Chin'toka Mission 06: "Inside Out"
Captain's Logs
Cap Aloysia Yvette
Stardate 21401.05
Captain’s Log, Stardate 21401.05. Captain Aloysia Yvette recording –
I find myself in yet another frustrating situation that is out of my control. The Chin’toka was headed for Earth after our mission at the Deltan ship that was encased in a comet. Our journey would take about 19 days, but while we were on our way we were told to meet the Fleet at Tellar, where the Krynar’s forces were most concentrated. The duogravitic weapon that Captain Gagarin tested with the crew was exactly what the Fleet needed for this battle, especially the software with the deflector dish and warp core configurations.
On route, Lieutenant Commander Fiore developed the ideal program for deploying the software to the other ships that had the available power, namely two warp cores. She also developed some recommendations for skirmishes with the Krynar shard ships just in case. It was quite a valuable amount of work that she did, possibly due to her distress over the Krynar forces gathering at Earth. I don’t blame her for working overtime, but I’m glad she had friends to force her to rest.
When we were mere minutes from Tellar, something strange happened that we can’t explain thus far. The crew suddenly no longer recognized me as Commanding Officer. They seemed to think that Captain Gagarin was in command since I was forced to leave after the Mericor mission. Even Fiore had no memory of resolving our differences so that we could serve together on the Chin’toka. This lead the CTO to what has to be an episode of post-traumatic stress where she threatened to shoot not only me but others on the Bridge, and she no longer recognized Commander Codey’s authority either.
In the end, the situation was resolved by Commander Codey and Admiral Grayson so that the Chin’toka could continue her mission. Unfortunately, their solution was to have both Fiore and I taken off the ship. We were brought to the Nova where we are now being questioned about the incident. All the ship records show that I have been in command for this last mission, but none of the crew remembers that. I wonder if it has something to do with the black holes the Krynar have opened around Tellar. There is definitely some kind of space/time anomaly happening.
End log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Brodie Codey
Stardate 21401.12
USS Chin'toka Acting Captain's Log Stardate 21401.12, Commander Codey reporting.
Cause and effect - the most logical of terms to explain causality has caused wide ripples across the fourth fleet, and in particular this vessel. The Chin'toka was at warp, on the express route to the Tellar system, which we had been ordered to by Admiral Grayson. As we neared Tellar the rest of the Bridge crew started acting in a very peculiar manner; Captain Yvette was giving instructions, and then suddenly members of the senior bridge staff believed that Captain Gagarin should be in charge. I have to admit that there is a small shadow of doubt in my mind as to who is in charge - when I think of Captain Gagarin there is some familiarity with the mission to the comet, and the Horizontal Jig, but when I think of Captain Yvette it also seems familiar; in essence I can picture the same mission with both women.
Regardless of which, until a formal enquiry can get underway, Captain Yvette was on the Bridge, which caused the following events to take place.
Lieutenant Commander Fiore reacted aggressively and violently, pulling a phaser out not only the Captain, but also Lieutenant Adune who was at the helm. She ordered the ship out of warp and called security to Bridge. It was Lieutenant Commander Fiore's belief that Captain Gagarin had been issuing instructions before being replaced by Captain Yvette. The incumbent Acting Chief of Security then came onto the Bridge and reinforced the order to stay at full stop - minutes away from a battle where our technology was to be used to assist in defeating the Krynar forces around Tellar. Captain Yvette, understanding that was a high octane situation, and that any attempt to try and diffuse the situation herself would probably have resulted in more aggressive action from Lieutenant Commander Fiore, handed over command of the Chin'toka to myself. I ordered the arrest of Lieutenant Commander Fiore, and of Lieutenant Wozcienski for critically endangering the mission and the crew for bringing us out of warp so close to the battle zone. Captain Yvette relieved herself of all duty.
