Chin'toka Mission 04: "Duogravitics"
Mission Summary
The Chin'toka's mission was to test a new weapon that was designed for use against the Krynar forces. The weapon worked against gravity-based systems by shooting duonetically charged gravitons out of the deflector dish to deactivate all gravity activity. The Chin’toka was to be the first full-sized ship to test the weapon, which was designed for a ship with two warp cores. The theory behind the weapon was based on work by Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg, and so he joined the crew as Chief Science Officer for the mission.
The testing field was an abandoned system several weeks away from Starbase Delta that had many derelict ships, some fitted with gravity drives and other systems, that they could test the weapon on. They began the tests immediately upon arrival in the system.
The initial tests revealed that the weapon was extremely over-powered and that some kind of feedback wave from the device was affecting their systems, both electronic and biological. During one of the tests that caused the entire crew to vomit, a Romulan ship that was hiding in the system was forced to decloak due to the feedback wave. The Chin’toka crew immediately assumed that they were spying on the weapons tests, and they attempted to discover which Romulan ship was present and who her commanding officer was. A fire fight became unavoidable when the Romulans refused to give them information. The Romulan battlecruiser fired on the Chin’toka.
The minor skirmish ended with the battlecruise fleeing the system, and the Chin’toka left with some serious scars, including warped nacelles that would only allow a maximum speed of warp 6. Several crew members were injured, but the loss of life was minimal.
Lieutenant Commander Gregg and his team of Engineers and Scientists worked to discover what was wrong with the weapon that caused such terrible feedback. They discovered a simple software error that was easily corrected. At Captain Gagarin’s request, they also attempted to make the weapon less powerful in order to disable rather than destroy. Using the weapon at 1% with a tightly confined beam still resulted in all vessels completely vaporizing. If the vessels were close to each other, the wave of antigravity that emitted from the main target would destroy adjacent targets until a whole field of ships could be destroyed.
The test results were as follows-
1) Target: runabout
Power: 15%
Results: Runabout broke apart into large pieces
Side effects: Gravity on the Chin’toka reversed -0.4 g for a brief moment; some nausea felt by crew.
2) Target: Light cruiser
Power: 15%
Results: Light cruiser broke apart into large pieces
Side effects: Gravity on the Chin’toka reversed -0.4 g for a brief moment; some nausea felt by crew.
3) Target: Light cruiser
Power: 25%
Results: Power drain on the light cruiser, uncontrolled matter/antimatter reaction causing the vessel to explode.
Side effects: None.
4) Target: Romulan personnel carrier
Power: 50%
Results: Carrier exploded into a debris field.
Side effects: Gravity on the Chin’toka reversed and then rapidly returned at about 2.5 g before returning to normal, causing every crew member to get slammed against the ceiling and to vomit. Emergency blast doors slammed shut, internal floor plates warped, and some walls buckled. Structural integrity was reduced by 0.75% ship-wide, and numerous secondary systems went offline temporarily while the computer rerouted power and switched to backup systems. The warp core registered a 12% drop in power, which lasted 1.3 seconds, because the plasma containment regulators went out of alignment. A Romulan battlecruiser decloaked in the system due to the antigravity shockwave from the device.
5) For this test, the software code of the device was fixed to prevent the side effects to the Chin’toka from the weapon.
Target: Large Vulcan ship with experimental gravitic power core (Krynar mothership-sized).
Power: 1%, tightly confined beam
Result: Vulcan ship was atomized.
Side effects: None.
Numerous other tests were performed after the software code was fixed that had the same result as the fifth test.
Captain's Logs
Capt Valentina Gagarin
Stardate 21303.27
Stardate 21303.27. Valya Gagarin’s log…oops, I should say Captain Valentina Gagarin’s log.
Yes, you heard it right! Starfleet thinks that I have enough experience to be a Captain, or at least an Acting Captain. It’s amazing what one scientific discovery can get you. Though, to be fair, I have been a First Officer on two different ships, and the mission for the Chin’toka is well fit for my way of thinking, if not for my actual skill set.
Anyway, I found out just last night that I was to be assigned to the Chin’toka while her normal Captain takes a leave of absence. Admiral Grayson briefed me himself, warning me about the Borg-Krynar mission that the ship just went through and how that sent Yvette straight to her ELOA. He also told me about a few of the senior crew who were assimilated. I just hope they have got the help they needed to deal with that situation or we could have a colorful time.
