania and her pregnancy is an intriguing situation...I have not thought of having children anytime...soon...and yet this young Science Officer has made a choice to start a family while an active member of the crew....en route to a probable hazardous mission scenario.
There's a level of courage there that I find admirable.
End Log
Stardate 21106.18
Personal Log, Stardate 20106.18, Lieutenant Junior Grade Alora Dys recording:
I am grateful for surviving the Copernicus’ mission to the Typhon Expanse…even now days later as the ship weakly warps her way back to starbase, I wake up trembling from night terrors about Romulans with giant talons for hands; and I grieve for the loss of Lt JG Fowler from the USS Van Leeuwenhoek...
…a special kinship amongst us time travelers. I hope that she has returned to her own Space-Time, or failing that, that she is at peace.
As for the Typhon Expanse itself, Sring explains that this region of unstable space is effectively an extension of the massive black hole’s event horizon that the Copernicus has discovered…a ‘lensing’ effect…outside of the Expanse, normal space and time; but crossing the Expanse’s threshold (the event horizon projection) Space-Time fluctuates, a fluid storm-like gateway to other times.
Temporal mechanics explain that when we (the Copernicus, Van Leeuwenhoek, Talon, Enterprise-D, Bozeman and presumably other lost ships that) have dared to enter the Expanse, we act like pebble being dropped or skipped on a lake…our respective temporal resonances leave ripples and wakes…perhaps to stay until the end of time?
As for the Captain, Commander Hawk, his actions to engage personally with the Romulans (who had already conducted a brutal internal attack on the Cop’s Bridge) is well beyond my comprehension. I shall leave that at that.
And as for our miraculous escape from the Expanse…I’m willing to accept the miracle and not question it…I am entirely grateful and look forward to some R&R.
End Log
Lt JG Sring {Dys}
Stardate 21106.06
Personal Log, Stardate 21006.06, Lieutenant Junior Grade Sring recording:
The Copernicus has exited the Typhon Expanse; back into normal space, some 75 days (minus one hour forty seven minutes) from our original entry into the Expanse.
I have written a report on my findings based on existing sensor data and will forward to Star Fleet Science after the proper authorizations from the Copernicus Command Staff.
I shall highlight my general findings thus:
I postulate that the edge of the region of space known as the Typhon Expanse is due to ‘event horizon lensing’ (EHL) from the hyper-immense gravimetric presence of a super-massive singularity and its orbital pair of blue-white super-giants (and to a lesser extent the two other star systems that make for the roughly triangular shape of the Expanse).
Event Horizon Lensing is my proposed explanation for the very real border that separates normal space outside of the Expanse, to that of the temporal and gravitational eddies that exist within. It is well known that time slows and theoretically stops (or changes to something else entirely) as matter or energy approach the event horizon of a black hole.
This ‘lensing’ effect is a projection (not a perfect reconstruction) of the event horizon where from the Expanse edge and within, Space-Time is fluid…much akin to the notion of cyclonic forces (be it terrestrial, oceanic, gas-giant, etc., et al), to where eddies and sub-eddies of temporal distortion currents are translated along gravimetric waves. To use a Terran metaphor, a ship enters a massive cyclonic storm, there will be an eye of calm (though in the Expanse or cyclonic events as noted on Jupiter, Sol system, many eyes are possible with subsidiary vortexes) and those of a violent nature.
An assumption might be made on why only certain time periods have been observed (referenced to this Stardate); USS Bozeman a century plus ago versus Enterprise-D over 40 years ago; USS Van Leeuwenhoek also of approximate Bozeman time versus RIS Talon 30 years ago versus USS Copernicus current time…I posit that few space faring vessels have entered the Expanse and this has setup temporal resonances for the time periods listed. This is not to say however, that no other ships and/or time-lines do not exist, they have just not been detected.
‘Time’ within the Expanse is both fluid and highly mutable; logs from Enterprise D mentioned an indeterminate amount of destructive cycles between Bozeman and Enterprise until they discovered their situation and were able to escape the temporal loop; it may be that Van Leewenhoek and Talon continue their battle…or possibly with Copernicus’ introduction into their loop, they may have been thrown clear of the Expanse in some other Space-Time line, or destroyed completely, a final time, when I presume with ninety-nine percent certainty, that our ejected auxiliary warp core was detonated by a stray phaser or disruptor hit from the battling vessels.
There are no odds that I can assign to the Copernicus’ apparent survival and exit from the Expanse…I would ‘guess’ that even a billionth of one percent chance would be generous. The fact remains however that we have escaped the Expanse and for most of the crew survived the experience.
Logic dictates that no matter how infinitesimally small the chance of our survival was, we statistically met that non-zero chance. For me however, these events have seemed to equate to the human definitions of ‘luck’ or divine intervention…truly fascinating.