Admiral Grayson was now enquiring as to what was happening aboard the Chin'toka, and realising the critical nature of events that were unfolding on board, sent a runabout to our location to transport Captain Yvette and Lieutenant Commander Fiore off the vessel for interrogation aboard the USS Nova.
Unfortunately for Lieutenant Commander Fiore, I feel this may the end of her career in Starfleet. When her previous actions are taken into account for several instances of Bridge misconduct, attempted or considered suicide, and altercations that involve violence - well that isn't conduct becoming of an officer responsible for the lives of those under her command. Her reckless behaviour of pulling a firearm onto a senior ranking officer, and another member of the crew is unwarranted - blurring the lines of responsibility between Tactical and those charged with security of this vessel, I feel is one ripple we will still have to contend with.
Once Captain Yvette and Lieutenant Commander Fiore were aboard the runabout, we pursued our mission objectives to work with the USS Intrepid in firing the gravitic weapon - known as the 'little doctor' - on one of the Krynar motherships. At this point I think it worth noting that I was not privy to the exact mission and overarching aims of the assault on Tellar; we were in a critical situation, and I had been handed command without knowledge of secondary objectives or Fleet briefings - those were for the Captain's eyes only, and she had been briefed on countless occasions on our way to Tellar. I hope this point will be the rationale for later actions I took on the Bridge in the post of Acting Captain.
I reinstated Lieutenant Wozcienski and had her de-arrested to perform the functions of Tactical Officer on the Bridge; I needed Lieutenant Adune's piloting skills, and Lieutenant Wozcienski was the next most qualified officer to work at the Tactical station.
We synchronised our approach with the USS Intrepid - Lieutenant Adune must be complimented on his expertise to flying the ship into position, and the subsequent skill he displayed in removing us from danger.
The weapon was fired and the result was a success. There was a slight delay as the weapon fired, and then without a causing explosion the mothership simply flew apart – there were obviously residual ones as an effect of the destruction – but the Tellarites had also dispatched their own assault vessels to our position.
From the point of the destruction of the mothership, and to where the Chin’toka finds herself now en route to the USS Nova, things become a little reactionary and I have to say uninformed. Lieutenant Erigneis and Midshipman Banquo, who had been working on the sensor data, detected a massive build up in gravitic resonanc, which was determined to be similar to the Krynar powering their main weapon. Starfleet intelligence has informed us that this is a weapon of massive capability capable of destroying planets. When I heard this information my first and only thought was to protect the crew and the ship if that weapon was targeted at our position; I gave the order to warp out of the system with an escape vector to Denobula – the vector with the least amount of obstacles or danger.
I am not aware of what the Admiral’s intentions were, or whether new information had come to light that this wasn’t the precursor to Krynar weapon’s fire, but we were then contacted by the USS Nova asking our intentions, which I thought would have been obvious. The investigative team that had been put on board the Chin’toka, at the same time as Captain Yvette and Lieutenant Commander Fiore were removed, were instructed to take command of the vessel and return it to the USS Nova. I considered this a possibility once our mission had been completed, but thought that I would be the one to take the Chin’toka back to Starbase Delta. It appears that the USS Nova, and their lack of capacity to assimilate the answers for our actions – or even to ask for them – has resulted in several of the senior Bridge staff to be relieved of duty, which include Lieutenant Commander Roland, Lieutenant Wozcienski, Lieutenant Erigneis, and myself. Unfortunately, whilst I have assured the crew that this is standard procedure and nothing to be concerned about, I have a feeling that as a direct result of the previous actions of Lieutenant Commander Fiore all may not be well and that dissention is brewing within the ranks. I sincerely hope this can be resolved as soon as possible.
End log.
CE Lt JG Robert Simmons
Stardate 21312.17
Chief Engineer's log Stardate 21312.17 Lieutenant (JG) Robert Simmons recording
Well, we're getting close to our destination. But, strangely, we stopped well before the ETA. When I and others in my department attempted to get a report, we were informed Captain Yvette was aboard and Captain Gagarin was not. This was very disconcerting, especially right before probable battle, I went to the Bridge to check the situation. Hopefully I can get some answers.