So, the Chin’toka is being sent to a remote star system that doesn’t even have a proper name – only a number that I couldn’t possibly memorize – to test a weapon that has been designed to take down the Krynar gravimetric sensors, weapons, and the like. The weapon has been fully tested with simulations and small-scale models, but not at this level. We’re going to have ships and a base to attack, and all sorts of fun.
To help us with the weapon is one Edward Gregg from the Ticonderoga. Ed’s theories on duonetic fields helped with the design of this “duogravitic projector”, so his insight will be welcome. He also fills the CSO hole that was on this ship. Tris Lunanova used to have the position, but she didn’t enjoy it. I don’t blame her; I wasn’t ready to give up the lab work for a long time, either.
The mission should be interesting and provide a lot for everyone to do. I just hope that they take to me being their Captain okay. It is only temporary, after all, and their real Captain clearly needed the break.
End log.
Stardate 21304.28
Captain's Log, Stardate 21304.28 -
Well, my first couple of weeks onboard the Chin'toka were quite uneventful. Maybe that's why I don't feel like I have my "Captain's legs" yet. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm only the temporary Captain. In any case, I don't feel like I'm really meshing with the crew in the way a Captain should. There is mutual respect, of course, but it doesn't go to a deeper level to personal respect. It's probably only because I haven't been tested in front of this crew yet, but it still bothers me.
In any case, we have arrived at the system where we found 87 objects just waiting for us to shoot at them. It sound morbid, especially from a science officer like myself, but I'm getting a bit of a thrill from this target practice. I guess I understand now why some people have gun collections and go to the shooting range. I know I would feel much, much differently if we were shooting at sentient beings, but right now the ships are empty and we get to destroy them for fun! Well, not really for fun, but you get what I mean.
I decided that our first target would be an isolated runabout. I thought something small and alone would make a good test. We fired the weapon at 15% strength and it completely shattered the runabout. There is no other way to put it; it was exactly like a glass shattering into a bazillion pieces. There was no fiery explosion, the ship simple burst apart. It was quite stunning, to say the least. The weapon is certainly far too powerful, and my first recommendation would be to lock it so that it can't reach over 50% power at all. I don't even plan to test it at a power higher than that.
In addition to the runabout destruction, there was a shockwave that emanated from the device itself, causing the ship to drop gravity for a couple of seconds. It was quite disorienting and I could see that being a problem. especially at higher power. We're going to continue the tests, though, to see what could happen. I don't think the disorientation is enough to make us stop.
Our next target will be a light cruiser that is still isolated with the weapon still at 15% power. I want to change only one variable at a time. If this goes well, I'm thinking of trying a slightly higher power setting on a light cruiser again. We'll keep changing it up from there until we're comfortable enough to try a moving target with a gravitic drive; we need to simulate Krynar ships at some point so that we can follow our mission orders!
End log.
Stardate 21305.13
Captain's Log Stardate 21305.13.
The tests are going very well so far! We've only done three of them, but the only side effects we've measured are nausea at lower power settings. With both a shuttle and a light cruiser hit at 15% power we have feedback from the device that caused nausea throughout the crew. However, when we fired at another light cruiser at 25% power the feedback was gone. The Engineers and other Scientists explained that it was likely due to some kind of interference canceling each other out or something. Just in case our medical staff has begun issuing anti-nausea medication. Stay tuned!
End log.
Stardate 21305.25
Captain's Log Stardate 21305.25.
I swear this crew is cursed. From what I've read, they have never had a mission go right and this one is no exception, though it certainly isn't as bad as some of the things the Chin'toka has faced. We fired the weapon again, this time at 50% and at the larger vessel we could find - a Romulan passenger vessel. Apparently the sweet spot was back at 25% because this time gravity reversed itself for a moment, putting us all on the ceiling before it righted itself and slammed us back to the floor. The nausea was multitudes worse, too; I'm not sure anyone still has the contents of their stomachs. Of course, there were injuries throughout the ship, including on the Bridge. I think that I must have a concussion because I blacked out for a moment. Medical was quick to react, and Commander Macleod herself came to the Bridge to start treating us. The damage to the ship wasn't that bad, surprisingly. Some power relays blew out so the ship isn't reacting quite as fast to commands, but Engineering is working on it.
In the meantime, a Romulan ship decloaked right in the system. The only explanation I can think of for their presence is to spy on our weapons test. I think the feedback from the graviton weapon must have affected their systems because they had a ship-wide system failure. They are recovering from it just fine, but hopefully not fast enough to get away before we can talk to them. I don't want a confrontation, but we have to find out who they are, who sent them, and why they are here. Once we know that, we can report back to Starfleet and let HQ deal with the fall-out.
