Chesit, Kristen

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Kristen Chesit
Kristen chesit.jpg
Career Occupation
First Officer, Chief of Security
USS James Monroe, ES-17587
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Biographical Attributes
Played By:
Kyle DeWitt
Trill (Unjoined)
160 cm (5 ft. 3 in.)
54.4 kg (120 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Light red
Left long and flowing, expect during situations that require it to be up
Perfectly curved
Slight tan
Soft with a hint of commanding
United Federation of Planets
North America
Familial Relationships
Marital Status:

Personal History

Kristen was born into a good natured family that had thrived well on Earth. However, her parents always had bigger plans for her. Originally, Kristen never saw any problem with potentially being joined, until the one faithful day that her mother was finally given a symbiot. Days after the procedure the teenage girl wasn't able to seperate her mother from the various lifetimes she had in her. This caused an irrepairable seperation of the relationship which led to Kristen walking out on her family when she came to age, vowing to never be joined.

Like most of the people she went to school with, Kristen found her way to Star Fleet Academy. With the various fields that she could've taken part of, Tactical peaked her interest the most. Being given a new family, sort of, Kristen went into her studies with a new determination. In addition, Kristen minored in several security fields to help compound her usefulness in the fleet.

After faithful years of service, Kristen had finally been elevated to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Despite all her training she never expected to make it as far as she had. A handleful of weeks after receiving her promotion, Kristen received orders to report to the USS Intrepid, as their new Chief Tactical Officer. While she wasn't sure what had happened to the officer who'd previously held the position she realized it was a wonderful oppurtunity. Having heard that the Intrepid was the first ship to make an offensive against the Krynar made her realize how special the ship was, and that she was about to share in the opportunity to serve on her.

Grand Theft Starship

Kristen hadn't even had the proper chance to report in before she was thrown into what appeared to be her first mission on the heavy cruiser. A message directed to Commander Kaiser, believed to be from Gabriel Archer, contained ordered to take the Intrepid out on a shakedown cruise. Not knowing how her new command crew routinely ran the ship, Kristen didn't find this out of the ordinary.

Things went like they should've until a call from the new Strategic Operations Director seemed to cast doubt on their orders. Even though she was relatively new to her position, Kristen had some doubts. Those doubts were mostly diverted towards Petty Officer Boris, mainly considering he never seemed to give the Chief Tactical Officer a reason to believe him with his attitude.

Kristen found out, along with the rest of the Bridge crew, that the refit computer, better known as SaRAI, had faked the orders from Captain Archer. It knew it's 'death' was imminent and was taking steps to save it's own life. Minutes later, the ship lost all power due to a recapture attempted by Archer and several other crew members leaving the Intrepid hurdling towards the Sol asteroid belt.

Unable to use the ship's weapons to clear a path, Kristen could only rely on Engineering to restore power to allow newly minted Midshipman Pedro Beaumont pilot the heavy cruiser out of the belt. Just barely escaping with her life, Kristen couldn't help but wonder if she'd be dealing with similar situations on a daily basis. In the end she decided it was better to relish the opportunity she had been given, remaining on the Intrepid.

The Lying Game

With the Intrepid back at dock, orders where quickly given to the command staff. Joining the rest of the senior staff in the Observation Lounge, Kristen was briefed on their official mission. The Intrepid was to transport Vice Presiden Prenn to Tellar and, hopefully, manage a peaceful coexistence with the Krynar Confederation. She was a little frustrated that her quarters were to be given up, to make way for the Vice President's staff, however she still would perform her mission.

All had gone according to plan, until a deseperate beam out was called for. The heavy cruiser attempted to recover their people, but the Tellerites prevented this with their planetary shield. The Intrepid launched it's support escort, Thomas Jefferson, in an attempt to recover the Vice President and company as they retreated back to the Epsilon-1. Unfortunately, the attack force had been destroyed at an unkown time and had been replaced by the Krynar. After a short while the heavy cruiser was surrounded by approxamately one million shards.

Eventually, a cease fire had been developed, and the Vice President was returned via Jefferson. Kristen had collapsed during the battle and was rushed to Sickbay. Upon arrival at Star Base Alpha, Kristen was transferred to their medical bay to recover.

James Munroe

By 2414, Kristen had been cleared for active duty once more. With her position on the Intrepid already being reassigned she was used as a filler on Alpha. One day she was given orders to report to Star Base Delta, but she wasn't given the usual reasoning for her transfer. Knowing such questions would be futile to ask she did as ordered. What she encountered was nothing she expected.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Starship Weaponry & Operations
Academy Minor(s): Intermidiate Security Training
Hobbies and Pastimes: Always trying to find a way to lighten the mood
Short-Term Goals: Help add to the lineage of the USS Intrepid
Long-Term Goals: Being able to help reconstruct the damaged relationship with her parents
Personality: Fun and outgoing
Sense of Humor: Kristen has been known to tell a couple of jokes
Phobias: Being joined with a symbiot, especially against her will
Likes: Being able to help out in any situation
Dislikes: Anyone that has been joined
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Being joined with a symbiot, as it distorts the person who was joined
Bad Habits or Vices: A little to outgoing for her own good
Achievements: Graduating near the top of her class
Disappointments: Seeing her mother welcome the symbiot with open arms
Illnesses: Kristen has suffered from several illnesses affecting children
Strengths: Always willing to fight the fight
Weaknesses: Despite her feelings on joining, she knows she is losing various lifetimes of experience
Fears: Being dragged onto an operating table to receive a symbiot
Prejudices: Joined Trills
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Casual blouses and jeans
Distinguishing Features: Slight freckles on her cheeks

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Seeing her mother for the first time after being joined
Best Time: Entering the Academy and experiencing various new things
Most Crucial Experience: Walking out on her family
Role Model: Herself

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Chief Tactical Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21302.23 – 21403.09 Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Chief Tactical Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21306.01 Short Story Participant Short Story Participant
Chief Tactical Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21308.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
First Officer USS James Monroe, ES-17587 21403.09 Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Medals Tally:
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 1
Short Story Participant Short Story Participant 1

Contact Information


  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.