End log.
Stardate 21401.15
Chief Engineer's log Stardate 21401.15 Lieutenant (JG) Robert Simmons recording
Hopefully this log will serve to clear up the events of the past few hours. When I arrived on the Bridge, I was quickly intercepted by Lieutenant Commander Roland. He informed me of the basics of the situation. Apparently, due to the unknown nature of Captain Yvette's presence, there had been a 'mishap' on the Bridge which left Commander Codey as Acting Commanding Officer. Ensured that, for the moment, everything was okay, I returned to Engineering and made the Gravitic Weapon ready. We soon arrived at our destination. In a matter of moments, everything that had built up over the last few hours was quickly ended when we fired the Gravitic Weapon. The loss of gravity momentarily had little effect on me, though I noticed that Ensign Isore looked a little sickly. He's doing well helping out in Engineering with any medical problems.
Shortly after, Commander Codey came over the comms and instructed that most of the Senior Staff was being temporarily relieved of duty by Starfleet Command. Whether or not that includes my position, I have yet to find out. I'm getting the department running smoothly in case I am temporarily replaced. If I had my druthers, I would request that Lieutenant Feyil take up my spot until I can return to duties. But, if I know Starfleet Command, I doubt that request would be fulfilled.
Encrypt. End log
Lt Savar Feyil
Stardate 21401.16
Lieutenant Savar Feyil Personal Log Stardate: 21401.16
This mission has been very eventful.
Recent events have left me slightly confused as to what has happened. Captain Yvette has been returned to command of the Chin'toka. But I am getting ahead of myself in events.
The Chin'toka received priority orders from command. Making best possible speed we rendezvoused with the away team and made our way towards Tellar. Someone in Starfleet had decided it was time to go on the offensive and we were going to liberate Tellar.
During the journey something happened and we seemed to have switched Captains. Captain Gagarrin was replaced by Yvette, then everything went nuts on the bridge. I think we actually had a mutiny because of Yvette being there. Captain Yvette relinquished command to Commander Codey. We then after some encouragement from the Admiral resumed our journey to assist the rest of the assembled fleet.
Once we were entered the battle we use the weapon we had previously tested. Now that I was aware of the side effect of firing the weapon I was prepared and holding on to my console. This avoided the repeat of me bouncing off the floor and ceiling and getting knocked out.
The weapon worked and we destroyed the Krynar ship that we were aiming for. As I am not a senior officer on the ship I was not aware of any orders. So after we fired the Chin'toka warped away to safety. That was when the Admiral contacted us, I think he was a bit angry. Because after that he removed Commander Codey and some of the other Senior Officers and placed Commander Okk in command.
It seems that Commander Okk had beamed aboard when Yvette and Fiore were transferred off the ship. We then travelled to meet up with the Nova. After that I am not sure what happened as I remained on the ship and was not aware of anything else happening.
All I knew was that Captain Yvette was returned to command of the Chin'toka. So I am not sure if everything can be considered back to normal or not.
End Log.
CSO LCdr Mick Roland
Stardate 21401.21
USS Chin'toka CA-1375 Chief Science Officer’s Log Stardate 21321.01 Lieutenant Commander Mick Roland
I once again found myself in the Acting First Officer position after a bizarre incident involving Captain Gagarin mysteriously being replaced by the very real Captain Yvette. I had my back turned, so I have no idea what happened, and ship logs revealed that Captain Yvette had been in command ever since the ship left Star Base Delta several months prior, contrary to everyone's memory on the ship.
Captain Yvette continued on as if nothing was amiss. I don’t think we’ll ever know exactly what happened. Yvette relinquished command to Commander Codey, and the incident caused command to dispatch an investigative team that boarded the Chin’toka.