Hopefully we can get past this and back to testing the weapon. I doubt Starfleet would want us to stop just because of the feedback at this power. I want to go back to lower power and small, Krynar-sized targets. I also want to see if our Engineers and Scientists have any ideas on how we can control the device better to both eliminate the feedback and prevent the total destruction of our targets. I'd rather disable than destroy.
End log.
Stardate 21306.25
Captain's Log, Stardate 21306.25.
Unfortunately we did end up in a confrontation with the Romulans. Though the warbird was disabled from the shockwave of the duogravitic projector, their power quickly came back online in a similar way to ours. Before they got warp back, they began to flee at impulse. The Chin'toka started following them because we didn't believe their story that they were DRR. The information we had on the ship they reported just didn't match up with what we were seeing. Apparently this was enough to make the Romulans fire on us.
I will spare you the details of the firefight, but it wasn't that bad. In the end, the Romulans were able to stop us in our tracks with a cloaked mine that did some damage, but nothing that will stop us from continuing our mission or getting home. The mine did give them enough time to warp away, though, before we recovered. They were headed into Gorn space, but we very quickly lost track of them.
I guess we'll never know if the Romulans intentions were to investigate what was going on in the system or to spy on us. I assume the latter, and that will be reported to Star Fleet so that they can deal with the diplomatic fall-out. In the meantime, we have a weapon to perfect and test.
Gregg and Engineering have people working on fixing the minor damage caused by simply firing the weapon. We discovered that the shockwave that affected us and the Romulans was caused by an antigraviton leak, so that is being fixed. We also want to attempt to tweak the weapon so that it will disable rather than destroy.
I should mention that during all this, the Chief Engineering Chiron Hunter was knocked unconscious. As such, we have a new Acting Chief Engineer Robert Simmons. Hopefully Chiron can get himself up and running again soon.
End log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
LCdr Brodie Codey
Stardate 21303.31
After the observation lounge briefing
"USS Chin'toka CA-1375, First Officer's secure personal log Stardate 21303.31, Lieutenant Commander Brodie Codey reporting.
We have just received our briefing from our new Captain, a Valya Gagarin. Gagarin has been drafted in to replace the absent Yvette, replacing years of command experience with a penchant for medicine to a rather green biological scientist. With regards to the new structure of the crew, I am sure others share my concern that both the key command personnel are new into their roles; other key posts on board the C-T are also new, although they do possess some experience.
I have been reviewing the personnel files of all new incumbents and there are a few eyebrow raisers! I am more concerned that some crew files have been secured for Captain's eyes only - I can only just about understand why Fiore's is, but mine has also been sealed along with some other crew that were assimilated in the last mission. The new refit to make the C-T fit the specs for the Avenger Class is also something to behold; the Fearless and Avenger classes have the same spaceframe, but the 'gubbins' inside is totally different - it is like walking around a brand new ship!
Our newest mission is to test fire a brand new weapon that will hopefully give us the edge of the invading Krynar forces. We have also drafted in some expertise in the form of Commander Edward Gregg from the Ticonderoga who has been working on the theory behind the weapon. Apparently our course will take us to an empty star system for target practice. There is a lot of scepticism about whether the system will actually turn out to be empty, the crew has memory and unfortunately that comes in the form of Dalmatia, and Mericor. We will see.
The dynamic from the crew meeting was also interesting to note - department heads understand the need to work together, but none were willing to yield too much information about themselves preferring to hide behind typical behaviour. Protocol can only dictate why people will work together, the level of trust will tell you how they work together; at the moment there is definitely an air of strained institutional trust. Gagarin is new, and totally opposite to Yvette, she is forthcoming and 'bouncy' - I'm not too sure what the Sheila's ultimate aim is, whether its to remain in command or whether this is a temporary posting. I am sure she is capable, but its asking a lot right now of the crew to accept someone new, maybe if it had been a folk hero they had all heard of it might cause them to be less concerned. Then there is me, the assimilated commander... What if the crew doubt my motives? I, after all, supposedly hatched some of the more despicable plans in our Borg encounter - such as selecting those who would be assimilated.
This mission will undoubtedly determine the fate of us all...
End log."