End Log
Mid Lorelei Oceania
Stardate: 21010.18
Personal log: Midshipman Lorelei Oceania
Stardate: 21010.18
Well, quite a few things has happened since I came aboard the ship. When I arrived I wandered into the tavern on Star Base Alpha, and found a handsome man behind the bar to talk to, a doctor. Soon after, my idiot ex-boyfriend Gunther came in and got rough with me. Another doctor had arrived shortly after I started talking to the other one except this one took it upon himself to step in. He knocked Gunther out! I was so happy I well...thanked him. I didn't intend for this to be a one time thing, but when I found out I was pregnant and he avoided me well that sealed things.
Of course, as it would turn out, I was too far along for the doctor, Korbel, to be the father. Though Gunther has no idea that the night he violated me he got me pregnant, I don't ever intend to tell him. If the children ask, then I will tel them. I won't lie about it though, they deserve to know. OH, yes twins, and an odd way of having them at that.
Oh, I forgot the best part. I met another officer, Peter Powell. He simple has to be the sweetest guy. We have spent time together, and I think I'm falling for him. He doesn't seem bothered by the fact that I'm pregnant.
Right, I forgot to mention, I have a rare medical condition where you have two uteri. I have a baby in each, so they will have to do a C-section when I'm 8 months along. While we're on the subject, I want to go on record as saying pregnancy sucks! My ankles are starting to swell, I can't keep much of anything down, I'm constantly tired, and the expectancy of getting fat looms.
Indeed everyone keeps saying "It will be worth it." and I agree but in the meantime I feel like a walking catastrophe. I will be glad to hold them, and not feel this way. One minute I want to cry, for no reason! The next I'm mad about something, I swear I'm going crazy. Tabitha, a girl in the labs, keeps assuring me I'll be fine.
It hasn't effected my work, in fact I've tried to work more to prove I'm still capable. I heard we're expected to reach the Typhon Expanse soon. I've lost track of when but I know our DH will let us know when we are needed. I hope to go on an away team, if they need science.
Meanwhile, this mess is going to sleep. The other day I feel asleep as soon as I reached my quarters, and slept 13 hours!
End Log
CE LCdr Peter Powell
Stardate 21101.14
Personal log: Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Powell. Stardate 21101.14
Well I managed to complete and pass the bridge officers test that I took during our last shore leave, so at least I can at take some shifts on the bridge, if I decide to use the ability.
The relationship with Lorelei is going well, I think that we are getting stronger and closer, I am getting use to the fact that with in the next four or five months, I will be a father, I am slightly nervous as I never thought of becoming a father, but of course I am delighted about it.
We were at the ship christmas party and I finally meet the bloke that forced her to become pregnant, he wasn't a nice chap as she had told me and he wasn't being a gentleman and was making a scene at the party and most of all was causing Lore distress, so I asked him to accompany me out of the room, so that we could discuss things personally, but the end result wasn't something I expected, as I came off worse as he assulted me, by smacking my in the right eye,thankfully Mr Darok and Miss Dys was there to assit in the situation, as I might of come off worse.
Before we departed Starbase Alpha, we were informed that Captain Stewart had been removed from command due to personal reasons and we were given a new commanding officer Commander Hawk, at first, as with all new members the command crew, there was unsurety but he knows what he is doing and he has learn this officers respect, as well as that change we were also informed that Commander Dys, who was suppose to join us before this mission started, wasn't going to, Commander Hawk gave the first officers position to Lieutenant Commander Fields, who had been acting as first officer in her absence, I was personaly shocked by Commander Dys not join us as I had got use to her being on the ship, but I know that Commander Fields will make a fine first officer for this ship.
We departed alpha and were informed that Starfleet Command had ordered us to explore the Typhon Expance, the last time a ship was sent to explore the expanse, the USS Enterprise returned after finding the USS Bozeman, a ship that was reported lost in twenty-two seventy-eight. So you never know what we were going to find.
After entering the expanse, we did encounter a ship, but not a federation starship, no it seemed that we encountered a Romulan D'deridex-class and of course they were being normal Romulan's and attempted to capture this vessel, luckily they didn't succeed, however apart from killing and injuring some of the ship compliment, they also blow a hole in the ship on deck two and managed to completely distroy the Captain's quarters, I have dispatched engineering staff to fix the breach and repair the Captain's quarters.
I am now enroute to a meeting of the senior officer's, so that we can attempt, I am hoping, to either find a defence against the Romulans or maybe even turning this ship around and go home, but that is for the Captain to decide.
I will make an addition report when more information become available.
End log.
Chief Engineer's Personal log: Stardate:20102.21 Lieutenant Commander Powell reporting.
Following on from the senior officer's meeting the decition was made that engineering and tactical were to rig photon and quantum torpedo's so that they could search out the chronitons that were leaking from the Romulan D'deridex class warship.