We soon found ourselves facing down a Krynar Mothership and Tellarites with the help of the Interpid. The Grav weapon was a thing of beauty, causing the Krynar ship to seemingly come apart at the seams. The Krynar began emitting signals that could have been construed as preparing to fire or preparing to evacuate. Commander Codey chose the prior and set a warp course for Denobula.
The Commander’s order along with the Captain incident was too much for the onboard investigative team and they commandeered the vessel, ordering all ranking officers to relinquish command.
With the due diligence of the investigative team and a lot of explaining and answering questions by the crew, we were all eventually cleared and declared fit for service – not that I ever had any doubt.
End log
Lt Mitsein Erigneis
Stardate 21401.12
Personal log, Lieutenant Mitsein Erigneis.
This has been a confusing day, for many reasons. As of now, I am relieved of duty, headed to Ten Forward. I find myself at a loss for words when it comes to the last few minutes, so I will start a bit earlier to try and get things straight.
Before reaching the battle in Tellar, the strangest thing happened. Captain Gagarin was speaking, and suddenly she vanished, replaced by Captain Yvette. This is where things start to get really confusing, because as more time passes my memory becomes more and more confused. I know that as of this morning I remembered going on the comet mission with Gagarin, and I remember her at the promotion ceremony. I remember drinking too much and giving her a hug and feeling embarrassed. At the same time though, another set of memories seem almost like a dream, in which I met Yvette just before the comet mission, and in which I was rather restrained at the promotion ceremony. The more time passes, the more the second set of memories seem to enter my mind, but they still seem somehow wrong.
Now, back to the battle at Tellar, or rather just before it. Once Yvette appeared, I drew my phaser, suspecting her an intruder (as I didn't yet have these other memories). I think, looking back, that this may have been the beginning of what occurred moments ago, but I will touch on that in a moment. Anyways, after I drew my weapon, Fiore drew hers, and while I put mine away at the urging of Commander Codey, she did not.
To shorten things, Yvette relieved herself of duty and Fiore was removed from the ship. I still do not know how I feel about these events, and I am not sure I will have answers any time soon.
More disconcerting, to me at least, is what occurred immediately after the battle. As we fought the Krynar mothership, a familiar wave of nausea passed over us, and I found myself affected by it. Once that passed, however, we were in the middle of a battle, and it was, for lack of a better word, stimulating. I found myself enthralled with the pursuit of our enemy. In fact, as we retreated away, I found myself so caught up that I almost acted in a way that would have gotten another officer removed from the bridge. Up until today, I have known that I am Eska, not human, but it never meant much. I still do not know why I look and, for the most part, think like a human, but now I know for certain that those hunter's instincts lurk just beneath my skin, waiting.
I do not know what this means for my future. My skin still itches with the desire to hunt. I still feel the heat of battle when I close my eyes.
...I am considering leaving the sciences in pursuit of something less passive. I have been honing my weapons and self-defense skills for the last years, and now I know that I want, that I need to do something more.
End log.
Stardate 21401.14
Science Officer Mitsein Erigneis' official log:
The last week has been a very trying one. Between unexpected personnel shifts (that none of us understand to this day), an act of mutiny, a battle with the Krynar, and an Inquisition of Starfleet's own making, this has been a difficult one for the Chin'Toka. I won't go into too many details, as I'm sure most of my colleagues have already discussed this, but rather I am going to touch on a bit of personal business.
After the investigation by Starfleet command is complete, I intend to resign my post as a science officer on the Chin' Toka. During the battle, I realized that it is not enough for me to merely study and observe. I will be reporting to Starbase Delta in the immediate future to undergo a new set of training. Focusing on the ship's weapons and systems, and honing my already intense focus on hand to hand combat, I am going to pursue a role in Tactical. It is my hope that this change will bring me a bit of peace, as I will still have the freedom to interpret data in the field and will be able to engage directly with the enemy. Erase that last statement. I hope that my role in tactical will give me the chance to engage with the ship's missions in a new way, and I hope that I will be able to find a bit of a balance for myself.