Stardate 21304.29
"First Officer's Log, Stardate 21304.29,
The Chin'toka and its crew have arrived in the testing area, as designated by Starfleet Command, and carried out the first test cycle of the new gravitic weapon. Our first target was a lone runabout, and all reports so far indicate that it was successful; the runabout was struck by the weapon and then seconds later splintered and fragmented into thousands of pieces. As far as we are aware the runabout was 'dead in the water', and I am sure our future tests will pose different problems such as shield harmonics and movement. The only noticeable side-effect was a low intensity, wide-angled, anti-gravity wave that enveloped the Chin'toka briefly before dissipating. The Captain and I have Science and Engineering departments interpreting the data, and once we have more information for comparative analysis we will be better placed to understand the effects of this new weapon.
End log."
CTO LCdr Cristina Fiore
Stardate 21307.14
Chief Tactical Officer's log, Stardate 21307.14. Lieutenant Commander Fiore recording.
I'll keep this one brief. We tested out a new weapon to use against the Krynar, and **** me but it works.
It didn't at first. Side effects disabled the entire Bridge crew with unbelievable nausea, and then it negated gravity long enough to bounce us off the ceiling. But it reduces enemy vessels to their constituent atoms. I've seen superliners turned into scrap metal and derelict Vulcan ships reduced to space dust.
We did have one problem with Romulans. They turned up to watch the show but one of those side effects knocked out their power and revealed their presence. The Captain insisted on trying to negotiate when it was pretty clear that they weren't gonna play, but so be it.
I have to confess to making a total ******* of the combat. There was an excuse. I got my knee busted when the gravity went out and our own helmsman landed on it. The dumbass Bolian Laura set loose on me then made it ten times worse, and I wasn't thinking straight when I tried to take the whole battle over. **** me, I even tried to lock the FO out of his own console. The bastards got away anyway. Cloaked mines are cheating.
Anyway. We found a setting on the superweapon that works so mission a success. Our new Captain, Valya Gagarin, seems human and wants to hang out so that's one messy session that's coming up at some point. Don't know if Brodie and I are still together but that's a separate issue.
Hopefully the next mission can just be a straightforward one, but on this ship I don't think we still know what those are...
End recording.
Acting CE Lt JG Robert Simmons
Stardate 21306.25
Lieutenant (JG) Robert Simmons
Acting Chief Engineer's log
Stardate 21306.25
Well, to say my recent transfer to the Chin'toka has been eventful would be an understatement. I was recently assigned here after taking my re-examination to return to the field of Engineering. Since aboard, we've been testing a new weapon when we encountered a Romulan warbird. After a battle with them, of which we sustained some damage, we began working on repairs. Something happened to Commander Hunter, and he is currently incapacitated, leaving a gap in the Department Head's position. MCPO Kuznetsova handled leading Engineering in his absence until they could figure out who the Senior-most Officer was.
As I was working on the gravitic injector with Lieutenant Lunanova when I received the message that I was the Senior-most Officer, and, as such, was appointed as the Acting Chief Engineer. Once this is fixed, which appears to be a quick fix, I can head to Engineering and get a sit-rep, as well as take care of anything that may need to be done as far as personnel with a good deal out of service, whether permanently or temporary.
I really didn't see this coming so soon after moving from Support back into Engineering. But its a good step for me for the future.
End log.
Stardate 21307.09
Acting Chief Engineer's log Lieutenant (JG) Robert Simmons recording Stardate 21307.09
I've managed to return to Engineering and check on everything. MCPO Kuznetsova appeared to be annoyed, whether at the situation, or strain from running things until I was appointed the Acting Chief, I can't be sure. I've assigned her to the Bridge in the hopes she'll find the pace a little slower and have the chance to take the load of running the department off of her shoulders. Another possible issue that arose was with Lieutenant Feyil. He didn't openly state it, but I have the odd feeling he may have been a bit disappointed that it wasn't him. Honestly, it probably could have been anyone with the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.
But I'll deal with that should an actual issue arise. Right now, I've checked the nacelles and pylons. The computer detected microfractures and automatically reduced power to avoid any more damage. Though further looking at the readings, I see that full repairs will require time in drydock. We're still the testing the weapon, so it will be a while before we leave. Until that time, we'll continue as much repairs as can be done.
End log.
Stardate 21307.11
Acting Chief Engineer's log Lieutenant (JG) Robert Simmons recording Stardate 21307.11
The mission has finally come to a close. It appears the weapon testing has turned out fairly successful in the end. We're now on our way back to Starbase Delta, and I'm keeping an eye on the Engines until we get there. Warp travel is causing a bit of strain, but nothing of danger. The repairs at drydock will definitely be extensive. But I know the C-T will come out okay.