Even though as Federations officer's we will try to solve this situation amicably to save the lives of the Romulan crew, but I have a feeling that this might be a complete failer and we will need to use the weapons systems to defend ourselfs and possible distroy the enemy, we will wait and see what happens.
On a more personal note, me and lorelei's are getting on fine, I know I haven't meantioned it before, but during the christmas party we had on route to our currant mission, I decided to swallow the bullet and asked her to marry me, I asked her infront of ever one. Firstly I was thinking that she was going to say no, sa it took her a longish time to answer, but thankfully she said 'A thousand times yes!' which made me the happiest man alive.
A few days after the party, Lore decided to contact her family to give them the good news, well lets just say that her mother is a unique individual and it will take some work from her father to accept me into the familt, I am not really that worried if they don't, but what I do worry about is that her mother will stop talking to her and not have any contact with the children, but we again will see what the future will bring.
When more information becomes available either on a professional or personal lever I will make an addendum log
End log
Stardate: 21106.13
Personal log: Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Peter Powell
Stardate: 20106.13
The first thing that I want to say is my applogies for not getting an offical report up sooner and also more frequant, however it has been on of these missions and I have not had time to do much, that does include eatting properly. I will try and get this log to contain things that have happened.
Well let think, the last mission ended in, well I might say a major problem, the Romulan warbird didn't like us, not that I am worried about that, but what I am annoyed about beyond anything was the fact that they managed to damage the Copernicus to a degree that nobody would be able to fix, but as any good engineer would say everything can be fixed enough to get it working again and that is what we did.
After the life support system was reactivated and the crew were out of that danger, we set our minds on getting the rest of the ship into working, we started on the necelles and after five hours of wokring on it, we managed to get it working again, but it too another three hours to get the core flowing enought that we could at least get the ship moving at warp.
The engineers then moved on to sorting out the smaller damage that had been caused, it was nothing major, not in regards to what it could have been caused, there was EPS conduits that needed repairing, computer terminals that needed completely fixing, there is loads of blackened computer consoles in engineering now, as trying to keep the ship running at the warp speed we managed to get out of the system will take up most of the engineers.
I reported to the Captain after getting the core workign again, I was hoping to give him good news about the damage that had been caused and to a degree that is what I was able to do, but the biggest thing that I was hoping to report good on was the warp core, but unfortunatly I wasn't able to do that. I was at least able to say that we had managed to get the core working, but that we could only get a max amount of warp six out of the core. I did say that the engineers will be trying their hardest to increase that level of speed.
On a personal note, things were going well between me and Lore, I do have to admit that I have been working so hard that I haven't been spending alot of time with her lately, I will admit that during the mission I haven't had much time to spend with her, I entend to resolve this during our shore leave.
Ohh I nearly forgot, I would forget my head somedays if it wasn't screwed on, but the damage to the port necelle will only be able to be fixed when we manage to dock at Alpha and the engines have cooled for a bit, then in my working out, we will be having a whole new one fitted.
Think it is time for bed.
End log.
Mid Joe Kadar
Stardate 21101.29
Midshipman Kadar's Personal log, 21101.29 Aboard the USS Copernicus, GEC-9015
I have arrived. it was only a few hours earlier, in fact, and i'm very exited to be here. It is my first position on a starship, and i'm out of the academy. I still am working out my Quarters and Toolkit and Tricorder from the Cargo Bay, as per Starfleet regulation.
I also have reported to engineering and have been assigned to Ens Crab with a Hull breach after a Romulan attack. I will shortly complete a spacewalk to repair it. then i shall get my quarters. It is regulation that all are to be armed in the event of a suprise romulan attack. I sense the nervousness in the air, and everyone feels... on edge. I am not suprised.
But the most startling thing do date was a transmission from Vulcan earlier today. I could not verify the sender, nor the location sent from or the Waveband Frequency. It was congradulating me on my Position on a starship. It has been long since i heard from Vulcan, and to be honest it is a little relieving. I long for my homeworld, but danger awaits me there. and even though my questions now are mostly answered, one still remains: Who sent the message? an assassin in hiding, waiting to strike? or my long-lost mother, wishing me Luck?
Only time will tell.
End log.
Mid Jacqueline Komar
Stardate 21011.16
Personal Log, Stardate 21011.16, Midshipman Jacqueline Komar recording:
I'm feeling discombobulated, aka, thrown for a loop. I have never discerned why, but I continuously feel events before they occur. Again I am feeling something but have no idea what.
We are soon to enter the Typon Expanse. From the first I heard the destination, I knew something was amiss. Being a history student, I knew what this was about and automatically had my guards up. Being an optimist, I hope history will not repeat itselt, but also a realist, know that things can go awry also.
I trust...
Trust is so I wrong to...?
This crew and Captain will see us through whatever may happen.
End Log