I know that this transition will not be an easy one, but I believe it is for the best.
End Log.
CMO Lt JG Cellest Rubi
Stardate 21401.12
CMO Cellest Rubi, medical log: Stardate two-one-four-zero-one-point-one-two. (21401.12)
Hey Daystrom.
I Don't even know where to start. We went into a comet …
Belay medical log. Make it a personal log.
[Confirmed, start when ready.]
They send Fiore of the ship. And why? Because she reacted to her emotions. And there was no room for patience, or understanding. She was utterly dismissed. They said to her that due her behavior she had just threatened the safety of a fleet as a whole! And what did we do? We turned around a ran when things appeared grim. How is that not a threat to the fleet as a whole?
And how about the integrity of our ship? Fiore was the Captain of the ship's weapons, engines and nacelles. She was able to manoeuvre this vessel out of anything. Dismissing her was more severe than pulling a phaser to a mysteriously appearing captain, or warping out of a battle. I think when it comes to it, no one has a ******* clue as to what they are doing. Yeah, I cursed, to honor Fiore; court martial me!
I'll contact whoever has more than four pips and stands on top of this chaos cloaked in so believed structure and rules, to see if I can arrange something. She needs to come back, and if I have to take a risk doing that, I'll just do that!
I'm staring to bottle up emotions and … well, destructive sensation toward others. Maybe I should share this with someone...
I function on emotions, and I have trouble understanding the concept 'mind'.
Daystrom! Define mind.
[The collective conscious and unconscious processes in a sentient organism that direct and influence mental and physical behavior.]
Who makes up this nonsense. We are beings of hormones, biology, indoctrination, programming due culture, politics, religion, dna, dogma-addicts ... if 'sentient organisms' wonder who they really are, they should try and remember how it was being an infant. Yet, who can? No one, so we're all lost in this physical reality. As soon as we start believing our 'whys?' - we're lost – and I'm no exception.
Oh yes, one can achieve great things in one's life and work for it until you perish, but than again, what exactly was the point? What's the point of seeking out constant threat? Why seek it out 'there' when everything is in here? Yeah, I'm pointing to my head and heart …
I think the Federation is going the wrong way … expanding isn't the way, retracting, that's the way. Take a plant, and study that to the most basic of building blocks, waves, energy, the immense if not endless space within it – its consciousness. There's so much more we can learn from that then hopping from conflict to conflict, I mean isn't it obvious? What have we … they learned from exploration?
Exactly! Different mindsets creating instant devision and thus conflict. 'Oh look! A new planet! Let's explore it!' why not leave that planet alone? Who are they to even dare set foot on a planet that wasn't designed for them …
Then why did you I hear you ask? Yeah … touché.
Maybe earth needs our god. He will be able to show them the right way...
I don't even know what I'm blabbing about. I can't stand this anger. It's not like me.
I'm literally losing myself – I had a firm concept of who I was, but with every day going by I'm starting to loose sight of that. I'm experiencing anger, fear and a frustrating emotion when someone reacts better than me.
It's a vortex this sensation. It's a will to hurt people. The federation is so extremely divided and I blame them. It's due them I'm starting to experience new emotions …
I mean look at their structure? Pips describing one's standing? Why? Because someone doesn't know someone personally, so expressing it in symbolism is far, far more easy ... and extremely dangerous if you ask me.
I'm relapsing …
I want to go home.
Daystrom! Start medical log.
[Confirmed, start when ready.]
CMO Cellest Rubi, medical log: Stardate two-one-four-zero-one-point-one-two. (21401.12)
After our visit inside the comet and the whole Deltan ordeal, we were ordered to return to a fleet that was attempting to defend the Telar system against the Krynar.
From a medical point of view, not much has happened. We received blueprints for our neural stimulators to alter them so they would be able to either be used preventive or to actually sever the telepathic link created by the Krynar.