Well, look at me. Calling the ship the C-T. I guess she's grown on me a bit having to get into the underbelly to fix a great deal of systems.
Commander Hunter is still out of commission, and we're unsure on how long he'll be that way. As such, I've had to fill a more solid role as the Chief until his return, or, barring that, a permanent choice has been made. Everyone thus far is doing a fantastic job with repairs, and we'll all need a good rest once we're back at SBD.
End log.
Lt JG Savar Feyil
Stardate 21304.05
Personal Log
Ensign Savar Feyil
Stardate 21304.05
It feels strange to be back on the Chin'toka again. I have been cleared for active service and a return to duties. I am both looking forward and dreading the return to duty on the Chin'toka.
I have learned that Codey has been made First Officer. So this is both good and bad. It means I will not have to look at him and feel guilty about the last mission. But it also means that there is a new Chief Engineer on the ship. I have not had a chance to find out about the new Chief.
End Log.
Stardate 21307.02
Personal Log
Lieutenant Junior Grade Savar Feyil
Stardate 21307.02
Well I am still finding it strange that I have made the rank of Lieutenant. I never thought I would get this far on the promotion ladder.
The current mission has been quite strange, we were testing a new prototype for starfleet in a remote system that was meant to be uninhabited. But we seem to have had some issues. The test firing of the prototype subjected the Chin'toka to some weird effects. This included messing with the gravity on the ship and buckling parts of the ship. The interesting thing was that the weapon affected people in different ways, but the main way I was affected was that it made me sick. Additionally due to the gravity being effected I ended up unconscious as I hit my head. Thankfully it was nothing major and I was cleared back to duty.
During this incident we discovered a Romulan ship in the system as well. This caused a few issues on the ship as the Romulans fired on us. Or I think they did, I am not actually clear on that issue at the moment. Due to being knocked unconscious and missing parts of the exchange on the Bridge.
I returned to Engineering after being cleared for duty and had another run in with Kuznetsova. I say run in it was more a case of her showing her utter contempt for officers. I am almost convinced that it is just me she doesn't like, but I am informed she is like that with everyone.
Whilst in Engineering Lieutenant Simmons has been made acting Chief Engineer. I am happy for him but I am still slightly disappointed that it was not me. The issue with Kuznetsova and now Simmons getting Chief Engineer has made things a little difficult for me. Ever since I came onboard the ship and even before then I have struggled to fit in. I struggled with Science then transferred to Engineering and things don't seem to have improved. This current mission I think have been more isolated from the rest of the crew more than ever. It feels like I have barely interacted with anyone. My sole memorable interaction seems to be Kuznetsova shouting at me and that isn't a positive one.
At the moment I am undertaking repairs in Engineering which is at least helping me keep busy and out of Kuznetsovas way.
End Log.
Acting CSO LCdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 21305.11
Chief Science Officer’s Log
Stardate 21305.11
The Chin’toka is currently in a Starfleet weapons testing zone to test out a new weapon which uses duonetic energy and graviton particles. Before testing began the effect of the weapon was unknown. I’ve been asked along because I happen to know a little about duonetic energy and have dabbled about with abstract weapons that used it, a handful of years ago.
The intended target of this weapon is a new threat called the Krynar. Apparently they use graviton weapons, propulsion and shielding. They have been identified as the aliens who destroyed Bajor and Starbase Charlie. The weapon is meant to give Starfleet the edge they need to push the Krynar back or destroy them outright.
So far firing the weapon at 10% power caused the gravitons in the target to repel from each other. Also causing a minor antigravity feedback wave to emanate from the weapon causing a little bit of nausea and loosened some cables and brackets around the Chin’toka. 25% is better. No feedback wave this time. Need to check on the state of the weapon and the ship.
Some of the crew think I designed the weapon, but I haven’t had time to tell them otherwise. Hopefully the weapon will continue to behave. Something I find highly doubtful. Secondly I hope that the tests will be completed before we catch the wrong kind of attention. Even though the system used for the tests is sincerely vacant it has that empty old house feel, complete with creaking floorboards.
End log.
Stardate 21306.25
Chief Science Officer’s Log
Stardate 21306.25
Field testing the weapon went pretty much as expected. The crew is still recovering from the experience and we haven’t finished yet. If it was just coping with the weapon that would be fine. After repeated computer analysis of the weapon and what it does the faults have been narrowed down to three possible culprits; the graviton injector, the graviton injector stabiliser and something the actual weapon settings.
How this has happened is still a mystery which would have been enough aside from the presence of a Romulan warship. The Chin’toka has taken a pounding and it appears that they have left the vicinity. As of this moment I have Lieutenant Lunanova and Lieutenant Simmons working on the physical elements of the weapon.
The crew is a little rattled from their experience and there’s something odd going on between Commander Codey and Lieutenant Commander Fiore. It might be a vain hope but I’d hope a tiff between officers would not be likely to leave the mission in dire straits. Once the weapon is up and running, properly, testing will continue.
The current hope for the weapon is to disable a chosen target instead of turning it into many pieces of debris. My current theory is using the weapon a little like a ships phaser array so as to pick off a nacelle or knock an engine offline. Time will tell.
End log.
Mid Mitsein Erigneis
Stardate 21305.05
"Erm...ahem. Midshipman's log, stardate 21305.05,
Well, here goes. I'm not really sure how to keep one of these, so this may be a little, well...
Anyways. My first days aboard the Chin'Toka have been unexpected to say the least. When I first came aboard from Starbase Delta, I was actually rather relieved to be without a welcoming party. I had fully expected a round of introductions and awkward questions, at least from the science staff. Instead, I was simply shown to my quarters, where I spent some time brushing up on the ship, its layout, and crew. After some review, and a bit of digging into the situation of the crew, I understood why my welcome was so unceremonious. Simply put, this crew was in rough shape.
The next morning, I awoke to a bright and bubbly message from Lieutenant Lunanova in the science labs. Despite a bit of a personality clash, we got along rather well, and talked about our duties and life aboard a starship. I think I may have annoyed her a little with my enthusiasm for the work, but I guess it serves her right for her enthusiasm in general.
...I think that was an attempt at a joke. Wow, I'm really bad at this.
Anyways, after I met my commanding officer, Commander Gregg, I must say I was rather pleased. He seems a hard worker, and while I don't think he has all that much faith in me as of yet (which, I'll admit, is rightful), he has a real passion for the science of our mission.
Oh, our mission, right. Our mission is to test out a new type of gravitic weapon. So far, it's been...interesting. The weapon works as advertised when it comes to literally making a ship blow itself apart. However, it also creates a sort of sympathetic wave within itself, which at higher power levels might destroy whatever ship is firing it. Plus, it sends out a wave of antigravity, which much of the crew finds rather unsettling. Is it just me, or do the hallways smell vaguely of vomit?
I'm on the bridge, trying to help in coordinating the science, engineering, and tactical teams as we run more tests. As of now, I feel a bit like a messenger, relaying information from one part of the ship to another. Every time we come up with a great idea to make the weapon work better, tests show that our ideas will not have the intended effect.
All in all, it's been a unique couple of days. As far as the beginnings of Starfleet careers go, I don't think it's off to the best start. Then again, I hear Captain Picard got into a bar fight in his first days on a starship. I suppose I'm doing better than that. At least so far.
Well, I'm not sure how useful this log will be, but I guess I'll stop here. End log.
Stardate 21307.13
Midshipman's log, Stardate 21307.13
I'm rather afraid of the implications of this mission. The new weapon we tested, after many kinks and a whole lot of vomit, was entirely too successful. Ships struck by the weapon, even with minimal power, simply atomize. This weapon in essence reverses the gravity holding objects together. The result is awe-inspiring and terrifying. I know that this came about to fight the Krynar, but I fear where this technology will lead.
During the course of the mission, we encountered a rather peculiar Romulan vessel, who were hit by an aftershock from the weapon's firing, and then escaped. What information they are taking back to the Romulan government, I don't know.
Overall, as far as first missions go, this one was light on the action, but rather heavy on the long lasting implications. To quote Einstein: "The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes." Could this new weapon be the new unleashing of an atom? Could this lead to a new arms race, or complete destruction?
I am not in a position to answer.
CMO LCdr Laura Macleod
Stardate 21307.18
Chief Medical Officer's log
Stardate 21307.18
Lieutenant Commander Macleod recording
The Chin'toka was sent to an isolated area to test out a new weapon to be used against the Krynar. The weapon is gravity based so it was the Medical Department's job to monitor the crew for side effects.
Teams were sent out to key areas and we awaited the command of our new Captain.