Before I'll explain that, the following occurred:
When we neared the Telar system something had occurred on the bridge. Captain Gagarin apparently vanished, and was replaced by the former – or current we came to learn – captain of the USS Chin'toka. Medical was requested to confirm her identity and it was confirmed.
Lieutenant Commander Cristina Fiore reacted aggressively at her appearance, and was therefor dismissed from the ship – for reasons unknown to me Captain Yvette and Lieutenant Commander Cristina Fiore were transported of the ship in a stage where it was extremely crucial that such decisions should have been delayed. What followed was Commander Codey taking command.
Yet, in Commander Codey's defense, I would like to state that Captain Yvette herself placed him in command.
We neared the battle. Key crew had been given the neural stimulator. In battle, the fleet was able to hold their ground against the Krynar due the gravitation weapon peculiarly called 'the doctor' we were able to destroy one of their motherships. This caused a reaction from the Krynar that appeared to be an attack. The Chin'toka therefor warped out of the system.
Sickbay was able to withhold nausea and slowly helped the ship recover from it. Though, I have to admit, this was T'pril planning ahead.
Now! Mr. Banquo. He's an interesting person. On the bridge he was asked by Ensign Mitsein to aid in science, Mr. Banquo agreed and I allowed him to help. I've to come to learn he behaved admirably, though I feel guilty leaving him at science I will vow that I will invest more energy in him.
Mr. Banquo was able to construct a medical cargobay into a medical ward. I asked for triage conditions, I was given a ward – sufficient to say, he acted beyond the call of duty and it has not gone unnoticed.
He appears to me a bright and intelligent person, though, there's something in his look that needs a bit of exploring on m part – haha, we'll see where this individual stands on this ship, or the federation as a whole. I can't shake the feeling I'll be saluting him in the future.
Allanon Ral has proven a vital asset to the ship. He's a fun and friendly person, very approachable and someone I've grown to respect as a person and as a potential medical crewman! He helped out on sickbay multiple times and it was pleasant. I will be seeking his company and skill on a regular basis, I'm sure.
The rest of happening on the ship are of no medical importance, and I therefor advice you, dear listener or reader to consult the other logs.
So. To sum it up in chronological order, as I know that that isn't always easy for me.
We left the Deltans. We learned of the Krynar threat. Mr. Banquo constructed a triage ward. We were given the blueprints for the neural stimulator. We altered our neural stimulators. We warped to the Tellar Fleet. Our captain, Captain Gagarin vanished and was replaced with Yvette. Cristina Fiore was dismissed. Mr. Banquo manned the science station together with Mitsein We confirmed Yvette's identy. Yvette was transported of the ship together with Cristina. Commander Codey was given command, with Commander Mick Roland as acting first officer. We distributed the neural stimulators. We engaged the Krynar. The gravitation weapon was fired. Six seconds of weightlessness and a wave of nausea spread about the ship. The Krynar Mothership was destroyed. Medical countered the effects of the weapon We warped out to defend the ship. A team of … specialists took command of our ship.
Daystrom, end log.
Mid Trumayn Banquo
Stardate 21401.12
Personal Log, Midshipman Banquo, Stardate 21401.12.
My foray on the bridge of the U.S.S. Chin'toka has proven how little I know of this vessel's capabilities. I do appreciate that I was given the opportunity by Lieutenant Mitsein Erigneis to assist Science, although our sensor sweeps apparently did not provide new, useful data that can be applied in future encounters with the Krynar.
Unless directed otherwise by Doctor Rubi, I intend to use this brief bit of downtime deconstructing the triage stations adjoining Sick Bay. I am proud of the effort, but we don't appear to have an immediate need for those preparations for the time being.
Additionally, I will need to determine who can be queried about the immense confusion on the bridge about who is or is not this ship's captain. Unfortunately, there are far too many mission logs in the computer database that point to too many theories.
End log.