At lower settings the weapon causes a sea sickness-like nausea... I'm not sure exactly what happened when the power was increased, I'm not an engineer, but it caused some sort of backlash which meant some of the crew suffered serious injuries from being thrown around, though nothing the medical teams couldn't handle.
Then the Romulans turned up... It seems that they were cloaked and got caught up in the effects of our weapon... Whether they were passing through as they said or spying on us, I'm not entirely sure. In any case a short battle ensued which we fortunately survived.
Ensign Rubi was stationed in Engineering during the tests and seems to have pitched in when things got rough, she is the most positive person I have met in a long while, I'm sure she has a great career ahead of her. Unfortunately I won't be around to see it.
I have had notice today that I am being re-assigned to Star Fleet Medical with occasional stints at the Academy. The job comes with a promotion to full Commander... That's not something I've ever sought but the change in job is more welcome that I thought it would be.
The last few missions have been stressful, both because of their nature and due to more personal concerns, I think I need time to re-coup and take control of my career again.
That said, I will miss the Chin'toka and its crew, and I'm sure a part of me will miss the excitement of being out in space.
End Log.
Ens Cellest Rubi
Stardate 21304.22
Ensign Cellest Rubi – Personal log, stardate Two-one-three-o-four-point-twentytwo (21304.22)
I’ve been aboard the C-T … that’s how they call ‘her’ here. The Chin’toka, did you know that it is a custom to call a vessel, a ship, and many other machines ‘her’ as if they’re female. I’ve pondered about that for quite some time. I’ve also noticed that most, and almost every race follows in this custom, the federation in its own way has quite a dominating energy, if they’re willing to admit it or not. Most, if not all races that follow the Federation’s philosophy and general heading quite easily …
I wanted to say submit, but that’s perhaps not the right word…
They very easily follow the road and heading the federation goes in. Take the Chin’toka for example. I’ve learned that they’ve had one heck of an encounter with the borg and a race called …
Hold on …
Let me look that up on my PADD
In the background, Cellest ruffles about, clearly looking for something on, or around her quarters.
Oh yeah, here it is – the Krynar. It’s all quite vague, perhaps that’s due my pip. I understand that I’ve not yet gained the trust, respect etcetera to view every bit of information in detail but, my point is …
The ship, and with the ship I mean, the Chin’toka, it’s crew, has taken a beating. I was afraid that the crew would be disgruntled, but I’ve to admit, the people I’ve met so far emit a certain willingness to press on. They don’t seem easily discouraged to continue on.
Yeah …
I’ve not yet met the Captain, I mean, we’ve about 500 people aboard if I’m not mistaken, perhaps more … it figures. My department head, Doctor Macleod, I’ve to admit remains a bit of a mystery to me. I’ve read what she’s capable of, and she has more than earned her stripes, but I’ve a hard time reaching, or even, reading her. Nonetheless, I’m convinced she’ll be a fine example for me. I just need to take a step back concerning my drive to show her what I’m capable of.
I’ve a bitter feeling concerning this weapon, that, I can’t fully understand.
A ship that has taken a beating, may now serve as guinea pigs! Guinea pigs you ask? That’s a very ugly, yet cute small mammal from earth. They’ve been used in Earth’s history to be tested upon … sad isn’t it. Though the metaphor is striking. They were expandable…
Are we?
Daystrom, close personal log.
Stardate 21306.25
Ensign Cellest Rubi – Engineerin, nah just kidding. Medical Officer!
Stardate, umh … Two-One-Three-O-Six, point, twentyfive. (21306.25)
Though the whole ship has been throwing up, I’ve had the time of my life. Of course … there were a few things that weren’t all that happy-go-lucky. Many people have fallen sick, been thrown about and got injured. The weapon had a very nasty ‘bug’, yeah, let’s call it a bug. Once fired it caused a wave-like ‘something’ across the ship, having everyone fall ill and nauseas, or tossed about.
I’ve had my hands full in Engineering, helped where I could, distributed medicine to prevent nausea and fixed a few dislocated bones and boosted morale where I could, now here comes the fun part. Eventually, from a medical point of view, there wasn’t anything else I could do. I was simply ‘sitting’ on the floor, making sure Commander Hunter wasn’t flung across Engineering. When I’ve secured him to the ground I’ve requested from ‘The Chief’ haha, Ivanova something to do. She had given me an awesome task. I was to go down-below and repair a relay and I actually succeeded. Can you believe it? Me, Cellest Rubi – the ‘I don’t like machines’ girl. Now, I would like to revoke that fact that I do not like machines.. Machines reflect a body to an awesome extent, and I’ve learned that when I approach a machine just like that, it isn’t that hard at all! The feeling of having something function again is exhilarating! Maybe I can take a few courses with the Chief! I mean, it wouldn’t hurt gaining more knowledge on the subject. We ‘are’ flying in that subject, hehehe.
Right! Back to work!
Talk to you later Daystrom. End Log.
Stardate 21307.11
Ensign Cellest Rubi, medical, stardate Two-One-Three-O-Seven, point, Eleven. (21307.11)
Hey Daystrom. We appear to have almost concluded this mission. Umh, … it’s been, well, it’s been interesting, sad, difficult, fun … it’s been every emotion I can imagine. I still don’t fully understand what has happened out there. There’s not much communication coming from the bridge, I even had the feeling that, that irritated one of the commanders we had working in Engineering multiple times, and me for that matter. The moment we were treating people, they appeared to fire the weapon again, giving us a new wave of nausea to work with, or broken bones and so on.
I have spent a lot of time in Engineering during this mission. Commander Hunter was knocked out, and took a severe beating. It was worse than I expected at first. It will be important to keep him in a medical induced coma, if we have him regain consciousness to fast, I fear his neuronetwork will be damaged. Perhaps Delta’s medical facilities are able to further the examination and help him recover.
We’ve a beautiful sickbay aboard. I must admit, my time in Engineering robbed me of truly being able to absorb every resource we have on Sickbay, but, I’ve got Hendrick Isore for that, I think his greedy blue hands touched every possible apparatus, vial, tool – you name it in Sickbay. He’s a sweet guy, though a magnet for trouble I’ve come to learn.
Doctor Macleod, I could not help dismiss the feeling something’s pulling her down. I wish I could lay my finger on it, maybe aid her, but I cannot. I hope she is doing alright.
So! Basically! Let me sum it up for you Daystrom, and possible high ranking listener. Weapon! Fired, wrong … sick crew. More explosions! Sicker crew! Commander Hunter disabled, T’pril, disabled, Vital part of the ship repaired by me! That was a joke … haha …
Oh yeah … Ivanova. Now that’s a special woman. She is so utterly powerful, I don’t know how old her soul is, but that is one amazing strong woman. You do not, and I repeat – I don’t care if you’re an admiral, or even the president, do not get on her wrong side, for she will force you back into the right side, force with a capitol F. No … her integrity could safe a fleet. She should receive a medal. Engineering survived because of her, fact. I should wrap this up.
Daystrom! How are you feeling.
Unable to comply …
[Unable to comply.]
Thought that much. Hehe …
Daystrom, please end log.
Mid Hendrick Isore
Stardate 21306.25
Midshipman Hendrick Isore, medical Analyst.
Stardate 21306.25
C-c-computer, start translation program A-alpha, Zeta dash four.
[Confirmed, your personal log will be edited after completion.]
[Editing starting, shall I close the log after completion?]
Y-yes. Please play it ba-a-ck for me.
Midshipman Hendrick Isore, medical Analyst. Stardate 21306.25
I’ve boarded the ship together with Cellest Rubi, this is my first log – I’m following protocol because one must log according to regulation.
Umh …
Oh yes! Marvelous piece of information.
I have been able to manipulate three Ribonucleic acid molecules, successfully coding it into a package of a very special virus-like mechanism, of course, created by me… Umh, I perhaps should tell Doctor Macleod that I have done so. Cellest warned me that one mustn’t experiment to such an extent but …
But, at this point, the slightest hint of kinetic movement will invoke the suicide gen … no – that’s a different experiment.
Umh …
Today I’ve helped out on the bridge! That was a very, very awkward situation. I must admit, the CTO’s knees are very well constructed, I was tasked with repairing them and was well on the way. Though, I have dropped the regenerator and without my intention the regenerator due the drop had different settings. She was quite angry, I believe she’s Italian.
I wonder what Ensign Rubi is up to. I have not seen her for quite some time. I believe she was send to Engineering. I hope she’s faring alright. She really quickly gained my liking. Very interesting woman. Oh! I’ve met the Captain, or met, I’ve seen her on the bridge. If I’m not mistaken, she’s been a science officer herself – her knowledge must be vast! Perhaps one day, I’ll show her my creation! Haha – a scientist must appreciate it, I am certain!
Right … err – End log.